veyron/lib/modules: new API for running common services and components.

This CL provides a new API that is intended to replace testutil/blackbox
and testutil/modules. It will make it very easy to run subprocesses for
common services and a library for doing so will be provided in a subsequent
CL. It hides the differences between running services either in-process or
as subprocesses. It provides a 'Shell' abstraction for managing the
services, represented as 'commands', and creating a context for them that
includes the notion of environment variables. It is designed so that the
'Expect' family of routines in blackbox can be layered on top of this
and thus become more generally useful.

This CL is preliminary and contains only a simple example of a subprocess
and inprocess usage.

Change-Id: I91d829ba214c28982e58ade2caba514134d5db1b
diff --git a/lib/modules/shell.go b/lib/modules/shell.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09941b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/modules/shell.go
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+// Package modules provides a mechanism for running commonly used services
+// as subprocesses and client functionality for accessing those services.
+// Such services and functions are collectively called 'commands' and are
+// registered with and executed within a context, defined by the Shell type.
+// The Shell is analagous to the original UNIX shell and maintains a
+// key, value store of variables that is accessible to all of the commands that
+// it hosts. These variables may be referenced by the arguments passed to
+// commands.
+// Commands are added to a shell in two ways: one for a subprocess and another
+// for an inprocess function.
+// - subprocesses are added using the AddSubprocess method in the parent
+//   and by the modules.RegisterChild function in the child process (typically
+//   RegisterChild is called from an init function). modules.Dispatch must
+//   be called in the child process to execute the subprocess 'Main' function
+//   provided to RegisterChild.
+// - inprocess functions are added using the AddFunction method.
+// In all cases commands are started by invoking the Start method on the
+// Shell with the name of the command to run. An instance of the Handle
+// interface is returned which can be used to interact with the function
+// or subprocess, and in particular to read/write data from/to it using io
+// channels that follow the stdin, stdout, stderr convention.
+// A simple protocol must be followed by all commands, namely, they
+// should wait for their stdin stream to be closed before exiting. The
+// caller can then coordinate with any command by writing to that stdin
+// stream and reading responses from the stdout stream, and it can close
+// stdin when it's ready for the command to exit.
+// The signature of the function that implements the command is the
+// same for both types of command and is defined by the Main function type.
+// In particular stdin, stdout and stderr are provided as parameters, as is
+// a map representation of the shell's environment.
+package modules
+import (
+	"bufio"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"sync"
+	"veyron2/vlog"
+// Shell represents the context within which commands are run.
+type Shell struct {
+	mu      sync.Mutex
+	env     map[string]string
+	cmds    map[string]*commandDesc
+	handles map[Handle]struct{}
+type commandDesc struct {
+	factory func() command
+	help    string
+type childRegistrar struct {
+	sync.Mutex
+	mains map[string]Main
+var child = &childRegistrar{mains: make(map[string]Main)}
+// NewShell creates a new instance of Shell.
+func NewShell() *Shell {
+	return &Shell{
+		env:     make(map[string]string),
+		cmds:    make(map[string]*commandDesc),
+		handles: make(map[Handle]struct{}),
+	}
+type Main func(stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.Writer, env map[string]string, args ...string) error
+// AddSubprocess adds a new command to the Shell that will be run
+// as a subprocess. In addition, the child process must call RegisterChild
+// using the same name used here and provide the function to be executed
+// in the child.
+func (sh *Shell) AddSubprocess(name string, help string) {
+	if !child.hasCommand(name) {
+		vlog.Infof("Warning: %q is not registered with modules.Dispatcher", name)
+	}
+	entryPoint := shellEntryPoint + "=" + name
+	sh.cmds[name] = &commandDesc{func() command { return newExecHandle(entryPoint) }, help}
+// AddFunction adds a new command to the Shell that will be run
+// within the current process.
+func (sh *Shell) AddFunction(name string, main Main, help string) {
+	sh.cmds[name] = &commandDesc{func() command { return newFunctionHandle(main) }, help}
+// String returns a string representation of the Shell, which is a
+// concatenation of the help messages of each Command currently available
+// to it.
+func (sh *Shell) String() string {
+	defer
+	h := ""
+	for _, c := range sh.cmds {
+		h +=
+	}
+	return h
+// Help returns the help message for the specified command.
+func (sh *Shell) Help(command string) string {
+	defer
+	if c := sh.cmds[command]; c != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	return ""
+// Start starts the specified command, it returns a Handle which can be used
+// for interacting with that command. The Shell tracks all of the Handles
+// that it creates so that it can shut them down when asked to. If any
+// application calls Shutdown on a handle directly, it must call the Forget
+// method on the Shell instance hosting that Handle to avoid storage leaks.
+func (sh *Shell) Start(command string, args ...string) (Handle, error) {
+	cmd := sh.cmds[command]
+	if cmd == nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("command %q is not available", command)
+	}
+	expanded := sh.expand(args...)
+	h, err := cmd.factory().start(sh, expanded...)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	sh.handles[h] = struct{}{}
+	return h, nil
+// Forget tells the Shell to stop tracking the supplied Handle.
+func (sh *Shell) Forget(h Handle) {
+	delete(sh.handles, h)
+func (sh *Shell) expand(args ...string) []string {
+	exp := []string{}
+	for _, a := range args {
+		if len(a) > 0 && a[0] == '$' {
+			if v, present := sh.env[a[1:]]; present {
+				exp = append(exp, v)
+				continue
+			}
+		}
+		exp = append(exp, a)
+	}
+	return exp
+// GetVar returns the variable associated with the specified key
+// and an indication of whether it is defined or not.
+func (sh *Shell) GetVar(key string) (string, bool) {
+	defer
+	v, present := sh.env[key]
+	return v, present
+// SetVar sets the value to be associated with key.
+func (sh *Shell) SetVar(key, value string) {
+	defer
+	// TODO(cnicolaou): expand value
+	sh.env[key] = value
+// Env returns the entire set of environment variables associated with this
+// Shell as a string slice.
+func (sh *Shell) Env() []string {
+	vars := []string{}
+	defer
+	for k, v := range sh.env {
+		vars = append(vars, k+"="+v)
+	}
+	return vars
+// Cleanup calls Shutdown on all of the Handles currently being tracked
+// by the Shell. Any buffered output from the command's stderr stream
+// will be written to the supplied io.Writer. If the io.Writer is nil
+// then any such output is lost.
+func (sh *Shell) Cleanup(output io.Writer) {
+	defer
+	for k, _ := range sh.handles {
+		k.Shutdown(output)
+	}
+	sh.handles = make(map[Handle]struct{})
+// Handle represents a running command.
+type Handle interface {
+	// Stdout returns a buffered reader to the running command's stdout stream.
+	Stdout() *bufio.Reader
+	// Stderr returns an unbuffered reader to the running command's stderr
+	// stream.
+	Stderr() io.Reader
+	// Stdin returns a writer to the running command's stdin. The
+	// convention is for commands to wait for stdin to be closed before
+	// they exit, thus the caller should close stdin when it wants the
+	// command to exit cleanly.
+	Stdin() io.WriteCloser
+	// Shutdown closes the Stdin for the command. It is primarily intended
+	// for being called by the Shell, if other application code calls it
+	// then it should use the Shell's Forget method to have the Shell stop
+	// tracking the handle. Any buffered stderr output from the command will
+	// be written to the supplied io.Writer. If the io.Writer is nil then
+	// any such output is lost.
+	Shutdown(io.Writer)
+// command is used to abstract the implementations of inprocess and subprocess
+// commands.
+type command interface {
+	start(sh *Shell, args ...string) (Handle, error)