x/ref: Restructure services/wspr

The high-level renaming is services/wsprd -> services/wspr

The other renamings are:

services/wsprd/wspr.go        -> services/wspr/wsprd/main.go
services/wsprd/browspr/main   -> services/wspr/browsprd
services/wsprd/wspr           -> services/wspr/wsprlib
services/wsprd/account        -> services/wspr/internal/account
services/wsprd/app            -> services/wspr/internal/app
services/wsprd/browspr        -> services/wspr/internal/browspr
services/wsprd/channel        -> services/wspr/internal/channel
services/wsprd/lib            -> services/wspr/internal/lib
services/wsprd/lib/testwriter -> services/wspr/internal/lib/testwriter
services/wsprd/namespace      -> services/wspr/internal/namespace
services/wsprd/principal      -> services/wspr/internal/principal
services/wsprd/rpc            -> services/wspr/internal/rpc
services/wsprd/rpc/server     -> services/wspr/internal/rpc/server

MultiPart: 1/3
Change-Id: I056b527f6f17495d6c2fffc2dc68d7ac126a5068
diff --git a/services/wspr/internal/app/app.go b/services/wspr/internal/app/app.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c8b51c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/wspr/internal/app/app.go
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// The app package contains the struct that keeps per javascript app state and handles translating
+// javascript requests to vanadium requests and vice versa.
+package app
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"encoding/hex"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"reflect"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+	"v.io/v23"
+	"v.io/v23/context"
+	"v.io/v23/naming"
+	"v.io/v23/options"
+	"v.io/v23/rpc"
+	"v.io/v23/security"
+	"v.io/v23/vdl"
+	"v.io/v23/vdlroot/signature"
+	"v.io/v23/verror"
+	"v.io/v23/vom"
+	"v.io/v23/vtrace"
+	"v.io/x/lib/vlog"
+	"v.io/x/ref/services/wspr/internal/lib"
+	"v.io/x/ref/services/wspr/internal/namespace"
+	"v.io/x/ref/services/wspr/internal/principal"
+	"v.io/x/ref/services/wspr/internal/rpc/server"
+const (
+	// pkgPath is the prefix os errors in this package.
+	pkgPath = "v.io/x/ref/services/wspr/internal/app"
+// Errors
+var (
+	marshallingError       = verror.Register(pkgPath+".marshallingError", verror.NoRetry, "{1} {2} marshalling error {_}")
+	noResults              = verror.Register(pkgPath+".noResults", verror.NoRetry, "{1} {2} no results from call {_}")
+	badCaveatType          = verror.Register(pkgPath+".badCaveatType", verror.NoRetry, "{1} {2} bad caveat type {_}")
+	unknownBlessings       = verror.Register(pkgPath+".unknownBlessings", verror.NoRetry, "{1} {2} unknown public id {_}")
+	invalidBlessingsHandle = verror.Register(pkgPath+".invalidBlessingsHandle", verror.NoRetry, "{1} {2} invalid blessings handle {_}")
+type outstandingRequest struct {
+	stream *outstandingStream
+	cancel context.CancelFunc
+// Controller represents all the state of a Vanadium Web App.  This is the struct
+// that is in charge performing all the vanadium options.
+type Controller struct {
+	// Protects everything.
+	// TODO(bjornick): We need to split this up.
+	sync.Mutex
+	// The context of this controller.
+	ctx *context.T
+	// The cleanup function for this controller.
+	cancel context.CancelFunc
+	// The rpc.ListenSpec to use with server.Listen
+	listenSpec *rpc.ListenSpec
+	// Used to generate unique ids for requests initiated by the proxy.
+	// These ids will be even so they don't collide with the ids generated
+	// by the client.
+	lastGeneratedId int32
+	// Used to keep track of data (streams and cancellation functions) for
+	// outstanding requests.
+	outstandingRequests map[int32]*outstandingRequest
+	// Maps flowids to the server that owns them.
