| (function(global) { |
| 'use strict'; |
| if (global.$traceurRuntime) { |
| return; |
| } |
| var $Object = Object; |
| var $TypeError = TypeError; |
| var $create = $Object.create; |
| var $defineProperties = $Object.defineProperties; |
| var $defineProperty = $Object.defineProperty; |
| var $freeze = $Object.freeze; |
| var $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = $Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; |
| var $getOwnPropertyNames = $Object.getOwnPropertyNames; |
| var $getPrototypeOf = $Object.getPrototypeOf; |
| var $hasOwnProperty = $Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; |
| var $toString = $Object.prototype.toString; |
| function nonEnum(value) { |
| return { |
| configurable: true, |
| enumerable: false, |
| value: value, |
| writable: true |
| }; |
| } |
| var types = { |
| void: function voidType() {}, |
| any: function any() {}, |
| string: function string() {}, |
| number: function number() {}, |
| boolean: function boolean() {} |
| }; |
| var method = nonEnum; |
| var counter = 0; |
| function newUniqueString() { |
| return '__$' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e9) + '$' + ++counter + '$__'; |
| } |
| var symbolInternalProperty = newUniqueString(); |
| var symbolDescriptionProperty = newUniqueString(); |
| var symbolDataProperty = newUniqueString(); |
| var symbolValues = $create(null); |
| function isSymbol(symbol) { |
| return typeof symbol === 'object' && symbol instanceof SymbolValue; |
| } |
| function typeOf(v) { |
| if (isSymbol(v)) |
| return 'symbol'; |
| return typeof v; |
| } |
| function Symbol(description) { |
| var value = new SymbolValue(description); |
| if (!(this instanceof Symbol)) |
| return value; |
| throw new TypeError('Symbol cannot be new\'ed'); |
| } |
| $defineProperty(Symbol.prototype, 'constructor', nonEnum(Symbol)); |
| $defineProperty(Symbol.prototype, 'toString', method(function() { |
| var symbolValue = this[symbolDataProperty]; |
| if (!getOption('symbols')) |
| return symbolValue[symbolInternalProperty]; |
| if (!symbolValue) |
| throw TypeError('Conversion from symbol to string'); |
| var desc = symbolValue[symbolDescriptionProperty]; |
| if (desc === undefined) |
| desc = ''; |
| return 'Symbol(' + desc + ')'; |
| })); |
| $defineProperty(Symbol.prototype, 'valueOf', method(function() { |
| var symbolValue = this[symbolDataProperty]; |
| if (!symbolValue) |
| throw TypeError('Conversion from symbol to string'); |
| if (!getOption('symbols')) |
| return symbolValue[symbolInternalProperty]; |
| return symbolValue; |
| })); |
| function SymbolValue(description) { |
| var key = newUniqueString(); |
| $defineProperty(this, symbolDataProperty, {value: this}); |
| $defineProperty(this, symbolInternalProperty, {value: key}); |
| $defineProperty(this, symbolDescriptionProperty, {value: description}); |
| $freeze(this); |
| symbolValues[key] = this; |
| } |
| $defineProperty(SymbolValue.prototype, 'constructor', nonEnum(Symbol)); |
| $defineProperty(SymbolValue.prototype, 'toString', { |
| value: Symbol.prototype.toString, |
| enumerable: false |
| }); |
| $defineProperty(SymbolValue.prototype, 'valueOf', { |
| value: Symbol.prototype.valueOf, |
| enumerable: false |
| }); |
| $freeze(SymbolValue.prototype); |
| Symbol.iterator = Symbol(); |
| function toProperty(name) { |
| if (isSymbol(name)) |
| return name[symbolInternalProperty]; |
| return name; |
| } |
| function getOwnPropertyNames(object) { |
| var rv = []; |
| var names = $getOwnPropertyNames(object); |
| for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { |
| var name = names[i]; |
| if (!symbolValues[name]) |
| rv.push(name); |
| } |
| return rv; |
| } |
| function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, name) { |
| return $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, toProperty(name)); |
| } |
| function getOwnPropertySymbols(object) { |
| var rv = []; |
| var names = $getOwnPropertyNames(object); |
| for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { |
| var symbol = symbolValues[names[i]]; |
| if (symbol) |
| rv.push(symbol); |
| } |
| return rv; |
| } |
| function hasOwnProperty(name) { |
| return $hasOwnProperty.call(this, toProperty(name)); |
| } |
| function getOption(name) { |
| return global.traceur && global.traceur.options[name]; |
| } |
| function setProperty(object, name, value) { |
| var sym, |
| desc; |
| if (isSymbol(name)) { |
| sym = name; |
| name = name[symbolInternalProperty]; |
| } |
| object[name] = value; |
| if (sym && (desc = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, name))) |
| $defineProperty(object, name, {enumerable: false}); |
| return value; |
| } |
| function defineProperty(object, name, descriptor) { |
| if (isSymbol(name)) { |
| if (descriptor.enumerable) { |
| descriptor = $create(descriptor, {enumerable: {value: false}}); |
| } |
| name = name[symbolInternalProperty]; |
| } |
| $defineProperty(object, name, descriptor); |
| return object; |
| } |
| function polyfillObject(Object) { |
| $defineProperty(Object, 'defineProperty', {value: defineProperty}); |
| $defineProperty(Object, 'getOwnPropertyNames', {value: getOwnPropertyNames}); |
| $defineProperty(Object, 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', {value: getOwnPropertyDescriptor}); |
| $defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'hasOwnProperty', {value: hasOwnProperty}); |
| Object.getOwnPropertySymbols = getOwnPropertySymbols; |
| function is(left, right) { |
| if (left === right) |
| return left !== 0 || 1 / left === 1 / right; |
| return left !== left && right !== right; |
| } |
| $defineProperty(Object, 'is', method(is)); |
| function assign(target, source) { |
| var props = $getOwnPropertyNames(source); |
| var p, |
| length = props.length; |
| for (p = 0; p < length; p++) { |
| target[props[p]] = source[props[p]]; |
| } |
| return target; |
| } |
| $defineProperty(Object, 'assign', method(assign)); |
| function mixin(target, source) { |
| var props = $getOwnPropertyNames(source); |
| var p, |
| descriptor, |
| length = props.length; |
| for (p = 0; p < length; p++) { |
| descriptor = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, props[p]); |
| $defineProperty(target, props[p], descriptor); |
| } |
| return target; |
| } |
| $defineProperty(Object, 'mixin', method(mixin)); |
| } |
| function exportStar(object) { |
| for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { |
| var names = $getOwnPropertyNames(arguments[i]); |
| for (var j = 0; j < names.length; j++) { |
| (function(mod, name) { |
| $defineProperty(object, name, { |
| get: function() { |
| return mod[name]; |
| }, |
| enumerable: true |
| }); |
| })(arguments[i], names[j]); |
| } |
| } |
| return object; |
| } |
| function toObject(value) { |
| if (value == null) |
| throw $TypeError(); |
| return $Object(value); |
| } |
| function spread() { |
| var rv = [], |
| k = 0; |
| for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { |
| var valueToSpread = toObject(arguments[i]); |
| for (var j = 0; j < valueToSpread.length; j++) { |
| rv[k++] = valueToSpread[j]; |
| } |
| } |
| return rv; |
| } |
| function getPropertyDescriptor(object, name) { |
| while (object !== null) { |
| var result = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, name); |
| if (result) |
| return result; |
| object = $getPrototypeOf(object); |
| } |
| return undefined; |
| } |
| function superDescriptor(homeObject, name) { |
| var proto = $getPrototypeOf(homeObject); |
| if (!proto) |
| throw $TypeError('super is null'); |
| return getPropertyDescriptor(proto, name); |
| } |
| function superCall(self, homeObject, name, args) { |
| var descriptor = superDescriptor(homeObject, name); |
| if (descriptor) { |
| if ('value' in descriptor) |
| return descriptor.value.apply(self, args); |
| if (descriptor.get) |
| return descriptor.get.call(self).apply(self, args); |
| } |
| throw $TypeError("super has no method '" + name + "'."); |
| } |
| function superGet(self, homeObject, name) { |
| var descriptor = superDescriptor(homeObject, name); |
| if (descriptor) { |
| if (descriptor.get) |
| return descriptor.get.call(self); |
| else if ('value' in descriptor) |
| return descriptor.value; |
| } |
| return undefined; |
| } |
| function superSet(self, homeObject, name, value) { |
| var descriptor = superDescriptor(homeObject, name); |
| if (descriptor && descriptor.set) { |
| descriptor.set.call(self, value); |
| return value; |
| } |
| throw $TypeError("super has no setter '" + name + "'."); |
| } |
| function getDescriptors(object) { |
| var descriptors = {}, |
| name, |
| names = $getOwnPropertyNames(object); |
| for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { |
| var name = names[i]; |
| descriptors[name] = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, name); |
| } |
| return descriptors; |
| } |
| function createClass(ctor, object, staticObject, superClass) { |
| $defineProperty(object, 'constructor', { |
| value: ctor, |
| configurable: true, |
| enumerable: false, |
| writable: true |
| }); |
| if (arguments.length > 3) { |
| if (typeof superClass === 'function') |
| ctor.__proto__ = superClass; |
| ctor.prototype = $create(getProtoParent(superClass), getDescriptors(object)); |
| } else { |
| ctor.prototype = object; |
| } |
| $defineProperty(ctor, 'prototype', { |
| configurable: false, |
| writable: false |
| }); |
| return $defineProperties(ctor, getDescriptors(staticObject)); |
| } |
| function getProtoParent(superClass) { |
| if (typeof superClass === 'function') { |
| var prototype = superClass.prototype; |
| if ($Object(prototype) === prototype || prototype === null) |
| return superClass.prototype; |
| } |
| if (superClass === null) |
| return null; |
| throw new TypeError(); |
| } |
| function defaultSuperCall(self, homeObject, args) { |
| if ($getPrototypeOf(homeObject) !== null) |
| superCall(self, homeObject, 'constructor', args); |
| } |
| var ST_NEWBORN = 0; |
| var ST_EXECUTING = 1; |
| var ST_SUSPENDED = 2; |
| var ST_CLOSED = 3; |
| var END_STATE = -2; |
| var RETHROW_STATE = -3; |
| function addIterator(object) { |
| return defineProperty(object, Symbol.iterator, nonEnum(function() { |
| return this; |
| })); |
| } |
| function getInternalError(state) { |
| return new Error('Traceur compiler bug: invalid state in state machine: ' + state); |
| } |
| function GeneratorContext() { |
| this.state = 0; |
| this.GState = ST_NEWBORN; |
| this.storedException = undefined; |
| this.finallyFallThrough = undefined; |
| this.sent_ = undefined; |
| this.returnValue = undefined; |
| this.tryStack_ = []; |
| } |
| GeneratorContext.prototype = { |
| pushTry: function(catchState, finallyState) { |
| if (finallyState !== null) { |
| var finallyFallThrough = null; |
| for (var i = this.tryStack_.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { |
| if (this.tryStack_[i].catch !== undefined) { |
| finallyFallThrough = this.tryStack_[i].catch; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| if (finallyFallThrough === null) |
| finallyFallThrough = RETHROW_STATE; |
| this.tryStack_.push({ |
| finally: finallyState, |
| finallyFallThrough: finallyFallThrough |
| }); |
| } |
| if (catchState !== null) { |
| this.tryStack_.push({catch: catchState}); |
| } |
| }, |
| popTry: function() { |
| this.tryStack_.pop(); |
| }, |
| get sent() { |
| this.maybeThrow(); |
| return this.sent_; |
| }, |
| set sent(v) { |
| this.sent_ = v; |
| }, |
| get sentIgnoreThrow() { |
| return this.sent_; |
| }, |
| maybeThrow: function() { |
| if (this.action === 'throw') { |
| this.action = 'next'; |
| throw this.sent_; |
| } |
| }, |
| end: function() { |
| switch (this.state) { |
| case END_STATE: |
| return this; |
| throw this.storedException; |
| default: |
| throw getInternalError(this.state); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| function getNextOrThrow(ctx, moveNext, action) { |
| return function(x) { |
| switch (ctx.GState) { |
| case ST_EXECUTING: |
| throw new Error(("\"" + action + "\" on executing generator")); |
| case ST_CLOSED: |
| throw new Error(("\"" + action + "\" on closed generator")); |
| case ST_NEWBORN: |
| if (action === 'throw') { |
| ctx.GState = ST_CLOSED; |
| throw x; |
| } |
| if (x !== undefined) |
| throw $TypeError('Sent value to newborn generator'); |
| case ST_SUSPENDED: |
| ctx.GState = ST_EXECUTING; |
| ctx.action = action; |
| ctx.sent = x; |
| var value = moveNext(ctx); |
| var done = value === ctx; |
| if (done) |
| value = ctx.returnValue; |
| ctx.GState = done ? ST_CLOSED : ST_SUSPENDED; |
| return { |
| value: value, |
| done: done |
| }; |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| function generatorWrap(innerFunction, self) { |
| var moveNext = getMoveNext(innerFunction, self); |
| var ctx = new GeneratorContext(); |
| return addIterator({ |
| next: getNextOrThrow(ctx, moveNext, 'next'), |
| throw: getNextOrThrow(ctx, moveNext, 'throw') |
| }); |
| } |
| function AsyncFunctionContext() { |
| GeneratorContext.call(this); |
| this.err = undefined; |
| var ctx = this; |
| ctx.result = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { |
| ctx.resolve = resolve; |
| ctx.reject = reject; |
| }); |
| } |
| AsyncFunctionContext.prototype = Object.create(GeneratorContext.prototype); |
| AsyncFunctionContext.prototype.end = function() { |
| switch (this.state) { |
| case END_STATE: |
| return; |
| this.reject(this.storedException); |
| default: |
| this.reject(getInternalError(this.state)); |
| } |
| }; |
| function asyncWrap(innerFunction, self) { |
| var moveNext = getMoveNext(innerFunction, self); |
| var ctx = new AsyncFunctionContext(); |
| ctx.createCallback = function(newState) { |
| return function(value) { |
| ctx.state = newState; |
| ctx.value = value; |
| moveNext(ctx); |
| }; |
| }; |
| ctx.createErrback = function(newState) { |
| return function(err) { |
| ctx.state = newState; |
| ctx.err = err; |
| moveNext(ctx); |
| }; |
| }; |
| moveNext(ctx); |
| return ctx.result; |
| } |
| function getMoveNext(innerFunction, self) { |
| return function(ctx) { |
| while (true) { |
| try { |
| return innerFunction.call(self, ctx); |
| } catch (ex) { |
| ctx.storedException = ex; |
| var last = ctx.tryStack_[ctx.tryStack_.length - 1]; |
| if (!last) { |
| ctx.GState = ST_CLOSED; |
| ctx.state = END_STATE; |
| throw ex; |
| } |
| ctx.state = last.catch !== undefined ? last.catch : last.finally; |
| if (last.finallyFallThrough !== undefined) |
| ctx.finallyFallThrough = last.finallyFallThrough; |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| function setupGlobals(global) { |
| global.Symbol = Symbol; |
| polyfillObject(global.Object); |
| } |
| setupGlobals(global); |
| global.$traceurRuntime = { |
| asyncWrap: asyncWrap, |
| createClass: createClass, |
| defaultSuperCall: defaultSuperCall, |
| exportStar: exportStar, |
| generatorWrap: generatorWrap, |
| setProperty: setProperty, |
| setupGlobals: setupGlobals, |
| spread: spread, |
| superCall: superCall, |
| superGet: superGet, |
| superSet: superSet, |
| toObject: toObject, |
| toProperty: toProperty, |
| type: types, |
| typeof: typeOf |
| }; |
| })(typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : this); |
| (function() { |
| function buildFromEncodedParts(opt_scheme, opt_userInfo, opt_domain, opt_port, opt_path, opt_queryData, opt_fragment) { |
| var out = []; |
| if (opt_scheme) { |
| out.push(opt_scheme, ':'); |
| } |
| if (opt_domain) { |
| out.push('//'); |
| if (opt_userInfo) { |
| out.push(opt_userInfo, '@'); |
| } |
| out.push(opt_domain); |
| if (opt_port) { |
| out.push(':', opt_port); |
| } |
| } |
| if (opt_path) { |
| out.push(opt_path); |
| } |
| if (opt_queryData) { |
| out.push('?', opt_queryData); |
| } |
| if (opt_fragment) { |
| out.push('#', opt_fragment); |
| } |
| return out.join(''); |
| } |
| ; |
| var splitRe = new RegExp('^' + '(?:' + '([^:/?#.]+)' + ':)?' + '(?://' + '(?:([^/?#]*)@)?' + '([\\w\\d\\-\\u0100-\\uffff.%]*)' + '(?::([0-9]+))?' + ')?' + '([^?#]+)?' + '(?:\\?([^#]*))?' + '(?:#(.*))?' + '$'); |
| var ComponentIndex = { |
| SCHEME: 1, |
| USER_INFO: 2, |
| DOMAIN: 3, |
| PORT: 4, |
| PATH: 5, |
| QUERY_DATA: 6, |
| }; |
| function split(uri) { |
| return (uri.match(splitRe)); |
| } |
| function removeDotSegments(path) { |
| if (path === '/') |
| return '/'; |
| var leadingSlash = path[0] === '/' ? '/' : ''; |
| var trailingSlash = path.slice(-1) === '/' ? '/' : ''; |
| var segments = path.split('/'); |
| var out = []; |
| var up = 0; |
| for (var pos = 0; pos < segments.length; pos++) { |
| var segment = segments[pos]; |
| switch (segment) { |
| case '': |
| case '.': |
| break; |
| case '..': |
| if (out.length) |
| out.pop(); |
| else |
| up++; |
| break; |
| default: |
| out.push(segment); |
| } |
| } |
| if (!leadingSlash) { |
| while (up-- > 0) { |
| out.unshift('..'); |
| } |
| if (out.length === 0) |
| out.push('.'); |
| } |
| return leadingSlash + out.join('/') + trailingSlash; |
| } |
| function joinAndCanonicalizePath(parts) { |
| var path = parts[ComponentIndex.PATH] || ''; |
| path = removeDotSegments(path); |
| parts[ComponentIndex.PATH] = path; |
| return buildFromEncodedParts(parts[ComponentIndex.SCHEME], parts[ComponentIndex.USER_INFO], parts[ComponentIndex.DOMAIN], parts[ComponentIndex.PORT], parts[ComponentIndex.PATH], parts[ComponentIndex.QUERY_DATA], parts[ComponentIndex.FRAGMENT]); |
| } |
| function canonicalizeUrl(url) { |
| var parts = split(url); |
| return joinAndCanonicalizePath(parts); |
| } |
| function resolveUrl(base, url) { |
| var parts = split(url); |
| var baseParts = split(base); |
| if (parts[ComponentIndex.SCHEME]) { |
| return joinAndCanonicalizePath(parts); |
| } else { |
| parts[ComponentIndex.SCHEME] = baseParts[ComponentIndex.SCHEME]; |
| } |
| for (var i = ComponentIndex.SCHEME; i <= ComponentIndex.PORT; i++) { |
| if (!parts[i]) { |
| parts[i] = baseParts[i]; |
| } |
| } |
| if (parts[ComponentIndex.PATH][0] == '/') { |
| return joinAndCanonicalizePath(parts); |
| } |
| var path = baseParts[ComponentIndex.PATH]; |
| var index = path.lastIndexOf('/'); |
| path = path.slice(0, index + 1) + parts[ComponentIndex.PATH]; |
| parts[ComponentIndex.PATH] = path; |
| return joinAndCanonicalizePath(parts); |
| } |
| function isAbsolute(name) { |
| if (!name) |
| return false; |
| if (name[0] === '/') |
| return true; |
| var parts = split(name); |
| if (parts[ComponentIndex.SCHEME]) |
| return true; |
| return false; |
| } |
| $traceurRuntime.canonicalizeUrl = canonicalizeUrl; |
| $traceurRuntime.isAbsolute = isAbsolute; |
| $traceurRuntime.removeDotSegments = removeDotSegments; |
| $traceurRuntime.resolveUrl = resolveUrl; |
| })(); |
| (function(global) { |
| 'use strict'; |
| var $__2 = $traceurRuntime, |
| canonicalizeUrl = $__2.canonicalizeUrl, |
| resolveUrl = $__2.resolveUrl, |
| isAbsolute = $__2.isAbsolute; |
| var moduleInstantiators = Object.create(null); |
| var baseURL; |
| if (global.location && global.location.href) |
| baseURL = resolveUrl(global.location.href, './'); |
| else |
| baseURL = ''; |
| var UncoatedModuleEntry = function UncoatedModuleEntry(url, uncoatedModule) { |
| this.url = url; |
| this.value_ = uncoatedModule; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(UncoatedModuleEntry, {}, {}); |
| var UncoatedModuleInstantiator = function UncoatedModuleInstantiator(url, func) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $UncoatedModuleInstantiator.prototype, "constructor", [url, null]); |
| this.func = func; |
| }; |
| var $UncoatedModuleInstantiator = UncoatedModuleInstantiator; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(UncoatedModuleInstantiator, {getUncoatedModule: function() { |
| if (this.value_) |
| return this.value_; |
| return this.value_ = this.func.call(global); |
| }}, {}, UncoatedModuleEntry); |
| function getUncoatedModuleInstantiator(name) { |
| if (!name) |
| return; |
| var url = ModuleStore.normalize(name); |
| return moduleInstantiators[url]; |
| } |
| ; |
| var moduleInstances = Object.create(null); |
| var liveModuleSentinel = {}; |
| function Module(uncoatedModule) { |
| var isLive = arguments[1]; |
| var coatedModule = Object.create(null); |
| Object.getOwnPropertyNames(uncoatedModule).forEach((function(name) { |
| var getter, |
| value; |
| if (isLive === liveModuleSentinel) { |
| var descr = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(uncoatedModule, name); |
| if (descr.get) |
| getter = descr.get; |
| } |
| if (!getter) { |
| value = uncoatedModule[name]; |
| getter = function() { |
| return value; |
| }; |
| } |
| Object.defineProperty(coatedModule, name, { |
| get: getter, |
| enumerable: true |
| }); |
| })); |
| Object.preventExtensions(coatedModule); |
| return coatedModule; |
| } |
| var ModuleStore = { |
| normalize: function(name, refererName, refererAddress) { |
| if (typeof name !== "string") |
| throw new TypeError("module name must be a string, not " + typeof name); |
| if (isAbsolute(name)) |
| return canonicalizeUrl(name); |
| if (/[^\.]\/\.\.\//.test(name)) { |
| throw new Error('module name embeds /../: ' + name); |
| } |
| if (name[0] === '.' && refererName) |
| return resolveUrl(refererName, name); |
| return canonicalizeUrl(name); |
| }, |
| get: function(normalizedName) { |
| var m = getUncoatedModuleInstantiator(normalizedName); |
| if (!m) |
| return undefined; |
| var moduleInstance = moduleInstances[m.url]; |
| if (moduleInstance) |
| return moduleInstance; |
| moduleInstance = Module(m.getUncoatedModule(), liveModuleSentinel); |
| return moduleInstances[m.url] = moduleInstance; |
| }, |
| set: function(normalizedName, module) { |
| normalizedName = String(normalizedName); |
| moduleInstantiators[normalizedName] = new UncoatedModuleInstantiator(normalizedName, (function() { |
| return module; |
| })); |
| moduleInstances[normalizedName] = module; |
| }, |
| get baseURL() { |
| return baseURL; |
| }, |
| set baseURL(v) { |
| baseURL = String(v); |
| }, |
| registerModule: function(name, func) { |
| var normalizedName = ModuleStore.normalize(name); |
| if (moduleInstantiators[normalizedName]) |
| throw new Error('duplicate module named ' + normalizedName); |
| moduleInstantiators[normalizedName] = new UncoatedModuleInstantiator(normalizedName, func); |
| }, |
| bundleStore: Object.create(null), |
| register: function(name, deps, func) { |
| if (!deps || !deps.length) { |
| this.registerModule(name, func); |
| } else { |
| this.bundleStore[name] = { |
| deps: deps, |
| execute: func |
| }; |
| } |
| }, |
| getAnonymousModule: function(func) { |
| return new Module(func.call(global), liveModuleSentinel); |
| }, |
| getForTesting: function(name) { |
| var $__0 = this; |
| if (!this.testingPrefix_) { |
| Object.keys(moduleInstances).some((function(key) { |
| var m = /(traceur@[^\/]*\/)/.exec(key); |
| if (m) { |
| $__0.testingPrefix_ = m[1]; |
| return true; |
| } |
| })); |
| } |
| return this.get(this.testingPrefix_ + name); |
| } |
| }; |
| ModuleStore.set('@traceur/src/runtime/ModuleStore', new Module({ModuleStore: ModuleStore})); |
| var setupGlobals = $traceurRuntime.setupGlobals; |
| $traceurRuntime.setupGlobals = function(global) { |
| setupGlobals(global); |
| }; |
| $traceurRuntime.ModuleStore = ModuleStore; |
| global.System = { |
| register: ModuleStore.register.bind(ModuleStore), |
| get: ModuleStore.get, |
| set: ModuleStore.set, |
| normalize: ModuleStore.normalize |
| }; |
| $traceurRuntime.getModuleImpl = function(name) { |
| var instantiator = getUncoatedModuleInstantiator(name); |
| return instantiator && instantiator.getUncoatedModule(); |
| }; |
| })(typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : this); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfills/utils", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfills/utils"; |
| var toObject = $traceurRuntime.toObject; |
| function toUint32(x) { |
| return x | 0; |
| } |
| return { |
| get toObject() { |
| return toObject; |
| }, |
| get toUint32() { |
| return toUint32; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfills/ArrayIterator", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var $__4; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfills/ArrayIterator"; |
| var $__5 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfills/utils"), |
| toObject = $__5.toObject, |
| toUint32 = $__5.toUint32; |
| var ArrayIterator = function ArrayIterator() {}; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ArrayIterator, ($__4 = {}, Object.defineProperty($__4, "next", { |
| value: function() { |
| var iterator = toObject(this); |
| var array = iterator.iteratorObject_; |
| if (!array) { |
| throw new TypeError('Object is not an ArrayIterator'); |
| } |
| var index = iterator.arrayIteratorNextIndex_; |
| var itemKind = iterator.arrayIterationKind_; |
| var length = toUint32(array.length); |
| if (index >= length) { |
| iterator.arrayIteratorNextIndex_ = Infinity; |
| return createIteratorResultObject(undefined, true); |
| } |
| iterator.arrayIteratorNextIndex_ = index + 1; |
| return createIteratorResultObject(array[index], false); |
| return createIteratorResultObject([index, array[index]], false); |
| return createIteratorResultObject(index, false); |
| }, |
| configurable: true, |
| enumerable: true, |
| writable: true |
| }), Object.defineProperty($__4, Symbol.iterator, { |
| value: function() { |
| return this; |
| }, |
| configurable: true, |
| enumerable: true, |
| writable: true |
| }), $__4), {}); |
| function createArrayIterator(array, kind) { |
| var object = toObject(array); |
| var iterator = new ArrayIterator; |
| iterator.iteratorObject_ = object; |
| iterator.arrayIteratorNextIndex_ = 0; |
| iterator.arrayIterationKind_ = kind; |
| return iterator; |
| } |
| function createIteratorResultObject(value, done) { |
| return { |
| value: value, |
| done: done |
| }; |
| } |
| function entries() { |
| return createArrayIterator(this, ARRAY_ITERATOR_KIND_ENTRIES); |
| } |
| function keys() { |
| return createArrayIterator(this, ARRAY_ITERATOR_KIND_KEYS); |
| } |
| function values() { |
| return createArrayIterator(this, ARRAY_ITERATOR_KIND_VALUES); |
| } |
| return { |
| get entries() { |
| return entries; |
| }, |
| get keys() { |
| return keys; |
| }, |
| get values() { |
| return values; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/node_modules/rsvp/lib/rsvp/asap", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/node_modules/rsvp/lib/rsvp/asap"; |
| var $__default = function asap(callback, arg) { |
| var length = queue.push([callback, arg]); |
| if (length === 1) { |
| scheduleFlush(); |
| } |
| }; |
| var browserGlobal = (typeof window !== 'undefined') ? window : {}; |
| var BrowserMutationObserver = browserGlobal.MutationObserver || browserGlobal.WebKitMutationObserver; |
| function useNextTick() { |
| return function() { |
| process.nextTick(flush); |
| }; |
| } |
| function useMutationObserver() { |
| var iterations = 0; |
| var observer = new BrowserMutationObserver(flush); |
| var node = document.createTextNode(''); |
| observer.observe(node, {characterData: true}); |
| return function() { |
| node.data = (iterations = ++iterations % 2); |
| }; |
| } |
| function useSetTimeout() { |
| return function() { |
| setTimeout(flush, 1); |
| }; |
| } |
| var queue = []; |
| function flush() { |
| for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) { |
| var tuple = queue[i]; |
| var callback = tuple[0], |
| arg = tuple[1]; |
| callback(arg); |
| } |
| queue = []; |
| } |
| var scheduleFlush; |
| if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && {}.toString.call(process) === '[object process]') { |
| scheduleFlush = useNextTick(); |
| } else if (BrowserMutationObserver) { |
| scheduleFlush = useMutationObserver(); |
| } else { |
| scheduleFlush = useSetTimeout(); |
| } |
| return {get default() { |
| return $__default; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfills/Promise", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfills/Promise"; |
| var async = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/node_modules/rsvp/lib/rsvp/asap").default; |
| function isPromise(x) { |
| return x && typeof x === 'object' && x.status_ !== undefined; |
| } |
| function chain(promise) { |
| var onResolve = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : (function(x) { |
| return x; |
| }); |
| var onReject = arguments[2] !== (void 0) ? arguments[2] : (function(e) { |
| throw e; |
| }); |
| var deferred = getDeferred(promise.constructor); |
| switch (promise.status_) { |
| case undefined: |
| throw TypeError; |
| case 'pending': |
| promise.onResolve_.push([deferred, onResolve]); |
| promise.onReject_.push([deferred, onReject]); |
| break; |
| case 'resolved': |
| promiseReact(deferred, onResolve, promise.value_); |
| break; |
| case 'rejected': |
| promiseReact(deferred, onReject, promise.value_); |
| break; |
| } |
| return deferred.promise; |
| } |
| function getDeferred(C) { |
| var result = {}; |
| result.promise = new C((function(resolve, reject) { |
| result.resolve = resolve; |
| result.reject = reject; |
| })); |
| return result; |
| } |
| var Promise = function Promise(resolver) { |
| var $__6 = this; |
| this.status_ = 'pending'; |
| this.onResolve_ = []; |
| this.onReject_ = []; |
| resolver((function(x) { |
| promiseResolve($__6, x); |
| }), (function(r) { |
| promiseReject($__6, r); |
| })); |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Promise, { |
| catch: function(onReject) { |
| return this.then(undefined, onReject); |
| }, |
| then: function() { |
| var onResolve = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : (function(x) { |
| return x; |
| }); |
| var onReject = arguments[1]; |
| var $__6 = this; |
| var constructor = this.constructor; |
| return chain(this, (function(x) { |
| x = promiseCoerce(constructor, x); |
| return x === $__6 ? onReject(new TypeError) : isPromise(x) ? x.then(onResolve, onReject) : onResolve(x); |
| }), onReject); |
| } |
| }, { |
| resolve: function(x) { |
| return new this((function(resolve, reject) { |
| resolve(x); |
| })); |
| }, |
| reject: function(r) { |
| return new this((function(resolve, reject) { |
| reject(r); |
| })); |
| }, |
| cast: function(x) { |
| if (x instanceof this) |
| return x; |
| if (isPromise(x)) { |
| var result = getDeferred(this); |
| chain(x, result.resolve, result.reject); |
| return result.promise; |
| } |
| return this.resolve(x); |
| }, |
| all: function(values) { |
| var deferred = getDeferred(this); |
| var count = 0; |
| var resolutions = []; |
| try { |
| for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { |
| ++count; |
| this.cast(values[i]).then(function(i, x) { |
| resolutions[i] = x; |
| if (--count === 0) |
| deferred.resolve(resolutions); |
| }.bind(undefined, i), (function(r) { |
| if (count > 0) |
| count = 0; |
| deferred.reject(r); |
| })); |
| } |
| if (count === 0) |
| deferred.resolve(resolutions); |
| } catch (e) { |
| deferred.reject(e); |
| } |
| return deferred.promise; |
| }, |
| race: function(values) { |
| var deferred = getDeferred(this); |
| try { |
| for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { |
| this.cast(values[i]).then((function(x) { |
| deferred.resolve(x); |
| }), (function(r) { |
| deferred.reject(r); |
| })); |
| } |
| } catch (e) { |
| deferred.reject(e); |
| } |
| return deferred.promise; |
| } |
| }); |
| function promiseResolve(promise, x) { |
| promiseDone(promise, 'resolved', x, promise.onResolve_); |
| } |
| function promiseReject(promise, r) { |
| promiseDone(promise, 'rejected', r, promise.onReject_); |
| } |
| function promiseDone(promise, status, value, reactions) { |
| if (promise.status_ !== 'pending') |
| return; |
| for (var i = 0; i < reactions.length; i++) { |
| promiseReact(reactions[i][0], reactions[i][1], value); |
| } |
| promise.status_ = status; |
| promise.value_ = value; |
| promise.onResolve_ = promise.onReject_ = undefined; |
| } |
| function promiseReact(deferred, handler, x) { |
| async((function() { |
| try { |
| var y = handler(x); |
| if (y === deferred.promise) |
| throw new TypeError; |
| else if (isPromise(y)) |
| chain(y, deferred.resolve, deferred.reject); |
| else |
| deferred.resolve(y); |
| } catch (e) { |
| deferred.reject(e); |
| } |
| })); |
| } |
| var thenableSymbol = '@@thenable'; |
| function promiseCoerce(constructor, x) { |
| if (isPromise(x)) { |
| return x; |
| } else if (x && typeof x.then === 'function') { |
| var p = x[thenableSymbol]; |
| if (p) { |
| return p; |
| } else { |
| var deferred = getDeferred(constructor); |
| x[thenableSymbol] = deferred.promise; |
| try { |
| x.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject); |
| } catch (e) { |
| deferred.reject(e); |
| } |
| return deferred.promise; |
| } |
| } else { |
| return x; |
| } |
| } |
| return {get Promise() { |
| return Promise; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfills/String", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfills/String"; |
| var $toString = Object.prototype.toString; |
| var $indexOf = String.prototype.indexOf; |
| var $lastIndexOf = String.prototype.lastIndexOf; |
| function startsWith(search) { |
| var string = String(this); |
| if (this == null || $toString.call(search) == '[object RegExp]') { |
| throw TypeError(); |
| } |
| var stringLength = string.length; |
| var searchString = String(search); |
| var searchLength = searchString.length; |
| var position = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; |
| var pos = position ? Number(position) : 0; |
| if (isNaN(pos)) { |
| pos = 0; |
| } |
| var start = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), stringLength); |
| return $indexOf.call(string, searchString, pos) == start; |
| } |
| function endsWith(search) { |
| var string = String(this); |
| if (this == null || $toString.call(search) == '[object RegExp]') { |
| throw TypeError(); |
| } |
| var stringLength = string.length; |
| var searchString = String(search); |
| var searchLength = searchString.length; |
| var pos = stringLength; |
| if (arguments.length > 1) { |
| var position = arguments[1]; |
| if (position !== undefined) { |
| pos = position ? Number(position) : 0; |
| if (isNaN(pos)) { |
| pos = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| var end = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), stringLength); |
| var start = end - searchLength; |
| if (start < 0) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| return $lastIndexOf.call(string, searchString, start) == start; |
| } |
| function contains(search) { |
| if (this == null) { |
| throw TypeError(); |
| } |
| var string = String(this); |
| var stringLength = string.length; |
| var searchString = String(search); |
| var searchLength = searchString.length; |
| var position = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; |
| var pos = position ? Number(position) : 0; |
| if (isNaN(pos)) { |
| pos = 0; |
| } |
| var start = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), stringLength); |
| return $indexOf.call(string, searchString, pos) != -1; |
| } |
| function repeat(count) { |
| if (this == null) { |
| throw TypeError(); |
| } |
| var string = String(this); |
| var n = count ? Number(count) : 0; |
| if (isNaN(n)) { |
| n = 0; |
| } |
| if (n < 0 || n == Infinity) { |
| throw RangeError(); |
| } |
| if (n == 0) { |
| return ''; |
| } |
| var result = ''; |
| while (n--) { |
| result += string; |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| function codePointAt(position) { |
| if (this == null) { |
| throw TypeError(); |
| } |
| var string = String(this); |
| var size = string.length; |
| var index = position ? Number(position) : 0; |
| if (isNaN(index)) { |
| index = 0; |
| } |
| if (index < 0 || index >= size) { |
| return undefined; |
| } |
| var first = string.charCodeAt(index); |
| var second; |
| if (first >= 0xD800 && first <= 0xDBFF && size > index + 1) { |
| second = string.charCodeAt(index + 1); |
| if (second >= 0xDC00 && second <= 0xDFFF) { |
| return (first - 0xD800) * 0x400 + second - 0xDC00 + 0x10000; |
| } |
| } |
| return first; |
| } |
| function raw(callsite) { |
| var raw = callsite.raw; |
| var len = raw.length >>> 0; |
| if (len === 0) |
| return ''; |
| var s = ''; |
| var i = 0; |
| while (true) { |
| s += raw[i]; |
| if (i + 1 === len) |
| return s; |
| s += arguments[++i]; |
| } |
| } |
| function fromCodePoint() { |
| var codeUnits = []; |
| var floor = Math.floor; |
| var highSurrogate; |
| var lowSurrogate; |
| var index = -1; |
| var length = arguments.length; |
| if (!length) { |
| return ''; |
| } |
| while (++index < length) { |
| var codePoint = Number(arguments[index]); |
| if (!isFinite(codePoint) || codePoint < 0 || codePoint > 0x10FFFF || floor(codePoint) != codePoint) { |
| throw RangeError('Invalid code point: ' + codePoint); |
| } |
| if (codePoint <= 0xFFFF) { |
| codeUnits.push(codePoint); |
| } else { |
| codePoint -= 0x10000; |
| highSurrogate = (codePoint >> 10) + 0xD800; |
| lowSurrogate = (codePoint % 0x400) + 0xDC00; |
| codeUnits.push(highSurrogate, lowSurrogate); |
| } |
| } |
| return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, codeUnits); |
| } |
| return { |
| get startsWith() { |
| return startsWith; |
| }, |
| get endsWith() { |
| return endsWith; |
| }, |
| get contains() { |
| return contains; |
| }, |
| get repeat() { |
| return repeat; |
| }, |
| get codePointAt() { |
| return codePointAt; |
| }, |
| get raw() { |
| return raw; |
| }, |
| get fromCodePoint() { |
| return fromCodePoint; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfills/polyfills", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfills/polyfills"; |
| var Promise = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfills/Promise").Promise; |
| var $__9 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfills/String"), |
| codePointAt = $__9.codePointAt, |
| contains = $__9.contains, |
| endsWith = $__9.endsWith, |
| fromCodePoint = $__9.fromCodePoint, |
| repeat = $__9.repeat, |
| raw = $__9.raw, |
| startsWith = $__9.startsWith; |
| var $__9 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfills/ArrayIterator"), |
| entries = $__9.entries, |
| keys = $__9.keys, |
| values = $__9.values; |
| function maybeDefineMethod(object, name, value) { |
| if (!(name in object)) { |
| Object.defineProperty(object, name, { |
| value: value, |
| configurable: true, |
| enumerable: false, |
| writable: true |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| function maybeAddFunctions(object, functions) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < functions.length; i += 2) { |
| var name = functions[i]; |
| var value = functions[i + 1]; |
| maybeDefineMethod(object, name, value); |
| } |
| } |
| function polyfillPromise(global) { |
| if (!global.Promise) |
| global.Promise = Promise; |
| } |
| function polyfillString(String) { |
| maybeAddFunctions(String.prototype, ['codePointAt', codePointAt, 'contains', contains, 'endsWith', endsWith, 'startsWith', startsWith, 'repeat', repeat]); |
| maybeAddFunctions(String, ['fromCodePoint', fromCodePoint, 'raw', raw]); |
| } |
| function polyfillArray(Array, Symbol) { |
| maybeAddFunctions(Array.prototype, ['entries', entries, 'keys', keys, 'values', values]); |
| if (Symbol && Symbol.iterator) { |
| Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, Symbol.iterator, { |
| value: values, |
| configurable: true, |
| enumerable: false, |
| writable: true |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| function polyfill(global) { |
| polyfillPromise(global); |
| polyfillString(global.String); |
| polyfillArray(global.Array, global.Symbol); |
| } |
| polyfill(this); |
| var setupGlobals = $traceurRuntime.setupGlobals; |
| $traceurRuntime.setupGlobals = function(global) { |
| setupGlobals(global); |
| polyfill(global); |
| }; |
| return {}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfill-import", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfill-import"; |
| var $__11 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfills/polyfills"); |
| return {}; |
| }); |
| System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/polyfill-import" + ''); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/options", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/options"; |
| var parseOptions = Object.create(null); |
| var transformOptions = Object.create(null); |
| var defaultValues = Object.create(null); |
| var experimentalOptions = Object.create(null); |
| var options = { |
| set experimental(v) { |
| v = coerceOptionValue(v); |
| Object.keys(experimentalOptions).forEach((function(name) { |
| options[name] = v; |
| })); |
| }, |
| get experimental() { |
| var value; |
| Object.keys(experimentalOptions).every((function(name) { |
| var currentValue = options[name]; |
| if (value === undefined) { |
| value = currentValue; |
| return true; |
| } |
| if (currentValue !== value) { |
| value = null; |
| return false; |
| } |
| return true; |
| })); |
| return value; |
| }, |
| scripts: [] |
| }; |
| var descriptions = {experimental: 'Turns on all experimental features'}; |
| function reset() { |
| var allOff = arguments[0]; |
| var useDefault = allOff === undefined; |
| Object.keys(options).forEach((function(name) { |
| options[name] = useDefault && defaultValues[name]; |
| })); |
| } |
| function fromString(s) { |
| fromArgv(s.split(/\s+/)); |
| } |
| function fromArgv(args) { |
| args.forEach(parseCommand); |
| } |
| function setFromObject(object) { |
| Object.keys(object).forEach((function(name) { |
| options[name] = object[name]; |
| })); |
| } |
| function coerceOptionValue(v) { |
| switch (v) { |
| case 'false': |
| return false; |
| case 'true': |
| case true: |
| return true; |
| default: |
| return !!v && String(v); |
| } |
| } |
| function setOption(name, value) { |
| name = toCamelCase(name); |
| value = coerceOptionValue(value); |
| if (name in options) { |
| options[name] = value; |
| } else { |
| throw Error('Unknown option: ' + name); |
| } |
| } |
| function addOptions(flags) { |
| Object.keys(options).forEach(function(name) { |
| var dashedName = toDashCase(name); |
| if ((name in parseOptions) && (name in transformOptions)) { |
| flags.option('--' + dashedName + ' [true|false|parse]', descriptions[name]); |
| flags.on(dashedName, (function(value) { |
| return setOption(dashedName, value); |
| })); |
| } else if (options[name] !== null) { |
| flags.option('--' + dashedName, descriptions[name]); |
| flags.on(dashedName, (function() { |
| return setOption(dashedName, true); |
| })); |
| } |
| }); |
| flags.option('--referrer <name>', 'Bracket output code with System.referrerName=<name>', (function(name) { |
| setOption('referrer', name); |
| return name; |
| })); |
| flags.option('--type-assertion-module <path>', 'Absolute path to the type assertion module.', (function(path) { |
| setOption('type-assertion-module', path); |
| return path; |
| })); |
| flags.option('--script <fileName>', 'Parse as Script (must precede modules)', (function(fileName) { |
| options.scripts.push(fileName); |
| })); |
| } |
| function filterOption(dashedName) { |
| var name = toCamelCase(dashedName); |
| return name === 'experimental' || !(name in options); |
| } |
| Object.defineProperties(options, { |
| reset: {value: reset}, |
| fromString: {value: fromString}, |
| fromArgv: {value: fromArgv}, |
| setFromObject: {value: setFromObject}, |
| addOptions: {value: addOptions}, |
| filterOption: {value: filterOption} |
| }); |
| function parseCommand(s) { |
| var re = /--([^=]+)(?:=(.+))?/; |
| var m = re.exec(s); |
| if (m) |
| setOption(m[1], m[2] || true); |
| } |
| function toCamelCase(s) { |
| return s.replace(/-\w/g, function(ch) { |
| return ch[1].toUpperCase(); |
| }); |
| } |
| function toDashCase(s) { |
| return s.replace(/[A-W]/g, function(ch) { |
| return '-' + ch.toLowerCase(); |
| }); |
| } |
| var EXPERIMENTAL = 0; |
| var ON_BY_DEFAULT = 1; |
| function addFeatureOption(name, kind) { |
| if (kind === EXPERIMENTAL) |
| experimentalOptions[name] = true; |
| Object.defineProperty(parseOptions, name, { |
| get: function() { |
| return !!options[name]; |
| }, |
| enumerable: true, |
| configurable: true |
| }); |
| Object.defineProperty(transformOptions, name, { |
| get: function() { |
| var v = options[name]; |
| if (v === 'parse') |
| return false; |
| return v; |
| }, |
| enumerable: true, |
| configurable: true |
| }); |
| var defaultValue = kind === ON_BY_DEFAULT; |
| options[name] = defaultValue; |
| defaultValues[name] = defaultValue; |
| } |
| function addBoolOption(name) { |
| defaultValues[name] = false; |
| options[name] = false; |
| } |
| addFeatureOption('arrayComprehension', ON_BY_DEFAULT); |
| addFeatureOption('arrowFunctions', ON_BY_DEFAULT); |
| addFeatureOption('classes', ON_BY_DEFAULT); |
| addFeatureOption('computedPropertyNames', ON_BY_DEFAULT); |
| addFeatureOption('defaultParameters', ON_BY_DEFAULT); |
| addFeatureOption('destructuring', ON_BY_DEFAULT); |
| addFeatureOption('forOf', ON_BY_DEFAULT); |
| addFeatureOption('generatorComprehension', ON_BY_DEFAULT); |
| addFeatureOption('generators', ON_BY_DEFAULT); |
| addFeatureOption('modules', ON_BY_DEFAULT); |
| addFeatureOption('numericLiterals', ON_BY_DEFAULT); |
| addFeatureOption('propertyMethods', ON_BY_DEFAULT); |
| addFeatureOption('propertyNameShorthand', ON_BY_DEFAULT); |
| addFeatureOption('restParameters', ON_BY_DEFAULT); |
| addFeatureOption('spread', ON_BY_DEFAULT); |
| addFeatureOption('templateLiterals', ON_BY_DEFAULT); |
| addFeatureOption('blockBinding', EXPERIMENTAL); |
| addFeatureOption('symbols', EXPERIMENTAL); |
| addFeatureOption('deferredFunctions', EXPERIMENTAL); |
| addFeatureOption('types', EXPERIMENTAL); |
| addFeatureOption('annotations', EXPERIMENTAL); |
| addBoolOption('commentCallback'); |
| addBoolOption('debug'); |
| addBoolOption('freeVariableChecker'); |
| addBoolOption('sourceMaps'); |
| addBoolOption('typeAssertions'); |
| addBoolOption('validate'); |
| defaultValues.referrer = ''; |
| options.referrer = null; |
| defaultValues.typeAssertionModule = null; |
| options.typeAssertionModule = null; |
| return { |
| get parseOptions() { |
| return parseOptions; |
| }, |
| get transformOptions() { |
| return transformOptions; |
| }, |
| get options() { |
| return options; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"; |
| var AMPERSAND = '&'; |
| var AMPERSAND_EQUAL = '&='; |
| var AND = '&&'; |
| var ARROW = '=>'; |
| var AT = '@'; |
| var AWAIT = 'await'; |
| var BACK_QUOTE = '`'; |
| var BANG = '!'; |
| var BAR = '|'; |
| var BAR_EQUAL = '|='; |
| var BREAK = 'break'; |
| var CARET = '^'; |
| var CARET_EQUAL = '^='; |
| var CASE = 'case'; |
| var CATCH = 'catch'; |
| var CLASS = 'class'; |
| var CLOSE_ANGLE = '>'; |
| var CLOSE_CURLY = '}'; |
| var CLOSE_PAREN = ')'; |
| var CLOSE_SQUARE = ']'; |
| var COLON = ':'; |
| var COMMA = ','; |
| var CONST = 'const'; |
| var CONTINUE = 'continue'; |
| var DEBUGGER = 'debugger'; |
| var DEFAULT = 'default'; |
| var DELETE = 'delete'; |
| var DO = 'do'; |
| var DOT_DOT_DOT = '...'; |
| var ELSE = 'else'; |
| var END_OF_FILE = 'End of File'; |
| var ENUM = 'enum'; |
| var EQUAL = '='; |
| var EQUAL_EQUAL = '=='; |
| var EQUAL_EQUAL_EQUAL = '==='; |
| var ERROR = 'error'; |
| var EXPORT = 'export'; |
| var EXTENDS = 'extends'; |
| var FALSE = 'false'; |
| var FINALLY = 'finally'; |
| var FOR = 'for'; |
| var FUNCTION = 'function'; |
| var GREATER_EQUAL = '>='; |
| var IDENTIFIER = 'identifier'; |
| var IF = 'if'; |
| var IMPLEMENTS = 'implements'; |
| var IMPORT = 'import'; |
| var IN = 'in'; |
| var INSTANCEOF = 'instanceof'; |
| var INTERFACE = 'interface'; |
| var LEFT_SHIFT = '<<'; |
| var LEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL = '<<='; |
| var LESS_EQUAL = '<='; |
| var LET = 'let'; |
| var MINUS = '-'; |
| var MINUS_EQUAL = '-='; |
| var MINUS_MINUS = '--'; |
| var NEW = 'new'; |
| var NO_SUBSTITUTION_TEMPLATE = 'no substitution template'; |
| var NOT_EQUAL = '!='; |
| var NOT_EQUAL_EQUAL = '!=='; |
| var NULL = 'null'; |
| var NUMBER = 'number literal'; |
| var OPEN_ANGLE = '<'; |
| var OPEN_CURLY = '{'; |
| var OPEN_PAREN = '('; |
| var OPEN_SQUARE = '['; |
| var OR = '||'; |
| var PACKAGE = 'package'; |
| var PERCENT = '%'; |
| var PERCENT_EQUAL = '%='; |
| var PERIOD = '.'; |
| var PLUS = '+'; |
| var PLUS_EQUAL = '+='; |
| var PLUS_PLUS = '++'; |
| var PRIVATE = 'private'; |
| var PROTECTED = 'protected'; |
| var PUBLIC = 'public'; |
| var QUESTION = '?'; |
| var REGULAR_EXPRESSION = 'regular expression literal'; |
| var RETURN = 'return'; |
| var RIGHT_SHIFT = '>>'; |
| var RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL = '>>='; |
| var SEMI_COLON = ';'; |
| var SLASH = '/'; |
| var SLASH_EQUAL = '/='; |
| var STAR = '*'; |
| var STAR_EQUAL = '*='; |
| var STATIC = 'static'; |
| var STRING = 'string literal'; |
| var SUPER = 'super'; |
| var SWITCH = 'switch'; |
| var TEMPLATE_HEAD = 'template head'; |
| var TEMPLATE_MIDDLE = 'template middle'; |
| var TEMPLATE_TAIL = 'template tail'; |
| var THIS = 'this'; |
| var THROW = 'throw'; |
| var TILDE = '~'; |
| var TRUE = 'true'; |
| var TRY = 'try'; |
| var TYPEOF = 'typeof'; |
| var UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT = '>>>'; |
| var VAR = 'var'; |
| var VOID = 'void'; |
| var WHILE = 'while'; |
| var WITH = 'with'; |
| var YIELD = 'yield'; |
| return { |
| get AMPERSAND() { |
| return AMPERSAND; |
| }, |
| }, |
| get AND() { |
| return AND; |
| }, |
| get ARROW() { |
| return ARROW; |
| }, |
| get AT() { |
| return AT; |
| }, |
| get AWAIT() { |
| return AWAIT; |
| }, |
| get BACK_QUOTE() { |
| return BACK_QUOTE; |
| }, |
| get BANG() { |
| return BANG; |
| }, |
| get BAR() { |
| return BAR; |
| }, |
| get BAR_EQUAL() { |
| return BAR_EQUAL; |
| }, |
| get BREAK() { |
| return BREAK; |
| }, |
| get CARET() { |
| return CARET; |
| }, |
| get CARET_EQUAL() { |
| return CARET_EQUAL; |
| }, |
| get CASE() { |
| return CASE; |
| }, |
| get CATCH() { |
| return CATCH; |
| }, |
| get CLASS() { |
| return CLASS; |
| }, |
| get CLOSE_ANGLE() { |
| return CLOSE_ANGLE; |
| }, |
| get CLOSE_CURLY() { |
| return CLOSE_CURLY; |
| }, |
| get CLOSE_PAREN() { |
| return CLOSE_PAREN; |
| }, |
| get CLOSE_SQUARE() { |
| return CLOSE_SQUARE; |
| }, |
| get COLON() { |
| return COLON; |
| }, |
| get COMMA() { |
| return COMMA; |
| }, |
| get CONST() { |
| return CONST; |
| }, |
| get CONTINUE() { |
| return CONTINUE; |
| }, |
| get DEBUGGER() { |
| return DEBUGGER; |
| }, |
| get DEFAULT() { |
| return DEFAULT; |
| }, |
| get DELETE() { |
| return DELETE; |
| }, |
| get DO() { |
| return DO; |
| }, |
| get DOT_DOT_DOT() { |
| return DOT_DOT_DOT; |
| }, |
| get ELSE() { |
| return ELSE; |
| }, |
| get END_OF_FILE() { |
| return END_OF_FILE; |
| }, |
| get ENUM() { |
| return ENUM; |
| }, |
| get EQUAL() { |
| return EQUAL; |
| }, |
| get EQUAL_EQUAL() { |
| return EQUAL_EQUAL; |
| }, |
| }, |
| get ERROR() { |
| return ERROR; |
| }, |
| get EXPORT() { |
| return EXPORT; |
| }, |
| get EXTENDS() { |
| return EXTENDS; |
| }, |
| get FALSE() { |
| return FALSE; |
| }, |
| get FINALLY() { |
| return FINALLY; |
| }, |
| get FOR() { |
| return FOR; |
| }, |
| get FUNCTION() { |
| return FUNCTION; |
| }, |
| get GREATER_EQUAL() { |
| return GREATER_EQUAL; |
| }, |
| get IDENTIFIER() { |
| return IDENTIFIER; |
| }, |
| get IF() { |
| return IF; |
| }, |
| get IMPLEMENTS() { |
| return IMPLEMENTS; |
| }, |
| get IMPORT() { |
| return IMPORT; |
| }, |
| get IN() { |
| return IN; |
| }, |
| get INSTANCEOF() { |
| return INSTANCEOF; |
| }, |
| get INTERFACE() { |
| return INTERFACE; |
| }, |
| get LEFT_SHIFT() { |
| return LEFT_SHIFT; |
| }, |
| get LEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL() { |
| return LEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL; |
| }, |
| get LESS_EQUAL() { |
| return LESS_EQUAL; |
| }, |
| get LET() { |
| return LET; |
| }, |
| get MINUS() { |
| return MINUS; |
| }, |
| get MINUS_EQUAL() { |
| return MINUS_EQUAL; |
| }, |
| get MINUS_MINUS() { |
| return MINUS_MINUS; |
| }, |
| get NEW() { |
| return NEW; |
| }, |
| }, |
| get NOT_EQUAL() { |
| return NOT_EQUAL; |
| }, |
| get NOT_EQUAL_EQUAL() { |
| return NOT_EQUAL_EQUAL; |
| }, |
| get NULL() { |
| return NULL; |
| }, |
| get NUMBER() { |
| return NUMBER; |
| }, |
| get OPEN_ANGLE() { |
| return OPEN_ANGLE; |
| }, |
| get OPEN_CURLY() { |
| return OPEN_CURLY; |
| }, |
| get OPEN_PAREN() { |
| return OPEN_PAREN; |
| }, |
| get OPEN_SQUARE() { |
| return OPEN_SQUARE; |
| }, |
| get OR() { |
| return OR; |
| }, |
| get PACKAGE() { |
| return PACKAGE; |
| }, |
| get PERCENT() { |
| return PERCENT; |
| }, |
| get PERCENT_EQUAL() { |
| return PERCENT_EQUAL; |
| }, |
| get PERIOD() { |
| return PERIOD; |
| }, |
| get PLUS() { |
| return PLUS; |
| }, |
| get PLUS_EQUAL() { |
| return PLUS_EQUAL; |
| }, |
| get PLUS_PLUS() { |
| return PLUS_PLUS; |
| }, |
| get PRIVATE() { |
| return PRIVATE; |
| }, |
| get PROTECTED() { |
| return PROTECTED; |
| }, |
| get PUBLIC() { |
| return PUBLIC; |
| }, |
| get QUESTION() { |
| return QUESTION; |
| }, |
| }, |
| get RETURN() { |
| return RETURN; |
| }, |
| get RIGHT_SHIFT() { |
| return RIGHT_SHIFT; |
| }, |
| }, |
| get SEMI_COLON() { |
| return SEMI_COLON; |
| }, |
| get SLASH() { |
| return SLASH; |
| }, |
| get SLASH_EQUAL() { |
| return SLASH_EQUAL; |
| }, |
| get STAR() { |
| return STAR; |
| }, |
| get STAR_EQUAL() { |
| return STAR_EQUAL; |
| }, |
| get STATIC() { |
| return STATIC; |
| }, |
| get STRING() { |
| return STRING; |
| }, |
| get SUPER() { |
| return SUPER; |
| }, |
| get SWITCH() { |
| return SWITCH; |
| }, |
| get TEMPLATE_HEAD() { |
| return TEMPLATE_HEAD; |
| }, |
| }, |
| get TEMPLATE_TAIL() { |
| return TEMPLATE_TAIL; |
| }, |
| get THIS() { |
| return THIS; |
| }, |
| get THROW() { |
| return THROW; |
| }, |
| get TILDE() { |
| return TILDE; |
| }, |
| get TRUE() { |
| return TRUE; |
| }, |
| get TRY() { |
| return TRY; |
| }, |
| get TYPEOF() { |
| return TYPEOF; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| get VAR() { |
| return VAR; |
| }, |
| get VOID() { |
| return VOID; |
| }, |
| get WHILE() { |
| return WHILE; |
| }, |
| get WITH() { |
| return WITH; |
| }, |
| get YIELD() { |
| return YIELD; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Token", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Token"; |
| var $__13 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| BAR_EQUAL = $__13.BAR_EQUAL, |
| EQUAL = $__13.EQUAL, |
| var Token = function Token(type, location) { |
| this.type = type; |
| this.location = location; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Token, { |
| toString: function() { |
| return this.type; |
| }, |
| isAssignmentOperator: function() { |
| return isAssignmentOperator(this.type); |
| }, |
| isKeyword: function() { |
| return false; |
| }, |
| isStrictKeyword: function() { |
| return false; |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| function isAssignmentOperator(type) { |
| switch (type) { |
| case BAR_EQUAL: |
| case CARET_EQUAL: |
| case EQUAL: |
| case MINUS_EQUAL: |
| case PLUS_EQUAL: |
| case SLASH_EQUAL: |
| case STAR_EQUAL: |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| return { |
| get Token() { |
| return Token; |
| }, |
| get isAssignmentOperator() { |
| return isAssignmentOperator; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/IdentifierToken", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/IdentifierToken"; |
| var Token = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Token").Token; |
| var IDENTIFIER = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").IDENTIFIER; |
| var IdentifierToken = function IdentifierToken(location, value) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.value = value; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(IdentifierToken, { |
| toString: function() { |
| return this.value; |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return IDENTIFIER; |
| } |
| }, {}, Token); |
| return {get IdentifierToken() { |
| return IdentifierToken; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/ParseTreeVisitor", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/ParseTreeVisitor"; |
| var ParseTreeVisitor = function ParseTreeVisitor() {}; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ParseTreeVisitor, { |
| visitAny: function(tree) { |
| tree && tree.visit(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree); |
| }, |
| visitList: function(list) { |
| if (list) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { |
| this.visitAny(list[i]); |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| visitStateMachine: function(tree) { |
| throw Error('State machines should not live outside of the GeneratorTransformer.'); |
| }, |
| visitAnnotation: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| this.visitAny(tree.args); |
| }, |
| visitAnonBlock: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.statements); |
| }, |
| visitArgumentList: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.args); |
| }, |
| visitArrayComprehension: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.comprehensionList); |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| }, |
| visitArrayLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.elements); |
| }, |
| visitArrayPattern: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.elements); |
| }, |
| visitArrowFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.formalParameters); |
| this.visitAny(tree.functionBody); |
| }, |
| visitAwaitStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| }, |
| visitBinaryOperator: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.left); |
| this.visitAny(tree.right); |
| }, |
| visitBindingElement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.binding); |
| this.visitAny(tree.initialiser); |
| }, |
| visitBindingIdentifier: function(tree) {}, |
| visitBlock: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.statements); |
| }, |
| visitBreakStatement: function(tree) {}, |
| visitCallExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.operand); |
| this.visitAny(tree.args); |
| }, |
| visitCaseClause: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| this.visitList(tree.statements); |
| }, |
| visitCatch: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.binding); |
| this.visitAny(tree.catchBody); |
| }, |
| visitClassDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| this.visitAny(tree.superClass); |
| this.visitList(tree.elements); |
| this.visitList(tree.annotations); |
| }, |
| visitClassExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| this.visitAny(tree.superClass); |
| this.visitList(tree.elements); |
| this.visitList(tree.annotations); |
| }, |
| visitCommaExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.expressions); |
| }, |
| visitComprehensionFor: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.left); |
| this.visitAny(tree.iterator); |
| }, |
| visitComprehensionIf: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| }, |
| visitComputedPropertyName: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| }, |
| visitConditionalExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.condition); |
| this.visitAny(tree.left); |
| this.visitAny(tree.right); |
| }, |
| visitContinueStatement: function(tree) {}, |
| visitCoverFormals: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.expressions); |
| }, |
| visitCoverInitialisedName: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.initialiser); |
| }, |
| visitDebuggerStatement: function(tree) {}, |
| visitDefaultClause: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.statements); |
| }, |
| visitDoWhileStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.body); |
| this.visitAny(tree.condition); |
| }, |
| visitEmptyStatement: function(tree) {}, |
| visitExportDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.declaration); |
| this.visitList(tree.annotations); |
| }, |
| visitExportDefault: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| }, |
| visitExportSpecifier: function(tree) {}, |
| visitExportSpecifierSet: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.specifiers); |
| }, |
| visitExportStar: function(tree) {}, |
| visitExpressionStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| }, |
| visitFinally: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.block); |
| }, |
| visitForInStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.initialiser); |
| this.visitAny(tree.collection); |
| this.visitAny(tree.body); |
| }, |
| visitForOfStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.initialiser); |
| this.visitAny(tree.collection); |
| this.visitAny(tree.body); |
| }, |
| visitForStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.initialiser); |
| this.visitAny(tree.condition); |
| this.visitAny(tree.increment); |
| this.visitAny(tree.body); |
| }, |
| visitFormalParameter: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.parameter); |
| this.visitAny(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| this.visitList(tree.annotations); |
| }, |
| visitFormalParameterList: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.parameters); |
| }, |
| visitFunctionBody: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.statements); |
| }, |
| visitFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| this.visitAny(tree.formalParameterList); |
| this.visitAny(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| this.visitList(tree.annotations); |
| this.visitAny(tree.functionBody); |
| }, |
| visitFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| this.visitAny(tree.formalParameterList); |
| this.visitAny(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| this.visitList(tree.annotations); |
| this.visitAny(tree.functionBody); |
| }, |
| visitGeneratorComprehension: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.comprehensionList); |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| }, |
| visitGetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| this.visitAny(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| this.visitList(tree.annotations); |
| this.visitAny(tree.body); |
| }, |
| visitIdentifierExpression: function(tree) {}, |
| visitIfStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.condition); |
| this.visitAny(tree.ifClause); |
| this.visitAny(tree.elseClause); |
| }, |
| visitImportedBinding: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.binding); |
| }, |
| visitImportDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.importClause); |
| this.visitAny(tree.moduleSpecifier); |
| }, |
| visitImportSpecifier: function(tree) {}, |
| visitImportSpecifierSet: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.specifiers); |
| }, |
| visitLabelledStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.statement); |
| }, |
| visitLiteralExpression: function(tree) {}, |
| visitLiteralPropertyName: function(tree) {}, |
| visitMemberExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.operand); |
| }, |
| visitMemberLookupExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.operand); |
| this.visitAny(tree.memberExpression); |
| }, |
| visitModule: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.scriptItemList); |
| }, |
| visitModuleDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| }, |
| visitModuleSpecifier: function(tree) {}, |
| visitNamedExport: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.moduleSpecifier); |
| this.visitAny(tree.specifierSet); |
| }, |
| visitNewExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.operand); |
| this.visitAny(tree.args); |
| }, |
| visitObjectLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.propertyNameAndValues); |
| }, |
| visitObjectPattern: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.fields); |
| }, |
| visitObjectPatternField: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| this.visitAny(tree.element); |
| }, |
| visitParenExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| }, |
| visitPostfixExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.operand); |
| }, |
| visitPredefinedType: function(tree) {}, |
| visitScript: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.scriptItemList); |
| }, |
| visitPropertyMethodAssignment: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| this.visitAny(tree.formalParameterList); |
| this.visitAny(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| this.visitList(tree.annotations); |
| this.visitAny(tree.functionBody); |
| }, |
| visitPropertyNameAssignment: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| this.visitAny(tree.value); |
| }, |
| visitPropertyNameShorthand: function(tree) {}, |
| visitRestParameter: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.identifier); |
| }, |
| visitReturnStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| }, |
| visitSetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| this.visitAny(tree.parameter); |
| this.visitList(tree.annotations); |
| this.visitAny(tree.body); |
| }, |
| visitSpreadExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| }, |
| visitSpreadPatternElement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.lvalue); |
| }, |
| visitSuperExpression: function(tree) {}, |
| visitSwitchStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| this.visitList(tree.caseClauses); |
| }, |
| visitSyntaxErrorTree: function(tree) {}, |
| visitTemplateLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.operand); |
| this.visitList(tree.elements); |
| }, |
| visitTemplateLiteralPortion: function(tree) {}, |
| visitTemplateSubstitution: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| }, |
| visitThisExpression: function(tree) {}, |
| visitThrowStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.value); |
| }, |
| visitTryStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.body); |
| this.visitAny(tree.catchBlock); |
| this.visitAny(tree.finallyBlock); |
| }, |
| visitTypeName: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.moduleName); |
| }, |
| visitUnaryExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.operand); |
| }, |
| visitVariableDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.lvalue); |
| this.visitAny(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| this.visitAny(tree.initialiser); |
| }, |
| visitVariableDeclarationList: function(tree) { |
| this.visitList(tree.declarations); |
| }, |
| visitVariableStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.declarations); |
| }, |
| visitWhileStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.condition); |
| this.visitAny(tree.body); |
| }, |
| visitWithStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| this.visitAny(tree.body); |
| }, |
| visitYieldExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| return {get ParseTreeVisitor() { |
| return ParseTreeVisitor; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName"; |
| var ANY = 'any'; |
| var $ARGUMENTS = '$arguments'; |
| var APPLY = 'apply'; |
| var ARGUMENTS = 'arguments'; |
| var ARRAY = 'Array'; |
| var AS = 'as'; |
| var BIND = 'bind'; |
| var CALL = 'call'; |
| var CONFIGURABLE = 'configurable'; |
| var CONSTRUCTOR = 'constructor'; |
| var CREATE = 'create'; |
| var CURRENT = 'current'; |
| var DEFINE_PROPERTIES = 'defineProperties'; |
| var DEFINE_PROPERTY = 'defineProperty'; |
| var ENUMERABLE = 'enumerable'; |
| var FREEZE = 'freeze'; |
| var FROM = 'from'; |
| var FUNCTION = 'Function'; |
| var GET = 'get'; |
| var HAS = 'has'; |
| var LENGTH = 'length'; |
| var MODULE = 'module'; |
| var NEW = 'new'; |
| var OBJECT = 'Object'; |
| var OBJECT_NAME = 'Object'; |
| var OF = 'of'; |
| var PREVENT_EXTENSIONS = 'preventExtensions'; |
| var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype'; |
| var PUSH = 'push'; |
| var RAW = 'raw'; |
| var SET = 'set'; |
| var SLICE = 'slice'; |
| var THIS = 'this'; |
| var TRACEUR_RUNTIME = '$traceurRuntime'; |
| var UNDEFINED = 'undefined'; |
| var WRITABLE = 'writable'; |
| function getParameterName(index) { |
| return '$' + index; |
| } |
| ; |
| return { |
| get ANY() { |
| return ANY; |
| }, |
| get $ARGUMENTS() { |
| return $ARGUMENTS; |
| }, |
| get APPLY() { |
| return APPLY; |
| }, |
| get ARGUMENTS() { |
| return ARGUMENTS; |
| }, |
| get ARRAY() { |
| return ARRAY; |
| }, |
| get AS() { |
| return AS; |
| }, |
| get BIND() { |
| return BIND; |
| }, |
| get CALL() { |
| return CALL; |
| }, |
| get CONFIGURABLE() { |
| return CONFIGURABLE; |
| }, |
| get CONSTRUCTOR() { |
| return CONSTRUCTOR; |
| }, |
| get CREATE() { |
| return CREATE; |
| }, |
| get CURRENT() { |
| return CURRENT; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| get ENUMERABLE() { |
| return ENUMERABLE; |
| }, |
| get FREEZE() { |
| return FREEZE; |
| }, |
| get FROM() { |
| return FROM; |
| }, |
| get FUNCTION() { |
| return FUNCTION; |
| }, |
| get GET() { |
| return GET; |
| }, |
| get HAS() { |
| return HAS; |
| }, |
| get LENGTH() { |
| return LENGTH; |
| }, |
| get MODULE() { |
| return MODULE; |
| }, |
| get NEW() { |
| return NEW; |
| }, |
| get OBJECT() { |
| return OBJECT; |
| }, |
| get OBJECT_NAME() { |
| return OBJECT_NAME; |
| }, |
| get OF() { |
| return OF; |
| }, |
| }, |
| get PROTOTYPE() { |
| return PROTOTYPE; |
| }, |
| get PUSH() { |
| return PUSH; |
| }, |
| get RAW() { |
| return RAW; |
| }, |
| get SET() { |
| return SET; |
| }, |
| get SLICE() { |
| return SLICE; |
| }, |
| get THIS() { |
| return THIS; |
| }, |
| }, |
| get UNDEFINED() { |
| return UNDEFINED; |
| }, |
| get WRITABLE() { |
| return WRITABLE; |
| }, |
| get getParameterName() { |
| return getParameterName; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"; |
| var BLOCK = 'BLOCK'; |
| var CATCH = 'CATCH'; |
| var FINALLY = 'FINALLY'; |
| var MODULE = 'MODULE'; |
| var SCRIPT = 'SCRIPT'; |
| var TYPE_NAME = 'TYPE_NAME'; |
| return { |
| get ANNOTATION() { |
| return ANNOTATION; |
| }, |
| get ANON_BLOCK() { |
| return ANON_BLOCK; |
| }, |
| get ARGUMENT_LIST() { |
| return ARGUMENT_LIST; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| get ARRAY_PATTERN() { |
| return ARRAY_PATTERN; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| get BLOCK() { |
| return BLOCK; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| get CASE_CLAUSE() { |
| return CASE_CLAUSE; |
| }, |
| get CATCH() { |
| return CATCH; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| get COVER_FORMALS() { |
| return COVER_FORMALS; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| get DEFAULT_CLAUSE() { |
| return DEFAULT_CLAUSE; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| get EXPORT_DEFAULT() { |
| return EXPORT_DEFAULT; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| get EXPORT_STAR() { |
| return EXPORT_STAR; |
| }, |
| }, |
| get FINALLY() { |
| return FINALLY; |
| }, |
| get FOR_IN_STATEMENT() { |
| return FOR_IN_STATEMENT; |
| }, |
| get FOR_OF_STATEMENT() { |
| return FOR_OF_STATEMENT; |
| }, |
| get FOR_STATEMENT() { |
| return FOR_STATEMENT; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| get FUNCTION_BODY() { |
| return FUNCTION_BODY; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| get GET_ACCESSOR() { |
| return GET_ACCESSOR; |
| }, |
| }, |
| get IF_STATEMENT() { |
| return IF_STATEMENT; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| get MODULE() { |
| return MODULE; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| get NAMED_EXPORT() { |
| return NAMED_EXPORT; |
| }, |
| get NEW_EXPRESSION() { |
| return NEW_EXPRESSION; |
| }, |
| }, |
| get OBJECT_PATTERN() { |
| return OBJECT_PATTERN; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| get REST_PARAMETER() { |
| return REST_PARAMETER; |
| }, |
| }, |
| get SCRIPT() { |
| return SCRIPT; |
| }, |
| get SET_ACCESSOR() { |
| return SET_ACCESSOR; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| get STATE_MACHINE() { |
| return STATE_MACHINE; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| get TRY_STATEMENT() { |
| return TRY_STATEMENT; |
| }, |
| get TYPE_NAME() { |
| return TYPE_NAME; |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| get WITH_STATEMENT() { |
| return WITH_STATEMENT; |
| }, |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/JSON", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/util/JSON"; |
| function transform(v) { |
| var replacer = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : (function(k, v) { |
| return v; |
| }); |
| return transform_(replacer('', v), replacer); |
| } |
| function transform_(v, replacer) { |
| var rv, |
| tv; |
| if (Array.isArray(v)) { |
| var len = v.length; |
| rv = Array(len); |
| for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { |
| tv = transform_(replacer(String(i), v[i]), replacer); |
| rv[i] = tv === undefined ? null : tv; |
| } |
| return rv; |
| } |
| if (v instanceof Object) { |
| rv = {}; |
| Object.keys(v).forEach((function(k) { |
| tv = transform_(replacer(k, v[k]), replacer); |
| if (tv !== undefined) { |
| rv[k] = tv; |
| } |
| })); |
| return rv; |
| } |
| return v; |
| } |
| return {get transform() { |
| return transform; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTree", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTree"; |
| var ParseTreeType = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"); |
| var $__18 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| STRING = $__18.STRING, |
| VAR = $__18.VAR; |
| var Token = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Token").Token; |
| var utilJSON = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/JSON"); |
| var $__18 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| BLOCK = $__18.BLOCK, |
| CATCH = $__18.CATCH, |
| FINALLY = $__18.FINALLY, |
| MODULE = $__18.MODULE, |
| SCRIPT = $__18.SCRIPT, |
| TYPE_NAME = $__18.TYPE_NAME, |
| ; |
| var ParseTree = function ParseTree(type, location) { |
| throw new Error("Don't use for now. 'super' is currently very slow."); |
| this.type = type; |
| this.location = location; |
| }; |
| var $ParseTree = ParseTree; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ParseTree, { |
| isPattern: function() { |
| switch (this.type) { |
| return true; |
| return this.expression.isPattern(); |
| default: |
| return false; |
| } |
| }, |
| isLeftHandSideExpression: function() { |
| switch (this.type) { |
| return true; |
| return this.expression.isLeftHandSideExpression(); |
| default: |
| return false; |
| } |
| }, |
| isArrowFunctionExpression: function() { |
| switch (this.type) { |
| return true; |
| default: |
| return false; |
| } |
| }, |
| isMemberExpression: function() { |
| switch (this.type) { |
| return true; |
| return this.args != null; |
| } |
| return false; |
| }, |
| isExpression: function() { |
| return this.isArrowFunctionExpression() || this.type == COMMA_EXPRESSION; |
| }, |
| isAssignmentOrSpread: function() { |
| return this.isArrowFunctionExpression() || this.type == SPREAD_EXPRESSION; |
| }, |
| isRestParameter: function() { |
| return this.type == REST_PARAMETER || (this.type == FORMAL_PARAMETER && this.parameter.isRestParameter()); |
| }, |
| isSpreadPatternElement: function() { |
| return this.type == SPREAD_PATTERN_ELEMENT; |
| }, |
| isStatementListItem: function() { |
| return this.isStatement() || this.isDeclaration(); |
| }, |
| isStatement: function() { |
| switch (this.type) { |
| case BLOCK: |
| case IF_STATEMENT: |
| return true; |
| } |
| return this.isBreakableStatement(); |
| }, |
| isDeclaration: function() { |
| switch (this.type) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| return this.isLexicalDeclaration(); |
| }, |
| isLexicalDeclaration: function() { |
| switch (this.type) { |
| return this.declarations.declarationType !== VAR; |
| } |
| return false; |
| }, |
| isBreakableStatement: function() { |
| switch (this.type) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| return this.isIterationStatement(); |
| }, |
| isIterationStatement: function() { |
| switch (this.type) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| }, |
| isScriptElement: function() { |
| switch (this.type) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| return this.isStatement(); |
| }, |
| getDirectivePrologueStringToken_: function() { |
| var tree = this; |
| if (tree.type !== EXPRESSION_STATEMENT || !(tree = tree.expression)) |
| return null; |
| if (tree.type !== LITERAL_EXPRESSION || !(tree = tree.literalToken)) |
| return null; |
| if (tree.type !== STRING) |
| return null; |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| isDirectivePrologue: function() { |
| return this.getDirectivePrologueStringToken_() !== null; |
| }, |
| isUseStrictDirective: function() { |
| var token = this.getDirectivePrologueStringToken_(); |
| if (!token) |
| return false; |
| var v = token.value; |
| return v === '"use strict"' || v === "'use strict'"; |
| }, |
| toJSON: function() { |
| return utilJSON.transform(this, $ParseTree.replacer); |
| }, |
| stringify: function() { |
| var indent = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : 2; |
| return JSON.stringify(this, $ParseTree.replacer, indent); |
| } |
| }, { |
| stripLocation: function(key, value) { |
| if (key === 'location') { |
| return undefined; |
| } |
| return value; |
| }, |
| replacer: function(k, v) { |
| if (v instanceof $ParseTree || v instanceof Token) { |
| var rv = {type: v.type}; |
| Object.keys(v).forEach(function(name) { |
| if (name !== 'location') |
| rv[name] = v[name]; |
| }); |
| return rv; |
| } |
| return v; |
| } |
| }); |
| return { |
| get ParseTreeType() { |
| return ParseTreeType; |
| }, |
| get ParseTree() { |
| return ParseTree; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"; |
| var ParseTree = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTree").ParseTree; |
| var ParseTreeType = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"); |
| var ANNOTATION = ParseTreeType.ANNOTATION; |
| var Annotation = function Annotation(location, name, args) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.name = name; |
