blob: 46533ff472b8355e58f7f99d64e5a74eebc29a34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package rpc
import (
// Describer may be implemented by an underlying object served by the
// ReflectInvoker, in order to describe the interfaces that the object
// implements. This describes all data in signature.Interface that the
// ReflectInvoker cannot obtain through reflection; basically everything except
// the method names and types.
// Note that a single object may implement multiple interfaces; to describe such
// an object, simply return more than one elem in the returned list.
type Describer interface {
// Describe the underlying object. The implementation must be idempotent
// across different instances of the same underlying type; the ReflectInvoker
// calls this once per type and caches the results.
Describe__() []InterfaceDesc
// InterfaceDesc describes an interface; it is similar to signature.Interface,
// without the information that can be obtained via reflection.
type InterfaceDesc struct {
Name string
PkgPath string
Doc string
Embeds []EmbedDesc
Methods []MethodDesc
// EmbedDesc describes an embedded interface; it is similar to signature.Embed,
// without the information that can be obtained via reflection.
type EmbedDesc struct {
Name string
PkgPath string
Doc string
// MethodDesc describes an interface method; it is similar to signature.Method,
// without the information that can be obtained via reflection.
type MethodDesc struct {
Name string
Doc string
InArgs []ArgDesc // Input arguments
OutArgs []ArgDesc // Output arguments
InStream ArgDesc // Input stream (client to server)
OutStream ArgDesc // Output stream (server to client)
Tags []*vdl.Value // Method tags
// ArgDesc describes an argument; it is similar to signature.Arg, without the
// information that can be obtained via reflection.
type ArgDesc struct {
Name string
Doc string
type reflectInvoker struct {
rcvr reflect.Value
methods map[string]methodInfo // used by Prepare and Invoke
sig []signature.Interface // used by Signature and MethodSignature
var _ Invoker = (*reflectInvoker)(nil)
// methodInfo holds the runtime information necessary for Prepare and Invoke.
type methodInfo struct {
rvFunc reflect.Value // Function representing the method.
rtInArgs []reflect.Type // In arg types, not including receiver and call.
// rtStreamCall holds the type of the typesafe streaming call, if any.
// rvStreamCallInit is the associated Init function.
rtStreamCall reflect.Type
rvStreamCallInit reflect.Value
tags []*vdl.Value // Tags from the signature.
// ReflectInvoker returns an Invoker implementation that uses reflection to make
// each compatible exported method in obj available. E.g.:
// type impl struct{}
// func (impl) NonStreaming(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, ...) (...)
// func (impl) Streaming(ctx *context.T, call *MyCall, ...) (...)
// The first in-arg must be context.T. The second in-arg must be a call; for
// non-streaming methods it must be rpc.ServerCall, and for streaming methods it
// must be a pointer to a struct that implements rpc.StreamServerCall, and also
// adds typesafe streaming wrappers. Here's an example that streams int32 from
// client to server, and string from server to client:
// type MyCall struct { rpc.StreamServerCall }
// // Init initializes MyCall via rpc.StreamServerCall.
// func (*MyCall) Init(rpc.StreamServerCall) {...}
// // RecvStream returns the receiver side of the server stream.
// func (*MyCall) RecvStream() interface {
// Advance() bool
// Value() int32
// Err() error
// } {...}
// // SendStream returns the sender side of the server stream.
// func (*MyCall) SendStream() interface {
// Send(item string) error
// } {...}
// We require the streaming call arg to have this structure so that we can
// capture the streaming in and out arg types via reflection. We require it to
// be a concrete type with an Init func so that we can create new instances,
// also via reflection.
// As a temporary special-case, we also allow generic streaming methods:
// func (impl) Generic(ctx *context.T, call rpc.StreamServerCall, ...) (...)
// The problem with allowing this form is that via reflection we can no longer
// determine whether the server performs streaming, or what the streaming in and
// out types are.
// TODO(toddw): Remove this special-case.
// The ReflectInvoker silently ignores unexported methods, and exported methods
// whose first argument doesn't implement rpc.ServerCall. All other methods
// must follow the above rules; bad method types cause an error to be returned.
