veyron/services/identity/identityd: Auditing and display.

This commit provides an implementation of the audit.Auditor interface
that writes out all audit events synchronously to a file.

(1) the identityd daemon uses this Auditor implementation to
log all activity on its private key.
(2) the oauth  HTTP handler is repurposed to display all blessings
provided by identityd for the user

identityd thus now never sends private keys over the network
when configured to use google as a provider of names. Private
keys are still sent by the "random" HTTP handler, which I intend
to remove once javascript/WSPR related tests do not rely on it.

Change-Id: If99ca1ff4735e9723c533c4107cf8a82f75e93e0
4 files changed
tree: 01069ab5c7212473dcbb9bf863eaa413fe567d93
  1. examples/
  2. lib/
  3. products/
  4. runtimes/
  5. security/
  6. services/
  7. tools/