blob: 27891d249cf16082dc8895c157a1344155d4d9cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package app
import (
type mockJSServer struct {
controller *Controller
t *testing.T
method string
serviceSignature []signature.Interface
sender sync.WaitGroup
expectedClientStream []string
serverStream []interface{}
hasAuthorizer bool
authError error
inArgs []interface{}
controllerReady sync.RWMutex
finalResponse *vdl.Value
receivedResponse *vdl.Value
finalError error
hasCalledAuth bool
// Right now we keep track of the flow count by hand, but maybe we
// should setup a different object to handle each flow, so we
// can make sure that both sides are using the same flowId. This
// isn't a problem right now because the test doesn't do multiple flows
// at the same time.
flowCount int32
rpcFlow int32
typeReader *lib.TypeReader
typeDecoder *vom.TypeDecoder
func (m *mockJSServer) Send(responseType lib.ResponseType, msg interface{}) error {
switch responseType {
case lib.ResponseDispatcherLookup:
return m.handleDispatcherLookup(msg)
case lib.ResponseAuthRequest:
return m.handleAuthRequest(msg)
case lib.ResponseServerRequest:
return m.handleServerRequest(msg)
case lib.ResponseValidate:
return m.handleValidationRequest(msg)
case lib.ResponseStream:
return m.handleStream(msg)
case lib.ResponseStreamClose:
return m.handleStreamClose(msg)
case lib.ResponseFinal:
if m.receivedResponse != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Two responses received. First was: %#v. Second was: %#v", m.receivedResponse, msg)
m.receivedResponse = vdl.ValueOf(msg)
return nil
case lib.ResponseLog, lib.ResponseBlessingsCacheMessage:
m.flowCount += 2
return nil
case lib.ResponseTypeMessage:
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Unknown message type: %d", responseType)
func internalErr(args interface{}) string {
err := verror.E{
ID: verror.ID(""),
Action: verror.ActionCode(0),
ParamList: []interface{}{args},
return lib.HexVomEncodeOrDie(server.LookupReply{
Err: err,
}, nil)
func (m *mockJSServer) Error(err error) {
func normalize(msg interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
// We serialize and deserialize the reponse so that we can do deep equal with
// messages that contain non-exported structs.
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(msg); err != nil {
return nil, err
var r interface{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(&buf).Decode(&r); err != nil {
return nil, err
return r.(map[string]interface{}), nil
func (m *mockJSServer) handleTypeMessage(v interface{}) {
func (m *mockJSServer) handleDispatcherLookup(v interface{}) error {
defer func() {
m.flowCount += 2
defer m.controllerReady.RUnlock()
msg, err := normalize(v)
if err != nil {
m.controller.HandleLookupResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr(err))
return nil
expected := map[string]interface{}{"serverId": 0.0, "suffix": "adder"}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(msg, expected) {
m.controller.HandleLookupResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr(fmt.Sprintf("got: %v, want: %v", msg, expected)))
return nil
lookupReply := lib.HexVomEncodeOrDie(server.LookupReply{
Handle: 0,
Signature: m.serviceSignature,
HasAuthorizer: m.hasAuthorizer,
}, nil)
m.controller.HandleLookupResponse(m.flowCount, lookupReply)
return nil
func validateEndpoint(ep string) bool {
return ep != ""
func (m *mockJSServer) handleAuthRequest(v interface{}) error {
defer func() {
m.flowCount += 2
m.hasCalledAuth = true
if !m.hasAuthorizer {
m.controller.HandleAuthResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr("unexpected auth request"))
return nil
var msg server.AuthRequest
if err := lib.HexVomDecode(v.(string), &msg, nil); err != nil {
m.controller.HandleAuthResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr(fmt.Sprintf("error decoding %v:", err)))
return nil
if msg.Handle != 0 {
m.controller.HandleAuthResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected handled: %v", msg.Handle)))
return nil
call := msg.Call
if field, got, want := "Method", call.Method, lib.LowercaseFirstCharacter(m.method); got != want {
m.controller.HandleAuthResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected value for %s: got %v, want %v", field, got, want)))
return nil
if field, got, want := "Suffix", call.Suffix, "adder"; got != want {
m.controller.HandleAuthResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected value for %s: got %v, want %v", field, got, want)))