+	flowMap map[int32]*server.Server
+	// A manager that Handles fetching and caching signature of remote services
+	signatureManager lib.SignatureManager
+	// We maintain multiple Vanadium server per pipe for serving JavaScript
+	// services.
+	servers map[uint32]*server.Server
+	// Creates a client writer for a given flow.  This is a member so that tests can override
+	// the default implementation.
+	writerCreator func(id int32) lib.ClientWriter
+	// Cache for all the Blessings that javascript has a handle to.
+	blessingsCache *principal.JSBlessingsHandles
+	// reservedServices contains a map of reserved service names.  These
+	// are objects that serve requests in wspr without actually making
+	// an outgoing rpc call.
+	reservedServices map[string]rpc.Invoker
+// NewController creates a new Controller.  writerCreator will be used to create a new flow for rpcs to
+// javascript server.
+func NewController(ctx *context.T, writerCreator func(id int32) lib.ClientWriter, listenSpec *rpc.ListenSpec, namespaceRoots []string, p security.Principal) (*Controller, error) {
+	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
+	if namespaceRoots != nil {
+		var err error
+		ctx, _, err = v23.SetNewNamespace(ctx, namespaceRoots...)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+	}
+	ctx, _ = vtrace.SetNewTrace(ctx)
+	ctx, err := v23.SetPrincipal(ctx, p)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	controller := &Controller{
+		ctx:            ctx,
+		cancel:         cancel,
+		writerCreator:  writerCreator,
+		listenSpec:     listenSpec,
+		blessingsCache: principal.NewJSBlessingsHandles(),
+	}
+	controllerInvoker, err := rpc.ReflectInvoker(ControllerServer(controller))
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	namespaceInvoker, err := rpc.ReflectInvoker(namespace.New(ctx))
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	controller.reservedServices = map[string]rpc.Invoker{
+		"__controller": controllerInvoker,
+		"__namespace":  namespaceInvoker,
+	}
+	controller.setup()
+	return controller, nil
+// finishCall waits for the call to finish and write out the response to w.
+func (c *Controller) finishCall(ctx *context.T, w lib.ClientWriter, clientCall rpc.ClientCall, msg *RpcRequest, span vtrace.Span) {
+	if msg.IsStreaming {
+		for {
+			var item interface{}
+			if err := clientCall.Recv(&item); err != nil {
+				if err == io.EOF {
+					break
+				}
+				w.Error(err) // Send streaming error as is
+				return
+			}
+			vomItem, err := lib.VomEncode(item)
+			if err != nil {
+				w.Error(verror.New(marshallingError, ctx, item, err))
+				continue
+			}
+			if err := w.Send(lib.ResponseStream, vomItem); err != nil {
+				w.Error(verror.New(marshallingError, ctx, item))
+			}
+		}
+		if err := w.Send(lib.ResponseStreamClose, nil); err != nil {
+			w.Error(verror.New(marshallingError, ctx, "ResponseStreamClose"))
+		}
+	}
+	results := make([]*vdl.Value, msg.NumOutArgs)
+	// This array will have pointers to the values in results.
+	resultptrs := make([]interface{}, msg.NumOutArgs)
+	for i := range results {
+		resultptrs[i] = &results[i]
+	}
+	if err := clientCall.Finish(resultptrs...); err != nil {
+		// return the call system error as is
+		w.Error(err)
+		return
+	}
+	c.sendRPCResponse(ctx, w, span, results)
+func (c *Controller) sendRPCResponse(ctx *context.T, w lib.ClientWriter, span vtrace.Span, results []*vdl.Value) {
+	span.Finish()
+	response := RpcResponse{
+		OutArgs:       results,
+		TraceResponse: vtrace.GetResponse(ctx),
+	}
+	encoded, err := lib.VomEncode(response)
+	if err != nil {
+		w.Error(err)
+		return
+	}
+	if err := w.Send(lib.ResponseFinal, encoded); err != nil {
+		w.Error(verror.Convert(marshallingError, ctx, err))
+	}
+// callOpts turns a slice of type []RpcCallOption object into an array of rpc.CallOpt.