// If obj implements the Describer interface, we'll use it to describe portions
// of the object signature that cannot be retrieved via reflection;
// e.g. method tags, documentation, variable names, etc.
func ReflectInvoker(obj interface{}) (Invoker, error) {
rt := reflect.TypeOf(obj)
info := reflectCache.lookup(rt)
if info == nil {
// Concurrent calls may cause reflectCache.set to be called multiple times.
// This race is benign; the info for a given type never changes.
var err error
if info, err = newReflectInfo(obj); err != nil {
return nil, err
reflectCache.set(rt, info)
return reflectInvoker{reflect.ValueOf(obj), info.methods, info.sig}, nil
// ReflectInvokerOrDie is the same as ReflectInvoker, but panics on all errors.
func ReflectInvokerOrDie(obj interface{}) Invoker {
invoker, err := ReflectInvoker(obj)
if err != nil {
return invoker
// Prepare implements the Invoker.Prepare method.
func (ri reflectInvoker) Prepare(ctx *context.T, method string, _ int) ([]interface{}, []*vdl.Value, error) {
info, ok := ri.methods[method]
if !ok {
return nil, nil, verror.New(verror.ErrUnknownMethod, nil, method)
// Return the tags and new in-arg objects.
var argptrs []interface{}
if len(info.rtInArgs) > 0 {
argptrs = make([]interface{}, len(info.rtInArgs))
for ix, rtInArg := range info.rtInArgs {
argptrs[ix] = reflect.New(rtInArg).Interface()
return argptrs, info.tags, nil
// Invoke implements the Invoker.Invoke method.
func (ri reflectInvoker) Invoke(ctx *context.T, call StreamServerCall, method string, argptrs []interface{}) ([]interface{}, error) {
info, ok := ri.methods[method]
if !ok {
return nil, verror.New(verror.ErrUnknownMethod, ctx, method)
// Create the reflect.Value args for the invocation. The receiver of the
// method is always first, followed by the required ctx and call args.
rvArgs := make([]reflect.Value, len(argptrs)+3)
rvArgs[0] = ri.rcvr
rvArgs[1] = reflect.ValueOf(ctx)
if info.rtStreamCall == nil {
// There isn't a typesafe streaming call, just use the call.
rvArgs[2] = reflect.ValueOf(call)
} else {
// There is a typesafe streaming call with type rtStreamCall. We perform
// the equivalent of the following:
// ctx := new(rtStreamCall)
// ctx.Init(call)
rvStreamCall := reflect.New(info.rtStreamCall)
info.rvStreamCallInit.Call([]reflect.Value{rvStreamCall, reflect.ValueOf(call)})
rvArgs[2] = rvStreamCall
// Positional user args follow.
for ix, argptr := range argptrs {
rvArgs[ix+3] = reflect.ValueOf(argptr).Elem()
// Invoke the method, and handle the final error out-arg.
rvResults := info.rvFunc.Call(rvArgs)
if len(rvResults) == 0 {
return nil, abortedf(errNoFinalErrorOutArg)
rvErr := rvResults[len(rvResults)-1]
rvResults = rvResults[:len(rvResults)-1]
if rvErr.Type() != rtError {
return nil, abortedf(errNoFinalErrorOutArg)
if iErr := rvErr.Interface(); iErr != nil {
return nil, iErr.(error)
// Convert the rest of the results into interface{}.
if len(rvResults) == 0 {
return nil, nil
results := make([]interface{}, len(rvResults))
for ix, r := range rvResults {
results[ix] = r.Interface()
return results, nil
// Signature implements the Invoker.Signature method.
func (ri reflectInvoker) Signature(ctx *context.T, call ServerCall) ([]signature.Interface, error) {
return signature.CopyInterfaces(ri.sig), nil
// MethodSignature implements the Invoker.MethodSignature method.
func (ri reflectInvoker) MethodSignature(ctx *context.T, call ServerCall, method string) (signature.Method, error) {
// Return the first method in any interface with the given method name.
for _, iface := range ri.sig {
if msig, ok := iface.FindMethod(method); ok {
return signature.CopyMethod(msig), nil
return signature.Method{}, verror.New(verror.ErrUnknownMethod, ctx, method)
// Globber implements the rpc.Globber interface.
func (ri reflectInvoker) Globber() *GlobState {
return determineGlobState(ri.rcvr.Interface())
// reflectRegistry is a locked map from reflect.Type to reflection info, which
// is expensive to compute. The only instance is reflectCache, which is a
// global cache to speed up repeated lookups. There is no GC; the total set of
// types in a single address space is expected to be bounded and small.
