veyron/tools/mgmt/ finish implementing node manager regression test.

The script mostly follows,
with some exceptions (e.g., we use binaryd instead of rock-paper-scissors as the
app run by the node manager).

Change-Id: I890bfd6551ac3ea6aecfe4572f17d862028e1444
diff --git a/tools/mgmt/ b/tools/mgmt/
index b3c4275..25ef0dd 100755
--- a/tools/mgmt/
+++ b/tools/mgmt/
@@ -9,12 +9,46 @@
 build() {
   BINARYD_BIN="$(shell_test::build_go_binary '')"
   BINARY_BIN="$(shell_test::build_go_binary '')"
+  APPLICATIOND_BIN="$(shell_test::build_go_binary '')"
+  APPLICATION_BIN="$(shell_test::build_go_binary '')"
   AGENTD_BIN="$(shell_test::build_go_binary '')"
   SUIDHELPER_BIN="$(shell_test::build_go_binary '')"
   NODEMANAGER_BIN="$(shell_test::build_go_binary '')"
+  NODEX_BIN="$(shell_test::build_go_binary '')"
+  NAMESPACE_BIN="$(shell_test::build_go_binary '')"
+  PRINCIPAL_BIN="$(shell_test::build_go_binary '')"
+  DEBUG_BIN="$(shell_test::build_go_binary '')"
   NMINSTALL_SCRIPT="$(shell::go_package_dir '')/nminstall"
+# TODO(caprita): Move to
+# Waits until the given name appears in the mounttable, within a set timeout.
+# Arguments:
+#   path to namespace command-line tool
+#   timeout in seconds
+#   name to look up
+# Returns:
+#   0 if the name was successfully found, and 1 if the timeout expires before
+#   the name appears.
+wait_for_mountentry() {
+  local -r NAMESPACE_BIN="$1"
+  local -r TIMEOUT="$2"
+  local -r NAME="$3"
+  for i in $(seq 1 "${TIMEOUT}"); do
+    local ENTRY=$("${NAMESPACE_BIN}" glob "${NAME}")
+    if [[ ! -z "${ENTRY}" ]]; then
+      return 0
+    fi
+    sleep 1
+  done
+  bash
+  echo "Timed out waiting for ${NAME} to appear in the mounttable."
+  return 1
 main() {
   cd "${WORKDIR}"
@@ -28,10 +62,86 @@
   # TODO(caprita): Expose an option to turn --single_user off, so we can run
   # by hand and exercise the code that requires root privileges.
-  # TODO(caprita): Uncomment when we're ready to use node manager.
-  # "${NMINSTALL_SCRIPT}" --single_user $(shell::tmp_dir) "${BIN_STAGING_DIR}" &
+  # Install and start node manager.
+  shell_test::start_server "${NMINSTALL_SCRIPT}" --single_user $(shell::tmp_dir) \
+    "${BIN_STAGING_DIR}" -- || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO} failed to start node manager"
+  # Dump nminstall's log, just to provide visibility into its steps.
-  # TODO(caprita): Fill in the rest.
+  local -r NM_NAME=$(hostname)
+  # Verify that node manager is published under the expected name (hostname).
+  shell_test::assert_ne "$("${NAMESPACE_BIN}" glob "${NM_NAME}")" "" "${LINENO}"
+  # Create the client principal, "alice".
+  "${PRINCIPAL_BIN}" create --overwrite=true ./alice alice >/dev/null || \
+    shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO}: create alice failed"
+  # All the commands executed henceforth will run as alice.
+  export VEYRON_CREDENTIALS=./alice
+  # Claim the node as "alice/myworkstation".
+  "${NODEX_BIN}" claim "${NM_NAME}/nm" myworkstation
+  # Verify the node's default blessing is as expected.
+  shell_test::assert_eq "$("${DEBUG_BIN}" stats read "${NM_NAME}/__debug/stats/security/principal/blessingstore" | head -1 | sed -e 's/^.*Default blessings: '//)" \
+    "alice/myworkstation" "${LINENO}"
+  # Start a binary server.
