blob: c21021a1b7d6e96682e8a452fb6d19e6ed546d8d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vsync
import (
wire ""
// getDbSchema returns the SchemaMetadata for the db.
func (iSt *initiationState) getDbSchema(ctx *context.T) (*wire.SchemaMetadata, error) {
return iSt.config.db.GetSchemaMetadataInternal(ctx)
// groupConflictsByType uses CrRules of schema to group conflicts by the
// ResolverType applicable to the conflict.
func (iSt *initiationState) groupConflictsByType(schema *wire.SchemaMetadata) map[wire.ResolverType]map[string]*objConflictState {
groupedConflicts := map[wire.ResolverType]map[string]*objConflictState{}
for oid, conflictState := range iSt.updObjects {
if !conflictState.isConflict {
crType := getResolutionType(oid, schema)
crGroup := groupedConflicts[crType]
if crGroup == nil {
crGroup = map[string]*objConflictState{}
groupedConflicts[crType] = crGroup
crGroup[oid] = conflictState
vlog.VI(5).Infof("sync: groupConflictsByType: found conflict of type %v for oid %v", crType, oid)
return groupedConflicts
// getResolutionType applies the CrRules present in schema on the oid and
// selects a ResolverType. All rules are matched against the row.
// If no rules match the row, we default to "LastWins". If multiple
// rules match the row, ties are broken as follows:
// 1. If one match has a longer prefix than the other, take that one.
// 2. Else, if only one match specifies a type, take that one.
// 3. Else, the two matches are identical; take the last one in the Rules array.
func getResolutionType(oid string, schema *wire.SchemaMetadata) wire.ResolverType {
if !common.IsRowKey(oid) {
// This is a collection perms object key. Handle collection perms using
// LastWins policy till a better policy is available.
return wire.ResolverTypeLastWins
var selectedRule *wire.CrRule
for i := range schema.Policy.Rules {
rule := &schema.Policy.Rules[i]
if !isRuleApplicable(oid, rule) {
if isRuleMoreSpecific(rule, selectedRule) {
selectedRule = rule
if selectedRule != nil {
return selectedRule.Resolver
return wire.ResolverTypeLastWins
// isRuleApplicable ignores Type and only uses KeyPrefix to check if a rule
// applies to the given oid.
// TODO(jlodhia): Implement Type based matching.
func isRuleApplicable(oid string, rule *wire.CrRule) bool {
collection, rowKey := common.ParseRowKeyOrDie(oid)
if rule.CollectionId != (wire.Id{}) && collection != rule.CollectionId {
return false
if rule.KeyPrefix != "" && rule.CollectionId == (wire.Id{}) {
// CollectionId cannot be empty if KeyPrefix is specified.
vlog.Infof("Found illegal CrRule: %v", rule)
return false
return strings.HasPrefix(rowKey, rule.KeyPrefix)
// isRuleMoreSpecific returns true only if "rule" is a subset of "other".
// For now this function ignores Type and only uses KeyPrefix.
func isRuleMoreSpecific(rule, other *wire.CrRule) bool {
if other == nil {
return true
if other.CollectionId == (wire.Id{}) {
// other.KeyPrefix must be empty if CollectionId is empty.
return true
if rule.CollectionId != other.CollectionId {
return false
return strings.HasPrefix(rule.KeyPrefix, other.KeyPrefix)