+func (c *Controller) callOpts(opts []RpcCallOption) ([]rpc.CallOpt, error) {
+	var callOpts []rpc.CallOpt
+	for _, opt := range opts {
+		switch v := opt.(type) {
+		case RpcCallOptionAllowedServersPolicy:
+			callOpts = append(callOpts, options.AllowedServersPolicy(v.Value))
+		case RpcCallOptionRetryTimeout:
+			callOpts = append(callOpts, options.RetryTimeout(v.Value))
+		default:
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown RpcCallOption type %T", v)
+		}
+	}
+	return callOpts, nil
+func (c *Controller) startCall(ctx *context.T, w lib.ClientWriter, msg *RpcRequest, inArgs []interface{}) (rpc.ClientCall, error) {
+	methodName := lib.UppercaseFirstCharacter(msg.Method)
+	callOpts, err := c.callOpts(msg.CallOptions)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	clientCall, err := v23.GetClient(ctx).StartCall(ctx, msg.Name, methodName, inArgs, callOpts...)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error starting call (name: %v, method: %v, args: %v): %v", msg.Name, methodName, inArgs, err)
+	}
+	return clientCall, nil
+// Implements the serverHelper interface
+// CreateNewFlow creats a new server flow that will be used to write out
+// streaming messages to Javascript.
+func (c *Controller) CreateNewFlow(s *server.Server, stream rpc.Stream) *server.Flow {
+	c.Lock()
+	defer c.Unlock()
+	id := c.lastGeneratedId
+	c.lastGeneratedId += 2
+	c.flowMap[id] = s
+	os := newStream()
+	os.init(stream)
+	c.outstandingRequests[id] = &outstandingRequest{
+		stream: os,
+	}
+	return &server.Flow{ID: id, Writer: c.writerCreator(id)}
+// CleanupFlow removes the bookkeping for a previously created flow.
+func (c *Controller) CleanupFlow(id int32) {
+	c.Lock()
+	request := c.outstandingRequests[id]
+	delete(c.outstandingRequests, id)
+	delete(c.flowMap, id)
+	c.Unlock()
+	if request != nil && request.stream != nil {
+		request.stream.end()
+		request.stream.waitUntilDone()
+	}
+// RT returns the runtime of the app.
+func (c *Controller) Context() *context.T {
+	return c.ctx
+// AddBlessings adds the Blessings to the local blessings store and returns
+// the handle to it.  This function exists because JS only has
+// a handle to the blessings to avoid shipping the certificate forest
+// to JS and back.
+func (c *Controller) AddBlessings(blessings security.Blessings) principal.BlessingsHandle {
+	return c.blessingsCache.Add(blessings)
+// Cleanup cleans up any outstanding rpcs.
+func (c *Controller) Cleanup() {
+	vlog.VI(0).Info("Cleaning up controller")
+	c.Lock()
+	for _, request := range c.outstandingRequests {
+		if request.cancel != nil {
+			request.cancel()
+		}
+		if request.stream != nil {
+			request.stream.end()
+		}
+	}
+	servers := []*server.Server{}
+	for _, server := range c.servers {
+		servers = append(servers, server)
+	}
+	c.Unlock()
+	// We must unlock before calling server.Stop otherwise it can deadlock.
+	for _, server := range servers {
+		server.Stop()
+	}
+	c.cancel()
+func (c *Controller) setup() {
+	c.signatureManager = lib.NewSignatureManager()
+	c.outstandingRequests = make(map[int32]*outstandingRequest)
+	c.flowMap = make(map[int32]*server.Server)
+	c.servers = make(map[uint32]*server.Server)
+// SendOnStream writes data on id's stream.  The actual network write will be
+// done asynchronously.  If there is an error, it will be sent to w.
+func (c *Controller) SendOnStream(id int32, data string, w lib.ClientWriter) {
+	c.Lock()
+	request := c.outstandingRequests[id]
+	if request == nil || request.stream == nil {
+		vlog.Errorf("unknown stream: %d", id)
+		c.Unlock()
+		return
+	}
+	stream := request.stream
+	c.Unlock()
+	stream.send(data, w)
+// SendVeyronRequest makes a vanadium request for the given flowId.  If signal is non-nil, it will receive
+// the call object after it has been constructed.