type reflectRegistry struct {
infoMap map[reflect.Type]*reflectInfo
type reflectInfo struct {
methods map[string]methodInfo
sig []signature.Interface
func (reg *reflectRegistry) lookup(rt reflect.Type) *reflectInfo {
info := reg.infoMap[rt]
return info
// set the entry for (rt, info). Is a no-op if rt already exists in the map.
func (reg *reflectRegistry) set(rt reflect.Type, info *reflectInfo) {
if exist := reg.infoMap[rt]; exist == nil {
reg.infoMap[rt] = info
var reflectCache = &reflectRegistry{infoMap: make(map[reflect.Type]*reflectInfo)}
// newReflectInfo returns reflection information that is expensive to compute.
// Although it is passed an object rather than a type, it guarantees that the
// returned information is always the same for all instances of a given type.
func newReflectInfo(obj interface{}) (*reflectInfo, error) {
if obj == nil {
return nil, verror.New(errReflectInvokerNil, nil)
// First make methodInfos, based on reflect.Type, which also captures the name
// and in, out and streaming types of each method in methodSigs. This
// information is guaranteed to be correct, since it's based on reflection on
// the underlying object.
rt := reflect.TypeOf(obj)
methodInfos, methodSigs, err := makeMethods(rt)
switch {
case err != nil:
return nil, err
case len(methodInfos) == 0 && determineGlobState(obj) == nil:
if m := TypeCheckMethods(obj); len(m) > 0 {
return nil, verror.New(errNoCompatibleMethods, nil, rt, TypeCheckMethods(obj))
return nil, verror.New(errNoCompatibleMethods, nil, rt, "no exported methods")
// Now attach method tags to each methodInfo. Since this is based on the desc
// provided by the user, there's no guarantee it's "correct", but if the same
// method is described by multiple interfaces, we check the tags are the same.
desc := describe(obj)
if err := attachMethodTags(methodInfos, desc); verror.ErrorID(err) == verror.ErrAborted.ID {
return nil, verror.New(errTagError, nil, rt, err)
// Finally create the signature. This combines the desc provided by the user
// with the methodSigs computed via reflection. We ensure that the method
// names and types computed via reflection always remains in the final sig;
// the desc is merely used to augment the signature.
sig := makeSig(desc, methodSigs)
return &reflectInfo{methodInfos, sig}, nil
// determineGlobState determines whether and how obj implements Glob. Returns
// nil iff obj doesn't implement Glob, based solely on the type of obj.
func determineGlobState(obj interface{}) *GlobState {
if x, ok := obj.(Globber); ok {
return x.Globber()
return NewGlobState(obj)
func describe(obj interface{}) []InterfaceDesc {
if d, ok := obj.(Describer); ok {
// Describe__ must not vary across instances of the same underlying type.
return d.Describe__()
return nil
func makeMethods(rt reflect.Type) (map[string]methodInfo, map[string]signature.Method, error) {
infos := make(map[string]methodInfo, rt.NumMethod())
sigs := make(map[string]signature.Method, rt.NumMethod())
for mx := 0; mx < rt.NumMethod(); mx++ {
method := rt.Method(mx)
// Silently skip incompatible methods, except for Aborted errors.
var sig signature.Method
if err := typeCheckMethod(method, &sig); err != nil {
if verror.ErrorID(err) == verror.ErrAborted.ID {
return nil, nil, verror.New(errAbortedDetail, nil, rt.String(), method.Name, err)
infos[method.Name] = makeMethodInfo(method)
sigs[method.Name] = sig
return infos, sigs, nil
func makeMethodInfo(method reflect.Method) methodInfo {
info := methodInfo{rvFunc: method.Func}
mtype := method.Type
for ix := 3; ix < mtype.NumIn(); ix++ { // Skip receiver, ctx and call
info.rtInArgs = append(info.rtInArgs, mtype.In(ix))
// Initialize info for typesafe streaming calls. Note that we've already
// type-checked the method. We memoize the stream type and Init function, so
// that we can create and initialize the stream type in Invoke.
