veyron2/security: Avoid the need for many implementations of the Context

There are a bunch of implementations of the Context interface lying
aroudn various tests and a few at other places. I think we don't
actually want to treat Context as an "interface" as in "API for others
to implement" but more like something that provides "read-only access"
to parameters of the context.

Step 1 of 3-ish towards that goal.
Upcoming steps:
(2) Remove most security.Context implementations in other
repositories/packages/tests and have them use the NewContext factory
function here.
(3) Maybe consider making the interface non-implementable outside
this package, thereby forcing implementation here? Not sure about that
yet though.

Change-Id: I5f51035bfcdeff3412728884b3b02f3f8e1c4b6c
1 file changed
tree: 0de290130e9ac733ec6e20fe38a68e73c3127336
  1. lib/
  2. profiles/
  3. runtimes/
  4. security/
  5. services/
  6. tools/