wspr/nacl: Set namespace roots received via config.js

Change-Id: Ie251cf1fb8b4f544fbda06768839c5e7d935cef0
diff --git a/services/wsprd/app/app.go b/services/wsprd/app/app.go
index 3d13afb..1ac1363 100644
--- a/services/wsprd/app/app.go
+++ b/services/wsprd/app/app.go
@@ -146,12 +146,14 @@
 // NewController creates a new Controller.  writerCreator will be used to create a new flow for rpcs to
 // javascript server. veyronProxyEP is an endpoint for the veyron proxy to serve through.  It can't be empty.
 // opts are any options that should be passed to the rt.New().
-func NewController(writerCreator func(id int64) lib.ClientWriter,
-	listenSpec *ipc.ListenSpec, opts ...veyron2.ROpt) (*Controller, error) {
+func NewController(writerCreator func(id int64) lib.ClientWriter, listenSpec *ipc.ListenSpec, namespaceRoots []string, opts ...veyron2.ROpt) (*Controller, error) {
 	r, err := rt.New(opts...)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
+	if namespaceRoots != nil {
+		r.Namespace().SetRoots(namespaceRoots...)
+	}
 	client, err := r.NewClient()
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err