| this.args = args; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Annotation, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformAnnotation(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitAnnotation(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return ANNOTATION; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ANON_BLOCK = ParseTreeType.ANON_BLOCK; |
| var AnonBlock = function AnonBlock(location, statements) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.statements = statements; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(AnonBlock, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformAnonBlock(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitAnonBlock(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return ANON_BLOCK; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ArgumentList = function ArgumentList(location, args) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.args = args; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ArgumentList, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformArgumentList(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitArgumentList(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return ARGUMENT_LIST; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ArrayComprehension = function ArrayComprehension(location, comprehensionList, expression) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.comprehensionList = comprehensionList; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ArrayComprehension, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformArrayComprehension(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitArrayComprehension(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ArrayLiteralExpression = function ArrayLiteralExpression(location, elements) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.elements = elements; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ArrayLiteralExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformArrayLiteralExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitArrayLiteralExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ArrayPattern = function ArrayPattern(location, elements) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.elements = elements; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ArrayPattern, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformArrayPattern(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitArrayPattern(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return ARRAY_PATTERN; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ArrowFunctionExpression = function ArrowFunctionExpression(location, formalParameters, functionBody) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.formalParameters = formalParameters; |
| this.functionBody = functionBody; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ArrowFunctionExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformArrowFunctionExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitArrowFunctionExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var AwaitStatement = function AwaitStatement(location, identifier, expression) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.identifier = identifier; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(AwaitStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformAwaitStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitAwaitStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var BinaryOperator = function BinaryOperator(location, left, operator, right) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.left = left; |
| this.operator = operator; |
| this.right = right; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(BinaryOperator, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformBinaryOperator(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitBinaryOperator(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var BindingElement = function BindingElement(location, binding, initialiser) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.binding = binding; |
| this.initialiser = initialiser; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(BindingElement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformBindingElement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitBindingElement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var BindingIdentifier = function BindingIdentifier(location, identifierToken) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.identifierToken = identifierToken; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(BindingIdentifier, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformBindingIdentifier(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitBindingIdentifier(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var BLOCK = ParseTreeType.BLOCK; |
| var Block = function Block(location, statements) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.statements = statements; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Block, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformBlock(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitBlock(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return BLOCK; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var BreakStatement = function BreakStatement(location, name) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.name = name; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(BreakStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformBreakStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitBreakStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var CallExpression = function CallExpression(location, operand, args) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.operand = operand; |
| this.args = args; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(CallExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformCallExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitCallExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var CASE_CLAUSE = ParseTreeType.CASE_CLAUSE; |
| var CaseClause = function CaseClause(location, expression, statements) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| this.statements = statements; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(CaseClause, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformCaseClause(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitCaseClause(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return CASE_CLAUSE; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var CATCH = ParseTreeType.CATCH; |
| var Catch = function Catch(location, binding, catchBody) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.binding = binding; |
| this.catchBody = catchBody; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Catch, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformCatch(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitCatch(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return CATCH; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ClassDeclaration = function ClassDeclaration(location, name, superClass, elements, annotations) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.name = name; |
| this.superClass = superClass; |
| this.elements = elements; |
| this.annotations = annotations; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ClassDeclaration, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformClassDeclaration(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitClassDeclaration(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ClassExpression = function ClassExpression(location, name, superClass, elements, annotations) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.name = name; |
| this.superClass = superClass; |
| this.elements = elements; |
| this.annotations = annotations; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ClassExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformClassExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitClassExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var CommaExpression = function CommaExpression(location, expressions) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.expressions = expressions; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(CommaExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformCommaExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitCommaExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ComprehensionFor = function ComprehensionFor(location, left, iterator) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.left = left; |
| this.iterator = iterator; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ComprehensionFor, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformComprehensionFor(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitComprehensionFor(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ComprehensionIf = function ComprehensionIf(location, expression) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ComprehensionIf, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformComprehensionIf(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitComprehensionIf(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ComputedPropertyName = function ComputedPropertyName(location, expression) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ComputedPropertyName, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformComputedPropertyName(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitComputedPropertyName(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ConditionalExpression = function ConditionalExpression(location, condition, left, right) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.condition = condition; |
| this.left = left; |
| this.right = right; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ConditionalExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformConditionalExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitConditionalExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ContinueStatement = function ContinueStatement(location, name) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.name = name; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ContinueStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformContinueStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitContinueStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var CoverFormals = function CoverFormals(location, expressions) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.expressions = expressions; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(CoverFormals, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformCoverFormals(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitCoverFormals(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return COVER_FORMALS; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var CoverInitialisedName = function CoverInitialisedName(location, name, equalToken, initialiser) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.name = name; |
| this.equalToken = equalToken; |
| this.initialiser = initialiser; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(CoverInitialisedName, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformCoverInitialisedName(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitCoverInitialisedName(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var DebuggerStatement = function DebuggerStatement(location) { |
| this.location = location; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(DebuggerStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformDebuggerStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitDebuggerStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var DefaultClause = function DefaultClause(location, statements) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.statements = statements; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(DefaultClause, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformDefaultClause(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitDefaultClause(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return DEFAULT_CLAUSE; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var DoWhileStatement = function DoWhileStatement(location, body, condition) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.body = body; |
| this.condition = condition; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(DoWhileStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformDoWhileStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitDoWhileStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var EmptyStatement = function EmptyStatement(location) { |
| this.location = location; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(EmptyStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformEmptyStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitEmptyStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ExportDeclaration = function ExportDeclaration(location, declaration, annotations) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.declaration = declaration; |
| this.annotations = annotations; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ExportDeclaration, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformExportDeclaration(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitExportDeclaration(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ExportDefault = function ExportDefault(location, expression) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ExportDefault, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformExportDefault(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitExportDefault(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return EXPORT_DEFAULT; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ExportSpecifier = function ExportSpecifier(location, lhs, rhs) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.lhs = lhs; |
| this.rhs = rhs; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ExportSpecifier, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformExportSpecifier(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitExportSpecifier(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ExportSpecifierSet = function ExportSpecifierSet(location, specifiers) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.specifiers = specifiers; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ExportSpecifierSet, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformExportSpecifierSet(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitExportSpecifierSet(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var EXPORT_STAR = ParseTreeType.EXPORT_STAR; |
| var ExportStar = function ExportStar(location) { |
| this.location = location; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ExportStar, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformExportStar(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitExportStar(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return EXPORT_STAR; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ExpressionStatement = function ExpressionStatement(location, expression) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ExpressionStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformExpressionStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitExpressionStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var FINALLY = ParseTreeType.FINALLY; |
| var Finally = function Finally(location, block) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.block = block; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Finally, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformFinally(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitFinally(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return FINALLY; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ForInStatement = function ForInStatement(location, initialiser, collection, body) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.initialiser = initialiser; |
| this.collection = collection; |
| this.body = body; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ForInStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformForInStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitForInStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return FOR_IN_STATEMENT; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ForOfStatement = function ForOfStatement(location, initialiser, collection, body) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.initialiser = initialiser; |
| this.collection = collection; |
| this.body = body; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ForOfStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformForOfStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitForOfStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return FOR_OF_STATEMENT; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ForStatement = function ForStatement(location, initialiser, condition, increment, body) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.initialiser = initialiser; |
| this.condition = condition; |
| this.increment = increment; |
| this.body = body; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ForStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformForStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitForStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return FOR_STATEMENT; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var FormalParameter = function FormalParameter(location, parameter, typeAnnotation, annotations) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.parameter = parameter; |
| this.typeAnnotation = typeAnnotation; |
| this.annotations = annotations; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(FormalParameter, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformFormalParameter(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitFormalParameter(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var FormalParameterList = function FormalParameterList(location, parameters) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.parameters = parameters; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(FormalParameterList, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformFormalParameterList(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitFormalParameterList(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var FunctionBody = function FunctionBody(location, statements) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.statements = statements; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(FunctionBody, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformFunctionBody(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitFunctionBody(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return FUNCTION_BODY; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var FunctionDeclaration = function FunctionDeclaration(location, name, isGenerator, formalParameterList, typeAnnotation, annotations, functionBody) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.name = name; |
| this.isGenerator = isGenerator; |
| this.formalParameterList = formalParameterList; |
| this.typeAnnotation = typeAnnotation; |
| this.annotations = annotations; |
| this.functionBody = functionBody; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(FunctionDeclaration, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformFunctionDeclaration(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitFunctionDeclaration(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var FunctionExpression = function FunctionExpression(location, name, isGenerator, formalParameterList, typeAnnotation, annotations, functionBody) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.name = name; |
| this.isGenerator = isGenerator; |
| this.formalParameterList = formalParameterList; |
| this.typeAnnotation = typeAnnotation; |
| this.annotations = annotations; |
| this.functionBody = functionBody; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(FunctionExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformFunctionExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitFunctionExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var GeneratorComprehension = function GeneratorComprehension(location, comprehensionList, expression) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.comprehensionList = comprehensionList; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(GeneratorComprehension, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformGeneratorComprehension(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitGeneratorComprehension(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var GET_ACCESSOR = ParseTreeType.GET_ACCESSOR; |
| var GetAccessor = function GetAccessor(location, isStatic, name, typeAnnotation, annotations, body) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.isStatic = isStatic; |
| this.name = name; |
| this.typeAnnotation = typeAnnotation; |
| this.annotations = annotations; |
| this.body = body; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(GetAccessor, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformGetAccessor(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitGetAccessor(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return GET_ACCESSOR; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var IdentifierExpression = function IdentifierExpression(location, identifierToken) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.identifierToken = identifierToken; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(IdentifierExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformIdentifierExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitIdentifierExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var IF_STATEMENT = ParseTreeType.IF_STATEMENT; |
| var IfStatement = function IfStatement(location, condition, ifClause, elseClause) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.condition = condition; |
| this.ifClause = ifClause; |
| this.elseClause = elseClause; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(IfStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformIfStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitIfStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return IF_STATEMENT; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ImportedBinding = function ImportedBinding(location, binding) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.binding = binding; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ImportedBinding, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformImportedBinding(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitImportedBinding(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ImportDeclaration = function ImportDeclaration(location, importClause, moduleSpecifier) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.importClause = importClause; |
| this.moduleSpecifier = moduleSpecifier; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ImportDeclaration, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformImportDeclaration(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitImportDeclaration(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ImportSpecifier = function ImportSpecifier(location, lhs, rhs) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.lhs = lhs; |
| this.rhs = rhs; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ImportSpecifier, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformImportSpecifier(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitImportSpecifier(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ImportSpecifierSet = function ImportSpecifierSet(location, specifiers) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.specifiers = specifiers; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ImportSpecifierSet, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformImportSpecifierSet(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitImportSpecifierSet(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var LabelledStatement = function LabelledStatement(location, name, statement) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.name = name; |
| this.statement = statement; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(LabelledStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformLabelledStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitLabelledStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var LiteralExpression = function LiteralExpression(location, literalToken) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.literalToken = literalToken; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(LiteralExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformLiteralExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitLiteralExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var LiteralPropertyName = function LiteralPropertyName(location, literalToken) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.literalToken = literalToken; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(LiteralPropertyName, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformLiteralPropertyName(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitLiteralPropertyName(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var MemberExpression = function MemberExpression(location, operand, memberName) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.operand = operand; |
| this.memberName = memberName; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(MemberExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformMemberExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitMemberExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var MemberLookupExpression = function MemberLookupExpression(location, operand, memberExpression) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.operand = operand; |
| this.memberExpression = memberExpression; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(MemberLookupExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformMemberLookupExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitMemberLookupExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var MODULE = ParseTreeType.MODULE; |
| var Module = function Module(location, scriptItemList, moduleName) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.scriptItemList = scriptItemList; |
| this.moduleName = moduleName; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Module, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformModule(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitModule(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return MODULE; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ModuleDeclaration = function ModuleDeclaration(location, identifier, expression) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.identifier = identifier; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ModuleDeclaration, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformModuleDeclaration(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitModuleDeclaration(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ModuleSpecifier = function ModuleSpecifier(location, token) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.token = token; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ModuleSpecifier, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformModuleSpecifier(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitModuleSpecifier(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var NAMED_EXPORT = ParseTreeType.NAMED_EXPORT; |
| var NamedExport = function NamedExport(location, moduleSpecifier, specifierSet) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.moduleSpecifier = moduleSpecifier; |
| this.specifierSet = specifierSet; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(NamedExport, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformNamedExport(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitNamedExport(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return NAMED_EXPORT; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var NewExpression = function NewExpression(location, operand, args) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.operand = operand; |
| this.args = args; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(NewExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformNewExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitNewExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return NEW_EXPRESSION; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ObjectLiteralExpression = function ObjectLiteralExpression(location, propertyNameAndValues) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.propertyNameAndValues = propertyNameAndValues; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ObjectLiteralExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformObjectLiteralExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitObjectLiteralExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ObjectPattern = function ObjectPattern(location, fields) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.fields = fields; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ObjectPattern, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformObjectPattern(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitObjectPattern(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return OBJECT_PATTERN; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ObjectPatternField = function ObjectPatternField(location, name, element) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.name = name; |
| this.element = element; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ObjectPatternField, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformObjectPatternField(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitObjectPatternField(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ParenExpression = function ParenExpression(location, expression) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ParenExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformParenExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitParenExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var PostfixExpression = function PostfixExpression(location, operand, operator) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.operand = operand; |
| this.operator = operator; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(PostfixExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformPostfixExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitPostfixExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var PredefinedType = function PredefinedType(location, typeToken) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.typeToken = typeToken; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(PredefinedType, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformPredefinedType(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitPredefinedType(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var SCRIPT = ParseTreeType.SCRIPT; |
| var Script = function Script(location, scriptItemList, moduleName) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.scriptItemList = scriptItemList; |
| this.moduleName = moduleName; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Script, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformScript(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitScript(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return SCRIPT; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var PropertyMethodAssignment = function PropertyMethodAssignment(location, isStatic, isGenerator, name, formalParameterList, typeAnnotation, annotations, functionBody) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.isStatic = isStatic; |
| this.isGenerator = isGenerator; |
| this.name = name; |
| this.formalParameterList = formalParameterList; |
| this.typeAnnotation = typeAnnotation; |
| this.annotations = annotations; |
| this.functionBody = functionBody; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(PropertyMethodAssignment, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformPropertyMethodAssignment(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitPropertyMethodAssignment(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var PropertyNameAssignment = function PropertyNameAssignment(location, name, value) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.name = name; |
| this.value = value; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(PropertyNameAssignment, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformPropertyNameAssignment(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitPropertyNameAssignment(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var PropertyNameShorthand = function PropertyNameShorthand(location, name) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.name = name; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(PropertyNameShorthand, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformPropertyNameShorthand(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitPropertyNameShorthand(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var RestParameter = function RestParameter(location, identifier) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.identifier = identifier; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(RestParameter, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformRestParameter(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitRestParameter(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return REST_PARAMETER; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ReturnStatement = function ReturnStatement(location, expression) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ReturnStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformReturnStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitReturnStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var SET_ACCESSOR = ParseTreeType.SET_ACCESSOR; |
| var SetAccessor = function SetAccessor(location, isStatic, name, parameter, annotations, body) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.isStatic = isStatic; |
| this.name = name; |
| this.parameter = parameter; |
| this.annotations = annotations; |
| this.body = body; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SetAccessor, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformSetAccessor(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitSetAccessor(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return SET_ACCESSOR; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var SpreadExpression = function SpreadExpression(location, expression) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SpreadExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformSpreadExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitSpreadExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var SpreadPatternElement = function SpreadPatternElement(location, lvalue) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.lvalue = lvalue; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SpreadPatternElement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformSpreadPatternElement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitSpreadPatternElement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var SuperExpression = function SuperExpression(location) { |
| this.location = location; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SuperExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformSuperExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitSuperExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var SwitchStatement = function SwitchStatement(location, expression, caseClauses) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| this.caseClauses = caseClauses; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SwitchStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformSwitchStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitSwitchStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var SyntaxErrorTree = function SyntaxErrorTree(location, nextToken, message) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.nextToken = nextToken; |
| this.message = message; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SyntaxErrorTree, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformSyntaxErrorTree(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitSyntaxErrorTree(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var TemplateLiteralExpression = function TemplateLiteralExpression(location, operand, elements) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.operand = operand; |
| this.elements = elements; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(TemplateLiteralExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformTemplateLiteralExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitTemplateLiteralExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var TemplateLiteralPortion = function TemplateLiteralPortion(location, value) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.value = value; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(TemplateLiteralPortion, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformTemplateLiteralPortion(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitTemplateLiteralPortion(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var TemplateSubstitution = function TemplateSubstitution(location, expression) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(TemplateSubstitution, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformTemplateSubstitution(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitTemplateSubstitution(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ThisExpression = function ThisExpression(location) { |
| this.location = location; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ThisExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformThisExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitThisExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var ThrowStatement = function ThrowStatement(location, value) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.value = value; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ThrowStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformThrowStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitThrowStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var TryStatement = function TryStatement(location, body, catchBlock, finallyBlock) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.body = body; |
| this.catchBlock = catchBlock; |
| this.finallyBlock = finallyBlock; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(TryStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformTryStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitTryStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return TRY_STATEMENT; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var TYPE_NAME = ParseTreeType.TYPE_NAME; |
| var TypeName = function TypeName(location, moduleName, name) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.moduleName = moduleName; |
| this.name = name; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(TypeName, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformTypeName(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitTypeName(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return TYPE_NAME; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var UnaryExpression = function UnaryExpression(location, operator, operand) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.operator = operator; |
| this.operand = operand; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(UnaryExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformUnaryExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitUnaryExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var VariableDeclaration = function VariableDeclaration(location, lvalue, typeAnnotation, initialiser) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.lvalue = lvalue; |
| this.typeAnnotation = typeAnnotation; |
| this.initialiser = initialiser; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(VariableDeclaration, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformVariableDeclaration(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitVariableDeclaration(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var VariableDeclarationList = function VariableDeclarationList(location, declarationType, declarations) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.declarationType = declarationType; |
| this.declarations = declarations; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(VariableDeclarationList, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformVariableDeclarationList(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitVariableDeclarationList(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var VariableStatement = function VariableStatement(location, declarations) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.declarations = declarations; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(VariableStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformVariableStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitVariableStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var WhileStatement = function WhileStatement(location, condition, body) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.condition = condition; |
| this.body = body; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(WhileStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformWhileStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitWhileStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var WithStatement = function WithStatement(location, expression, body) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| this.body = body; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(WithStatement, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformWithStatement(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitWithStatement(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| return WITH_STATEMENT; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| var YieldExpression = function YieldExpression(location, expression, isYieldFor) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| this.isYieldFor = isYieldFor; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(YieldExpression, { |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformYieldExpression(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitYieldExpression(this); |
| }, |
| get type() { |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| return { |
| get Annotation() { |
| return Annotation; |
| }, |
| get AnonBlock() { |
| return AnonBlock; |
| }, |
| get ArgumentList() { |
| return ArgumentList; |
| }, |
| get ArrayComprehension() { |
| return ArrayComprehension; |
| }, |
| get ArrayLiteralExpression() { |
| return ArrayLiteralExpression; |
| }, |
| get ArrayPattern() { |
| return ArrayPattern; |
| }, |
| get ArrowFunctionExpression() { |
| return ArrowFunctionExpression; |
| }, |
| get AwaitStatement() { |
| return AwaitStatement; |
| }, |
| get BinaryOperator() { |
| return BinaryOperator; |
| }, |
| get BindingElement() { |
| return BindingElement; |
| }, |
| get BindingIdentifier() { |
| return BindingIdentifier; |
| }, |
| get Block() { |
| return Block; |
| }, |
| get BreakStatement() { |
| return BreakStatement; |
| }, |
| get CallExpression() { |
| return CallExpression; |
| }, |
| get CaseClause() { |
| return CaseClause; |
| }, |
| get Catch() { |
| return Catch; |
| }, |
| get ClassDeclaration() { |
| return ClassDeclaration; |
| }, |
| get ClassExpression() { |
| return ClassExpression; |
| }, |
| get CommaExpression() { |
| return CommaExpression; |
| }, |
| get ComprehensionFor() { |
| return ComprehensionFor; |
| }, |
| get ComprehensionIf() { |
| return ComprehensionIf; |
| }, |
| get ComputedPropertyName() { |
| return ComputedPropertyName; |
| }, |
| get ConditionalExpression() { |
| return ConditionalExpression; |
| }, |
| get ContinueStatement() { |
| return ContinueStatement; |
| }, |
| get CoverFormals() { |
| return CoverFormals; |
| }, |
| get CoverInitialisedName() { |
| return CoverInitialisedName; |
| }, |
| get DebuggerStatement() { |
| return DebuggerStatement; |
| }, |
| get DefaultClause() { |
| return DefaultClause; |
| }, |
| get DoWhileStatement() { |
| return DoWhileStatement; |
| }, |
| get EmptyStatement() { |
| return EmptyStatement; |
| }, |
| get ExportDeclaration() { |
| return ExportDeclaration; |
| }, |
| get ExportDefault() { |
| return ExportDefault; |
| }, |
| get ExportSpecifier() { |
| return ExportSpecifier; |
| }, |
| get ExportSpecifierSet() { |
| return ExportSpecifierSet; |
| }, |
| get ExportStar() { |
| return ExportStar; |
| }, |
| get ExpressionStatement() { |
| return ExpressionStatement; |
| }, |
| get Finally() { |
| return Finally; |
| }, |
| get ForInStatement() { |
| return ForInStatement; |
| }, |
| get ForOfStatement() { |
| return ForOfStatement; |
| }, |
| get ForStatement() { |
| return ForStatement; |
| }, |
| get FormalParameter() { |
| return FormalParameter; |
| }, |
| get FormalParameterList() { |
| return FormalParameterList; |
| }, |
| get FunctionBody() { |
| return FunctionBody; |
| }, |
| get FunctionDeclaration() { |
| return FunctionDeclaration; |
| }, |
| get FunctionExpression() { |
| return FunctionExpression; |
| }, |
| get GeneratorComprehension() { |
| return GeneratorComprehension; |
| }, |
| get GetAccessor() { |
| return GetAccessor; |
| }, |
| get IdentifierExpression() { |
| return IdentifierExpression; |
| }, |
| get IfStatement() { |
| return IfStatement; |
| }, |
| get ImportedBinding() { |
| return ImportedBinding; |
| }, |
| get ImportDeclaration() { |
| return ImportDeclaration; |
| }, |
| get ImportSpecifier() { |
| return ImportSpecifier; |
| }, |
| get ImportSpecifierSet() { |
| return ImportSpecifierSet; |
| }, |
| get LabelledStatement() { |
| return LabelledStatement; |
| }, |
| get LiteralExpression() { |
| return LiteralExpression; |
| }, |
| get LiteralPropertyName() { |
| return LiteralPropertyName; |
| }, |
| get MemberExpression() { |
| return MemberExpression; |
| }, |
| get MemberLookupExpression() { |
| return MemberLookupExpression; |
| }, |
| get Module() { |
| return Module; |
| }, |
| get ModuleDeclaration() { |
| return ModuleDeclaration; |
| }, |
| get ModuleSpecifier() { |
| return ModuleSpecifier; |
| }, |
| get NamedExport() { |
| return NamedExport; |
| }, |
| get NewExpression() { |
| return NewExpression; |
| }, |
| get ObjectLiteralExpression() { |
| return ObjectLiteralExpression; |
| }, |
| get ObjectPattern() { |
| return ObjectPattern; |
| }, |
| get ObjectPatternField() { |
| return ObjectPatternField; |
| }, |
| get ParenExpression() { |
| return ParenExpression; |
| }, |
| get PostfixExpression() { |
| return PostfixExpression; |
| }, |
| get PredefinedType() { |
| return PredefinedType; |
| }, |
| get Script() { |
| return Script; |
| }, |
| get PropertyMethodAssignment() { |
| return PropertyMethodAssignment; |
| }, |
| get PropertyNameAssignment() { |
| return PropertyNameAssignment; |
| }, |
| get PropertyNameShorthand() { |
| return PropertyNameShorthand; |
| }, |
| get RestParameter() { |
| return RestParameter; |
| }, |
| get ReturnStatement() { |
| return ReturnStatement; |
| }, |
| get SetAccessor() { |
| return SetAccessor; |
| }, |
| get SpreadExpression() { |
| return SpreadExpression; |
| }, |
| get SpreadPatternElement() { |
| return SpreadPatternElement; |
| }, |
| get SuperExpression() { |
| return SuperExpression; |
| }, |
| get SwitchStatement() { |
| return SwitchStatement; |
| }, |
| get SyntaxErrorTree() { |
| return SyntaxErrorTree; |
| }, |
| get TemplateLiteralExpression() { |
| return TemplateLiteralExpression; |
| }, |
| get TemplateLiteralPortion() { |
| return TemplateLiteralPortion; |
| }, |
| get TemplateSubstitution() { |
| return TemplateSubstitution; |
| }, |
| get ThisExpression() { |
| return ThisExpression; |
| }, |
| get ThrowStatement() { |
| return ThrowStatement; |
| }, |
| get TryStatement() { |
| return TryStatement; |
| }, |
| get TypeName() { |
| return TypeName; |
| }, |
| get UnaryExpression() { |
| return UnaryExpression; |
| }, |
| get VariableDeclaration() { |
| return VariableDeclaration; |
| }, |
| get VariableDeclarationList() { |
| return VariableDeclarationList; |
| }, |
| get VariableStatement() { |
| return VariableStatement; |
| }, |
| get WhileStatement() { |
| return WhileStatement; |
| }, |
| get WithStatement() { |
| return WithStatement; |
| }, |
| get YieldExpression() { |
| return YieldExpression; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/semantics/FreeVariableChecker", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/semantics/FreeVariableChecker"; |
| var ARGUMENTS = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName").ARGUMENTS; |
| var $__23 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| BindingIdentifier = $__23.BindingIdentifier, |
| IdentifierExpression = $__23.IdentifierExpression; |
| var IdentifierToken = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/IdentifierToken").IdentifierToken; |
| var IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType").IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION; |
| var ParseTreeVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/ParseTreeVisitor").ParseTreeVisitor; |
| var TYPEOF = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").TYPEOF; |
| var global = this; |
| var Scope = function Scope(parent) { |
| this.parent = parent; |
| this.references = Object.create(null); |
| this.declarations = Object.create(null); |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Scope, {}, {}); |
| function getVariableName(name) { |
| if (name instanceof IdentifierExpression) { |
| name = name.identifierToken; |
| } else if (name instanceof BindingIdentifier) { |
| name = name.identifierToken; |
| } |
| if (name instanceof IdentifierToken) { |
| name = name.value; |
| } |
| return name; |
| } |
| var FreeVariableChecker = function FreeVariableChecker(reporter) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $FreeVariableChecker.prototype, "constructor", []); |
| this.reporter_ = reporter; |
| this.scope_ = null; |
| this.disableChecksLevel_ = 0; |
| }; |
| var $FreeVariableChecker = FreeVariableChecker; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(FreeVariableChecker, { |
| pushScope_: function() { |
| return this.scope_ = new Scope(this.scope_); |
| }, |
| pop_: function(scope) { |
| if (this.scope_ != scope) { |
| throw new Error('FreeVariableChecker scope mismatch'); |
| } |
| this.validateScope_(); |
| this.scope_ = scope.parent; |
| }, |
| visitScript: function(tree, global) { |
| var scope = this.pushScope_(); |
| var object = global; |
| while (object) { |
| Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object).forEach(this.declareVariable_, this); |
| object = Object.getPrototypeOf(object); |
| } |
| this.visitList(tree.scriptItemList); |
| this.pop_(scope); |
| }, |
| visitFunction_: function(name, formalParameterList, body) { |
| var scope = this.pushScope_(); |
| this.visitAny(name); |
| this.declareVariable_(ARGUMENTS); |
| this.visitAny(formalParameterList); |
| this.visitAny(body); |
| this.pop_(scope); |
| }, |
| visitFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.declareVariable_(tree.name); |
| this.visitFunction_(null, tree.formalParameterList, tree.functionBody); |
| }, |
| visitFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitFunction_(tree.name, tree.formalParameterList, tree.functionBody); |
| }, |
| visitArrowFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitFunction_(null, tree.formalParameters, tree.functionBody); |
| }, |
| visitGetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| var scope = this.pushScope_(); |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $FreeVariableChecker.prototype, "visitGetAccessor", [tree]); |
| this.pop_(scope); |
| }, |
| visitSetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| var scope = this.pushScope_(); |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $FreeVariableChecker.prototype, "visitSetAccessor", [tree]); |
| this.pop_(scope); |
| }, |
| visitCatch: function(tree) { |
| var scope = this.pushScope_(); |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $FreeVariableChecker.prototype, "visitCatch", [tree]); |
| this.pop_(scope); |
| }, |
| visitBindingIdentifier: function(tree) { |
| this.declareVariable_(tree); |
| }, |
| visitIdentifierExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (this.disableChecksLevel_) |
| return; |
| var name = getVariableName(tree); |
| var scope = this.scope_; |
| if (!(name in scope.references)) { |
| scope.references[name] = tree.location; |
| } |
| }, |
| visitUnaryExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.operator.type === TYPEOF && tree.operand.type === IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION) { |
| this.declareVariable_(tree.operand); |
| } else { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $FreeVariableChecker.prototype, "visitUnaryExpression", [tree]); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitWithStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| this.disableChecksLevel_++; |
| this.visitAny(tree.body); |
| this.disableChecksLevel_--; |
| }, |
| declareVariable_: function(tree) { |
| var name = getVariableName(tree); |
| if (name) { |
| var scope = this.scope_; |
| if (!(name in scope.declarations)) { |
| scope.declarations[name] = tree.location; |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| validateScope_: function() { |
| var $__21 = this; |
| if (this.disableChecksLevel_) |
| return; |
| var scope = this.scope_; |
| var errors = []; |
| for (var name in scope.references) { |
| if (!(name in scope.declarations)) { |
| var location = scope.references[name]; |
| if (!scope.parent) { |
| if (!location) { |
| throw new Error(("generated variable " + name + " is not defined")); |
| } |
| errors.push([location.start, (name + " is not defined")]); |
| } else if (!(name in scope.parent.references)) { |
| scope.parent.references[name] = location; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (errors.length) { |
| errors.sort((function(x, y) { |
| return x[0].offset - y[0].offset; |
| })); |
| errors.forEach((function(args) { |
| var $__24; |
| ($__24 = $__21).reportError_.apply($__24, $traceurRuntime.toObject(args)); |
| })); |
| } |
| }, |
| reportError_: function(location, message) { |
| this.reporter_.reportError(location, message); |
| } |
| }, {checkScript: function(reporter, tree) { |
| new $FreeVariableChecker(reporter).visitScript(tree, global); |
| }}, ParseTreeVisitor); |
| return { |
| get getVariableName() { |
| return getVariableName; |
| }, |
| get FreeVariableChecker() { |
| return FreeVariableChecker; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Keywords", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Keywords"; |
| var keywords = ['break', 'case', 'catch', 'class', 'const', 'continue', 'debugger', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'else', 'export', 'finally', 'for', 'function', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'instanceof', 'let', 'new', 'return', 'super', 'switch', 'this', 'throw', 'try', 'typeof', 'var', 'void', 'while', 'with', 'enum', 'extends', 'null', 'true', 'false', 'await']; |
| var strictKeywords = ['implements', 'interface', 'package', 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'static', 'yield']; |
| var keywordsByName = Object.create(null); |
| var NORMAL_KEYWORD = 1; |
| var STRICT_KEYWORD = 2; |
| keywords.forEach((function(value) { |
| keywordsByName[value] = NORMAL_KEYWORD; |
| })); |
| strictKeywords.forEach((function(value) { |
| keywordsByName[value] = STRICT_KEYWORD; |
| })); |
| function getKeywordType(value) { |
| return keywordsByName[value]; |
| } |
| function isStrictKeyword(value) { |
| return getKeywordType(value) === STRICT_KEYWORD; |
| } |
| return { |
| get NORMAL_KEYWORD() { |
| return NORMAL_KEYWORD; |
| }, |
| get STRICT_KEYWORD() { |
| return STRICT_KEYWORD; |
| }, |
| get getKeywordType() { |
| return getKeywordType; |
| }, |
| get isStrictKeyword() { |
| return isStrictKeyword; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/KeywordToken", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/KeywordToken"; |
| var STRICT_KEYWORD = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Keywords").STRICT_KEYWORD; |
| var Token = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Token").Token; |
| var KeywordToken = function KeywordToken(type, keywordType, location) { |
| this.type = type; |
| this.location = location; |
| this.isStrictKeyword_ = keywordType === STRICT_KEYWORD; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(KeywordToken, { |
| isKeyword: function() { |
| return true; |
| }, |
| isStrictKeyword: function() { |
| return this.isStrictKeyword_; |
| } |
| }, {}, Token); |
| return {get KeywordToken() { |
| return KeywordToken; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/LiteralToken", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var $__28; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/LiteralToken"; |
| var Token = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Token").Token; |
| var $__31 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| NULL = $__31.NULL, |
| NUMBER = $__31.NUMBER, |
| STRING = $__31.STRING; |
| var StringParser = function StringParser(value) { |
| this.value = value; |
| this.index = 0; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(StringParser, ($__28 = {}, Object.defineProperty($__28, Symbol.iterator, { |
| value: function() { |
| return this; |
| }, |
| configurable: true, |
| enumerable: true, |
| writable: true |
| }), Object.defineProperty($__28, "next", { |
| value: function() { |
| if (++this.index >= this.value.length - 1) |
| return { |
| value: undefined, |
| done: true |
| }; |
| return { |
| value: this.value[this.index], |
| done: false |
| }; |
| }, |
| configurable: true, |
| enumerable: true, |
| writable: true |
| }), Object.defineProperty($__28, "parse", { |
| value: function() { |
| if (this.value.indexOf('\\') === -1) |
| return this.value.slice(1, -1); |
| var result = ''; |
| for (var $__29 = this[Symbol.iterator](), |
| $__30; !($__30 = $__29.next()).done; ) { |
| var ch = $__30.value; |
| { |
| result += ch === '\\' ? this.parseEscapeSequence() : ch; |
| } |
| } |
| return result; |
| }, |
| configurable: true, |
| enumerable: true, |
| writable: true |
| }), Object.defineProperty($__28, "parseEscapeSequence", { |
| value: function() { |
| var ch = this.next(); |
| switch (ch) { |
| case '\n': |
| case '\r': |
| case '\u2028': |
| case '\u2029': |
| return ''; |
| case '0': |
| return '\0'; |
| case 'b': |
| return '\b'; |
| case 'f': |
| return '\f'; |
| case 'n': |
| return '\n'; |
| case 'r': |
| return '\r'; |
| case 't': |
| return '\t'; |
| case 'v': |
| return '\v'; |
| case 'x': |
| return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(this.next() + this.next(), 16)); |
| case 'u': |
| return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(this.next() + this.next() + this.next() + this.next(), 16)); |
| default: |
| if (Number(ch) < 8) |
| throw new Error('Octal literals are not supported'); |
| return ch; |
| } |
| }, |
| configurable: true, |
| enumerable: true, |
| writable: true |
| }), $__28), {}); |
| var LiteralToken = function LiteralToken(type, value, location) { |
| this.type = type; |
| this.location = location; |
| this.value = value; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(LiteralToken, { |
| toString: function() { |
| return this.value; |
| }, |
| get processedValue() { |
| switch (this.type) { |
| case NULL: |
| return null; |
| case NUMBER: |
| var value = this.value; |
| if (value.charCodeAt(0) === 48) { |
| switch (value.charCodeAt(1)) { |
| case 66: |
| case 98: |
| return parseInt(this.value.slice(2), 2); |
| case 79: |
| case 111: |
| return parseInt(this.value.slice(2), 8); |
| } |
| } |
| return Number(this.value); |
| case STRING: |
| var parser = new StringParser(this.value); |
| return parser.parse(); |
| default: |
| throw new Error('Not implemented'); |
| } |
| } |
| }, {}, Token); |
| return {get LiteralToken() { |
| return LiteralToken; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/unicode-tables", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/unicode-tables"; |
| var idStartTable = [170, 170, 181, 181, 186, 186, 192, 214, 216, 246, 248, 442, 443, 443, 444, 447, 448, 451, 452, 659, 660, 660, 661, 687, 688, 705, 710, 721, 736, 740, 748, 748, 750, 750, 880, 883, 884, 884, 886, 887, 890, 890, 891, 893, 902, 902, 904, 906, 908, 908, 910, 929, 931, 1013, 1015, 1153, 1162, 1319, 1329, 1366, 1369, 1369, 1377, 1415, 1488, 1514, 1520, 1522, 1568, 1599, 1600, 1600, 1601, 1610, 1646, 1647, 1649, 1747, 1749, 1749, 1765, 1766, 1774, 1775, 1786, 1788, 1791, 1791, 1808, 1808, 1810, 1839, 1869, 1957, 1969, 1969, 1994, 2026, 2036, 2037, 2042, 2042, 2048, 2069, 2074, 2074, 2084, 2084, 2088, 2088, 2112, 2136, 2208, 2208, 2210, 2220, 2308, 2361, 2365, 2365, 2384, 2384, 2392, 2401, 2417, 2417, 2418, 2423, 2425, 2431, 2437, 2444, 2447, 2448, 2451, 2472, 2474, 2480, 2482, 2482, 2486, 2489, 2493, 2493, 2510, 2510, 2524, 2525, 2527, 2529, 2544, 2545, 2565, 2570, 2575, 2576, 2579, 2600, 2602, 2608, 2610, 2611, 2613, 2614, 2616, 2617, 2649, 2652, 2654, 2654, 2674, 2676, 2693, 2701, 2703, 2705, 2707, 2728, 2730, 2736, 2738, 2739, 2741, 2745, 2749, 2749, 2768, 2768, 2784, 2785, 2821, 2828, 2831, 2832, 2835, 2856, 2858, 2864, 2866, 2867, 2869, 2873, 2877, 2877, 2908, 2909, 2911, 2913, 2929, 2929, 2947, 2947, 2949, 2954, 2958, 2960, 2962, 2965, 2969, 2970, 2972, 2972, 2974, 2975, 2979, 2980, 2984, 2986, 2990, 3001, 3024, 3024, 3077, 3084, 3086, 3088, 3090, 3112, 3114, 3123, 3125, 3129, 3133, 3133, 3160, 3161, 3168, 3169, 3205, 3212, 3214, 3216, 3218, 3240, 3242, 3251, 3253, 3257, 3261, 3261, 3294, 3294, 3296, 3297, 3313, 3314, 3333, 3340, 3342, 3344, 3346, 3386, 3389, 3389, 3406, 3406, 3424, 3425, 3450, 3455, 3461, 3478, 3482, 3505, 3507, 3515, 3517, 3517, 3520, 3526, 3585, 3632, 3634, 3635, 3648, 3653, 3654, 3654, 3713, 3714, 3716, 3716, 3719, 3720, 3722, 3722, 3725, 3725, 3732, 3735, 3737, 3743, 3745, 3747, 3749, 3749, 3751, 3751, 3754, 3755, 3757, 3760, 3762, 3763, 3773, 3773, 3776, 3780, 3782, 3782, 3804, 3807, 3840, 3840, 3904, 3911, 3913, 3948, 3976, 3980, 4096, 4138, 4159, 4159, 4176, 4181, 4186, 4189, 4193, 4193, 4197, 4198, 4206, 4208, 4213, 4225, 4238, 4238, 4256, 4293, 4295, 4295, 4301, 4301, 4304, 4346, 4348, 4348, 4349, 4680, 4682, 4685, 4688, 4694, 4696, 4696, 4698, 4701, 4704, 4744, 4746, 4749, 4752, 4784, 4786, 4789, 4792, 4798, 4800, 4800, 4802, 4805, 4808, 4822, 4824, 4880, 4882, 4885, 4888, 4954, 4992, 5007, 5024, 5108, 5121, 5740, 5743, 5759, 5761, 5786, 5792, 5866, 5870, 5872, 5888, 5900, 5902, 5905, 5920, 5937, 5952, 5969, 5984, 5996, 5998, 6000, 6016, 6067, 6103, 6103, 6108, 6108, 6176, 6210, 6211, 6211, 6212, 6263, 6272, 6312, 6314, 6314, 6320, 6389, 6400, 6428, 6480, 6509, 6512, 6516, 6528, 6571, 6593, 6599, 6656, 6678, 6688, 6740, 6823, 6823, 6917, 6963, 6981, 6987, 7043, 7072, 7086, 7087, 7098, 7141, 7168, 7203, 7245, 7247, 7258, 7287, 7288, 7293, 7401, 7404, 7406, 7409, 7413, 7414, 7424, 7467, 7468, 7530, 7531, 7543, 7544, 7544, 7545, 7578, 7579, 7615, 7680, 7957, 7960, 7965, 7968, 8005, 8008, 8013, 8016, 8023, 8025, 8025, 8027, 8027, 8029, 8029, 8031, 8061, 8064, 8116, 8118, 8124, 8126, 8126, 8130, 8132, 8134, 8140, 8144, 8147, 8150, 8155, 8160, 8172, 8178, 8180, 8182, 8188, 8305, 8305, 8319, 8319, 8336, 8348, 8450, 8450, 8455, 8455, 8458, 8467, 8469, 8469, 8472, 8472, 8473, 8477, 8484, 8484, 8486, 8486, 8488, 8488, 8490, 8493, 8494, 8494, 8495, 8500, 8501, 8504, 8505, 8505, 8508, 8511, 8517, 8521, 8526, 8526, 8544, 8578, 8579, 8580, 8581, 8584, 11264, 11310, 11312, 11358, 11360, 11387, 11388, 11389, 11390, 11492, 11499, 11502, 11506, 11507, 11520, 11557, 11559, 11559, 11565, 11565, 11568, 11623, 11631, 11631, 11648, 11670, 11680, 11686, 11688, 11694, 11696, 11702, 11704, 11710, 11712, 11718, 11720, 11726, 11728, 11734, 11736, 11742, 12293, 12293, 12294, 12294, 12295, 12295, 12321, 12329, 12337, 12341, 12344, 12346, 12347, 12347, 12348, 12348, 12353, 12438, 12443, 12444, 12445, 12446, 12447, 12447, 12449, 12538, 12540, 12542, 12543, 12543, 12549, 12589, 12593, 12686, 12704, 12730, 12784, 12799, 13312, 19893, 19968, 40908, 40960, 40980, 40981, 40981, 40982, 42124, 42192, 42231, 42232, 42237, 42240, 42507, 42508, 42508, 42512, 42527, 42538, 42539, 42560, 42605, 42606, 42606, 42623, 42623, 42624, 42647, 42656, 42725, 42726, 42735, 42775, 42783, 42786, 42863, 42864, 42864, 42865, 42887, 42888, 42888, 42891, 42894, 42896, 42899, 42912, 42922, 43000, 43001, 43002, 43002, 43003, 43009, 43011, 43013, 43015, 43018, 43020, 43042, 43072, 43123, 43138, 43187, 43250, 43255, 43259, 43259, 43274, 43301, 43312, 43334, 43360, 43388, 43396, 43442, 43471, 43471, 43520, 43560, 43584, 43586, 43588, 43595, 43616, 43631, 43632, 43632, 43633, 43638, 43642, 43642, 43648, 43695, 43697, 43697, 43701, 43702, 43705, 43709, 43712, 43712, 43714, 43714, 43739, 43740, 43741, 43741, 43744, 43754, 43762, 43762, 43763, 43764, 43777, 43782, 43785, 43790, 43793, 43798, 43808, 43814, 43816, 43822, 43968, 44002, 44032, 55203, 55216, 55238, 55243, 55291, 63744, 64109, 64112, 64217, 64256, 64262, 64275, 64279, 64285, 64285, 64287, 64296, 64298, 64310, 64312, 64316, 64318, 64318, 64320, 64321, 64323, 64324, 64326, 64433, 64467, 64829, 64848, 64911, 64914, 64967, 65008, 65019, 65136, 65140, 65142, 65276, 65313, 65338, 65345, 65370, 65382, 65391, 65392, 65392, 65393, 65437, 65438, 65439, 65440, 65470, 65474, 65479, 65482, 65487, 65490, 65495, 65498, 65500, 65536, 65547, 65549, 65574, 65576, 65594, 65596, 65597, 65599, 65613, 65616, 65629, 65664, 65786, 65856, 65908, 66176, 66204, 66208, 66256, 66304, 66334, 66352, 66368, 66369, 66369, 66370, 66377, 66378, 66378, 66432, 66461, 66464, 66499, 66504, 66511, 66513, 66517, 66560, 66639, 66640, 66717, 67584, 67589, 67592, 67592, 67594, 67637, 67639, 67640, 67644, 67644, 67647, 67669, 67840, 67861, 67872, 67897, 67968, 68023, 68030, 68031, 68096, 68096, 68112, 68115, 68117, 68119, 68121, 68147, 68192, 68220, 68352, 68405, 68416, 68437, 68448, 68466, 68608, 68680, 69635, 69687, 69763, 69807, 69840, 69864, 69891, 69926, 70019, 70066, 70081, 70084, 71296, 71338, 73728, 74606, 74752, 74850, 77824, 78894, 92160, 92728, 93952, 94020, 94032, 94032, 94099, 94111, 110592, 110593, 119808, 119892, 119894, 119964, 119966, 119967, 119970, 119970, 119973, 119974, 119977, 119980, 119982, 119993, 119995, 119995, 119997, 120003, 120005, 120069, 120071, 120074, 120077, 120084, 120086, 120092, 120094, 120121, 120123, 120126, 120128, 120132, 120134, 120134, 120138, 120144, 120146, 120485, 120488, 120512, 120514, 120538, 120540, 120570, 120572, 120596, 120598, 120628, 120630, 120654, 120656, 120686, 120688, 120712, 120714, 120744, 120746, 120770, 120772, 120779, 126464, 126467, 126469, 126495, 126497, 126498, 126500, 126500, 126503, 126503, 126505, 126514, 126516, 126519, 126521, 126521, 126523, 126523, 126530, 126530, 126535, 126535, 126537, 126537, 126539, 126539, 126541, 126543, 126545, 126546, 126548, 126548, 126551, 126551, 126553, 126553, 126555, 126555, 126557, 126557, 126559, 126559, 126561, 126562, 126564, 126564, 126567, 126570, 126572, 126578, 126580, 126583, 126585, 126588, 126590, 126590, 126592, 126601, 126603, 126619, 126625, 126627, 126629, 126633, 126635, 126651, 131072, 173782, 173824, 177972, 177984, 178205, 194560, 195101]; |
| var idContinueTable = [183, 183, 768, 879, 903, 903, 1155, 1159, 1425, 1469, 1471, 1471, 1473, 1474, 1476, 1477, 1479, 1479, 1552, 1562, 1611, 1631, 1632, 1641, 1648, 1648, 1750, 1756, 1759, 1764, 1767, 1768, 1770, 1773, 1776, 1785, 1809, 1809, 1840, 1866, 1958, 1968, 1984, 1993, 2027, 2035, 2070, 2073, 2075, 2083, 2085, 2087, 2089, 2093, 2137, 2139, 2276, 2302, 2304, 2306, 2307, 2307, 2362, 2362, 2363, 2363, 2364, 2364, 2366, 2368, 2369, 2376, 2377, 2380, 2381, 2381, 2382, 2383, 2385, 2391, 2402, 2403, 2406, 2415, 2433, 2433, 2434, 2435, 2492, 2492, 2494, 2496, 2497, 2500, 2503, 2504, 2507, 2508, 2509, 2509, 2519, 2519, 2530, 2531, 2534, 2543, 2561, 2562, 2563, 2563, 2620, 2620, 2622, 2624, 2625, 2626, 2631, 2632, 2635, 2637, 2641, 2641, 2662, 2671, 2672, 2673, 2677, 2677, 2689, 2690, 2691, 2691, 2748, 2748, 2750, 2752, 2753, 2757, 2759, 2760, 2761, 2761, 2763, 2764, 2765, 2765, 2786, 2787, 2790, 2799, 2817, 2817, 2818, 2819, 2876, 2876, 2878, 2878, 2879, 2879, 2880, 2880, 2881, 2884, 2887, 2888, 2891, 2892, 2893, 2893, 2902, 2902, 2903, 2903, 2914, 2915, 2918, 2927, 2946, 2946, 3006, 3007, 3008, 3008, 3009, 3010, 3014, 3016, 3018, 3020, 3021, 3021, 3031, 3031, 3046, 3055, 3073, 3075, 3134, 3136, 3137, 3140, 3142, 3144, 3146, 3149, 3157, 3158, 3170, 3171, 3174, 3183, 3202, 3203, 3260, 3260, 3262, 3262, 3263, 3263, 3264, 3268, 3270, 3270, 3271, 3272, 3274, 3275, 3276, 3277, 3285, 3286, 3298, 3299, 3302, 3311, 3330, 3331, 3390, 3392, 3393, 3396, 3398, 3400, 3402, 3404, 3405, 3405, 3415, 3415, 3426, 3427, 3430, 3439, 3458, 3459, 3530, 3530, 3535, 3537, 3538, 3540, 3542, 3542, 3544, 3551, 3570, 3571, 3633, 3633, 3636, 3642, 3655, 3662, 3664, 3673, 3761, 3761, 3764, 3769, 3771, 3772, 3784, 3789, 3792, 3801, 3864, 3865, 3872, 3881, 3893, 3893, 3895, 3895, 3897, 3897, 3902, 3903, 3953, 3966, 3967, 3967, 3968, 3972, 3974, 3975, 3981, 3991, 3993, 4028, 4038, 4038, 4139, 4140, 4141, 4144, 4145, 4145, 4146, 4151, 4152, 4152, 4153, 4154, 4155, 4156, 4157, 4158, 4160, 4169, 4182, 4183, 4184, 4185, 4190, 4192, 4194, 4196, 4199, 4205, 4209, 4212, 4226, 4226, 4227, 4228, 4229, 4230, 4231, 4236, 4237, 4237, 4239, 4239, 4240, 4249, 4250, 4252, 4253, 4253, 4957, 4959, 4969, 4977, 5906, 5908, 5938, 5940, 5970, 5971, 6002, 6003, 6068, 6069, 6070, 6070, 6071, 6077, 6078, 6085, 6086, 6086, 6087, 6088, 6089, 6099, 6109, 6109, 6112, 6121, 6155, 6157, 6160, 6169, 6313, 6313, 6432, 6434, 6435, 6438, 6439, 6440, 6441, 6443, 6448, 6449, 6450, 6450, 6451, 6456, 6457, 6459, 6470, 6479, 6576, 6592, 6600, 6601, 6608, 6617, 6618, 6618, 6679, 6680, 6681, 6683, 6741, 6741, 6742, 6742, 6743, 6743, 6744, 6750, 6752, 6752, 6753, 6753, 6754, 6754, 6755, 6756, 6757, 6764, 6765, 6770, 6771, 6780, 6783, 6783, 6784, 6793, 6800, 6809, 6912, 6915, 6916, 6916, 6964, 6964, 6965, 6965, 6966, 6970, 6971, 6971, 6972, 6972, 6973, 6977, 6978, 6978, 6979, 6980, 6992, 7001, 7019, 7027, 7040, 7041, 7042, 7042, 7073, 7073, 7074, 7077, 7078, 7079, 7080, 7081, 7082, 7082, 7083, 7083, 7084, 7085, 7088, 7097, 7142, 7142, 7143, 7143, 7144, 7145, 7146, 7148, 7149, 7149, 7150, 7150, 7151, 7153, 7154, 7155, 7204, 7211, 7212, 7219, 7220, 7221, 7222, 7223, 7232, 7241, 7248, 7257, 7376, 7378, 7380, 7392, 7393, 7393, 7394, 7400, 7405, 7405, 7410, 7411, 7412, 7412, 7616, 7654, 7676, 7679, 8255, 8256, 8276, 8276, 8400, 8412, 8417, 8417, 8421, 8432, 11503, 11505, 11647, 11647, 11744, 11775, 12330, 12333, 12334, 12335, 12441, 12442, 42528, 42537, 42607, 42607, 42612, 42621, 42655, 42655, 42736, 42737, 43010, 43010, 43014, 43014, 43019, 43019, 43043, 43044, 43045, 43046, 43047, 43047, 43136, 43137, 43188, 43203, 43204, 43204, 43216, 43225, 43232, 43249, 43264, 43273, 43302, 43309, 43335, 43345, 43346, 43347, 43392, 43394, 43395, 43395, 43443, 43443, 43444, 43445, 43446, 43449, 43450, 43451, 43452, 43452, 43453, 43456, 43472, 43481, 43561, 43566, 43567, 43568, 43569, 43570, 43571, 43572, 43573, 43574, 43587, 43587, 43596, 43596, 43597, 43597, 43600, 43609, 43643, 43643, 43696, 43696, 43698, 43700, 43703, 43704, 43710, 43711, 43713, 43713, 43755, 43755, 43756, 43757, 43758, 43759, 43765, 43765, 43766, 43766, 44003, 44004, 44005, 44005, 44006, 44007, 44008, 44008, 44009, 44010, 44012, 44012, 44013, 44013, 44016, 44025, 64286, 64286, 65024, 65039, 65056, 65062, 65075, 65076, 65101, 65103, 65296, 65305, 65343, 65343, 66045, 66045, 66720, 66729, 68097, 68099, 68101, 68102, 68108, 68111, 68152, 68154, 68159, 68159, 69632, 69632, 69633, 69633, 69634, 69634, 69688, 69702, 69734, 69743, 69760, 69761, 69762, 69762, 69808, 69810, 69811, 69814, 69815, 69816, 69817, 69818, 69872, 69881, 69888, 69890, 69927, 69931, 69932, 69932, 69933, 69940, 69942, 69951, 70016, 70017, 70018, 70018, 70067, 70069, 70070, 70078, 70079, 70080, 70096, 70105, 71339, 71339, 71340, 71340, 71341, 71341, 71342, 71343, 71344, 71349, 71350, 71350, 71351, 71351, 71360, 71369, 94033, 94078, 94095, 94098, 119141, 119142, 119143, 119145, 119149, 119154, 119163, 119170, 119173, 119179, 119210, 119213, 119362, 119364, 120782, 120831, 917760, 917999]; |
| return { |
| get idStartTable() { |
| return idStartTable; |
| }, |
| get idContinueTable() { |
| return idContinueTable; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Scanner", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Scanner"; |
| var IdentifierToken = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/IdentifierToken").IdentifierToken; |
| var KeywordToken = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/KeywordToken").KeywordToken; |
| var LiteralToken = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/LiteralToken").LiteralToken; |
| var Token = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Token").Token; |
| var getKeywordType = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Keywords").getKeywordType; |
| var $__33 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/unicode-tables"), |
| idContinueTable = $__33.idContinueTable, |
| idStartTable = $__33.idStartTable; |
| var $__33 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/options"), |
| options = $__33.options, |
| parseOptions = $__33.parseOptions; |
| var $__33 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| AND = $__33.AND, |
| ARROW = $__33.ARROW, |
| AT = $__33.AT, |
| AWAIT = $__33.AWAIT, |
| BANG = $__33.BANG, |
| BAR = $__33.BAR, |
| BAR_EQUAL = $__33.BAR_EQUAL, |
| BREAK = $__33.BREAK, |
| CARET = $__33.CARET, |
| CASE = $__33.CASE, |
| CATCH = $__33.CATCH, |
| CLASS = $__33.CLASS, |
| COLON = $__33.COLON, |
| COMMA = $__33.COMMA, |
| CONST = $__33.CONST, |
| DEFAULT = $__33.DEFAULT, |
| DELETE = $__33.DELETE, |
| DO = $__33.DO, |
| DOT_DOT_DOT = $__33.DOT_DOT_DOT, |
| ELSE = $__33.ELSE, |
| END_OF_FILE = $__33.END_OF_FILE, |
| ENUM = $__33.ENUM, |
| EQUAL = $__33.EQUAL, |
| ERROR = $__33.ERROR, |
| EXPORT = $__33.EXPORT, |
| EXTENDS = $__33.EXTENDS, |
| FALSE = $__33.FALSE, |
| FINALLY = $__33.FINALLY, |
| FOR = $__33.FOR, |
| IF = $__33.IF, |
| IMPORT = $__33.IMPORT, |
| IN = $__33.IN, |
| LET = $__33.LET, |
| MINUS = $__33.MINUS, |
| NEW = $__33.NEW, |
| NOT_EQUAL = $__33.NOT_EQUAL, |
| NULL = $__33.NULL, |
| NUMBER = $__33.NUMBER, |
| OR = $__33.OR, |
| PACKAGE = $__33.PACKAGE, |
| PERCENT = $__33.PERCENT, |
| PERIOD = $__33.PERIOD, |
| PLUS = $__33.PLUS, |
| PLUS_PLUS = $__33.PLUS_PLUS, |
| PRIVATE = $__33.PRIVATE, |
| PUBLIC = $__33.PUBLIC, |
| RETURN = $__33.RETURN, |
| SLASH = $__33.SLASH, |
| STAR = $__33.STAR, |
| STATIC = $__33.STATIC, |
| STRING = $__33.STRING, |
| SUPER = $__33.SUPER, |
| SWITCH = $__33.SWITCH, |
| THIS = $__33.THIS, |
| THROW = $__33.THROW, |
| TILDE = $__33.TILDE, |
| TRUE = $__33.TRUE, |
| TRY = $__33.TRY, |
| TYPEOF = $__33.TYPEOF, |
| VAR = $__33.VAR, |
| VOID = $__33.VOID, |
| WHILE = $__33.WHILE, |
| WITH = $__33.WITH, |
| YIELD = $__33.YIELD; |
| var isWhitespaceArray = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < 128; i++) { |
| isWhitespaceArray[i] = i >= 9 && i <= 13 || i === 0x20; |
| } |
| var isWhitespaceArray = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < 128; i++) { |
| isWhitespaceArray[i] = i >= 9 && i <= 13 || i === 0x20; |
| } |
| function isWhitespace(code) { |
| if (code < 128) |
| return isWhitespaceArray[code]; |
| switch (code) { |
| case 0xA0: |
| case 0xFEFF: |
| case 0x2028: |
| case 0x2029: |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| function isLineTerminator(code) { |
| switch (code) { |
| case 10: |
| case 13: |
| case 0x2028: |
| case 0x2029: |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| function isDecimalDigit(code) { |
| return code >= 48 && code <= 57; |
| } |
| var isHexDigitArray = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < 128; i++) { |
| isHexDigitArray[i] = i >= 48 && i <= 57 || i >= 65 && i <= 70 || i >= 97 && i <= 102; |
| } |
| function isHexDigit(code) { |
| return code < 128 && isHexDigitArray[code]; |
| } |
| function isBinaryDigit(code) { |
| return code === 48 || code === 49; |
| } |
| function isOctalDigit(code) { |
| return code >= 48 && code <= 55; |
| } |
| var isIdentifierStartArray = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < 128; i++) { |
| isIdentifierStartArray[i] = i === 36 || i >= 65 && i <= 90 || i === 95 || i >= 97 && i <= 122; |
| } |
| function isIdentifierStart(code) { |
| return code < 128 ? isIdentifierStartArray[code] : inTable(idStartTable, code); |
| } |
| var isIdentifierPartArray = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < 128; i++) { |
| isIdentifierPartArray[i] = isIdentifierStart(i) || isDecimalDigit(i); |
| } |
| function isIdentifierPart(code) { |
| return code < 128 ? isIdentifierPartArray[code] : inTable(idStartTable, code) || inTable(idContinueTable, code) || code === 8204 || code === 8205; |
| } |
| function inTable(table, code) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < table.length; ) { |
| if (code < table[i++]) |
| return false; |
| if (code <= table[i++]) |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| function isRegularExpressionChar(code) { |
| switch (code) { |
| case 47: |
| return false; |