return nil
// We expect localBlessings and remoteBlessings to be a non-zero id
if call.LocalBlessings == 0 {
m.controller.HandleAuthResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr(fmt.Sprintf("bad local blessing: %v", call.LocalBlessings)))
return nil
if call.RemoteBlessings == 0 {
m.controller.HandleAuthResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr(fmt.Sprintf("bad remote blessing: %v", call.RemoteBlessings)))
return nil
// We expect endpoints to be set
if !validateEndpoint(call.LocalEndpoint) {
m.controller.HandleAuthResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr(fmt.Sprintf("bad endpoint:%v", call.LocalEndpoint)))
return nil
if !validateEndpoint(call.RemoteEndpoint) {
m.controller.HandleAuthResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr(fmt.Sprintf("bad endpoint:%v", call.RemoteEndpoint)))
return nil
authReply := lib.HexVomEncodeOrDie(server.AuthReply{
Err: m.authError,
}, nil)
m.controller.HandleAuthResponse(m.flowCount, authReply)
return nil
func (m *mockJSServer) handleServerRequest(v interface{}) error {
defer func() {
m.flowCount += 2
if m.hasCalledAuth != m.hasAuthorizer {
m.controller.HandleServerResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr("authorizer hasn't been called yet"))
return nil
var msg server.ServerRpcRequest
if err := lib.HexVomDecode(v.(string), &msg, nil); err != nil {
m.controller.HandleServerResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr(err))
return nil
if field, got, want := "Method", msg.Method, lib.LowercaseFirstCharacter(m.method); got != want {
m.controller.HandleServerResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected value for %s: got %v, want %v", field, got, want)))
return nil
if field, got, want := "Handle", msg.Handle, int32(0); got != want {
m.controller.HandleServerResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected value for %s: got %v, want %v", field, got, want)))
return nil
vals := make([]interface{}, len(msg.Args))
for i, vArg := range msg.Args {
if err := vdl.Convert(&vals[i], vArg); err != nil {
if field, got, want := "Args", vals, m.inArgs; !reflectutil.DeepEqual(got, want, &reflectutil.DeepEqualOpts{SliceEqNilEmpty: true}) {
m.controller.HandleServerResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected value for %s: got %v, want %v", field, got, want)))
return nil
call := msg.Call.SecurityCall
if field, got, want := "Suffix", call.Suffix, "adder"; got != want {
m.controller.HandleServerResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected value for %s: got %v, want %v", field, got, want)))
return nil
// We expect localBlessings and remoteBlessings to be a non-zero id
if call.LocalBlessings == 0 {
m.controller.HandleAuthResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr(fmt.Sprintf("bad local blessing: %v", call.LocalBlessings)))
return nil
if call.RemoteBlessings == 0 {
m.controller.HandleAuthResponse(m.flowCount, internalErr(fmt.Sprintf("bad remote blessing: %v", call.RemoteBlessings)))
return nil
m.rpcFlow = m.flowCount
// We don't return the final response until the stream is closed.
go m.sendServerStream()
return nil
func (m *mockJSServer) handleValidationRequest(v interface{}) error {
defer func() {
m.flowCount += 2
req := v.(server.CaveatValidationRequest)
resp := server.CaveatValidationResponse{
Results: make([]error, len(req.Cavs)),
var b bytes.Buffer
enc := vom.NewEncoder(&b)
if err := enc.Encode(resp); err != nil {
m.controller.HandleCaveatValidationResponse(m.flowCount, fmt.Sprintf("%x", b.Bytes()))
return nil
func (m *mockJSServer) sendServerStream() {
defer m.sender.Done()
for _, v := range m.serverStream {
m.controller.SendOnStream(m.rpcFlow, lib.HexVomEncodeOrDie(v, nil), m)
func (m *mockJSServer) handleStream(msg interface{}) error {
smsg, ok := msg.(string)
if !ok || len(m.expectedClientStream) == 0 {
m.t.Errorf("unexpected stream message: %v", msg)
return nil
curr := m.expectedClientStream[0]
m.expectedClientStream = m.expectedClientStream[1:]
if smsg != curr {
m.t.Errorf("unexpected stream message, got %s, want: %s", smsg, curr)
return nil
func (m *mockJSServer) handleStreamClose(msg interface{}) error {
reply := lib.ServerRpcReply{
Results: []*vdl.Value{m.finalResponse},
Err: m.finalError,
m.controller.HandleServerResponse(m.rpcFlow, lib.HexVomEncodeOrDie(reply, nil))
return nil