cmdline tools: Auto-generate doc.go file using "go generate".

Originally I had planned to write yet another cmdline program
that would take the directory containing the main package for
each cmdline tool, and generate the doc.go file by running help
for the tool.

However I realized we should use "go run" to run the tool, to
ensure we're running the most recent version of the code.  At
which point it's simpler just to run bash to run the tool and
generate the doc.go file.

Also fixed the help topic header, so that godoc recognizes it as
a section header.  Specifically it isn't allowed to include
parens, but is allowed to include a dash.

Change-Id: Ie1980263d42be8e85ee7c6709812f62d83df83d8
diff --git a/tools/mounttable/main.go b/tools/mounttable/main.go
index 80216f1..741e62f 100644
--- a/tools/mounttable/main.go
+++ b/tools/mounttable/main.go
@@ -1,85 +1,12 @@
-// Below is the output from $(mounttable help -style=godoc ...)
+// The following enables go generate to generate the doc.go file.
+// Things to look out for:
+// 1) go:generate evaluates double-quoted strings into a single argument.
+// 2) go:generate performs $NAME expansion, so the bash cmd can't contain '$'.
+// 3) We generate into a *.tmp file first, otherwise go run will pick up the
+//    initially empty *.go file, and fail.
+//go:generate bash -c "{ echo -e '// This file was auto-generated via go generate.\n// DO NOT UPDATE MANUALLY\n\n/*' && veyron go run *.go help -style=godoc ... && echo -e '*/\npackage main'; } > ./doc.go.tmp && mv ./doc.go.tmp ./doc.go"
-The mounttable tool facilitates interaction with a Veyron mount table.
-   mounttable <command>
-The mounttable commands are:
-   glob        returns all matching entries in the mount table
-   mount       Mounts a server <name> onto a mount table
-   unmount     removes server <name> from the mount table
-   resolvestep takes the next step in resolving a name.
-   help        Display help for commands
-The global flags are:
-   -alsologtostderr=true: log to standard error as well as files
-   -log_backtrace_at=:0: when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
-   -log_dir=: if non-empty, write log files to this directory
-   -logtostderr=false: log to standard error instead of files
-   -max_stack_buf_size=4292608: max size in bytes of the buffer to use for logging stack traces
-   -stderrthreshold=2: logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
-   -v=0: log level for V logs
-   -vmodule=: comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
-   -vv=0: log level for V logs
-Mounttable Glob
-returns all matching entries in the mount table
-   mounttable glob <mount name> <pattern>
-<mount name> is a mount name on a mount table.
-<pattern> is a glob pattern that is matched against all the entries below the
-specified mount name.
-Mounttable Mount
-Mounts a server <name> onto a mount table
-   mounttable mount <mount name> <name> <ttl>
-<mount name> is a mount name on a mount table.
-<name> is the rooted object name of the server.
-<ttl> is the TTL of the new entry. It is a decimal number followed by a unit
-suffix (s, m, h). A value of 0s represents an infinite duration.
-Mounttable Unmount
-removes server <name> from the mount table
-   mounttable unmount <mount name> <name>
-<mount name> is a mount name on a mount table.
-<name> is the rooted object name of the server.
-Mounttable Resolvestep
-takes the next step in resolving a name.
-   mounttable resolvestep <mount name>
-<mount name> is a mount name on a mount table.
-Mounttable Help
-Help displays usage descriptions for this command, or usage descriptions for
-   mounttable help [flags] [command ...]
-[command ...] is an optional sequence of commands to display detailed usage.
-The special-case "help ..." recursively displays help for all commands.
-The help flags are:
-   -style=text: The formatting style for help output, either "text" or "godoc".
 package main
 import (