+  local -r BINARYD_NAME="binaryd"
+  shell_test::start_server "${BINARYD_BIN}" --name="${BINARYD_NAME}" \
+    --root="$(shell::tmp_dir)/binstore" --veyron.tcp.address= --http= \
+    || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO} failed to start binaryd"
+  # Upload a binary to the binary server.  The binary we upload is binaryd
+  # itself.
+  local -r SAMPLE_APP_BIN_NAME="${BINARYD_NAME}/testapp"
+  # Verify that the binary we uploaded is shown by glob.
+  shell_test::assert_eq "$("${NAMESPACE_BIN}" glob "${SAMPLE_APP_BIN_NAME}")" \
+  # Start an application server.
+  local -r APPLICATIOND_NAME="applicationd"
+  shell_test::start_server "${APPLICATIOND_BIN}" --name="${APPLICATIOND_NAME}" \
+    --store="$(shell::tmp_dir)" --veyron.tcp.address= \
+    || shell_test::fail "line ${LINENO} failed to start applicationd"
+  # Upload an envelope for our test app.
+  local -r SAMPLE_APP_NAME="${APPLICATIOND_NAME}/testapp/v0"
+  local -r APP_PUBLISH_NAME="testbinaryd"
+  echo "{\"Title\":\"BINARYD\", \"Args\":[\"--name=${APP_PUBLISH_NAME}\", \"--root=./binstore\"], \"Binary\":\"${SAMPLE_APP_BIN_NAME}\", \"Env\":[]}" > ./app.envelope && \
+    "${APPLICATION_BIN}" put "${SAMPLE_APP_NAME}" test ./app.envelope && rm ./app.envelope
+  # Verify that the envelope we uploaded shows up with glob.
+  shell_test::assert_eq "$("${APPLICATION_BIN}" match "${SAMPLE_APP_NAME}" test | grep Title | sed -e 's/^.*"Title": "'// | sed -e 's/",//')" \
+    "BINARYD" "${LINENO}"
+  # Install the app on the node.
+  local -r INSTALLATION_NAME=$("${NODEX_BIN}" install "${NM_NAME}/apps" "${SAMPLE_APP_NAME}" | sed -e 's/Successfully installed: "//' | sed -e 's/"//')
+  # Verify that the installation shows up when globbing the node manager.
+  shell_test::assert_eq "$("${NAMESPACE_BIN}" glob "${NM_NAME}/apps/BINARYD/*")" \
+  # Start an instance of the app, granting it blessing extension myapp.
+  local -r INSTANCE_NAME=$("${NODEX_BIN}" start "${INSTALLATION_NAME}" myapp | sed -e 's/Successfully started: "//' | sed -e 's/"//')
+  wait_for_mountentry "${NAMESPACE_BIN}" "5" "${APP_PUBLISH_NAME}"
+  # Verify that the instance shows up when globbing the node manager.
+  shell_test::assert_eq "$("${NAMESPACE_BIN}" glob "${NM_NAME}/apps/BINARYD/*/*")" "${INSTANCE_NAME}" "${LINENO}"
+  # Verify the app's default blessing.
+  shell_test::assert_eq "$("${DEBUG_BIN}" stats read "${INSTANCE_NAME}/stats/security/principal/blessingstore" | head -1 | sed -e 's/^.*Default blessings: '//)" \
+    "alice/myapp/BINARYD" "${LINENO}"
+  # Stop the instance.
+  "${NODEX_BIN}" stop "${INSTANCE_NAME}"
+  # Verify that logs, but not stats, show up when globbing the stopped instance.
+  shell_test::assert_eq "$("${NAMESPACE_BIN}" glob "${INSTANCE_NAME}/stats/...")" "" "${LINENO}"
+  shell_test::assert_ne "$("${NAMESPACE_BIN}" glob "${INSTANCE_NAME}/logs/...")" "" "${LINENO}"