+func (c *Controller) sendVeyronRequest(ctx *context.T, id int32, msg *RpcRequest, inArgs []interface{}, w lib.ClientWriter, stream *outstandingStream, span vtrace.Span) {
+	sig, err := c.getSignature(ctx, msg.Name)
+	if err != nil {
+		w.Error(err)
+		return
+	}
+	methName := lib.UppercaseFirstCharacter(msg.Method)
+	methSig, ok := signature.FirstMethod(sig, methName)
+	if !ok {
+		w.Error(fmt.Errorf("method %q not found in signature: %#v", methName, sig))
+		return
+	}
+	if len(methSig.InArgs) != len(inArgs) {
+		w.Error(fmt.Errorf("invalid number of arguments, expected: %v, got:%v", methSig, *msg))
+		return
+	}
+	// We have to make the start call synchronous so we can make sure that we populate
+	// the call map before we can Handle a recieve call.
+	call, err := c.startCall(ctx, w, msg, inArgs)
+	if err != nil {
+		w.Error(verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, err))
+		return
+	}
+	if stream != nil {
+		stream.init(call)
+	}
+	c.finishCall(ctx, w, call, msg, span)
+	c.Lock()
+	if request, ok := c.outstandingRequests[id]; ok {
+		delete(c.outstandingRequests, id)
+		if request.cancel != nil {
+			request.cancel()
+		}
+	}
+	c.Unlock()
+// TODO(mattr): This is a very limited implementation of ServerCall,
+// but currently none of the methods the controller exports require
+// any of this context information.
+type localCall struct {
+	ctx  *context.T
+	vrpc *RpcRequest
+	tags []*vdl.Value
+	w    lib.ClientWriter
+func (l *localCall) Send(item interface{}) error {
+	vomItem, err := lib.VomEncode(item)
+	if err != nil {
+		err = verror.New(marshallingError, l.ctx, item, err)
+		l.w.Error(err)
+		return err
+	}
+	if err := l.w.Send(lib.ResponseStream, vomItem); err != nil {
+		err = verror.New(marshallingError, l.ctx, item)
+		l.w.Error(err)
+		return err
+	}
+	return nil
+func (l *localCall) Recv(interface{}) error                          { return nil }
+func (l *localCall) GrantedBlessings() security.Blessings            { return security.Blessings{} }
+func (l *localCall) Server() rpc.Server                              { return nil }
+func (l *localCall) Context() *context.T                             { return l.ctx }
+func (l *localCall) Timestamp() (t time.Time)                        { return }
+func (l *localCall) Method() string                                  { return l.vrpc.Method }
+func (l *localCall) MethodTags() []*vdl.Value                        { return l.tags }
+func (l *localCall) Name() string                                    { return l.vrpc.Name }
+func (l *localCall) Suffix() string                                  { return "" }
+func (l *localCall) LocalDischarges() map[string]security.Discharge  { return nil }
+func (l *localCall) RemoteDischarges() map[string]security.Discharge { return nil }
+func (l *localCall) LocalPrincipal() security.Principal              { return nil }
+func (l *localCall) LocalBlessings() security.Blessings              { return security.Blessings{} }
+func (l *localCall) RemoteBlessings() security.Blessings             { return security.Blessings{} }
+func (l *localCall) LocalEndpoint() naming.Endpoint                  { return nil }
+func (l *localCall) RemoteEndpoint() naming.Endpoint                 { return nil }
+func (l *localCall) VanadiumContext() *context.T                     { return l.ctx }
+func (c *Controller) handleInternalCall(ctx *context.T, invoker rpc.Invoker, msg *RpcRequest, decoder *vom.Decoder, w lib.ClientWriter, span vtrace.Span) {
+	argptrs, tags, err := invoker.Prepare(msg.Method, int(msg.NumInArgs))
+	if err != nil {
+		w.Error(verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, err))
+		return
+	}
+	for _, argptr := range argptrs {
+		if err := decoder.Decode(argptr); err != nil {
+			w.Error(verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, err))
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	results, err := invoker.Invoke(msg.Method, &localCall{ctx, msg, tags, w}, argptrs)
+	if err != nil {
+		w.Error(verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, err))
+		return
+	}
+	if msg.IsStreaming {
+		if err := w.Send(lib.ResponseStreamClose, nil); err != nil {
+			w.Error(verror.New(marshallingError, ctx, "ResponseStreamClose"))
+		}
+	}
+	// Convert results from []interface{} to []*vdl.Value.
