veyron2/security: Provide a way to "unmark" blessings in the BlessingStore.

This commit changes the API of the BlessingStore interface from:
Add(blessing, pattern)
Set(blessing, pattern).

Without this change, operations on the blessing store's map from
pattern to blessings were always additive, with no way to get rid
of associations.

By using "Set" instead, previous associations can be overridden.

I also briefly considered keeping Add and adding a Remove, but
went with Set for now since it seemed like a simpler API.

Change-Id: I2d042326fb33e3b96ce9ff23af5dca0c59bbd52f
6 files changed
tree: 3f830c9fe1ce69b9302b705d9293419ad0d42397
  1. lib/
  2. profiles/
  3. runtimes/
  4. security/
  5. services/
  6. tools/