veyron/services/mgmt/device: enable profiles statically

Start using device profiles in device manager, in the absence of a remote
Profile service: the set of 'known' profiles will be hardcoded for now.


- implement getKnownProfiles as a hardcoded list of profiles (for now, just

- make use of the device's profile when fetching app envelopes (and verify in
  test that profiles are requested correctly during Match)

- export computeDeviceProfile and add command to deviced to dump the (internal
  representation of the) profile detected by the device for debugging/inspection

- add command to device tool to invoke remote Describe command on device manager
  (which returns the profile labels supported by the device.

Change-Id: I3e24021354edaeb90fb6efb11cee4330f63e8f86
13 files changed
tree: df8b8fce2ce8869a442c126dbae01e4f1ab10136
  1. lib/
  2. profiles/
  3. runtimes/
  4. security/
  5. services/
  6. tools/