Attempt at a reasonable build system for P2B
-JavaScript third-party dependencies (e.g. npm:event-stream, npm:buffer,
etc..) now are managed by jspm. jspm can manage mixed dependencies tree
of CJS, ES6, AMD modules and uses browser version of the modules like
Browserify does.
-jspm is used to bundle all of the app's JS and third-party into a single
build.js. All of ES6 is transpiled to ES5 using traceur by jspm behind
the scene.
-polymer is downloaded and installed by bower (They only support bower or
git cloning, I opted for bower)
-vulcanize is used to bundle all of the app's web components and third-party
web-components into a single index.html file
expected flow:
make #downloads and builds everything
make daemons #runs the needed daemons
make start #starts the web server at :8080
-I was forced to change all import paths of polymer elements to relative
util fix in is merged
otherwise they won't get vulcanized
-jspm does not seem to support installing from local filesystem
otherwise I could have used Veyron as an CJS instead of UMD.
Change-Id: I54a868e457ea3c7adf88e506ddb6cdcc71529b36
59 files changed