+	vresults := make([]*vdl.Value, len(results))
+	for i, res := range results {
+		vv, err := vdl.ValueFromReflect(reflect.ValueOf(res))
+		if err != nil {
+			w.Error(verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, err))
+			return
+		}
+		vresults[i] = vv
+	}
+	c.sendRPCResponse(ctx, w, span, vresults)
+// HandleCaveatValidationResponse handles the response to caveat validation
+// requests.
+func (c *Controller) HandleCaveatValidationResponse(id int32, data string) {
+	c.Lock()
+	server := c.flowMap[id]
+	c.Unlock()
+	if server == nil {
+		vlog.Errorf("unexpected result from JavaScript. No server found matching id %d.", id)
+		return // ignore unknown server
+	}
+	server.HandleCaveatValidationResponse(id, data)
+// HandleVeyronRequest starts a vanadium rpc and returns before the rpc has been completed.
+func (c *Controller) HandleVeyronRequest(ctx *context.T, id int32, data string, w lib.ClientWriter) {
+	binbytes, err := hex.DecodeString(data)
+	if err != nil {
+		w.Error(verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, err))
+		return
+	}
+	decoder, err := vom.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(binbytes))
+	if err != nil {
+		w.Error(verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, err))
+		return
+	}
+	var msg RpcRequest
+	if err := decoder.Decode(&msg); err != nil {
+		w.Error(verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, ctx, err))
+		return
+	}
+	vlog.VI(2).Infof("Rpc: %s.%s(..., streaming=%v)", msg.Name, msg.Method, msg.IsStreaming)
+	spanName := fmt.Sprintf("<wspr>%q.%s", msg.Name, msg.Method)
+	ctx, span := vtrace.SetContinuedTrace(ctx, spanName, msg.TraceRequest)
+	var cctx *context.T
+	var cancel context.CancelFunc
+	// TODO(mattr): To be consistent with go, we should not ignore 0 timeouts.
+	// However as a rollout strategy we must, otherwise there is a circular
+	// dependency between the WSPR change and the JS change that will follow.
+	if msg.Deadline.IsZero() {
+		cctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
+	} else {
+		cctx, cancel = context.WithDeadline(ctx, msg.Deadline.Time)
+	}
+	// If this message is for an internal service, do a short-circuit dispatch here.
+	if invoker, ok := c.reservedServices[msg.Name]; ok {
+		go c.handleInternalCall(ctx, invoker, &msg, decoder, w, span)
+		return
+	}
+	inArgs := make([]interface{}, msg.NumInArgs)
+	for i := range inArgs {
+		var v *vdl.Value
+		if err := decoder.Decode(&v); err != nil {
+			w.Error(err)
+			return
+		}
+		inArgs[i] = v
+	}
+	request := &outstandingRequest{
+		cancel: cancel,
+	}
+	if msg.IsStreaming {
+		// If this rpc is streaming, we would expect that the client would try to send
+		// on this stream.  Since the initial handshake is done asynchronously, we have
+		// to put the outstanding stream in the map before we make the async call so that
+		// the future send know which queue to write to, even if the client call isn't
+		// actually ready yet.
+		request.stream = newStream()
+	}
+	c.Lock()
+	c.outstandingRequests[id] = request
+	go c.sendVeyronRequest(cctx, id, &msg, inArgs, w, request.stream, span)
+	c.Unlock()
+// HandleVeyronCancellation cancels the request corresponding to the
+// given id if it is still outstanding.
