veyron/go/examples/pipetobrowser: Second phase of Pipe to Browser including:
-Image plugin
-Page Layout UI
-Status Page UI ( Uptime, total # of pipes, publish date, name, etc..)
-Publish Page UI
-Pipes Page UI
-Support for multiple pipes at the same time with tabs
-Upgrade to Polymer 3.1 (moved to third-party)
-Refactoring and renaming

Change-Id: I09ad8b717b1840112e1dd0d1f764510350d8f7e4
65 files changed
tree: c7e5b18f365e4bd9b12398d5d90f0843b10a09f2
  1. examples/
  2. lib/
  3. runtimes/
  4. security/
  5. services/
  6. tools/