veyron/services/identity/server: Use the mounted object address
instead of the endpoint in the discharger location for third-party
caveats created when using BlessUsingAccessToken.
Joint debuggin with nlacasse@
Prior to this change, the identityd running on GCE would end up
setting the DischargerLocation to use an endpoint that is hidden
behind a firewall. What we really want to do is use the mounted
name (that might go through the proxy for example).
HACK ALERT: Because the mounting is asynchronous, for now we
just use the name that the server would like to mount as, not
the name that it successfully mounted as.
Change-Id: Id9948610b24562d66a02a66ae3c0447b0e72bb4e
diff --git a/services/identity/server/identityd.go b/services/identity/server/identityd.go
index 5eb3938..c1b2c99 100644
--- a/services/identity/server/identityd.go
+++ b/services/identity/server/identityd.go
@@ -154,24 +154,28 @@
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create new ipc.Server: %v", err)
- eps, err := server.Listen(*listenSpec)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("server.Listen(%v) failed: %v", *listenSpec, err)
- }
- ep := eps[0]
- dispatcher := newDispatcher(macaroonKey, oauthBlesserParams(s.oauthBlesserParams, s.revocationManager, ep))
principal := veyron2.GetPrincipal(ctx)
- objectname := naming.Join("identity", fmt.Sprintf("%v", principal.BlessingStore().Default()))
- if err := server.ServeDispatcher(objectname, dispatcher); err != nil {
+ objectAddr := naming.Join("identity", fmt.Sprintf("%v", principal.BlessingStore().Default()))
+ var rootedObjectAddr string
+ if eps, err := server.Listen(*listenSpec); err != nil {
+ defer server.Stop()
+ return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("server.Listen(%v) failed: %v", *listenSpec, err)
+ } else if nsroots := veyron2.GetNamespace(ctx).Roots(); len(nsroots) >= 1 {
+ rootedObjectAddr = naming.Join(nsroots[0], objectAddr)
+ } else {
+ rootedObjectAddr = eps[0].Name()
+ }
+ dispatcher := newDispatcher(macaroonKey, oauthBlesserParams(s.oauthBlesserParams, rootedObjectAddr))
+ if err := server.ServeDispatcher(objectAddr, dispatcher); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to start Veyron services: %v", err)
published, _ := server.Published()
if len(published) == 0 {
- // No addresses published, publish the endpoint instead (which may not be usable everywhere, but oh-well).
- published = append(published, ep.String())
+ // No addresses successfully published, return what we expect to be published at.
+ published = []string{rootedObjectAddr}
- vlog.Infof("Blessing and discharger services enabled at %v", published)
+ vlog.Infof("Blessing and discharger services will be published at %v", rootedObjectAddr)
return server, published, nil
@@ -199,8 +203,8 @@
return nil, nil, verror.Make(verror.NoExist, nil, suffix)
-func oauthBlesserParams(inputParams blesser.OAuthBlesserParams, revocationManager revocation.RevocationManager, ep naming.Endpoint) blesser.OAuthBlesserParams {
- inputParams.DischargerLocation = naming.JoinAddressName(ep.String(), dischargerService)
+func oauthBlesserParams(inputParams blesser.OAuthBlesserParams, servername string) blesser.OAuthBlesserParams {
+ inputParams.DischargerLocation = naming.Join(servername, dischargerService)
return inputParams