| case 91: |
| case 92: |
| return true; |
| } |
| return !isLineTerminator(code); |
| } |
| function isRegularExpressionFirstChar(code) { |
| return isRegularExpressionChar(code) && code !== 42; |
| } |
| var index, |
| input, |
| length, |
| token, |
| lastToken, |
| lookaheadToken, |
| currentCharCode, |
| lineNumberTable, |
| errorReporter, |
| currentParser; |
| var Scanner = function Scanner(reporter, file, parser) { |
| errorReporter = reporter; |
| lineNumberTable = file.lineNumberTable; |
| input = file.contents; |
| length = file.contents.length; |
| index = 0; |
| lastToken = null; |
| token = null; |
| lookaheadToken = null; |
| updateCurrentCharCode(); |
| currentParser = parser; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Scanner, { |
| get lastToken() { |
| return lastToken; |
| }, |
| getPosition: function() { |
| return getPosition(getOffset()); |
| }, |
| nextRegularExpressionLiteralToken: function() { |
| lastToken = nextRegularExpressionLiteralToken(); |
| token = scanToken(); |
| return lastToken; |
| }, |
| nextTemplateLiteralToken: function() { |
| var t = nextTemplateLiteralToken(); |
| token = scanToken(); |
| return t; |
| }, |
| nextToken: function() { |
| return nextToken(); |
| }, |
| peekToken: function(opt_index) { |
| return opt_index ? peekTokenLookahead() : peekToken(); |
| }, |
| peekTokenNoLineTerminator: function() { |
| return peekTokenNoLineTerminator(); |
| }, |
| isAtEnd: function() { |
| return isAtEnd(); |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| function getPosition(offset) { |
| return lineNumberTable.getSourcePosition(offset); |
| } |
| function getTokenRange(startOffset) { |
| return lineNumberTable.getSourceRange(startOffset, index); |
| } |
| function getOffset() { |
| return token ? token.location.start.offset : index; |
| } |
| function nextRegularExpressionLiteralToken() { |
| var beginIndex = index - token.toString().length; |
| if (!skipRegularExpressionBody()) { |
| return new LiteralToken(REGULAR_EXPRESSION, getTokenString(beginIndex), getTokenRange(beginIndex)); |
| } |
| if (currentCharCode !== 47) { |
| reportError('Expected \'/\' in regular expression literal'); |
| return new LiteralToken(REGULAR_EXPRESSION, getTokenString(beginIndex), getTokenRange(beginIndex)); |
| } |
| next(); |
| while (isIdentifierPart(currentCharCode)) { |
| next(); |
| } |
| return new LiteralToken(REGULAR_EXPRESSION, getTokenString(beginIndex), getTokenRange(beginIndex)); |
| } |
| function skipRegularExpressionBody() { |
| if (!isRegularExpressionFirstChar(currentCharCode)) { |
| reportError('Expected regular expression first char'); |
| return false; |
| } |
| while (!isAtEnd() && isRegularExpressionChar(currentCharCode)) { |
| if (!skipRegularExpressionChar()) |
| return false; |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| function skipRegularExpressionChar() { |
| switch (currentCharCode) { |
| case 92: |
| return skipRegularExpressionBackslashSequence(); |
| case 91: |
| return skipRegularExpressionClass(); |
| default: |
| next(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| function skipRegularExpressionBackslashSequence() { |
| next(); |
| if (isLineTerminator(currentCharCode) || isAtEnd()) { |
| reportError('New line not allowed in regular expression literal'); |
| return false; |
| } |
| next(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| function skipRegularExpressionClass() { |
| next(); |
| while (!isAtEnd() && peekRegularExpressionClassChar()) { |
| if (!skipRegularExpressionClassChar()) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| if (currentCharCode !== 93) { |
| reportError('\']\' expected'); |
| return false; |
| } |
| next(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| function peekRegularExpressionClassChar() { |
| return currentCharCode !== 93 && !isLineTerminator(currentCharCode); |
| } |
| function skipRegularExpressionClassChar() { |
| if (currentCharCode === 92) { |
| return skipRegularExpressionBackslashSequence(); |
| } |
| next(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| function skipTemplateCharacter() { |
| while (!isAtEnd()) { |
| switch (currentCharCode) { |
| case 96: |
| return; |
| case 92: |
| skipStringLiteralEscapeSequence(); |
| break; |
| case 36: |
| var code = input.charCodeAt(index + 1); |
| if (code === 123) |
| return; |
| default: |
| next(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| function scanTemplateStart(beginIndex) { |
| if (isAtEnd()) { |
| reportError('Unterminated template literal'); |
| return lastToken = createToken(END_OF_FILE, beginIndex); |
| } |
| return nextTemplateLiteralTokenShared(NO_SUBSTITUTION_TEMPLATE, TEMPLATE_HEAD); |
| } |
| function nextTemplateLiteralToken() { |
| if (isAtEnd()) { |
| reportError('Expected \'}\' after expression in template literal'); |
| return createToken(END_OF_FILE, index); |
| } |
| if (token.type !== CLOSE_CURLY) { |
| reportError('Expected \'}\' after expression in template literal'); |
| return createToken(ERROR, index); |
| } |
| return nextTemplateLiteralTokenShared(TEMPLATE_TAIL, TEMPLATE_MIDDLE); |
| } |
| function nextTemplateLiteralTokenShared(endType, middleType) { |
| var beginIndex = index; |
| skipTemplateCharacter(); |
| if (isAtEnd()) { |
| reportError('Unterminated template literal'); |
| return createToken(ERROR, beginIndex); |
| } |
| var value = getTokenString(beginIndex); |
| switch (currentCharCode) { |
| case 96: |
| next(); |
| return lastToken = new LiteralToken(endType, value, getTokenRange(beginIndex - 1)); |
| case 36: |
| next(); |
| next(); |
| return lastToken = new LiteralToken(middleType, value, getTokenRange(beginIndex - 1)); |
| } |
| } |
| function nextToken() { |
| var t = peekToken(); |
| token = lookaheadToken || scanToken(); |
| lookaheadToken = null; |
| lastToken = t; |
| return t; |
| } |
| function peekTokenNoLineTerminator() { |
| var t = peekToken(); |
| var start = lastToken.location.end.offset; |
| var end = t.location.start.offset; |
| for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { |
| var code = input.charCodeAt(i); |
| if (isLineTerminator(code)) |
| return null; |
| if (code === 47) { |
| code = input.charCodeAt(++i); |
| if (code === 47) |
| return null; |
| i = input.indexOf('*/', i) + 2; |
| } |
| } |
| return t; |
| } |
| function peekToken() { |
| return token || (token = scanToken()); |
| } |
| function peekTokenLookahead() { |
| if (!token) |
| token = scanToken(); |
| if (!lookaheadToken) |
| lookaheadToken = scanToken(); |
| return lookaheadToken; |
| } |
| function skipWhitespace() { |
| while (!isAtEnd() && peekWhitespace()) { |
| next(); |
| } |
| } |
| function peekWhitespace() { |
| return isWhitespace(currentCharCode); |
| } |
| function skipComments() { |
| while (skipComment()) {} |
| } |
| function skipComment() { |
| skipWhitespace(); |
| var code = currentCharCode; |
| if (code === 47) { |
| code = input.charCodeAt(index + 1); |
| switch (code) { |
| case 47: |
| skipSingleLineComment(); |
| return true; |
| case 42: |
| skipMultiLineComment(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| function commentCallback(start, index) { |
| if (options.commentCallback) |
| currentParser.handleComment(lineNumberTable.getSourceRange(start, index)); |
| } |
| function skipSingleLineComment() { |
| var start = index; |
| index += 2; |
| while (!isAtEnd() && !isLineTerminator(input.charCodeAt(index++))) {} |
| updateCurrentCharCode(); |
| commentCallback(start, index); |
| } |
| function skipMultiLineComment() { |
| var start = index; |
| var i = input.indexOf('*/', index + 2); |
| if (i !== -1) |
| index = i + 2; |
| else |
| index = length; |
| updateCurrentCharCode(); |
| commentCallback(start, index); |
| } |
| function scanToken() { |
| skipComments(); |
| var beginIndex = index; |
| if (isAtEnd()) |
| return createToken(END_OF_FILE, beginIndex); |
| var code = currentCharCode; |
| next(); |
| switch (code) { |
| case 123: |
| return createToken(OPEN_CURLY, beginIndex); |
| case 125: |
| return createToken(CLOSE_CURLY, beginIndex); |
| case 40: |
| return createToken(OPEN_PAREN, beginIndex); |
| case 41: |
| return createToken(CLOSE_PAREN, beginIndex); |
| case 91: |
| return createToken(OPEN_SQUARE, beginIndex); |
| case 93: |
| return createToken(CLOSE_SQUARE, beginIndex); |
| case 46: |
| switch (currentCharCode) { |
| case 46: |
| if (input.charCodeAt(index + 1) === 46) { |
| next(); |
| next(); |
| return createToken(DOT_DOT_DOT, beginIndex); |
| } |
| break; |
| default: |
| if (isDecimalDigit(currentCharCode)) |
| return scanNumberPostPeriod(beginIndex); |
| } |
| return createToken(PERIOD, beginIndex); |
| case 59: |
| return createToken(SEMI_COLON, beginIndex); |
| case 44: |
| return createToken(COMMA, beginIndex); |
| case 126: |
| return createToken(TILDE, beginIndex); |
| case 63: |
| return createToken(QUESTION, beginIndex); |
| case 58: |
| return createToken(COLON, beginIndex); |
| case 60: |
| switch (currentCharCode) { |
| case 60: |
| next(); |
| if (currentCharCode === 61) { |
| next(); |
| return createToken(LEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| } |
| return createToken(LEFT_SHIFT, beginIndex); |
| case 61: |
| next(); |
| return createToken(LESS_EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| default: |
| return createToken(OPEN_ANGLE, beginIndex); |
| } |
| case 62: |
| switch (currentCharCode) { |
| case 62: |
| next(); |
| switch (currentCharCode) { |
| case 61: |
| next(); |
| return createToken(RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| case 62: |
| next(); |
| if (currentCharCode === 61) { |
| next(); |
| return createToken(UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| } |
| return createToken(UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT, beginIndex); |
| default: |
| return createToken(RIGHT_SHIFT, beginIndex); |
| } |
| case 61: |
| next(); |
| return createToken(GREATER_EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| default: |
| return createToken(CLOSE_ANGLE, beginIndex); |
| } |
| case 61: |
| if (currentCharCode === 61) { |
| next(); |
| if (currentCharCode === 61) { |
| next(); |
| return createToken(EQUAL_EQUAL_EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| } |
| return createToken(EQUAL_EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| } |
| if (currentCharCode === 62) { |
| next(); |
| return createToken(ARROW, beginIndex); |
| } |
| return createToken(EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| case 33: |
| if (currentCharCode === 61) { |
| next(); |
| if (currentCharCode === 61) { |
| next(); |
| return createToken(NOT_EQUAL_EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| } |
| return createToken(NOT_EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| } |
| return createToken(BANG, beginIndex); |
| case 42: |
| if (currentCharCode === 61) { |
| next(); |
| return createToken(STAR_EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| } |
| return createToken(STAR, beginIndex); |
| case 37: |
| if (currentCharCode === 61) { |
| next(); |
| return createToken(PERCENT_EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| } |
| return createToken(PERCENT, beginIndex); |
| case 94: |
| if (currentCharCode === 61) { |
| next(); |
| return createToken(CARET_EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| } |
| return createToken(CARET, beginIndex); |
| case 47: |
| if (currentCharCode === 61) { |
| next(); |
| return createToken(SLASH_EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| } |
| return createToken(SLASH, beginIndex); |
| case 43: |
| switch (currentCharCode) { |
| case 43: |
| next(); |
| return createToken(PLUS_PLUS, beginIndex); |
| case 61: |
| next(); |
| return createToken(PLUS_EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| default: |
| return createToken(PLUS, beginIndex); |
| } |
| case 45: |
| switch (currentCharCode) { |
| case 45: |
| next(); |
| return createToken(MINUS_MINUS, beginIndex); |
| case 61: |
| next(); |
| return createToken(MINUS_EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| default: |
| return createToken(MINUS, beginIndex); |
| } |
| case 38: |
| switch (currentCharCode) { |
| case 38: |
| next(); |
| return createToken(AND, beginIndex); |
| case 61: |
| next(); |
| return createToken(AMPERSAND_EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| default: |
| return createToken(AMPERSAND, beginIndex); |
| } |
| case 124: |
| switch (currentCharCode) { |
| case 124: |
| next(); |
| return createToken(OR, beginIndex); |
| case 61: |
| next(); |
| return createToken(BAR_EQUAL, beginIndex); |
| default: |
| return createToken(BAR, beginIndex); |
| } |
| case 96: |
| return scanTemplateStart(beginIndex); |
| case 64: |
| return createToken(AT, beginIndex); |
| case 48: |
| return scanPostZero(beginIndex); |
| case 49: |
| case 50: |
| case 51: |
| case 52: |
| case 53: |
| case 54: |
| case 55: |
| case 56: |
| case 57: |
| return scanPostDigit(beginIndex); |
| case 34: |
| case 39: |
| return scanStringLiteral(beginIndex, code); |
| default: |
| return scanIdentifierOrKeyword(beginIndex, code); |
| } |
| } |
| function scanNumberPostPeriod(beginIndex) { |
| skipDecimalDigits(); |
| return scanExponentOfNumericLiteral(beginIndex); |
| } |
| function scanPostDigit(beginIndex) { |
| skipDecimalDigits(); |
| return scanFractionalNumericLiteral(beginIndex); |
| } |
| function scanPostZero(beginIndex) { |
| switch (currentCharCode) { |
| case 46: |
| return scanFractionalNumericLiteral(beginIndex); |
| case 88: |
| case 120: |
| next(); |
| if (!isHexDigit(currentCharCode)) { |
| reportError('Hex Integer Literal must contain at least one digit'); |
| } |
| skipHexDigits(); |
| return new LiteralToken(NUMBER, getTokenString(beginIndex), getTokenRange(beginIndex)); |
| case 66: |
| case 98: |
| if (!parseOptions.numericLiterals) |
| break; |
| next(); |
| if (!isBinaryDigit(currentCharCode)) { |
| reportError('Binary Integer Literal must contain at least one digit'); |
| } |
| skipBinaryDigits(); |
| return new LiteralToken(NUMBER, getTokenString(beginIndex), getTokenRange(beginIndex)); |
| case 79: |
| case 111: |
| if (!parseOptions.numericLiterals) |
| break; |
| next(); |
| if (!isOctalDigit(currentCharCode)) { |
| reportError('Octal Integer Literal must contain at least one digit'); |
| } |
| skipOctalDigits(); |
| return new LiteralToken(NUMBER, getTokenString(beginIndex), getTokenRange(beginIndex)); |
| case 48: |
| case 49: |
| case 50: |
| case 51: |
| case 52: |
| case 53: |
| case 54: |
| case 55: |
| case 56: |
| case 57: |
| return scanPostDigit(beginIndex); |
| } |
| return new LiteralToken(NUMBER, getTokenString(beginIndex), getTokenRange(beginIndex)); |
| } |
| function createToken(type, beginIndex) { |
| return new Token(type, getTokenRange(beginIndex)); |
| } |
| function readUnicodeEscapeSequence() { |
| var beginIndex = index; |
| if (currentCharCode === 117) { |
| next(); |
| if (skipHexDigit() && skipHexDigit() && skipHexDigit() && skipHexDigit()) { |
| return parseInt(getTokenString(beginIndex + 1), 16); |
| } |
| } |
| reportError('Invalid unicode escape sequence in identifier', beginIndex - 1); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| function scanIdentifierOrKeyword(beginIndex, code) { |
| var escapedCharCodes; |
| if (code === 92) { |
| code = readUnicodeEscapeSequence(); |
| escapedCharCodes = [code]; |
| } |
| if (!isIdentifierStart(code)) { |
| reportError(("Character code '" + code + "' is not a valid identifier start char"), beginIndex); |
| return createToken(ERROR, beginIndex); |
| } |
| for (; ; ) { |
| code = currentCharCode; |
| if (isIdentifierPart(code)) { |
| next(); |
| } else if (code === 92) { |
| next(); |
| code = readUnicodeEscapeSequence(); |
| if (!escapedCharCodes) |
| escapedCharCodes = []; |
| escapedCharCodes.push(code); |
| if (!isIdentifierPart(code)) |
| return createToken(ERROR, beginIndex); |
| } else { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| var value = input.slice(beginIndex, index); |
| var keywordType = getKeywordType(value); |
| if (keywordType) |
| return new KeywordToken(value, keywordType, getTokenRange(beginIndex)); |
| if (escapedCharCodes) { |
| var i = 0; |
| value = value.replace(/\\u..../g, function(s) { |
| return String.fromCharCode(escapedCharCodes[i++]); |
| }); |
| } |
| return new IdentifierToken(getTokenRange(beginIndex), value); |
| } |
| function scanStringLiteral(beginIndex, terminator) { |
| while (peekStringLiteralChar(terminator)) { |
| if (!skipStringLiteralChar()) { |
| return new LiteralToken(STRING, getTokenString(beginIndex), getTokenRange(beginIndex)); |
| } |
| } |
| if (currentCharCode !== terminator) { |
| reportError('Unterminated String Literal', beginIndex); |
| } else { |
| next(); |
| } |
| return new LiteralToken(STRING, getTokenString(beginIndex), getTokenRange(beginIndex)); |
| } |
| function getTokenString(beginIndex) { |
| return input.substring(beginIndex, index); |
| } |
| function peekStringLiteralChar(terminator) { |
| return !isAtEnd() && currentCharCode !== terminator && !isLineTerminator(currentCharCode); |
| } |
| function skipStringLiteralChar() { |
| if (currentCharCode === 92) { |
| return skipStringLiteralEscapeSequence(); |
| } |
| next(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| function skipStringLiteralEscapeSequence() { |
| next(); |
| if (isAtEnd()) { |
| reportError('Unterminated string literal escape sequence'); |
| return false; |
| } |
| if (isLineTerminator(currentCharCode)) { |
| skipLineTerminator(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| var code = currentCharCode; |
| next(); |
| switch (code) { |
| case 39: |
| case 34: |
| case 92: |
| case 98: |
| case 102: |
| case 110: |
| case 114: |
| case 116: |
| case 118: |
| case 48: |
| return true; |
| case 120: |
| return skipHexDigit() && skipHexDigit(); |
| case 117: |
| return skipHexDigit() && skipHexDigit() && skipHexDigit() && skipHexDigit(); |
| default: |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| function skipHexDigit() { |
| if (!isHexDigit(currentCharCode)) { |
| reportError('Hex digit expected'); |
| return false; |
| } |
| next(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| function skipLineTerminator() { |
| var first = currentCharCode; |
| next(); |
| if (first === 13 && currentCharCode === 10) { |
| next(); |
| } |
| } |
| function scanFractionalNumericLiteral(beginIndex) { |
| if (currentCharCode === 46) { |
| next(); |
| skipDecimalDigits(); |
| } |
| return scanExponentOfNumericLiteral(beginIndex); |
| } |
| function scanExponentOfNumericLiteral(beginIndex) { |
| switch (currentCharCode) { |
| case 101: |
| case 69: |
| next(); |
| switch (currentCharCode) { |
| case 43: |
| case 45: |
| next(); |
| break; |
| } |
| if (!isDecimalDigit(currentCharCode)) { |
| reportError('Exponent part must contain at least one digit'); |
| } |
| skipDecimalDigits(); |
| break; |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| return new LiteralToken(NUMBER, getTokenString(beginIndex), getTokenRange(beginIndex)); |
| } |
| function skipDecimalDigits() { |
| while (isDecimalDigit(currentCharCode)) { |
| next(); |
| } |
| } |
| function skipHexDigits() { |
| while (isHexDigit(currentCharCode)) { |
| next(); |
| } |
| } |
| function skipBinaryDigits() { |
| while (isBinaryDigit(currentCharCode)) { |
| next(); |
| } |
| } |
| function skipOctalDigits() { |
| while (isOctalDigit(currentCharCode)) { |
| next(); |
| } |
| } |
| function isAtEnd() { |
| return index === length; |
| } |
| function next() { |
| index++; |
| updateCurrentCharCode(); |
| } |
| function updateCurrentCharCode() { |
| currentCharCode = input.charCodeAt(index); |
| } |
| function reportError(message) { |
| var indexArg = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : index; |
| var position = getPosition(indexArg); |
| errorReporter.reportError(position, message); |
| } |
| return { |
| get isWhitespace() { |
| return isWhitespace; |
| }, |
| get isLineTerminator() { |
| return isLineTerminator; |
| }, |
| get isIdentifierPart() { |
| return isIdentifierPart; |
| }, |
| get Scanner() { |
| return Scanner; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/ParseTreeWriter", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/ParseTreeWriter"; |
| var $__35 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| BLOCK = $__35.BLOCK, |
| var ParseTreeVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/ParseTreeVisitor").ParseTreeVisitor; |
| var $__35 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName"), |
| AS = $__35.AS, |
| FROM = $__35.FROM, |
| GET = $__35.GET, |
| OF = $__35.OF, |
| MODULE = $__35.MODULE, |
| SET = $__35.SET; |
| var Token = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Token").Token; |
| var getKeywordType = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Keywords").getKeywordType; |
| var $__35 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Scanner"), |
| isIdentifierPart = $__35.isIdentifierPart, |
| isWhitespace = $__35.isWhitespace; |
| var $__35 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| AND = $__35.AND, |
| ARROW = $__35.ARROW, |
| AT = $__35.AT, |
| AWAIT = $__35.AWAIT, |
| BANG = $__35.BANG, |
| BAR = $__35.BAR, |
| BAR_EQUAL = $__35.BAR_EQUAL, |
| BREAK = $__35.BREAK, |
| CARET = $__35.CARET, |
| CASE = $__35.CASE, |
| CATCH = $__35.CATCH, |
| CLASS = $__35.CLASS, |
| COLON = $__35.COLON, |
| COMMA = $__35.COMMA, |
| CONST = $__35.CONST, |
| DEFAULT = $__35.DEFAULT, |
| DELETE = $__35.DELETE, |
| DO = $__35.DO, |
| DOT_DOT_DOT = $__35.DOT_DOT_DOT, |
| ELSE = $__35.ELSE, |
| END_OF_FILE = $__35.END_OF_FILE, |
| ENUM = $__35.ENUM, |
| EQUAL = $__35.EQUAL, |
| ERROR = $__35.ERROR, |
| EXPORT = $__35.EXPORT, |
| EXTENDS = $__35.EXTENDS, |
| FALSE = $__35.FALSE, |
| FINALLY = $__35.FINALLY, |
| FOR = $__35.FOR, |
| IF = $__35.IF, |
| IMPORT = $__35.IMPORT, |
| IN = $__35.IN, |
| LET = $__35.LET, |
| MINUS = $__35.MINUS, |
| NEW = $__35.NEW, |
| NOT_EQUAL = $__35.NOT_EQUAL, |
| NULL = $__35.NULL, |
| NUMBER = $__35.NUMBER, |
| OR = $__35.OR, |
| PACKAGE = $__35.PACKAGE, |
| PERCENT = $__35.PERCENT, |
| PERIOD = $__35.PERIOD, |
| PLUS = $__35.PLUS, |
| PLUS_PLUS = $__35.PLUS_PLUS, |
| PRIVATE = $__35.PRIVATE, |
| PUBLIC = $__35.PUBLIC, |
| RETURN = $__35.RETURN, |
| SLASH = $__35.SLASH, |
| STAR = $__35.STAR, |
| STATIC = $__35.STATIC, |
| STRING = $__35.STRING, |
| SUPER = $__35.SUPER, |
| SWITCH = $__35.SWITCH, |
| THIS = $__35.THIS, |
| THROW = $__35.THROW, |
| TILDE = $__35.TILDE, |
| TRUE = $__35.TRUE, |
| TRY = $__35.TRY, |
| TYPEOF = $__35.TYPEOF, |
| VAR = $__35.VAR, |
| VOID = $__35.VOID, |
| WHILE = $__35.WHILE, |
| WITH = $__35.WITH, |
| YIELD = $__35.YIELD; |
| var NEW_LINE = '\n'; |
| var LINE_LENGTH = 80; |
| var ParseTreeWriter = function ParseTreeWriter() { |
| var $__35 = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : {}, |
| highlighted = "highlighted" in $__35 ? $__35.highlighted : false, |
| showLineNumbers = "showLineNumbers" in $__35 ? $__35.showLineNumbers : false, |
| prettyPrint = "prettyPrint" in $__35 ? $__35.prettyPrint : true; |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ParseTreeWriter.prototype, "constructor", []); |
| this.highlighted_ = highlighted; |
| this.showLineNumbers_ = showLineNumbers; |
| this.prettyPrint_ = prettyPrint; |
| this.result_ = ''; |
| this.currentLine_ = ''; |
| this.currentLineComment_ = null; |
| this.indentDepth_ = 0; |
| this.currentParameterTypeAnnotation_ = null; |
| }; |
| var $ParseTreeWriter = ParseTreeWriter; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ParseTreeWriter, { |
| toString: function() { |
| if (this.currentLine_.length > 0) { |
| this.result_ += this.currentLine_; |
| this.currentLine_ = ''; |
| } |
| return this.result_; |
| }, |
| visitAny: function(tree) { |
| if (!tree) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (tree === this.highlighted_) { |
| this.write_('\x1B[41m'); |
| } |
| if (tree.location !== null && tree.location.start !== null && this.showLineNumbers_) { |
| var line = tree.location.start.line + 1; |
| var column = tree.location.start.column; |
| this.currentLineComment_ = ("Line: " + line + "." + column); |
| } |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ParseTreeWriter.prototype, "visitAny", [tree]); |
| if (tree === this.highlighted_) { |
| this.write_('\x1B[0m'); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitAnnotation: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(AT); |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| if (tree.args !== null) { |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.writeList_(tree.args, COMMA, false); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitArgumentList: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.writeList_(tree.args, COMMA, false); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| }, |
| visitArrayComprehension: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(OPEN_SQUARE); |
| this.visitList(tree.comprehensionList); |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_SQUARE); |
| }, |
| visitArrayLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(OPEN_SQUARE); |
| this.writeList_(tree.elements, COMMA, false); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_SQUARE); |
| }, |
| visitArrayPattern: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(OPEN_SQUARE); |
| this.writeList_(tree.elements, COMMA, false); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_SQUARE); |
| }, |
| visitArrowFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.visitAny(tree.formalParameters); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(ARROW); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.functionBody); |
| }, |
| visitAwaitStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(AWAIT); |
| if (tree.identifier !== null) { |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(tree.identifier); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(EQUAL); |
| } |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| this.write_(SEMI_COLON); |
| }, |
| visitBinaryOperator: function(tree) { |
| var left = tree.left; |
| this.visitAny(left); |
| var operator = tree.operator; |
| if (left.type === POSTFIX_EXPRESSION && requiresSpaceBetween(left.operator.type, operator.type)) { |
| this.writeRequiredSpace_(); |
| } else { |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| } |
| this.write_(operator); |
| var right = tree.right; |
| if (right.type === UNARY_EXPRESSION && requiresSpaceBetween(operator.type, right.operator.type)) { |
| this.writeRequiredSpace_(); |
| } else { |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| } |
| this.visitAny(right); |
| }, |
| visitBindingElement: function(tree) { |
| var typeAnnotation = this.currentParameterTypeAnnotation_; |
| this.currentParameterTypeAnnotation_ = null; |
| this.visitAny(tree.binding); |
| this.writeTypeAnnotation_(typeAnnotation); |
| if (tree.initialiser) { |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(EQUAL); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.initialiser); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitBindingIdentifier: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(tree.identifierToken); |
| }, |
| visitBlock: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(OPEN_CURLY); |
| this.writelnList_(tree.statements); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_CURLY); |
| }, |
| visitBreakStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(BREAK); |
| if (tree.name !== null) { |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(tree.name); |
| } |
| this.write_(SEMI_COLON); |
| }, |
| visitCallExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.operand); |
| this.visitAny(tree.args); |
| }, |
| visitCaseClause: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(CASE); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| this.write_(COLON); |
| this.indentDepth_++; |
| this.writelnList_(tree.statements); |
| this.indentDepth_--; |
| }, |
| visitCatch: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(CATCH); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.visitAny(tree.binding); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.catchBody); |
| }, |
| visitClassShared_: function(tree) { |
| this.writeAnnotations_(tree.annotations); |
| this.write_(CLASS); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| if (tree.superClass !== null) { |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(EXTENDS); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.superClass); |
| } |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(OPEN_CURLY); |
| this.writelnList_(tree.elements); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_CURLY); |
| }, |
| visitClassDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.visitClassShared_(tree); |
| }, |
| visitClassExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitClassShared_(tree); |
| }, |
| visitCommaExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.writeList_(tree.expressions, COMMA, false); |
| }, |
| visitComprehensionFor: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(FOR); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.visitAny(tree.left); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(OF); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.iterator); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| }, |
| visitComprehensionIf: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(IF); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| }, |
| visitComputedPropertyName: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(OPEN_SQUARE); |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_SQUARE); |
| }, |
| visitConditionalExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.condition); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(QUESTION); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.left); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(COLON); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.right); |
| }, |
| visitContinueStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(CONTINUE); |
| if (tree.name !== null) { |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(tree.name); |
| } |
| this.write_(SEMI_COLON); |
| }, |
| visitDebuggerStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(DEBUGGER); |
| this.write_(SEMI_COLON); |
| }, |
| visitDefaultClause: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(DEFAULT); |
| this.write_(COLON); |
| this.indentDepth_++; |
| this.writelnList_(tree.statements); |
| this.indentDepth_--; |
| }, |
| visitDoWhileStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(DO); |
| this.visitAnyBlockOrIndent_(tree.body); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(WHILE); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.visitAny(tree.condition); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.write_(SEMI_COLON); |
| }, |
| visitEmptyStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(SEMI_COLON); |
| }, |
| visitExportDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.writeAnnotations_(tree.annotations); |
| this.write_(EXPORT); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.declaration); |
| }, |
| visitExportDefault: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(DEFAULT); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| this.write_(SEMI_COLON); |
| }, |
| visitNamedExport: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.specifierSet); |
| if (tree.moduleSpecifier) { |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(FROM); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.moduleSpecifier); |
| } |
| this.write_(SEMI_COLON); |
| }, |
| visitExportSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(tree.lhs); |
| if (tree.rhs) { |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(AS); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(tree.rhs); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitExportSpecifierSet: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(OPEN_CURLY); |
| this.writeList_(tree.specifiers, COMMA, false); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_CURLY); |
| }, |
| visitExportStar: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(STAR); |
| }, |
| visitExpressionStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| this.write_(SEMI_COLON); |
| }, |
| visitFinally: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(FINALLY); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.block); |
| }, |
| visitForOfStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(FOR); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.visitAny(tree.initialiser); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(OF); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.collection); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.visitAnyBlockOrIndent_(tree.body); |
| }, |
| visitForInStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(FOR); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.visitAny(tree.initialiser); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(IN); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.collection); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.visitAnyBlockOrIndent_(tree.body); |
| }, |
| visitForStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(FOR); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.visitAny(tree.initialiser); |
| this.write_(SEMI_COLON); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.condition); |
| this.write_(SEMI_COLON); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.increment); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.visitAnyBlockOrIndent_(tree.body); |
| }, |
| visitFormalParameterList: function(tree) { |
| var first = true; |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.parameters.length; i++) { |
| var parameter = tree.parameters[i]; |
| if (first) { |
| first = false; |
| } else { |
| this.write_(COMMA); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| } |
| this.visitAny(parameter); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitFormalParameter: function(tree) { |
| this.writeAnnotations_(tree.annotations, false); |
| this.currentParameterTypeAnnotation_ = tree.typeAnnotation; |
| this.visitAny(tree.parameter); |
| this.currentParameterTypeAnnotation_ = null; |
| }, |
| visitFunctionBody: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(OPEN_CURLY); |
| this.writelnList_(tree.statements); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_CURLY); |
| }, |
| visitFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.visitFunction_(tree); |
| }, |
| visitFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitFunction_(tree); |
| }, |
| visitFunction_: function(tree) { |
| this.writeAnnotations_(tree.annotations); |
| this.write_(FUNCTION); |
| if (tree.isGenerator) |
| this.write_(STAR); |
| if (tree.name) { |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| } |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.visitAny(tree.formalParameterList); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.writeTypeAnnotation_(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.functionBody); |
| }, |
| visitGeneratorComprehension: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.visitList(tree.comprehensionList); |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| }, |
| visitGetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| this.writeAnnotations_(tree.annotations); |
| if (tree.isStatic) { |
| this.write_(STATIC); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| } |
| this.write_(GET); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.writeTypeAnnotation_(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| this.visitAny(tree.body); |
| }, |
| visitIdentifierExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(tree.identifierToken); |
| }, |
| visitIfStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(IF); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.visitAny(tree.condition); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.visitAnyBlockOrIndent_(tree.ifClause); |
| if (tree.elseClause) { |
| if (tree.ifClause.type === BLOCK) |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(ELSE); |
| if (tree.elseClause.type === IF_STATEMENT) { |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.elseClause); |
| } else { |
| this.visitAnyBlockOrIndent_(tree.elseClause); |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| visitAnyBlockOrIndent_: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.type === BLOCK) { |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree); |
| } else { |
| this.visitAnyIndented_(tree); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitAnyIndented_: function(tree) { |
| var indent = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : 1; |
| if (this.prettyPrint_) { |
| this.indentDepth_ += indent; |
| this.writeln_(); |
| } |
| this.visitAny(tree); |
| if (this.prettyPrint_) { |
| this.indentDepth_ -= indent; |
| this.writeln_(); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitImportDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(IMPORT); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| if (this.importClause) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.importClause); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(FROM); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| } |
| this.visitAny(tree.moduleSpecifier); |
| this.write_(SEMI_COLON); |
| }, |
| visitImportSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(tree.lhs); |
| if (tree.rhs !== null) { |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(AS); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(tree.rhs); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitImportSpecifierSet: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.specifiers.type == STAR) { |
| this.write_(STAR); |
| } else { |
| this.write_(OPEN_CURLY); |
| this.writelnList_(tree.specifiers, COMMA); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_CURLY); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitLabelledStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(tree.name); |
| this.write_(COLON); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.statement); |
| }, |
| visitLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(tree.literalToken); |
| }, |
| visitLiteralPropertyName: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(tree.literalToken); |
| }, |
| visitMemberExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.operand); |
| if (tree.operand.type === LITERAL_EXPRESSION && tree.operand.literalToken.type === NUMBER) { |
| if (!/\.|e|E/.test(tree.operand.literalToken.value)) |
| this.writeRequiredSpace_(); |
| } |
| this.write_(PERIOD); |
| this.write_(tree.memberName); |
| }, |
| visitMemberLookupExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.operand); |
| this.write_(OPEN_SQUARE); |
| this.visitAny(tree.memberExpression); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_SQUARE); |
| }, |
| visitSyntaxErrorTree: function(tree) { |
| this.write_('(function() {' + ("throw SyntaxError(" + JSON.stringify(tree.message) + ");") + '})()'); |
| }, |
| visitModule: function(tree) { |
| this.writelnList_(tree.scriptItemList, null); |
| }, |
| visitModuleSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(tree.token); |
| }, |
| visitModuleDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(MODULE); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(tree.identifier); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(FROM); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| this.write_(SEMI_COLON); |
| }, |
| visitNewExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(NEW); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.operand); |
| this.visitAny(tree.args); |
| }, |
| visitObjectLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(OPEN_CURLY); |
| if (tree.propertyNameAndValues.length > 1) |
| this.writeln_(); |
| this.writelnList_(tree.propertyNameAndValues, COMMA); |
| if (tree.propertyNameAndValues.length > 1) |
| this.writeln_(); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_CURLY); |
| }, |
| visitObjectPattern: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(OPEN_CURLY); |
| this.writelnList_(tree.fields, COMMA); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_CURLY); |
| }, |
| visitObjectPatternField: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| if (tree.element !== null) { |
| this.write_(COLON); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.element); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitParenExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ParseTreeWriter.prototype, "visitParenExpression", [tree]); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| }, |
| visitPostfixExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.operand); |
| if (tree.operand.type === POSTFIX_EXPRESSION && tree.operand.operator.type === tree.operator.type) { |
| this.writeRequiredSpace_(); |
| } |
| this.write_(tree.operator); |
| }, |
| visitPredefinedType: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(tree.typeToken); |
| }, |
| visitScript: function(tree) { |
| this.writelnList_(tree.scriptItemList, null); |
| }, |
| visitPropertyMethodAssignment: function(tree) { |
| this.writeAnnotations_(tree.annotations); |
| if (tree.isStatic) { |
| this.write_(STATIC); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| } |
| if (tree.isGenerator) |
| this.write_(STAR); |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.visitAny(tree.formalParameterList); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.writeTypeAnnotation_(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| this.visitAny(tree.functionBody); |
| }, |
| visitPropertyNameAssignment: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| this.write_(COLON); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.value); |
| }, |
| visitPropertyNameShorthand: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(tree.name); |
| }, |
| visitTemplateLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.operand) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.operand); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| } |
| this.writeRaw_(BACK_QUOTE); |
| this.visitList(tree.elements); |
| this.writeRaw_(BACK_QUOTE); |
| }, |
| visitTemplateLiteralPortion: function(tree) { |
| this.writeRaw_(tree.value); |
| }, |
| visitTemplateSubstitution: function(tree) { |
| this.writeRaw_('$'); |
| this.writeRaw_(OPEN_CURLY); |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| this.writeRaw_(CLOSE_CURLY); |
| }, |
| visitReturnStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(RETURN); |
| this.writeSpace_(tree.expression); |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| this.write_(SEMI_COLON); |
| }, |
| visitRestParameter: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(DOT_DOT_DOT); |
| this.write_(tree.identifier.identifierToken); |
| this.writeTypeAnnotation_(this.currentParameterTypeAnnotation_); |
| }, |
| visitSetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| this.writeAnnotations_(tree.annotations); |
| if (tree.isStatic) { |
| this.write_(STATIC); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| } |
| this.write_(SET); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.name); |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.visitAny(tree.parameter); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.body); |
| }, |
| visitSpreadExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(DOT_DOT_DOT); |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| }, |
| visitSpreadPatternElement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(DOT_DOT_DOT); |
| this.visitAny(tree.lvalue); |
| }, |
| visitStateMachine: function(tree) { |
| throw new Error('State machines cannot be converted to source'); |
| }, |
| visitSuperExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(SUPER); |
| }, |
| visitSwitchStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(SWITCH); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(OPEN_CURLY); |
| this.writelnList_(tree.caseClauses); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_CURLY); |
| }, |
| visitThisExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(THIS); |
| }, |
| visitThrowStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(THROW); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.value); |
| this.write_(SEMI_COLON); |
| }, |
| visitTryStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(TRY); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.body); |
| if (tree.catchBlock) { |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.catchBlock); |
| } |
| if (tree.finallyBlock) { |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.finallyBlock); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitTypeName: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.moduleName) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.moduleName); |
| this.write_(PERIOD); |
| } |
| this.write_(tree.name); |
| }, |
| visitUnaryExpression: function(tree) { |
| var op = tree.operator; |
| this.write_(op); |
| var operand = tree.operand; |
| if (operand.type === UNARY_EXPRESSION && requiresSpaceBetween(op.type, operand.operator.type)) { |
| this.writeRequiredSpace_(); |
| } |
| this.visitAny(operand); |
| }, |
| visitVariableDeclarationList: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(tree.declarationType); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.writeList_(tree.declarations, COMMA, true, 2); |
| }, |
| visitVariableDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.lvalue); |
| this.writeTypeAnnotation_(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| if (tree.initialiser !== null) { |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(EQUAL); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.initialiser); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitVariableStatement: function(tree) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ParseTreeWriter.prototype, "visitVariableStatement", [tree]); |
| this.write_(SEMI_COLON); |
| }, |
| visitWhileStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(WHILE); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.visitAny(tree.condition); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.visitAnyBlockOrIndent_(tree.body); |
| }, |
| visitWithStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(WITH); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.write_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| this.write_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.body); |
| }, |
| visitYieldExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.write_(YIELD); |
| if (tree.isYieldFor) |
| this.write_(STAR); |
| if (tree.expression) { |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| } |
| }, |
| writeCurrentln_: function() { |
| this.result_ += this.currentLine_ + NEW_LINE; |
| }, |
| writeln_: function() { |
| if (this.currentLineComment_) { |
| while (this.currentLine_.length < LINE_LENGTH) { |
| this.currentLine_ += ' '; |
| } |
| this.currentLine_ += ' // ' + this.currentLineComment_; |
| this.currentLineComment_ = null; |
| } |
| if (this.currentLine_) |
| this.writeCurrentln_(); |
| this.currentLine_ = ''; |
| }, |
| writelnList_: function(list, delimiter) { |
| if (delimiter) { |
| this.writeList_(list, delimiter, true); |
| } else { |
| if (list.length > 0) |
| this.writeln_(); |
| this.writeList_(list, null, true); |
| if (list.length > 0) |
| this.writeln_(); |
| } |
| }, |
| writeList_: function(list, delimiter, writeNewLine) { |
| var indent = arguments[3] !== (void 0) ? arguments[3] : 0; |
| var first = true; |
| for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { |
| var element = list[i]; |
| if (first) { |
| first = false; |
| } else { |
| if (delimiter !== null) { |
| this.write_(delimiter); |
| if (!writeNewLine) |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| } |
| if (writeNewLine) { |
| if (i === 1) |
| this.indentDepth_ += indent; |
| this.writeln_(); |
| } |
| } |
| this.visitAny(element); |
| } |
| if (writeNewLine && list.length > 1) |
| this.indentDepth_ -= indent; |
| }, |
| writeRaw_: function(value) { |
| this.currentLine_ += value; |
| }, |
| write_: function(value) { |
| if (value === CLOSE_CURLY) |
| this.indentDepth_--; |
| if (value !== null) { |
| if (this.prettyPrint_) { |
| if (!this.currentLine_) { |
| for (var i = 0, |
| indent = this.indentDepth_; i < indent; i++) { |
| this.currentLine_ += ' '; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (this.needsSpace_(value)) |
| this.currentLine_ += ' '; |
| this.currentLine_ += value; |
| } |
| if (value === OPEN_CURLY) |
| this.indentDepth_++; |
| }, |
| writeSpace_: function() { |
| var useSpace = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : this.prettyPrint_; |
| if (useSpace && !endsWithSpace(this.currentLine_)) |
| this.currentLine_ += ' '; |
| }, |
| writeRequiredSpace_: function() { |
| this.writeSpace_(true); |
| }, |
| writeTypeAnnotation_: function(typeAnnotation) { |
| if (typeAnnotation !== null) { |
| this.write_(COLON); |
| this.writeSpace_(); |
| this.visitAny(typeAnnotation); |
| } |
| }, |
| writeAnnotations_: function(annotations) { |
| var writeNewLine = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : this.prettyPrint_; |
| if (annotations.length > 0) { |
| this.writeList_(annotations, null, writeNewLine); |
| if (writeNewLine) |
| this.writeln_(); |
| } |
| }, |
| needsSpace_: function(token) { |
| var line = this.currentLine_; |
| if (!line) |
| return false; |
| var lastCode = line.charCodeAt(line.length - 1); |
| if (isWhitespace(lastCode)) |
| return false; |
| var firstCode = token.toString().charCodeAt(0); |
| return isIdentifierPart(firstCode) && (isIdentifierPart(lastCode) || lastCode === 47); |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeVisitor); |
| function requiresSpaceBetween(first, second) { |
| return (first === MINUS || first === MINUS_MINUS) && (second === MINUS || second === MINUS_MINUS) || (first === PLUS || first === PLUS_PLUS) && (second === PLUS || second === PLUS_PLUS); |
| } |
| function endsWithSpace(s) { |
| return isWhitespace(s.charCodeAt(s.length - 1)); |
| } |
| return {get ParseTreeWriter() { |
| return ParseTreeWriter; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/ParseTreeMapWriter", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/ParseTreeMapWriter"; |
| var ParseTreeWriter = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/ParseTreeWriter").ParseTreeWriter; |
| var ParseTreeMapWriter = function ParseTreeMapWriter(sourceMapGenerator) { |
| var options = arguments[1]; |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ParseTreeMapWriter.prototype, "constructor", [options]); |
| this.sourceMapGenerator_ = sourceMapGenerator; |
| this.outputLineCount_ = 1; |
| this.isFirstMapping_ = true; |
| }; |
| var $ParseTreeMapWriter = ParseTreeMapWriter; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ParseTreeMapWriter, { |
| visitAny: function(tree) { |
| if (!tree) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (tree.location) |
| this.enterBranch(tree.location); |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ParseTreeMapWriter.prototype, "visitAny", [tree]); |
| if (tree.location) |
| this.exitBranch(tree.location); |
| }, |
| writeCurrentln_: function() { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ParseTreeMapWriter.prototype, "writeCurrentln_", []); |
| this.flushMappings(); |
| this.outputLineCount_++; |
| this.generated_ = { |
| line: this.outputLineCount_, |
| column: 1 |
| }; |
| this.flushMappings(); |
| }, |
| write_: function(value) { |
| if (this.entered_) { |
| this.generate(); |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ParseTreeMapWriter.prototype, "write_", [value]); |
| this.generate(); |
| } else { |
| this.generate(); |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ParseTreeMapWriter.prototype, "write_", [value]); |
| this.generate(); |
| } |
| }, |
| generate: function() { |
| this.generated_ = { |
| line: this.outputLineCount_, |
| column: this.currentLine_.length |
| }; |
| this.flushMappings(); |
| }, |
| enterBranch: function(location) { |
| this.originate(location.start); |
| this.entered_ = true; |
| }, |
| exitBranch: function(location) { |
| this.originate(location.end); |
| this.entered_ = false; |
| }, |
| originate: function(position) { |
| var line = position.line + 1; |
| if (this.original_ && this.original_.line !== line) |
| this.flushMappings(); |
| this.original_ = { |
| line: line, |
| column: position.column || 0 |
| }; |
| if (position.source.name !== this.sourceName_) { |
| this.sourceName_ = position.source.name; |
| this.sourceMapGenerator_.setSourceContent(position.source.name, position.source.contents); |
| } |
| this.flushMappings(); |
| }, |
| flushMappings: function() { |
| if (this.original_ && this.generated_) { |
| this.addMapping(); |
| this.original_ = null; |
| this.generated_ = null; |
| } |
| }, |
| isSame: function(lhs, rhs) { |
| return lhs.line === rhs.line && lhs.column === rhs.column; |
| }, |
| isSameMapping: function() { |
| if (!this.previousMapping_) |
| return false; |
| if (this.isSame(this.previousMapping_.generated, this.generated_) && this.isSame(this.previousMapping_.original, this.original_)) |
| return true; |
| ; |
| }, |
| addMapping: function() { |
| if (this.isSameMapping()) |
| return; |
| var mapping = { |
| generated: this.generated_, |
| original: this.original_, |
| source: this.sourceName_ |
| }; |
| this.sourceMapGenerator_.addMapping(mapping); |
| this.previousMapping_ = mapping; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeWriter); |
| return {get ParseTreeMapWriter() { |
| return ParseTreeMapWriter; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/SourceMapIntegration", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/SourceMapIntegration"; |
| function makeDefine(mapping, id) { |
| var require = function(id) { |
| return mapping[id]; |
| }; |
| var exports = mapping[id] = {}; |
| var module = null; |
| return function(factory) { |
| factory(require, exports, module); |
| }; |
| } |
| var define, |
| m = {}; |
| define = makeDefine(m, './util'); |
| if (typeof define !== 'function') { |
| var define = require('amdefine')(module, require); |
| } |
| define(function(require, exports, module) { |
| function getArg(aArgs, aName, aDefaultValue) { |
| if (aName in aArgs) { |
| return aArgs[aName]; |
| } else if (arguments.length === 3) { |
| return aDefaultValue; |
| } else { |
| throw new Error('"' + aName + '" is a required argument.'); |
| } |
| } |
| exports.getArg = getArg; |
| var urlRegexp = /([\w+\-.]+):\/\/((\w+:\w+)@)?([\w.]+)?(:(\d+))?(\S+)?/; |
| var dataUrlRegexp = /^data:.+\,.+/; |
| function urlParse(aUrl) { |
| var match = aUrl.match(urlRegexp); |
| if (!match) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| return { |
| scheme: match[1], |
| auth: match[3], |
| host: match[4], |
| port: match[6], |
| path: match[7] |
| }; |
| } |
| exports.urlParse = urlParse; |
| function urlGenerate(aParsedUrl) { |
| var url = aParsedUrl.scheme + "://"; |
| if (aParsedUrl.auth) { |
| url += aParsedUrl.auth + "@"; |
| } |
| if (aParsedUrl.host) { |
| url += aParsedUrl.host; |
| } |
| if (aParsedUrl.port) { |
| url += ":" + aParsedUrl.port; |
| } |
| if (aParsedUrl.path) { |
| url += aParsedUrl.path; |
| } |
| return url; |
| } |
| exports.urlGenerate = urlGenerate; |
| function join(aRoot, aPath) { |
| var url; |
| if (aPath.match(urlRegexp) || aPath.match(dataUrlRegexp)) { |
| return aPath; |
| } |
| if (aPath.charAt(0) === '/' && (url = urlParse(aRoot))) { |
| url.path = aPath; |
| return urlGenerate(url); |
| } |
| return aRoot.replace(/\/$/, '') + '/' + aPath; |
| } |
| exports.join = join; |
| function toSetString(aStr) { |
| return '$' + aStr; |
| } |
| exports.toSetString = toSetString; |
| function fromSetString(aStr) { |
| return aStr.substr(1); |
| } |
| exports.fromSetString = fromSetString; |
| function relative(aRoot, aPath) { |
| aRoot = aRoot.replace(/\/$/, ''); |
| var url = urlParse(aRoot); |
| if (aPath.charAt(0) == "/" && url && url.path == "/") { |
| return aPath.slice(1); |
| } |
| return aPath.indexOf(aRoot + '/') === 0 ? aPath.substr(aRoot.length + 1) : aPath; |
| } |
| exports.relative = relative; |
| function strcmp(aStr1, aStr2) { |
| var s1 = aStr1 || ""; |
| var s2 = aStr2 || ""; |
| return (s1 > s2) - (s1 < s2); |
| } |
| function compareByOriginalPositions(mappingA, mappingB, onlyCompareOriginal) { |
| var cmp; |
| cmp = strcmp(mappingA.source, mappingB.source); |
| if (cmp) { |
| return cmp; |
| } |
| cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine; |
| if (cmp) { |
| return cmp; |
| } |
| cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn; |
| if (cmp || onlyCompareOriginal) { |
| return cmp; |
| } |
| cmp = strcmp(mappingA.name, mappingB.name); |
| if (cmp) { |
| return cmp; |
| } |
| cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine; |
| if (cmp) { |
| return cmp; |
| } |
| return mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn; |
| } |
| ; |
| exports.compareByOriginalPositions = compareByOriginalPositions; |
| function compareByGeneratedPositions(mappingA, mappingB, onlyCompareGenerated) { |
| var cmp; |
| cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine; |
| if (cmp) { |
| return cmp; |
| } |
| cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn; |
| if (cmp || onlyCompareGenerated) { |
| return cmp; |
| } |
| cmp = strcmp(mappingA.source, mappingB.source); |
| if (cmp) { |
| return cmp; |
| } |
| cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine; |
| if (cmp) { |
| return cmp; |
| } |
| cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn; |
| if (cmp) { |
| return cmp; |
| } |
| return strcmp(mappingA.name, mappingB.name); |
| } |
| ; |
| exports.compareByGeneratedPositions = compareByGeneratedPositions; |
| }); |
| define = makeDefine(m, './array-set'); |
| if (typeof define !== 'function') { |
| var define = require('amdefine')(module, require); |
| } |
| define(function(require, exports, module) { |
| var util = require('./util'); |
| function ArraySet() { |
| this._array = []; |
| this._set = {}; |
| } |
| ArraySet.fromArray = function ArraySet_fromArray(aArray, aAllowDuplicates) { |
| var set = new ArraySet(); |
| for (var i = 0, |
| len = aArray.length; i < len; i++) { |
| set.add(aArray[i], aAllowDuplicates); |
| } |
| return set; |
| }; |
| ArraySet.prototype.add = function ArraySet_add(aStr, aAllowDuplicates) { |
| var isDuplicate = this.has(aStr); |
| var idx = this._array.length; |
| if (!isDuplicate || aAllowDuplicates) { |
| this._array.push(aStr); |
| } |
| if (!isDuplicate) { |
| this._set[util.toSetString(aStr)] = idx; |
| } |
| }; |
| ArraySet.prototype.has = function ArraySet_has(aStr) { |
| return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._set, util.toSetString(aStr)); |
| }; |
| ArraySet.prototype.indexOf = function ArraySet_indexOf(aStr) { |
| if (this.has(aStr)) { |
| return this._set[util.toSetString(aStr)]; |
| } |
| throw new Error('"' + aStr + '" is not in the set.'); |
| }; |
| ArraySet.prototype.at = function ArraySet_at(aIdx) { |
| if (aIdx >= 0 && aIdx < this._array.length) { |
| return this._array[aIdx]; |
| } |
| throw new Error('No element indexed by ' + aIdx); |
| }; |
| ArraySet.prototype.toArray = function ArraySet_toArray() { |
| return this._array.slice(); |
| }; |
| exports.ArraySet = ArraySet; |
| }); |
| define = makeDefine(m, './base64'); |
| if (typeof define !== 'function') { |
| var define = require('amdefine')(module, require); |
| } |
| define(function(require, exports, module) { |
| var charToIntMap = {}; |
| var intToCharMap = {}; |
| 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'.split('').forEach(function(ch, index) { |
| charToIntMap[ch] = index; |
| intToCharMap[index] = ch; |
| }); |
| exports.encode = function base64_encode(aNumber) { |
| if (aNumber in intToCharMap) { |
| return intToCharMap[aNumber]; |
| } |
| throw new TypeError("Must be between 0 and 63: " + aNumber); |
| }; |
| exports.decode = function base64_decode(aChar) { |
| if (aChar in charToIntMap) { |
| return charToIntMap[aChar]; |
| } |
| throw new TypeError("Not a valid base 64 digit: " + aChar); |
| }; |
| }); |
| define = makeDefine(m, './base64-vlq'); |
| if (typeof define !== 'function') { |
| var define = require('amdefine')(module, require); |
| } |
| define(function(require, exports, module) { |
| var base64 = require('./base64'); |
| var VLQ_BASE_SHIFT = 5; |
| var VLQ_BASE = 1 << VLQ_BASE_SHIFT; |
| var VLQ_BASE_MASK = VLQ_BASE - 1; |
| function toVLQSigned(aValue) { |
| return aValue < 0 ? ((-aValue) << 1) + 1 : (aValue << 1) + 0; |
| } |
| function fromVLQSigned(aValue) { |
| var isNegative = (aValue & 1) === 1; |
| var shifted = aValue >> 1; |
| return isNegative ? -shifted : shifted; |
| } |
| exports.encode = function base64VLQ_encode(aValue) { |
| var encoded = ""; |
| var digit; |
| var vlq = toVLQSigned(aValue); |
| do { |
| digit = vlq & VLQ_BASE_MASK; |
| vlq >>>= VLQ_BASE_SHIFT; |
| if (vlq > 0) { |
| } |
| encoded += base64.encode(digit); |
| } while (vlq > 0); |
| return encoded; |
| }; |
| exports.decode = function base64VLQ_decode(aStr) { |
| var i = 0; |
| var strLen = aStr.length; |
| var result = 0; |
| var shift = 0; |
| var continuation, |
| digit; |
| do { |
| if (i >= strLen) { |
| throw new Error("Expected more digits in base 64 VLQ value."); |
| } |
| digit = base64.decode(aStr.charAt(i++)); |
| continuation = !!(digit & VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT); |
| digit &= VLQ_BASE_MASK; |
| result = result + (digit << shift); |
| shift += VLQ_BASE_SHIFT; |
| } while (continuation); |
| return { |
| value: fromVLQSigned(result), |
| rest: aStr.slice(i) |
| }; |
| }; |
| }); |
| define = makeDefine(m, './binary-search'); |
| if (typeof define !== 'function') { |
| var define = require('amdefine')(module, require); |
| } |
| define(function(require, exports, module) { |
| function recursiveSearch(aLow, aHigh, aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare) { |
| var mid = Math.floor((aHigh - aLow) / 2) + aLow; |
| var cmp = aCompare(aNeedle, aHaystack[mid], true); |
| if (cmp === 0) { |
| return aHaystack[mid]; |
| } else if (cmp > 0) { |
| if (aHigh - mid > 1) { |
| return recursiveSearch(mid, aHigh, aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare); |
| } |
| return aHaystack[mid]; |
| } else { |
| if (mid - aLow > 1) { |
| return recursiveSearch(aLow, mid, aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare); |
| } |
| return aLow < 0 ? null : aHaystack[aLow]; |
| } |
| } |
| exports.search = function search(aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare) { |
| return aHaystack.length > 0 ? recursiveSearch(-1, aHaystack.length, aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare) : null; |
| }; |
| }); |
| define = makeDefine(m, './source-map-generator'); |
| if (typeof define !== 'function') { |
| var define = require('amdefine')(module, require); |
| } |
| define(function(require, exports, module) { |
| var base64VLQ = require('./base64-vlq'); |
| var util = require('./util'); |
| var ArraySet = require('./array-set').ArraySet; |
| function SourceMapGenerator(aArgs) { |
| this._file = util.getArg(aArgs, 'file'); |
| this._sourceRoot = util.getArg(aArgs, 'sourceRoot', null); |
| this._sources = new ArraySet(); |
| this._names = new ArraySet(); |
| this._mappings = []; |
| this._sourcesContents = null; |
| } |
| SourceMapGenerator.prototype._version = 3; |
| SourceMapGenerator.fromSourceMap = function SourceMapGenerator_fromSourceMap(aSourceMapConsumer) { |
| var sourceRoot = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceRoot; |
| var generator = new SourceMapGenerator({ |
| file: aSourceMapConsumer.file, |
| sourceRoot: sourceRoot |
| }); |
| aSourceMapConsumer.eachMapping(function(mapping) { |
| var newMapping = {generated: { |
| line: mapping.generatedLine, |
| column: mapping.generatedColumn |
| }}; |
| if (mapping.source) { |
| newMapping.source = mapping.source; |
| if (sourceRoot) { |
| newMapping.source = util.relative(sourceRoot, newMapping.source); |
| } |
| newMapping.original = { |
| line: mapping.originalLine, |
| column: mapping.originalColumn |
| }; |
| if (mapping.name) { |
| newMapping.name = mapping.name; |
| } |
| } |
| generator.addMapping(newMapping); |
| }); |
| aSourceMapConsumer.sources.forEach(function(sourceFile) { |
| var content = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceContentFor(sourceFile); |
| if (content) { |
| generator.setSourceContent(sourceFile, content); |
| } |
| }); |
| return generator; |
| }; |
| SourceMapGenerator.prototype.addMapping = function SourceMapGenerator_addMapping(aArgs) { |
| var generated = util.getArg(aArgs, 'generated'); |
| var original = util.getArg(aArgs, 'original', null); |
| var source = util.getArg(aArgs, 'source', null); |
| var name = util.getArg(aArgs, 'name', null); |
| this._validateMapping(generated, original, source, name); |
| if (source && !this._sources.has(source)) { |
| this._sources.add(source); |
| } |
| if (name && !this._names.has(name)) { |
| this._names.add(name); |
| } |
| this._mappings.push({ |
| generatedLine: generated.line, |
| generatedColumn: generated.column, |
| originalLine: original != null && original.line, |
| originalColumn: original != null && original.column, |
| source: source, |
| name: name |
| }); |
| }; |
| SourceMapGenerator.prototype.setSourceContent = function SourceMapGenerator_setSourceContent(aSourceFile, aSourceContent) { |
| var source = aSourceFile; |
| if (this._sourceRoot) { |
| source = util.relative(this._sourceRoot, source); |
| } |
| if (aSourceContent !== null) { |
| if (!this._sourcesContents) { |
| this._sourcesContents = {}; |
| } |
| this._sourcesContents[util.toSetString(source)] = aSourceContent; |
| } else { |
| delete this._sourcesContents[util.toSetString(source)]; |
| if (Object.keys(this._sourcesContents).length === 0) { |
| this._sourcesContents = null; |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap = function SourceMapGenerator_applySourceMap(aSourceMapConsumer, aSourceFile) { |
| if (!aSourceFile) { |
| aSourceFile = aSourceMapConsumer.file; |
| } |
| var sourceRoot = this._sourceRoot; |
| if (sourceRoot) { |
| aSourceFile = util.relative(sourceRoot, aSourceFile); |
| } |
| var newSources = new ArraySet(); |
| var newNames = new ArraySet(); |
| this._mappings.forEach(function(mapping) { |
| if (mapping.source === aSourceFile && mapping.originalLine) { |
| var original = aSourceMapConsumer.originalPositionFor({ |
| line: mapping.originalLine, |
| column: mapping.originalColumn |
| }); |
| if (original.source !== null) { |
| if (sourceRoot) { |
| mapping.source = util.relative(sourceRoot, original.source); |
| } else { |
| mapping.source = original.source; |
| } |
| mapping.originalLine = original.line; |
| mapping.originalColumn = original.column; |
| if (original.name !== null && mapping.name !== null) { |
| mapping.name = original.name; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| var source = mapping.source; |
| if (source && !newSources.has(source)) { |
| newSources.add(source); |
| } |
| var name = mapping.name; |
| if (name && !newNames.has(name)) { |
| newNames.add(name); |
| } |
| }, this); |
| this._sources = newSources; |
| this._names = newNames; |
| aSourceMapConsumer.sources.forEach(function(sourceFile) { |
| var content = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceContentFor(sourceFile); |
| if (content) { |
| if (sourceRoot) { |
| sourceFile = util.relative(sourceRoot, sourceFile); |
| } |
| this.setSourceContent(sourceFile, content); |
| } |
| }, this); |
| }; |
| SourceMapGenerator.prototype._validateMapping = function SourceMapGenerator_validateMapping(aGenerated, aOriginal, aSource, aName) { |
| if (aGenerated && 'line' in aGenerated && 'column' in aGenerated && aGenerated.line > 0 && aGenerated.column >= 0 && !aOriginal && !aSource && !aName) { |
| return; |
| } else if (aGenerated && 'line' in aGenerated && 'column' in aGenerated && aOriginal && 'line' in aOriginal && 'column' in aOriginal && aGenerated.line > 0 && aGenerated.column >= 0 && aOriginal.line > 0 && aOriginal.column >= 0 && aSource) { |
| return; |
| } else { |
| throw new Error('Invalid mapping: ' + JSON.stringify({ |
| generated: aGenerated, |
| source: aSource, |
| orginal: aOriginal, |
| name: aName |
| })); |
| } |
| }; |
| SourceMapGenerator.prototype._serializeMappings = function SourceMapGenerator_serializeMappings() { |
| var previousGeneratedColumn = 0; |
| var previousGeneratedLine = 1; |
| var previousOriginalColumn = 0; |
| var previousOriginalLine = 0; |
| var previousName = 0; |
| var previousSource = 0; |
| var result = ''; |
| var mapping; |
| this._mappings.sort(util.compareByGeneratedPositions); |
| for (var i = 0, |
| len = this._mappings.length; i < len; i++) { |
| mapping = this._mappings[i]; |
| if (mapping.generatedLine !== previousGeneratedLine) { |
| previousGeneratedColumn = 0; |
| while (mapping.generatedLine !== previousGeneratedLine) { |
| result += ';'; |
| previousGeneratedLine++; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (i > 0) { |
| if (!util.compareByGeneratedPositions(mapping, this._mappings[i - 1])) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| result += ','; |
| } |
| } |
| result += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.generatedColumn - previousGeneratedColumn); |
| previousGeneratedColumn = mapping.generatedColumn; |
| if (mapping.source) { |
| result += base64VLQ.encode(this._sources.indexOf(mapping.source) - previousSource); |
| previousSource = this._sources.indexOf(mapping.source); |
| result += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.originalLine - 1 - previousOriginalLine); |
| previousOriginalLine = mapping.originalLine - 1; |
| result += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.originalColumn - previousOriginalColumn); |
| previousOriginalColumn = mapping.originalColumn; |
| if (mapping.name) { |
| result += base64VLQ.encode(this._names.indexOf(mapping.name) - previousName); |
| previousName = this._names.indexOf(mapping.name); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return result; |
| }; |
| SourceMapGenerator.prototype._generateSourcesContent = function SourceMapGenerator_generateSourcesContent(aSources, aSourceRoot) { |
| return aSources.map(function(source) { |
| if (!this._sourcesContents) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (aSourceRoot) { |
| source = util.relative(aSourceRoot, source); |
| } |
| var key = util.toSetString(source); |
| return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._sourcesContents, key) ? this._sourcesContents[key] : null; |
| }, this); |
| }; |
| SourceMapGenerator.prototype.toJSON = function SourceMapGenerator_toJSON() { |
| var map = { |
| version: this._version, |
| file: this._file, |
| sources: this._sources.toArray(), |
| names: this._names.toArray(), |
| mappings: this._serializeMappings() |
| }; |
| if (this._sourceRoot) { |
| map.sourceRoot = this._sourceRoot; |
| } |
| if (this._sourcesContents) { |
| map.sourcesContent = this._generateSourcesContent(map.sources, map.sourceRoot); |
| } |
| return map; |
| }; |
| SourceMapGenerator.prototype.toString = function SourceMapGenerator_toString() { |
| return JSON.stringify(this); |
| }; |
| exports.SourceMapGenerator = SourceMapGenerator; |
| }); |
| define = makeDefine(m, './source-map-consumer'); |
| if (typeof define !== 'function') { |
| var define = require('amdefine')(module, require); |
| } |
| define(function(require, exports, module) { |
| var util = require('./util'); |
| var binarySearch = require('./binary-search'); |
| var ArraySet = require('./array-set').ArraySet; |
| var base64VLQ = require('./base64-vlq'); |
| function SourceMapConsumer(aSourceMap) { |
| var sourceMap = aSourceMap; |
| if (typeof aSourceMap === 'string') { |
| sourceMap = JSON.parse(aSourceMap.replace(/^\)\]\}'/, '')); |
| } |
| var version = util.getArg(sourceMap, 'version'); |
| var sources = util.getArg(sourceMap, 'sources'); |
| var names = util.getArg(sourceMap, 'names'); |
| var sourceRoot = util.getArg(sourceMap, 'sourceRoot', null); |
| var sourcesContent = util.getArg(sourceMap, 'sourcesContent', null); |
| var mappings = util.getArg(sourceMap, 'mappings'); |
| var file = util.getArg(sourceMap, 'file', null); |
| if (version !== this._version) { |
| throw new Error('Unsupported version: ' + version); |
| } |
| this._names = ArraySet.fromArray(names, true); |
| this._sources = ArraySet.fromArray(sources, true); |
| this.sourceRoot = sourceRoot; |
| this.sourcesContent = sourcesContent; |
| this.file = file; |
| this._generatedMappings = []; |
| this._originalMappings = []; |
| this._parseMappings(mappings, sourceRoot); |
| } |
| SourceMapConsumer.fromSourceMap = function SourceMapConsumer_fromSourceMap(aSourceMap) { |
| var smc = Object.create(SourceMapConsumer.prototype); |
| smc._names = ArraySet.fromArray(aSourceMap._names.toArray(), true); |
| smc._sources = ArraySet.fromArray(aSourceMap._sources.toArray(), true); |
| smc.sourceRoot = aSourceMap._sourceRoot; |
| smc.sourcesContent = aSourceMap._generateSourcesContent(smc._sources.toArray(), smc.sourceRoot); |
| smc.file = aSourceMap._file; |
| smc._generatedMappings = aSourceMap._mappings.slice().sort(util.compareByGeneratedPositions); |
| smc._originalMappings = aSourceMap._mappings.slice().sort(util.compareByOriginalPositions); |
| return smc; |
| }; |
| SourceMapConsumer.prototype._version = 3; |
| Object.defineProperty(SourceMapConsumer.prototype, 'sources', {get: function() { |
| return this._sources.toArray().map(function(s) { |
| return this.sourceRoot ? util.join(this.sourceRoot, s) : s; |
| }, this); |
| }}); |
| SourceMapConsumer.prototype._parseMappings = function SourceMapConsumer_parseMappings(aStr, aSourceRoot) { |
| var generatedLine = 1; |
| var previousGeneratedColumn = 0; |
| var previousOriginalLine = 0; |
| var previousOriginalColumn = 0; |
| var previousSource = 0; |
| var previousName = 0; |
| var mappingSeparator = /^[,;]/; |
| var str = aStr; |
| var mapping; |
| var temp; |
| while (str.length > 0) { |
| if (str.charAt(0) === ';') { |
| generatedLine++; |
| str = str.slice(1); |
| previousGeneratedColumn = 0; |
| } else if (str.charAt(0) === ',') { |
| str = str.slice(1); |
| } else { |
| mapping = {}; |
| mapping.generatedLine = generatedLine; |
| temp = base64VLQ.decode(str); |
| mapping.generatedColumn = previousGeneratedColumn + temp.value; |
| previousGeneratedColumn = mapping.generatedColumn; |
| str = temp.rest; |
| if (str.length > 0 && !mappingSeparator.test(str.charAt(0))) { |
| temp = base64VLQ.decode(str); |
| mapping.source = this._sources.at(previousSource + temp.value); |
| previousSource += temp.value; |
| str = temp.rest; |
| if (str.length === 0 || mappingSeparator.test(str.charAt(0))) { |
| throw new Error('Found a source, but no line and column'); |
| } |
| temp = base64VLQ.decode(str); |
| mapping.originalLine = previousOriginalLine + temp.value; |
| previousOriginalLine = mapping.originalLine; |
| mapping.originalLine += 1; |
| str = temp.rest; |
| if (str.length === 0 || mappingSeparator.test(str.charAt(0))) { |
| throw new Error('Found a source and line, but no column'); |
| } |
| temp = base64VLQ.decode(str); |
| mapping.originalColumn = previousOriginalColumn + temp.value; |
| previousOriginalColumn = mapping.originalColumn; |
| str = temp.rest; |
| if (str.length > 0 && !mappingSeparator.test(str.charAt(0))) { |
| temp = base64VLQ.decode(str); |
| mapping.name = this._names.at(previousName + temp.value); |
| previousName += temp.value; |
| str = temp.rest; |
| } |
| } |
| this._generatedMappings.push(mapping); |
| if (typeof mapping.originalLine === 'number') { |
| this._originalMappings.push(mapping); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| this._originalMappings.sort(util.compareByOriginalPositions); |
| }; |
| SourceMapConsumer.prototype._findMapping = function SourceMapConsumer_findMapping(aNeedle, aMappings, aLineName, aColumnName, aComparator) { |
| if (aNeedle[aLineName] <= 0) { |
| throw new TypeError('Line must be greater than or equal to 1, got ' + aNeedle[aLineName]); |
| } |
| if (aNeedle[aColumnName] < 0) { |
| throw new TypeError('Column must be greater than or equal to 0, got ' + aNeedle[aColumnName]); |
| } |
| return binarySearch.search(aNeedle, aMappings, aComparator); |
| }; |
| SourceMapConsumer.prototype.originalPositionFor = function SourceMapConsumer_originalPositionFor(aArgs) { |
| var needle = { |
| generatedLine: util.getArg(aArgs, 'line'), |
| generatedColumn: util.getArg(aArgs, 'column') |
| }; |
| var mapping = this._findMapping(needle, this._generatedMappings, "generatedLine", "generatedColumn", util.compareByGeneratedPositions); |
| if (mapping) { |
| var source = util.getArg(mapping, 'source', null); |
| if (source && this.sourceRoot) { |
| source = util.join(this.sourceRoot, source); |
| } |
| return { |
| source: source, |
| line: util.getArg(mapping, 'originalLine', null), |
| column: util.getArg(mapping, 'originalColumn', null), |
| name: util.getArg(mapping, 'name', null) |
| }; |
| } |
| return { |
| source: null, |
| line: null, |
| column: null, |
| name: null |
| }; |
| }; |
| SourceMapConsumer.prototype.sourceContentFor = function SourceMapConsumer_sourceContentFor(aSource) { |
| if (!this.sourcesContent) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (this.sourceRoot) { |
| aSource = util.relative(this.sourceRoot, aSource); |
| } |
| if (this._sources.has(aSource)) { |
| return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf(aSource)]; |
| } |
| var url; |
| if (this.sourceRoot && (url = util.urlParse(this.sourceRoot))) { |