if rt := mtype.In(2); rt != rtStreamServerCall && rt != rtServerCall && rt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
info.rtStreamCall = rt.Elem()
mInit, _ := rt.MethodByName("Init")
info.rvStreamCallInit = mInit.Func
return info
func abortedf(embeddedErr verror.IDAction, v ...interface{}) error {
return verror.New(verror.ErrAborted, nil, verror.New(embeddedErr, nil, v...))
const (
pkgPath = ""
useCall = " Use either rpc.ServerCall for non-streaming methods, or use a non-interface typesafe call for streaming methods."
forgotWrap = useCall + " Perhaps you forgot to wrap your server with the VDL-generated server stub."
var (
rtPtrToContext = reflect.TypeOf((*context.T)(nil))
rtStreamServerCall = reflect.TypeOf((*StreamServerCall)(nil)).Elem()
rtServerCall = reflect.TypeOf((*ServerCall)(nil)).Elem()
rtGlobServerCall = reflect.TypeOf((*GlobServerCall)(nil)).Elem()
rtGlobChildrenServerCall = reflect.TypeOf((*GlobChildrenServerCall)(nil)).Elem()
rtBool = reflect.TypeOf(bool(false))
rtError = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()
rtPtrToGlobState = reflect.TypeOf((*GlobState)(nil))
rtSliceOfInterfaceDesc = reflect.TypeOf([]InterfaceDesc{})
rtPtrToGlobGlob = reflect.TypeOf((*glob.Glob)(nil))
rtPtrToGlobElement = reflect.TypeOf((*glob.Element)(nil))
// ReflectInvoker will panic iff the error is Aborted, otherwise it will
// silently ignore the error.
// These errors are not embedded in other errors.
errReflectInvokerNil = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errReflectInvokerNil", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}rpc: ReflectInvoker(nil) is invalid{:_}")
errNoCompatibleMethods = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errNoCompatibleMethods", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}rpc: type {3} has no compatible methods{:_}")
errTagError = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errTagError", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}rpc: type {3} tag error{:_}")
errAbortedDetail = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errAbortedDetail", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}rpc: type {3}.{4}{:_}")
// These errors are embedded in verror.ErrInternal:
errReservedMethod = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errReservedMethod", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Reserved method{:_}")
// These errors are embedded in verror.ErrBadArg:
errMethodNotExported = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errMethodNotExported", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Method not exported{:_}")
errNonRPCMethod = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errNonRPCMethod", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Non-rpc method, at least 2 in-args are required, with first arg *context.T."+useCall+"{:_}")
// These errors are expected to be embedded in verror.Aborted, via abortedf():
errInStreamServerCall = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errInStreamServerCall", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Call arg rpc.StreamServerCall is invalid; cannot determine streaming types."+forgotWrap+"{:_}")
errNoFinalErrorOutArg = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errNoFinalErrorOutArg", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Invalid out-args (final out-arg must be error){:_}")
errBadDescribe = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errBadDescribe", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Describe__ must have signature Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc{:_}")
errBadGlobber = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errBadGlobber", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Globber must have signature Globber() *rpc.GlobState{:_}")
errBadGlob = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errBadGlob", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Glob__ must have signature Glob__(ctx *context.T, call GlobServerCall, g *glob.Glob) error{:_}")
errBadGlobChildren = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errBadGlobChildren", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}GlobChildren__ must have signature GlobChildren__(ctx *context.T, call GlobChildrenServerCall, matcher *glob.Element) error{:_}")
errNeedStreamingCall = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errNeedStreamingCall", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Call arg %s is invalid streaming call; must be pointer to a struct representing the typesafe streaming call."+forgotWrap+"{:_}")
errNeedInitMethod = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errNeedInitMethod", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Call arg %s is invalid streaming call; must have Init method."+forgotWrap+"{:_}")
errNeedSigFunc = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errNeedNeedSigFunc", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Call arg %s is invalid streaming call; Init must have signature func (*) Init(rpc.StreamServerCall)."+forgotWrap+"{:_}")
errNeedStreamMethod = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errNeedStreamMethod", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Call arg %s is invalid streaming call; must have at least one of RecvStream or SendStream methods."+forgotWrap+"{:_}")
errInvalidInStream = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errInvalidInStream", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Invalid in-stream type{:_}")
errInvalidOutStream = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errInvalidOutStream", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Invalid out-stream type{:_}")
errNeedRecvStreamSignature = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errNeedRecvStreamSignature", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Call arg %s is invalid streaming call; RecvStream must have signature func (*) RecvStream() interface{ Advance() bool; Value() _; Err() error }."+forgotWrap+"{:_}")
errNeedSendStreamSignature = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errNeedSendStreamSignature", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Call arg %s is invalid streaming call; SendStream must have signature func (*) SendStream() interface{ Send(_) error }."+forgotWrap+"{:_}")
errInvalidInArg = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errInvalidInArg", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Invalid in-arg {3} type{:_}")
errInvalidOutArg = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errInvalidOutArg", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}Invalid out-arg {3} type{:_}")
errDifferentTags = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errDifferentTags", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}different tags {3} and {4}{:_}")
errUnknown = verror.Register(pkgPath+".errUnknown", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:}method {3}{:_}")
func typeCheckMethod(method reflect.Method, sig *signature.Method) error {
if err := typeCheckReservedMethod(method); err != nil {
return err
// Unexported methods always have a non-empty pkg path.
