TBR v.io/x/jni: rename packages like so: io.v.v23.android -> io.v.android.v23

Change-Id: I0bf236d1bce7d5f6b44c05c8ebf68dd854bab499
diff --git a/impl/google/channel/util.go b/impl/google/channel/util.go
index ae559ba..de73e4c 100644
--- a/impl/google/channel/util.go
+++ b/impl/google/channel/util.go
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 	if err != nil {
 		return jutil.NullObject, err
-	jutil.GoRef(chPtr)         // Un-refed when the ChannelIterable object is finalized.
-	jutil.GoRef(sourceChanPtr) // Un-refed when the ChannelIterable is finalized.
+	jutil.GoRef(chPtr)         // Un-refed when ChannelIterable is finalized.
+	jutil.GoRef(sourceChanPtr) // Un-refed when ChannelIterable is finalized.
 	return jIterable, nil
diff --git a/v23/jni_android.go b/v23/jni_android.go
index 99ef43a..cfa324b 100644
--- a/v23/jni_android.go
+++ b/v23/jni_android.go
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 // #include "jni.h"
 import "C"
-//export Java_io_v_v23_android_RedirectStderr_nativeStart
-func Java_io_v_v23_android_RedirectStderr_nativeStart(jenv *C.JNIEnv, jRuntime C.jclass, fileno C.jint) {
+//export Java_io_v_android_v23_RedirectStderr_nativeStart
+func Java_io_v_android_v23_RedirectStderr_nativeStart(jenv *C.JNIEnv, jRuntime C.jclass, fileno C.jint) {
 	syscall.Dup2(int(fileno), syscall.Stderr)