| var fileUriAbsPath = aSource.replace(/^file:\/\//, ""); |
| if (url.scheme == "file" && this._sources.has(fileUriAbsPath)) { |
| return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf(fileUriAbsPath)]; |
| } |
| if ((!url.path || url.path == "/") && this._sources.has("/" + aSource)) { |
| return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf("/" + aSource)]; |
| } |
| } |
| throw new Error('"' + aSource + '" is not in the SourceMap.'); |
| }; |
| SourceMapConsumer.prototype.generatedPositionFor = function SourceMapConsumer_generatedPositionFor(aArgs) { |
| var needle = { |
| source: util.getArg(aArgs, 'source'), |
| originalLine: util.getArg(aArgs, 'line'), |
| originalColumn: util.getArg(aArgs, 'column') |
| }; |
| if (this.sourceRoot) { |
| needle.source = util.relative(this.sourceRoot, needle.source); |
| } |
| var mapping = this._findMapping(needle, this._originalMappings, "originalLine", "originalColumn", util.compareByOriginalPositions); |
| if (mapping) { |
| return { |
| line: util.getArg(mapping, 'generatedLine', null), |
| column: util.getArg(mapping, 'generatedColumn', null) |
| }; |
| } |
| return { |
| line: null, |
| column: null |
| }; |
| }; |
| SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER = 1; |
| SourceMapConsumer.ORIGINAL_ORDER = 2; |
| SourceMapConsumer.prototype.eachMapping = function SourceMapConsumer_eachMapping(aCallback, aContext, aOrder) { |
| var context = aContext || null; |
| var order = aOrder || SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER; |
| var mappings; |
| switch (order) { |
| case SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER: |
| mappings = this._generatedMappings; |
| break; |
| case SourceMapConsumer.ORIGINAL_ORDER: |
| mappings = this._originalMappings; |
| break; |
| default: |
| throw new Error("Unknown order of iteration."); |
| } |
| var sourceRoot = this.sourceRoot; |
| mappings.map(function(mapping) { |
| var source = mapping.source; |
| if (source && sourceRoot) { |
| source = util.join(sourceRoot, source); |
| } |
| return { |
| source: source, |
| generatedLine: mapping.generatedLine, |
| generatedColumn: mapping.generatedColumn, |
| originalLine: mapping.originalLine, |
| originalColumn: mapping.originalColumn, |
| name: mapping.name |
| }; |
| }).forEach(aCallback, context); |
| }; |
| exports.SourceMapConsumer = SourceMapConsumer; |
| }); |
| define = makeDefine(m, './source-node'); |
| if (typeof define !== 'function') { |
| var define = require('amdefine')(module, require); |
| } |
| define(function(require, exports, module) { |
| var SourceMapGenerator = require('./source-map-generator').SourceMapGenerator; |
| var util = require('./util'); |
| function SourceNode(aLine, aColumn, aSource, aChunks, aName) { |
| this.children = []; |
| this.sourceContents = {}; |
| this.line = aLine === undefined ? null : aLine; |
| this.column = aColumn === undefined ? null : aColumn; |
| this.source = aSource === undefined ? null : aSource; |
| this.name = aName === undefined ? null : aName; |
| if (aChunks != null) |
| this.add(aChunks); |
| } |
| SourceNode.fromStringWithSourceMap = function SourceNode_fromStringWithSourceMap(aGeneratedCode, aSourceMapConsumer) { |
| var node = new SourceNode(); |
| var remainingLines = aGeneratedCode.split('\n'); |
| var lastGeneratedLine = 1, |
| lastGeneratedColumn = 0; |
| var lastMapping = null; |
| aSourceMapConsumer.eachMapping(function(mapping) { |
| if (lastMapping === null) { |
| while (lastGeneratedLine < mapping.generatedLine) { |
| node.add(remainingLines.shift() + "\n"); |
| lastGeneratedLine++; |
| } |
| if (lastGeneratedColumn < mapping.generatedColumn) { |
| var nextLine = remainingLines[0]; |
| node.add(nextLine.substr(0, mapping.generatedColumn)); |
| remainingLines[0] = nextLine.substr(mapping.generatedColumn); |
| lastGeneratedColumn = mapping.generatedColumn; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (lastGeneratedLine < mapping.generatedLine) { |
| var code = ""; |
| do { |
| code += remainingLines.shift() + "\n"; |
| lastGeneratedLine++; |
| lastGeneratedColumn = 0; |
| } while (lastGeneratedLine < mapping.generatedLine); |
| if (lastGeneratedColumn < mapping.generatedColumn) { |
| var nextLine = remainingLines[0]; |
| code += nextLine.substr(0, mapping.generatedColumn); |
| remainingLines[0] = nextLine.substr(mapping.generatedColumn); |
| lastGeneratedColumn = mapping.generatedColumn; |
| } |
| addMappingWithCode(lastMapping, code); |
| } else { |
| var nextLine = remainingLines[0]; |
| var code = nextLine.substr(0, mapping.generatedColumn - lastGeneratedColumn); |
| remainingLines[0] = nextLine.substr(mapping.generatedColumn - lastGeneratedColumn); |
| lastGeneratedColumn = mapping.generatedColumn; |
| addMappingWithCode(lastMapping, code); |
| } |
| } |
| lastMapping = mapping; |
| }, this); |
| addMappingWithCode(lastMapping, remainingLines.join("\n")); |
| aSourceMapConsumer.sources.forEach(function(sourceFile) { |
| var content = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceContentFor(sourceFile); |
| if (content) { |
| node.setSourceContent(sourceFile, content); |
| } |
| }); |
| return node; |
| function addMappingWithCode(mapping, code) { |
| if (mapping === null || mapping.source === undefined) { |
| node.add(code); |
| } else { |
| node.add(new SourceNode(mapping.originalLine, mapping.originalColumn, mapping.source, code, mapping.name)); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| SourceNode.prototype.add = function SourceNode_add(aChunk) { |
| if (Array.isArray(aChunk)) { |
| aChunk.forEach(function(chunk) { |
| this.add(chunk); |
| }, this); |
| } else if (aChunk instanceof SourceNode || typeof aChunk === "string") { |
| if (aChunk) { |
| this.children.push(aChunk); |
| } |
| } else { |
| throw new TypeError("Expected a SourceNode, string, or an array of SourceNodes and strings. Got " + aChunk); |
| } |
| return this; |
| }; |
| SourceNode.prototype.prepend = function SourceNode_prepend(aChunk) { |
| if (Array.isArray(aChunk)) { |
| for (var i = aChunk.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { |
| this.prepend(aChunk[i]); |
| } |
| } else if (aChunk instanceof SourceNode || typeof aChunk === "string") { |
| this.children.unshift(aChunk); |
| } else { |
| throw new TypeError("Expected a SourceNode, string, or an array of SourceNodes and strings. Got " + aChunk); |
| } |
| return this; |
| }; |
| SourceNode.prototype.walk = function SourceNode_walk(aFn) { |
| var chunk; |
| for (var i = 0, |
| len = this.children.length; i < len; i++) { |
| chunk = this.children[i]; |
| if (chunk instanceof SourceNode) { |
| chunk.walk(aFn); |
| } else { |
| if (chunk !== '') { |
| aFn(chunk, { |
| source: this.source, |
| line: this.line, |
| column: this.column, |
| name: this.name |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| SourceNode.prototype.join = function SourceNode_join(aSep) { |
| var newChildren; |
| var i; |
| var len = this.children.length; |
| if (len > 0) { |
| newChildren = []; |
| for (i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) { |
| newChildren.push(this.children[i]); |
| newChildren.push(aSep); |
| } |
| newChildren.push(this.children[i]); |
| this.children = newChildren; |
| } |
| return this; |
| }; |
| SourceNode.prototype.replaceRight = function SourceNode_replaceRight(aPattern, aReplacement) { |
| var lastChild = this.children[this.children.length - 1]; |
| if (lastChild instanceof SourceNode) { |
| lastChild.replaceRight(aPattern, aReplacement); |
| } else if (typeof lastChild === 'string') { |
| this.children[this.children.length - 1] = lastChild.replace(aPattern, aReplacement); |
| } else { |
| this.children.push(''.replace(aPattern, aReplacement)); |
| } |
| return this; |
| }; |
| SourceNode.prototype.setSourceContent = function SourceNode_setSourceContent(aSourceFile, aSourceContent) { |
| this.sourceContents[util.toSetString(aSourceFile)] = aSourceContent; |
| }; |
| SourceNode.prototype.walkSourceContents = function SourceNode_walkSourceContents(aFn) { |
| for (var i = 0, |
| len = this.children.length; i < len; i++) { |
| if (this.children[i] instanceof SourceNode) { |
| this.children[i].walkSourceContents(aFn); |
| } |
| } |
| var sources = Object.keys(this.sourceContents); |
| for (var i = 0, |
| len = sources.length; i < len; i++) { |
| aFn(util.fromSetString(sources[i]), this.sourceContents[sources[i]]); |
| } |
| }; |
| SourceNode.prototype.toString = function SourceNode_toString() { |
| var str = ""; |
| this.walk(function(chunk) { |
| str += chunk; |
| }); |
| return str; |
| }; |
| SourceNode.prototype.toStringWithSourceMap = function SourceNode_toStringWithSourceMap(aArgs) { |
| var generated = { |
| code: "", |
| line: 1, |
| column: 0 |
| }; |
| var map = new SourceMapGenerator(aArgs); |
| var sourceMappingActive = false; |
| var lastOriginalSource = null; |
| var lastOriginalLine = null; |
| var lastOriginalColumn = null; |
| var lastOriginalName = null; |
| this.walk(function(chunk, original) { |
| generated.code += chunk; |
| if (original.source !== null && original.line !== null && original.column !== null) { |
| if (lastOriginalSource !== original.source || lastOriginalLine !== original.line || lastOriginalColumn !== original.column || lastOriginalName !== original.name) { |
| map.addMapping({ |
| source: original.source, |
| original: { |
| line: original.line, |
| column: original.column |
| }, |
| generated: { |
| line: generated.line, |
| column: generated.column |
| }, |
| name: original.name |
| }); |
| } |
| lastOriginalSource = original.source; |
| lastOriginalLine = original.line; |
| lastOriginalColumn = original.column; |
| lastOriginalName = original.name; |
| sourceMappingActive = true; |
| } else if (sourceMappingActive) { |
| map.addMapping({generated: { |
| line: generated.line, |
| column: generated.column |
| }}); |
| lastOriginalSource = null; |
| sourceMappingActive = false; |
| } |
| chunk.split('').forEach(function(ch) { |
| if (ch === '\n') { |
| generated.line++; |
| generated.column = 0; |
| } else { |
| generated.column++; |
| } |
| }); |
| }); |
| this.walkSourceContents(function(sourceFile, sourceContent) { |
| map.setSourceContent(sourceFile, sourceContent); |
| }); |
| return { |
| code: generated.code, |
| map: map |
| }; |
| }; |
| exports.SourceNode = SourceNode; |
| }); |
| var SourceMapGenerator = m['./source-map-generator'].SourceMapGenerator; |
| var SourceMapConsumer = m['./source-map-consumer'].SourceMapConsumer; |
| var SourceNode = m['./source-node'].SourceNode; |
| return { |
| get SourceMapGenerator() { |
| return SourceMapGenerator; |
| }, |
| get SourceMapConsumer() { |
| return SourceMapConsumer; |
| }, |
| get SourceNode() { |
| return SourceNode; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/toSource", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/toSource"; |
| var ParseTreeMapWriter = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/ParseTreeMapWriter").ParseTreeMapWriter; |
| var ParseTreeWriter = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/ParseTreeWriter").ParseTreeWriter; |
| var SourceMapGenerator = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/SourceMapIntegration").SourceMapGenerator; |
| function toSource(tree) { |
| var options = arguments[1]; |
| var sourceMapGenerator = options && options.sourceMapGenerator; |
| if (!sourceMapGenerator && options && options.sourceMaps) { |
| sourceMapGenerator = new SourceMapGenerator({ |
| file: options.filename, |
| sourceRoot: null |
| }); |
| } |
| var writer; |
| if (sourceMapGenerator) |
| writer = new ParseTreeMapWriter(sourceMapGenerator, options); |
| else |
| writer = new ParseTreeWriter(options); |
| writer.visitAny(tree); |
| return [writer.toString(), sourceMapGenerator && sourceMapGenerator.toString()]; |
| } |
| return {get toSource() { |
| return toSource; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/TreeWriter", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/TreeWriter"; |
| var toSource = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/toSource").toSource; |
| function write(tree) { |
| var options = arguments[1]; |
| var $__39 = toSource(tree, options), |
| result = $__39[0], |
| sourceMap = $__39[1]; |
| if (sourceMap) |
| options.sourceMap = sourceMap; |
| return result; |
| } |
| var TreeWriter = function TreeWriter() {}; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(TreeWriter, {}, {}); |
| TreeWriter.write = write; |
| return { |
| get write() { |
| return write; |
| }, |
| get TreeWriter() { |
| return TreeWriter; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/assert", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/util/assert"; |
| var options = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/options").options; |
| function assert(b) { |
| if (!b && options.debug) |
| throw Error('Assertion failed'); |
| } |
| return {get assert() { |
| return assert; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/ParseTreeValidator", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/ParseTreeValidator"; |
| var NewExpression = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees").NewExpression; |
| var ParseTreeVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/ParseTreeVisitor").ParseTreeVisitor; |
| var TreeWriter = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/TreeWriter").TreeWriter; |
| var $__42 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| AND = $__42.AND, |
| BAR = $__42.BAR, |
| BAR_EQUAL = $__42.BAR_EQUAL, |
| CARET = $__42.CARET, |
| EQUAL = $__42.EQUAL, |
| IN = $__42.IN, |
| MINUS = $__42.MINUS, |
| NOT_EQUAL = $__42.NOT_EQUAL, |
| NUMBER = $__42.NUMBER, |
| OR = $__42.OR, |
| PERCENT = $__42.PERCENT, |
| PLUS = $__42.PLUS, |
| SLASH = $__42.SLASH, |
| STAR = $__42.STAR, |
| STRING = $__42.STRING, |
| var $__42 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| BLOCK = $__42.BLOCK, |
| CATCH = $__42.CATCH, |
| FINALLY = $__42.FINALLY, |
| var assert = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/assert").assert; |
| var ValidationError = function ValidationError(tree, message) { |
| this.tree = tree; |
| this.message = message; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ValidationError, {}, {}, Error); |
| var ParseTreeValidator = function ParseTreeValidator() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $ParseTreeValidator.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $ParseTreeValidator = ParseTreeValidator; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ParseTreeValidator, { |
| fail_: function(tree, message) { |
| throw new ValidationError(tree, message); |
| }, |
| check_: function(condition, tree, message) { |
| if (!condition) { |
| this.fail_(tree, message); |
| } |
| }, |
| checkVisit_: function(condition, tree, message) { |
| this.check_(condition, tree, message); |
| this.visitAny(tree); |
| }, |
| checkType_: function(type, tree, message) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.type === type, tree, message); |
| }, |
| visitArgumentList: function(tree) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.args.length; i++) { |
| var argument = tree.args[i]; |
| this.checkVisit_(argument.isAssignmentOrSpread(), argument, 'assignment or spread expected'); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitArrayLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.elements.length; i++) { |
| var element = tree.elements[i]; |
| this.checkVisit_(element === null || element.isAssignmentOrSpread(), element, 'assignment or spread expected'); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitArrayPattern: function(tree) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.elements.length; i++) { |
| var element = tree.elements[i]; |
| this.checkVisit_(element === null || element.type === BINDING_ELEMENT || element.type == IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION || element.isLeftHandSideExpression() || element.isPattern() || element.isSpreadPatternElement(), element, 'null, sub pattern, left hand side expression or spread expected'); |
| if (element && element.isSpreadPatternElement()) { |
| this.check_(i === (tree.elements.length - 1), element, 'spread in array patterns must be the last element'); |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| visitAwaitStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.expression.isExpression(), tree.expression, 'await must be expression'); |
| }, |
| visitBinaryOperator: function(tree) { |
| switch (tree.operator.type) { |
| case EQUAL: |
| case STAR_EQUAL: |
| case SLASH_EQUAL: |
| case PLUS_EQUAL: |
| case MINUS_EQUAL: |
| case CARET_EQUAL: |
| case BAR_EQUAL: |
| this.check_(tree.left.isLeftHandSideExpression() || tree.left.isPattern(), tree.left, 'left hand side expression or pattern expected'); |
| this.check_(tree.right.isArrowFunctionExpression(), tree.right, 'assignment expression expected'); |
| break; |
| case AND: |
| case OR: |
| case BAR: |
| case CARET: |
| case AMPERSAND: |
| case EQUAL_EQUAL: |
| case NOT_EQUAL: |
| case OPEN_ANGLE: |
| case CLOSE_ANGLE: |
| case LESS_EQUAL: |
| case INSTANCEOF: |
| case IN: |
| case LEFT_SHIFT: |
| case RIGHT_SHIFT: |
| case PLUS: |
| case MINUS: |
| case STAR: |
| case SLASH: |
| case PERCENT: |
| this.check_(tree.left.isArrowFunctionExpression(), tree.left, 'assignment expression expected'); |
| this.check_(tree.right.isArrowFunctionExpression(), tree.right, 'assignment expression expected'); |
| break; |
| default: |
| this.fail_(tree, 'unexpected binary operator'); |
| } |
| this.visitAny(tree.left); |
| this.visitAny(tree.right); |
| }, |
| visitBindingElement: function(tree) { |
| var binding = tree.binding; |
| this.checkVisit_(binding.type == BINDING_IDENTIFIER || binding.type == OBJECT_PATTERN || binding.type == ARRAY_PATTERN, binding, 'expected valid binding element'); |
| this.visitAny(tree.initialiser); |
| }, |
| visitBlock: function(tree) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.statements.length; i++) { |
| var statement = tree.statements[i]; |
| this.checkVisit_(statement.isStatementListItem(), statement, 'statement or function declaration expected'); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitCallExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.check_(tree.operand.isMemberExpression(), tree.operand, 'member expression expected'); |
| if (tree.operand instanceof NewExpression) { |
| this.check_(tree.operand.args !== null, tree.operand, 'new args expected'); |
| } |
| this.visitAny(tree.operand); |
| this.visitAny(tree.args); |
| }, |
| visitCaseClause: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.expression.isExpression(), tree.expression, 'expression expected'); |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.statements.length; i++) { |
| var statement = tree.statements[i]; |
| this.checkVisit_(statement.isStatement(), statement, 'statement expected'); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitCatch: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.binding.isPattern() || tree.binding.type == BINDING_IDENTIFIER, tree.binding, 'binding identifier expected'); |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.catchBody.type === BLOCK, tree.catchBody, 'block expected'); |
| }, |
| visitClassDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.elements.length; i++) { |
| var element = tree.elements[i]; |
| switch (element.type) { |
| case GET_ACCESSOR: |
| case SET_ACCESSOR: |
| break; |
| default: |
| this.fail_(element, 'class element expected'); |
| } |
| this.visitAny(element); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitCommaExpression: function(tree) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.expressions.length; i++) { |
| var expression = tree.expressions[i]; |
| this.checkVisit_(expression.isArrowFunctionExpression(), expression, 'expression expected'); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitConditionalExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.condition.isArrowFunctionExpression(), tree.condition, 'expression expected'); |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.left.isArrowFunctionExpression(), tree.left, 'expression expected'); |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.right.isArrowFunctionExpression(), tree.right, 'expression expected'); |
| }, |
| visitCoverFormals: function(tree) { |
| this.fail_(tree, 'CoverFormals should have been removed'); |
| }, |
| visitCoverInitialisedName: function(tree) { |
| this.fail_(tree, 'CoverInitialisedName should have been removed'); |
| }, |
| visitDefaultClause: function(tree) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.statements.length; i++) { |
| var statement = tree.statements[i]; |
| this.checkVisit_(statement.isStatement(), statement, 'statement expected'); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitDoWhileStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.body.isStatement(), tree.body, 'statement expected'); |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.condition.isExpression(), tree.condition, 'expression expected'); |
| }, |
| visitExportDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| var declType = tree.declaration.type; |
| this.checkVisit_(declType == VARIABLE_STATEMENT || declType == FUNCTION_DECLARATION || declType == MODULE_DECLARATION || declType == CLASS_DECLARATION || declType == NAMED_EXPORT || declType == EXPORT_DEFAULT, tree.declaration, 'expected valid export tree'); |
| }, |
| visitNamedExport: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.moduleSpecifier) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.moduleSpecifier.type == MODULE_SPECIFIER, tree.moduleSpecifier, 'module expression expected'); |
| } |
| var specifierType = tree.specifierSet.type; |
| this.checkVisit_(specifierType == EXPORT_SPECIFIER_SET || specifierType == EXPORT_STAR, tree.specifierSet, 'specifier set or identifier expected'); |
| }, |
| visitExportSpecifierSet: function(tree) { |
| this.check_(tree.specifiers.length > 0, tree, 'expected at least one identifier'); |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.specifiers.length; i++) { |
| var specifier = tree.specifiers[i]; |
| this.checkVisit_(specifier.type == EXPORT_SPECIFIER || specifier.type == IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION, specifier, 'expected valid export specifier'); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitExpressionStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.expression.isExpression(), tree.expression, 'expression expected'); |
| }, |
| visitFinally: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.block.type === BLOCK, tree.block, 'block expected'); |
| }, |
| visitForOfStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.initialiser.isPattern() || tree.initialiser.type === IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION || tree.initialiser.type === VARIABLE_DECLARATION_LIST && tree.initialiser.declarations.length === 1, tree.initialiser, 'for-each statement may not have more than one variable declaration'); |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.collection.isExpression(), tree.collection, 'expression expected'); |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.body.isStatement(), tree.body, 'statement expected'); |
| }, |
| visitForInStatement: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.initialiser.type === VARIABLE_DECLARATION_LIST) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.initialiser.declarations.length <= 1, tree.initialiser, 'for-in statement may not have more than one variable declaration'); |
| } else { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.initialiser.isPattern() || tree.initialiser.isExpression(), tree.initialiser, 'variable declaration, expression or ' + 'pattern expected'); |
| } |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.collection.isExpression(), tree.collection, 'expression expected'); |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.body.isStatement(), tree.body, 'statement expected'); |
| }, |
| visitFormalParameterList: function(tree) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.parameters.length; i++) { |
| var parameter = tree.parameters[i]; |
| assert(parameter.type === FORMAL_PARAMETER); |
| parameter = parameter.parameter; |
| switch (parameter.type) { |
| break; |
| this.checkVisit_(i === tree.parameters.length - 1, parameter, 'rest parameters must be the last parameter in a parameter list'); |
| this.checkType_(BINDING_IDENTIFIER, parameter.identifier, 'binding identifier expected'); |
| break; |
| default: |
| this.fail_(parameter, 'parameters must be identifiers or rest' + (" parameters. Found: " + parameter.type)); |
| break; |
| } |
| this.visitAny(parameter); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitForStatement: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.initialiser !== null) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.initialiser.isExpression() || tree.initialiser.type === VARIABLE_DECLARATION_LIST, tree.initialiser, 'variable declaration list or expression expected'); |
| } |
| if (tree.condition !== null) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.condition.isExpression(), tree.condition, 'expression expected'); |
| } |
| if (tree.increment !== null) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.increment.isExpression(), tree.increment, 'expression expected'); |
| } |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.body.isStatement(), tree.body, 'statement expected'); |
| }, |
| visitFunctionBody: function(tree) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.statements.length; i++) { |
| var statement = tree.statements[i]; |
| this.checkVisit_(statement.isStatementListItem(), statement, 'statement expected'); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.checkType_(BINDING_IDENTIFIER, tree.name, 'binding identifier expected'); |
| this.visitFunction_(tree); |
| }, |
| visitFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.name !== null) { |
| this.checkType_(BINDING_IDENTIFIER, tree.name, 'binding identifier expected'); |
| } |
| this.visitFunction_(tree); |
| }, |
| visitFunction_: function(tree) { |
| this.checkType_(FORMAL_PARAMETER_LIST, tree.formalParameterList, 'formal parameters expected'); |
| this.checkType_(FUNCTION_BODY, tree.functionBody, 'function body expected'); |
| }, |
| visitGetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| this.checkPropertyName_(tree.name); |
| this.checkType_(FUNCTION_BODY, tree.body, 'function body expected'); |
| }, |
| visitIfStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.condition.isExpression(), tree.condition, 'expression expected'); |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.ifClause.isStatement(), tree.ifClause, 'statement expected'); |
| if (tree.elseClause !== null) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.elseClause.isStatement(), tree.elseClause, 'statement expected'); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitLabelledStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.statement.isStatement(), tree.statement, 'statement expected'); |
| }, |
| visitMemberExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.check_(tree.operand.isMemberExpression(), tree.operand, 'member expression expected'); |
| if (tree.operand instanceof NewExpression) { |
| this.check_(tree.operand.args !== null, tree.operand, 'new args expected'); |
| } |
| this.visitAny(tree.operand); |
| }, |
| visitMemberLookupExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.check_(tree.operand.isMemberExpression(), tree.operand, 'member expression expected'); |
| if (tree.operand instanceof NewExpression) { |
| this.check_(tree.operand.args !== null, tree.operand, 'new args expected'); |
| } |
| this.visitAny(tree.operand); |
| }, |
| visitSyntaxErrorTree: function(tree) { |
| this.fail_(tree, ("parse tree contains SyntaxError: " + tree.message)); |
| }, |
| visitModuleSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| this.check_(tree.token.type == STRING || tree.moduleName, 'string or identifier expected'); |
| }, |
| visitModuleDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.checkType_(MODULE_SPECIFIER, tree.expression, 'module expression expected'); |
| }, |
| visitNewExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.operand.isMemberExpression(), tree.operand, 'member expression expected'); |
| this.visitAny(tree.args); |
| }, |
| visitObjectLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.propertyNameAndValues.length; i++) { |
| var propertyNameAndValue = tree.propertyNameAndValues[i]; |
| switch (propertyNameAndValue.type) { |
| case GET_ACCESSOR: |
| case SET_ACCESSOR: |
| this.check_(!propertyNameAndValue.isStatic, propertyNameAndValue, 'static is not allowed in object literal expression'); |
| break; |
| default: |
| this.fail_(propertyNameAndValue, 'accessor, property name ' + 'assignment or property method assigment expected'); |
| } |
| this.visitAny(propertyNameAndValue); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitObjectPattern: function(tree) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.fields.length; i++) { |
| var field = tree.fields[i]; |
| this.checkVisit_(field.type === OBJECT_PATTERN_FIELD || field.type === BINDING_ELEMENT || field.type === IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION, field, 'object pattern field expected'); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitObjectPatternField: function(tree) { |
| this.checkPropertyName_(tree.name); |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.element.type === BINDING_ELEMENT || tree.element.isPattern() || tree.element.isLeftHandSideExpression(), tree.element, 'binding element expected'); |
| }, |
| visitParenExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.expression.isPattern()) { |
| this.visitAny(tree.expression); |
| } else { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.expression.isExpression(), tree.expression, 'expression expected'); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitPostfixExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.operand.isArrowFunctionExpression(), tree.operand, 'assignment expression expected'); |
| }, |
| visitPredefinedType: function(tree) {}, |
| visitScript: function(tree) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.scriptItemList.length; i++) { |
| var scriptItemList = tree.scriptItemList[i]; |
| this.checkVisit_(scriptItemList.isScriptElement(), scriptItemList, 'global script item expected'); |
| } |
| }, |
| checkPropertyName_: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.type === LITERAL_PROPERTY_NAME || tree.type === COMPUTED_PROPERTY_NAME, tree, 'property name expected'); |
| }, |
| visitPropertyNameAssignment: function(tree) { |
| this.checkPropertyName_(tree.name); |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.value.isArrowFunctionExpression(), tree.value, 'assignment expression expected'); |
| }, |
| visitPropertyNameShorthand: function(tree) { |
| this.check_(tree.name.type === IDENTIFIER, tree, 'identifier token expected'); |
| }, |
| visitLiteralPropertyName: function(tree) { |
| var type = tree.literalToken.type; |
| this.check_(tree.literalToken.isKeyword() || type === IDENTIFIER || type === NUMBER || type === STRING, tree, 'Unexpected token in literal property name'); |
| }, |
| visitTemplateLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.operand) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.operand.isMemberExpression(), tree.operand, 'member or call expression expected'); |
| } |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.elements.length; i++) { |
| var element = tree.elements[i]; |
| if (i % 2) { |
| this.checkType_(TEMPLATE_SUBSTITUTION, element, 'Template literal substitution expected'); |
| } else { |
| this.checkType_(TEMPLATE_LITERAL_PORTION, element, 'Template literal portion expected'); |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| visitReturnStatement: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.expression !== null) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.expression.isExpression(), tree.expression, 'expression expected'); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitSetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| this.checkPropertyName_(tree.name); |
| this.checkType_(FUNCTION_BODY, tree.body, 'function body expected'); |
| }, |
| visitSpreadExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.expression.isArrowFunctionExpression(), tree.expression, 'assignment expression expected'); |
| }, |
| visitStateMachine: function(tree) { |
| this.fail_(tree, 'State machines are never valid outside of the ' + 'GeneratorTransformer pass.'); |
| }, |
| visitSwitchStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.expression.isExpression(), tree.expression, 'expression expected'); |
| var defaultCount = 0; |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.caseClauses.length; i++) { |
| var caseClause = tree.caseClauses[i]; |
| if (caseClause.type === DEFAULT_CLAUSE) { |
| ++defaultCount; |
| this.checkVisit_(defaultCount <= 1, caseClause, 'no more than one default clause allowed'); |
| } else { |
| this.checkType_(CASE_CLAUSE, caseClause, 'case or default clause expected'); |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| visitThrowStatement: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.value === null) { |
| return; |
| } |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.value.isExpression(), tree.value, 'expression expected'); |
| }, |
| visitTryStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.checkType_(BLOCK, tree.body, 'block expected'); |
| if (tree.catchBlock !== null) { |
| this.checkType_(CATCH, tree.catchBlock, 'catch block expected'); |
| } |
| if (tree.finallyBlock !== null) { |
| this.checkType_(FINALLY, tree.finallyBlock, 'finally block expected'); |
| } |
| if (tree.catchBlock === null && tree.finallyBlock === null) { |
| this.fail_(tree, 'either catch or finally must be present'); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitTypeName: function(tree) {}, |
| visitUnaryExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.operand.isArrowFunctionExpression(), tree.operand, 'assignment expression expected'); |
| }, |
| visitVariableDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.lvalue.isPattern() || tree.lvalue.type == BINDING_IDENTIFIER, tree.lvalue, 'binding identifier expected, found: ' + tree.lvalue.type); |
| if (tree.initialiser !== null) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.initialiser.isArrowFunctionExpression(), tree.initialiser, 'assignment expression expected'); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitWhileStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.condition.isExpression(), tree.condition, 'expression expected'); |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.body.isStatement(), tree.body, 'statement expected'); |
| }, |
| visitWithStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.expression.isExpression(), tree.expression, 'expression expected'); |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.body.isStatement(), tree.body, 'statement expected'); |
| }, |
| visitYieldExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.expression !== null) { |
| this.checkVisit_(tree.expression.isExpression(), tree.expression, 'expression expected'); |
| } |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeVisitor); |
| ParseTreeValidator.validate = function(tree) { |
| var validator = new ParseTreeValidator(); |
| try { |
| validator.visitAny(tree); |
| } catch (e) { |
| if (!(e instanceof ValidationError)) { |
| throw e; |
| } |
| var location = null; |
| if (e.tree !== null) { |
| location = e.tree.location; |
| } |
| if (location === null) { |
| location = tree.location; |
| } |
| var locationString = location !== null ? location.start.toString() : '(unknown)'; |
| throw new Error(("Parse tree validation failure '" + e.message + "' at " + locationString + ":") + '\n\n' + TreeWriter.write(tree, { |
| highlighted: e.tree, |
| showLineNumbers: true |
| }) + '\n'); |
| } |
| }; |
| return {get ParseTreeValidator() { |
| return ParseTreeValidator; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/ObjectMap", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/util/ObjectMap"; |
| var ObjectMap = function ObjectMap() { |
| this.keys_ = Object.create(null); |
| this.values_ = Object.create(null); |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ObjectMap, { |
| set: function(key, value) { |
| var uid = key.uid; |
| this.keys_[uid] = key; |
| this.values_[uid] = value; |
| }, |
| get: function(key) { |
| return this.values_[key.uid]; |
| }, |
| has: function(key) { |
| return key.uid in this.keys_; |
| }, |
| addAll: function(other) { |
| for (var uid in other.keys_) { |
| this.keys_[uid] = other.keys_[uid]; |
| this.values_[uid] = other.values_[uid]; |
| } |
| }, |
| keys: function() { |
| var $__43 = this; |
| return Object.keys(this.keys_).map((function(uid) { |
| return $__43.keys_[uid]; |
| })); |
| }, |
| values: function() { |
| var $__43 = this; |
| return Object.keys(this.values_).map((function(uid) { |
| return $__43.values_[uid]; |
| })); |
| }, |
| remove: function(key) { |
| var uid = key.uid; |
| delete this.keys_[uid]; |
| delete this.values_[uid]; |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| return {get ObjectMap() { |
| return ObjectMap; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"; |
| var IdentifierToken = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/IdentifierToken").IdentifierToken; |
| var LiteralToken = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/LiteralToken").LiteralToken; |
| var $__47 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTree"), |
| ParseTree = $__47.ParseTree, |
| ParseTreeType = $__47.ParseTreeType; |
| var $__47 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName"), |
| BIND = $__47.BIND, |
| CALL = $__47.CALL, |
| CREATE = $__47.CREATE, |
| FREEZE = $__47.FREEZE, |
| OBJECT = $__47.OBJECT, |
| getParameterName = $__47.getParameterName; |
| var Token = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Token").Token; |
| var $__47 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| EQUAL = $__47.EQUAL, |
| FALSE = $__47.FALSE, |
| NULL = $__47.NULL, |
| NUMBER = $__47.NUMBER, |
| STRING = $__47.STRING, |
| TRUE = $__47.TRUE, |
| VOID = $__47.VOID; |
| var assert = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/assert").assert; |
| var $__47 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| ArgumentList = $__47.ArgumentList, |
| ArrayComprehension = $__47.ArrayComprehension, |
| ArrayLiteralExpression = $__47.ArrayLiteralExpression, |
| ArrayPattern = $__47.ArrayPattern, |
| ArrowFunctionExpression = $__47.ArrowFunctionExpression, |
| AwaitStatement = $__47.AwaitStatement, |
| BinaryOperator = $__47.BinaryOperator, |
| BindingElement = $__47.BindingElement, |
| BindingIdentifier = $__47.BindingIdentifier, |
| Block = $__47.Block, |
| BreakStatement = $__47.BreakStatement, |
| CallExpression = $__47.CallExpression, |
| CaseClause = $__47.CaseClause, |
| Catch = $__47.Catch, |
| ClassDeclaration = $__47.ClassDeclaration, |
| ClassExpression = $__47.ClassExpression, |
| CommaExpression = $__47.CommaExpression, |
| ComprehensionFor = $__47.ComprehensionFor, |
| ComprehensionIf = $__47.ComprehensionIf, |
| ComputedPropertyName = $__47.ComputedPropertyName, |
| ConditionalExpression = $__47.ConditionalExpression, |
| ContinueStatement = $__47.ContinueStatement, |
| CoverFormals = $__47.CoverFormals, |
| CoverInitialisedName = $__47.CoverInitialisedName, |
| DebuggerStatement = $__47.DebuggerStatement, |
| DefaultClause = $__47.DefaultClause, |
| DoWhileStatement = $__47.DoWhileStatement, |
| EmptyStatement = $__47.EmptyStatement, |
| ExportDeclaration = $__47.ExportDeclaration, |
| ExportSpecifier = $__47.ExportSpecifier, |
| ExportSpecifierSet = $__47.ExportSpecifierSet, |
| ExportStar = $__47.ExportStar, |
| ExpressionStatement = $__47.ExpressionStatement, |
| Finally = $__47.Finally, |
| ForInStatement = $__47.ForInStatement, |
| ForOfStatement = $__47.ForOfStatement, |
| ForStatement = $__47.ForStatement, |
| FormalParameter = $__47.FormalParameter, |
| FormalParameterList = $__47.FormalParameterList, |
| FunctionBody = $__47.FunctionBody, |
| FunctionDeclaration = $__47.FunctionDeclaration, |
| FunctionExpression = $__47.FunctionExpression, |
| GeneratorComprehension = $__47.GeneratorComprehension, |
| GetAccessor = $__47.GetAccessor, |
| IdentifierExpression = $__47.IdentifierExpression, |
| IfStatement = $__47.IfStatement, |
| ImportDeclaration = $__47.ImportDeclaration, |
| ImportSpecifier = $__47.ImportSpecifier, |
| ImportSpecifierSet = $__47.ImportSpecifierSet, |
| LabelledStatement = $__47.LabelledStatement, |
| LiteralExpression = $__47.LiteralExpression, |
| LiteralPropertyName = $__47.LiteralPropertyName, |
| MemberExpression = $__47.MemberExpression, |
| MemberLookupExpression = $__47.MemberLookupExpression, |
| Module = $__47.Module, |
| ModuleDeclaration = $__47.ModuleDeclaration, |
| ModuleSpecifier = $__47.ModuleSpecifier, |
| NamedExport = $__47.NamedExport, |
| NewExpression = $__47.NewExpression, |
| ObjectLiteralExpression = $__47.ObjectLiteralExpression, |
| ObjectPattern = $__47.ObjectPattern, |
| ObjectPatternField = $__47.ObjectPatternField, |
| ParenExpression = $__47.ParenExpression, |
| PostfixExpression = $__47.PostfixExpression, |
| PredefinedType = $__47.PredefinedType, |
| Script = $__47.Script, |
| PropertyMethodAssignment = $__47.PropertyMethodAssignment, |
| PropertyNameAssignment = $__47.PropertyNameAssignment, |
| PropertyNameShorthand = $__47.PropertyNameShorthand, |
| RestParameter = $__47.RestParameter, |
| ReturnStatement = $__47.ReturnStatement, |
| SetAccessor = $__47.SetAccessor, |
| SpreadExpression = $__47.SpreadExpression, |
| SpreadPatternElement = $__47.SpreadPatternElement, |
| SuperExpression = $__47.SuperExpression, |
| SwitchStatement = $__47.SwitchStatement, |
| SyntaxErrorTree = $__47.SyntaxErrorTree, |
| TemplateLiteralExpression = $__47.TemplateLiteralExpression, |
| TemplateLiteralPortion = $__47.TemplateLiteralPortion, |
| TemplateSubstitution = $__47.TemplateSubstitution, |
| ThisExpression = $__47.ThisExpression, |
| ThrowStatement = $__47.ThrowStatement, |
| TryStatement = $__47.TryStatement, |
| TypeName = $__47.TypeName, |
| UnaryExpression = $__47.UnaryExpression, |
| VariableDeclaration = $__47.VariableDeclaration, |
| VariableDeclarationList = $__47.VariableDeclarationList, |
| VariableStatement = $__47.VariableStatement, |
| WhileStatement = $__47.WhileStatement, |
| WithStatement = $__47.WithStatement, |
| YieldExpression = $__47.YieldExpression; |
| var slice = Array.prototype.slice.call.bind(Array.prototype.slice); |
| var map = Array.prototype.map.call.bind(Array.prototype.map); |
| function createOperatorToken(operator) { |
| return new Token(operator, null); |
| } |
| function createIdentifierToken(identifier) { |
| return new IdentifierToken(null, identifier); |
| } |
| function createPropertyNameToken(name) { |
| return createIdentifierToken(name); |
| } |
| function createStringLiteralToken(value) { |
| return new LiteralToken(STRING, JSON.stringify(value), null); |
| } |
| function createBooleanLiteralToken(value) { |
| return new Token(value ? TRUE : FALSE, null); |
| } |
| function createNullLiteralToken() { |
| return new LiteralToken(NULL, 'null', null); |
| } |
| function createNumberLiteralToken(value) { |
| return new LiteralToken(NUMBER, String(value), null); |
| } |
| function createEmptyParameters() { |
| return []; |
| } |
| function createStatementList(statementsOrHead) { |
| for (var args = [], |
| $__45 = 1; $__45 < arguments.length; $__45++) |
| args[$__45 - 1] = arguments[$__45]; |
| if (statementsOrHead instanceof Array) |
| return $traceurRuntime.spread(statementsOrHead, args); |
| return slice(arguments); |
| } |
| function createBindingElement(arg) { |
| var binding = createBindingIdentifier(arg); |
| return new BindingElement(null, binding, null); |
| } |
| function createFormalParameter(arg) { |
| return new FormalParameter(null, createBindingElement(arg), null, []); |
| } |
| function createParameterList(arg0, var_args) { |
| if (typeof arg0 == 'string') { |
| var parameterList = map(arguments, createFormalParameter); |
| return new FormalParameterList(null, parameterList); |
| } |
| if (typeof arg0 == 'number') |
| return createParameterListHelper(arg0, false); |
| if (arg0 instanceof IdentifierToken) { |
| return new FormalParameterList(null, [createFormalParameter(arg0)]); |
| } |
| var builder = arg0.map(createFormalParameter); |
| return new FormalParameterList(null, builder); |
| } |
| function createParameterListHelper(numberOfParameters, hasRestParams) { |
| var builder = []; |
| for (var index = 0; index < numberOfParameters; index++) { |
| var parameterName = getParameterName(index); |
| var isRestParameter = index == numberOfParameters - 1 && hasRestParams; |
| builder.push(isRestParameter ? new FormalParameter(null, createRestParameter(parameterName), null, []) : createFormalParameter(parameterName)); |
| } |
| return new FormalParameterList(null, builder); |
| } |
| function createParameterListWithRestParams(numberOfParameters) { |
| return createParameterListHelper(numberOfParameters, true); |
| } |
| function createParameterReference(index) { |
| return createIdentifierExpression(getParameterName(index)); |
| } |
| function createEmptyParameterList() { |
| return new FormalParameterList(null, []); |
| } |
| function createEmptyList() { |
| return []; |
| } |
| function createArgumentList(numberListOrFirst, var_args) { |
| if (typeof numberListOrFirst == 'number') { |
| return createArgumentListFromParameterList(createParameterList(numberListOrFirst)); |
| } |
| var list; |
| if (numberListOrFirst instanceof Array) |
| list = numberListOrFirst; |
| else |
| list = slice(arguments); |
| return new ArgumentList(null, list); |
| } |
| function createArgumentListFromParameterList(formalParameterList) { |
| var builder = formalParameterList.parameters.map(function(parameter) { |
| if (parameter.isRestParameter()) { |
| return createSpreadExpression(createIdentifierExpression(parameter.identifier)); |
| } else { |
| return parameter; |
| } |
| }); |
| return new ArgumentList(null, builder); |
| } |
| function createEmptyArgumentList() { |
| return new ArgumentList(null, createEmptyList()); |
| } |
| function createArrayLiteralExpression(list) { |
| return new ArrayLiteralExpression(null, list); |
| } |
| function createEmptyArrayLiteralExpression() { |
| return createArrayLiteralExpression(createEmptyList()); |
| } |
| function createArrayPattern(list) { |
| return new ArrayPattern(null, list); |
| } |
| function createAssignmentExpression(lhs, rhs) { |
| return new BinaryOperator(null, lhs, createOperatorToken(EQUAL), rhs); |
| } |
| function createBinaryOperator(left, operator, right) { |
| return new BinaryOperator(null, left, operator, right); |
| } |
| function createBindingIdentifier(identifier) { |
| if (typeof identifier === 'string') |
| identifier = createIdentifierToken(identifier); |
| else if (identifier.type === ParseTreeType.BINDING_IDENTIFIER) |
| return identifier; |
| else if (identifier.type === ParseTreeType.IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION) |
| return new BindingIdentifier(identifier.location, identifier.identifierToken); |
| return new BindingIdentifier(null, identifier); |
| } |
| function createEmptyStatement() { |
| return new EmptyStatement(null); |
| } |
| function createEmptyBlock() { |
| return createBlock(createEmptyList()); |
| } |
| function createBlock(statements) { |
| if (statements instanceof ParseTree) |
| statements = slice(arguments); |
| return new Block(null, statements); |
| } |
| function createFunctionBody(statements) { |
| return new FunctionBody(null, statements); |
| } |
| function createScopedExpression(body) { |
| var scope = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : createThisExpression(); |
| assert(body.type === 'FUNCTION_BODY'); |
| return createCallCall(createParenExpression(createFunctionExpression(createEmptyParameterList(), body)), scope); |
| } |
| function createImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression(body) { |
| assert(body.type === 'FUNCTION_BODY'); |
| return createCallExpression(createParenExpression(createFunctionExpression(createEmptyParameterList(), body))); |
| } |
| function createCallExpression(operand) { |
| var args = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : createEmptyArgumentList(); |
| return new CallExpression(null, operand, args); |
| } |
| function createBoundCall(func, thisTree) { |
| return createCallExpression(createMemberExpression(func.type == ParseTreeType.FUNCTION_EXPRESSION ? createParenExpression(func) : func, BIND), createArgumentList(thisTree)); |
| } |
| function createBreakStatement() { |
| var name = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : null; |
| return new BreakStatement(null, name); |
| } |
| function createCallCall(func, thisExpression, args, var_args) { |
| var $__48; |
| if (args instanceof ParseTree) |
| args = slice(arguments, 2); |
| var builder = [thisExpression]; |
| if (args) |
| ($__48 = builder).push.apply($__48, $traceurRuntime.toObject(args)); |
| return createCallExpression(createMemberExpression(func, CALL), createArgumentList(builder)); |
| } |
| function createCallCallStatement(func, thisExpression) { |
| for (var args = [], |
| $__46 = 2; $__46 < arguments.length; $__46++) |
| args[$__46 - 2] = arguments[$__46]; |
| return createExpressionStatement(createCallCall(func, thisExpression, args)); |
| } |
| function createCaseClause(expression, statements) { |
| return new CaseClause(null, expression, statements); |
| } |
| function createCatch(identifier, catchBody) { |
| identifier = createBindingIdentifier(identifier); |
| return new Catch(null, identifier, catchBody); |
| } |
| function createClassDeclaration(name, superClass, elements) { |
| return new ClassDeclaration(null, name, superClass, elements, []); |
| } |
| function createCommaExpression(expressions) { |
| return new CommaExpression(null, expressions); |
| } |
| function createConditionalExpression(condition, left, right) { |
| return new ConditionalExpression(null, condition, left, right); |
| } |
| function createContinueStatement() { |
| var name = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : null; |
| return new ContinueStatement(null, name); |
| } |
| function createDefaultClause(statements) { |
| return new DefaultClause(null, statements); |
| } |
| function createDoWhileStatement(body, condition) { |
| return new DoWhileStatement(null, body, condition); |
| } |
| function createAssignmentStatement(lhs, rhs) { |
| return createExpressionStatement(createAssignmentExpression(lhs, rhs)); |
| } |
| function createCallStatement(operand) { |
| var args = arguments[1]; |
| return createExpressionStatement(createCallExpression(operand, args)); |
| } |
| function createExpressionStatement(expression) { |
| return new ExpressionStatement(null, expression); |
| } |
| function createFinally(block) { |
| return new Finally(null, block); |
| } |
| function createForOfStatement(initialiser, collection, body) { |
| return new ForOfStatement(null, initialiser, collection, body); |
| } |
| function createForInStatement(initialiser, collection, body) { |
| return new ForInStatement(null, initialiser, collection, body); |
| } |
| function createForStatement(variables, condition, increment, body) { |
| return new ForStatement(null, variables, condition, increment, body); |
| } |
| function createFunctionExpression(formalParameterList, body) { |
| assert(body.type === 'FUNCTION_BODY'); |
| return new FunctionExpression(null, null, false, formalParameterList, null, [], body); |
| } |
| function createGetAccessor(name, body) { |
| if (typeof name == 'string') |
| name = createPropertyNameToken(name); |
| var isStatic = false; |
| return new GetAccessor(null, isStatic, name, null, [], body); |
| } |
| function createIdentifierExpression(identifier) { |
| if (typeof identifier == 'string') |
| identifier = createIdentifierToken(identifier); |
| else if (identifier instanceof BindingIdentifier) |
| identifier = identifier.identifierToken; |
| return new IdentifierExpression(null, identifier); |
| } |
| function createUndefinedExpression() { |
| return createIdentifierExpression(UNDEFINED); |
| } |
| function createIfStatement(condition, ifClause) { |
| var elseClause = arguments[2] !== (void 0) ? arguments[2] : null; |
| return new IfStatement(null, condition, ifClause, elseClause); |
| } |
| function createLabelledStatement(name, statement) { |
| return new LabelledStatement(null, name, statement); |
| } |
| function createStringLiteral(value) { |
| return new LiteralExpression(null, createStringLiteralToken(value)); |
| } |
| function createBooleanLiteral(value) { |
| return new LiteralExpression(null, createBooleanLiteralToken(value)); |
| } |
| function createTrueLiteral() { |
| return createBooleanLiteral(true); |
| } |
| function createFalseLiteral() { |
| return createBooleanLiteral(false); |
| } |
| function createNullLiteral() { |
| return new LiteralExpression(null, createNullLiteralToken()); |
| } |
| function createNumberLiteral(value) { |
| return new LiteralExpression(null, createNumberLiteralToken(value)); |
| } |
| function createMemberExpression(operand, memberName, memberNames) { |
| if (typeof operand == 'string' || operand instanceof IdentifierToken) |
| operand = createIdentifierExpression(operand); |
| if (typeof memberName == 'string') |
| memberName = createIdentifierToken(memberName); |
| if (memberName instanceof LiteralToken) |
| memberName = new LiteralExpression(null, memberName); |
| var tree = memberName instanceof LiteralExpression ? new MemberLookupExpression(null, operand, memberName) : new MemberExpression(null, operand, memberName); |
| for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) { |
| tree = createMemberExpression(tree, arguments[i]); |
| } |
| return tree; |
| } |
| function createMemberLookupExpression(operand, memberExpression) { |
| return new MemberLookupExpression(null, operand, memberExpression); |
| } |
| function createThisExpression() { |
| var memberName = arguments[0]; |
| var result = new ThisExpression(null); |
| if (memberName) { |
| result = createMemberExpression(result, memberName); |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| function createNewExpression(operand, args) { |
| return new NewExpression(null, operand, args); |
| } |
| function createObjectFreeze(value) { |
| return createCallExpression(createMemberExpression(OBJECT, FREEZE), createArgumentList(value)); |
| } |
| function createObjectPreventExtensions(value) { |
| return createCallExpression(createMemberExpression(OBJECT, PREVENT_EXTENSIONS), createArgumentList(value)); |
| } |
| function createObjectCreate(protoExpression, descriptors) { |
| var argumentList = [protoExpression]; |
| if (descriptors) |
| argumentList.push(descriptors); |
| return createCallExpression(createMemberExpression(OBJECT, CREATE), createArgumentList(argumentList)); |
| } |
| function createPropertyDescriptor(descr) { |
| var propertyNameAndValues = Object.keys(descr).map(function(name) { |
| var value = descr[name]; |
| if (!(value instanceof ParseTree)) |
| value = createBooleanLiteral(!!value); |
| return createPropertyNameAssignment(name, value); |
| }); |
| return createObjectLiteralExpression(propertyNameAndValues); |
| } |
| function createDefineProperty(tree, name, descr) { |
| if (typeof name === 'string') |
| name = createStringLiteral(name); |
| return createCallExpression(createMemberExpression(OBJECT, DEFINE_PROPERTY), createArgumentList(tree, name, createPropertyDescriptor(descr))); |
| } |
| function createObjectLiteralExpression(propertyNameAndValues) { |
| if (propertyNameAndValues instanceof ParseTree) |
| propertyNameAndValues = slice(arguments); |
| return new ObjectLiteralExpression(null, propertyNameAndValues); |
| } |
| function createObjectPattern(list) { |
| return new ObjectPattern(null, list); |
| } |
| function createObjectPatternField(identifier, element) { |
| identifier = createBindingIdentifier(identifier); |
| return new ObjectPatternField(null, identifier, element); |
| } |
| function createParenExpression(expression) { |
| return new ParenExpression(null, expression); |
| } |
| function createPostfixExpression(operand, operator) { |
| return new PostfixExpression(null, operand, operator); |
| } |
| function createScript(scriptItemList) { |
| return new Script(null, scriptItemList); |
| } |
| function createPropertyNameAssignment(identifier, value) { |
| if (typeof identifier == 'string') |
| identifier = createLiteralPropertyName(identifier); |
| return new PropertyNameAssignment(null, identifier, value); |
| } |
| function createLiteralPropertyName(name) { |
| return new LiteralPropertyName(null, createIdentifierToken(name)); |
| } |
| function createRestParameter(identifier) { |
| return new RestParameter(null, createBindingIdentifier(identifier)); |
| } |
| function createReturnStatement(expression) { |
| return new ReturnStatement(null, expression); |
| } |
| function createYieldStatement(expression, isYieldFor) { |
| return createExpressionStatement(new YieldExpression(null, expression, isYieldFor)); |
| } |
| function createSetAccessor(name, parameter, body) { |
| if (typeof name == 'string') |
| name = createPropertyNameToken(name); |
| if (typeof parameter == 'string') |
| parameter = createIdentifierToken(parameter); |
| var isStatic = false; |
| return new SetAccessor(null, isStatic, name, parameter, [], body); |
| } |
| function createSpreadExpression(expression) { |
| return new SpreadExpression(null, expression); |
| } |
| function createSpreadPatternElement(lvalue) { |
| return new SpreadPatternElement(null, lvalue); |
| } |
| function createSwitchStatement(expression, caseClauses) { |
| return new SwitchStatement(null, expression, caseClauses); |
| } |
| function createThrowStatement(value) { |
| return new ThrowStatement(null, value); |
| } |
| function createTryStatement(body, catchBlock) { |
| var finallyBlock = arguments[2] !== (void 0) ? arguments[2] : null; |
| return new TryStatement(null, body, catchBlock, finallyBlock); |
| } |
| function createUnaryExpression(operator, operand) { |
| return new UnaryExpression(null, operator, operand); |
| } |
| function createUseStrictDirective() { |
| return createExpressionStatement(createStringLiteral('use strict')); |
| } |
| function createVariableDeclarationList(binding, identifierOrDeclarations, initialiser) { |
| if (identifierOrDeclarations instanceof Array) { |
| var declarations = identifierOrDeclarations; |
| return new VariableDeclarationList(null, binding, declarations); |
| } |
| var identifier = identifierOrDeclarations; |
| return createVariableDeclarationList(binding, [createVariableDeclaration(identifier, initialiser)]); |
| } |
| function createVariableDeclaration(identifier, initialiser) { |
| if (!(identifier instanceof ParseTree) || identifier.type !== ParseTreeType.BINDING_IDENTIFIER && identifier.type !== ParseTreeType.OBJECT_PATTERN && identifier.type !== ParseTreeType.ARRAY_PATTERN) { |
| identifier = createBindingIdentifier(identifier); |
| } |
| return new VariableDeclaration(null, identifier, null, initialiser); |
| } |
| function createVariableStatement(listOrBinding, identifier, initialiser) { |
| if (listOrBinding instanceof VariableDeclarationList) |
| return new VariableStatement(null, listOrBinding); |
| var binding = listOrBinding; |
| var list = createVariableDeclarationList(binding, identifier, initialiser); |
| return createVariableStatement(list); |
| } |
| function createVoid0() { |
| return createParenExpression(createUnaryExpression(createOperatorToken(VOID), createNumberLiteral(0))); |
| } |
| function createWhileStatement(condition, body) { |
| return new WhileStatement(null, condition, body); |
| } |
| function createWithStatement(expression, body) { |
| return new WithStatement(null, expression, body); |
| } |
| function createAssignStateStatement(state) { |
| return createAssignmentStatement(createMemberExpression('$ctx', 'state'), createNumberLiteral(state)); |
| } |
| return { |
| get createOperatorToken() { |
| return createOperatorToken; |
| }, |
| get createIdentifierToken() { |
| return createIdentifierToken; |
| }, |
| get createPropertyNameToken() { |
| return createPropertyNameToken; |
| }, |
| get createStringLiteralToken() { |
| return createStringLiteralToken; |
| }, |
| get createBooleanLiteralToken() { |
| return createBooleanLiteralToken; |
| }, |
| get createNullLiteralToken() { |
| return createNullLiteralToken; |
| }, |
| get createNumberLiteralToken() { |
| return createNumberLiteralToken; |
| }, |
| get createEmptyParameters() { |
| return createEmptyParameters; |
| }, |
| get createStatementList() { |
| return createStatementList; |
| }, |
| get createBindingElement() { |
| return createBindingElement; |
| }, |
| get createFormalParameter() { |
| return createFormalParameter; |
| }, |
| get createParameterList() { |
| return createParameterList; |
| }, |
| get createParameterListWithRestParams() { |
| return createParameterListWithRestParams; |
| }, |
| get createParameterReference() { |
| return createParameterReference; |
| }, |
| get createEmptyParameterList() { |
| return createEmptyParameterList; |
| }, |
| get createEmptyList() { |
| return createEmptyList; |
| }, |
| get createArgumentList() { |
| return createArgumentList; |
| }, |
| get createArgumentListFromParameterList() { |
| return createArgumentListFromParameterList; |
| }, |
| get createEmptyArgumentList() { |
| return createEmptyArgumentList; |
| }, |
| get createArrayLiteralExpression() { |
| return createArrayLiteralExpression; |
| }, |
| get createEmptyArrayLiteralExpression() { |
| return createEmptyArrayLiteralExpression; |
| }, |
| get createArrayPattern() { |
| return createArrayPattern; |
| }, |
| get createAssignmentExpression() { |
| return createAssignmentExpression; |
| }, |
| get createBinaryOperator() { |
| return createBinaryOperator; |
| }, |
| get createBindingIdentifier() { |
| return createBindingIdentifier; |
| }, |
| get createEmptyStatement() { |
| return createEmptyStatement; |
| }, |
| get createEmptyBlock() { |
| return createEmptyBlock; |
| }, |
| get createBlock() { |
| return createBlock; |
| }, |
| get createFunctionBody() { |
| return createFunctionBody; |
| }, |
| get createScopedExpression() { |
| return createScopedExpression; |
| }, |
| get createImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression() { |
| return createImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression; |
| }, |
| get createCallExpression() { |
| return createCallExpression; |
| }, |
| get createBoundCall() { |
| return createBoundCall; |
| }, |
| get createBreakStatement() { |
| return createBreakStatement; |
| }, |
| get createCallCall() { |
| return createCallCall; |
| }, |
| get createCallCallStatement() { |
| return createCallCallStatement; |
| }, |
| get createCaseClause() { |
| return createCaseClause; |
| }, |
| get createCatch() { |
| return createCatch; |
| }, |
| get createClassDeclaration() { |
| return createClassDeclaration; |
| }, |
| get createCommaExpression() { |
| return createCommaExpression; |
| }, |
| get createConditionalExpression() { |
| return createConditionalExpression; |
| }, |
| get createContinueStatement() { |
| return createContinueStatement; |
| }, |
| get createDefaultClause() { |
| return createDefaultClause; |
| }, |
| get createDoWhileStatement() { |
| return createDoWhileStatement; |
| }, |
| get createAssignmentStatement() { |
| return createAssignmentStatement; |
| }, |
| get createCallStatement() { |
| return createCallStatement; |
| }, |
| get createExpressionStatement() { |
| return createExpressionStatement; |
| }, |
| get createFinally() { |
| return createFinally; |
| }, |
| get createForOfStatement() { |
| return createForOfStatement; |
| }, |
| get createForInStatement() { |
| return createForInStatement; |
| }, |
| get createForStatement() { |
| return createForStatement; |
| }, |
| get createFunctionExpression() { |
| return createFunctionExpression; |
| }, |
| get createGetAccessor() { |
| return createGetAccessor; |
| }, |
| get createIdentifierExpression() { |
| return createIdentifierExpression; |
| }, |
| get createUndefinedExpression() { |
| return createUndefinedExpression; |
| }, |
| get createIfStatement() { |
| return createIfStatement; |
| }, |
| get createLabelledStatement() { |
| return createLabelledStatement; |
| }, |
| get createStringLiteral() { |
| return createStringLiteral; |
| }, |
| get createBooleanLiteral() { |
| return createBooleanLiteral; |
| }, |
| get createTrueLiteral() { |
| return createTrueLiteral; |
| }, |
| get createFalseLiteral() { |
| return createFalseLiteral; |
| }, |
| get createNullLiteral() { |
| return createNullLiteral; |
| }, |
| get createNumberLiteral() { |
| return createNumberLiteral; |
| }, |
| get createMemberExpression() { |
| return createMemberExpression; |
| }, |
| get createMemberLookupExpression() { |
| return createMemberLookupExpression; |
| }, |
| get createThisExpression() { |
| return createThisExpression; |
| }, |
| get createNewExpression() { |
| return createNewExpression; |
| }, |
| get createObjectFreeze() { |
| return createObjectFreeze; |
| }, |
| get createObjectPreventExtensions() { |
| return createObjectPreventExtensions; |
| }, |
| get createObjectCreate() { |
| return createObjectCreate; |
| }, |
| get createPropertyDescriptor() { |
| return createPropertyDescriptor; |
| }, |
| get createDefineProperty() { |
| return createDefineProperty; |
| }, |
| get createObjectLiteralExpression() { |
| return createObjectLiteralExpression; |
| }, |
| get createObjectPattern() { |
| return createObjectPattern; |
| }, |
| get createObjectPatternField() { |
| return createObjectPatternField; |
| }, |
| get createParenExpression() { |
| return createParenExpression; |
| }, |
| get createPostfixExpression() { |
| return createPostfixExpression; |
| }, |
| get createScript() { |
| return createScript; |
| }, |
| get createPropertyNameAssignment() { |
| return createPropertyNameAssignment; |
| }, |
| get createLiteralPropertyName() { |
| return createLiteralPropertyName; |
| }, |
| get createRestParameter() { |
| return createRestParameter; |
| }, |
| get createReturnStatement() { |
| return createReturnStatement; |
| }, |
| get createYieldStatement() { |
| return createYieldStatement; |
| }, |
| get createSetAccessor() { |
| return createSetAccessor; |
| }, |
| get createSpreadExpression() { |
| return createSpreadExpression; |
| }, |
| get createSpreadPatternElement() { |
| return createSpreadPatternElement; |
| }, |
| get createSwitchStatement() { |
| return createSwitchStatement; |
| }, |
| get createThrowStatement() { |
| return createThrowStatement; |
| }, |
| get createTryStatement() { |
| return createTryStatement; |
| }, |
| get createUnaryExpression() { |
| return createUnaryExpression; |
| }, |
| get createUseStrictDirective() { |
| return createUseStrictDirective; |
| }, |
| get createVariableDeclarationList() { |
| return createVariableDeclarationList; |
| }, |
| get createVariableDeclaration() { |
| return createVariableDeclaration; |
| }, |
| get createVariableStatement() { |
| return createVariableStatement; |
| }, |
| get createVoid0() { |
| return createVoid0; |
| }, |
| get createWhileStatement() { |
| return createWhileStatement; |
| }, |
| get createWithStatement() { |
| return createWithStatement; |
| }, |
| get createAssignStateStatement() { |
| return createAssignStateStatement; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer"; |
| var $__50 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| Annotation = $__50.Annotation, |
| AnonBlock = $__50.AnonBlock, |
| ArgumentList = $__50.ArgumentList, |
| ArrayComprehension = $__50.ArrayComprehension, |
| ArrayLiteralExpression = $__50.ArrayLiteralExpression, |
| ArrayPattern = $__50.ArrayPattern, |
| ArrowFunctionExpression = $__50.ArrowFunctionExpression, |
| AwaitStatement = $__50.AwaitStatement, |
| BinaryOperator = $__50.BinaryOperator, |
| BindingElement = $__50.BindingElement, |
| BindingIdentifier = $__50.BindingIdentifier, |
| Block = $__50.Block, |
| BreakStatement = $__50.BreakStatement, |
| CallExpression = $__50.CallExpression, |
| CaseClause = $__50.CaseClause, |
| Catch = $__50.Catch, |
| ClassDeclaration = $__50.ClassDeclaration, |
| ClassExpression = $__50.ClassExpression, |
| CommaExpression = $__50.CommaExpression, |
| ComprehensionFor = $__50.ComprehensionFor, |
| ComprehensionIf = $__50.ComprehensionIf, |
| ComputedPropertyName = $__50.ComputedPropertyName, |
| ConditionalExpression = $__50.ConditionalExpression, |
| ContinueStatement = $__50.ContinueStatement, |
| CoverFormals = $__50.CoverFormals, |
| CoverInitialisedName = $__50.CoverInitialisedName, |
| DebuggerStatement = $__50.DebuggerStatement, |
| DefaultClause = $__50.DefaultClause, |
| DoWhileStatement = $__50.DoWhileStatement, |
| EmptyStatement = $__50.EmptyStatement, |
| ExportDeclaration = $__50.ExportDeclaration, |
| ExportDefault = $__50.ExportDefault, |
| ExportSpecifier = $__50.ExportSpecifier, |
| ExportSpecifierSet = $__50.ExportSpecifierSet, |
| ExportStar = $__50.ExportStar, |
| ExpressionStatement = $__50.ExpressionStatement, |
| Finally = $__50.Finally, |
| ForInStatement = $__50.ForInStatement, |
| ForOfStatement = $__50.ForOfStatement, |
| ForStatement = $__50.ForStatement, |
| FormalParameter = $__50.FormalParameter, |
| FormalParameterList = $__50.FormalParameterList, |
| FunctionBody = $__50.FunctionBody, |
| FunctionDeclaration = $__50.FunctionDeclaration, |
| FunctionExpression = $__50.FunctionExpression, |
| GeneratorComprehension = $__50.GeneratorComprehension, |
| GetAccessor = $__50.GetAccessor, |
| IdentifierExpression = $__50.IdentifierExpression, |
| IfStatement = $__50.IfStatement, |
| ImportedBinding = $__50.ImportedBinding, |
| ImportDeclaration = $__50.ImportDeclaration, |
| ImportSpecifier = $__50.ImportSpecifier, |
| ImportSpecifierSet = $__50.ImportSpecifierSet, |
| LabelledStatement = $__50.LabelledStatement, |
| LiteralExpression = $__50.LiteralExpression, |
| LiteralPropertyName = $__50.LiteralPropertyName, |
| MemberExpression = $__50.MemberExpression, |
| MemberLookupExpression = $__50.MemberLookupExpression, |
| Module = $__50.Module, |
| ModuleDeclaration = $__50.ModuleDeclaration, |
| ModuleSpecifier = $__50.ModuleSpecifier, |
| NamedExport = $__50.NamedExport, |
| NewExpression = $__50.NewExpression, |
| ObjectLiteralExpression = $__50.ObjectLiteralExpression, |
| ObjectPattern = $__50.ObjectPattern, |
| ObjectPatternField = $__50.ObjectPatternField, |
| ParenExpression = $__50.ParenExpression, |
| PostfixExpression = $__50.PostfixExpression, |
| PredefinedType = $__50.PredefinedType, |
| Script = $__50.Script, |
| PropertyMethodAssignment = $__50.PropertyMethodAssignment, |
| PropertyNameAssignment = $__50.PropertyNameAssignment, |
| PropertyNameShorthand = $__50.PropertyNameShorthand, |
| RestParameter = $__50.RestParameter, |
| ReturnStatement = $__50.ReturnStatement, |
| SetAccessor = $__50.SetAccessor, |
| SpreadExpression = $__50.SpreadExpression, |
| SpreadPatternElement = $__50.SpreadPatternElement, |
| SuperExpression = $__50.SuperExpression, |
| SwitchStatement = $__50.SwitchStatement, |
| SyntaxErrorTree = $__50.SyntaxErrorTree, |
| TemplateLiteralExpression = $__50.TemplateLiteralExpression, |
| TemplateLiteralPortion = $__50.TemplateLiteralPortion, |
| TemplateSubstitution = $__50.TemplateSubstitution, |
| ThisExpression = $__50.ThisExpression, |
| ThrowStatement = $__50.ThrowStatement, |
| TryStatement = $__50.TryStatement, |
| TypeName = $__50.TypeName, |
| UnaryExpression = $__50.UnaryExpression, |
| VariableDeclaration = $__50.VariableDeclaration, |
| VariableDeclarationList = $__50.VariableDeclarationList, |
| VariableStatement = $__50.VariableStatement, |
| WhileStatement = $__50.WhileStatement, |
| WithStatement = $__50.WithStatement, |
| YieldExpression = $__50.YieldExpression; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = function ParseTreeTransformer() {}; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ParseTreeTransformer, { |
| transformAny: function(tree) { |
| return tree && tree.transform(this); |
| }, |
| transformList: function(list) { |
| var $__51; |
| var builder = null; |
| for (var index = 0; index < list.length; index++) { |
| var element = list[index]; |
| var transformed = this.transformAny(element); |
| if (builder != null || element != transformed) { |
| if (builder == null) { |
| builder = list.slice(0, index); |
| } |
| if (transformed instanceof AnonBlock) |
| ($__51 = builder).push.apply($__51, $traceurRuntime.toObject(transformed.statements)); |
| else |
| builder.push(transformed); |
| } |
| } |
| return builder || list; |
| }, |
| transformStateMachine: function(tree) { |
| throw Error('State machines should not live outside of the GeneratorTransformer.'); |
| }, |
| transformAnnotation: function(tree) { |
| var name = this.transformAny(tree.name); |
| var args = this.transformAny(tree.args); |
| if (name === tree.name && args === tree.args) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new Annotation(tree.location, name, args); |
| }, |
| transformAnonBlock: function(tree) { |
| var statements = this.transformList(tree.statements); |
| if (statements === tree.statements) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new AnonBlock(tree.location, statements); |
| }, |
| transformArgumentList: function(tree) { |
| var args = this.transformList(tree.args); |
| if (args === tree.args) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ArgumentList(tree.location, args); |
| }, |
| transformArrayComprehension: function(tree) { |
| var comprehensionList = this.transformList(tree.comprehensionList); |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| if (comprehensionList === tree.comprehensionList && expression === tree.expression) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ArrayComprehension(tree.location, comprehensionList, expression); |
| }, |
| transformArrayLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| var elements = this.transformList(tree.elements); |
| if (elements === tree.elements) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ArrayLiteralExpression(tree.location, elements); |
| }, |
| transformArrayPattern: function(tree) { |
| var elements = this.transformList(tree.elements); |
| if (elements === tree.elements) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ArrayPattern(tree.location, elements); |
| }, |
| transformArrowFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| var formalParameters = this.transformAny(tree.formalParameters); |
| var functionBody = this.transformAny(tree.functionBody); |
| if (formalParameters === tree.formalParameters && functionBody === tree.functionBody) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ArrowFunctionExpression(tree.location, formalParameters, functionBody); |
| }, |
| transformAwaitStatement: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| if (expression === tree.expression) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new AwaitStatement(tree.location, tree.identifier, expression); |
| }, |
| transformBinaryOperator: function(tree) { |
| var left = this.transformAny(tree.left); |
| var right = this.transformAny(tree.right); |
| if (left === tree.left && right === tree.right) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new BinaryOperator(tree.location, left, tree.operator, right); |
| }, |
| transformBindingElement: function(tree) { |
| var binding = this.transformAny(tree.binding); |
| var initialiser = this.transformAny(tree.initialiser); |
| if (binding === tree.binding && initialiser === tree.initialiser) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new BindingElement(tree.location, binding, initialiser); |
| }, |
| transformBindingIdentifier: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformBlock: function(tree) { |
| var statements = this.transformList(tree.statements); |
| if (statements === tree.statements) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new Block(tree.location, statements); |
| }, |
| transformBreakStatement: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformCallExpression: function(tree) { |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| var args = this.transformAny(tree.args); |
| if (operand === tree.operand && args === tree.args) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new CallExpression(tree.location, operand, args); |
| }, |
| transformCaseClause: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| var statements = this.transformList(tree.statements); |
| if (expression === tree.expression && statements === tree.statements) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new CaseClause(tree.location, expression, statements); |
| }, |
| transformCatch: function(tree) { |
| var binding = this.transformAny(tree.binding); |
| var catchBody = this.transformAny(tree.catchBody); |
| if (binding === tree.binding && catchBody === tree.catchBody) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new Catch(tree.location, binding, catchBody); |
| }, |
| transformClassDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| var name = this.transformAny(tree.name); |
| var superClass = this.transformAny(tree.superClass); |
| var elements = this.transformList(tree.elements); |
| var annotations = this.transformList(tree.annotations); |
| if (name === tree.name && superClass === tree.superClass && elements === tree.elements && annotations === tree.annotations) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ClassDeclaration(tree.location, name, superClass, elements, annotations); |