if method.PkgPath != "" {
return verror.New(verror.ErrBadArg, nil, verror.New(errMethodNotExported, nil))
sig.Name = method.Name
mtype := method.Type
// Method must have at least 3 in args (receiver, ctx, call).
if in := mtype.NumIn(); in < 3 || mtype.In(1) != rtPtrToContext {
return verror.New(verror.ErrBadArg, nil, verror.New(errNonRPCMethod, nil))
switch in2 := mtype.In(2); {
case in2 == rtStreamServerCall:
// If the second call arg is rpc.StreamServerCall, we do not know whether
// the method performs streaming, or what the stream types are.
sig.InStream = &signature.Arg{Type: vdl.AnyType}
sig.OutStream = &signature.Arg{Type: vdl.AnyType}
// We can either disallow rpc.StreamServerCall, at the expense of more boilerplate
// for users that don't use the VDL but want to perform streaming. Or we
// can allow it, but won't be able to determine whether the server uses the
// stream, or what the streaming types are.
// At the moment we allow it; we can easily disallow by enabling this error.
// return abortedf(errInStreamServerCall)
case in2 == rtServerCall:
// Non-streaming method.
case in2.Implements(rtServerCall):
// Streaming method, validate call argument.
if err := typeCheckStreamingCall(in2, sig); err != nil {
return err
return verror.New(verror.ErrBadArg, nil, verror.New(errNonRPCMethod, nil))
return typeCheckMethodArgs(mtype, sig)
func typeCheckReservedMethod(method reflect.Method) error {
switch method.Name {
case "Describe__":
// Describe__() []InterfaceDesc
if t := method.Type; t.NumIn() != 1 || t.NumOut() != 1 ||
t.Out(0) != rtSliceOfInterfaceDesc {
return abortedf(errBadDescribe)
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, nil, verror.New(errReservedMethod, nil))
case "Globber":
// Globber() *GlobState
if t := method.Type; t.NumIn() != 1 || t.NumOut() != 1 ||
t.Out(0) != rtPtrToGlobState {
return abortedf(errBadGlobber)
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, nil, verror.New(errReservedMethod, nil))
case "Glob__":
// Glob__(ctx *context.T, call GlobServerCall, g *glob.Glob) error
if t := method.Type; t.NumIn() != 4 || t.NumOut() != 1 ||
t.In(1) != rtPtrToContext || t.In(2) != rtGlobServerCall || t.In(3) != rtPtrToGlobGlob ||
t.Out(0) != rtError {
return abortedf(errBadGlob)
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, nil, verror.New(errReservedMethod, nil))
case "GlobChildren__":
// GlobChildren__(ctx *context.T, call GlobChildrenServerCall, matcher *glob.Element) error
if t := method.Type; t.NumIn() != 4 || t.NumOut() != 1 ||
t.In(1) != rtPtrToContext || t.In(2) != rtGlobChildrenServerCall || t.In(3) != rtPtrToGlobElement ||
t.Out(0) != rtError {
return abortedf(errBadGlobChildren)
return verror.New(verror.ErrInternal, nil, verror.New(errReservedMethod, nil))
return nil
func typeCheckStreamingCall(rtCall reflect.Type, sig *signature.Method) error {
// The call must be a pointer to a struct.