+func (c *Controller) HandleVeyronCancellation(id int32) {
+	c.Lock()
+	defer c.Unlock()
+	if request, ok := c.outstandingRequests[id]; ok && request.cancel != nil {
+		request.cancel()
+	}
+// CloseStream closes the stream for a given id.
+func (c *Controller) CloseStream(id int32) {
+	c.Lock()
+	defer c.Unlock()
+	if request, ok := c.outstandingRequests[id]; ok && request.stream != nil {
+		request.stream.end()
+		return
+	}
+	vlog.Errorf("close called on non-existent call: %v", id)
+func (c *Controller) maybeCreateServer(serverId uint32) (*server.Server, error) {
+	c.Lock()
+	defer c.Unlock()
+	if server, ok := c.servers[serverId]; ok {
+		return server, nil
+	}
+	server, err := server.NewServer(serverId, c.listenSpec, c)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	c.servers[serverId] = server
+	return server, nil
+// HandleLookupResponse handles the result of a Dispatcher.Lookup call that was
+// run by the Javascript server.
+func (c *Controller) HandleLookupResponse(id int32, data string) {
+	c.Lock()
+	server := c.flowMap[id]
+	c.Unlock()
+	if server == nil {
+		vlog.Errorf("unexpected result from JavaScript. No channel "+
+			"for MessageId: %d exists. Ignoring the results.", id)
+		//Ignore unknown responses that don't belong to any channel
+		return
+	}
+	server.HandleLookupResponse(id, data)
+// HandleAuthResponse handles the result of a Authorizer.Authorize call that was
+// run by the Javascript server.
+func (c *Controller) HandleAuthResponse(id int32, data string) {
+	c.Lock()
+	server := c.flowMap[id]
+	c.Unlock()
+	if server == nil {
+		vlog.Errorf("unexpected result from JavaScript. No channel "+
+			"for MessageId: %d exists. Ignoring the results.", id)
+		//Ignore unknown responses that don't belong to any channel
+		return
+	}
+	server.HandleAuthResponse(id, data)
+// Serve instructs WSPR to start listening for calls on behalf
+// of a javascript server.
+func (c *Controller) Serve(_ rpc.ServerCall, name string, serverId uint32) error {
+	server, err := c.maybeCreateServer(serverId)
+	if err != nil {
+		return verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, nil, err)
+	}
+	vlog.VI(2).Infof("serving under name: %q", name)
+	if err := server.Serve(name); err != nil {
+		return verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, nil, err)
+	}
+	return nil
+// Stop instructs WSPR to stop listening for calls for the
+// given javascript server.
+func (c *Controller) Stop(_ rpc.ServerCall, serverId uint32) error {
+	c.Lock()
+	server := c.servers[serverId]
+	if server == nil {
+		c.Unlock()
+		return nil
+	}
+	delete(c.servers, serverId)
+	c.Unlock()
+	server.Stop()
+	return nil
+// AddName adds a published name to an existing server.
+func (c *Controller) AddName(_ rpc.ServerCall, serverId uint32, name string) error {
+	// Create a server for the pipe, if it does not exist already
+	server, err := c.maybeCreateServer(serverId)
+	if err != nil {
+		return verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, nil, err)
+	}
+	// Add name
+	if err := server.AddName(name); err != nil {
+		return verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, nil, err)
+	}
+	return nil
+// RemoveName removes a published name from an existing server.
+func (c *Controller) RemoveName(_ rpc.ServerCall, serverId uint32, name string) error {
+	// Create a server for the pipe, if it does not exist already
+	server, err := c.maybeCreateServer(serverId)
+	if err != nil {
+		return verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, nil, err)
+	}
+	// Remove name
+	server.RemoveName(name)
+	// Remove name from signature cache as well
+	c.signatureManager.FlushCacheEntry(name)
+	return nil
+// HandleServerResponse handles the completion of outstanding calls to JavaScript services
+// by filling the corresponding channel with the result from JavaScript.