| }, |
| transformClassExpression: function(tree) { |
| var name = this.transformAny(tree.name); |
| var superClass = this.transformAny(tree.superClass); |
| var elements = this.transformList(tree.elements); |
| var annotations = this.transformList(tree.annotations); |
| if (name === tree.name && superClass === tree.superClass && elements === tree.elements && annotations === tree.annotations) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ClassExpression(tree.location, name, superClass, elements, annotations); |
| }, |
| transformCommaExpression: function(tree) { |
| var expressions = this.transformList(tree.expressions); |
| if (expressions === tree.expressions) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new CommaExpression(tree.location, expressions); |
| }, |
| transformComprehensionFor: function(tree) { |
| var left = this.transformAny(tree.left); |
| var iterator = this.transformAny(tree.iterator); |
| if (left === tree.left && iterator === tree.iterator) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ComprehensionFor(tree.location, left, iterator); |
| }, |
| transformComprehensionIf: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| if (expression === tree.expression) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ComprehensionIf(tree.location, expression); |
| }, |
| transformComputedPropertyName: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| if (expression === tree.expression) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ComputedPropertyName(tree.location, expression); |
| }, |
| transformConditionalExpression: function(tree) { |
| var condition = this.transformAny(tree.condition); |
| var left = this.transformAny(tree.left); |
| var right = this.transformAny(tree.right); |
| if (condition === tree.condition && left === tree.left && right === tree.right) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ConditionalExpression(tree.location, condition, left, right); |
| }, |
| transformContinueStatement: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformCoverFormals: function(tree) { |
| var expressions = this.transformList(tree.expressions); |
| if (expressions === tree.expressions) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new CoverFormals(tree.location, expressions); |
| }, |
| transformCoverInitialisedName: function(tree) { |
| var initialiser = this.transformAny(tree.initialiser); |
| if (initialiser === tree.initialiser) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new CoverInitialisedName(tree.location, tree.name, tree.equalToken, initialiser); |
| }, |
| transformDebuggerStatement: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformDefaultClause: function(tree) { |
| var statements = this.transformList(tree.statements); |
| if (statements === tree.statements) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new DefaultClause(tree.location, statements); |
| }, |
| transformDoWhileStatement: function(tree) { |
| var body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| var condition = this.transformAny(tree.condition); |
| if (body === tree.body && condition === tree.condition) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new DoWhileStatement(tree.location, body, condition); |
| }, |
| transformEmptyStatement: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformExportDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| var declaration = this.transformAny(tree.declaration); |
| var annotations = this.transformList(tree.annotations); |
| if (declaration === tree.declaration && annotations === tree.annotations) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ExportDeclaration(tree.location, declaration, annotations); |
| }, |
| transformExportDefault: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| if (expression === tree.expression) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ExportDefault(tree.location, expression); |
| }, |
| transformExportSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformExportSpecifierSet: function(tree) { |
| var specifiers = this.transformList(tree.specifiers); |
| if (specifiers === tree.specifiers) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ExportSpecifierSet(tree.location, specifiers); |
| }, |
| transformExportStar: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformExpressionStatement: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| if (expression === tree.expression) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ExpressionStatement(tree.location, expression); |
| }, |
| transformFinally: function(tree) { |
| var block = this.transformAny(tree.block); |
| if (block === tree.block) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new Finally(tree.location, block); |
| }, |
| transformForInStatement: function(tree) { |
| var initialiser = this.transformAny(tree.initialiser); |
| var collection = this.transformAny(tree.collection); |
| var body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| if (initialiser === tree.initialiser && collection === tree.collection && body === tree.body) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ForInStatement(tree.location, initialiser, collection, body); |
| }, |
| transformForOfStatement: function(tree) { |
| var initialiser = this.transformAny(tree.initialiser); |
| var collection = this.transformAny(tree.collection); |
| var body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| if (initialiser === tree.initialiser && collection === tree.collection && body === tree.body) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ForOfStatement(tree.location, initialiser, collection, body); |
| }, |
| transformForStatement: function(tree) { |
| var initialiser = this.transformAny(tree.initialiser); |
| var condition = this.transformAny(tree.condition); |
| var increment = this.transformAny(tree.increment); |
| var body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| if (initialiser === tree.initialiser && condition === tree.condition && increment === tree.increment && body === tree.body) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ForStatement(tree.location, initialiser, condition, increment, body); |
| }, |
| transformFormalParameter: function(tree) { |
| var parameter = this.transformAny(tree.parameter); |
| var typeAnnotation = this.transformAny(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| var annotations = this.transformList(tree.annotations); |
| if (parameter === tree.parameter && typeAnnotation === tree.typeAnnotation && annotations === tree.annotations) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new FormalParameter(tree.location, parameter, typeAnnotation, annotations); |
| }, |
| transformFormalParameterList: function(tree) { |
| var parameters = this.transformList(tree.parameters); |
| if (parameters === tree.parameters) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new FormalParameterList(tree.location, parameters); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionBody: function(tree) { |
| var statements = this.transformList(tree.statements); |
| if (statements === tree.statements) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new FunctionBody(tree.location, statements); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| var name = this.transformAny(tree.name); |
| var formalParameterList = this.transformAny(tree.formalParameterList); |
| var typeAnnotation = this.transformAny(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| var annotations = this.transformList(tree.annotations); |
| var functionBody = this.transformAny(tree.functionBody); |
| if (name === tree.name && formalParameterList === tree.formalParameterList && typeAnnotation === tree.typeAnnotation && annotations === tree.annotations && functionBody === tree.functionBody) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new FunctionDeclaration(tree.location, name, tree.isGenerator, formalParameterList, typeAnnotation, annotations, functionBody); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| var name = this.transformAny(tree.name); |
| var formalParameterList = this.transformAny(tree.formalParameterList); |
| var typeAnnotation = this.transformAny(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| var annotations = this.transformList(tree.annotations); |
| var functionBody = this.transformAny(tree.functionBody); |
| if (name === tree.name && formalParameterList === tree.formalParameterList && typeAnnotation === tree.typeAnnotation && annotations === tree.annotations && functionBody === tree.functionBody) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new FunctionExpression(tree.location, name, tree.isGenerator, formalParameterList, typeAnnotation, annotations, functionBody); |
| }, |
| transformGeneratorComprehension: function(tree) { |
| var comprehensionList = this.transformList(tree.comprehensionList); |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| if (comprehensionList === tree.comprehensionList && expression === tree.expression) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new GeneratorComprehension(tree.location, comprehensionList, expression); |
| }, |
| transformGetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| var name = this.transformAny(tree.name); |
| var typeAnnotation = this.transformAny(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| var annotations = this.transformList(tree.annotations); |
| var body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| if (name === tree.name && typeAnnotation === tree.typeAnnotation && annotations === tree.annotations && body === tree.body) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new GetAccessor(tree.location, tree.isStatic, name, typeAnnotation, annotations, body); |
| }, |
| transformIdentifierExpression: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformIfStatement: function(tree) { |
| var condition = this.transformAny(tree.condition); |
| var ifClause = this.transformAny(tree.ifClause); |
| var elseClause = this.transformAny(tree.elseClause); |
| if (condition === tree.condition && ifClause === tree.ifClause && elseClause === tree.elseClause) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new IfStatement(tree.location, condition, ifClause, elseClause); |
| }, |
| transformImportedBinding: function(tree) { |
| var binding = this.transformAny(tree.binding); |
| if (binding === tree.binding) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ImportedBinding(tree.location, binding); |
| }, |
| transformImportDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| var importClause = this.transformAny(tree.importClause); |
| var moduleSpecifier = this.transformAny(tree.moduleSpecifier); |
| if (importClause === tree.importClause && moduleSpecifier === tree.moduleSpecifier) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ImportDeclaration(tree.location, importClause, moduleSpecifier); |
| }, |
| transformImportSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformImportSpecifierSet: function(tree) { |
| var specifiers = this.transformList(tree.specifiers); |
| if (specifiers === tree.specifiers) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ImportSpecifierSet(tree.location, specifiers); |
| }, |
| transformLabelledStatement: function(tree) { |
| var statement = this.transformAny(tree.statement); |
| if (statement === tree.statement) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new LabelledStatement(tree.location, tree.name, statement); |
| }, |
| transformLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformLiteralPropertyName: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformMemberExpression: function(tree) { |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| if (operand === tree.operand) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new MemberExpression(tree.location, operand, tree.memberName); |
| }, |
| transformMemberLookupExpression: function(tree) { |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| var memberExpression = this.transformAny(tree.memberExpression); |
| if (operand === tree.operand && memberExpression === tree.memberExpression) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new MemberLookupExpression(tree.location, operand, memberExpression); |
| }, |
| transformModule: function(tree) { |
| var scriptItemList = this.transformList(tree.scriptItemList); |
| if (scriptItemList === tree.scriptItemList) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new Module(tree.location, scriptItemList, tree.moduleName); |
| }, |
| transformModuleDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| if (expression === tree.expression) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ModuleDeclaration(tree.location, tree.identifier, expression); |
| }, |
| transformModuleSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformNamedExport: function(tree) { |
| var moduleSpecifier = this.transformAny(tree.moduleSpecifier); |
| var specifierSet = this.transformAny(tree.specifierSet); |
| if (moduleSpecifier === tree.moduleSpecifier && specifierSet === tree.specifierSet) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new NamedExport(tree.location, moduleSpecifier, specifierSet); |
| }, |
| transformNewExpression: function(tree) { |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| var args = this.transformAny(tree.args); |
| if (operand === tree.operand && args === tree.args) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new NewExpression(tree.location, operand, args); |
| }, |
| transformObjectLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| var propertyNameAndValues = this.transformList(tree.propertyNameAndValues); |
| if (propertyNameAndValues === tree.propertyNameAndValues) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ObjectLiteralExpression(tree.location, propertyNameAndValues); |
| }, |
| transformObjectPattern: function(tree) { |
| var fields = this.transformList(tree.fields); |
| if (fields === tree.fields) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ObjectPattern(tree.location, fields); |
| }, |
| transformObjectPatternField: function(tree) { |
| var name = this.transformAny(tree.name); |
| var element = this.transformAny(tree.element); |
| if (name === tree.name && element === tree.element) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ObjectPatternField(tree.location, name, element); |
| }, |
| transformParenExpression: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| if (expression === tree.expression) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ParenExpression(tree.location, expression); |
| }, |
| transformPostfixExpression: function(tree) { |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| if (operand === tree.operand) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new PostfixExpression(tree.location, operand, tree.operator); |
| }, |
| transformPredefinedType: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformScript: function(tree) { |
| var scriptItemList = this.transformList(tree.scriptItemList); |
| if (scriptItemList === tree.scriptItemList) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new Script(tree.location, scriptItemList, tree.moduleName); |
| }, |
| transformPropertyMethodAssignment: function(tree) { |
| var name = this.transformAny(tree.name); |
| var formalParameterList = this.transformAny(tree.formalParameterList); |
| var typeAnnotation = this.transformAny(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| var annotations = this.transformList(tree.annotations); |
| var functionBody = this.transformAny(tree.functionBody); |
| if (name === tree.name && formalParameterList === tree.formalParameterList && typeAnnotation === tree.typeAnnotation && annotations === tree.annotations && functionBody === tree.functionBody) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new PropertyMethodAssignment(tree.location, tree.isStatic, tree.isGenerator, name, formalParameterList, typeAnnotation, annotations, functionBody); |
| }, |
| transformPropertyNameAssignment: function(tree) { |
| var name = this.transformAny(tree.name); |
| var value = this.transformAny(tree.value); |
| if (name === tree.name && value === tree.value) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new PropertyNameAssignment(tree.location, name, value); |
| }, |
| transformPropertyNameShorthand: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformRestParameter: function(tree) { |
| var identifier = this.transformAny(tree.identifier); |
| if (identifier === tree.identifier) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new RestParameter(tree.location, identifier); |
| }, |
| transformReturnStatement: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| if (expression === tree.expression) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ReturnStatement(tree.location, expression); |
| }, |
| transformSetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| var name = this.transformAny(tree.name); |
| var parameter = this.transformAny(tree.parameter); |
| var annotations = this.transformList(tree.annotations); |
| var body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| if (name === tree.name && parameter === tree.parameter && annotations === tree.annotations && body === tree.body) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new SetAccessor(tree.location, tree.isStatic, name, parameter, annotations, body); |
| }, |
| transformSpreadExpression: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| if (expression === tree.expression) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new SpreadExpression(tree.location, expression); |
| }, |
| transformSpreadPatternElement: function(tree) { |
| var lvalue = this.transformAny(tree.lvalue); |
| if (lvalue === tree.lvalue) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new SpreadPatternElement(tree.location, lvalue); |
| }, |
| transformSuperExpression: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformSwitchStatement: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| var caseClauses = this.transformList(tree.caseClauses); |
| if (expression === tree.expression && caseClauses === tree.caseClauses) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new SwitchStatement(tree.location, expression, caseClauses); |
| }, |
| transformSyntaxErrorTree: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformTemplateLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| var elements = this.transformList(tree.elements); |
| if (operand === tree.operand && elements === tree.elements) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new TemplateLiteralExpression(tree.location, operand, elements); |
| }, |
| transformTemplateLiteralPortion: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformTemplateSubstitution: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| if (expression === tree.expression) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new TemplateSubstitution(tree.location, expression); |
| }, |
| transformThisExpression: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformThrowStatement: function(tree) { |
| var value = this.transformAny(tree.value); |
| if (value === tree.value) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ThrowStatement(tree.location, value); |
| }, |
| transformTryStatement: function(tree) { |
| var body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| var catchBlock = this.transformAny(tree.catchBlock); |
| var finallyBlock = this.transformAny(tree.finallyBlock); |
| if (body === tree.body && catchBlock === tree.catchBlock && finallyBlock === tree.finallyBlock) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new TryStatement(tree.location, body, catchBlock, finallyBlock); |
| }, |
| transformTypeName: function(tree) { |
| var moduleName = this.transformAny(tree.moduleName); |
| if (moduleName === tree.moduleName) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new TypeName(tree.location, moduleName, tree.name); |
| }, |
| transformUnaryExpression: function(tree) { |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| if (operand === tree.operand) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new UnaryExpression(tree.location, tree.operator, operand); |
| }, |
| transformVariableDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| var lvalue = this.transformAny(tree.lvalue); |
| var typeAnnotation = this.transformAny(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| var initialiser = this.transformAny(tree.initialiser); |
| if (lvalue === tree.lvalue && typeAnnotation === tree.typeAnnotation && initialiser === tree.initialiser) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new VariableDeclaration(tree.location, lvalue, typeAnnotation, initialiser); |
| }, |
| transformVariableDeclarationList: function(tree) { |
| var declarations = this.transformList(tree.declarations); |
| if (declarations === tree.declarations) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new VariableDeclarationList(tree.location, tree.declarationType, declarations); |
| }, |
| transformVariableStatement: function(tree) { |
| var declarations = this.transformAny(tree.declarations); |
| if (declarations === tree.declarations) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new VariableStatement(tree.location, declarations); |
| }, |
| transformWhileStatement: function(tree) { |
| var condition = this.transformAny(tree.condition); |
| var body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| if (condition === tree.condition && body === tree.body) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new WhileStatement(tree.location, condition, body); |
| }, |
| transformWithStatement: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| var body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| if (expression === tree.expression && body === tree.body) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new WithStatement(tree.location, expression, body); |
| }, |
| transformYieldExpression: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| if (expression === tree.expression) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new YieldExpression(tree.location, expression, tree.isYieldFor); |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| return {get ParseTreeTransformer() { |
| return ParseTreeTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/AssignmentPatternTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/AssignmentPatternTransformer"; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var $__53 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| ArrayPattern = $__53.ArrayPattern, |
| BindingElement = $__53.BindingElement, |
| BindingIdentifier = $__53.BindingIdentifier, |
| IdentifierExpression = $__53.IdentifierExpression, |
| ObjectPattern = $__53.ObjectPattern, |
| ObjectPatternField = $__53.ObjectPatternField, |
| SpreadPatternElement = $__53.SpreadPatternElement; |
| var EQUAL = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").EQUAL; |
| var AssignmentPatternTransformerError = function AssignmentPatternTransformerError() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $AssignmentPatternTransformerError.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $AssignmentPatternTransformerError = AssignmentPatternTransformerError; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(AssignmentPatternTransformerError, {}, {}, Error); |
| var AssignmentPatternTransformer = function AssignmentPatternTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $AssignmentPatternTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $AssignmentPatternTransformer = AssignmentPatternTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(AssignmentPatternTransformer, { |
| transformBinaryOperator: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.operator.type !== EQUAL) |
| throw new AssignmentPatternTransformerError(); |
| var bindingElement = this.transformAny(tree.left); |
| if (bindingElement instanceof BindingElement) |
| bindingElement = bindingElement.binding; |
| return new BindingElement(tree.location, bindingElement, tree.right); |
| }, |
| transformArrayLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| var elements = this.transformList(tree.elements); |
| return new ArrayPattern(tree.location, elements); |
| }, |
| transformCoverInitialisedName: function(tree) { |
| return new BindingElement(tree.location, new BindingIdentifier(tree.name.location, tree.name), this.transformAny(tree.initialiser)); |
| }, |
| transformObjectLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| var propertyNameAndValues = this.transformList(tree.propertyNameAndValues); |
| return new ObjectPattern(tree.location, propertyNameAndValues); |
| }, |
| transformPropertyNameAssignment: function(tree) { |
| return new ObjectPatternField(tree.location, tree.name, this.transformAny(tree.value)); |
| }, |
| transformPropertyNameShorthand: function(tree) { |
| return new IdentifierExpression(tree.location, tree.name); |
| }, |
| transformSpreadExpression: function(tree) { |
| return new SpreadPatternElement(tree.location, tree.expression); |
| }, |
| transformSyntaxErrorTree: function(tree) { |
| throw new AssignmentPatternTransformerError(); |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| return { |
| get AssignmentPatternTransformerError() { |
| return AssignmentPatternTransformerError; |
| }, |
| get AssignmentPatternTransformer() { |
| return AssignmentPatternTransformer; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/CoverFormalsTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/CoverFormalsTransformer"; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var $__55 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| ArrayPattern = $__55.ArrayPattern, |
| BindingElement = $__55.BindingElement, |
| BindingIdentifier = $__55.BindingIdentifier, |
| CommaExpression = $__55.CommaExpression, |
| FormalParameter = $__55.FormalParameter, |
| FormalParameterList = $__55.FormalParameterList, |
| ObjectPattern = $__55.ObjectPattern, |
| ObjectPatternField = $__55.ObjectPatternField, |
| ParenExpression = $__55.ParenExpression, |
| RestParameter = $__55.RestParameter, |
| SpreadPatternElement = $__55.SpreadPatternElement; |
| var EQUAL = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").EQUAL; |
| var IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType").IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION; |
| var AssignmentPatternTransformerError = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/AssignmentPatternTransformer").AssignmentPatternTransformerError; |
| var CoverFormalsTransformerError = function CoverFormalsTransformerError(location, message) { |
| this.location = location; |
| this.message = message; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(CoverFormalsTransformerError, {}, {}, Error); |
| var ToFormalParametersTransformer = function ToFormalParametersTransformer() { |
| this.isValid = true; |
| this.inArrayPattern_ = false; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ToFormalParametersTransformer, { |
| transformCoverFormals: function(tree) { |
| var expressions = this.transformList(tree.expressions).map((function(expression) { |
| return new FormalParameter(expression.location, expression, null, []); |
| })); |
| return new FormalParameterList(tree.location, expressions); |
| }, |
| transformIdentifierExpression: function(tree) { |
| return new BindingElement(tree.location, new BindingIdentifier(tree.location, tree.identifierToken), null); |
| }, |
| transformBinaryOperator: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.operator.type !== EQUAL) |
| throw new CoverFormalsTransformerError(tree.operator, ("Unexpected token " + tree.operator)); |
| var bindingElement = this.transformAny(tree.left); |
| if (bindingElement instanceof BindingElement) |
| bindingElement = bindingElement.binding; |
| return new BindingElement(tree.location, bindingElement, tree.right); |
| }, |
| transformArrayLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| var wasInArrayPattern = this.inArrayPattern_; |
| this.inArrayPattern_ = true; |
| var elements = this.transformList(tree.elements); |
| this.inArrayPattern_ = wasInArrayPattern; |
| var okIndex = elements.length - 1; |
| for (var i = 0; i < okIndex; i++) { |
| if (elements[i] instanceof SpreadPatternElement) |
| throw new CoverFormalsTransformerError(elements[i].location, 'Unexpected token ...'); |
| } |
| return new BindingElement(tree.location, new ArrayPattern(tree.location, elements), null); |
| }, |
| transformObjectLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| var propertyNameAndValues = this.transformList(tree.propertyNameAndValues); |
| return new BindingElement(tree.location, new ObjectPattern(tree.location, propertyNameAndValues), null); |
| }, |
| transformCoverInitialisedName: function(tree) { |
| return new BindingElement(tree.location, new BindingIdentifier(tree.location, tree.name), tree.initialiser); |
| }, |
| transformPropertyNameAssignment: function(tree) { |
| return new ObjectPatternField(tree.location, tree.name, this.transformAny(tree.value)); |
| }, |
| transformPropertyNameShorthand: function(tree) { |
| return new BindingElement(tree.location, new BindingIdentifier(tree.location, tree.name), null); |
| }, |
| transformSpreadExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.expression.type !== IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION) |
| throw new CoverFormalsTransformerError(tree.expression.location, 'identifier expected'); |
| var bindingIdentifier = new BindingIdentifier(tree.expression.location, tree.expression.identifierToken); |
| if (this.inArrayPattern_) |
| return new SpreadPatternElement(tree.location, bindingIdentifier); |
| return new RestParameter(tree.location, bindingIdentifier); |
| }, |
| transformSyntaxErrorTree: function(tree) { |
| throw new AssignmentPatternTransformerError(); |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| function toParenExpression(tree) { |
| var expressions = tree.expressions; |
| var length = expressions.length; |
| if (length === 0) |
| throw new CoverFormalsTransformerError(tree.location, 'Unexpected token )'); |
| for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { |
| if (expressions[i].isRestParameter()) |
| throw new CoverFormalsTransformerError(expressions[i].location, 'Unexpected token ...'); |
| } |
| var expression; |
| if (expressions.length > 1) { |
| expression = new CommaExpression(expressions[0].location, expressions); |
| } else { |
| expression = expressions[0]; |
| } |
| return new ParenExpression(tree.location, expression); |
| } |
| function toFormalParameters(tree) { |
| var transformer = new ToFormalParametersTransformer(); |
| return transformer.transformAny(tree); |
| } |
| return { |
| get CoverFormalsTransformerError() { |
| return CoverFormalsTransformerError; |
| }, |
| get toParenExpression() { |
| return toParenExpression; |
| }, |
| get toFormalParameters() { |
| return toFormalParameters; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/staticsemantics/StrictParams", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/staticsemantics/StrictParams"; |
| var ParseTreeVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/ParseTreeVisitor").ParseTreeVisitor; |
| var isStrictKeyword = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Keywords").isStrictKeyword; |
| var StrictParams = function StrictParams(errorReporter) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $StrictParams.prototype, "constructor", []); |
| this.errorReporter = errorReporter; |
| }; |
| var $StrictParams = StrictParams; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(StrictParams, {visitBindingIdentifier: function(tree) { |
| var name = tree.identifierToken.toString(); |
| if (isStrictKeyword(name)) { |
| this.errorReporter.reportError(tree.location.start, (name + " is a reserved identifier")); |
| } |
| }}, {visit: function(tree, errorReporter) { |
| new $StrictParams(errorReporter).visitAny(tree); |
| }}, ParseTreeVisitor); |
| return {get StrictParams() { |
| return StrictParams; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/SourceRange", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/util/SourceRange"; |
| var SourceRange = function SourceRange(start, end) { |
| this.start = start; |
| this.end = end; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SourceRange, {toString: function() { |
| var str = this.start.source.contents; |
| return str.slice(this.start.offset, this.end.offset); |
| }}, {}); |
| return {get SourceRange() { |
| return SourceRange; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/ErrorReporter", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/util/ErrorReporter"; |
| var ErrorReporter = function ErrorReporter() { |
| this.hadError_ = false; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ErrorReporter, { |
| reportError: function(location, message) { |
| this.hadError_ = true; |
| this.reportMessageInternal(location, message); |
| }, |
| reportMessageInternal: function(location, message) { |
| if (location) |
| message = (location + ": " + message); |
| console.error(message); |
| }, |
| hadError: function() { |
| return this.hadError_; |
| }, |
| clearError: function() { |
| this.hadError_ = false; |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| function format(location, text) { |
| var args = arguments[2]; |
| var i = 0; |
| text = text.replace(/%./g, function(s) { |
| switch (s) { |
| case '%s': |
| return args && args[i++]; |
| case '%%': |
| return '%'; |
| } |
| return s; |
| }); |
| if (location) |
| text = (location + ": " + text); |
| return text; |
| } |
| ; |
| ErrorReporter.format = format; |
| return { |
| get ErrorReporter() { |
| return ErrorReporter; |
| }, |
| get format() { |
| return format; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/SyntaxErrorReporter", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/util/SyntaxErrorReporter"; |
| var $__61 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/ErrorReporter"), |
| ErrorReporter = $__61.ErrorReporter, |
| format = $__61.format; |
| var SyntaxErrorReporter = function SyntaxErrorReporter() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $SyntaxErrorReporter.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $SyntaxErrorReporter = SyntaxErrorReporter; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SyntaxErrorReporter, {reportMessageInternal: function(location, message) { |
| var s = format(location, message); |
| throw new SyntaxError(s); |
| }}, {}, ErrorReporter); |
| return {get SyntaxErrorReporter() { |
| return SyntaxErrorReporter; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Parser", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Parser"; |
| var $__65 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/AssignmentPatternTransformer"), |
| AssignmentPatternTransformer = $__65.AssignmentPatternTransformer, |
| AssignmentPatternTransformerError = $__65.AssignmentPatternTransformerError; |
| var $__65 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/CoverFormalsTransformer"), |
| toFormalParameters = $__65.toFormalParameters, |
| toParenExpression = $__65.toParenExpression, |
| CoverFormalsTransformerError = $__65.CoverFormalsTransformerError; |
| var IdentifierToken = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/IdentifierToken").IdentifierToken; |
| var $__65 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var $__65 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName"), |
| AS = $__65.AS, |
| FROM = $__65.FROM, |
| GET = $__65.GET, |
| MODULE = $__65.MODULE, |
| OF = $__65.OF, |
| SET = $__65.SET; |
| var SyntaxErrorReporter = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/SyntaxErrorReporter").SyntaxErrorReporter; |
| var Scanner = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Scanner").Scanner; |
| var SourceRange = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/SourceRange").SourceRange; |
| var StrictParams = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/staticsemantics/StrictParams").StrictParams; |
| var $__65 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Token"), |
| Token = $__65.Token, |
| isAssignmentOperator = $__65.isAssignmentOperator; |
| var $__65 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/options"), |
| parseOptions = $__65.parseOptions, |
| options = $__65.options; |
| var $__65 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| AND = $__65.AND, |
| ARROW = $__65.ARROW, |
| AT = $__65.AT, |
| AWAIT = $__65.AWAIT, |
| BANG = $__65.BANG, |
| BAR = $__65.BAR, |
| BAR_EQUAL = $__65.BAR_EQUAL, |
| BREAK = $__65.BREAK, |
| CARET = $__65.CARET, |
| CASE = $__65.CASE, |
| CATCH = $__65.CATCH, |
| CLASS = $__65.CLASS, |
| COLON = $__65.COLON, |
| COMMA = $__65.COMMA, |
| CONST = $__65.CONST, |
| DEFAULT = $__65.DEFAULT, |
| DELETE = $__65.DELETE, |
| DO = $__65.DO, |
| DOT_DOT_DOT = $__65.DOT_DOT_DOT, |
| ELSE = $__65.ELSE, |
| END_OF_FILE = $__65.END_OF_FILE, |
| ENUM = $__65.ENUM, |
| EQUAL = $__65.EQUAL, |
| ERROR = $__65.ERROR, |
| EXPORT = $__65.EXPORT, |
| EXTENDS = $__65.EXTENDS, |
| FALSE = $__65.FALSE, |
| FINALLY = $__65.FINALLY, |
| FOR = $__65.FOR, |
| IF = $__65.IF, |
| IMPORT = $__65.IMPORT, |
| IN = $__65.IN, |
| LET = $__65.LET, |
| MINUS = $__65.MINUS, |
| NEW = $__65.NEW, |
| NOT_EQUAL = $__65.NOT_EQUAL, |
| NULL = $__65.NULL, |
| NUMBER = $__65.NUMBER, |
| OR = $__65.OR, |
| PACKAGE = $__65.PACKAGE, |
| PERCENT = $__65.PERCENT, |
| PERIOD = $__65.PERIOD, |
| PLUS = $__65.PLUS, |
| PLUS_PLUS = $__65.PLUS_PLUS, |
| PRIVATE = $__65.PRIVATE, |
| PUBLIC = $__65.PUBLIC, |
| RETURN = $__65.RETURN, |
| SLASH = $__65.SLASH, |
| STAR = $__65.STAR, |
| STATIC = $__65.STATIC, |
| STRING = $__65.STRING, |
| SUPER = $__65.SUPER, |
| SWITCH = $__65.SWITCH, |
| THIS = $__65.THIS, |
| THROW = $__65.THROW, |
| TILDE = $__65.TILDE, |
| TRUE = $__65.TRUE, |
| TRY = $__65.TRY, |
| TYPEOF = $__65.TYPEOF, |
| VAR = $__65.VAR, |
| VOID = $__65.VOID, |
| WHILE = $__65.WHILE, |
| WITH = $__65.WITH, |
| YIELD = $__65.YIELD; |
| var $__65 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| ArgumentList = $__65.ArgumentList, |
| ArrayComprehension = $__65.ArrayComprehension, |
| ArrayLiteralExpression = $__65.ArrayLiteralExpression, |
| ArrayPattern = $__65.ArrayPattern, |
| ArrowFunctionExpression = $__65.ArrowFunctionExpression, |
| AwaitStatement = $__65.AwaitStatement, |
| BinaryOperator = $__65.BinaryOperator, |
| BindingElement = $__65.BindingElement, |
| BindingIdentifier = $__65.BindingIdentifier, |
| Block = $__65.Block, |
| BreakStatement = $__65.BreakStatement, |
| CallExpression = $__65.CallExpression, |
| CaseClause = $__65.CaseClause, |
| Catch = $__65.Catch, |
| ClassDeclaration = $__65.ClassDeclaration, |
| ClassExpression = $__65.ClassExpression, |
| CommaExpression = $__65.CommaExpression, |
| ComprehensionFor = $__65.ComprehensionFor, |
| ComprehensionIf = $__65.ComprehensionIf, |
| ComputedPropertyName = $__65.ComputedPropertyName, |
| ConditionalExpression = $__65.ConditionalExpression, |
| ContinueStatement = $__65.ContinueStatement, |
| CoverFormals = $__65.CoverFormals, |
| CoverInitialisedName = $__65.CoverInitialisedName, |
| DebuggerStatement = $__65.DebuggerStatement, |
| Annotation = $__65.Annotation, |
| DefaultClause = $__65.DefaultClause, |
| DoWhileStatement = $__65.DoWhileStatement, |
| EmptyStatement = $__65.EmptyStatement, |
| ExportDeclaration = $__65.ExportDeclaration, |
| ExportDefault = $__65.ExportDefault, |
| ExportSpecifier = $__65.ExportSpecifier, |
| ExportSpecifierSet = $__65.ExportSpecifierSet, |
| ExportStar = $__65.ExportStar, |
| ExpressionStatement = $__65.ExpressionStatement, |
| Finally = $__65.Finally, |
| ForInStatement = $__65.ForInStatement, |
| ForOfStatement = $__65.ForOfStatement, |
| ForStatement = $__65.ForStatement, |
| FormalParameter = $__65.FormalParameter, |
| FormalParameterList = $__65.FormalParameterList, |
| FunctionBody = $__65.FunctionBody, |
| FunctionDeclaration = $__65.FunctionDeclaration, |
| FunctionExpression = $__65.FunctionExpression, |
| GeneratorComprehension = $__65.GeneratorComprehension, |
| GetAccessor = $__65.GetAccessor, |
| IdentifierExpression = $__65.IdentifierExpression, |
| IfStatement = $__65.IfStatement, |
| ImportDeclaration = $__65.ImportDeclaration, |
| ImportSpecifier = $__65.ImportSpecifier, |
| ImportSpecifierSet = $__65.ImportSpecifierSet, |
| ImportedBinding = $__65.ImportedBinding, |
| LabelledStatement = $__65.LabelledStatement, |
| LiteralExpression = $__65.LiteralExpression, |
| LiteralPropertyName = $__65.LiteralPropertyName, |
| MemberExpression = $__65.MemberExpression, |
| MemberLookupExpression = $__65.MemberLookupExpression, |
| Module = $__65.Module, |
| ModuleDeclaration = $__65.ModuleDeclaration, |
| ModuleSpecifier = $__65.ModuleSpecifier, |
| NamedExport = $__65.NamedExport, |
| NewExpression = $__65.NewExpression, |
| ObjectLiteralExpression = $__65.ObjectLiteralExpression, |
| ObjectPattern = $__65.ObjectPattern, |
| ObjectPatternField = $__65.ObjectPatternField, |
| ParenExpression = $__65.ParenExpression, |
| PostfixExpression = $__65.PostfixExpression, |
| PredefinedType = $__65.PredefinedType, |
| Script = $__65.Script, |
| PropertyMethodAssignment = $__65.PropertyMethodAssignment, |
| PropertyNameAssignment = $__65.PropertyNameAssignment, |
| PropertyNameShorthand = $__65.PropertyNameShorthand, |
| RestParameter = $__65.RestParameter, |
| ReturnStatement = $__65.ReturnStatement, |
| SetAccessor = $__65.SetAccessor, |
| SpreadExpression = $__65.SpreadExpression, |
| SpreadPatternElement = $__65.SpreadPatternElement, |
| SuperExpression = $__65.SuperExpression, |
| SwitchStatement = $__65.SwitchStatement, |
| SyntaxErrorTree = $__65.SyntaxErrorTree, |
| TemplateLiteralExpression = $__65.TemplateLiteralExpression, |
| TemplateLiteralPortion = $__65.TemplateLiteralPortion, |
| TemplateSubstitution = $__65.TemplateSubstitution, |
| ThisExpression = $__65.ThisExpression, |
| ThrowStatement = $__65.ThrowStatement, |
| TryStatement = $__65.TryStatement, |
| TypeName = $__65.TypeName, |
| UnaryExpression = $__65.UnaryExpression, |
| VariableDeclaration = $__65.VariableDeclaration, |
| VariableDeclarationList = $__65.VariableDeclarationList, |
| VariableStatement = $__65.VariableStatement, |
| WhileStatement = $__65.WhileStatement, |
| WithStatement = $__65.WithStatement, |
| YieldExpression = $__65.YieldExpression; |
| var Expression = { |
| NO_IN: 'NO_IN', |
| }; |
| var DestructuringInitialiser = { |
| }; |
| var Initialiser = { |
| }; |
| var Parser = function Parser(file) { |
| var errorReporter = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : new SyntaxErrorReporter(); |
| this.errorReporter_ = errorReporter; |
| this.scanner_ = new Scanner(errorReporter, file, this); |
| this.allowYield_ = false; |
| this.strictMode_ = false; |
| this.coverInitialisedName_ = null; |
| this.annotations_ = []; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Parser, { |
| parseScript: function() { |
| this.strictMode_ = false; |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var scriptItemList = this.parseScriptItemList_(); |
| this.eat_(END_OF_FILE); |
| return new Script(this.getTreeLocation_(start), scriptItemList); |
| }, |
| parseScriptItemList_: function() { |
| var result = []; |
| var type; |
| var checkUseStrictDirective = true; |
| while ((type = this.peekType_()) !== END_OF_FILE) { |
| var scriptItem = this.parseScriptItem_(type, false); |
| if (checkUseStrictDirective) { |
| if (!scriptItem.isDirectivePrologue()) { |
| checkUseStrictDirective = false; |
| } else if (scriptItem.isUseStrictDirective()) { |
| this.strictMode_ = true; |
| checkUseStrictDirective = false; |
| } |
| } |
| result.push(scriptItem); |
| } |
| return result; |
| }, |
| parseScriptItem_: function(type, allowModuleItem) { |
| return this.parseStatement_(type, allowModuleItem, true); |
| }, |
| parseModule: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var scriptItemList = this.parseModuleItemList_(); |
| this.eat_(END_OF_FILE); |
| return new Module(this.getTreeLocation_(start), scriptItemList); |
| }, |
| parseModuleItemList_: function() { |
| this.strictMode_ = true; |
| var result = []; |
| var type; |
| while ((type = this.peekType_()) !== END_OF_FILE) { |
| var scriptItem = this.parseScriptItem_(type, true); |
| result.push(scriptItem); |
| } |
| return result; |
| }, |
| parseModuleSpecifier_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var token = this.eat_(STRING); |
| return new ModuleSpecifier(this.getTreeLocation_(start), token); |
| }, |
| parseImportDeclaration_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(IMPORT); |
| var importClause = null; |
| if (this.peekImportClause_(this.peekType_())) { |
| importClause = this.parseImportClause_(); |
| this.eatId_(FROM); |
| } |
| var moduleSpecifier = this.parseModuleSpecifier_(); |
| this.eatPossibleImplicitSemiColon_(); |
| return new ImportDeclaration(this.getTreeLocation_(start), importClause, moduleSpecifier); |
| }, |
| peekImportClause_: function(type) { |
| return type === OPEN_CURLY || this.peekBindingIdentifier_(type); |
| }, |
| parseImportClause_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| if (this.eatIf_(OPEN_CURLY)) { |
| var specifiers = []; |
| while (!this.peek_(CLOSE_CURLY) && !this.isAtEnd()) { |
| specifiers.push(this.parseImportSpecifier_()); |
| if (!this.eatIf_(COMMA)) |
| break; |
| } |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_CURLY); |
| return new ImportSpecifierSet(this.getTreeLocation_(start), specifiers); |
| } |
| var binding = this.parseBindingIdentifier_(); |
| return new ImportedBinding(this.getTreeLocation_(start), binding); |
| }, |
| parseImportSpecifier_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var token = this.peekToken_(); |
| var isKeyword = token.isKeyword(); |
| var lhs = this.eatIdName_(); |
| var rhs = null; |
| if (isKeyword || this.peekPredefinedString_(AS)) { |
| this.eatId_(AS); |
| rhs = this.eatId_(); |
| } |
| return new ImportSpecifier(this.getTreeLocation_(start), lhs, rhs); |
| }, |
| parseExportDeclaration_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(EXPORT); |
| var exportTree; |
| var annotations = this.popAnnotations_(); |
| var type = this.peekType_(); |
| switch (type) { |
| case CONST: |
| case LET: |
| case VAR: |
| exportTree = this.parseVariableStatement_(); |
| break; |
| case FUNCTION: |
| exportTree = this.parseFunctionDeclaration_(); |
| break; |
| case CLASS: |
| exportTree = this.parseClassDeclaration_(); |
| break; |
| case DEFAULT: |
| exportTree = this.parseExportDefault_(); |
| break; |
| case OPEN_CURLY: |
| case STAR: |
| exportTree = this.parseNamedExport_(); |
| break; |
| default: |
| return this.parseUnexpectedToken_(type); |
| } |
| return new ExportDeclaration(this.getTreeLocation_(start), exportTree, annotations); |
| }, |
| parseExportDefault_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(DEFAULT); |
| var expression = this.parseAssignmentExpression(); |
| this.eatPossibleImplicitSemiColon_(); |
| return new ExportDefault(this.getTreeLocation_(start), expression); |
| }, |
| parseNamedExport_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var specifierSet, |
| expression; |
| if (this.peek_(OPEN_CURLY)) { |
| specifierSet = this.parseExportSpecifierSet_(); |
| expression = this.parseFromModuleSpecifierOpt_(false); |
| } else { |
| this.eat_(STAR); |
| specifierSet = new ExportStar(this.getTreeLocation_(start)); |
| expression = this.parseFromModuleSpecifierOpt_(true); |
| } |
| this.eatPossibleImplicitSemiColon_(); |
| return new NamedExport(this.getTreeLocation_(start), expression, specifierSet); |
| }, |
| parseFromModuleSpecifierOpt_: function(required) { |
| if (required || this.peekPredefinedString_(FROM)) { |
| this.eatId_(FROM); |
| return this.parseModuleSpecifier_(); |
| } |
| return null; |
| }, |
| parseExportSpecifierSet_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(OPEN_CURLY); |
| var specifiers = [this.parseExportSpecifier_()]; |
| while (this.eatIf_(COMMA)) { |
| if (this.peek_(CLOSE_CURLY)) |
| break; |
| specifiers.push(this.parseExportSpecifier_()); |
| } |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_CURLY); |
| return new ExportSpecifierSet(this.getTreeLocation_(start), specifiers); |
| }, |
| parseExportSpecifier_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var lhs = this.eatId_(); |
| var rhs = null; |
| if (this.peekPredefinedString_(AS)) { |
| this.eatId_(AS); |
| rhs = this.eatIdName_(); |
| } |
| return new ExportSpecifier(this.getTreeLocation_(start), lhs, rhs); |
| }, |
| peekId_: function(type) { |
| if (type === IDENTIFIER) |
| return true; |
| if (this.strictMode_) |
| return false; |
| return this.peekToken_().isStrictKeyword(); |
| }, |
| peekIdName_: function(token) { |
| return token.type === IDENTIFIER || token.isKeyword(); |
| }, |
| parseClassShared_: function(constr) { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var strictMode = this.strictMode_; |
| this.strictMode_ = true; |
| this.eat_(CLASS); |
| var name = null; |
| var annotations = []; |
| if (constr == ClassDeclaration || !this.peek_(EXTENDS) && !this.peek_(OPEN_CURLY)) { |
| name = this.parseBindingIdentifier_(); |
| annotations = this.popAnnotations_(); |
| } |
| var superClass = null; |
| if (this.eatIf_(EXTENDS)) { |
| superClass = this.parseAssignmentExpression(); |
| } |
| this.eat_(OPEN_CURLY); |
| var elements = this.parseClassElements_(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_CURLY); |
| this.strictMode_ = strictMode; |
| return new constr(this.getTreeLocation_(start), name, superClass, elements, annotations); |
| }, |
| parseClassDeclaration_: function() { |
| return this.parseClassShared_(ClassDeclaration); |
| }, |
| parseClassExpression_: function() { |
| return this.parseClassShared_(ClassExpression); |
| }, |
| parseClassElements_: function() { |
| var result = []; |
| while (true) { |
| var type = this.peekType_(); |
| if (type === SEMI_COLON) { |
| this.nextToken_(); |
| } else if (this.peekClassElement_(this.peekType_())) { |
| result.push(this.parseClassElement_()); |
| } else { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| return result; |
| }, |
| peekClassElement_: function(type) { |
| return this.peekPropertyName_(type) || type === STAR && parseOptions.generators || type === AT && parseOptions.annotations; |
| }, |
| parsePropertyName_: function() { |
| if (this.peek_(OPEN_SQUARE)) |
| return this.parseComputedPropertyName_(); |
| return this.parseLiteralPropertyName_(); |
| }, |
| parseLiteralPropertyName_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var token = this.nextToken_(); |
| return new LiteralPropertyName(this.getTreeLocation_(start), token); |
| }, |
| parseComputedPropertyName_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(OPEN_SQUARE); |
| var expression = this.parseAssignmentExpression(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_SQUARE); |
| return new ComputedPropertyName(this.getTreeLocation_(start), expression); |
| }, |
| parseStatement: function() { |
| return this.parseStatement_(this.peekType_(), false, false); |
| }, |
| parseStatement_: function(type, allowModuleItem, allowScriptItem) { |
| switch (type) { |
| case RETURN: |
| return this.parseReturnStatement_(); |
| case CONST: |
| case LET: |
| if (!parseOptions.blockBinding) |
| break; |
| case VAR: |
| return this.parseVariableStatement_(); |
| case IF: |
| return this.parseIfStatement_(); |
| case FOR: |
| return this.parseForStatement_(); |
| case BREAK: |
| return this.parseBreakStatement_(); |
| case SWITCH: |
| return this.parseSwitchStatement_(); |
| case THROW: |
| return this.parseThrowStatement_(); |
| case WHILE: |
| return this.parseWhileStatement_(); |
| case FUNCTION: |
| return this.parseFunctionDeclaration_(); |
| case AT: |
| if (parseOptions.annotations) |
| return this.parseAnnotatedDeclarations_(allowModuleItem, allowScriptItem); |
| break; |
| case AWAIT: |
| if (parseOptions.deferredFunctions) |
| return this.parseAwaitStatement_(); |
| break; |
| case CLASS: |
| if (parseOptions.classes) |
| return this.parseClassDeclaration_(); |
| break; |
| case CONTINUE: |
| return this.parseContinueStatement_(); |
| case DEBUGGER: |
| return this.parseDebuggerStatement_(); |
| case DO: |
| return this.parseDoWhileStatement_(); |
| case EXPORT: |
| if (allowModuleItem && parseOptions.modules) |
| return this.parseExportDeclaration_(); |
| break; |
| case IMPORT: |
| if (allowScriptItem && parseOptions.modules) |
| return this.parseImportDeclaration_(); |
| break; |
| case OPEN_CURLY: |
| return this.parseBlock_(); |
| case SEMI_COLON: |
| return this.parseEmptyStatement_(); |
| case TRY: |
| return this.parseTryStatement_(); |
| case WITH: |
| return this.parseWithStatement_(); |
| } |
| return this.parseFallThroughStatement_(allowScriptItem); |
| }, |
| parseFunctionDeclaration_: function() { |
| return this.parseFunction_(FunctionDeclaration); |
| }, |
| parseFunctionExpression_: function() { |
| return this.parseFunction_(FunctionExpression); |
| }, |
| parseFunction_: function(ctor) { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(FUNCTION); |
| var isGenerator = parseOptions.generators && this.eatIf_(STAR); |
| var name = null; |
| var annotations = []; |
| if (ctor === FunctionDeclaration || this.peekBindingIdentifier_(this.peekType_())) { |
| name = this.parseBindingIdentifier_(); |
| annotations = this.popAnnotations_(); |
| } |
| this.eat_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| var formalParameterList = this.parseFormalParameterList_(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| var typeAnnotation = this.parseTypeAnnotationOpt_(); |
| var functionBody = this.parseFunctionBody_(isGenerator, formalParameterList); |
| return new ctor(this.getTreeLocation_(start), name, isGenerator, formalParameterList, typeAnnotation, annotations, functionBody); |
| }, |
| peekRest_: function(type) { |
| return type === DOT_DOT_DOT && parseOptions.restParameters; |
| }, |
| parseFormalParameterList_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var formals = []; |
| this.pushAnnotations_(); |
| var type = this.peekType_(); |
| if (this.peekRest_(type)) { |
| formals.push(this.parseFormalRestParameter_()); |
| } else { |
| if (this.peekFormalParameter_(this.peekType_())) |
| formals.push(this.parseFormalParameter_()); |
| while (this.eatIf_(COMMA)) { |
| this.pushAnnotations_(); |
| if (this.peekRest_(this.peekType_())) { |
| formals.push(this.parseFormalRestParameter_()); |
| break; |
| } |
| formals.push(this.parseFormalParameter_()); |
| } |
| } |
| return new FormalParameterList(this.getTreeLocation_(start), formals); |
| }, |
| peekFormalParameter_: function(type) { |
| return this.peekBindingElement_(type); |
| }, |
| parseFormalParameter_: function() { |
| var initialiserAllowed = arguments[0]; |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var binding = this.parseBindingElementBinding_(); |
| var typeAnnotation = this.parseTypeAnnotationOpt_(); |
| var initialiser = this.parseBindingElementInitialiser_(initialiserAllowed); |
| return new FormalParameter(this.getTreeLocation_(start), new BindingElement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), binding, initialiser), typeAnnotation, this.popAnnotations_()); |
| }, |
| parseFormalRestParameter_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var restParameter = this.parseRestParameter_(); |
| var typeAnnotation = this.parseTypeAnnotationOpt_(); |
| return new FormalParameter(this.getTreeLocation_(start), restParameter, typeAnnotation, this.popAnnotations_()); |
| }, |
| parseRestParameter_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(DOT_DOT_DOT); |
| var id = this.parseBindingIdentifier_(); |
| return new RestParameter(this.getTreeLocation_(start), id); |
| }, |
| parseFunctionBody_: function(isGenerator, params) { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(OPEN_CURLY); |
| var allowYield = this.allowYield_; |
| var strictMode = this.strictMode_; |
| this.allowYield_ = isGenerator; |
| var result = this.parseStatementList_(!strictMode); |
| if (!strictMode && this.strictMode_ && params) |
| StrictParams.visit(params, this.errorReporter_); |
| this.strictMode_ = strictMode; |
| this.allowYield_ = allowYield; |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_CURLY); |
| return new FunctionBody(this.getTreeLocation_(start), result); |
| }, |
| parseStatements: function() { |
| return this.parseStatementList_(false); |
| }, |
| parseStatementList_: function(checkUseStrictDirective) { |
| var result = []; |
| var type; |
| while ((type = this.peekType_()) !== CLOSE_CURLY && type !== END_OF_FILE) { |
| var statement = this.parseStatement_(type, false, false); |
| if (checkUseStrictDirective) { |
| if (!statement.isDirectivePrologue()) { |
| checkUseStrictDirective = false; |
| } else if (statement.isUseStrictDirective()) { |
| this.strictMode_ = true; |
| checkUseStrictDirective = false; |
| } |
| } |
| result.push(statement); |
| } |
| return result; |
| }, |
| parseSpreadExpression_: function() { |
| if (!parseOptions.spread) |
| return this.parseUnexpectedToken_(DOT_DOT_DOT); |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(DOT_DOT_DOT); |
| var operand = this.parseAssignmentExpression(); |
| return new SpreadExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), operand); |
| }, |
| parseBlock_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(OPEN_CURLY); |
| var result = this.parseStatementList_(false); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_CURLY); |
| return new Block(this.getTreeLocation_(start), result); |
| }, |
| parseVariableStatement_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var declarations = this.parseVariableDeclarationList_(); |
| this.checkInitialisers_(declarations); |
| this.eatPossibleImplicitSemiColon_(); |
| return new VariableStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), declarations); |
| }, |
| parseVariableDeclarationList_: function() { |
| var expressionIn = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : Expression.NORMAL; |
| var initialiser = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : DestructuringInitialiser.REQUIRED; |
| var type = this.peekType_(); |
| switch (type) { |
| case CONST: |
| case LET: |
| if (!parseOptions.blockBinding) |
| debugger; |
| case VAR: |
| this.nextToken_(); |
| break; |
| default: |
| throw Error('unreachable'); |
| } |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var declarations = []; |
| declarations.push(this.parseVariableDeclaration_(type, expressionIn, initialiser)); |
| while (this.eatIf_(COMMA)) { |
| declarations.push(this.parseVariableDeclaration_(type, expressionIn, initialiser)); |
| } |
| return new VariableDeclarationList(this.getTreeLocation_(start), type, declarations); |
| }, |
| parseVariableDeclaration_: function(binding, expressionIn) { |
| var initialiser = arguments[2] !== (void 0) ? arguments[2] : DestructuringInitialiser.REQUIRED; |
| var initRequired = initialiser !== DestructuringInitialiser.OPTIONAL; |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var lvalue; |
| var typeAnnotation; |
| if (this.peekPattern_(this.peekType_())) { |
| lvalue = this.parseBindingPattern_(); |
| typeAnnotation = null; |
| } else { |
| lvalue = this.parseBindingIdentifier_(); |
| typeAnnotation = this.parseTypeAnnotationOpt_(); |
| } |
| var initialiser = null; |
| if (this.peek_(EQUAL)) |
| initialiser = this.parseInitialiser_(expressionIn); |
| else if (lvalue.isPattern() && initRequired) |
| this.reportError_('destructuring must have an initialiser'); |
| return new VariableDeclaration(this.getTreeLocation_(start), lvalue, typeAnnotation, initialiser); |
| }, |
| parseInitialiser_: function(expressionIn) { |
| this.eat_(EQUAL); |
| return this.parseAssignmentExpression(expressionIn); |
| }, |
| parseEmptyStatement_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(SEMI_COLON); |
| return new EmptyStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start)); |
| }, |
| parseFallThroughStatement_: function(allowScriptItem) { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var expression = this.parseExpression(); |
| if (expression.type === IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION) { |
| var nameToken = expression.identifierToken; |
| if (this.eatIf_(COLON)) { |
| var statement = this.parseStatement(); |
| return new LabelledStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), nameToken, statement); |
| } |
| if (allowScriptItem && nameToken.value === MODULE && parseOptions.modules) { |
| var token = this.peekTokenNoLineTerminator_(); |
| if (token !== null && token.type === IDENTIFIER) { |
| var name = this.eatId_(); |
| this.eatId_(FROM); |
| var moduleSpecifier = this.parseModuleSpecifier_(); |
| this.eatPossibleImplicitSemiColon_(); |
| return new ModuleDeclaration(this.getTreeLocation_(start), name, moduleSpecifier); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| this.eatPossibleImplicitSemiColon_(); |
| return new ExpressionStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), expression); |
| }, |
| parseIfStatement_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(IF); |
| this.eat_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| var condition = this.parseExpression(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| var ifClause = this.parseStatement(); |
| var elseClause = null; |
| if (this.eatIf_(ELSE)) { |
| elseClause = this.parseStatement(); |
| } |
| return new IfStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), condition, ifClause, elseClause); |
| }, |
| parseDoWhileStatement_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(DO); |
| var body = this.parseStatement(); |
| this.eat_(WHILE); |
| this.eat_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| var condition = this.parseExpression(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.eatPossibleImplicitSemiColon_(); |
| return new DoWhileStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), body, condition); |
| }, |
| parseWhileStatement_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(WHILE); |
| this.eat_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| var condition = this.parseExpression(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| var body = this.parseStatement(); |
| return new WhileStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), condition, body); |
| }, |
| parseForStatement_: function() { |
| var $__62 = this; |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(FOR); |
| this.eat_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| var validate = (function(variables, kind) { |
| if (variables.declarations.length > 1) { |
| $__62.reportError_(kind + ' statement may not have more than one variable declaration'); |
| } |
| var declaration = variables.declarations[0]; |
| if (declaration.lvalue.isPattern() && declaration.initialiser) { |
| $__62.reportError_(declaration.initialiser.location, ("initialiser is not allowed in " + kind + " loop with pattern")); |
| } |
| }); |
| var type = this.peekType_(); |
| if (this.peekVariableDeclarationList_(type)) { |
| var variables = this.parseVariableDeclarationList_(Expression.NO_IN, DestructuringInitialiser.OPTIONAL); |
| type = this.peekType_(); |
| if (type === IN) { |
| validate(variables, 'for-in'); |
| var declaration = variables.declarations[0]; |
| if (parseOptions.blockBinding && (variables.declarationType == LET || variables.declarationType == CONST)) { |
| if (declaration.initialiser != null) { |
| this.reportError_('let/const in for-in statement may not have initialiser'); |
| } |
| } |
| return this.parseForInStatement_(start, variables); |
| } else if (this.peekOf_(type)) { |
| validate(variables, 'for-of'); |
| var declaration = variables.declarations[0]; |
| if (declaration.initialiser != null) { |
| this.reportError_('for-of statement may not have initialiser'); |
| } |
| return this.parseForOfStatement_(start, variables); |
| } else { |
| this.checkInitialisers_(variables); |
| return this.parseForStatement2_(start, variables); |
| } |
| } |
| if (type === SEMI_COLON) { |
| return this.parseForStatement2_(start, null); |
| } |
| var initialiser = this.parseExpression(Expression.NO_IN); |
| type = this.peekType_(); |
| if (initialiser.isLeftHandSideExpression() && (type === IN || this.peekOf_(type))) { |
| initialiser = this.transformLeftHandSideExpression_(initialiser); |
| if (this.peekOf_(type)) |
| return this.parseForOfStatement_(start, initialiser); |
| return this.parseForInStatement_(start, initialiser); |
| } |
| return this.parseForStatement2_(start, initialiser); |
| }, |
| peekOf_: function(type) { |
| return type === IDENTIFIER && parseOptions.forOf && this.peekToken_().value === OF; |
| }, |
| parseForOfStatement_: function(start, initialiser) { |
| this.eatId_(); |
| var collection = this.parseExpression(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| var body = this.parseStatement(); |
| return new ForOfStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), initialiser, collection, body); |
| }, |
| checkInitialisers_: function(variables) { |
| if (parseOptions.blockBinding && variables.declarationType == CONST) { |
| var type = variables.declarationType; |
| for (var i = 0; i < variables.declarations.length; i++) { |
| if (!this.checkInitialiser_(type, variables.declarations[i])) { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| checkInitialiser_: function(type, declaration) { |
| if (parseOptions.blockBinding && type == CONST && declaration.initialiser == null) { |
| this.reportError_('const variables must have an initialiser'); |
| return false; |
| } |
| return true; |
| }, |
| peekVariableDeclarationList_: function(type) { |
| switch (type) { |
| case VAR: |
| return true; |
| case CONST: |
| case LET: |
| return parseOptions.blockBinding; |
| default: |
| return false; |
| } |
| }, |
| parseForStatement2_: function(start, initialiser) { |
| this.eat_(SEMI_COLON); |
| var condition = null; |
| if (!this.peek_(SEMI_COLON)) { |
| condition = this.parseExpression(); |
| } |
| this.eat_(SEMI_COLON); |
| var increment = null; |
| if (!this.peek_(CLOSE_PAREN)) { |
| increment = this.parseExpression(); |
| } |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| var body = this.parseStatement(); |
| return new ForStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), initialiser, condition, increment, body); |
| }, |
| parseForInStatement_: function(start, initialiser) { |
| this.eat_(IN); |
| var collection = this.parseExpression(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| var body = this.parseStatement(); |
| return new ForInStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), initialiser, collection, body); |
| }, |
| parseContinueStatement_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(CONTINUE); |
| var name = null; |
| if (!this.peekImplicitSemiColon_(this.peekType_())) { |
| name = this.eatIdOpt_(); |
| } |
| this.eatPossibleImplicitSemiColon_(); |
| return new ContinueStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), name); |
| }, |
| parseBreakStatement_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(BREAK); |
| var name = null; |
| if (!this.peekImplicitSemiColon_(this.peekType_())) { |
| name = this.eatIdOpt_(); |
| } |
| this.eatPossibleImplicitSemiColon_(); |
| return new BreakStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), name); |
| }, |
| parseReturnStatement_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(RETURN); |
| var expression = null; |
| if (!this.peekImplicitSemiColon_(this.peekType_())) { |
| expression = this.parseExpression(); |
| } |
| this.eatPossibleImplicitSemiColon_(); |
| return new ReturnStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), expression); |
| }, |
| parseYieldExpression_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(YIELD); |
| var expression = null; |
| var isYieldFor = false; |
| if (!this.peekImplicitSemiColon_(this.peekType_())) { |
| isYieldFor = this.eatIf_(STAR); |
| expression = this.parseAssignmentExpression(); |
| } |
| return new YieldExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), expression, isYieldFor); |
| }, |
| parseAwaitStatement_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(AWAIT); |
| var identifier = null; |
| if (this.peek_(IDENTIFIER) && this.peek_(EQUAL, 1)) { |
| identifier = this.eatId_(); |
| this.eat_(EQUAL); |
| } |
| var expression = this.parseExpression(); |
| this.eatPossibleImplicitSemiColon_(); |
| return new AwaitStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), identifier, expression); |
| }, |
| parseWithStatement_: function() { |
| if (this.strictMode_) |
| this.reportError_('Strict mode code may not include a with statement'); |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(WITH); |
| this.eat_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| var expression = this.parseExpression(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| var body = this.parseStatement(); |
| return new WithStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), expression, body); |
| }, |
| parseSwitchStatement_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(SWITCH); |
| this.eat_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| var expression = this.parseExpression(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| this.eat_(OPEN_CURLY); |
| var caseClauses = this.parseCaseClauses_(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_CURLY); |
| return new SwitchStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), expression, caseClauses); |
| }, |
| parseCaseClauses_: function() { |
| var foundDefaultClause = false; |
| var result = []; |
| while (true) { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| switch (this.peekType_()) { |
| case CASE: |
| this.nextToken_(); |
| var expression = this.parseExpression(); |
| this.eat_(COLON); |
| var statements = this.parseCaseStatementsOpt_(); |
| result.push(new CaseClause(this.getTreeLocation_(start), expression, statements)); |
| break; |
| case DEFAULT: |
| if (foundDefaultClause) { |
| this.reportError_('Switch statements may have at most one default clause'); |
| } else { |
| foundDefaultClause = true; |
| } |
| this.nextToken_(); |
| this.eat_(COLON); |
| result.push(new DefaultClause(this.getTreeLocation_(start), this.parseCaseStatementsOpt_())); |
| break; |
| default: |
| return result; |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| parseCaseStatementsOpt_: function() { |
| var result = []; |
| var type; |
| while (true) { |
| switch (type = this.peekType_()) { |
| case CASE: |
| case DEFAULT: |
| case CLOSE_CURLY: |
| case END_OF_FILE: |
| return result; |
| } |
| result.push(this.parseStatement_(type, false, false)); |
| } |
| }, |
| parseThrowStatement_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(THROW); |
| var value = null; |
| if (!this.peekImplicitSemiColon_(this.peekType_())) { |
| value = this.parseExpression(); |
| } |
| this.eatPossibleImplicitSemiColon_(); |
| return new ThrowStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), value); |
| }, |
| parseTryStatement_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(TRY); |
| var body = this.parseBlock_(); |
| var catchBlock = null; |
| if (this.peek_(CATCH)) { |
| catchBlock = this.parseCatch_(); |
| } |
| var finallyBlock = null; |
| if (this.peek_(FINALLY)) { |
| finallyBlock = this.parseFinallyBlock_(); |
| } |
| if (catchBlock == null && finallyBlock == null) { |
| this.reportError_("'catch' or 'finally' expected."); |
| } |
| return new TryStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), body, catchBlock, finallyBlock); |
| }, |
| parseCatch_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var catchBlock; |
| this.eat_(CATCH); |
| this.eat_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| var binding; |
| if (this.peekPattern_(this.peekType_())) |
| binding = this.parseBindingPattern_(); |
| else |
| binding = this.parseBindingIdentifier_(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| var catchBody = this.parseBlock_(); |
| catchBlock = new Catch(this.getTreeLocation_(start), binding, catchBody); |
| return catchBlock; |
| }, |
| parseFinallyBlock_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(FINALLY); |
| var finallyBlock = this.parseBlock_(); |
| return new Finally(this.getTreeLocation_(start), finallyBlock); |
| }, |
| parseDebuggerStatement_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(DEBUGGER); |
| this.eatPossibleImplicitSemiColon_(); |
| return new DebuggerStatement(this.getTreeLocation_(start)); |
| }, |
| parsePrimaryExpression_: function() { |
| switch (this.peekType_()) { |
| case CLASS: |
| return parseOptions.classes ? this.parseClassExpression_() : this.parseSyntaxError_('Unexpected reserved word'); |
| case THIS: |
| return this.parseThisExpression_(); |
| case IDENTIFIER: |
| return this.parseIdentifierExpression_(); |
| case NUMBER: |
| case STRING: |
| case TRUE: |
| case FALSE: |
| case NULL: |
| return this.parseLiteralExpression_(); |
| case OPEN_SQUARE: |
| return this.parseArrayLiteral_(); |
| case OPEN_CURLY: |
| return this.parseObjectLiteral_(); |
| case OPEN_PAREN: |
| return this.parsePrimaryExpressionStartingWithParen_(); |
| case SLASH: |
| case SLASH_EQUAL: |
| return this.parseRegularExpressionLiteral_(); |
| return this.parseTemplateLiteral_(null); |
| case IMPLEMENTS: |
| case INTERFACE: |
| case PACKAGE: |
| case PRIVATE: |
| case PROTECTED: |
| case PUBLIC: |
| case STATIC: |
| case YIELD: |
| if (!this.strictMode_) |
| return this.parseIdentifierExpression_(); |
| this.reportReservedIdentifier_(this.nextToken_()); |
| case END_OF_FILE: |
| return this.parseSyntaxError_('Unexpected end of input'); |
| default: |
| return this.parseUnexpectedToken_(this.peekToken_()); |
| } |
| }, |
| parseSuperExpression_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(SUPER); |
| return new SuperExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start)); |
| }, |
| parseThisExpression_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(THIS); |
| return new ThisExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start)); |
| }, |
| peekBindingIdentifier_: function(type) { |
| return this.peekId_(type); |
| }, |
| parseBindingIdentifier_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var identifier = this.eatId_(); |
| return new BindingIdentifier(this.getTreeLocation_(start), identifier); |
| }, |
| parseIdentifierExpression_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var identifier = this.eatId_(); |
| return new IdentifierExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), identifier); |
| }, |
| parseIdentifierNameExpression_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var identifier = this.eatIdName_(); |
| return new IdentifierExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), identifier); |
| }, |
| parseLiteralExpression_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var literal = this.nextLiteralToken_(); |
| return new LiteralExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), literal); |
| }, |
| nextLiteralToken_: function() { |
| return this.nextToken_(); |
| }, |
| parseRegularExpressionLiteral_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var literal = this.nextRegularExpressionLiteralToken_(); |
| return new LiteralExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), literal); |
| }, |
| peekSpread_: function(type) { |
| return type === DOT_DOT_DOT && parseOptions.spread; |
| }, |
| parseArrayLiteral_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var expression; |
| var elements = []; |
| this.eat_(OPEN_SQUARE); |
| var type = this.peekType_(); |
| if (type === FOR && parseOptions.arrayComprehension) |
| return this.parseArrayComprehension_(start); |
| while (true) { |
| type = this.peekType_(); |
| if (type === COMMA) { |
| expression = null; |
| } else if (this.peekSpread_(type)) { |
| expression = this.parseSpreadExpression_(); |
| } else if (this.peekAssignmentExpression_(type)) { |
| expression = this.parseAssignmentExpression(); |
| } else { |
| break; |
| } |
| elements.push(expression); |
| type = this.peekType_(); |
| if (type !== CLOSE_SQUARE) |
| this.eat_(COMMA); |
| } |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_SQUARE); |
| return new ArrayLiteralExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), elements); |
| }, |
| parseArrayComprehension_: function(start) { |
| var list = this.parseComprehensionList_(); |
| var expression = this.parseAssignmentExpression(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_SQUARE); |
| return new ArrayComprehension(this.getTreeLocation_(start), list, expression); |
| }, |
| parseComprehensionList_: function() { |
| var list = [this.parseComprehensionFor_()]; |
| while (true) { |
| var type = this.peekType_(); |
| switch (type) { |
| case FOR: |
| list.push(this.parseComprehensionFor_()); |
| break; |
| case IF: |
| list.push(this.parseComprehensionIf_()); |
| break; |
| default: |
| return list; |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| parseComprehensionFor_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(FOR); |
| this.eat_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| var left = this.parseForBinding_(); |
| this.eatId_(OF); |
| var iterator = this.parseExpression(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| return new ComprehensionFor(this.getTreeLocation_(start), left, iterator); |
| }, |
| parseComprehensionIf_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(IF); |
| this.eat_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| var expression = this.parseExpression(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| return new ComprehensionIf(this.getTreeLocation_(start), expression); |
| }, |
| parseObjectLiteral_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var result = []; |
| this.eat_(OPEN_CURLY); |
