Merge "syncbase: sb51: add tables to demoDB (needed for syncQL tutorial)"
diff --git a/cmd/sb51/internal/demodb/db.go b/cmd/sb51/internal/demodb/db.go
index 88b84f5..0429b4f 100644
--- a/cmd/sb51/internal/demodb/db.go
+++ b/cmd/sb51/internal/demodb/db.go
@@ -107,6 +107,37 @@
+	table{
+		name: "Students",
+		rows: []kv{
+			kv{
+				"1",
+				vdl.ValueOf(Student{Name: "John Smith", TestTime: t("Jul 22 12:34:56 PDT 2015"), Score: ActOrSatScoreActScore{Value: 36}}),
+			},
+			kv{
+				"2",
+				vdl.ValueOf(Student{Name: "Mary Jones", TestTime: t("Sep 4 01:23:45 PDT 2015"), Score: ActOrSatScoreSatScore{Value: 1200}}),
+			},
+		},
+	},
+	table{
+		name: "AnythingGoes",
+		rows: []kv{
+			kv{
+				"bar",
+				vdl.ValueOf(AnythingGoes{NameOfType: "Student", Anything: vdl.ValueOf(Student{Name: "John Smith", Score: ActOrSatScoreActScore{Value: 36}})}),
+			},
+			kv{
+				"baz",
+				vdl.ValueOf(AnythingGoes{NameOfType: "Customer", Anything: vdl.ValueOf(Customer{"Bat Masterson", 2, true, AddressInfo{"777 Any St.", "Collins", "IA", "50055"}, CreditReport{Agency: CreditAgencyTransUnion, Report: AgencyReportTransUnionReport{TransUnionCreditReport{80}}}})}),
+			},
+		},
+	},
+func t(timeStr string) time.Time {
+	t, _ := time.Parse("Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006", timeStr)
+	return t
 // Creates demo tables in the provided database. Tables are destroyed and
diff --git a/cmd/sb51/internal/demodb/db_objects.vdl b/cmd/sb51/internal/demodb/db_objects.vdl
index cbf119a..eb32dcc 100644
--- a/cmd/sb51/internal/demodb/db_objects.vdl
+++ b/cmd/sb51/internal/demodb/db_objects.vdl
@@ -113,3 +113,19 @@
 	Maybe ?Times
 	Rec   map[Array2String]Recursive
+type ActOrSatScore union {
+	ActScore uint16
+	SatScore uint16
+type Student struct {
+	Name     string
+	TestTime time.Time
+	Score    ActOrSatScore
+type AnythingGoes struct {
+	NameOfType string
+	Anything   any
diff --git a/cmd/sb51/internal/demodb/db_objects.vdl.go b/cmd/sb51/internal/demodb/db_objects.vdl.go
index ebdda02..6298c30 100644
--- a/cmd/sb51/internal/demodb/db_objects.vdl.go
+++ b/cmd/sb51/internal/demodb/db_objects.vdl.go
@@ -360,6 +360,64 @@
 }) {
+type (
+	// ActOrSatScore represents any single field of the ActOrSatScore union type.
+	ActOrSatScore interface {
+		// Index returns the field index.
+		Index() int
+		// Interface returns the field value as an interface.
+		Interface() interface{}
+		// Name returns the field name.
+		Name() string
+		// __VDLReflect describes the ActOrSatScore union type.
+		__VDLReflect(__ActOrSatScoreReflect)
+	}
+	// ActOrSatScoreActScore represents field ActScore of the ActOrSatScore union type.
+	ActOrSatScoreActScore struct{ Value uint16 }
+	// ActOrSatScoreSatScore represents field SatScore of the ActOrSatScore union type.
+	ActOrSatScoreSatScore struct{ Value uint16 }
+	// __ActOrSatScoreReflect describes the ActOrSatScore union type.
+	__ActOrSatScoreReflect struct {
+		Name  string `vdl:""`
+		Type  ActOrSatScore
+		Union struct {
+			ActScore ActOrSatScoreActScore
+			SatScore ActOrSatScoreSatScore
+		}
+	}
+func (x ActOrSatScoreActScore) Index() int                          { return 0 }
+func (x ActOrSatScoreActScore) Interface() interface{}              { return x.Value }
+func (x ActOrSatScoreActScore) Name() string                        { return "ActScore" }
+func (x ActOrSatScoreActScore) __VDLReflect(__ActOrSatScoreReflect) {}
+func (x ActOrSatScoreSatScore) Index() int                          { return 1 }
+func (x ActOrSatScoreSatScore) Interface() interface{}              { return x.Value }
+func (x ActOrSatScoreSatScore) Name() string                        { return "SatScore" }
+func (x ActOrSatScoreSatScore) __VDLReflect(__ActOrSatScoreReflect) {}
+type Student struct {
+	Name     string
+	TestTime time.Time
+	Score    ActOrSatScore
+func (Student) __VDLReflect(struct {
+	Name string `vdl:""`
+}) {
+type AnythingGoes struct {
+	NameOfType string
+	Anything   *vdl.Value
+func (AnythingGoes) __VDLReflect(struct {
+	Name string `vdl:""`
+}) {
 func init() {
@@ -380,4 +438,7 @@
+	vdl.Register((*ActOrSatScore)(nil))
+	vdl.Register((*Student)(nil))
+	vdl.Register((*AnythingGoes)(nil))