Prepare moving vdl from to (step 2)
diff --git a/lib/vdl/codegen/java/file_server_wrapper.go b/lib/vdl/codegen/java/file_server_wrapper.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d825e13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/vdl/codegen/java/file_server_wrapper.go
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+package java
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"log"
+	"path"
+	""
+	""
+const serverWrapperTmpl = `// This file was auto-generated by the veyron vdl tool.
+// Source(s):  {{ .Source }}
+package {{ .PackagePath }};
+{{ .AccessModifier }} final class {{ .ServiceName }}ServerWrapper {
+    private final {{ .FullServiceName }}Server server;
+{{/* Define fields to hold each of the embedded server wrappers*/}}
+{{ range $embed := .Embeds }}
+    {{/* e.g. private final com.somepackage.gen_impl.ArithStub stubArith; */}}
+    private final {{ $embed.WrapperClassName }} {{ $embed.LocalWrapperVarName }};
+    {{ end }}
+    public {{ .ServiceName }}ServerWrapper(final {{ .FullServiceName }}Server server) {
+        this.server = server;
+        {{/* Initialize the embeded server wrappers */}}
+        {{ range $embed := .Embeds }}
+        this.{{ $embed.LocalWrapperVarName }} = new {{ $embed.WrapperClassName }}(server);
+        {{ end }}
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a description of this server.
+     */
+    // TODO(spetrovic): Re-enable once we can import the new Signature classes.
+    //@SuppressWarnings("unused")
+    //public io.v.v23.ipc.ServiceSignature signature(io.v.v23.ipc.ServerCall call) throws io.v.v23.verror.VException {
+    //    throw new io.v.v23.verror.VException("Signature method not yet supported for Java servers");
+    //}
+    /**
+     * Returns all tags associated with the provided method or null if the method isn't implemented
+     * by this server.
+     */
+    @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+    public io.v.v23.vdl.VdlValue[] getMethodTags(final io.v.v23.ipc.ServerCall call, final java.lang.String method) throws io.v.v23.verror.VException {
+        {{ range $methodName, $tags := .MethodTags }}
+        if ("{{ $methodName }}".equals(method)) {
+            try {
+                return new io.v.v23.vdl.VdlValue[] {
+                    {{ range $tag := $tags }} io.v.v23.vdl.VdlValue.valueOf({{ $tag.Value }}, {{ $tag.Type }}), {{ end }}
+                };
+            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                throw new io.v.v23.verror.VException(String.format("Couldn't get tags for method \"{{ $methodName }}\": %s", e.getMessage()));
+            }
+        }
+        {{ end }}
+        {{ range $embed := .Embeds }}
+        {
+            final io.v.v23.vdl.VdlValue[] tags = this.{{ $embed.LocalWrapperVarName }}.getMethodTags(call, method);
+            if (tags != null) {
+                return tags;
+            }
+        }
+        {{ end }}
+        return null;  // method not found
+    }
+     {{/* Iterate over methods defined directly in the body of this server */}}
+    {{ range $method := .Methods }}
+    {{ $method.AccessModifier }} {{ $method.RetType }} {{ $method.Name }}(final io.v.v23.ipc.ServerCall call{{ $method.DeclarationArgs }}) throws io.v.v23.verror.VException {
+        {{ if $method.IsStreaming }}
+        final io.v.v23.vdl.Stream<{{ $method.SendType }}, {{ $method.RecvType }}> _stream = new io.v.v23.vdl.Stream<{{ $method.SendType }}, {{ $method.RecvType }}>() {
+            @Override
+            public void send({{ $method.SendType }} item) throws io.v.v23.verror.VException {
+                final java.lang.reflect.Type type = new< {{ $method.SendType }} >() {}.getType();
+                call.send(item, type);
+            }
+            @Override
+            public {{ $method.RecvType }} recv() throws, io.v.v23.verror.VException {
+                final java.lang.reflect.Type type = new< {{ $method.RecvType }} >() {}.getType();
+                final java.lang.Object result = call.recv(type);
+                try {
+                    return ({{ $method.RecvType }})result;
+                } catch (java.lang.ClassCastException e) {
+                    throw new io.v.v23.verror.VException("Unexpected result type: " + result.getClass().getCanonicalName());
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        {{ end }} {{/* end if $method.IsStreaming */}}
+        {{ if $method.Returns }} return {{ end }} this.server.{{ $method.Name }}( call {{ $method.CallingArgs }} {{ if $method.IsStreaming }} ,_stream {{ end }} );
+    }
+{{/* Iterate over methods from embeded servers and generate code to delegate the work */}}
+{{ range $eMethod := .EmbedMethods }}
+    {{ $eMethod.AccessModifier }} {{ $eMethod.RetType }} {{ $eMethod.Name }}(final io.v.v23.ipc.ServerCall call{{ $eMethod.DeclarationArgs }}) throws io.v.v23.verror.VException {