| while (this.peekPropertyDefinition_(this.peekType_())) { |
| var propertyDefinition = this.parsePropertyDefinition(); |
| result.push(propertyDefinition); |
| if (!this.eatIf_(COMMA)) |
| break; |
| } |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_CURLY); |
| return new ObjectLiteralExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), result); |
| }, |
| parsePropertyDefinition: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var isGenerator = false; |
| var isStatic = false; |
| if (parseOptions.generators && parseOptions.propertyMethods && this.peek_(STAR)) { |
| return this.parseGeneratorMethod_(start, isStatic, []); |
| } |
| var token = this.peekToken_(); |
| var name = this.parsePropertyName_(); |
| if (parseOptions.propertyMethods && this.peek_(OPEN_PAREN)) |
| return this.parseMethod_(start, isStatic, isGenerator, name, []); |
| if (this.eatIf_(COLON)) { |
| var value = this.parseAssignmentExpression(); |
| return new PropertyNameAssignment(this.getTreeLocation_(start), name, value); |
| } |
| var type = this.peekType_(); |
| if (name.type === LITERAL_PROPERTY_NAME) { |
| var nameLiteral = name.literalToken; |
| if (nameLiteral.value === GET && this.peekPropertyName_(type)) { |
| return this.parseGetAccessor_(start, isStatic, []); |
| } |
| if (nameLiteral.value === SET && this.peekPropertyName_(type)) { |
| return this.parseSetAccessor_(start, isStatic, []); |
| } |
| if (parseOptions.propertyNameShorthand && nameLiteral.type === IDENTIFIER || !this.strictMode_ && nameLiteral.type === YIELD) { |
| if (this.peek_(EQUAL)) { |
| token = this.nextToken_(); |
| var expr = this.parseAssignmentExpression(); |
| return this.coverInitialisedName_ = new CoverInitialisedName(this.getTreeLocation_(start), nameLiteral, token, expr); |
| } |
| if (nameLiteral.type === YIELD) |
| nameLiteral = new IdentifierToken(nameLiteral.location, YIELD); |
| return new PropertyNameShorthand(this.getTreeLocation_(start), nameLiteral); |
| } |
| if (this.strictMode_ && nameLiteral.isStrictKeyword()) |
| this.reportReservedIdentifier_(nameLiteral); |
| } |
| if (name.type === COMPUTED_PROPERTY_NAME) |
| token = this.peekToken_(); |
| return this.parseUnexpectedToken_(token); |
| }, |
| parseClassElement_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var annotations = this.parseAnnotations_(); |
| var type = this.peekType_(); |
| var isStatic = false, |
| isGenerator = false; |
| switch (type) { |
| case STATIC: |
| var staticToken = this.nextToken_(); |
| type = this.peekType_(); |
| switch (type) { |
| case OPEN_PAREN: |
| var name = new LiteralPropertyName(start, staticToken); |
| return this.parseMethod_(start, isStatic, isGenerator, name, annotations); |
| default: |
| isStatic = true; |
| if (type === STAR && parseOptions.generators) |
| return this.parseGeneratorMethod_(start, true, annotations); |
| return this.parseGetSetOrMethod_(start, isStatic, annotations); |
| } |
| break; |
| case STAR: |
| return this.parseGeneratorMethod_(start, isStatic, annotations); |
| default: |
| return this.parseGetSetOrMethod_(start, isStatic, annotations); |
| } |
| }, |
| parseGeneratorMethod_: function(start, isStatic, annotations) { |
| var isGenerator = true; |
| this.eat_(STAR); |
| var name = this.parsePropertyName_(); |
| return this.parseMethod_(start, isStatic, isGenerator, name, annotations); |
| }, |
| parseMethod_: function(start, isStatic, isGenerator, name, annotations) { |
| this.eat_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| var formalParameterList = this.parseFormalParameterList_(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| var typeAnnotation = this.parseTypeAnnotationOpt_(); |
| var functionBody = this.parseFunctionBody_(isGenerator, formalParameterList); |
| return new PropertyMethodAssignment(this.getTreeLocation_(start), isStatic, isGenerator, name, formalParameterList, typeAnnotation, annotations, functionBody); |
| }, |
| parseGetSetOrMethod_: function(start, isStatic, annotations) { |
| var isGenerator = false; |
| var name = this.parsePropertyName_(); |
| var type = this.peekType_(); |
| if (name.type === LITERAL_PROPERTY_NAME && name.literalToken.value === GET && this.peekPropertyName_(type)) { |
| return this.parseGetAccessor_(start, isStatic, annotations); |
| } |
| if (name.type === LITERAL_PROPERTY_NAME && name.literalToken.value === SET && this.peekPropertyName_(type)) { |
| return this.parseSetAccessor_(start, isStatic, annotations); |
| } |
| return this.parseMethod_(start, isStatic, isGenerator, name, annotations); |
| }, |
| parseGetAccessor_: function(start, isStatic, annotations) { |
| var isGenerator = false; |
| var name = this.parsePropertyName_(); |
| this.eat_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| var typeAnnotation = this.parseTypeAnnotationOpt_(); |
| var body = this.parseFunctionBody_(isGenerator, null); |
| return new GetAccessor(this.getTreeLocation_(start), isStatic, name, typeAnnotation, annotations, body); |
| }, |
| parseSetAccessor_: function(start, isStatic, annotations) { |
| var isGenerator = false; |
| var name = this.parsePropertyName_(); |
| this.eat_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| var parameter = this.parsePropertySetParameterList_(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| var body = this.parseFunctionBody_(isGenerator, parameter); |
| return new SetAccessor(this.getTreeLocation_(start), isStatic, name, parameter, annotations, body); |
| }, |
| peekPropertyDefinition_: function(type) { |
| return this.peekPropertyName_(type) || type == STAR && parseOptions.propertyMethods && parseOptions.generators; |
| }, |
| peekPropertyName_: function(type) { |
| switch (type) { |
| case IDENTIFIER: |
| case STRING: |
| case NUMBER: |
| return true; |
| case OPEN_SQUARE: |
| return parseOptions.computedPropertyNames; |
| default: |
| return this.peekToken_().isKeyword(); |
| } |
| }, |
| peekPredefinedString_: function(string) { |
| var token = this.peekToken_(); |
| return token.type === IDENTIFIER && token.value === string; |
| }, |
| parsePropertySetParameterList_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var binding; |
| this.pushAnnotations_(); |
| if (this.peekPattern_(this.peekType_())) |
| binding = this.parseBindingPattern_(); |
| else |
| binding = this.parseBindingIdentifier_(); |
| var typeAnnotation = this.parseTypeAnnotationOpt_(); |
| return new FormalParameter(this.getTreeLocation_(start), new BindingElement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), binding, null), typeAnnotation, this.popAnnotations_()); |
| }, |
| parsePrimaryExpressionStartingWithParen_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| if (this.peek_(FOR) && parseOptions.generatorComprehension) |
| return this.parseGeneratorComprehension_(start); |
| return this.parseCoverFormals_(start); |
| }, |
| parseSyntaxError_: function(message) { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.reportError_(message); |
| var token = this.nextToken_(); |
| return new SyntaxErrorTree(this.getTreeLocation_(start), token, message); |
| }, |
| parseUnexpectedToken_: function(name) { |
| return this.parseSyntaxError_(("Unexpected token " + name)); |
| }, |
| peekExpression_: function(type) { |
| switch (type) { |
| return parseOptions.templateLiterals; |
| case BANG: |
| case CLASS: |
| case DELETE: |
| case FALSE: |
| case FUNCTION: |
| case IDENTIFIER: |
| case MINUS: |
| case MINUS_MINUS: |
| case NEW: |
| case NULL: |
| case NUMBER: |
| case OPEN_CURLY: |
| case OPEN_PAREN: |
| case OPEN_SQUARE: |
| case PLUS: |
| case PLUS_PLUS: |
| case SLASH: |
| case SLASH_EQUAL: |
| case STRING: |
| case SUPER: |
| case THIS: |
| case TILDE: |
| case TRUE: |
| case TYPEOF: |
| case VOID: |
| case YIELD: |
| return true; |
| default: |
| return false; |
| } |
| }, |
| parseExpression: function() { |
| var expressionIn = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : Expression.IN; |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var result = this.parseAssignmentExpression(expressionIn); |
| if (this.peek_(COMMA)) { |
| var exprs = [result]; |
| while (this.eatIf_(COMMA)) { |
| exprs.push(this.parseAssignmentExpression(expressionIn)); |
| } |
| return new CommaExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), exprs); |
| } |
| return result; |
| }, |
| peekAssignmentExpression_: function(type) { |
| return this.peekExpression_(type); |
| }, |
| parseAssignmentExpression: function() { |
| var expressionIn = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : Expression.NORMAL; |
| var allowCoverGrammar = arguments[1]; |
| if (this.allowYield_ && this.peek_(YIELD)) |
| return this.parseYieldExpression_(); |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var left = this.parseConditional_(expressionIn); |
| var type = this.peekType_(); |
| if (type === ARROW && (left.type === COVER_FORMALS || left.type === IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION)) { |
| return this.parseArrowFunction_(start, left); |
| } |
| if (this.peekAssignmentOperator_(type)) { |
| if (type === EQUAL) |
| left = this.transformLeftHandSideExpression_(left); |
| else |
| left = this.toParenExpression_(left); |
| if (!allowCoverGrammar) |
| this.ensureAssignmenExpression_(); |
| if (!left.isLeftHandSideExpression() && !left.isPattern()) { |
| this.reportError_('Left hand side of assignment must be new, call, member, function, primary expressions or destructuring pattern'); |
| } |
| var operator = this.nextToken_(); |
| var right = this.parseAssignmentExpression(expressionIn); |
| return new BinaryOperator(this.getTreeLocation_(start), left, operator, right); |
| } |
| left = this.toParenExpression_(left); |
| if (!allowCoverGrammar) |
| this.ensureAssignmenExpression_(); |
| return left; |
| }, |
| ensureAssignmenExpression_: function() { |
| if (this.coverInitialisedName_) { |
| var token = this.coverInitialisedName_.equalToken; |
| this.reportError_(token.location, ("Unexpected token '" + token + "'")); |
| this.coverInitialisedName_ = null; |
| } |
| }, |
| transformLeftHandSideExpression_: function(tree) { |
| switch (tree.type) { |
| var transformer = new AssignmentPatternTransformer(); |
| var transformedTree; |
| try { |
| transformedTree = transformer.transformAny(tree); |
| } catch (ex) { |
| if (!(ex instanceof AssignmentPatternTransformerError)) |
| throw ex; |
| } |
| if (transformedTree) { |
| this.coverInitialisedName_ = null; |
| return transformedTree; |
| } |
| break; |
| var expression = this.transformLeftHandSideExpression_(tree.expression); |
| if (expression !== tree.expression) |
| return new ParenExpression(tree.location, expression); |
| } |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| peekAssignmentOperator_: function(type) { |
| return isAssignmentOperator(type); |
| }, |
| parseConditional_: function(expressionIn) { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var condition = this.parseLogicalOR_(expressionIn); |
| if (this.eatIf_(QUESTION)) { |
| condition = this.toParenExpression_(condition); |
| var left = this.parseAssignmentExpression(); |
| this.eat_(COLON); |
| var right = this.parseAssignmentExpression(expressionIn); |
| return new ConditionalExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), condition, left, right); |
| } |
| return condition; |
| }, |
| newBinaryOperator_: function(start, left, operator, right) { |
| left = this.toParenExpression_(left); |
| right = this.toParenExpression_(right); |
| return new BinaryOperator(this.getTreeLocation_(start), left, operator, right); |
| }, |
| parseLogicalOR_: function(expressionIn) { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var left = this.parseLogicalAND_(expressionIn); |
| var operator; |
| while (operator = this.eatOpt_(OR)) { |
| var right = this.parseLogicalAND_(expressionIn); |
| left = this.newBinaryOperator_(start, left, operator, right); |
| } |
| return left; |
| }, |
| parseLogicalAND_: function(expressionIn) { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var left = this.parseBitwiseOR_(expressionIn); |
| var operator; |
| while (operator = this.eatOpt_(AND)) { |
| var right = this.parseBitwiseOR_(expressionIn); |
| left = this.newBinaryOperator_(start, left, operator, right); |
| } |
| return left; |
| }, |
| parseBitwiseOR_: function(expressionIn) { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var left = this.parseBitwiseXOR_(expressionIn); |
| var operator; |
| while (operator = this.eatOpt_(BAR)) { |
| var right = this.parseBitwiseXOR_(expressionIn); |
| left = this.newBinaryOperator_(start, left, operator, right); |
| } |
| return left; |
| }, |
| parseBitwiseXOR_: function(expressionIn) { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var left = this.parseBitwiseAND_(expressionIn); |
| var operator; |
| while (operator = this.eatOpt_(CARET)) { |
| var right = this.parseBitwiseAND_(expressionIn); |
| left = this.newBinaryOperator_(start, left, operator, right); |
| } |
| return left; |
| }, |
| parseBitwiseAND_: function(expressionIn) { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var left = this.parseEquality_(expressionIn); |
| var operator; |
| while (operator = this.eatOpt_(AMPERSAND)) { |
| var right = this.parseEquality_(expressionIn); |
| left = this.newBinaryOperator_(start, left, operator, right); |
| } |
| return left; |
| }, |
| parseEquality_: function(expressionIn) { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var left = this.parseRelational_(expressionIn); |
| while (this.peekEqualityOperator_(this.peekType_())) { |
| var operator = this.nextToken_(); |
| var right = this.parseRelational_(expressionIn); |
| left = this.newBinaryOperator_(start, left, operator, right); |
| } |
| return left; |
| }, |
| peekEqualityOperator_: function(type) { |
| switch (type) { |
| case EQUAL_EQUAL: |
| case NOT_EQUAL: |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| }, |
| parseRelational_: function(expressionIn) { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var left = this.parseShiftExpression_(); |
| while (this.peekRelationalOperator_(expressionIn)) { |
| var operator = this.nextToken_(); |
| var right = this.parseShiftExpression_(); |
| left = this.newBinaryOperator_(start, left, operator, right); |
| } |
| return left; |
| }, |
| peekRelationalOperator_: function(expressionIn) { |
| switch (this.peekType_()) { |
| case OPEN_ANGLE: |
| case CLOSE_ANGLE: |
| case LESS_EQUAL: |
| case INSTANCEOF: |
| return true; |
| case IN: |
| return expressionIn == Expression.NORMAL; |
| default: |
| return false; |
| } |
| }, |
| parseShiftExpression_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var left = this.parseAdditiveExpression_(); |
| while (this.peekShiftOperator_(this.peekType_())) { |
| var operator = this.nextToken_(); |
| var right = this.parseAdditiveExpression_(); |
| left = this.newBinaryOperator_(start, left, operator, right); |
| } |
| return left; |
| }, |
| peekShiftOperator_: function(type) { |
| switch (type) { |
| case LEFT_SHIFT: |
| case RIGHT_SHIFT: |
| return true; |
| default: |
| return false; |
| } |
| }, |
| parseAdditiveExpression_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var left = this.parseMultiplicativeExpression_(); |
| while (this.peekAdditiveOperator_(this.peekType_())) { |
| var operator = this.nextToken_(); |
| var right = this.parseMultiplicativeExpression_(); |
| left = this.newBinaryOperator_(start, left, operator, right); |
| } |
| return left; |
| }, |
| peekAdditiveOperator_: function(type) { |
| switch (type) { |
| case PLUS: |
| case MINUS: |
| return true; |
| default: |
| return false; |
| } |
| }, |
| parseMultiplicativeExpression_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var left = this.parseUnaryExpression_(); |
| while (this.peekMultiplicativeOperator_(this.peekType_())) { |
| var operator = this.nextToken_(); |
| var right = this.parseUnaryExpression_(); |
| left = this.newBinaryOperator_(start, left, operator, right); |
| } |
| return left; |
| }, |
| peekMultiplicativeOperator_: function(type) { |
| switch (type) { |
| case STAR: |
| case SLASH: |
| case PERCENT: |
| return true; |
| default: |
| return false; |
| } |
| }, |
| parseUnaryExpression_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| if (this.peekUnaryOperator_(this.peekType_())) { |
| var operator = this.nextToken_(); |
| var operand = this.parseUnaryExpression_(); |
| operand = this.toParenExpression_(operand); |
| return new UnaryExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), operator, operand); |
| } |
| return this.parsePostfixExpression_(); |
| }, |
| peekUnaryOperator_: function(type) { |
| switch (type) { |
| case DELETE: |
| case VOID: |
| case TYPEOF: |
| case PLUS_PLUS: |
| case MINUS_MINUS: |
| case PLUS: |
| case MINUS: |
| case TILDE: |
| case BANG: |
| return true; |
| default: |
| return false; |
| } |
| }, |
| parsePostfixExpression_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var operand = this.parseLeftHandSideExpression_(); |
| while (this.peekPostfixOperator_(this.peekType_())) { |
| operand = this.toParenExpression_(operand); |
| var operator = this.nextToken_(); |
| operand = new PostfixExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), operand, operator); |
| } |
| return operand; |
| }, |
| peekPostfixOperator_: function(type) { |
| switch (type) { |
| case PLUS_PLUS: |
| case MINUS_MINUS: |
| var token = this.peekTokenNoLineTerminator_(); |
| return token !== null; |
| } |
| return false; |
| }, |
| parseLeftHandSideExpression_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var operand = this.parseNewExpression_(); |
| if (!(operand instanceof NewExpression) || operand.args != null) { |
| loop: while (true) { |
| switch (this.peekType_()) { |
| case OPEN_PAREN: |
| operand = this.toParenExpression_(operand); |
| operand = this.parseCallExpression_(start, operand); |
| break; |
| case OPEN_SQUARE: |
| operand = this.toParenExpression_(operand); |
| operand = this.parseMemberLookupExpression_(start, operand); |
| break; |
| case PERIOD: |
| operand = this.toParenExpression_(operand); |
| operand = this.parseMemberExpression_(start, operand); |
| break; |
| if (!parseOptions.templateLiterals) |
| break loop; |
| operand = this.toParenExpression_(operand); |
| operand = this.parseTemplateLiteral_(operand); |
| break; |
| default: |
| break loop; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return operand; |
| }, |
| parseMemberExpressionNoNew_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var operand; |
| if (this.peekType_() === FUNCTION) { |
| operand = this.parseFunctionExpression_(); |
| } else { |
| operand = this.parsePrimaryExpression_(); |
| } |
| loop: while (true) { |
| switch (this.peekType_()) { |
| case OPEN_SQUARE: |
| operand = this.toParenExpression_(operand); |
| operand = this.parseMemberLookupExpression_(start, operand); |
| break; |
| case PERIOD: |
| operand = this.toParenExpression_(operand); |
| operand = this.parseMemberExpression_(start, operand); |
| break; |
| if (!parseOptions.templateLiterals) |
| break loop; |
| operand = this.toParenExpression_(operand); |
| operand = this.parseTemplateLiteral_(operand); |
| break; |
| default: |
| break loop; |
| } |
| } |
| return operand; |
| }, |
| parseMemberExpression_: function(start, operand) { |
| this.nextToken_(); |
| var name = this.eatIdName_(); |
| return new MemberExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), operand, name); |
| }, |
| parseMemberLookupExpression_: function(start, operand) { |
| this.nextToken_(); |
| var member = this.parseExpression(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_SQUARE); |
| return new MemberLookupExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), operand, member); |
| }, |
| parseCallExpression_: function(start, operand) { |
| var args = this.parseArguments_(); |
| return new CallExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), operand, args); |
| }, |
| parseNewExpression_: function() { |
| var operand; |
| switch (this.peekType_()) { |
| case NEW: |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(NEW); |
| if (this.peek_(SUPER)) |
| operand = this.parseSuperExpression_(); |
| else |
| operand = this.toParenExpression_(this.parseNewExpression_()); |
| var args = null; |
| if (this.peek_(OPEN_PAREN)) { |
| args = this.parseArguments_(); |
| } |
| return new NewExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), operand, args); |
| case SUPER: |
| operand = this.parseSuperExpression_(); |
| var type = this.peekType_(); |
| switch (type) { |
| case OPEN_SQUARE: |
| return this.parseMemberLookupExpression_(start, operand); |
| case PERIOD: |
| return this.parseMemberExpression_(start, operand); |
| case OPEN_PAREN: |
| return this.parseCallExpression_(start, operand); |
| default: |
| return this.parseUnexpectedToken_(type); |
| } |
| break; |
| default: |
| return this.parseMemberExpressionNoNew_(); |
| } |
| }, |
| parseArguments_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var args = []; |
| this.eat_(OPEN_PAREN); |
| if (!this.peek_(CLOSE_PAREN)) { |
| args.push(this.parseArgument_()); |
| while (this.eatIf_(COMMA)) { |
| args.push(this.parseArgument_()); |
| } |
| } |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| return new ArgumentList(this.getTreeLocation_(start), args); |
| }, |
| parseArgument_: function() { |
| if (this.peekSpread_(this.peekType_())) |
| return this.parseSpreadExpression_(); |
| return this.parseAssignmentExpression(); |
| }, |
| parseArrowFunction_: function(start, tree) { |
| var formals; |
| if (tree.type === IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION) { |
| var id = new BindingIdentifier(tree.location, tree.identifierToken); |
| var formals = new FormalParameterList(this.getTreeLocation_(start), [new FormalParameter(id.location, new BindingElement(id.location, id, null), null, [])]); |
| } else { |
| formals = this.toFormalParameters_(tree); |
| } |
| this.eat_(ARROW); |
| var body = this.parseConciseBody_(); |
| return new ArrowFunctionExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), formals, body); |
| }, |
| parseCoverFormals_: function(start) { |
| var expressions = []; |
| if (!this.peek_(CLOSE_PAREN)) { |
| do { |
| var type = this.peekType_(); |
| if (this.peekRest_(type)) { |
| expressions.push(this.parseRestParameter_()); |
| break; |
| } else { |
| expressions.push(this.parseAssignmentExpression(Expression.NORMAL, true)); |
| } |
| if (this.eatIf_(COMMA)) |
| continue; |
| } while (!this.peek_(CLOSE_PAREN) && !this.isAtEnd()); |
| } |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| return new CoverFormals(this.getTreeLocation_(start), expressions); |
| }, |
| transformCoverFormals_: function(f, tree) { |
| try { |
| return f(tree); |
| } catch (ex) { |
| if (!(ex instanceof CoverFormalsTransformerError)) |
| throw ex; |
| this.reportError_(ex.location, ex.message); |
| return new SyntaxErrorTree(ex.location, null, ex.message); |
| } |
| }, |
| toParenExpression_: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.type !== COVER_FORMALS) |
| return tree; |
| return this.transformCoverFormals_(toParenExpression, tree); |
| }, |
| toFormalParameters_: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.type !== COVER_FORMALS) |
| return tree; |
| var transformed = this.transformCoverFormals_(toFormalParameters, tree); |
| this.coverInitialisedName_ = null; |
| return transformed; |
| }, |
| transformCoverFormalsToArrowFormals_: function(coverFormals) { |
| var formals = null; |
| try { |
| formals = toFormalParameters(coverFormals); |
| } catch (ex) { |
| if (!(ex instanceof CoverFormalsTransformerError)) |
| throw ex; |
| } |
| return formals; |
| }, |
| peekArrow_: function(type) { |
| return type === ARROW && parseOptions.arrowFunctions; |
| }, |
| parseConciseBody_: function() { |
| if (this.peek_(OPEN_CURLY)) |
| return this.parseFunctionBody_(); |
| return this.parseAssignmentExpression(); |
| }, |
| parseGeneratorComprehension_: function(start) { |
| var comprehensionList = this.parseComprehensionList_(); |
| var expression = this.parseAssignmentExpression(); |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_PAREN); |
| return new GeneratorComprehension(this.getTreeLocation_(start), comprehensionList, expression); |
| }, |
| parseForBinding_: function() { |
| if (this.peekPattern_(this.peekType_())) |
| return this.parseBindingPattern_(); |
| return this.parseBindingIdentifier_(); |
| }, |
| peekPattern_: function(type) { |
| return parseOptions.destructuring && (this.peekObjectPattern_(type) || this.peekArrayPattern_(type)); |
| }, |
| peekArrayPattern_: function(type) { |
| return type === OPEN_SQUARE; |
| }, |
| peekObjectPattern_: function(type) { |
| return type === OPEN_CURLY; |
| }, |
| parseBindingPattern_: function() { |
| if (this.peekArrayPattern_(this.peekType_())) |
| return this.parseArrayBindingPattern_(); |
| return this.parseObjectBindingPattern_(); |
| }, |
| parseArrayBindingPattern_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var elements = []; |
| this.eat_(OPEN_SQUARE); |
| var type; |
| while ((type = this.peekType_()) === COMMA || this.peekBindingElement_(type) || this.peekRest_(type)) { |
| this.parseElisionOpt_(elements); |
| if (this.peekRest_(this.peekType_())) { |
| elements.push(this.parseBindingRestElement_()); |
| break; |
| } else { |
| elements.push(this.parseBindingElement_()); |
| if (this.peek_(COMMA) && !this.peek_(CLOSE_SQUARE, 1)) { |
| this.nextToken_(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_SQUARE); |
| return new ArrayPattern(this.getTreeLocation_(start), elements); |
| }, |
| parseBindingElementList_: function(elements) { |
| this.parseElisionOpt_(elements); |
| elements.push(this.parseBindingElement_()); |
| while (this.eatIf_(COMMA)) { |
| this.parseElisionOpt_(elements); |
| elements.push(this.parseBindingElement_()); |
| } |
| }, |
| parseElisionOpt_: function(elements) { |
| while (this.eatIf_(COMMA)) { |
| elements.push(null); |
| } |
| }, |
| peekBindingElement_: function(type) { |
| return this.peekBindingIdentifier_(type) || this.peekPattern_(type); |
| }, |
| parseBindingElement_: function() { |
| var initialiser = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : Initialiser.OPTIONAL; |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var binding = this.parseBindingElementBinding_(); |
| var initialiser = this.parseBindingElementInitialiser_(initialiser); |
| return new BindingElement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), binding, initialiser); |
| }, |
| parseBindingElementBinding_: function() { |
| if (this.peekPattern_(this.peekType_())) |
| return this.parseBindingPattern_(); |
| return this.parseBindingIdentifier_(); |
| }, |
| parseBindingElementInitialiser_: function() { |
| var initialiser = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : Initialiser.OPTIONAL; |
| if (this.peek_(EQUAL) || initialiser === Initialiser.REQUIRED) { |
| return this.parseInitialiser_(); |
| } |
| return null; |
| }, |
| parseBindingRestElement_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| this.eat_(DOT_DOT_DOT); |
| var identifier = this.parseBindingIdentifier_(); |
| return new SpreadPatternElement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), identifier); |
| }, |
| parseObjectBindingPattern_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var elements = []; |
| this.eat_(OPEN_CURLY); |
| while (this.peekBindingProperty_(this.peekType_())) { |
| elements.push(this.parseBindingProperty_()); |
| if (!this.eatIf_(COMMA)) |
| break; |
| } |
| this.eat_(CLOSE_CURLY); |
| return new ObjectPattern(this.getTreeLocation_(start), elements); |
| }, |
| peekBindingProperty_: function(type) { |
| return this.peekBindingIdentifier_(type) || this.peekPropertyName_(type); |
| }, |
| parseBindingProperty_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var name = this.parsePropertyName_(); |
| var requireColon = name.type !== LITERAL_PROPERTY_NAME || !name.literalToken.isStrictKeyword() && name.literalToken.type !== IDENTIFIER; |
| if (requireColon || this.peek_(COLON)) { |
| this.eat_(COLON); |
| var binding = this.parseBindingElement_(); |
| return new ObjectPatternField(this.getTreeLocation_(start), name, binding); |
| } |
| var token = name.literalToken; |
| if (this.strictMode_ && token.isStrictKeyword()) |
| this.reportReservedIdentifier_(token); |
| var binding = new BindingIdentifier(name.location, token); |
| var initialiser = null; |
| if (this.peek_(EQUAL)) |
| initialiser = this.parseInitialiser_(); |
| return new BindingElement(this.getTreeLocation_(start), binding, initialiser); |
| }, |
| parseTemplateLiteral_: function(operand) { |
| if (!parseOptions.templateLiterals) |
| return this.parseUnexpectedToken_('`'); |
| var start = operand ? operand.location.start : this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var token = this.nextToken_(); |
| var elements = [new TemplateLiteralPortion(token.location, token)]; |
| if (token.type === NO_SUBSTITUTION_TEMPLATE) { |
| return new TemplateLiteralExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), operand, elements); |
| } |
| var expression = this.parseExpression(); |
| elements.push(new TemplateSubstitution(expression.location, expression)); |
| while (expression.type !== SYNTAX_ERROR_TREE) { |
| token = this.nextTemplateLiteralToken_(); |
| if (token.type === ERROR || token.type === END_OF_FILE) |
| break; |
| elements.push(new TemplateLiteralPortion(token.location, token)); |
| if (token.type === TEMPLATE_TAIL) |
| break; |
| expression = this.parseExpression(); |
| elements.push(new TemplateSubstitution(expression.location, expression)); |
| } |
| return new TemplateLiteralExpression(this.getTreeLocation_(start), operand, elements); |
| }, |
| parseTypeAnnotationOpt_: function() { |
| if (parseOptions.types && this.eatOpt_(COLON)) { |
| return this.parseType_(); |
| } |
| return null; |
| }, |
| parseType_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var elementType; |
| switch (this.peekType_()) { |
| case IDENTIFIER: |
| elementType = this.parseNamedOrPredefinedType_(); |
| break; |
| case NEW: |
| elementType = this.parseConstructorType_(); |
| break; |
| case OPEN_CURLY: |
| elementType = this.parseObjectType_(); |
| break; |
| case OPEN_PAREN: |
| elementType = this.parseFunctionType_(); |
| break; |
| case VOID: |
| var token = this.nextToken_(); |
| return new PredefinedType(this.getTreeLocation_(start), token); |
| default: |
| return this.parseUnexpectedToken_(this.peekToken_()); |
| } |
| return this.parseArrayTypeSuffix_(start, elementType); |
| }, |
| parseArrayTypeSuffix_: function(start, elementType) { |
| return elementType; |
| }, |
| parseConstructorType_: function() { |
| throw 'NYI'; |
| }, |
| parseObjectType_: function() { |
| throw 'NYI'; |
| }, |
| parseFunctionType_: function() { |
| throw 'NYI'; |
| }, |
| parseNamedOrPredefinedType_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| switch (this.peekToken_().value) { |
| case 'any': |
| case 'number': |
| case 'boolean': |
| case 'string': |
| var token = this.nextToken_(); |
| return new PredefinedType(this.getTreeLocation_(start), token); |
| default: |
| return this.parseTypeName_(); |
| } |
| }, |
| parseTypeName_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var typeName = new TypeName(this.getTreeLocation_(start), null, this.eatId_()); |
| while (this.eatIf_(PERIOD)) { |
| var memberName = this.eatIdName_(); |
| typeName = new TypeName(this.getTreeLocation_(start), typeName, memberName); |
| } |
| return typeName; |
| }, |
| parseAnnotatedDeclarations_: function(allowModuleItem, allowScriptItem) { |
| this.pushAnnotations_(); |
| var declaration = this.parseStatement_(this.peekType_(), allowModuleItem, allowScriptItem); |
| if (this.annotations_.length > 0) |
| return this.parseSyntaxError_('Unsupported annotated expression'); |
| return declaration; |
| }, |
| parseAnnotations_: function() { |
| var annotations = []; |
| while (this.eatIf_(AT)) { |
| annotations.push(this.parseAnnotation_()); |
| } |
| return annotations; |
| }, |
| pushAnnotations_: function() { |
| this.annotations_ = this.parseAnnotations_(); |
| }, |
| popAnnotations_: function() { |
| var annotations = this.annotations_; |
| this.annotations_ = []; |
| return annotations; |
| }, |
| parseAnnotation_: function() { |
| var start = this.getTreeStartLocation_(); |
| var expression = this.parseMemberExpressionNoNew_(); |
| var args = null; |
| if (this.peek_(OPEN_PAREN)) |
| args = this.parseArguments_(); |
| return new Annotation(this.getTreeLocation_(start), expression, args); |
| }, |
| eatPossibleImplicitSemiColon_: function() { |
| var token = this.peekTokenNoLineTerminator_(); |
| if (!token) |
| return; |
| switch (token.type) { |
| case SEMI_COLON: |
| this.nextToken_(); |
| return; |
| case END_OF_FILE: |
| case CLOSE_CURLY: |
| return; |
| } |
| this.reportError_('Semi-colon expected'); |
| }, |
| peekImplicitSemiColon_: function() { |
| switch (this.peekType_()) { |
| case SEMI_COLON: |
| case CLOSE_CURLY: |
| case END_OF_FILE: |
| return true; |
| } |
| var token = this.peekTokenNoLineTerminator_(); |
| return token === null; |
| }, |
| eatOpt_: function(expectedTokenType) { |
| if (this.peek_(expectedTokenType)) |
| return this.nextToken_(); |
| return null; |
| }, |
| eatIdOpt_: function() { |
| return this.peek_(IDENTIFIER) ? this.eatId_() : null; |
| }, |
| eatId_: function() { |
| var expected = arguments[0]; |
| var token = this.nextToken_(); |
| if (!token) { |
| if (expected) |
| this.reportError_(this.peekToken_(), ("expected '" + expected + "'")); |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (token.type === IDENTIFIER) |
| return token; |
| if (token.isStrictKeyword()) { |
| if (this.strictMode_) { |
| this.reportReservedIdentifier_(token); |
| } else { |
| return new IdentifierToken(token.location, token.type); |
| } |
| } else { |
| this.reportExpectedError_(token, expected || 'identifier'); |
| } |
| return token; |
| }, |
| eatIdName_: function() { |
| var t = this.nextToken_(); |
| if (t.type != IDENTIFIER) { |
| if (!t.isKeyword()) { |
| this.reportExpectedError_(t, 'identifier'); |
| return null; |
| } |
| return new IdentifierToken(t.location, t.type); |
| } |
| return t; |
| }, |
| eat_: function(expectedTokenType) { |
| var token = this.nextToken_(); |
| if (token.type != expectedTokenType) { |
| this.reportExpectedError_(token, expectedTokenType); |
| return null; |
| } |
| return token; |
| }, |
| eatIf_: function(expectedTokenType) { |
| if (this.peek_(expectedTokenType)) { |
| this.nextToken_(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| }, |
| reportExpectedError_: function(token, expected) { |
| this.reportError_(token, "'" + expected + "' expected"); |
| }, |
| getTreeStartLocation_: function() { |
| return this.peekToken_().location.start; |
| }, |
| getTreeEndLocation_: function() { |
| return this.scanner_.lastToken.location.end; |
| }, |
| getTreeLocation_: function(start) { |
| return new SourceRange(start, this.getTreeEndLocation_()); |
| }, |
| handleComment: function(range) {}, |
| nextToken_: function() { |
| return this.scanner_.nextToken(); |
| }, |
| nextRegularExpressionLiteralToken_: function() { |
| return this.scanner_.nextRegularExpressionLiteralToken(); |
| }, |
| nextTemplateLiteralToken_: function() { |
| return this.scanner_.nextTemplateLiteralToken(); |
| }, |
| isAtEnd: function() { |
| return this.scanner_.isAtEnd(); |
| }, |
| peek_: function(expectedType, opt_index) { |
| return this.peekToken_(opt_index).type === expectedType; |
| }, |
| peekType_: function() { |
| return this.peekToken_().type; |
| }, |
| peekToken_: function(opt_index) { |
| return this.scanner_.peekToken(opt_index); |
| }, |
| peekTokenNoLineTerminator_: function() { |
| return this.scanner_.peekTokenNoLineTerminator(); |
| }, |
| reportError_: function() { |
| for (var args = [], |
| $__64 = 0; $__64 < arguments.length; $__64++) |
| args[$__64] = arguments[$__64]; |
| if (args.length == 1) { |
| this.errorReporter_.reportError(this.scanner_.getPosition(), args[0]); |
| } else { |
| var location = args[0]; |
| if (location instanceof Token) { |
| location = location.location; |
| } |
| this.errorReporter_.reportError(location.start, args[1]); |
| } |
| }, |
| reportReservedIdentifier_: function(token) { |
| this.reportError_(token, (token.type + " is a reserved identifier")); |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| return {get Parser() { |
| return Parser; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/uid", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/util/uid"; |
| var uidCounter = 0; |
| function getUid() { |
| return uidCounter++; |
| } |
| return {get getUid() { |
| return getUid; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/SourcePosition", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/util/SourcePosition"; |
| var SourcePosition = function SourcePosition(source, offset) { |
| this.source = source; |
| this.offset = offset; |
| this.line_ = -1; |
| this.column_ = -1; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SourcePosition, { |
| get line() { |
| if (this.line_ === -1) |
| this.line_ = this.source.lineNumberTable.getLine(this.offset); |
| return this.line_; |
| }, |
| get column() { |
| if (this.column_ === -1) |
| this.column_ = this.source.lineNumberTable.getColumn(this.offset); |
| return this.column_; |
| }, |
| toString: function() { |
| var name = this.source ? this.source.name : ''; |
| return (name + ":" + (this.line + 1) + ":" + (this.column + 1)); |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| return {get SourcePosition() { |
| return SourcePosition; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/LineNumberTable", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/LineNumberTable"; |
| var SourcePosition = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/SourcePosition").SourcePosition; |
| var SourceRange = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/SourceRange").SourceRange; |
| var isLineTerminator = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Scanner").isLineTerminator; |
| var MAX_INT_REPRESENTATION = 9007199254740992; |
| function computeLineStartOffsets(source) { |
| var lineStartOffsets = [0]; |
| var k = 1; |
| for (var index = 0; index < source.length; index++) { |
| var code = source.charCodeAt(index); |
| if (isLineTerminator(code)) { |
| if (code === 13 && source.charCodeAt(index + 1) === 10) { |
| index++; |
| } |
| lineStartOffsets[k++] = index + 1; |
| } |
| } |
| lineStartOffsets[k++] = MAX_INT_REPRESENTATION; |
| return lineStartOffsets; |
| } |
| var LineNumberTable = function LineNumberTable(sourceFile) { |
| this.sourceFile_ = sourceFile; |
| this.lineStartOffsets_ = null; |
| this.lastLine_ = 0; |
| this.lastOffset_ = -1; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(LineNumberTable, { |
| ensureLineStartOffsets_: function() { |
| if (!this.lineStartOffsets_) { |
| this.lineStartOffsets_ = computeLineStartOffsets(this.sourceFile_.contents); |
| } |
| }, |
| getSourcePosition: function(offset) { |
| return new SourcePosition(this.sourceFile_, offset); |
| }, |
| getLine: function(offset) { |
| if (offset === this.lastOffset_) |
| return this.lastLine_; |
| this.ensureLineStartOffsets_(); |
| if (offset < 0) |
| return 0; |
| var line; |
| if (offset < this.lastOffset_) { |
| for (var i = this.lastLine_; i >= 0; i--) { |
| if (this.lineStartOffsets_[i] <= offset) { |
| line = i; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| for (var i = this.lastLine_; true; i++) { |
| if (this.lineStartOffsets_[i] > offset) { |
| line = i - 1; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| this.lastLine_ = line; |
| this.lastOffset_ = offset; |
| return line; |
| }, |
| offsetOfLine: function(line) { |
| this.ensureLineStartOffsets_(); |
| return this.lineStartOffsets_[line]; |
| }, |
| getColumn: function(offset) { |
| var line = this.getLine(offset); |
| return offset - this.lineStartOffsets_[line]; |
| }, |
| getSourceRange: function(startOffset, endOffset) { |
| return new SourceRange(this.getSourcePosition(startOffset), this.getSourcePosition(endOffset)); |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| return {get LineNumberTable() { |
| return LineNumberTable; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/SourceFile", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/SourceFile"; |
| var LineNumberTable = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/LineNumberTable").LineNumberTable; |
| var getUid = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/uid").getUid; |
| var SourceFile = function SourceFile(name, contents) { |
| this.name = name; |
| this.contents = contents; |
| this.lineNumberTable = new LineNumberTable(this); |
| this.uid = getUid(); |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SourceFile, {}, {}); |
| return {get SourceFile() { |
| return SourceFile; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/ArrayMap", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/util/ArrayMap"; |
| var ArrayMap = function ArrayMap() { |
| this.values_ = []; |
| this.keys_ = []; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ArrayMap, { |
| has: function(key) { |
| return this.keys_.indexOf(key) != -1; |
| }, |
| get: function(key) { |
| var index = this.keys_.indexOf(key); |
| if (index == -1) { |
| return undefined; |
| } |
| return this.values_[index]; |
| }, |
| set: function(key, value) { |
| var index = this.keys_.indexOf(key); |
| if (index == -1) { |
| this.keys_.push(key); |
| this.values_.push(value); |
| } else { |
| this.values_[index] = value; |
| } |
| }, |
| addAll: function(other) { |
| var keys = other.keys(); |
| var values = other.values(); |
| for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { |
| this.set(keys[i], values[i]); |
| } |
| }, |
| remove: function(key) { |
| var index = this.keys_.indexOf(key); |
| if (index == -1) { |
| return; |
| } |
| this.keys_.splice(index, 1); |
| this.values_.splice(index, 1); |
| }, |
| keys: function() { |
| return this.keys_.concat(); |
| }, |
| values: function() { |
| return this.values_.concat(); |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| return {get ArrayMap() { |
| return ArrayMap; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/MutedErrorReporter", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/util/MutedErrorReporter"; |
| var ErrorReporter = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/ErrorReporter").ErrorReporter; |
| var MutedErrorReporter = function MutedErrorReporter() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $MutedErrorReporter.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $MutedErrorReporter = MutedErrorReporter; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(MutedErrorReporter, {reportMessageInternal: function(location, format, args) {}}, {}, ErrorReporter); |
| return {get MutedErrorReporter() { |
| return MutedErrorReporter; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser"; |
| var ArrayMap = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/ArrayMap").ArrayMap; |
| var $__79 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| BLOCK = $__79.BLOCK, |
| var IdentifierToken = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/IdentifierToken").IdentifierToken; |
| var LiteralToken = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/LiteralToken").LiteralToken; |
| var MutedErrorReporter = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/MutedErrorReporter").MutedErrorReporter; |
| var ParseTree = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTree").ParseTree; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var Parser = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Parser").Parser; |
| var $__79 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| LiteralExpression = $__79.LiteralExpression, |
| LiteralPropertyName = $__79.LiteralPropertyName, |
| PropertyMethodAssignment = $__79.PropertyMethodAssignment, |
| PropertyNameAssignment = $__79.PropertyNameAssignment, |
| PropertyNameShorthand = $__79.PropertyNameShorthand; |
| var SourceFile = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/SourceFile").SourceFile; |
| var IDENTIFIER = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").IDENTIFIER; |
| var $__79 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createArrayLiteralExpression = $__79.createArrayLiteralExpression, |
| createBindingIdentifier = $__79.createBindingIdentifier, |
| createBlock = $__79.createBlock, |
| createBooleanLiteral = $__79.createBooleanLiteral, |
| createCommaExpression = $__79.createCommaExpression, |
| createExpressionStatement = $__79.createExpressionStatement, |
| createFunctionBody = $__79.createFunctionBody, |
| createGetAccessor = $__79.createGetAccessor, |
| createIdentifierExpression = $__79.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createIdentifierToken = $__79.createIdentifierToken, |
| createMemberExpression = $__79.createMemberExpression, |
| createNullLiteral = $__79.createNullLiteral, |
| createNumberLiteral = $__79.createNumberLiteral, |
| createParenExpression = $__79.createParenExpression, |
| createSetAccessor = $__79.createSetAccessor, |
| createStringLiteral = $__79.createStringLiteral, |
| createVoid0 = $__79.createVoid0; |
| var NOT_FOUND = {}; |
| var PREFIX = '$__placeholder__'; |
| var cache = new ArrayMap(); |
| function parseExpression(sourceLiterals) { |
| for (var values = [], |
| $__75 = 1; $__75 < arguments.length; $__75++) |
| values[$__75 - 1] = arguments[$__75]; |
| return parse(sourceLiterals, values, (function() { |
| return new PlaceholderParser().parseExpression(sourceLiterals); |
| })); |
| } |
| function parseStatement(sourceLiterals) { |
| for (var values = [], |
| $__76 = 1; $__76 < arguments.length; $__76++) |
| values[$__76 - 1] = arguments[$__76]; |
| return parse(sourceLiterals, values, (function() { |
| return new PlaceholderParser().parseStatement(sourceLiterals); |
| })); |
| } |
| function parseStatements(sourceLiterals) { |
| for (var values = [], |
| $__77 = 1; $__77 < arguments.length; $__77++) |
| values[$__77 - 1] = arguments[$__77]; |
| return parse(sourceLiterals, values, (function() { |
| return new PlaceholderParser().parseStatements(sourceLiterals); |
| })); |
| } |
| function parsePropertyDefinition(sourceLiterals) { |
| for (var values = [], |
| $__78 = 1; $__78 < arguments.length; $__78++) |
| values[$__78 - 1] = arguments[$__78]; |
| return parse(sourceLiterals, values, (function() { |
| return new PlaceholderParser().parsePropertyDefinition(sourceLiterals); |
| })); |
| } |
| function parse(sourceLiterals, values, doParse) { |
| var tree = cache.get(sourceLiterals); |
| if (!tree) { |
| tree = doParse(); |
| cache.set(sourceLiterals, tree); |
| } |
| if (!values.length) |
| return tree; |
| if (tree instanceof ParseTree) |
| return new PlaceholderTransformer(values).transformAny(tree); |
| return new PlaceholderTransformer(values).transformList(tree); |
| } |
| var counter = 0; |
| var PlaceholderParser = function PlaceholderParser() {}; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(PlaceholderParser, { |
| parseExpression: function(sourceLiterals) { |
| return this.parse_(sourceLiterals, (function(p) { |
| return p.parseExpression(); |
| })); |
| }, |
| parseStatement: function(sourceLiterals) { |
| return this.parse_(sourceLiterals, (function(p) { |
| return p.parseStatement(); |
| })); |
| }, |
| parseStatements: function(sourceLiterals) { |
| return this.parse_(sourceLiterals, (function(p) { |
| return p.parseStatements(); |
| })); |
| }, |
| parsePropertyDefinition: function(sourceLiterals) { |
| return this.parse_(sourceLiterals, (function(p) { |
| return p.parsePropertyDefinition(); |
| })); |
| }, |
| parse_: function(sourceLiterals, doParse) { |
| var source = sourceLiterals[0]; |
| for (var i = 1; i < sourceLiterals.length; i++) { |
| source += PREFIX + (i - 1) + sourceLiterals[i]; |
| } |
| var file = new SourceFile('@traceur/generated/TemplateParser/' + counter++, source); |
| var errorReporter = new MutedErrorReporter(); |
| var parser = new Parser(file, errorReporter); |
| var tree = doParse(parser); |
| if (errorReporter.hadError() || !tree || !parser.isAtEnd()) |
| throw new Error(("Internal error trying to parse:\n\n" + source)); |
| return tree; |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| function convertValueToExpression(value) { |
| if (value instanceof ParseTree) |
| return value; |
| if (value instanceof IdentifierToken) |
| return createIdentifierExpression(value); |
| if (value instanceof LiteralToken) |
| return new LiteralExpression(value.location, value); |
| if (Array.isArray(value)) { |
| if (value[0] instanceof ParseTree) { |
| if (value.length === 1) |
| return value[0]; |
| if (value[0].isStatement()) |
| return createBlock(value); |
| else |
| return createParenExpression(createCommaExpression(value)); |
| } |
| return createArrayLiteralExpression(value.map(convertValueToExpression)); |
| } |
| if (value === null) |
| return createNullLiteral(); |
| if (value === undefined) |
| return createVoid0(); |
| switch (typeof value) { |
| case 'string': |
| return createStringLiteral(value); |
| case 'boolean': |
| return createBooleanLiteral(value); |
| case 'number': |
| return createNumberLiteral(value); |
| } |
| throw new Error('Not implemented'); |
| } |
| function convertValueToIdentifierToken(value) { |
| if (value instanceof IdentifierToken) |
| return value; |
| return createIdentifierToken(value); |
| } |
| var PlaceholderTransformer = function PlaceholderTransformer(values) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $PlaceholderTransformer.prototype, "constructor", []); |
| this.values = values; |
| }; |
| var $PlaceholderTransformer = PlaceholderTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(PlaceholderTransformer, { |
| getValueAt: function(index) { |
| return this.values[index]; |
| }, |
| getValue_: function(str) { |
| if (str.indexOf(PREFIX) !== 0) |
| return NOT_FOUND; |
| return this.getValueAt(Number(str.slice(PREFIX.length))); |
| }, |
| transformIdentifierExpression: function(tree) { |
| var value = this.getValue_(tree.identifierToken.value); |
| if (value === NOT_FOUND) |
| return tree; |
| return convertValueToExpression(value); |
| }, |
| transformBindingIdentifier: function(tree) { |
| var value = this.getValue_(tree.identifierToken.value); |
| if (value === NOT_FOUND) |
| return tree; |
| return createBindingIdentifier(value); |
| }, |
| transformExpressionStatement: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.expression.type === IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION) { |
| var transformedExpression = this.transformIdentifierExpression(tree.expression); |
| if (transformedExpression === tree.expression) |
| return tree; |
| if (transformedExpression.isStatement()) |
| return transformedExpression; |
| return createExpressionStatement(transformedExpression); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $PlaceholderTransformer.prototype, "transformExpressionStatement", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformBlock: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.statements.length === 1 && tree.statements[0].type === EXPRESSION_STATEMENT) { |
| var transformedStatement = this.transformExpressionStatement(tree.statements[0]); |
| if (transformedStatement === tree.statements[0]) |
| return tree; |
| if (transformedStatement.type === BLOCK) |
| return transformedStatement; |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $PlaceholderTransformer.prototype, "transformBlock", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionBody: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.statements.length === 1 && tree.statements[0].type === EXPRESSION_STATEMENT) { |
| var transformedStatement = this.transformExpressionStatement(tree.statements[0]); |
| if (transformedStatement === tree.statements[0]) |
| return tree; |
| if (transformedStatement.type === BLOCK) |
| return createFunctionBody(transformedStatement.statements); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $PlaceholderTransformer.prototype, "transformFunctionBody", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformMemberExpression: function(tree) { |
| var value = this.getValue_(tree.memberName.value); |
| if (value === NOT_FOUND) |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $PlaceholderTransformer.prototype, "transformMemberExpression", [tree]); |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| return createMemberExpression(operand, value); |
| }, |
| transformLiteralPropertyName: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.literalToken.type === IDENTIFIER) { |
| var value = this.getValue_(tree.literalToken.value); |
| if (value !== NOT_FOUND) { |
| return new LiteralPropertyName(null, convertValueToIdentifierToken(value)); |
| } |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $PlaceholderTransformer.prototype, "transformLiteralPropertyName", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformArgumentList: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.args.length === 1 && tree.args[0].type === IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION) { |
| var arg0 = this.transformAny(tree.args[0]); |
| if (arg0 === tree.args[0]) |
| return tree; |
| if (arg0.type === ARGUMENT_LIST) |
| return arg0; |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $PlaceholderTransformer.prototype, "transformArgumentList", [tree]); |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| return { |
| get parseExpression() { |
| return parseExpression; |
| }, |
| get parseStatement() { |
| return parseStatement; |
| }, |
| get parseStatements() { |
| return parseStatements; |
| }, |
| get parsePropertyDefinition() { |
| return parsePropertyDefinition; |
| }, |
| get PlaceholderParser() { |
| return PlaceholderParser; |
| }, |
| get PlaceholderTransformer() { |
| return PlaceholderTransformer; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PrependStatements", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PrependStatements"; |
| var $__81 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var STRING = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").STRING; |
| function isStringExpressionStatement(tree) { |
| return tree.type === EXPRESSION_STATEMENT && tree.expression.type === LITERAL_EXPRESSION && tree.expression.literalToken.type === STRING; |
| } |
| function prependStatements(statements) { |
| for (var statementsToPrepend = [], |
| $__80 = 1; $__80 < arguments.length; $__80++) |
| statementsToPrepend[$__80 - 1] = arguments[$__80]; |
| if (!statements.length) |
| return statementsToPrepend; |
| if (!statementsToPrepend.length) |
| return statements; |
| var transformed = []; |
| var inProlog = true; |
| statements.forEach((function(statement) { |
| var $__82; |
| if (inProlog && !isStringExpressionStatement(statement)) { |
| ($__82 = transformed).push.apply($__82, $traceurRuntime.toObject(statementsToPrepend)); |
| inProlog = false; |
| } |
| transformed.push(statement); |
| })); |
| return transformed; |
| } |
| return {get prependStatements() { |
| return prependStatements; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TempVarTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TempVarTransformer"; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var $__84 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| Module = $__84.Module, |
| Script = $__84.Script; |
| var ARGUMENTS = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName").ARGUMENTS; |
| var VAR = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").VAR; |
| var $__84 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createFunctionBody = $__84.createFunctionBody, |
| createThisExpression = $__84.createThisExpression, |
| createIdentifierExpression = $__84.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createVariableDeclaration = $__84.createVariableDeclaration, |
| createVariableDeclarationList = $__84.createVariableDeclarationList, |
| createVariableStatement = $__84.createVariableStatement; |
| var prependStatements = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PrependStatements").prependStatements; |
| function getVars(self) { |
| var vars = self.tempVarStack_[self.tempVarStack_.length - 1]; |
| if (!vars) |
| throw new Error('Invalid use of addTempVar'); |
| return vars; |
| } |
| var TempVarStatement = function TempVarStatement(name, initialiser) { |
| this.name = name; |
| this.initialiser = initialiser; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(TempVarStatement, {}, {}); |
| var TempScope = function TempScope() { |
| this.thisName = null; |
| this.argumentName = null; |
| this.identifiers = []; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(TempScope, { |
| push: function(identifier) { |
| this.identifiers.push(identifier); |
| }, |
| pop: function() { |
| return this.identifiers.pop(); |
| }, |
| release: function(obj) { |
| for (var i = this.identifiers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { |
| obj.release_(this.identifiers[i]); |
| } |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| var TempVarTransformer = function TempVarTransformer(identifierGenerator) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TempVarTransformer.prototype, "constructor", []); |
| this.identifierGenerator = identifierGenerator; |
| this.tempVarStack_ = [[]]; |
| this.tempScopeStack_ = [new TempScope()]; |
| this.namePool_ = []; |
| }; |
| var $TempVarTransformer = TempVarTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(TempVarTransformer, { |
| transformStatements_: function(statements) { |
| this.tempVarStack_.push([]); |
| var transformedStatements = this.transformList(statements); |
| var vars = this.tempVarStack_.pop(); |
| if (!vars.length) |
| return transformedStatements; |
| var seenNames = Object.create(null); |
| vars = vars.filter((function(tempVarStatement) { |
| var $__84 = tempVarStatement, |
| name = $__84.name, |
| initialiser = $__84.initialiser; |
| if (name in seenNames) { |
| if (seenNames[name].initialiser || initialiser) |
| throw new Error('Invalid use of TempVarTransformer'); |
| return false; |
| } |
| seenNames[name] = tempVarStatement; |
| return true; |
| })); |
| var variableStatement = createVariableStatement(createVariableDeclarationList(VAR, vars.map((function($__84) { |
| var name = $__84.name, |
| initialiser = $__84.initialiser; |
| return createVariableDeclaration(name, initialiser); |
| })))); |
| return prependStatements(transformedStatements, variableStatement); |
| }, |
| transformScript: function(tree) { |
| var scriptItemList = this.transformStatements_(tree.scriptItemList); |
| if (scriptItemList == tree.scriptItemList) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new Script(tree.location, scriptItemList, tree.moduleName); |
| }, |
| transformModule: function(tree) { |
| var scriptItemList = this.transformStatements_(tree.scriptItemList); |
| if (scriptItemList == tree.scriptItemList) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new Module(tree.location, scriptItemList, tree.moduleName); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionBody: function(tree) { |
| this.pushTempVarState(); |
| var statements = this.transformStatements_(tree.statements); |
| this.popTempVarState(); |
| if (statements == tree.statements) |
| return tree; |
| return createFunctionBody(statements); |
| }, |
| getTempIdentifier: function() { |
| var name = this.namePool_.length ? this.namePool_.pop() : this.identifierGenerator.generateUniqueIdentifier(); |
| this.tempScopeStack_[this.tempScopeStack_.length - 1].push(name); |
| return name; |
| }, |
| addTempVar: function() { |
| var initialiser = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : null; |
| var vars = getVars(this); |
| var uid = this.getTempIdentifier(); |
| vars.push(new TempVarStatement(uid, initialiser)); |
| return uid; |
| }, |
| addTempVarForThis: function() { |
| var tempScope = this.tempScopeStack_[this.tempScopeStack_.length - 1]; |
| return tempScope.thisName || (tempScope.thisName = this.addTempVar(createThisExpression())); |
| }, |
| addTempVarForArguments: function() { |
| var tempScope = this.tempScopeStack_[this.tempScopeStack_.length - 1]; |
| return tempScope.argumentName || (tempScope.argumentName = this.addTempVar(createIdentifierExpression(ARGUMENTS))); |
| }, |
| pushTempVarState: function() { |
| this.tempScopeStack_.push(new TempScope()); |
| }, |
| popTempVarState: function() { |
| this.tempScopeStack_.pop().release(this); |
| }, |
| release_: function(name) { |
| this.namePool_.push(name); |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| return {get TempVarTransformer() { |
| return TempVarTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ModuleSymbol", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ModuleSymbol"; |
| var assert = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/assert").assert; |
| var ExportsList = function ExportsList(normalizedName) { |
| this.exports_ = Object.create(null); |
| if (normalizedName !== null) |
| this.normalizedName = normalizedName.replace(/\\/g, '/'); |
| else |
| this.normalizedName = null; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ExportsList, { |
| addExport: function(name, tree) { |
| assert(!this.exports_[name]); |
| this.exports_[name] = tree; |
| }, |
| getExport: function(name) { |
| return this.exports_[name]; |
| }, |
| getExports: function() { |
| return Object.keys(this.exports_); |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| var ModuleDescription = function ModuleDescription(normalizedName, module) { |
| var $__85 = this; |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ModuleDescription.prototype, "constructor", [normalizedName]); |
| Object.getOwnPropertyNames(module).forEach((function(name) { |
| $__85.addExport(name, true); |
| })); |
| }; |
| var $ModuleDescription = ModuleDescription; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ModuleDescription, {}, {}, ExportsList); |
| var ModuleSymbol = function ModuleSymbol(tree, normalizedName) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ModuleSymbol.prototype, "constructor", [normalizedName]); |
| this.tree = tree; |
| this.imports_ = Object.create(null); |
| }; |
| var $ModuleSymbol = ModuleSymbol; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ModuleSymbol, { |
| addImport: function(name, tree) { |
| assert(!this.imports_[name]); |
| this.imports_[name] = tree; |
| }, |
| getImport: function(name) { |
| return this.imports_[name]; |
| } |
| }, {}, ExportsList); |
| return { |
| get ModuleDescription() { |
| return ModuleDescription; |
| }, |
| get ModuleSymbol() { |
| return ModuleSymbol; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ModuleVisitor", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ModuleVisitor"; |
| var ModuleDescription = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ModuleSymbol").ModuleDescription; |
| var ParseTree = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTree").ParseTree; |
| var ParseTreeVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/ParseTreeVisitor").ParseTreeVisitor; |
| var $__89 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var ModuleVisitor = function ModuleVisitor(reporter, loader, moduleSymbol) { |
| this.reporter = reporter; |
| this.loader_ = loader; |
| this.moduleSymbol = moduleSymbol; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ModuleVisitor, { |
| getModuleDescriptionFromCodeUnit_: function(name, codeUnitToModuleInfo) { |
| var referrer = this.moduleSymbol.normalizedName; |
| var codeUnit = this.loader_.getCodeUnitForModuleSpecifier(name, referrer); |
| var moduleDescription = codeUnitToModuleInfo(codeUnit); |
| if (!moduleDescription) { |
| var msg = (name + " is not a module, required by " + referrer); |
| this.reportError(codeUnit.metadata.tree, msg); |
| return null; |
| } |
| return moduleDescription; |
| }, |
| getModuleSymbolForModuleSpecifier: function(name) { |
| return this.getModuleDescriptionFromCodeUnit_(name, (function(codeUnit) { |
| return codeUnit.metadata.moduleSymbol; |
| })); |
| }, |
| getModuleDescriptionForModuleSpecifier: function(name) { |
| return this.getModuleDescriptionFromCodeUnit_(name, (function(codeUnit) { |
| var moduleDescription = codeUnit.metadata.moduleSymbol; |
| if (!moduleDescription && codeUnit.result) { |
| moduleDescription = new ModuleDescription(codeUnit.normalizedName, codeUnit.result); |
| } |
| return moduleDescription; |
| })); |
| }, |
| visitFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) {}, |
| visitFunctionExpression: function(tree) {}, |
| visitFunctionBody: function(tree) {}, |
| visitBlock: function(tree) {}, |
| visitClassDeclaration: function(tree) {}, |
| visitClassExpression: function(tree) {}, |
| visitModuleElement_: function(element) { |
| switch (element.type) { |
| this.visitAny(element); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitScript: function(tree) { |
| tree.scriptItemList.forEach(this.visitModuleElement_, this); |
| }, |
| visitModule: function(tree) { |
| tree.scriptItemList.forEach(this.visitModuleElement_, this); |
| }, |
| reportError: function(tree, message) { |
| this.reporter.reportError(tree.location.start, message); |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeVisitor); |
| return {get ModuleVisitor() { |
| return ModuleVisitor; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ExportVisitor", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ExportVisitor"; |
| var ModuleVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ModuleVisitor").ModuleVisitor; |
| var assert = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/assert").assert; |
| var ExportVisitor = function ExportVisitor(reporter, loaderHooks, moduleSymbol) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ExportVisitor.prototype, "constructor", [reporter, loaderHooks, moduleSymbol]); |
| this.inExport_ = false; |
| this.moduleSpecifier = null; |
| }; |
| var $ExportVisitor = ExportVisitor; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ExportVisitor, { |
| addExport_: function(name, tree) { |
| assert(typeof name == 'string'); |
| if (this.inExport_) |
| this.addExport(name, tree); |
| }, |
| addExport: function(name, tree) { |
| var moduleSymbol = this.moduleSymbol; |
| var existingExport = moduleSymbol.getExport(name); |
| if (existingExport) { |
| this.reportError(tree, ("Duplicate export. '" + name + "' was previously ") + ("exported at " + existingExport.location.start)); |
| } else { |
| moduleSymbol.addExport(name, tree); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitClassDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.addExport_(tree.name.identifierToken.value, tree); |
| }, |
| visitExportDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.inExport_ = true; |
| this.visitAny(tree.declaration); |
| this.inExport_ = false; |
| }, |
| visitNamedExport: function(tree) { |
| this.moduleSpecifier = tree.moduleSpecifier; |
| this.visitAny(tree.specifierSet); |
| this.moduleSpecifier = null; |
| }, |
| visitExportDefault: function(tree) { |
| this.addExport_('default', tree); |
| }, |
| visitExportSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| this.addExport_((tree.rhs || tree.lhs).value, tree); |
| }, |
| visitExportStar: function(tree) { |
| var $__90 = this; |
| var name = this.moduleSpecifier.token.processedValue; |
| var moduleDescription = this.getModuleDescriptionForModuleSpecifier(name); |
| if (moduleDescription) { |
| moduleDescription.getExports().forEach((function(name) { |
| $__90.addExport(name, tree); |
| })); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.addExport_(tree.name.identifierToken.value, tree); |
| }, |
| visitModuleDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.addExport_(tree.identifier.value, tree); |
| }, |
| visitVariableDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.addExport_(tree.lvalue.identifierToken.value, tree); |
| } |
| }, {}, ModuleVisitor); |
| return {get ExportVisitor() { |
| return ExportVisitor; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/DirectExportVisitor", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/DirectExportVisitor"; |
| var ExportVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ExportVisitor").ExportVisitor; |
| var DirectExportVisitor = function DirectExportVisitor() { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $DirectExportVisitor.prototype, "constructor", [null, null, null]); |
| this.namedExports = []; |
| this.starExports = []; |
| }; |
| var $DirectExportVisitor = DirectExportVisitor; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(DirectExportVisitor, { |
| addExport: function(name, tree) { |
| this.namedExports.push({ |
| name: name, |
| tree: tree, |
| moduleSpecifier: this.moduleSpecifier |
| }); |
| }, |
| visitExportStar: function(tree) { |
| this.starExports.push(this.moduleSpecifier); |
| }, |
| hasExports: function() { |
| return this.namedExports.length != 0 || this.starExports.length != 0; |
| } |
| }, {}, ExportVisitor); |
| return {get DirectExportVisitor() { |
| return DirectExportVisitor; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ModuleTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ModuleTransformer"; |
| var $__95 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["var __moduleName = ", ";"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["var __moduleName = ", ";"])}})), |
| $__96 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["function() {\n ", "\n }"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["function() {\n ", "\n }"])}})), |
| $__97 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$traceurRuntime.ModuleStore.getAnonymousModule(\n ", ");"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$traceurRuntime.ModuleStore.getAnonymousModule(\n ", ");"])}})), |
| $__98 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["System.register(", ", [], ", ");"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["System.register(", ", [], ", ");"])}})), |
| $__99 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["get ", "() { return ", "; }"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["get ", "() { return ", "; }"])}})), |
| $__100 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["return $traceurRuntime.exportStar(", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["return $traceurRuntime.exportStar(", ")"])}})), |
| $__101 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["return ", ""], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["return ", ""])}})), |
| $__102 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["var $__default = ", ""], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["var $__default = ", ""])}})), |
| $__103 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["System.get(", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["System.get(", ")"])}})); |
| var $__106 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| BindingElement = $__106.BindingElement, |
| BindingIdentifier = $__106.BindingIdentifier, |
| EmptyStatement = $__106.EmptyStatement, |
| LiteralPropertyName = $__106.LiteralPropertyName, |
| ObjectPattern = $__106.ObjectPattern, |
| ObjectPatternField = $__106.ObjectPatternField, |
| Script = $__106.Script; |
| var DirectExportVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/DirectExportVisitor").DirectExportVisitor; |
| var TempVarTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TempVarTransformer").TempVarTransformer; |
| var $__106 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var VAR = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").VAR; |
| var assert = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/assert").assert; |
| var $__106 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createArgumentList = $__106.createArgumentList, |
| createBindingIdentifier = $__106.createBindingIdentifier, |
| createExpressionStatement = $__106.createExpressionStatement, |
| createIdentifierExpression = $__106.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createIdentifierToken = $__106.createIdentifierToken, |
| createMemberExpression = $__106.createMemberExpression, |
| createObjectLiteralExpression = $__106.createObjectLiteralExpression, |
| createUseStrictDirective = $__106.createUseStrictDirective, |
| createVariableStatement = $__106.createVariableStatement; |
| var $__106 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser"), |
| parseExpression = $__106.parseExpression, |
| parsePropertyDefinition = $__106.parsePropertyDefinition, |
| parseStatement = $__106.parseStatement, |
| parseStatements = $__106.parseStatements; |
| var ModuleTransformer = function ModuleTransformer(identifierGenerator) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ModuleTransformer.prototype, "constructor", [identifierGenerator]); |
| this.exportVisitor_ = new DirectExportVisitor(); |
| this.moduleSpecifierKind_ = null; |
| this.moduleName = null; |
| }; |
| var $ModuleTransformer = ModuleTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ModuleTransformer, { |
| getTempVarNameForModuleName: function(moduleName) { |
| return '$__' + moduleName.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9$]/g, function(c) { |
| return '_' + c.charCodeAt(0) + '_'; |
| }) + '__'; |
| }, |
| getTempVarNameForModuleSpecifier: function(moduleSpecifier) { |
| var normalizedName = System.normalize(moduleSpecifier.token.processedValue, this.moduleName); |
| return this.getTempVarNameForModuleName(normalizedName); |
| }, |
| transformScript: function(tree) { |
| this.moduleName = tree.moduleName; |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ModuleTransformer.prototype, "transformScript", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformModule: function(tree) { |
| this.moduleName = tree.moduleName; |
| this.pushTempVarState(); |
| var statements = $traceurRuntime.spread(this.transformList(tree.scriptItemList), [this.createExportStatement()]); |
| this.popTempVarState(); |
| statements = this.wrapModule(this.moduleProlog().concat(statements)); |
| return new Script(tree.location, statements); |
| }, |
| moduleProlog: function() { |
| var statements = [createUseStrictDirective()]; |
| if (this.moduleName) |
| statements.push(parseStatement($__95, this.moduleName)); |
| return statements; |
| }, |
| wrapModule: function(statements) { |
| var functionExpression = parseExpression($__96, statements); |
| if (this.moduleName === null) { |
| return parseStatements($__97, functionExpression); |
| } |
| return parseStatements($__98, this.moduleName, functionExpression); |
| }, |
| getGetterExport: function($__106) { |
| var name = $__106.name, |
| tree = $__106.tree, |
| moduleSpecifier = $__106.moduleSpecifier; |
| var returnExpression; |
| switch (tree.type) { |
| returnExpression = createIdentifierExpression('$__default'); |
| break; |
| if (moduleSpecifier) { |
| var idName = this.getTempVarNameForModuleSpecifier(moduleSpecifier); |
| returnExpression = createMemberExpression(idName, tree.lhs); |
| } else { |
| returnExpression = createIdentifierExpression(tree.lhs); |
| } |
| break; |
| default: |
| returnExpression = createIdentifierExpression(name); |
| break; |
| } |
| return parsePropertyDefinition($__99, name, returnExpression); |
| }, |
| getExportProperties: function() { |
| var $__104 = this; |
| return this.exportVisitor_.namedExports.map((function(exp) { |
| return $__104.getGetterExport(exp); |
| })); |
| }, |
| createExportStatement: function() { |
| var $__104 = this; |
| var object = createObjectLiteralExpression(this.getExportProperties()); |
| if (this.exportVisitor_.starExports.length) { |
| var starExports = this.exportVisitor_.starExports; |
| var starIdents = starExports.map((function(moduleSpecifier) { |
| return createIdentifierExpression($__104.getTempVarNameForModuleSpecifier(moduleSpecifier)); |
| })); |
| var args = createArgumentList.apply(null, $traceurRuntime.spread([object], starIdents)); |
| return parseStatement($__100, args); |
| } |
| return parseStatement($__101, object); |
| }, |
| hasExports: function() { |
| return this.exportVisitor_.hasExports(); |
| }, |
| transformExportDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.exportVisitor_.visitAny(tree); |
| return this.transformAny(tree.declaration); |
| }, |
| transformExportDefault: function(tree) { |
| return parseStatement($__102, tree.expression); |
| }, |
| transformNamedExport: function(tree) { |
| var moduleSpecifier = tree.moduleSpecifier; |
| if (moduleSpecifier) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(moduleSpecifier); |
| var idName = this.getTempVarNameForModuleSpecifier(moduleSpecifier); |
| return createVariableStatement(VAR, idName, expression); |
| } |
| return new EmptyStatement(null); |
| }, |
| transformModuleSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| assert(this.moduleName); |
| var name = tree.token.processedValue; |
| var normalizedName = System.normalize(name, this.moduleName); |
| return parseExpression($__103, normalizedName); |
| }, |
| transformModuleDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.moduleSpecifierKind_ = 'module'; |
| var initialiser = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| return createVariableStatement(VAR, tree.identifier, initialiser); |
| }, |
| transformImportedBinding: function(tree) { |
| var bindingElement = new BindingElement(tree.location, tree.binding, null); |
| var name = new LiteralPropertyName(null, createIdentifierToken('default')); |
| return new ObjectPattern(null, [new ObjectPatternField(null, name, bindingElement)]); |
| }, |
| transformImportDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.moduleSpecifierKind_ = 'import'; |
| if (!tree.importClause) |
| return createExpressionStatement(this.transformAny(tree.moduleSpecifier)); |
| var binding = this.transformAny(tree.importClause); |
