veyron/services/mounttable: Fix Glob bug.

The change fixes a bug where Glob is called on a name that is below a
mount point, e.g. "server" is mounted at "a/b" and we call
"a/b/c".Glob(*). The correct behavior is to return "" -> "server/c".
Previously, this would have returned nothing.

Change-Id: I5bbeb60488b34c9ecc2439e8270c9abe90185f5f
3 files changed
tree: eb23fd6fb3641aa6056e335f8bfa9018adb7624a
  1. examples/
  2. jni/
  3. lib/
  4. profiles/
  5. runtimes/
  6. security/
  7. services/
  8. tools/