if rtCall.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || rtCall.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return abortedf(errNeedStreamingCall, rtCall)
// Must have Init(rpc.StreamServerCall) method.
mInit, hasInit := rtCall.MethodByName("Init")
if !hasInit {
return abortedf(errNeedInitMethod, rtCall)
if t := mInit.Type; t.NumIn() != 2 || t.In(0).Kind() != reflect.Ptr || t.In(1) != rtStreamServerCall || t.NumOut() != 0 {
return abortedf(errNeedSigFunc, rtCall)
// Must have either RecvStream or SendStream method, or both.
mRecvStream, hasRecvStream := rtCall.MethodByName("RecvStream")
mSendStream, hasSendStream := rtCall.MethodByName("SendStream")
if !hasRecvStream && !hasSendStream {
return abortedf(errNeedStreamMethod, rtCall)
if hasRecvStream {
// func (*) RecvStream() interface{ Advance() bool; Value() _; Err() error }
tRecv := mRecvStream.Type
if tRecv.NumIn() != 1 || tRecv.In(0).Kind() != reflect.Ptr ||
tRecv.NumOut() != 1 || tRecv.Out(0).Kind() != reflect.Interface {
return abortedf(errNeedRecvStreamSignature, rtCall)
mA, hasA := tRecv.Out(0).MethodByName("Advance")
mV, hasV := tRecv.Out(0).MethodByName("Value")
mE, hasE := tRecv.Out(0).MethodByName("Err")
tA, tV, tE := mA.Type, mV.Type, mE.Type
if !hasA || !hasV || !hasE ||
tA.NumIn() != 0 || tA.NumOut() != 1 || tA.Out(0) != rtBool ||
tV.NumIn() != 0 || tV.NumOut() != 1 || // tV.Out(0) is in-stream type
tE.NumIn() != 0 || tE.NumOut() != 1 || tE.Out(0) != rtError {
return abortedf(errNeedRecvStreamSignature, rtCall)
inType, err := vdl.TypeFromReflect(tV.Out(0))
if err != nil {
return abortedf(errInvalidInStream, err)
sig.InStream = &signature.Arg{Type: inType}
if hasSendStream {
// func (*) SendStream() interface{ Send(_) error }
tSend := mSendStream.Type
if tSend.NumIn() != 1 || tSend.In(0).Kind() != reflect.Ptr ||
tSend.NumOut() != 1 || tSend.Out(0).Kind() != reflect.Interface {
return abortedf(errNeedSendStreamSignature, rtCall)
mS, hasS := tSend.Out(0).MethodByName("Send")
tS := mS.Type
if !hasS ||
tS.NumIn() != 1 || // tS.In(0) is out-stream type
tS.NumOut() != 1 || tS.Out(0) != rtError {
return abortedf(errNeedSendStreamSignature, rtCall)
outType, err := vdl.TypeFromReflect(tS.In(0))
if err != nil {
return abortedf(errInvalidOutStream, err)
sig.OutStream = &signature.Arg{Type: outType}
return nil
func typeCheckMethodArgs(mtype reflect.Type, sig *signature.Method) error {
// Start in-args from 3 to skip receiver, ctx and call arguments.
for index := 3; index < mtype.NumIn(); index++ {
vdlType, err := vdl.TypeFromReflect(mtype.In(index))
if err != nil {
return abortedf(errInvalidInArg, index, err)
(*sig).InArgs = append((*sig).InArgs, signature.Arg{Type: vdlType})
// The out-args must contain a final error argument, which is handled
// specially by the framework.
if mtype.NumOut() == 0 || mtype.Out(mtype.NumOut()-1) != rtError {
return abortedf(errNoFinalErrorOutArg)
for index := 0; index < mtype.NumOut()-1; index++ {
vdlType, err := vdl.TypeFromReflect(mtype.Out(index))
if err != nil {
return abortedf(errInvalidOutArg, index, err)
(*sig).OutArgs = append((*sig).OutArgs, signature.Arg{Type: vdlType})
return nil
func makeSig(desc []InterfaceDesc, methods map[string]signature.Method) []signature.Interface {
var sig []signature.Interface
used := make(map[string]bool, len(methods))
// Loop through the user-provided desc, attaching descriptions to the actual
// method types to create our final signatures. Ignore user-provided
// descriptions of interfaces or methods that don't exist.