| var initialiser = this.transformAny(tree.moduleSpecifier); |
| return createVariableStatement(VAR, binding, initialiser); |
| }, |
| transformImportSpecifierSet: function(tree) { |
| var fields = this.transformList(tree.specifiers); |
| return new ObjectPattern(null, fields); |
| }, |
| transformImportSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.rhs) { |
| var binding = new BindingIdentifier(tree.location, tree.rhs); |
| var bindingElement = new BindingElement(tree.location, binding, null); |
| var name = new LiteralPropertyName(tree.lhs.location, tree.lhs); |
| return new ObjectPatternField(tree.location, name, bindingElement); |
| } |
| return new BindingElement(tree.location, createBindingIdentifier(tree.lhs), null); |
| } |
| }, {}, TempVarTransformer); |
| return {get ModuleTransformer() { |
| return ModuleTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/globalThis", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/globalThis"; |
| var $__107 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : this"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : this"])}})); |
| var parseExpression = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser").parseExpression; |
| var expr; |
| function globalThis() { |
| if (!expr) |
| expr = parseExpression($__107); |
| return expr; |
| } |
| var $__default = globalThis; |
| return {get default() { |
| return $__default; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/FindVisitor", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/FindVisitor"; |
| var ParseTreeVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/ParseTreeVisitor").ParseTreeVisitor; |
| var foundSentinel = {}; |
| var FindVisitor = function FindVisitor(tree) { |
| var keepOnGoing = arguments[1]; |
| this.found_ = false; |
| this.keepOnGoing_ = keepOnGoing; |
| try { |
| this.visitAny(tree); |
| } catch (ex) { |
| if (ex !== foundSentinel) |
| throw ex; |
| } |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(FindVisitor, { |
| get found() { |
| return this.found_; |
| }, |
| set found(v) { |
| if (v) { |
| this.found_ = true; |
| if (!this.keepOnGoing_) |
| throw foundSentinel; |
| } |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeVisitor); |
| return {get FindVisitor() { |
| return FindVisitor; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/FindInFunctionScope", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/FindInFunctionScope"; |
| var FindVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/FindVisitor").FindVisitor; |
| var FindInFunctionScope = function FindInFunctionScope() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $FindInFunctionScope.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $FindInFunctionScope = FindInFunctionScope; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(FindInFunctionScope, { |
| visitFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) {}, |
| visitFunctionExpression: function(tree) {}, |
| visitSetAccessor: function(tree) {}, |
| visitGetAccessor: function(tree) {}, |
| visitPropertyMethodAssignment: function(tree) {} |
| }, {}, FindVisitor); |
| return {get FindInFunctionScope() { |
| return FindInFunctionScope; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/scopeContainsThis", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/scopeContainsThis"; |
| var FindInFunctionScope = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/FindInFunctionScope").FindInFunctionScope; |
| var FindThis = function FindThis() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $FindThis.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $FindThis = FindThis; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(FindThis, {visitThisExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.found = true; |
| }}, {}, FindInFunctionScope); |
| function scopeContainsThis(tree) { |
| var visitor = new FindThis(tree); |
| return visitor.found; |
| } |
| var $__default = scopeContainsThis; |
| return {get default() { |
| return $__default; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/AmdTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/AmdTransformer"; |
| var $__115 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["__esModule: true"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["__esModule: true"])}})), |
| $__116 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["if (!", " || !", ".__esModule)\n ", " = { 'default': ", " }"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["if (!", " || !", ".__esModule)\n ", " = { 'default': ", " }"])}})), |
| $__117 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["function(", ") {\n ", "\n }"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["function(", ") {\n ", "\n }"])}})), |
| $__118 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["", ".bind(", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["", ".bind(", ")"])}})), |
| $__119 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["define(", ", ", ");"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["define(", ", ", ");"])}})); |
| var ModuleTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ModuleTransformer").ModuleTransformer; |
| var VAR = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").VAR; |
| var $__121 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createBindingIdentifier = $__121.createBindingIdentifier, |
| createIdentifierExpression = $__121.createIdentifierExpression; |
| var globalThis = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/globalThis").default; |
| var $__121 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser"), |
| parseExpression = $__121.parseExpression, |
| parseStatement = $__121.parseStatement, |
| parseStatements = $__121.parseStatements, |
| parsePropertyDefinition = $__121.parsePropertyDefinition; |
| var scopeContainsThis = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/scopeContainsThis").default; |
| var AmdTransformer = function AmdTransformer(identifierGenerator) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AmdTransformer.prototype, "constructor", [identifierGenerator]); |
| this.dependencies = []; |
| }; |
| var $AmdTransformer = AmdTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(AmdTransformer, { |
| getExportProperties: function() { |
| var properties = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AmdTransformer.prototype, "getExportProperties", []); |
| if (this.exportVisitor_.hasExports()) |
| properties.push(parsePropertyDefinition($__115)); |
| return properties; |
| }, |
| moduleProlog: function() { |
| var locals = this.dependencies.map((function(dep) { |
| var local = createIdentifierExpression(dep.local); |
| return parseStatement($__116, local, local, local, local); |
| })); |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AmdTransformer.prototype, "moduleProlog", []).concat(locals); |
| }, |
| wrapModule: function(statements) { |
| var depPaths = this.dependencies.map((function(dep) { |
| return dep.path; |
| })); |
| var depLocals = this.dependencies.map((function(dep) { |
| return dep.local; |
| })); |
| var hasTopLevelThis = statements.some(scopeContainsThis); |
| var func = parseExpression($__117, depLocals, statements); |
| if (hasTopLevelThis) |
| func = parseExpression($__118, func, globalThis()); |
| return parseStatements($__119, depPaths, func); |
| }, |
| transformModuleSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| var localName = this.getTempIdentifier(); |
| this.dependencies.push({ |
| path: tree.token, |
| local: localName |
| }); |
| return createBindingIdentifier(localName); |
| } |
| }, {}, ModuleTransformer); |
| return {get AmdTransformer() { |
| return AmdTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/staticsemantics/PropName", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/staticsemantics/PropName"; |
| var $__122 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var IDENTIFIER = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").IDENTIFIER; |
| function propName(tree) { |
| switch (tree.type) { |
| var token = tree.literalToken; |
| if (token.isKeyword() || token.type === IDENTIFIER) |
| return token.toString(); |
| return String(tree.literalToken.processedValue); |
| return ''; |
| return tree.name.toString(); |
| case GET_ACCESSOR: |
| case SET_ACCESSOR: |
| return propName(tree.name); |
| } |
| } |
| return {get propName() { |
| return propName; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/AnnotationsTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/AnnotationsTransformer"; |
| var $__123 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(", ")"])}})); |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var CONSTRUCTOR = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName").CONSTRUCTOR; |
| var $__126 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| STRING = $__126.STRING; |
| var $__126 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| AnonBlock = $__126.AnonBlock, |
| ClassDeclaration = $__126.ClassDeclaration, |
| ExportDeclaration = $__126.ExportDeclaration, |
| FormalParameter = $__126.FormalParameter, |
| FunctionDeclaration = $__126.FunctionDeclaration, |
| GetAccessor = $__126.GetAccessor, |
| LiteralExpression = $__126.LiteralExpression, |
| PropertyMethodAssignment = $__126.PropertyMethodAssignment, |
| SetAccessor = $__126.SetAccessor; |
| var $__126 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var propName = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/staticsemantics/PropName").propName; |
| var $__126 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createArgumentList = $__126.createArgumentList, |
| createArrayLiteralExpression = $__126.createArrayLiteralExpression, |
| createAssignmentStatement = $__126.createAssignmentStatement, |
| createIdentifierExpression = $__126.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createMemberExpression = $__126.createMemberExpression, |
| createNewExpression = $__126.createNewExpression, |
| createStatementList = $__126.createStatementList, |
| createStringLiteralToken = $__126.createStringLiteralToken; |
| var parseExpression = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser").parseExpression; |
| var AnnotationsScope = function AnnotationsScope() { |
| this.className = null; |
| this.isExport = false; |
| this.constructorParameters = []; |
| this.annotations = []; |
| this.metadata = []; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(AnnotationsScope, {get inClassScope() { |
| return this.className !== null; |
| }}, {}); |
| var AnnotationsTransformer = function AnnotationsTransformer() { |
| this.stack_ = [new AnnotationsScope()]; |
| }; |
| var $AnnotationsTransformer = AnnotationsTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(AnnotationsTransformer, { |
| transformExportDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| var $__127; |
| var scope = this.pushAnnotationScope_(); |
| scope.isExport = true; |
| ($__127 = scope.annotations).push.apply($__127, $traceurRuntime.toObject(tree.annotations)); |
| var declaration = this.transformAny(tree.declaration); |
| if (declaration !== tree.declaration || tree.annotations.length > 0) |
| tree = new ExportDeclaration(tree.location, declaration, []); |
| return this.appendMetadata_(tree); |
| }, |
| transformClassDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| var $__127; |
| var elementsChanged = false; |
| var exportAnnotations = this.scope.isExport ? this.scope.annotations : []; |
| var scope = this.pushAnnotationScope_(); |
| scope.className = tree.name; |
| ($__127 = scope.annotations).push.apply($__127, $traceurRuntime.spread(exportAnnotations, tree.annotations)); |
| tree = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AnnotationsTransformer.prototype, "transformClassDeclaration", [tree]); |
| ($__127 = scope.metadata).unshift.apply($__127, $traceurRuntime.toObject(this.transformMetadata_(createIdentifierExpression(tree.name), scope.annotations, scope.constructorParameters))); |
| if (tree.annotations.length > 0) { |
| tree = new ClassDeclaration(tree.location, tree.name, tree.superClass, tree.elements, []); |
| } |
| return this.appendMetadata_(tree); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| var $__127; |
| var exportAnnotations = this.scope.isExport ? this.scope.annotations : []; |
| var scope = this.pushAnnotationScope_(); |
| ($__127 = scope.annotations).push.apply($__127, $traceurRuntime.spread(exportAnnotations, tree.annotations)); |
| ($__127 = scope.metadata).push.apply($__127, $traceurRuntime.toObject(this.transformMetadata_(createIdentifierExpression(tree.name), scope.annotations, tree.formalParameterList.parameters))); |
| tree = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AnnotationsTransformer.prototype, "transformFunctionDeclaration", [tree]); |
| if (tree.annotations.length > 0) { |
| tree = new FunctionDeclaration(tree.location, tree.name, tree.isGenerator, tree.formalParameterList, tree.typeAnnotation, [], tree.functionBody); |
| } |
| return this.appendMetadata_(tree); |
| }, |
| transformFormalParameter: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.annotations.length > 0) { |
| tree = new FormalParameter(tree.location, tree.parameter, tree.typeAnnotation, []); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AnnotationsTransformer.prototype, "transformFormalParameter", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformGetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| var $__127; |
| if (!this.scope.inClassScope) |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AnnotationsTransformer.prototype, "transformGetAccessor", [tree]); |
| ($__127 = this.scope.metadata).push.apply($__127, $traceurRuntime.toObject(this.transformMetadata_(this.transformAccessor_(tree, this.scope.className, 'get'), tree.annotations, []))); |
| if (tree.annotations.length > 0) { |
| tree = new GetAccessor(tree.location, tree.isStatic, tree.name, tree.typeAnnotation, [], tree.body); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AnnotationsTransformer.prototype, "transformGetAccessor", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformSetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| var $__127; |
| if (!this.scope.inClassScope) |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AnnotationsTransformer.prototype, "transformSetAccessor", [tree]); |
| ($__127 = this.scope.metadata).push.apply($__127, $traceurRuntime.toObject(this.transformMetadata_(this.transformAccessor_(tree, this.scope.className, 'set'), tree.annotations, [tree.parameter]))); |
| var parameter = this.transformAny(tree.parameter); |
| if (parameter !== tree.parameter || tree.annotations.length > 0) { |
| tree = new SetAccessor(tree.location, tree.isStatic, tree.name, parameter, [], tree.body); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AnnotationsTransformer.prototype, "transformSetAccessor", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformPropertyMethodAssignment: function(tree) { |
| var $__127; |
| if (!this.scope.inClassScope) |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AnnotationsTransformer.prototype, "transformPropertyMethodAssignment", [tree]); |
| if (!tree.isStatic && propName(tree) === CONSTRUCTOR) { |
| ($__127 = this.scope.annotations).push.apply($__127, $traceurRuntime.toObject(tree.annotations)); |
| this.scope.constructorParameters = tree.formalParameterList.parameters; |
| } else { |
| ($__127 = this.scope.metadata).push.apply($__127, $traceurRuntime.toObject(this.transformMetadata_(this.transformPropertyMethod_(tree, this.scope.className), tree.annotations, tree.formalParameterList.parameters))); |
| } |
| var formalParameters = this.transformAny(tree.formalParameterList); |
| if (formalParameters !== tree.formalParameterList || tree.annotations.length > 0) { |
| tree = new PropertyMethodAssignment(tree.location, tree.isStatic, tree.isGenerator, tree.name, formalParameters, tree.typeAnnotation, [], tree.functionBody); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AnnotationsTransformer.prototype, "transformPropertyMethodAssignment", [tree]); |
| }, |
| appendMetadata_: function(tree) { |
| var $__127; |
| var metadata = this.stack_.pop().metadata; |
| if (metadata.length > 0) { |
| if (this.scope.isExport) { |
| ($__127 = this.scope.metadata).push.apply($__127, $traceurRuntime.toObject(metadata)); |
| } else { |
| tree = new AnonBlock(null, $traceurRuntime.spread([tree], metadata)); |
| } |
| } |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformClassReference_: function(tree, className) { |
| var parent = createIdentifierExpression(className); |
| if (!tree.isStatic) |
| parent = createMemberExpression(parent, 'prototype'); |
| return parent; |
| }, |
| transformPropertyMethod_: function(tree, className) { |
| return createMemberExpression(this.transformClassReference_(tree, className), tree.name.literalToken); |
| }, |
| transformAccessor_: function(tree, className, accessor) { |
| var args = createArgumentList([this.transformClassReference_(tree, className), this.createLiteralStringExpression_(tree.name)]); |
| var descriptor = parseExpression($__123, args); |
| return createMemberExpression(descriptor, accessor); |
| }, |
| transformParameters_: function(parameters) { |
| var $__124 = this; |
| var hasParameterMetadata = false; |
| parameters = parameters.map((function(param) { |
| var $__127; |
| var metadata = []; |
| if (param.typeAnnotation) |
| metadata.push($__124.transformAny(param.typeAnnotation)); |
| if (param.annotations && param.annotations.length > 0) |
| ($__127 = metadata).push.apply($__127, $traceurRuntime.toObject($__124.transformAnnotations_(param.annotations))); |
| if (metadata.length > 0) { |
| hasParameterMetadata = true; |
| return createArrayLiteralExpression(metadata); |
| } |
| return createArrayLiteralExpression([]); |
| })); |
| return hasParameterMetadata ? parameters : []; |
| }, |
| transformAnnotations_: function(annotations) { |
| return annotations.map((function(annotation) { |
| return createNewExpression(annotation.name, annotation.args); |
| })); |
| }, |
| transformMetadata_: function(target, annotations, parameters) { |
| var metadataStatements = []; |
| if (annotations !== null) { |
| annotations = this.transformAnnotations_(annotations); |
| if (annotations.length > 0) { |
| metadataStatements.push(createAssignmentStatement(createMemberExpression(target, 'annotations'), createArrayLiteralExpression(annotations))); |
| } |
| } |
| if (parameters !== null) { |
| parameters = this.transformParameters_(parameters); |
| if (parameters.length > 0) { |
| metadataStatements.push(createAssignmentStatement(createMemberExpression(target, 'parameters'), createArrayLiteralExpression(parameters))); |
| } |
| } |
| return metadataStatements; |
| }, |
| createLiteralStringExpression_: function(tree) { |
| var token = tree.literalToken; |
| if (tree.literalToken.type !== STRING) |
| token = createStringLiteralToken(tree.literalToken.value); |
| return new LiteralExpression(null, token); |
| }, |
| get scope() { |
| return this.stack_[this.stack_.length - 1]; |
| }, |
| pushAnnotationScope_: function() { |
| var scope = new AnnotationsScope(); |
| this.stack_.push(scope); |
| return scope; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| return {get AnnotationsTransformer() { |
| return AnnotationsTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/semantics/VariableBinder", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/semantics/VariableBinder"; |
| var $__129 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var ParseTreeVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/ParseTreeVisitor").ParseTreeVisitor; |
| var VAR = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").VAR; |
| var assert = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/assert").assert; |
| function variablesInBlock(tree, includeFunctionScope) { |
| var binder = new VariableBinder(includeFunctionScope, tree); |
| binder.visitAny(tree); |
| return binder.identifiers_; |
| } |
| ; |
| function variablesInFunction(tree) { |
| var binder = new VariableBinder(true, tree.functionBody); |
| binder.bindVariablesInFunction_(tree); |
| return binder.identifiers_; |
| } |
| ; |
| var VariableBinder = function VariableBinder(includeFunctionScope, scope) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $VariableBinder.prototype, "constructor", []); |
| this.includeFunctionScope_ = includeFunctionScope; |
| this.scope_ = scope || null; |
| this.block_ = null; |
| this.identifiers_ = Object.create(null); |
| }; |
| var $VariableBinder = VariableBinder; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(VariableBinder, { |
| bindVariablesInFunction_: function(tree) { |
| var parameters = tree.formalParameterList.parameters; |
| for (var i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { |
| this.bindParameter_(parameters[i]); |
| } |
| this.visitAny(tree.functionBody); |
| }, |
| visitBlock: function(tree) { |
| var parentBlock = this.block_; |
| this.block_ = tree; |
| this.visitList(tree.statements); |
| this.block_ = parentBlock; |
| }, |
| visitFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| if (this.block_ == this.scope_) |
| this.bind_(tree.name.identifierToken); |
| }, |
| visitFunctionExpression: function(tree) {}, |
| visitVariableDeclarationList: function(tree) { |
| if ((tree.declarationType == VAR && this.includeFunctionScope_) || (tree.declarationType != VAR && this.block_ == this.scope_)) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $VariableBinder.prototype, "visitVariableDeclarationList", [tree]); |
| } else { |
| var decls = tree.declarations; |
| for (var i = 0; i < decls.length; i++) { |
| this.visitAny(decls[i].initialiser); |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| visitVariableDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.bindVariableDeclaration_(tree.lvalue); |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $VariableBinder.prototype, "visitVariableDeclaration", [tree]); |
| }, |
| bind_: function(identifier) { |
| assert(typeof identifier.value == 'string'); |
| this.identifiers_[identifier.value] = true; |
| }, |
| bindParameter_: function(parameter) { |
| if (parameter.type === FORMAL_PARAMETER) |
| parameter = parameter.parameter; |
| if (parameter.isRestParameter()) { |
| this.bind_(parameter.identifier); |
| } else { |
| this.bindVariableDeclaration_(parameter.binding); |
| } |
| }, |
| bindVariableDeclaration_: function(tree) { |
| switch (tree.type) { |
| this.bindVariableDeclaration_(tree.binding); |
| break; |
| this.bind_(tree.identifierToken); |
| break; |
| var elements = tree.elements; |
| for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { |
| this.bindVariableDeclaration_(elements[i]); |
| } |
| break; |
| this.bindVariableDeclaration_(tree.lvalue); |
| break; |
| var fields = tree.fields; |
| for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { |
| this.bindVariableDeclaration_(fields[i]); |
| } |
| break; |
| var field = tree; |
| if (field.element == null) { |
| this.bind_(field.name); |
| } else { |
| this.bindVariableDeclaration_(field.element); |
| } |
| break; |
| this.bindVariableDeclaration_(tree.expression); |
| break; |
| default: |
| throw new Error('unreachable'); |
| } |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeVisitor); |
| return { |
| get variablesInBlock() { |
| return variablesInBlock; |
| }, |
| get variablesInFunction() { |
| return variablesInFunction; |
| }, |
| get VariableBinder() { |
| return VariableBinder; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/AlphaRenamer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/AlphaRenamer"; |
| var $__131 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| FunctionDeclaration = $__131.FunctionDeclaration, |
| FunctionExpression = $__131.FunctionExpression; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var $__131 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName"), |
| THIS = $__131.THIS; |
| var createIdentifierExpression = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory").createIdentifierExpression; |
| var $__131 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/semantics/VariableBinder"), |
| variablesInBlock = $__131.variablesInBlock, |
| variablesInFunction = $__131.variablesInFunction; |
| var AlphaRenamer = function AlphaRenamer(oldName, newName) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AlphaRenamer.prototype, "constructor", []); |
| this.oldName_ = oldName; |
| this.newName_ = newName; |
| }; |
| var $AlphaRenamer = AlphaRenamer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(AlphaRenamer, { |
| transformBlock: function(tree) { |
| if (this.oldName_ in variablesInBlock(tree)) { |
| return tree; |
| } else { |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AlphaRenamer.prototype, "transformBlock", [tree]); |
| } |
| }, |
| transformIdentifierExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (this.oldName_ == tree.identifierToken.value) { |
| return createIdentifierExpression(this.newName_); |
| } else { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| }, |
| transformThisExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (this.oldName_ !== THIS) |
| return tree; |
| return createIdentifierExpression(this.newName_); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| if (this.oldName_ === tree.name) { |
| tree = new FunctionDeclaration(tree.location, this.newName_, tree.isGenerator, tree.formalParameterList, tree.typeAnnotation, tree.annotations, tree.functionBody); |
| } |
| if (this.getDoNotRecurse(tree)) |
| return tree; |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AlphaRenamer.prototype, "transformFunctionDeclaration", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (this.oldName_ === tree.name) { |
| tree = new FunctionExpression(tree.location, this.newName_, tree.isGenerator, tree.formalParameterList, tree.typeAnnotation, tree.annotations, tree.functionBody); |
| } |
| if (this.getDoNotRecurse(tree)) |
| return tree; |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AlphaRenamer.prototype, "transformFunctionExpression", [tree]); |
| }, |
| getDoNotRecurse: function(tree) { |
| return this.oldName_ === ARGUMENTS || this.oldName_ === THIS || this.oldName_ in variablesInFunction(tree); |
| }, |
| transformCatch: function(tree) { |
| if (!tree.binding.isPattern() && this.oldName_ === tree.binding.identifierToken.value) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AlphaRenamer.prototype, "transformCatch", [tree]); |
| } |
| }, {rename: function(tree, oldName, newName) { |
| return new $AlphaRenamer(oldName, newName).transformAny(tree); |
| }}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| return {get AlphaRenamer() { |
| return AlphaRenamer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/alphaRenameThisAndArguments", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/alphaRenameThisAndArguments"; |
| var $__133 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName"), |
| THIS = $__133.THIS; |
| var AlphaRenamer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/AlphaRenamer").AlphaRenamer; |
| var FindInFunctionScope = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/FindInFunctionScope").FindInFunctionScope; |
| var FindThisOrArguments = function FindThisOrArguments(tree) { |
| this.foundThis = false; |
| this.foundArguments = false; |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $FindThisOrArguments.prototype, "constructor", [tree]); |
| }; |
| var $FindThisOrArguments = FindThisOrArguments; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(FindThisOrArguments, { |
| visitThisExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.foundThis = true; |
| this.found = this.foundArguments; |
| }, |
| visitIdentifierExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.identifierToken.value === ARGUMENTS) { |
| this.foundArguments = true; |
| this.found = this.foundThis; |
| } |
| } |
| }, {}, FindInFunctionScope); |
| var $__default = function alphaRenameThisAndArguments(tempVarTransformer, tree) { |
| var finder = new FindThisOrArguments(tree); |
| if (finder.foundArguments) { |
| var argumentsTempName = tempVarTransformer.addTempVarForArguments(); |
| tree = AlphaRenamer.rename(tree, ARGUMENTS, argumentsTempName); |
| } |
| if (finder.foundThis) { |
| var thisTempName = tempVarTransformer.addTempVarForThis(); |
| tree = AlphaRenamer.rename(tree, THIS, thisTempName); |
| } |
| return tree; |
| }; |
| return {get default() { |
| return $__default; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ComprehensionTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ComprehensionTransformer"; |
| var alphaRenameThisAndArguments = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/alphaRenameThisAndArguments").default; |
| var FunctionExpression = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees").FunctionExpression; |
| var TempVarTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TempVarTransformer").TempVarTransformer; |
| var $__135 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| LET = $__135.LET, |
| VAR = $__135.VAR; |
| var $__135 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var $__135 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createCallExpression = $__135.createCallExpression, |
| createEmptyParameterList = $__135.createEmptyParameterList, |
| createForOfStatement = $__135.createForOfStatement, |
| createFunctionBody = $__135.createFunctionBody, |
| createIfStatement = $__135.createIfStatement, |
| createParenExpression = $__135.createParenExpression, |
| createVariableDeclarationList = $__135.createVariableDeclarationList; |
| var options = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/options").options; |
| var ComprehensionTransformer = function ComprehensionTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $ComprehensionTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $ComprehensionTransformer = ComprehensionTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ComprehensionTransformer, {transformComprehension: function(tree, statement, isGenerator) { |
| var prefix = arguments[3]; |
| var suffix = arguments[4]; |
| var bindingKind = isGenerator || !options.blockBinding ? VAR : LET; |
| var statements = prefix ? [prefix] : []; |
| for (var i = tree.comprehensionList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { |
| var item = tree.comprehensionList[i]; |
| switch (item.type) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(item.expression); |
| statement = createIfStatement(expression, statement); |
| break; |
| var left = this.transformAny(item.left); |
| var iterator = this.transformAny(item.iterator); |
| var initialiser = createVariableDeclarationList(bindingKind, left, null); |
| statement = createForOfStatement(initialiser, iterator, statement); |
| break; |
| default: |
| throw new Error('Unreachable.'); |
| } |
| } |
| statement = alphaRenameThisAndArguments(this, statement); |
| statements.push(statement); |
| if (suffix) |
| statements.push(suffix); |
| var func = new FunctionExpression(null, null, isGenerator, createEmptyParameterList(), null, [], createFunctionBody(statements)); |
| return createParenExpression(createCallExpression(func)); |
| }}, {}, TempVarTransformer); |
| return {get ComprehensionTransformer() { |
| return ComprehensionTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ArrayComprehensionTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ArrayComprehensionTransformer"; |
| var $__136 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["var ", " = 0, ", " = [];"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["var ", " = 0, ", " = [];"])}})), |
| $__137 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["", "[", "++] = ", ";"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["", "[", "++] = ", ";"])}})), |
| $__138 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["return ", ";"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["return ", ";"])}})); |
| var ComprehensionTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ComprehensionTransformer").ComprehensionTransformer; |
| var createIdentifierExpression = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory").createIdentifierExpression; |
| var parseStatement = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser").parseStatement; |
| var ArrayComprehensionTransformer = function ArrayComprehensionTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $ArrayComprehensionTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $ArrayComprehensionTransformer = ArrayComprehensionTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ArrayComprehensionTransformer, {transformArrayComprehension: function(tree) { |
| this.pushTempVarState(); |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| var index = createIdentifierExpression(this.getTempIdentifier()); |
| var result = createIdentifierExpression(this.getTempIdentifier()); |
| var tempVarsStatatement = parseStatement($__136, index, result); |
| var statement = parseStatement($__137, result, index, expression); |
| var returnStatement = parseStatement($__138, result); |
| var isGenerator = false; |
| var result = this.transformComprehension(tree, statement, isGenerator, tempVarsStatatement, returnStatement); |
| this.popTempVarState(); |
| return result; |
| }}, {}, ComprehensionTransformer); |
| return {get ArrayComprehensionTransformer() { |
| return ArrayComprehensionTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ArrowFunctionTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ArrowFunctionTransformer"; |
| var FormalParameterList = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees").FormalParameterList; |
| var TempVarTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TempVarTransformer").TempVarTransformer; |
| var $__142 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var alphaRenameThisAndArguments = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/alphaRenameThisAndArguments").default; |
| var $__142 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createFunctionBody = $__142.createFunctionBody, |
| createFunctionExpression = $__142.createFunctionExpression, |
| createParenExpression = $__142.createParenExpression, |
| createReturnStatement = $__142.createReturnStatement; |
| var ArrowFunctionTransformer = function ArrowFunctionTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $ArrowFunctionTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $ArrowFunctionTransformer = ArrowFunctionTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ArrowFunctionTransformer, {transformArrowFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| var parameters; |
| if (tree.formalParameters) { |
| parameters = this.transformAny(tree.formalParameters).parameters; |
| } else { |
| parameters = []; |
| } |
| var alphaRenamed = alphaRenameThisAndArguments(this, tree); |
| var functionBody = this.transformAny(alphaRenamed.functionBody); |
| if (functionBody.type != FUNCTION_BODY) { |
| functionBody = createFunctionBody([createReturnStatement(functionBody)]); |
| } |
| return createParenExpression(createFunctionExpression(new FormalParameterList(null, parameters), functionBody)); |
| }}, {}, TempVarTransformer); |
| return {get ArrowFunctionTransformer() { |
| return ArrowFunctionTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/BlockBindingTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/BlockBindingTransformer"; |
| var AlphaRenamer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/AlphaRenamer").AlphaRenamer; |
| var $__145 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| BLOCK = $__145.BLOCK, |
| var $__145 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| FunctionDeclaration = $__145.FunctionDeclaration, |
| FunctionExpression = $__145.FunctionExpression; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var $__145 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| CONST = $__145.CONST, |
| LET = $__145.LET, |
| VAR = $__145.VAR; |
| var $__145 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createAssignmentExpression = $__145.createAssignmentExpression, |
| createBindingIdentifier = $__145.createBindingIdentifier, |
| createBlock = $__145.createBlock, |
| createCatch = $__145.createCatch, |
| createEmptyStatement = $__145.createEmptyStatement, |
| createExpressionStatement = $__145.createExpressionStatement, |
| createFinally = $__145.createFinally, |
| createForInStatement = $__145.createForInStatement, |
| createForStatement = $__145.createForStatement, |
| createFunctionBody = $__145.createFunctionBody, |
| createIdentifierExpression = $__145.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createIdentifierToken = $__145.createIdentifierToken, |
| createThrowStatement = $__145.createThrowStatement, |
| createTryStatement = $__145.createTryStatement, |
| createUndefinedExpression = $__145.createUndefinedExpression, |
| createVariableDeclaration = $__145.createVariableDeclaration, |
| createVariableDeclarationList = $__145.createVariableDeclarationList, |
| createVariableStatement = $__145.createVariableStatement; |
| var ScopeType = { |
| }; |
| var Scope = function Scope(parent, type) { |
| this.parent = parent; |
| this.type = type; |
| this.blockVariables = null; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Scope, {addBlockScopedVariable: function(value) { |
| if (!this.blockVariables) { |
| this.blockVariables = Object.create(null); |
| } |
| this.blockVariables[value] = true; |
| }}, {}); |
| ; |
| var Rename = function Rename(oldName, newName) { |
| this.oldName = oldName; |
| this.newName = newName; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Rename, {}, {}); |
| function renameAll(renames, tree) { |
| renames.forEach((function(rename) { |
| tree = AlphaRenamer.rename(tree, rename.oldName, rename.newName); |
| })); |
| return tree; |
| } |
| function toBlock(statement) { |
| return statement.type == BLOCK ? statement : createBlock(statement); |
| } |
| var BlockBindingTransformer = function BlockBindingTransformer(stateAllocator) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $BlockBindingTransformer.prototype, "constructor", []); |
| this.scope_ = null; |
| }; |
| var $BlockBindingTransformer = BlockBindingTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(BlockBindingTransformer, { |
| createScriptScope_: function() { |
| return new Scope(this.scope_, ScopeType.SCRIPT); |
| }, |
| createFunctionScope_: function() { |
| if (this.scope_ == null) { |
| throw new Error('Top level function scope found.'); |
| } |
| return new Scope(this.scope_, ScopeType.FUNCTION); |
| }, |
| createBlockScope_: function() { |
| if (this.scope_ == null) { |
| throw new Error('Top level block scope found.'); |
| } |
| return new Scope(this.scope_, ScopeType.BLOCK); |
| }, |
| push_: function(scope) { |
| this.scope_ = scope; |
| return scope; |
| }, |
| pop_: function(scope) { |
| if (this.scope_ != scope) { |
| throw new Error('BlockBindingTransformer scope mismatch'); |
| } |
| this.scope_ = scope.parent; |
| }, |
| transformBlock: function(tree) { |
| var scope = this.push_(this.createBlockScope_()); |
| var statements = this.transformList(tree.statements); |
| if (scope.blockVariables != null) { |
| tree = toBlock(this.rewriteAsCatch_(scope.blockVariables, createBlock(statements))); |
| } else if (statements != tree.statements) { |
| tree = createBlock(statements); |
| } |
| this.pop_(scope); |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| rewriteAsCatch_: function(blockVariables, statement) { |
| for (var variable in blockVariables) { |
| statement = createTryStatement(createBlock(createThrowStatement(createUndefinedExpression())), createCatch(createBindingIdentifier(variable), toBlock(statement)), null); |
| } |
| return statement; |
| }, |
| transformClassDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| throw new Error('ClassDeclaration should be transformed away.'); |
| }, |
| transformForInStatement: function(tree) { |
| var treeBody = tree.body; |
| var initialiser; |
| if (tree.initialiser != null && tree.initialiser.type == VARIABLE_DECLARATION_LIST) { |
| var variables = tree.initialiser; |
| if (variables.declarations.length != 1) { |
| throw new Error('for .. in has != 1 variables'); |
| } |
| var variable = variables.declarations[0]; |
| var variableName = this.getVariableName_(variable); |
| switch (variables.declarationType) { |
| case LET: |
| case CONST: |
| { |
| if (variable.initialiser != null) { |
| throw new Error('const/let in for-in may not have an initialiser'); |
| } |
| initialiser = createVariableDeclarationList(VAR, ("$" + variableName), null); |
| treeBody = this.prependToBlock_(createVariableStatement(LET, variableName, createIdentifierExpression(("$" + variableName))), treeBody); |
| break; |
| } |
| case VAR: |
| initialiser = this.transformVariables_(variables); |
| break; |
| default: |
| throw new Error('Unreachable.'); |
| } |
| } else { |
| initialiser = this.transformAny(tree.initialiser); |
| } |
| var result = tree; |
| var collection = this.transformAny(tree.collection); |
| var body = this.transformAny(treeBody); |
| if (initialiser != tree.initialiser || collection != tree.collection || body != tree.body) { |
| result = createForInStatement(initialiser, collection, body); |
| } |
| return result; |
| }, |
| prependToBlock_: function(statement, body) { |
| if (body.type == BLOCK) { |
| var block = body; |
| var list = $traceurRuntime.spread([statement], block.statements); |
| return createBlock(list); |
| } else { |
| return createBlock(statement, body); |
| } |
| }, |
| transformForStatement: function(tree) { |
| var initialiser; |
| if (tree.initialiser != null && tree.initialiser.type == VARIABLE_DECLARATION_LIST) { |
| var variables = tree.initialiser; |
| switch (variables.declarationType) { |
| case LET: |
| case CONST: |
| return this.transformForLet_(tree, variables); |
| case VAR: |
| initialiser = this.transformVariables_(variables); |
| break; |
| default: |
| throw new Error('Reached unreachable.'); |
| } |
| } else { |
| initialiser = this.transformAny(tree.initialiser); |
| } |
| var condition = this.transformAny(tree.condition); |
| var increment = this.transformAny(tree.increment); |
| var body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| var result = tree; |
| if (initialiser != tree.initialiser || condition != tree.condition || increment != tree.increment || body != tree.body) { |
| result = createForStatement(initialiser, condition, increment, body); |
| } |
| return result; |
| }, |
| transformForLet_: function(tree, variables) { |
| var $__143 = this; |
| var copyFwd = []; |
| var copyBak = []; |
| var hoisted = []; |
| var renames = []; |
| variables.declarations.forEach((function(variable) { |
| var variableName = $__143.getVariableName_(variable); |
| var hoistedName = ("$" + variableName); |
| var initialiser = renameAll(renames, variable.initialiser); |
| hoisted.push(createVariableDeclaration(hoistedName, initialiser)); |
| copyFwd.push(createVariableDeclaration(variableName, createIdentifierExpression(hoistedName))); |
| copyBak.push(createExpressionStatement(createAssignmentExpression(createIdentifierExpression(hoistedName), createIdentifierExpression(variableName)))); |
| renames.push(new Rename(variableName, hoistedName)); |
| })); |
| var condition = renameAll(renames, tree.condition); |
| var increment = renameAll(renames, tree.increment); |
| var transformedForLoop = createBlock(createVariableStatement(createVariableDeclarationList(LET, hoisted)), createForStatement(null, condition, increment, createBlock(createVariableStatement(createVariableDeclarationList(LET, copyFwd)), createTryStatement(toBlock(tree.body), null, createFinally(createBlock(copyBak)))))); |
| return this.transformAny(transformedForLoop); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| var body = this.transformFunctionBody(tree.functionBody); |
| var formalParameterList = this.transformAny(tree.formalParameterList); |
| if (this.scope_.type === ScopeType.BLOCK) { |
| this.scope_.addBlockScopedVariable(tree.name.identifierToken.value); |
| return createExpressionStatement(createAssignmentExpression(createIdentifierExpression(tree.name.identifierToken), new FunctionExpression(tree.location, null, tree.isGenerator, formalParameterList, tree.typeAnnotation, tree.annotations, body))); |
| } |
| if (body === tree.functionBody && formalParameterList === tree.formalParameterList) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new FunctionDeclaration(tree.location, tree.name, tree.isGenerator, formalParameterList, tree.typeAnnotation, tree.annotations, body); |
| }, |
| transformScript: function(tree) { |
| var scope = this.push_(this.createScriptScope_()); |
| var result = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $BlockBindingTransformer.prototype, "transformScript", [tree]); |
| this.pop_(scope); |
| return result; |
| }, |
| transformVariableDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| throw new Error('Should never see variable declaration tree.'); |
| }, |
| transformVariableDeclarationList: function(tree) { |
| throw new Error('Should never see variable declaration list.'); |
| }, |
| transformVariableStatement: function(tree) { |
| if (this.scope_.type == ScopeType.BLOCK) { |
| switch (tree.declarations.declarationType) { |
| case CONST: |
| case LET: |
| return this.transformBlockVariables_(tree.declarations); |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| var variables = this.transformVariables_(tree.declarations); |
| if (variables != tree.declarations) { |
| tree = createVariableStatement(variables); |
| } |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformBlockVariables_: function(tree) { |
| var $__143 = this; |
| var variables = tree.declarations; |
| var comma = []; |
| variables.forEach((function(variable) { |
| switch (tree.declarationType) { |
| case LET: |
| case CONST: |
| break; |
| default: |
| throw new Error('Only let/const allowed here.'); |
| } |
| var variableName = $__143.getVariableName_(variable); |
| $__143.scope_.addBlockScopedVariable(variableName); |
| var initialiser = $__143.transformAny(variable.initialiser); |
| if (initialiser != null) { |
| comma.push(createAssignmentExpression(createIdentifierExpression(variableName), initialiser)); |
| } |
| })); |
| switch (comma.length) { |
| case 0: |
| return createEmptyStatement(); |
| case 1: |
| return createExpressionStatement(comma[0]); |
| default: |
| for (var i = 0; i < comma.length; i++) { |
| comma[i] = createExpressionStatement(comma[i]); |
| } |
| return createBlock(comma); |
| } |
| }, |
| transformVariables_: function(tree) { |
| var variables = tree.declarations; |
| var transformed = null; |
| for (var index = 0; index < variables.length; index++) { |
| var variable = variables[index]; |
| var variableName = this.getVariableName_(variable); |
| var initialiser = this.transformAny(variable.initialiser); |
| if (transformed != null || initialiser != variable.initialiser) { |
| if (transformed == null) { |
| transformed = variables.slice(0, index); |
| } |
| transformed.push(createVariableDeclaration(createIdentifierToken(variableName), initialiser)); |
| } |
| } |
| if (transformed != null || tree.declarationType != VAR) { |
| var declarations = transformed != null ? transformed : tree.declarations; |
| var declarationType = tree.declarationType != VAR ? VAR : tree.declarationType; |
| tree = createVariableDeclarationList(declarationType, declarations); |
| } |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformFunctionBody: function(body) { |
| var scope = this.push_(this.createFunctionScope_()); |
| body = this.transformFunctionBodyStatements_(body); |
| this.pop_(scope); |
| return body; |
| }, |
| transformFunctionBodyStatements_: function(tree) { |
| var statements = this.transformList(tree.statements); |
| if (this.scope_.blockVariables != null) { |
| tree = this.rewriteAsCatch_(this.scope_.blockVariables, createBlock(statements)); |
| } else if (statements != tree.statements) { |
| tree = createFunctionBody(statements); |
| } |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| getVariableName_: function(variable) { |
| var lvalue = variable.lvalue; |
| if (lvalue.type == BINDING_IDENTIFIER) { |
| return lvalue.identifierToken.value; |
| } |
| throw new Error('Unexpected destructuring declaration found.'); |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| return {get BlockBindingTransformer() { |
| return BlockBindingTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/semantics/util", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/semantics/util"; |
| var $__146 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var UNDEFINED = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName").UNDEFINED; |
| var VOID = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").VOID; |
| function hasUseStrict(list) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { |
| if (!list[i].isDirectivePrologue()) |
| return false; |
| if (list[i].isUseStrictDirective()) |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| function isUndefined(tree) { |
| if (tree.type === PAREN_EXPRESSION) |
| return isUndefined(tree.expression); |
| return tree.type === IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION && tree.identifierToken.value === UNDEFINED; |
| } |
| function isVoidExpression(tree) { |
| if (tree.type === PAREN_EXPRESSION) |
| return isVoidExpression(tree.expression); |
| return tree.type === UNARY_EXPRESSION && tree.operator.type === VOID && isLiteralExpression(tree.operand); |
| } |
| function isLiteralExpression(tree) { |
| if (tree.type === PAREN_EXPRESSION) |
| return isLiteralExpression(tree.expression); |
| return tree.type === LITERAL_EXPRESSION; |
| } |
| return { |
| get hasUseStrict() { |
| return hasUseStrict; |
| }, |
| get isUndefined() { |
| return isUndefined; |
| }, |
| get isVoidExpression() { |
| return isVoidExpression; |
| }, |
| get isLiteralExpression() { |
| return isLiteralExpression; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/MakeStrictTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/MakeStrictTransformer"; |
| var $__148 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| FunctionBody = $__148.FunctionBody, |
| Script = $__148.Script; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var createUseStrictDirective = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory").createUseStrictDirective; |
| var hasUseStrict = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/semantics/util").hasUseStrict; |
| function prepend(statements) { |
| return $traceurRuntime.spread([createUseStrictDirective()], statements); |
| } |
| var MakeStrictTransformer = function MakeStrictTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $MakeStrictTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $MakeStrictTransformer = MakeStrictTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(MakeStrictTransformer, { |
| transformScript: function(tree) { |
| if (hasUseStrict(tree.scriptItemList)) |
| return tree; |
| return new Script(tree.location, prepend(tree.scriptItemList)); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionBody: function(tree) { |
| if (hasUseStrict(tree.statements)) |
| return tree; |
| return new FunctionBody(tree.location, prepend(tree.statements)); |
| } |
| }, {transformTree: function(tree) { |
| return new $MakeStrictTransformer().transformAny(tree); |
| }}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| return {get MakeStrictTransformer() { |
| return MakeStrictTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/assignmentOperatorToBinaryOperator", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/assignmentOperatorToBinaryOperator"; |
| var $__149 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| BAR = $__149.BAR, |
| BAR_EQUAL = $__149.BAR_EQUAL, |
| CARET = $__149.CARET, |
| MINUS = $__149.MINUS, |
| PERCENT = $__149.PERCENT, |
| PLUS = $__149.PLUS, |
| SLASH = $__149.SLASH, |
| STAR = $__149.STAR, |
| function assignmentOperatorToBinaryOperator(type) { |
| switch (type) { |
| case STAR_EQUAL: |
| return STAR; |
| case SLASH_EQUAL: |
| return SLASH; |
| return PERCENT; |
| case PLUS_EQUAL: |
| return PLUS; |
| case MINUS_EQUAL: |
| return MINUS; |
| return LEFT_SHIFT; |
| return RIGHT_SHIFT; |
| return AMPERSAND; |
| case CARET_EQUAL: |
| return CARET; |
| case BAR_EQUAL: |
| return BAR; |
| default: |
| throw Error('unreachable'); |
| } |
| } |
| var $__default = assignmentOperatorToBinaryOperator; |
| return {get default() { |
| return $__default; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ExplodeExpressionTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ExplodeExpressionTransformer"; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var $__151 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createAssignmentExpression = $__151.createAssignmentExpression, |
| createCommaExpression = $__151.createCommaExpression, |
| id = $__151.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createMemberExpression = $__151.createMemberExpression, |
| createNumberLiteral = $__151.createNumberLiteral, |
| createOperatorToken = $__151.createOperatorToken, |
| createParenExpression = $__151.createParenExpression; |
| var $__151 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| AND = $__151.AND, |
| EQUAL = $__151.EQUAL, |
| MINUS = $__151.MINUS, |
| OR = $__151.OR, |
| PLUS = $__151.PLUS, |
| PLUS_PLUS = $__151.PLUS_PLUS; |
| var $__151 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var $__151 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| ArgumentList = $__151.ArgumentList, |
| ArrayLiteralExpression = $__151.ArrayLiteralExpression, |
| BinaryOperator = $__151.BinaryOperator, |
| CallExpression = $__151.CallExpression, |
| ConditionalExpression = $__151.ConditionalExpression, |
| MemberExpression = $__151.MemberExpression, |
| MemberLookupExpression = $__151.MemberLookupExpression, |
| NewExpression = $__151.NewExpression, |
| ObjectLiteralExpression = $__151.ObjectLiteralExpression, |
| PropertyNameAssignment = $__151.PropertyNameAssignment, |
| SpreadExpression = $__151.SpreadExpression, |
| TemplateLiteralExpression = $__151.TemplateLiteralExpression, |
| TemplateSubstitution = $__151.TemplateSubstitution, |
| UnaryExpression = $__151.UnaryExpression, |
| YieldExpression = $__151.YieldExpression; |
| var assert = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/assert").assert; |
| var assignmentOperatorToBinaryOperator = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/assignmentOperatorToBinaryOperator").default; |
| var CommaExpressionBuilder = function CommaExpressionBuilder(tempVar) { |
| this.tempVar = tempVar; |
| this.expressions = []; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(CommaExpressionBuilder, { |
| add: function(tree) { |
| var $__152; |
| if (tree.type === COMMA_EXPRESSION) |
| ($__152 = this.expressions).push.apply($__152, $traceurRuntime.toObject(getExpressions(tree))); |
| return this; |
| }, |
| build: function(tree) { |
| var tempVar = this.tempVar; |
| this.expressions.push(createAssignmentExpression(tempVar, tree), tempVar); |
| return createCommaExpression(this.expressions); |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| function getResult(tree) { |
| if (tree.type === COMMA_EXPRESSION) |
| return tree.expressions[tree.expressions.length - 1]; |
| return tree; |
| } |
| function getExpressions(tree) { |
| if (tree.type === COMMA_EXPRESSION) |
| return tree.expressions.slice(0, -1); |
| return []; |
| } |
| var ExplodeExpressionTransformer = function ExplodeExpressionTransformer(tempVarTransformer) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ExplodeExpressionTransformer.prototype, "constructor", []); |
| this.tempVarTransformer_ = tempVarTransformer; |
| }; |
| var $ExplodeExpressionTransformer = ExplodeExpressionTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ExplodeExpressionTransformer, { |
| addTempVar: function() { |
| var tmpId = this.tempVarTransformer_.addTempVar(); |
| return id(tmpId); |
| }, |
| transformUnaryExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.operator.type == PLUS_PLUS) |
| return this.transformUnaryNumeric(tree, PLUS_EQUAL); |
| if (tree.operator.type == MINUS_MINUS) |
| return this.transformUnaryNumeric(tree, MINUS_EQUAL); |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| if (operand === tree.operand) |
| return tree; |
| var expressions = $traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(operand), [new UnaryExpression(tree.location, tree.operator, getResult(operand))]); |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| }, |
| transformUnaryNumeric: function(tree, operator) { |
| return this.transformAny(new BinaryOperator(tree.location, tree.operand, createOperatorToken(operator), createNumberLiteral(1))); |
| }, |
| transformPostfixExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.operand.type === MEMBER_EXPRESSION) |
| return this.transformPostfixMemberExpression(tree); |
| if (tree.operand.type === MEMBER_LOOKUP_EXPRESSION) |
| return this.transformPostfixMemberLookupExpression(tree); |
| assert(tree.operand.type === IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION); |
| var operand = tree.operand; |
| var tmp = this.addTempVar(); |
| var operator = tree.operator.type === PLUS_PLUS ? PLUS : MINUS; |
| var expressions = [createAssignmentExpression(tmp, operand), createAssignmentExpression(operand, new BinaryOperator(tree.location, tmp, createOperatorToken(operator), createNumberLiteral(1))), tmp]; |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| }, |
| transformPostfixMemberExpression: function(tree) { |
| var memberName = tree.operand.memberName; |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand.operand); |
| var tmp = this.addTempVar(); |
| var memberExpression = new MemberExpression(tree.operand.location, getResult(operand), memberName); |
| var operator = tree.operator.type === PLUS_PLUS ? PLUS : MINUS; |
| var expressions = $traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(operand), [createAssignmentExpression(tmp, memberExpression), createAssignmentExpression(memberExpression, new BinaryOperator(tree.location, tmp, createOperatorToken(operator), createNumberLiteral(1))), tmp]); |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| }, |
| transformPostfixMemberLookupExpression: function(tree) { |
| var memberExpression = this.transformAny(tree.operand.memberExpression); |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand.operand); |
| var tmp = this.addTempVar(); |
| var memberLookupExpression = new MemberLookupExpression(null, getResult(operand), getResult(memberExpression)); |
| var operator = tree.operator.type === PLUS_PLUS ? PLUS : MINUS; |
| var expressions = $traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(operand), getExpressions(memberExpression), [createAssignmentExpression(tmp, memberLookupExpression), createAssignmentExpression(memberLookupExpression, new BinaryOperator(tree.location, tmp, createOperatorToken(operator), createNumberLiteral(1))), tmp]); |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| }, |
| transformYieldExpression: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| return this.createCommaExpressionBuilder().add(expression).build(new YieldExpression(tree.location, getResult(expression), tree.isYieldFor)); |
| }, |
| transformParenExpression: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| if (expression === tree.expression) |
| return tree; |
| var result = getResult(expression); |
| if (result.type === IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION) |
| return expression; |
| return this.createCommaExpressionBuilder().add(expression).build(result); |
| }, |
| transformCommaExpression: function(tree) { |
| var expressions = this.transformList(tree.expressions); |
| if (expressions === tree.expressions) |
| return tree; |
| var builder = new CommaExpressionBuilder(null); |
| for (var i = 0; i < expressions.length; i++) { |
| builder.add(expressions[i]); |
| } |
| return createCommaExpression($traceurRuntime.spread(builder.expressions, [getResult(expressions[expressions.length - 1])])); |
| }, |
| transformMemberExpression: function(tree) { |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| return this.createCommaExpressionBuilder().add(operand).build(new MemberExpression(tree.location, getResult(operand), tree.memberName)); |
| }, |
| transformMemberLookupExpression: function(tree) { |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| var memberExpression = this.transformAny(tree.memberExpression); |
| return this.createCommaExpressionBuilder().add(operand).add(memberExpression).build(new MemberLookupExpression(tree.location, getResult(operand), getResult(memberExpression))); |
| }, |
| transformBinaryOperator: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.operator.isAssignmentOperator()) |
| return this.transformAssignmentExpression(tree); |
| var left = this.transformAny(tree.left); |
| var right = this.transformAny(tree.right); |
| if (left === tree.left && right === tree.right) |
| return tree; |
| if (tree.operator.type === OR) |
| return this.transformOr(left, right); |
| if (tree.operator.type === AND) |
| return this.transformAnd(left, right); |
| var expressions = $traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(left), getExpressions(right), [new BinaryOperator(tree.location, getResult(left), tree.operator, getResult(right))]); |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| }, |
| transformAssignmentExpression: function(tree) { |
| var left = tree.left; |
| if (left.type === MEMBER_EXPRESSION) |
| return this.transformAssignMemberExpression(tree); |
| if (left.type === MEMBER_LOOKUP_EXPRESSION) |
| return this.transformAssignMemberLookupExpression(tree); |
| assert(tree.left.type === IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION); |
| if (tree.operator.type === EQUAL) { |
| var left = this.transformAny(left); |
| var right = this.transformAny(tree.right); |
| var expressions = $traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(right), [createAssignmentExpression(left, getResult(right)), getResult(right)]); |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| } |
| var right = this.transformAny(tree.right); |
| var tmp = this.addTempVar(); |
| var binop = createOperatorToken(assignmentOperatorToBinaryOperator(tree.operator.type)); |
| var expressions = $traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(right), [createAssignmentExpression(tmp, new BinaryOperator(tree.location, left, binop, getResult(right))), createAssignmentExpression(left, tmp), tmp]); |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| }, |
| transformAssignMemberExpression: function(tree) { |
| var left = tree.left; |
| if (tree.operator.type === EQUAL) { |
| var operand = this.transformAny(left.operand); |
| var right = this.transformAny(tree.right); |
| var expressions = $traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(operand), getExpressions(right), [new BinaryOperator(tree.location, new MemberExpression(left.location, getResult(operand), left.memberName), tree.operator, getResult(right)), getResult(right)]); |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| } |
| var operand = this.transformAny(left.operand); |
| var right = this.transformAny(tree.right); |
| var tmp = this.addTempVar(); |
| var memberExpression = new MemberExpression(left.location, getResult(operand), left.memberName); |
| var tmp2 = this.addTempVar(); |
| var binop = createOperatorToken(assignmentOperatorToBinaryOperator(tree.operator.type)); |
| var expressions = $traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(operand), getExpressions(right), [createAssignmentExpression(tmp, memberExpression), createAssignmentExpression(tmp2, new BinaryOperator(tree.location, tmp, binop, getResult(right))), createAssignmentExpression(memberExpression, tmp2), tmp2]); |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| }, |
| transformAssignMemberLookupExpression: function(tree) { |
| var left = tree.left; |
| if (tree.operator.type === EQUAL) { |
| var operand = this.transformAny(left.operand); |
| var memberExpression = this.transformAny(left.memberExpression); |
| var right = this.transformAny(tree.right); |
| var expressions = $traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(operand), getExpressions(memberExpression), getExpressions(right), [new BinaryOperator(tree.location, new MemberLookupExpression(left.location, getResult(operand), getResult(memberExpression)), tree.operator, getResult(right)), getResult(right)]); |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| } |
| var operand = this.transformAny(left.operand); |
| var memberExpression = this.transformAny(left.memberExpression); |
| var right = this.transformAny(tree.right); |
| var tmp = this.addTempVar(); |
| var memberLookupExpression = new MemberLookupExpression(left.location, getResult(operand), getResult(memberExpression)); |
| var tmp2 = this.addTempVar(); |
| var binop = createOperatorToken(assignmentOperatorToBinaryOperator(tree.operator.type)); |
| var expressions = $traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(operand), getExpressions(memberExpression), getExpressions(right), [createAssignmentExpression(tmp, memberLookupExpression), createAssignmentExpression(tmp2, new BinaryOperator(tree.location, tmp, binop, getResult(right))), createAssignmentExpression(memberLookupExpression, tmp2), tmp2]); |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| }, |
| transformArrayLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| var elements = this.transformList(tree.elements); |
| if (elements === tree.elements) |
| return tree; |
| var builder = this.createCommaExpressionBuilder(); |
| var results = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { |
| builder.add(elements[i]); |
| results.push(getResult(elements[i])); |
| } |
| return builder.build(new ArrayLiteralExpression(tree.location, results)); |
| }, |
| transformObjectLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| var propertyNameAndValues = this.transformList(tree.propertyNameAndValues); |
| if (propertyNameAndValues === tree.propertyNameAndValues) |
| return tree; |
| var builder = this.createCommaExpressionBuilder(); |
| var results = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < propertyNameAndValues.length; i++) { |
| if (propertyNameAndValues[i].type === PROPERTY_NAME_ASSIGNMENT) { |
| builder.add(propertyNameAndValues[i].value); |
| results.push(new PropertyNameAssignment(propertyNameAndValues[i].location, propertyNameAndValues[i].name, getResult(propertyNameAndValues[i].value))); |
| } else { |
| results.push(propertyNameAndValues[i]); |
| } |
| } |
| return builder.build(new ObjectLiteralExpression(tree.location, results)); |
| }, |
| transformTemplateLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| var elements = this.transformList(tree.elements); |
| if (!operand && operand === tree.operand && elements === tree.elements) |
| return tree; |
| var builder = this.createCommaExpressionBuilder(); |
| if (operand) |
| builder.add(operand); |
| var results = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { |
| if (elements[i].type === TEMPLATE_LITERAL_PORTION) { |
| results.push(elements[i]); |
| } else { |
| var expression = elements[i].expression; |
| builder.add(expression); |
| var result = getResult(expression); |
| results.push(new TemplateSubstitution(expression.location, result)); |
| } |
| } |
| return builder.build(new TemplateLiteralExpression(tree.location, operand && getResult(operand), results)); |
| }, |
| transformCallExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.operand.type === MEMBER_EXPRESSION) |
| return this.transformCallMemberExpression(tree); |
| if (tree.operand.type === MEMBER_LOOKUP_EXPRESSION) |
| return this.transformCallMemberLookupExpression(tree); |
| return this.transformCallAndNew_(tree, CallExpression); |
| }, |
| transformNewExpression: function(tree) { |
| return this.transformCallAndNew_(tree, NewExpression); |
| }, |
| transformCallAndNew_: function(tree, ctor) { |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| var args = this.transformAny(tree.args); |
| var builder = this.createCommaExpressionBuilder().add(operand); |
| var argResults = []; |
| args.args.forEach((function(arg) { |
| builder.add(arg); |
| argResults.push(getResult(arg)); |
| })); |
| return builder.build(new ctor(tree.location, getResult(operand), new ArgumentList(args.location, argResults))); |
| }, |
| transformCallMemberExpression: function(tree) { |
| var memberName = tree.operand.memberName; |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand.operand); |
| var tmp = this.addTempVar(); |
| var memberExpresssion = new MemberExpression(tree.operand.location, getResult(operand), memberName); |
| var args = this.transformAny(tree.args); |
| var expressions = $traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(operand), [createAssignmentExpression(tmp, memberExpresssion)]); |
| var argResults = [getResult(operand)]; |
| args.args.forEach((function(arg) { |
| var $__152; |
| ($__152 = expressions).push.apply($__152, $traceurRuntime.toObject(getExpressions(arg))); |
| argResults.push(getResult(arg)); |
| })); |
| var callExpression = new CallExpression(tree.location, createMemberExpression(tmp, 'call'), new ArgumentList(args.location, argResults)); |
| var tmp2 = this.addTempVar(); |
| expressions.push(createAssignmentExpression(tmp2, callExpression), tmp2); |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| }, |
| transformCallMemberLookupExpression: function(tree) { |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand.operand); |
| var memberExpression = this.transformAny(tree.operand.memberExpression); |
| var tmp = this.addTempVar(); |
| var lookupExpresssion = new MemberLookupExpression(tree.operand.location, getResult(operand), getResult(memberExpression)); |
| var args = this.transformAny(tree.args); |
| var expressions = $traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(operand), getExpressions(memberExpression), [createAssignmentExpression(tmp, lookupExpresssion)]); |
| var argResults = [getResult(operand)]; |
| args.args.forEach((function(arg, i) { |
| var $__152; |
| ($__152 = expressions).push.apply($__152, $traceurRuntime.toObject(getExpressions(arg))); |
| var result = getResult(arg); |
| if (tree.args.args[i].type === SPREAD_EXPRESSION) |
| result = new SpreadExpression(arg.location, result); |
| argResults.push(result); |
| })); |
| var callExpression = new CallExpression(tree.location, createMemberExpression(tmp, 'call'), new ArgumentList(args.location, argResults)); |
| var tmp2 = this.addTempVar(); |
| expressions.push(createAssignmentExpression(tmp2, callExpression), tmp2); |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| }, |
| transformConditionalExpression: function(tree) { |
| var condition = this.transformAny(tree.condition); |
| var left = this.transformAny(tree.left); |
| var right = this.transformAny(tree.right); |
| if (condition === tree.condition && left === tree.left && right === tree.right) |
| return tree; |
| var res = this.addTempVar(); |
| var leftTree = createCommaExpression($traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(left), [createAssignmentExpression(res, getResult(left))])); |
| var rightTree = createCommaExpression($traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(right), [createAssignmentExpression(res, getResult(right))])); |
| var expressions = $traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(condition), [new ConditionalExpression(tree.location, getResult(condition), createParenExpression(leftTree), createParenExpression(rightTree)), res]); |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| }, |
| transformOr: function(left, right) { |
| var res = this.addTempVar(); |
| var leftTree = createCommaExpression([createAssignmentExpression(res, getResult(left))]); |
| var rightTree = createCommaExpression($traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(right), [createAssignmentExpression(res, getResult(right))])); |
| var expressions = $traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(left), [new ConditionalExpression(left.location, getResult(left), createParenExpression(leftTree), createParenExpression(rightTree)), res]); |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| }, |
| transformAnd: function(left, right) { |
| var res = this.addTempVar(); |
| var leftTree = createCommaExpression($traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(right), [createAssignmentExpression(res, getResult(right))])); |
| var rightTree = createCommaExpression([createAssignmentExpression(res, getResult(left))]); |
| var expressions = $traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(left), [new ConditionalExpression(left.location, getResult(left), createParenExpression(leftTree), createParenExpression(rightTree)), res]); |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| }, |
| transformSpreadExpression: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| if (expression === tree.expression) |
| return tree; |
| var result = getResult(expression); |
| if (result.type !== SPREAD_EXPRESSION) |
| result = new SpreadExpression(result.location, result); |
| var expressions = $traceurRuntime.spread(getExpressions(expression), [result]); |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| }, |
| createCommaExpressionBuilder: function() { |
| return new CommaExpressionBuilder(this.addTempVar()); |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| return {get ExplodeExpressionTransformer() { |
| return ExplodeExpressionTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/SuperTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/SuperTransformer"; |
| var $__153 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$traceurRuntime.superCall(", ", ", ", ", ",\n ", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$traceurRuntime.superCall(", ", ", ", ", ",\n ", ")"])}})), |
| $__154 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$traceurRuntime.superGet(", ", ", ", ", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$traceurRuntime.superGet(", ", ", ", ", ")"])}})), |
| $__155 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$traceurRuntime.superSet(", ", ", ", ", ",\n ", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$traceurRuntime.superSet(", ", ", ", ", ",\n ", ")"])}})); |
| var ExplodeExpressionTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ExplodeExpressionTransformer").ExplodeExpressionTransformer; |
| var $__157 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| FunctionDeclaration = $__157.FunctionDeclaration, |
| FunctionExpression = $__157.FunctionExpression; |
| var $__157 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var $__157 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| EQUAL = $__157.EQUAL, |
| PLUS_PLUS = $__157.PLUS_PLUS; |
| var assert = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/assert").assert; |
| var $__157 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createArrayLiteralExpression = $__157.createArrayLiteralExpression, |
| createIdentifierExpression = $__157.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createParenExpression = $__157.createParenExpression, |
| createStringLiteral = $__157.createStringLiteral, |
| createThisExpression = $__157.createThisExpression; |
| var parseExpression = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser").parseExpression; |
| var ExplodeSuperExpression = function ExplodeSuperExpression() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $ExplodeSuperExpression.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $ExplodeSuperExpression = ExplodeSuperExpression; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ExplodeSuperExpression, { |
| transformArrowFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformClassExpression: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformFunctionBody: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| }, {}, ExplodeExpressionTransformer); |
| var SuperTransformer = function SuperTransformer(tempVarTransformer, protoName, methodTree, thisName) { |
| this.tempVarTransformer_ = tempVarTransformer; |
| this.protoName_ = protoName; |
| this.method_ = methodTree; |
| this.superCount_ = 0; |
| this.thisVar_ = createIdentifierExpression(thisName); |
| this.inNestedFunc_ = 0; |
| this.nestedSuperCount_ = 0; |
| }; |
| var $SuperTransformer = SuperTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SuperTransformer, { |
| get hasSuper() { |
| return this.superCount_ > 0; |
| }, |
| get nestedSuper() { |
| return this.nestedSuperCount_ > 0; |
| }, |
| transformFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| return this.transformFunction_(tree, FunctionDeclaration); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| return this.transformFunction_(tree, FunctionExpression); |
| }, |
| transformFunction_: function(tree, constructor) { |
| var oldSuperCount = this.superCount_; |
| this.inNestedFunc_++; |
| var transformedTree = constructor === FunctionExpression ? $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $SuperTransformer.prototype, "transformFunctionExpression", [tree]) : $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $SuperTransformer.prototype, "transformFunctionDeclaration", [tree]); |
| this.inNestedFunc_--; |
| if (oldSuperCount !== this.superCount_) |
| this.nestedSuperCount_ += this.superCount_ - oldSuperCount; |
| return transformedTree; |
| }, |
| transformGetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformSetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformPropertyMethodAssignMent: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformCallExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (this.method_ && tree.operand.type == SUPER_EXPRESSION) { |
