veyron2/naming: Move veyron2/services/mounttable/types here.
We have two copies of the types:
Before this change, they lived in the packages veyron2/naming and
After this change, they both live in the package veyron2/naming.
I've added a VDL prefix to the vdl-based ones, as a temporary
Once vdl supports a standard time package, we can consolidate
these types back into one representation.
The motivation for this change is an upcoming change to our VDL
generated server stubs, which will need these types to be defined
in a standard location so that the Globbable interface can be
defined with typesafe stubs.
Change-Id: I8ffb20e095afbcee06f2c8e83750b1c28aee7caa
20 files changed