+func (c *Controller) HandleServerResponse(id int32, data string) {
+	c.Lock()
+	server := c.flowMap[id]
+	c.Unlock()
+	if server == nil {
+		vlog.Errorf("unexpected result from JavaScript. No channel "+
+			"for MessageId: %d exists. Ignoring the results.", id)
+		//Ignore unknown responses that don't belong to any channel
+		return
+	}
+	server.HandleServerResponse(id, data)
+// parseVeyronRequest parses a json rpc request into a RpcRequest object.
+func (c *Controller) parseVeyronRequest(data string) (*RpcRequest, error) {
+	var msg RpcRequest
+	if err := lib.VomDecode(data, &msg); err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	vlog.VI(2).Infof("RpcRequest: %s.%s(..., streaming=%v)", msg.Name, msg.Method, msg.IsStreaming)
+	return &msg, nil
+// getSignature uses the signature manager to get and cache the signature of a remote server.
+func (c *Controller) getSignature(ctx *context.T, name string) ([]signature.Interface, error) {
+	return c.signatureManager.Signature(ctx, name)
+// Signature uses the signature manager to get and cache the signature of a remote server.
+func (c *Controller) Signature(call rpc.ServerCall, name string) ([]signature.Interface, error) {
+	return c.getSignature(call.Context(), name)
+// UnlinkBlessings removes the given blessings from the blessings store.
+func (c *Controller) UnlinkBlessings(_ rpc.ServerCall, handle principal.BlessingsHandle) error {
+	c.blessingsCache.Remove(handle)
+	return nil
+// Bless binds extensions of blessings held by this principal to
+// another principal (represented by its public key).
+func (c *Controller) Bless(_ rpc.ServerCall,
+	publicKey string,
+	blessingHandle principal.BlessingsHandle,
+	extension string,
+	caveats []security.Caveat) (string, principal.BlessingsHandle, error) {
+	var inputBlessing security.Blessings
+	if inputBlessing = c.blessingsCache.Get(blessingHandle); inputBlessing.IsZero() {
+		return "", principal.ZeroHandle, verror.New(invalidBlessingsHandle, nil)
+	}
+	key, err := principal.DecodePublicKey(publicKey)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", principal.ZeroHandle, err
+	}
+	if len(caveats) == 0 {
+		caveats = append(caveats, security.UnconstrainedUse())
+	}
+	p := v23.GetPrincipal(c.ctx)
+	blessings, err := p.Bless(key, inputBlessing, extension, caveats[0], caveats[1:]...)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", principal.ZeroHandle, err
+	}
+	handle := c.blessingsCache.Add(blessings)
+	return publicKey, handle, nil
+// BlessSelf creates a blessing with the provided name for this principal.
+func (c *Controller) BlessSelf(call rpc.ServerCall,
+	extension string, caveats []security.Caveat) (string, principal.BlessingsHandle, error) {
+	p := v23.GetPrincipal(c.ctx)
+	blessings, err := p.BlessSelf(extension)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", principal.ZeroHandle, verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, nil, err)
+	}
+	handle := c.blessingsCache.Add(blessings)
+	encKey, err := principal.EncodePublicKey(p.PublicKey())
+	return encKey, handle, err
+func (c *Controller) RemoteBlessings(call rpc.ServerCall, name, method string) ([]string, error) {
+	vlog.VI(2).Infof("requesting remote blessings for %q", name)
+	cctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(call.Context(), 5*time.Second)
+	defer cancel()
+	clientCall, err := v23.GetClient(cctx).StartCall(cctx, name, method, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, verror.Convert(verror.ErrInternal, cctx, err)
+	}
+	blessings, _ := clientCall.RemoteBlessings()
+	return blessings, nil
+func (c *Controller) SendLogMessage(level lib.LogLevel, msg string) error {
+	c.Lock()
+	defer c.Unlock()
+	id := c.lastGeneratedId
+	c.lastGeneratedId += 2
+	return c.writerCreator(id).Send(lib.ResponseLog, lib.LogMessage{
+		Level:   level,
+		Message: msg,
+	})