veyron/examples/pipetobrowser: Globing the namespace to give user a
list of "online" P2B services to chose from for the redirect dialog.

Additionally adding a new top level navigation called neighbourhood that will
display a list of all P2B instances online.

Also changing the name structure again to google/p2b/[name]/pipe/[plugin].
This is still a temporary fix until WSPR supports the changes in cl/2644

Change-Id: I2e7ad669b991138d076cac9bd197af79cebbd5a1
23 files changed
tree: b9dc66f46e50761c3242fbae6b71019e54de88b8
  1. examples/
  2. lib/
  3. runtimes/
  4. security/
  5. services/
  6. tools/