for _, descIface := range desc {
var sigMethods []signature.Method
for _, descMethod := range descIface.Methods {
sigMethod, ok := methods[descMethod.Name]
if ok {
// The method name and all types are already populated in sigMethod;
// fill in the rest of the description.
sigMethod.Doc = descMethod.Doc
sigMethod.InArgs = makeArgSigs(sigMethod.InArgs, descMethod.InArgs)
sigMethod.OutArgs = makeArgSigs(sigMethod.OutArgs, descMethod.OutArgs)
sigMethod.InStream = fillArgSig(sigMethod.InStream, descMethod.InStream)
sigMethod.OutStream = fillArgSig(sigMethod.OutStream, descMethod.OutStream)
sigMethod.Tags = descMethod.Tags
sigMethods = append(sigMethods, sigMethod)
used[sigMethod.Name] = true
if len(sigMethods) > 0 {
sigIface := signature.Interface{
Name: descIface.Name,
PkgPath: descIface.PkgPath,
Doc: descIface.Doc,
Methods: sigMethods,
for _, descEmbed := range descIface.Embeds {
sigEmbed := signature.Embed{
Name: descEmbed.Name,
PkgPath: descEmbed.PkgPath,
Doc: descEmbed.Doc,
sigIface.Embeds = append(sigIface.Embeds, sigEmbed)
sig = append(sig, sigIface)
// Add all unused methods into the catch-all empty interface.
var unusedMethods []signature.Method
for _, method := range methods {
if !used[method.Name] {
unusedMethods = append(unusedMethods, method)
if len(unusedMethods) > 0 {
const unusedDoc = "The empty interface contains methods not attached to any interface."
sig = append(sig, signature.Interface{Doc: unusedDoc, Methods: unusedMethods})
return sig
func makeArgSigs(sigs []signature.Arg, descs []ArgDesc) []signature.Arg {
result := make([]signature.Arg, len(sigs))
for index, sig := range sigs {
if index < len(descs) {
sig = *fillArgSig(&sig, descs[index])
result[index] = sig
return result
func fillArgSig(sig *signature.Arg, desc ArgDesc) *signature.Arg {
if sig == nil {
return nil
ret := *sig
ret.Name = desc.Name
ret.Doc = desc.Doc
return &ret
// extractTagsForMethod returns the tags associated with the given method name.
// If the desc lists the same method under multiple interfaces, we require all
// versions to have an identical list of tags.
func extractTagsForMethod(desc []InterfaceDesc, name string) ([]*vdl.Value, error) {
seenFirst := false
var first []*vdl.Value
for _, descIface := range desc {
for _, descMethod := range descIface.Methods {
if name == descMethod.Name {
switch tags := descMethod.Tags; {
case !seenFirst:
seenFirst = true
first = tags
case !equalTags(first, tags):
return nil, abortedf(errDifferentTags, first, tags)
return first, nil
func equalTags(a, b []*vdl.Value) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
if !vdl.EqualValue(a[i], b[i]) {
return false
return true
// attachMethodTags sets methodInfo.tags to the tags that will be returned in
// Prepare. This also performs type checking on the tags.
func attachMethodTags(infos map[string]methodInfo, desc []InterfaceDesc) error {
for name, info := range infos {
tags, err := extractTagsForMethod(desc, name)
if err != nil {
return abortedf(errUnknown, name, err)
info.tags = tags
infos[name] = info
return nil
// TypeCheckMethods type checks each method in obj, and returns a map from
// method name to the type check result. Nil errors indicate the method is
// invocable by the Invoker returned by ReflectInvoker(obj). Non-nil errors
// contain details of the type mismatch - any error with the "Aborted" id will
// cause a panic in a ReflectInvoker() call.
// This is useful for debugging why a particular method isn't available via
// ReflectInvoker.
func TypeCheckMethods(obj interface{}) map[string]error {
rt, desc := reflect.TypeOf(obj), describe(obj)
var check map[string]error
if rt != nil && rt.NumMethod() > 0 {
check = make(map[string]error, rt.NumMethod())
for mx := 0; mx < rt.NumMethod(); mx++ {
method := rt.Method(mx)
var sig signature.Method
err := typeCheckMethod(method, &sig)
if err == nil {
_, err = extractTagsForMethod(desc, method.Name)
check[method.Name] = err
return check