+        {{/* e.g. return this.stubArith.cosine(call, [args], options) */}}
+        {{ if $eMethod.Returns }}return{{ end }}  this.{{ $eMethod.LocalWrapperVarName }}.{{ $eMethod.Name }}(call{{ $eMethod.CallingArgs }});
+    }
+{{ end }} {{/* end range .EmbedMethods */}}
+type serverWrapperMethod struct {
+	AccessModifier  string
+	CallingArgs     string
+	DeclarationArgs string
+	IsStreaming     bool
+	Name            string
+	RecvType        string
+	RetType         string
+	Returns         bool
+	SendType        string
+type serverWrapperEmbedMethod struct {
+	AccessModifier      string
+	CallingArgs         string
+	DeclarationArgs     string
+	LocalWrapperVarName string
+	Name                string
+	RetType             string
+	Returns             bool
+type serverWrapperEmbed struct {
+	LocalWrapperVarName string
+	WrapperClassName    string
+type methodTag struct {
+	Value string
+	Type  string
+func processServerWrapperMethod(iface *compile.Interface, method *compile.Method, env *compile.Env) serverWrapperMethod {
+	return serverWrapperMethod{
+		AccessModifier:  accessModifierForName(method.Name),
+		CallingArgs:     javaCallingArgStr(method.InArgs, true),
+		DeclarationArgs: javaDeclarationArgStr(method.InArgs, env, true),
+		IsStreaming:     isStreamingMethod(method),
+		Name:            vdlutil.ToCamelCase(method.Name),
+		RecvType:        javaType(method.InStream, true, env),
+		RetType:         clientInterfaceOutArg(iface, method, true, env),
+		Returns:         len(method.OutArgs) >= 1,
+		SendType:        javaType(method.OutStream, true, env),
+	}
+func processServerWrapperEmbedMethod(iface *compile.Interface, embedMethod *compile.Method, env *compile.Env) serverWrapperEmbedMethod {
+	return serverWrapperEmbedMethod{
+		AccessModifier:      accessModifierForName(embedMethod.Name),
+		CallingArgs:         javaCallingArgStr(embedMethod.InArgs, true),
+		DeclarationArgs:     javaDeclarationArgStr(embedMethod.InArgs, env, true),
+		LocalWrapperVarName: vdlutil.ToCamelCase(iface.Name) + "Wrapper",
+		Name:                vdlutil.ToCamelCase(embedMethod.Name),
+		RetType:             clientInterfaceOutArg(iface, embedMethod, true, env),
+		Returns:             len(embedMethod.OutArgs) >= 1,
+	}
+// genJavaServerWrapperFile generates a java file containing a server wrapper for the specified
+// interface.
+func genJavaServerWrapperFile(iface *compile.Interface, env *compile.Env) JavaFileInfo {
+	embeds := []serverWrapperEmbed{}
+	for _, embed := range allEmbeddedIfaces(iface) {
+		embeds = append(embeds, serverWrapperEmbed{
+			WrapperClassName:    javaPath(javaGenPkgPath(path.Join(embed.File.Package.GenPath, toUpperCamelCase(embed.Name+"ServerWrapper")))),
+			LocalWrapperVarName: vdlutil.ToCamelCase(embed.Name) + "Wrapper",
+		})
+	}
+	methodTags := make(map[string][]methodTag)
+	// Add generated methods to the tag map:
+	methodTags["signature"] = []methodTag{}
+	methodTags["getMethodTags"] = []methodTag{}
+	// Copy method tags off of the interface.
+	for _, method := range iface.Methods {
+		tags := make([]methodTag, len(method.Tags))
+		for i, tag := range method.Tags {
+			tags[i].Value = javaConstVal(tag, env)
+			tags[i].Type = javaReflectType(tag.Type(), env)
+		}
+		methodTags[vdlutil.ToCamelCase(method.Name)] = tags
+	}
+	embedMethods := []serverWrapperEmbedMethod{}
+	for _, embedMao := range dedupedEmbeddedMethodAndOrigins(iface) {
+		embedMethods = append(embedMethods, processServerWrapperEmbedMethod(embedMao.Origin, embedMao.Method, env))
+	}
+	methods := make([]serverWrapperMethod, len(iface.Methods))
+	for i, method := range iface.Methods {
+		methods[i] = processServerWrapperMethod(iface, method, env)
+	}
+	javaServiceName := toUpperCamelCase(iface.Name)
+	data := struct {
+		AccessModifier  string
+		EmbedMethods    []serverWrapperEmbedMethod
+		Embeds          []serverWrapperEmbed
+		FullServiceName string
+		Methods         []serverWrapperMethod
+		MethodTags      map[string][]methodTag
+		PackagePath     string
+		ServiceName     string
+		Source          string
+	}{
+		AccessModifier:  accessModifierForName(iface.Name),
+		EmbedMethods:    embedMethods,
+		Embeds:          embeds,
+		FullServiceName: javaPath(interfaceFullyQualifiedName(iface)),
+		Methods:         methods,
+		MethodTags:      methodTags,
+		PackagePath:     javaPath(javaGenPkgPath(iface.File.Package.GenPath)),
+		ServiceName:     javaServiceName,
+		Source:          iface.File.BaseName,
+	}
+	var buf bytes.Buffer
+	err := parseTmpl("server wrapper", serverWrapperTmpl).Execute(&buf, data)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Fatalf("vdl: couldn't execute server wrapper template: %v", err)
+	}
+	return JavaFileInfo{
+		Name: javaServiceName + "",
+		Data: buf.Bytes(),
+	}