| this.superCount_++; |
| assert(this.method_.name.type === LITERAL_PROPERTY_NAME); |
| var methodName = this.method_.name.literalToken.value; |
| return this.createSuperCallExpression_(methodName, tree); |
| } |
| if (hasSuperMemberExpression(tree.operand)) { |
| this.superCount_++; |
| var name; |
| if (tree.operand.type == MEMBER_EXPRESSION) |
| name = tree.operand.memberName.value; |
| else |
| name = tree.operand.memberExpression; |
| return this.createSuperCallExpression_(name, tree); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $SuperTransformer.prototype, "transformCallExpression", [tree]); |
| }, |
| createSuperCallExpression_: function(methodName, tree) { |
| var thisExpr = this.inNestedFunc_ ? this.thisVar_ : createThisExpression(); |
| var args = createArrayLiteralExpression(tree.args.args); |
| return this.createSuperCallExpression(thisExpr, this.protoName_, methodName, args); |
| }, |
| createSuperCallExpression: function(thisExpr, protoName, methodName, args) { |
| return parseExpression($__153, thisExpr, protoName, methodName, args); |
| }, |
| transformMemberShared_: function(tree, name) { |
| var thisExpr = this.inNestedFunc_ ? this.thisVar_ : createThisExpression(); |
| return parseExpression($__154, thisExpr, this.protoName_, name); |
| }, |
| transformMemberExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.operand.type === SUPER_EXPRESSION) { |
| this.superCount_++; |
| return this.transformMemberShared_(tree, createStringLiteral(tree.memberName.value)); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $SuperTransformer.prototype, "transformMemberExpression", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformMemberLookupExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.operand.type === SUPER_EXPRESSION) |
| return this.transformMemberShared_(tree, tree.memberExpression); |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $SuperTransformer.prototype, "transformMemberLookupExpression", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformBinaryOperator: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.operator.isAssignmentOperator() && hasSuperMemberExpression(tree.left)) { |
| if (tree.operator.type !== EQUAL) { |
| var exploded = new ExplodeSuperExpression(this.tempVarTransformer_).transformAny(tree); |
| return this.transformAny(createParenExpression(exploded)); |
| } |
| this.superCount_++; |
| var name = tree.left.type === MEMBER_LOOKUP_EXPRESSION ? tree.left.memberExpression : createStringLiteral(tree.left.memberName.value); |
| var thisExpr = this.inNestedFunc_ ? this.thisVar_ : createThisExpression(); |
| var right = this.transformAny(tree.right); |
| return parseExpression($__155, thisExpr, this.protoName_, name, right); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $SuperTransformer.prototype, "transformBinaryOperator", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformUnaryExpression: function(tree) { |
| var transformed = this.transformIncrementDecrement_(tree); |
| if (transformed) |
| return transformed; |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $SuperTransformer.prototype, "transformUnaryExpression", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformPostfixExpression: function(tree) { |
| var transformed = this.transformIncrementDecrement_(tree); |
| if (transformed) |
| return transformed; |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $SuperTransformer.prototype, "transformPostfixExpression", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformIncrementDecrement_: function(tree) { |
| var operator = tree.operator; |
| var operand = tree.operand; |
| if ((operator.type === PLUS_PLUS || operator.type === MINUS_MINUS) && hasSuperMemberExpression(operand)) { |
| var exploded = new ExplodeSuperExpression(this.tempVarTransformer_).transformAny(tree); |
| if (exploded !== tree) |
| exploded = createParenExpression(exploded); |
| return this.transformAny(exploded); |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| function hasSuperMemberExpression(tree) { |
| if (tree.type !== MEMBER_EXPRESSION && tree.type !== MEMBER_LOOKUP_EXPRESSION) |
| return false; |
| return tree.operand.type === SUPER_EXPRESSION; |
| } |
| return {get SuperTransformer() { |
| return SuperTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ClassTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ClassTransformer"; |
| var $__158 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["($traceurRuntime.createClass)(", ", ", ", ", ",\n ", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["($traceurRuntime.createClass)(", ", ", ", ", ",\n ", ")"])}})), |
| $__159 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["($traceurRuntime.createClass)(", ", ", ", ", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["($traceurRuntime.createClass)(", ", ", ", ", ")"])}})), |
| $__160 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["var ", " = ", ""], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["var ", " = ", ""])}})), |
| $__161 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["var ", " = ", ""], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["var ", " = ", ""])}})), |
| $__162 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["function($__super) {\n var ", " = ", ";\n return ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(", ", ", ",\n ", ", $__super);\n }(", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["function($__super) {\n var ", " = ", ";\n return ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(", ", ", ",\n ", ", $__super);\n }(", ")"])}})), |
| $__163 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["function() {\n var ", " = ", ";\n return ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(", ", ", ",\n ", ");\n }()"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["function() {\n var ", " = ", ";\n return ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(", ", ", ",\n ", ");\n }()"])}})), |
| $__164 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this,\n ", ".prototype, arguments)"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this,\n ", ".prototype, arguments)"])}})); |
| var AlphaRenamer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/AlphaRenamer").AlphaRenamer; |
| var CONSTRUCTOR = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName").CONSTRUCTOR; |
| var $__167 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| AnonBlock = $__167.AnonBlock, |
| ExportDeclaration = $__167.ExportDeclaration, |
| FunctionExpression = $__167.FunctionExpression, |
| GetAccessor = $__167.GetAccessor, |
| PropertyMethodAssignment = $__167.PropertyMethodAssignment, |
| SetAccessor = $__167.SetAccessor; |
| var $__167 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var SuperTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/SuperTransformer").SuperTransformer; |
| var TempVarTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TempVarTransformer").TempVarTransformer; |
| var VAR = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").VAR; |
| var MakeStrictTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/MakeStrictTransformer").MakeStrictTransformer; |
| var $__167 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createEmptyParameterList = $__167.createEmptyParameterList, |
| createExpressionStatement = $__167.createExpressionStatement, |
| createFunctionBody = $__167.createFunctionBody, |
| id = $__167.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createMemberExpression = $__167.createMemberExpression, |
| createObjectLiteralExpression = $__167.createObjectLiteralExpression, |
| createParenExpression = $__167.createParenExpression, |
| createThisExpression = $__167.createThisExpression, |
| createVariableStatement = $__167.createVariableStatement; |
| var hasUseStrict = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/semantics/util").hasUseStrict; |
| var parseOptions = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/options").parseOptions; |
| var $__167 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser"), |
| parseExpression = $__167.parseExpression, |
| parseStatement = $__167.parseStatement, |
| parseStatements = $__167.parseStatements; |
| var propName = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/staticsemantics/PropName").propName; |
| function classCall(func, object, staticObject, superClass) { |
| if (superClass) { |
| return parseExpression($__158, func, object, staticObject, superClass); |
| } |
| return parseExpression($__159, func, object, staticObject); |
| } |
| var ClassTransformer = function ClassTransformer(identifierGenerator) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ClassTransformer.prototype, "constructor", [identifierGenerator]); |
| this.strictCount_ = 0; |
| this.state_ = null; |
| }; |
| var $ClassTransformer = ClassTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ClassTransformer, { |
| transformExportDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| var transformed = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ClassTransformer.prototype, "transformExportDeclaration", [tree]); |
| if (transformed === tree) |
| return tree; |
| var declaration = transformed.declaration; |
| if (declaration instanceof AnonBlock) { |
| var statements = $traceurRuntime.spread([new ExportDeclaration(null, declaration.statements[0], [])], declaration.statements.slice(1)); |
| return new AnonBlock(null, statements); |
| } |
| return transformed; |
| }, |
| transformModule: function(tree) { |
| this.strictCount_ = 1; |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ClassTransformer.prototype, "transformModule", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformScript: function(tree) { |
| this.strictCount_ = +hasUseStrict(tree.scriptItemList); |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ClassTransformer.prototype, "transformScript", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionBody: function(tree) { |
| var useStrict = +hasUseStrict(tree.statements); |
| this.strictCount_ += useStrict; |
| var result = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ClassTransformer.prototype, "transformFunctionBody", [tree]); |
| this.strictCount_ -= useStrict; |
| return result; |
| }, |
| makeStrict_: function(tree) { |
| if (this.strictCount_) |
| return tree; |
| return MakeStrictTransformer.transformTree(tree); |
| }, |
| transformClassElements_: function(tree, internalName) { |
| var $__165 = this; |
| var oldState = this.state_; |
| this.state_ = {hasSuper: false}; |
| var superClass = this.transformAny(tree.superClass); |
| var hasConstructor = false; |
| var protoElements = [], |
| staticElements = []; |
| var constructorBody, |
| constructorParams; |
| tree.elements.forEach((function(tree) { |
| var elements, |
| homeObject; |
| if (tree.isStatic) { |
| elements = staticElements; |
| homeObject = internalName; |
| } else { |
| elements = protoElements; |
| homeObject = createMemberExpression(internalName, 'prototype'); |
| } |
| switch (tree.type) { |
| case GET_ACCESSOR: |
| elements.push($__165.transformGetAccessor_(tree, homeObject)); |
| break; |
| case SET_ACCESSOR: |
| elements.push($__165.transformSetAccessor_(tree, homeObject)); |
| break; |
| var transformed = $__165.transformPropertyMethodAssignment_(tree, homeObject); |
| if (!tree.isStatic && propName(tree) === CONSTRUCTOR) { |
| hasConstructor = true; |
| constructorParams = transformed.formalParameterList; |
| constructorBody = transformed.functionBody; |
| } else { |
| elements.push(transformed); |
| } |
| break; |
| default: |
| throw new Error(("Unexpected class element: " + tree.type)); |
| } |
| })); |
| var object = createObjectLiteralExpression(protoElements); |
| var staticObject = createObjectLiteralExpression(staticElements); |
| var func; |
| if (!hasConstructor) { |
| func = this.getDefaultConstructor_(tree, internalName); |
| } else { |
| func = new FunctionExpression(tree.location, tree.name, false, constructorParams, null, [], constructorBody); |
| } |
| var state = this.state_; |
| this.state_ = oldState; |
| return { |
| func: func, |
| superClass: superClass, |
| object: object, |
| staticObject: staticObject, |
| hasSuper: state.hasSuper |
| }; |
| }, |
| transformClassDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| var name = tree.name.identifierToken; |
| var internalName = id(("$" + name)); |
| var renamed = AlphaRenamer.rename(tree, name.value, internalName.identifierToken.value); |
| var referencesClassName = renamed !== tree; |
| var tree = renamed; |
| var $__167 = this.transformClassElements_(tree, internalName), |
| func = $__167.func, |
| hasSuper = $__167.hasSuper, |
| object = $__167.object, |
| staticObject = $__167.staticObject, |
| superClass = $__167.superClass; |
| var statements = parseStatements($__160, name, func); |
| var expr = classCall(name, object, staticObject, superClass); |
| if (hasSuper || referencesClassName) { |
| statements.push(parseStatement($__161, internalName, name)); |
| } |
| statements.push(createExpressionStatement(expr)); |
| var anonBlock = new AnonBlock(null, statements); |
| return this.makeStrict_(anonBlock); |
| }, |
| transformClassExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.pushTempVarState(); |
| var name; |
| if (tree.name) |
| name = tree.name.identifierToken; |
| else |
| name = id(this.getTempIdentifier()); |
| var $__167 = this.transformClassElements_(tree, name), |
| func = $__167.func, |
| hasSuper = $__167.hasSuper, |
| object = $__167.object, |
| staticObject = $__167.staticObject, |
| superClass = $__167.superClass; |
| var expression; |
| if (hasSuper) { |
| expression = parseExpression($__162, name, func, name, object, staticObject, superClass); |
| } else if (tree.name) { |
| expression = parseExpression($__163, name, func, name, object, staticObject); |
| } else { |
| expression = classCall(func, object, staticObject, superClass); |
| } |
| this.popTempVarState(); |
| return createParenExpression(this.makeStrict_(expression)); |
| }, |
| transformPropertyMethodAssignment_: function(tree, internalName) { |
| var formalParameterList = this.transformAny(tree.formalParameterList); |
| var functionBody = this.transformSuperInFunctionBody_(tree, tree.functionBody, internalName); |
| if (!tree.isStatic && formalParameterList === tree.formalParameterList && functionBody === tree.functionBody) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| var isStatic = false; |
| return new PropertyMethodAssignment(tree.location, isStatic, tree.isGenerator, tree.name, formalParameterList, tree.typeAnnotation, tree.annotations, functionBody); |
| }, |
| transformGetAccessor_: function(tree, internalName) { |
| var body = this.transformSuperInFunctionBody_(tree, tree.body, internalName); |
| if (!tree.isStatic && body === tree.body) |
| return tree; |
| return new GetAccessor(tree.location, false, tree.name, tree.typeAnnotation, tree.annotations, body); |
| }, |
| transformSetAccessor_: function(tree, internalName) { |
| var parameter = this.transformAny(tree.parameter); |
| var body = this.transformSuperInFunctionBody_(tree, tree.body, internalName); |
| if (!tree.isStatic && body === tree.body) |
| return tree; |
| return new SetAccessor(tree.location, false, tree.name, parameter, tree.annotations, body); |
| }, |
| transformSuperInFunctionBody_: function(methodTree, tree, internalName) { |
| this.pushTempVarState(); |
| var thisName = this.getTempIdentifier(); |
| var thisDecl = createVariableStatement(VAR, thisName, createThisExpression()); |
| var superTransformer = new SuperTransformer(this, internalName, methodTree, thisName); |
| var transformedTree = superTransformer.transformFunctionBody(this.transformFunctionBody(tree)); |
| if (superTransformer.hasSuper) |
| this.state_.hasSuper = true; |
| this.popTempVarState(); |
| if (superTransformer.nestedSuper) |
| return createFunctionBody([thisDecl].concat(transformedTree.statements)); |
| return transformedTree; |
| }, |
| getDefaultConstructor_: function(tree, internalName) { |
| var constructorParams = createEmptyParameterList(); |
| var constructorBody; |
| if (tree.superClass) { |
| var statement = parseStatement($__164, internalName); |
| constructorBody = createFunctionBody([statement]); |
| this.state_.hasSuper = true; |
| } else { |
| constructorBody = createFunctionBody([]); |
| } |
| return new FunctionExpression(tree.location, tree.name, false, constructorParams, null, [], constructorBody); |
| } |
| }, {}, TempVarTransformer); |
| return {get ClassTransformer() { |
| return ClassTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/CommonJsModuleTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/CommonJsModuleTransformer"; |
| var $__168 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["module.exports = function() {\n ", "\n }.call(", ");"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["module.exports = function() {\n ", "\n }.call(", ");"])}})), |
| $__169 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["module.exports = ", ";"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["module.exports = ", ";"])}})), |
| $__170 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["require(", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["require(", ")"])}})), |
| $__171 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["__esModule: true"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["__esModule: true"])}})); |
| var ModuleTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ModuleTransformer").ModuleTransformer; |
| var RETURN_STATEMENT = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType").RETURN_STATEMENT; |
| var assert = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/assert").assert; |
| var globalThis = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/globalThis").default; |
| var $__173 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser"), |
| parseExpression = $__173.parseExpression, |
| parsePropertyDefinition = $__173.parsePropertyDefinition, |
| parseStatement = $__173.parseStatement, |
| parseStatements = $__173.parseStatements; |
| var scopeContainsThis = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/scopeContainsThis").default; |
| var CommonJsModuleTransformer = function CommonJsModuleTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $CommonJsModuleTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $CommonJsModuleTransformer = CommonJsModuleTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(CommonJsModuleTransformer, { |
| wrapModule: function(statements) { |
| var needsIife = statements.some(scopeContainsThis); |
| if (needsIife) { |
| return parseStatements($__168, statements, globalThis()); |
| } |
| var last = statements[statements.length - 1]; |
| statements = statements.slice(0, -1); |
| assert(last.type === RETURN_STATEMENT); |
| var exportObject = last.expression; |
| if (this.hasExports()) { |
| statements.push(parseStatement($__169, exportObject)); |
| } |
| return statements; |
| }, |
| transformModuleSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| return parseExpression($__170, tree.token); |
| }, |
| getExportProperties: function() { |
| var properties = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $CommonJsModuleTransformer.prototype, "getExportProperties", []); |
| if (this.exportVisitor_.hasExports()) |
| properties.push(parsePropertyDefinition($__171)); |
| return properties; |
| } |
| }, {}, ModuleTransformer); |
| return {get CommonJsModuleTransformer() { |
| return CommonJsModuleTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParameterTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParameterTransformer"; |
| var FunctionBody = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees").FunctionBody; |
| var TempVarTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TempVarTransformer").TempVarTransformer; |
| var prependStatements = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PrependStatements").prependStatements; |
| var stack = []; |
| var ParameterTransformer = function ParameterTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $ParameterTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $ParameterTransformer = ParameterTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ParameterTransformer, { |
| transformArrowFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| stack.push([]); |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ParameterTransformer.prototype, "transformArrowFunctionExpression", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| stack.push([]); |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ParameterTransformer.prototype, "transformFunctionDeclaration", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| stack.push([]); |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ParameterTransformer.prototype, "transformFunctionExpression", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformGetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| stack.push([]); |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ParameterTransformer.prototype, "transformGetAccessor", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformSetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| stack.push([]); |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ParameterTransformer.prototype, "transformSetAccessor", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformPropertyMethodAssignment: function(tree) { |
| stack.push([]); |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ParameterTransformer.prototype, "transformPropertyMethodAssignment", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionBody: function(tree) { |
| var transformedTree = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ParameterTransformer.prototype, "transformFunctionBody", [tree]); |
| var statements = stack.pop(); |
| if (!statements.length) |
| return transformedTree; |
| statements = prependStatements.apply(null, $traceurRuntime.spread([transformedTree.statements], statements)); |
| return new FunctionBody(transformedTree.location, statements); |
| }, |
| get parameterStatements() { |
| return stack[stack.length - 1]; |
| } |
| }, {}, TempVarTransformer); |
| return {get ParameterTransformer() { |
| return ParameterTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/DefaultParametersTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/DefaultParametersTransformer"; |
| var $__177 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/semantics/util"), |
| isUndefined = $__177.isUndefined, |
| isVoidExpression = $__177.isVoidExpression; |
| var FormalParameterList = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees").FormalParameterList; |
| var ParameterTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParameterTransformer").ParameterTransformer; |
| var ARGUMENTS = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName").ARGUMENTS; |
| var $__177 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var $__177 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| VAR = $__177.VAR; |
| var $__177 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createBinaryOperator = $__177.createBinaryOperator, |
| createConditionalExpression = $__177.createConditionalExpression, |
| createIdentifierExpression = $__177.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createMemberLookupExpression = $__177.createMemberLookupExpression, |
| createNumberLiteral = $__177.createNumberLiteral, |
| createOperatorToken = $__177.createOperatorToken, |
| createVariableStatement = $__177.createVariableStatement, |
| createVoid0 = $__177.createVoid0; |
| var prependStatements = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PrependStatements").prependStatements; |
| function createDefaultAssignment(index, binding, initialiser) { |
| var argumentsExpression = createMemberLookupExpression(createIdentifierExpression(ARGUMENTS), createNumberLiteral(index)); |
| var assignmentExpression; |
| if (initialiser === null || isUndefined(initialiser) || isVoidExpression(initialiser)) { |
| assignmentExpression = argumentsExpression; |
| } else { |
| assignmentExpression = createConditionalExpression(createBinaryOperator(argumentsExpression, createOperatorToken(NOT_EQUAL_EQUAL), createVoid0()), argumentsExpression, initialiser); |
| } |
| return createVariableStatement(VAR, binding, assignmentExpression); |
| } |
| var DefaultParametersTransformer = function DefaultParametersTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $DefaultParametersTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $DefaultParametersTransformer = DefaultParametersTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(DefaultParametersTransformer, {transformFormalParameterList: function(tree) { |
| var parameters = []; |
| var changed = false; |
| var defaultToUndefined = false; |
| for (var i = 0; i < tree.parameters.length; i++) { |
| var param = this.transformAny(tree.parameters[i]); |
| if (param !== tree.parameters[i]) |
| changed = true; |
| if (param.isRestParameter() || !param.parameter.initialiser && !defaultToUndefined) { |
| parameters.push(param); |
| } else { |
| defaultToUndefined = true; |
| changed = true; |
| this.parameterStatements.push(createDefaultAssignment(i, param.parameter.binding, param.parameter.initialiser)); |
| } |
| } |
| if (!changed) |
| return tree; |
| return new FormalParameterList(tree.location, parameters); |
| }}, {}, ParameterTransformer); |
| return {get DefaultParametersTransformer() { |
| return DefaultParametersTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/DestructuringTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/DestructuringTransformer"; |
| var $__180 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName"), |
| ARRAY = $__180.ARRAY, |
| CALL = $__180.CALL, |
| SLICE = $__180.SLICE; |
| var $__180 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| BLOCK = $__180.BLOCK, |
| var $__180 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| BindingElement = $__180.BindingElement, |
| Catch = $__180.Catch, |
| ForInStatement = $__180.ForInStatement, |
| ForOfStatement = $__180.ForOfStatement, |
| LiteralExpression = $__180.LiteralExpression; |
| var ParameterTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParameterTransformer").ParameterTransformer; |
| var $__180 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| EQUAL = $__180.EQUAL, |
| IN = $__180.IN, |
| LET = $__180.LET, |
| VAR = $__180.VAR; |
| var $__180 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createArgumentList = $__180.createArgumentList, |
| createAssignmentExpression = $__180.createAssignmentExpression, |
| createBinaryOperator = $__180.createBinaryOperator, |
| createBindingIdentifier = $__180.createBindingIdentifier, |
| createBlock = $__180.createBlock, |
| createCallExpression = $__180.createCallExpression, |
| createCommaExpression = $__180.createCommaExpression, |
| createConditionalExpression = $__180.createConditionalExpression, |
| createExpressionStatement = $__180.createExpressionStatement, |
| createIdentifierExpression = $__180.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createMemberExpression = $__180.createMemberExpression, |
| createMemberLookupExpression = $__180.createMemberLookupExpression, |
| createNumberLiteral = $__180.createNumberLiteral, |
| createOperatorToken = $__180.createOperatorToken, |
| createParenExpression = $__180.createParenExpression, |
| createStringLiteral = $__180.createStringLiteral, |
| createVariableDeclaration = $__180.createVariableDeclaration, |
| createVariableDeclarationList = $__180.createVariableDeclarationList, |
| createVariableStatement = $__180.createVariableStatement; |
| var options = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/options").options; |
| var Desugaring = function Desugaring(rvalue) { |
| this.rvalue = rvalue; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Desugaring, {}, {}); |
| var AssignmentExpressionDesugaring = function AssignmentExpressionDesugaring(rvalue) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AssignmentExpressionDesugaring.prototype, "constructor", [rvalue]); |
| this.expressions = []; |
| }; |
| var $AssignmentExpressionDesugaring = AssignmentExpressionDesugaring; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(AssignmentExpressionDesugaring, {assign: function(lvalue, rvalue) { |
| lvalue = lvalue instanceof BindingElement ? lvalue.binding : lvalue; |
| this.expressions.push(createAssignmentExpression(lvalue, rvalue)); |
| }}, {}, Desugaring); |
| var VariableDeclarationDesugaring = function VariableDeclarationDesugaring(rvalue) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $VariableDeclarationDesugaring.prototype, "constructor", [rvalue]); |
| this.declarations = []; |
| }; |
| var $VariableDeclarationDesugaring = VariableDeclarationDesugaring; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(VariableDeclarationDesugaring, {assign: function(lvalue, rvalue) { |
| if (lvalue instanceof BindingElement) { |
| this.declarations.push(createVariableDeclaration(lvalue.binding, rvalue)); |
| return; |
| } |
| if (lvalue.type == IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION) |
| lvalue = createBindingIdentifier(lvalue); |
| this.declarations.push(createVariableDeclaration(lvalue, rvalue)); |
| }}, {}, Desugaring); |
| function createConditionalMemberExpression(rvalue, name, initialiser) { |
| if (name.type === COMPUTED_PROPERTY_NAME) { |
| return createConditionalMemberLookupExpression(rvalue, name.expression, initialiser); |
| } |
| var token; |
| if (name.type == BINDING_IDENTIFIER) { |
| token = name.identifierToken; |
| } else { |
| token = name.literalToken; |
| if (!token.isKeyword() && token.type !== IDENTIFIER) { |
| return createConditionalMemberLookupExpression(rvalue, new LiteralExpression(null, token), initialiser); |
| } |
| } |
| if (!initialiser) |
| return createMemberExpression(rvalue, token); |
| return createConditionalExpression(createBinaryOperator(createStringLiteral(token.toString()), createOperatorToken(IN), rvalue), createMemberExpression(rvalue, token), initialiser); |
| } |
| function createConditionalMemberLookupExpression(rvalue, index, initialiser) { |
| if (!initialiser) |
| return createMemberLookupExpression(rvalue, index); |
| return createConditionalExpression(createBinaryOperator(index, createOperatorToken(IN), rvalue), createMemberLookupExpression(rvalue, index), initialiser); |
| } |
| var DestructuringTransformer = function DestructuringTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $DestructuringTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $DestructuringTransformer = DestructuringTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(DestructuringTransformer, { |
| transformArrayPattern: function(tree) { |
| throw new Error('unreachable'); |
| }, |
| transformObjectPattern: function(tree) { |
| throw new Error('unreachable'); |
| }, |
| transformBinaryOperator: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.operator.type == EQUAL && tree.left.isPattern()) { |
| return this.transformAny(this.desugarAssignment_(tree.left, tree.right)); |
| } else { |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $DestructuringTransformer.prototype, "transformBinaryOperator", [tree]); |
| } |
| }, |
| desugarAssignment_: function(lvalue, rvalue) { |
| var tempIdent = createIdentifierExpression(this.addTempVar()); |
| var desugaring = new AssignmentExpressionDesugaring(tempIdent); |
| this.desugarPattern_(desugaring, lvalue); |
| desugaring.expressions.unshift(createAssignmentExpression(tempIdent, rvalue)); |
| desugaring.expressions.push(tempIdent); |
| return createParenExpression(createCommaExpression(desugaring.expressions)); |
| }, |
| transformVariableDeclarationList: function(tree) { |
| var $__178 = this; |
| if (!this.destructuringInDeclaration_(tree)) { |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $DestructuringTransformer.prototype, "transformVariableDeclarationList", [tree]); |
| } |
| this.pushTempVarState(); |
| var desugaredDeclarations = []; |
| tree.declarations.forEach((function(declaration) { |
| var $__181; |
| if (declaration.lvalue.isPattern()) { |
| ($__181 = desugaredDeclarations).push.apply($__181, $traceurRuntime.toObject($__178.desugarVariableDeclaration_(declaration))); |
| } else { |
| desugaredDeclarations.push(declaration); |
| } |
| })); |
| var transformedTree = this.transformVariableDeclarationList(createVariableDeclarationList(tree.declarationType, desugaredDeclarations)); |
| this.popTempVarState(); |
| return transformedTree; |
| }, |
| transformForInStatement: function(tree) { |
| return this.transformForInOrOf_(tree, $traceurRuntime.superGet(this, $DestructuringTransformer.prototype, "transformForInStatement"), ForInStatement); |
| }, |
| transformForOfStatement: function(tree) { |
| return this.transformForInOrOf_(tree, $traceurRuntime.superGet(this, $DestructuringTransformer.prototype, "transformForOfStatement"), ForOfStatement); |
| }, |
| transformForInOrOf_: function(tree, superMethod, constr) { |
| var $__181; |
| if (!tree.initialiser.isPattern() && (tree.initialiser.type !== VARIABLE_DECLARATION_LIST || !this.destructuringInDeclaration_(tree.initialiser))) { |
| return superMethod.call(this, tree); |
| } |
| this.pushTempVarState(); |
| var declarationType, |
| lvalue; |
| if (tree.initialiser.isPattern()) { |
| declarationType = null; |
| lvalue = tree.initialiser; |
| } else { |
| declarationType = tree.initialiser.declarationType; |
| lvalue = tree.initialiser.declarations[0].lvalue; |
| } |
| var statements = []; |
| var binding = this.desugarBinding_(lvalue, statements, declarationType); |
| var initialiser = createVariableDeclarationList(VAR, binding, null); |
| var collection = this.transformAny(tree.collection); |
| var body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| if (body.type !== BLOCK) |
| body = createBlock(body); |
| ($__181 = statements).push.apply($__181, $traceurRuntime.toObject(body.statements)); |
| body = createBlock(statements); |
| this.popTempVarState(); |
| return new constr(tree.location, initialiser, collection, body); |
| }, |
| transformBindingElement: function(tree) { |
| if (!tree.binding.isPattern() || tree.initialiser) |
| return tree; |
| var statements = this.parameterStatements; |
| var binding = this.desugarBinding_(tree.binding, statements, VAR); |
| return new BindingElement(null, binding, null); |
| }, |
| transformCatch: function(tree) { |
| var $__181; |
| if (!tree.binding.isPattern()) |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $DestructuringTransformer.prototype, "transformCatch", [tree]); |
| var body = this.transformAny(tree.catchBody); |
| var statements = []; |
| var kind = options.blockBinding ? LET : VAR; |
| var binding = this.desugarBinding_(tree.binding, statements, kind); |
| ($__181 = statements).push.apply($__181, $traceurRuntime.toObject(body.statements)); |
| return new Catch(tree.location, binding, createBlock(statements)); |
| }, |
| desugarBinding_: function(bindingTree, statements, declarationType) { |
| var varName = this.getTempIdentifier(); |
| var binding = createBindingIdentifier(varName); |
| var idExpr = createIdentifierExpression(varName); |
| var desugaring; |
| if (declarationType === null) |
| desugaring = new AssignmentExpressionDesugaring(idExpr); |
| else |
| desugaring = new VariableDeclarationDesugaring(idExpr); |
| this.desugarPattern_(desugaring, bindingTree); |
| if (declarationType === null) { |
| statements.push(createExpressionStatement(createCommaExpression(desugaring.expressions))); |
| } else { |
| statements.push(createVariableStatement(this.transformVariableDeclarationList(createVariableDeclarationList(declarationType, desugaring.declarations)))); |
| } |
| return binding; |
| }, |
| destructuringInDeclaration_: function(tree) { |
| return tree.declarations.some((function(declaration) { |
| return declaration.lvalue.isPattern(); |
| })); |
| }, |
| desugarVariableDeclaration_: function(tree) { |
| var tempRValueName = this.getTempIdentifier(); |
| var tempRValueIdent = createIdentifierExpression(tempRValueName); |
| var desugaring; |
| var initialiser; |
| switch (tree.initialiser.type) { |
| initialiser = tree.initialiser; |
| default: |
| desugaring = new VariableDeclarationDesugaring(tempRValueIdent); |
| desugaring.assign(desugaring.rvalue, tree.initialiser); |
| var initialiserFound = this.desugarPattern_(desugaring, tree.lvalue); |
| if (initialiserFound || desugaring.declarations.length > 2) |
| return desugaring.declarations; |
| initialiser = initialiser || createParenExpression(tree.initialiser); |
| desugaring = new VariableDeclarationDesugaring(initialiser); |
| this.desugarPattern_(desugaring, tree.lvalue); |
| return desugaring.declarations; |
| } |
| }, |
| desugarPattern_: function(desugaring, tree) { |
| var initialiserFound = false; |
| switch (tree.type) { |
| { |
| var pattern = tree; |
| for (var i = 0; i < pattern.elements.length; i++) { |
| var lvalue = pattern.elements[i]; |
| if (lvalue === null) { |
| continue; |
| } else if (lvalue.isSpreadPatternElement()) { |
| desugaring.assign(lvalue.lvalue, createCallExpression(createMemberExpression(ARRAY, PROTOTYPE, SLICE, CALL), createArgumentList(desugaring.rvalue, createNumberLiteral(i)))); |
| } else { |
| if (lvalue.initialiser) |
| initialiserFound = true; |
| desugaring.assign(lvalue, createConditionalMemberLookupExpression(desugaring.rvalue, createNumberLiteral(i), lvalue.initialiser)); |
| } |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| { |
| var pattern = tree; |
| pattern.fields.forEach((function(field) { |
| var lookup; |
| switch (field.type) { |
| if (field.initialiser) |
| initialiserFound = true; |
| lookup = createConditionalMemberExpression(desugaring.rvalue, field.binding, field.initialiser); |
| desugaring.assign(createIdentifierExpression(field.binding), lookup); |
| break; |
| if (field.element.initialiser) |
| initialiserFound = true; |
| var name = field.name; |
| lookup = createConditionalMemberExpression(desugaring.rvalue, name, field.element.initialiser); |
| desugaring.assign(field.element, lookup); |
| break; |
| lookup = createMemberExpression(desugaring.rvalue, field.identifierToken); |
| desugaring.assign(field, lookup); |
| break; |
| default: |
| throw Error('unreachable'); |
| } |
| })); |
| break; |
| } |
| return this.desugarPattern_(desugaring, tree.expression); |
| default: |
| throw new Error('unreachable'); |
| } |
| if (desugaring instanceof VariableDeclarationDesugaring && desugaring.declarations.length === 0) { |
| desugaring.assign(createBindingIdentifier(this.getTempIdentifier()), desugaring.rvalue); |
| } |
| return initialiserFound; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParameterTransformer); |
| return {get DestructuringTransformer() { |
| return DestructuringTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ForOfTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ForOfTransformer"; |
| var $__182 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["", " = ", ".value;"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["", " = ", ".value;"])}})), |
| $__183 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["\n for (var ", " =\n ", "[Symbol.iterator](),\n ", ";\n !(", " = ", ".next()).done; ) {\n ", ";\n ", ";\n }"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["\n for (var ", " =\n ", "[Symbol.iterator](),\n ", ";\n !(", " = ", ".next()).done; ) {\n ", ";\n ", ";\n }"])}})); |
| var VARIABLE_DECLARATION_LIST = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType").VARIABLE_DECLARATION_LIST; |
| var TempVarTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TempVarTransformer").TempVarTransformer; |
| var $__185 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| id = $__185.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createMemberExpression = $__185.createMemberExpression, |
| createVariableStatement = $__185.createVariableStatement; |
| var parseStatement = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser").parseStatement; |
| var ForOfTransformer = function ForOfTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $ForOfTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $ForOfTransformer = ForOfTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ForOfTransformer, {transformForOfStatement: function(original) { |
| var tree = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ForOfTransformer.prototype, "transformForOfStatement", [original]); |
| var iter = id(this.getTempIdentifier()); |
| var result = id(this.getTempIdentifier()); |
| var assignment; |
| if (tree.initialiser.type === VARIABLE_DECLARATION_LIST) { |
| assignment = createVariableStatement(tree.initialiser.declarationType, tree.initialiser.declarations[0].lvalue, createMemberExpression(result, 'value')); |
| } else { |
| assignment = parseStatement($__182, tree.initialiser, result); |
| } |
| return parseStatement($__183, iter, tree.collection, result, result, iter, assignment, tree.body); |
| }}, {}, TempVarTransformer); |
| return {get ForOfTransformer() { |
| return ForOfTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/GeneratorComprehensionTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/GeneratorComprehensionTransformer"; |
| var ComprehensionTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ComprehensionTransformer").ComprehensionTransformer; |
| var createYieldStatement = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory").createYieldStatement; |
| var GeneratorComprehensionTransformer = function GeneratorComprehensionTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $GeneratorComprehensionTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $GeneratorComprehensionTransformer = GeneratorComprehensionTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(GeneratorComprehensionTransformer, {transformGeneratorComprehension: function(tree) { |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| var statement = createYieldStatement(expression); |
| var isGenerator = true; |
| return this.transformComprehension(tree, statement, isGenerator); |
| }}, {}, ComprehensionTransformer); |
| return {get GeneratorComprehensionTransformer() { |
| return GeneratorComprehensionTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State"; |
| var $__188 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$ctx.finallyFallThrough = ", ""], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$ctx.finallyFallThrough = ", ""])}})); |
| var $__190 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createAssignStateStatement = $__190.createAssignStateStatement, |
| createAssignmentStatement = $__190.createAssignmentStatement, |
| createBreakStatement = $__190.createBreakStatement, |
| createCaseClause = $__190.createCaseClause, |
| createIdentifierExpression = $__190.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createNumberLiteral = $__190.createNumberLiteral, |
| createStatementList = $__190.createStatementList; |
| var parseStatement = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser").parseStatement; |
| var State = function State(id) { |
| this.id = id; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(State, { |
| transformMachineState: function(enclosingFinally, machineEndState, reporter) { |
| return createCaseClause(createNumberLiteral(this.id), this.transform(enclosingFinally, machineEndState, reporter)); |
| }, |
| transformBreak: function(labelSet, breakState) { |
| return this; |
| }, |
| transformBreakOrContinue: function(labelSet) { |
| var breakState = arguments[1]; |
| var continueState = arguments[2]; |
| return this; |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| State.START_STATE = 0; |
| State.INVALID_STATE = -1; |
| State.END_STATE = -2; |
| State.RETHROW_STATE = -3; |
| State.generateJump = function(enclosingFinally, fallThroughState) { |
| return createStatementList(State.generateAssignState(enclosingFinally, fallThroughState), createBreakStatement()); |
| }; |
| State.generateAssignState = function(enclosingFinally, fallThroughState) { |
| var assignState; |
| if (State.isFinallyExit(enclosingFinally, fallThroughState)) { |
| assignState = generateAssignStateOutOfFinally(enclosingFinally, fallThroughState); |
| } else { |
| assignState = createStatementList(createAssignStateStatement(fallThroughState)); |
| } |
| return assignState; |
| }; |
| State.isFinallyExit = function(enclosingFinally, destination) { |
| return enclosingFinally != null && enclosingFinally.tryStates.indexOf(destination) < 0; |
| }; |
| function generateAssignStateOutOfFinally(enclosingFinally, destination) { |
| var finallyState = enclosingFinally.finallyState; |
| return createStatementList(createAssignStateStatement(finallyState), parseStatement($__188, destination)); |
| } |
| State.replaceStateList = function(oldStates, oldState, newState) { |
| var states = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < oldStates.length; i++) { |
| states.push(State.replaceStateId(oldStates[i], oldState, newState)); |
| } |
| return states; |
| }; |
| State.replaceStateId = function(current, oldState, newState) { |
| return current == oldState ? newState : current; |
| }; |
| State.replaceAllStates = function(exceptionBlocks, oldState, newState) { |
| var result = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < exceptionBlocks.length; i++) { |
| result.push(exceptionBlocks[i].replaceState(oldState, newState)); |
| } |
| return result; |
| }; |
| return {get State() { |
| return State; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/TryState", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/TryState"; |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var Kind = { |
| CATCH: 'catch', |
| FINALLY: 'finally' |
| }; |
| var TryState = function TryState(kind, tryStates, nestedTrys) { |
| this.kind = kind; |
| this.tryStates = tryStates; |
| this.nestedTrys = nestedTrys; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(TryState, { |
| replaceAllStates: function(oldState, newState) { |
| return State.replaceStateList(this.tryStates, oldState, newState); |
| }, |
| replaceNestedTrys: function(oldState, newState) { |
| var states = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < this.nestedTrys.length; i++) { |
| states.push(this.nestedTrys[i].replaceState(oldState, newState)); |
| } |
| return states; |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| TryState.Kind = Kind; |
| return {get TryState() { |
| return TryState; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/StateMachine", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/StateMachine"; |
| var ParseTree = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTree").ParseTree; |
| var STATE_MACHINE = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType").STATE_MACHINE; |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var TryState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/TryState").TryState; |
| function addCatchOrFinallyStates(kind, enclosingMap, tryStates) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < tryStates.length; i++) { |
| var tryState = tryStates[i]; |
| if (tryState.kind == kind) { |
| for (var j = 0; j < tryState.tryStates.length; j++) { |
| var id = tryState.tryStates[j]; |
| enclosingMap[id] = tryState; |
| } |
| } |
| addCatchOrFinallyStates(kind, enclosingMap, tryState.nestedTrys); |
| } |
| } |
| function addAllCatchStates(tryStates, catches) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < tryStates.length; i++) { |
| var tryState = tryStates[i]; |
| if (tryState.kind == TryState.Kind.CATCH) { |
| catches.push(tryState); |
| } |
| addAllCatchStates(tryState.nestedTrys, catches); |
| } |
| } |
| var StateMachine = function StateMachine(startState, fallThroughState, states, exceptionBlocks) { |
| this.location = null; |
| this.startState = startState; |
| this.fallThroughState = fallThroughState; |
| this.states = states; |
| this.exceptionBlocks = exceptionBlocks; |
| }; |
| var $StateMachine = StateMachine; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(StateMachine, { |
| get type() { |
| return STATE_MACHINE; |
| }, |
| transform: function(transformer) { |
| return transformer.transformStateMachine(this); |
| }, |
| visit: function(visitor) { |
| visitor.visitStateMachine(this); |
| }, |
| getAllStateIDs: function() { |
| var result = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < this.states.length; i++) { |
| result.push(this.states[i].id); |
| } |
| return result; |
| }, |
| getEnclosingFinallyMap: function() { |
| var enclosingMap = Object.create(null); |
| addCatchOrFinallyStates(TryState.Kind.FINALLY, enclosingMap, this.exceptionBlocks); |
| return enclosingMap; |
| }, |
| allCatchStates: function() { |
| var catches = []; |
| addAllCatchStates(this.exceptionBlocks, catches); |
| return catches; |
| }, |
| replaceStateId: function(oldState, newState) { |
| return new $StateMachine(State.replaceStateId(this.startState, oldState, newState), State.replaceStateId(this.fallThroughState, oldState, newState), State.replaceAllStates(this.states, oldState, newState), State.replaceAllStates(this.exceptionBlocks, oldState, newState)); |
| }, |
| replaceStartState: function(newState) { |
| return this.replaceStateId(this.startState, newState); |
| }, |
| replaceFallThroughState: function(newState) { |
| return this.replaceStateId(this.fallThroughState, newState); |
| }, |
| append: function(nextMachine) { |
| var states = $traceurRuntime.spread(this.states); |
| for (var i = 0; i < nextMachine.states.length; i++) { |
| var otherState = nextMachine.states[i]; |
| states.push(otherState.replaceState(nextMachine.startState, this.fallThroughState)); |
| } |
| var exceptionBlocks = $traceurRuntime.spread(this.exceptionBlocks); |
| for (var i = 0; i < nextMachine.exceptionBlocks.length; i++) { |
| var tryState = nextMachine.exceptionBlocks[i]; |
| exceptionBlocks.push(tryState.replaceState(nextMachine.startState, this.fallThroughState)); |
| } |
| return new $StateMachine(this.startState, nextMachine.fallThroughState, states, exceptionBlocks); |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTree); |
| return {get StateMachine() { |
| return StateMachine; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/AwaitState", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/AwaitState"; |
| var $__195 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["(", ").then($ctx.createCallback(", "),\n $ctx.createErrback(", "));\n return"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["(", ").then($ctx.createCallback(", "),\n $ctx.createErrback(", "));\n return"])}})); |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var parseStatements = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser").parseStatements; |
| var AwaitState = function AwaitState(id, callbackState, errbackState, expression) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AwaitState.prototype, "constructor", [id]), this.callbackState = callbackState; |
| this.errbackState = errbackState; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| this.statements_ = null; |
| }; |
| var $AwaitState = AwaitState; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(AwaitState, { |
| get statements() { |
| if (!this.statements_) { |
| this.statements_ = parseStatements($__195, this.expression, this.callbackState, this.errbackState); |
| } |
| return this.statements_; |
| }, |
| replaceState: function(oldState, newState) { |
| return new $AwaitState(State.replaceStateId(this.id, oldState, newState), State.replaceStateId(this.callbackState, oldState, newState), State.replaceStateId(this.errbackState, oldState, newState), this.expression); |
| }, |
| transform: function(enclosingFinally, machineEndState, reporter) { |
| return this.statements; |
| } |
| }, {}, State); |
| return {get AwaitState() { |
| return AwaitState; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/HoistVariablesTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/HoistVariablesTransformer"; |
| var $__199 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| AnonBlock = $__199.AnonBlock, |
| FunctionBody = $__199.FunctionBody, |
| ForInStatement = $__199.ForInStatement, |
| ForOfStatement = $__199.ForOfStatement, |
| VariableDeclarationList = $__199.VariableDeclarationList, |
| VariableStatement = $__199.VariableStatement; |
| var $__199 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var VAR = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").VAR; |
| var assert = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/assert").assert; |
| var $__199 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createAssignmentExpression = $__199.createAssignmentExpression, |
| createCommaExpression = $__199.createCommaExpression, |
| createExpressionStatement = $__199.createExpressionStatement, |
| id = $__199.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createVariableDeclaration = $__199.createVariableDeclaration; |
| var prependStatements = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PrependStatements").prependStatements; |
| var HoistVariablesTransformer = function HoistVariablesTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $HoistVariablesTransformer.prototype, "constructor", []); |
| this.hoistedVariables_ = Object.create(null); |
| }; |
| var $HoistVariablesTransformer = HoistVariablesTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(HoistVariablesTransformer, { |
| transformFunctionBody: function(tree) { |
| var statements = this.transformList(tree.statements); |
| if (statements === tree.statements) |
| return tree; |
| var prepended = this.prependVariables(statements); |
| return new FunctionBody(tree.location, prepended); |
| }, |
| addVariable: function(name) { |
| this.hoistedVariables_[name] = true; |
| }, |
| hasVariables: function() { |
| for (var key in this.hoistedVariables_) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| }, |
| getVariableNames: function() { |
| return Object.keys(this.hoistedVariables_); |
| }, |
| getVariableStatement: function() { |
| if (!this.hasVariables()) |
| return null; |
| var declarations = this.getVariableNames().map((function(name) { |
| return createVariableDeclaration(name, null); |
| })); |
| return new VariableStatement(null, new VariableDeclarationList(null, VAR, declarations)); |
| }, |
| prependVariables: function(statements) { |
| if (!this.hasVariables()) |
| return statements; |
| return prependStatements(statements, this.getVariableStatement()); |
| }, |
| transformVariableStatement: function(tree) { |
| var declarations = this.transformAny(tree.declarations); |
| if (declarations == tree.declarations) |
| return tree; |
| if (declarations === null) |
| return new AnonBlock(null, []); |
| if (declarations.type === VARIABLE_DECLARATION_LIST) |
| return new VariableStatement(tree.location, declarations); |
| return createExpressionStatement(declarations); |
| }, |
| transformVariableDeclarationList: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.declarationType == VAR) { |
| var expressions = []; |
| var declarations = this.transformList(tree.declarations); |
| for (var i = 0; i < declarations.length; i++) { |
| var declaration = declarations[i]; |
| assert(declaration.lvalue.type === BINDING_IDENTIFIER); |
| var idToken = declaration.lvalue.identifierToken; |
| this.addVariable(idToken.value); |
| if (declaration.initialiser !== null) { |
| expressions.push(createAssignmentExpression(id(idToken), declaration.initialiser)); |
| } |
| } |
| if (expressions.length === 0) |
| return null; |
| if (expressions.length == 1) |
| return expressions[0]; |
| return createCommaExpression(expressions); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $HoistVariablesTransformer.prototype, "transformVariableDeclarationList", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformForInStatement: function(tree) { |
| return this.transformLoop_(tree, ForInStatement); |
| }, |
| transformForOfStatement: function(tree) { |
| return this.transformLoop_(tree, ForOfStatement); |
| }, |
| transformLoop_: function(tree, ctor) { |
| var initialiser = this.transformLoopIninitaliser_(tree.initialiser); |
| var collection = this.transformAny(tree.collection); |
| var body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| if (initialiser === tree.initialiser && collection === tree.collection && body === tree.body) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| return new ctor(tree.location, initialiser, collection, body); |
| }, |
| transformLoopIninitaliser_: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.type !== VARIABLE_DECLARATION_LIST) |
| return tree; |
| var token = tree.declarations[0].lvalue.identifierToken; |
| this.addVariable(token.value); |
| return id(token); |
| }, |
| addMachineVariable: function(name) { |
| this.machineVariables_[name] = true; |
| }, |
| transformFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformGetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformSetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| var $__default = HoistVariablesTransformer; |
| return {get default() { |
| return $__default; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/FallThroughState", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/FallThroughState"; |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var FallThroughState = function FallThroughState(id, fallThroughState, statements) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $FallThroughState.prototype, "constructor", [id]); |
| this.fallThroughState = fallThroughState; |
| this.statements = statements; |
| }; |
| var $FallThroughState = FallThroughState; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(FallThroughState, { |
| replaceState: function(oldState, newState) { |
| return new $FallThroughState(State.replaceStateId(this.id, oldState, newState), State.replaceStateId(this.fallThroughState, oldState, newState), this.statements); |
| }, |
| transform: function(enclosingFinally, machineEndState, reporter) { |
| return $traceurRuntime.spread(this.statements, State.generateJump(enclosingFinally, this.fallThroughState)); |
| } |
| }, {}, State); |
| return {get FallThroughState() { |
| return FallThroughState; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/BreakState", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/BreakState"; |
| var FallThroughState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/FallThroughState").FallThroughState; |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var createStatementList = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory").createStatementList; |
| var BreakState = function BreakState(id, label) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $BreakState.prototype, "constructor", [id]); |
| this.label = label; |
| }; |
| var $BreakState = BreakState; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(BreakState, { |
| replaceState: function(oldState, newState) { |
| return new $BreakState(State.replaceStateId(this.id, oldState, newState), this.label); |
| }, |
| transform: function(enclosingFinally, machineEndState, reporter) { |
| throw new Error('These should be removed before the transform step'); |
| }, |
| transformBreak: function(labelSet) { |
| var breakState = arguments[1]; |
| if (this.label == null) |
| return new FallThroughState(this.id, breakState, []); |
| if (this.label in labelSet) { |
| return new FallThroughState(this.id, labelSet[this.label].fallThroughState, []); |
| } |
| return this; |
| }, |
| transformBreakOrContinue: function(labelSet) { |
| var breakState = arguments[1]; |
| var continueState = arguments[2]; |
| return this.transformBreak(labelSet, breakState); |
| } |
| }, {}, State); |
| return {get BreakState() { |
| return BreakState; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/ContinueState", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/ContinueState"; |
| var FallThroughState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/FallThroughState").FallThroughState; |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var createStatementList = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory").createStatementList; |
| var ContinueState = function ContinueState(id, label) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ContinueState.prototype, "constructor", [id]); |
| this.label = label; |
| }; |
| var $ContinueState = ContinueState; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ContinueState, { |
| replaceState: function(oldState, newState) { |
| return new $ContinueState(State.replaceStateId(this.id, oldState, newState), this.label); |
| }, |
| transform: function(enclosingFinally, machineEndState, reporter) { |
| throw new Error('These should be removed before the transform step'); |
| }, |
| transformBreakOrContinue: function(labelSet) { |
| var breakState = arguments[1]; |
| var continueState = arguments[2]; |
| if (this.label == null) |
| return new FallThroughState(this.id, continueState, []); |
| if (this.label in labelSet) { |
| return new FallThroughState(this.id, labelSet[this.label].continueState, []); |
| } |
| return this; |
| } |
| }, {}, State); |
| return {get ContinueState() { |
| return ContinueState; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/BreakContinueTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/BreakContinueTransformer"; |
| var BreakState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/BreakState").BreakState; |
| var ContinueState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/ContinueState").ContinueState; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var StateMachine = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/StateMachine").StateMachine; |
| function safeGetLabel(tree) { |
| return tree.name ? tree.name.value : null; |
| } |
| var BreakContinueTransformer = function BreakContinueTransformer(stateAllocator) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $BreakContinueTransformer.prototype, "constructor", []); |
| this.transformBreaks_ = true; |
| this.stateAllocator_ = stateAllocator; |
| }; |
| var $BreakContinueTransformer = BreakContinueTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(BreakContinueTransformer, { |
| allocateState_: function() { |
| return this.stateAllocator_.allocateState(); |
| }, |
| stateToStateMachine_: function(newState) { |
| var fallThroughState = this.allocateState_(); |
| return new StateMachine(newState.id, fallThroughState, [newState], []); |
| }, |
| transformBreakStatement: function(tree) { |
| return this.transformBreaks_ || tree.name ? this.stateToStateMachine_(new BreakState(this.allocateState_(), safeGetLabel(tree))) : tree; |
| }, |
| transformContinueStatement: function(tree) { |
| return this.stateToStateMachine_(new ContinueState(this.allocateState_(), safeGetLabel(tree))); |
| }, |
| transformDoWhileStatement: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformForOfStatement: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformForStatement: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformStateMachine: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformSwitchStatement: function(tree) { |
| var oldState = this.transformBreaks_; |
| this.transformBreaks_ = false; |
| var result = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $BreakContinueTransformer.prototype, "transformSwitchStatement", [tree]); |
| this.transformBreaks_ = oldState; |
| return result; |
| }, |
| transformWhileStatement: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| return {get BreakContinueTransformer() { |
| return BreakContinueTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/CatchState", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/CatchState"; |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var TryState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/TryState").TryState; |
| var CatchState = function CatchState(identifier, catchState, fallThroughState, allStates, nestedTrys) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $CatchState.prototype, "constructor", [TryState.Kind.CATCH, allStates, nestedTrys]); |
| this.identifier = identifier; |
| this.catchState = catchState; |
| this.fallThroughState = fallThroughState; |
| }; |
| var $CatchState = CatchState; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(CatchState, {replaceState: function(oldState, newState) { |
| return new $CatchState(this.identifier, State.replaceStateId(this.catchState, oldState, newState), State.replaceStateId(this.fallThroughState, oldState, newState), this.replaceAllStates(oldState, newState), this.replaceNestedTrys(oldState, newState)); |
| }}, {}, TryState); |
| return {get CatchState() { |
| return CatchState; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/ConditionalState", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/ConditionalState"; |
| var $__210 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$ctx.state = (", ") ? ", " : ", ";\n break"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$ctx.state = (", ") ? ", " : ", ";\n break"])}})); |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var $__212 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createBlock = $__212.createBlock, |
| createIfStatement = $__212.createIfStatement; |
| var parseStatements = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser").parseStatements; |
| var ConditionalState = function ConditionalState(id, ifState, elseState, condition) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ConditionalState.prototype, "constructor", [id]); |
| this.ifState = ifState; |
| this.elseState = elseState; |
| this.condition = condition; |
| }; |
| var $ConditionalState = ConditionalState; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ConditionalState, { |
| replaceState: function(oldState, newState) { |
| return new $ConditionalState(State.replaceStateId(this.id, oldState, newState), State.replaceStateId(this.ifState, oldState, newState), State.replaceStateId(this.elseState, oldState, newState), this.condition); |
| }, |
| transform: function(enclosingFinally, machineEndState, reporter) { |
| if (State.isFinallyExit(enclosingFinally, this.ifState) || State.isFinallyExit(enclosingFinally, this.elseState)) { |
| return [createIfStatement(this.condition, createBlock(State.generateJump(enclosingFinally, this.ifState)), createBlock(State.generateJump(enclosingFinally, this.elseState)))]; |
| } |
| return parseStatements($__210, this.condition, this.ifState, this.elseState); |
| } |
| }, {}, State); |
| return {get ConditionalState() { |
| return ConditionalState; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/FinallyFallThroughState", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/FinallyFallThroughState"; |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var FinallyFallThroughState = function FinallyFallThroughState() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $FinallyFallThroughState.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $FinallyFallThroughState = FinallyFallThroughState; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(FinallyFallThroughState, { |
| replaceState: function(oldState, newState) { |
| return new $FinallyFallThroughState(State.replaceStateId(this.id, oldState, newState)); |
| }, |
| transformMachineState: function(enclosingFinally, machineEndState, reporter) { |
| return null; |
| }, |
| transform: function(enclosingFinally, machineEndState, reporter) { |
| throw new Error('these are generated in addFinallyFallThroughDispatches'); |
| } |
| }, {}, State); |
| return {get FinallyFallThroughState() { |
| return FinallyFallThroughState; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/FinallyState", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/FinallyState"; |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var TryState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/TryState").TryState; |
| var FinallyState = function FinallyState(finallyState, fallThroughState, allStates, nestedTrys) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $FinallyState.prototype, "constructor", [TryState.Kind.FINALLY, allStates, nestedTrys]); |
| this.finallyState = finallyState; |
| this.fallThroughState = fallThroughState; |
| }; |
| var $FinallyState = FinallyState; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(FinallyState, {replaceState: function(oldState, newState) { |
| return new $FinallyState(State.replaceStateId(this.finallyState, oldState, newState), State.replaceStateId(this.fallThroughState, oldState, newState), this.replaceAllStates(oldState, newState), this.replaceNestedTrys(oldState, newState)); |
| }}, {}, TryState); |
| return {get FinallyState() { |
| return FinallyState; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/StateAllocator", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/StateAllocator"; |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var StateAllocator = function StateAllocator() { |
| this.nextState_ = State.START_STATE + 1; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(StateAllocator, {allocateState: function() { |
| return this.nextState_++; |
| }}, {}); |
| return {get StateAllocator() { |
| return StateAllocator; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/SwitchState", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/SwitchState"; |
| var $__220 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| CaseClause = $__220.CaseClause, |
| DefaultClause = $__220.DefaultClause, |
| SwitchStatement = $__220.SwitchStatement; |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var $__220 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createBreakStatement = $__220.createBreakStatement, |
| createStatementList = $__220.createStatementList; |
| var SwitchClause = function SwitchClause(first, second) { |
| this.first = first; |
| this.second = second; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SwitchClause, {}, {}); |
| var SwitchState = function SwitchState(id, expression, clauses) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $SwitchState.prototype, "constructor", [id]); |
| this.expression = expression; |
| this.clauses = clauses; |
| }; |
| var $SwitchState = SwitchState; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SwitchState, { |
| replaceState: function(oldState, newState) { |
| var clauses = this.clauses.map((function(clause) { |
| return new SwitchClause(clause.first, State.replaceStateId(clause.second, oldState, newState)); |
| })); |
| return new $SwitchState(State.replaceStateId(this.id, oldState, newState), this.expression, clauses); |
| }, |
| transform: function(enclosingFinally, machineEndState, reporter) { |
| var clauses = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < this.clauses.length; i++) { |
| var clause = this.clauses[i]; |
| if (clause.first == null) { |
| clauses.push(new DefaultClause(null, State.generateJump(enclosingFinally, clause.second))); |
| } else { |
| clauses.push(new CaseClause(null, clause.first, State.generateJump(enclosingFinally, clause.second))); |
| } |
| } |
| return createStatementList(new SwitchStatement(null, this.expression, clauses), createBreakStatement()); |
| } |
| }, {}, State); |
| return { |
| get SwitchClause() { |
| return SwitchClause; |
| }, |
| get SwitchState() { |
| return SwitchState; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/CPSTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/CPSTransformer"; |
| var $__221 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$ctx.pushTry(\n ", ",\n ", ");"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$ctx.pushTry(\n ", ",\n ", ");"])}})), |
| $__222 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$ctx.popTry();"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$ctx.popTry();"])}})), |
| $__223 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["\n $ctx.popTry();\n ", " = $ctx.storedException;"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["\n $ctx.popTry();\n ", " = $ctx.storedException;"])}})), |
| $__224 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$ctx.popTry();"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$ctx.popTry();"])}})), |
| $__225 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["function($ctx) {\n while (true) ", "\n }"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["function($ctx) {\n while (true) ", "\n }"])}})), |
| $__226 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["var $arguments = arguments;"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["var $arguments = arguments;"])}})), |
| $__227 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["return ", "(\n ", ",\n this);"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["return ", "(\n ", ",\n this);"])}})), |
| $__228 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["return $ctx.end()"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["return $ctx.end()"])}})), |
| $__229 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["\n $ctx.state = $ctx.finallyFallThrough;\n $ctx.finallyFallThrough = ", ";\n break;"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["\n $ctx.state = $ctx.finallyFallThrough;\n $ctx.finallyFallThrough = ", ";\n break;"])}})), |
| $__230 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["\n $ctx.state = $ctx.finallyFallThrough;\n break;"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["\n $ctx.state = $ctx.finallyFallThrough;\n break;"])}})); |
| var AlphaRenamer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/AlphaRenamer").AlphaRenamer; |
| var BreakContinueTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/BreakContinueTransformer").BreakContinueTransformer; |
| var $__233 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| BLOCK = $__233.BLOCK, |
| var $__233 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| AnonBlock = $__233.AnonBlock, |
| Block = $__233.Block, |
| CaseClause = $__233.CaseClause, |
| IfStatement = $__233.IfStatement, |
| SwitchStatement = $__233.SwitchStatement; |
| var CatchState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/CatchState").CatchState; |
| var ConditionalState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/ConditionalState").ConditionalState; |
| var ExplodeExpressionTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ExplodeExpressionTransformer").ExplodeExpressionTransformer; |
| var FallThroughState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/FallThroughState").FallThroughState; |
| var FinallyFallThroughState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/FinallyFallThroughState").FinallyFallThroughState; |
| var FinallyState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/FinallyState").FinallyState; |
| var FindInFunctionScope = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/FindInFunctionScope").FindInFunctionScope; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var TempVarTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TempVarTransformer").TempVarTransformer; |
| var assert = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/assert").assert; |
| var $__233 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser"), |
| parseExpression = $__233.parseExpression, |
| parseStatement = $__233.parseStatement, |
| parseStatements = $__233.parseStatements; |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var StateAllocator = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/StateAllocator").StateAllocator; |
| var StateMachine = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/StateMachine").StateMachine; |
| var $__233 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/SwitchState"), |
| SwitchClause = $__233.SwitchClause, |
| SwitchState = $__233.SwitchState; |
| var TryState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/TryState").TryState; |
| var $__233 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createAssignStateStatement = $__233.createAssignStateStatement, |
| createBreakStatement = $__233.createBreakStatement, |
| createCaseClause = $__233.createCaseClause, |
| createDefaultClause = $__233.createDefaultClause, |
| createExpressionStatement = $__233.createExpressionStatement, |
| createFunctionBody = $__233.createFunctionBody, |
| id = $__233.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createMemberExpression = $__233.createMemberExpression, |
| createNumberLiteral = $__233.createNumberLiteral, |
| createStatementList = $__233.createStatementList, |
| createSwitchStatement = $__233.createSwitchStatement; |
| var HoistVariablesTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/HoistVariablesTransformer").default; |
| var LabelState = function LabelState(name, continueState, fallThroughState) { |
| this.name = name; |
| this.continueState = continueState; |
| this.fallThroughState = fallThroughState; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(LabelState, {}, {}); |
| var NeedsStateMachine = function NeedsStateMachine() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $NeedsStateMachine.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $NeedsStateMachine = NeedsStateMachine; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(NeedsStateMachine, { |
| visitBreakStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.found = true; |
| }, |
| visitContinueStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.found = true; |
| }, |
| visitStateMachine: function(tree) { |
| this.found = true; |
| }, |
| visitYieldExpression: function(tee) { |
| this.found = true; |
| } |
| }, {}, FindInFunctionScope); |
| function needsStateMachine(tree) { |
| var visitor = new NeedsStateMachine(tree); |
| return visitor.found; |
| } |
| var HoistVariables = function HoistVariables() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $HoistVariables.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $HoistVariables = HoistVariables; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(HoistVariables, {prependVariables: function(statements) { |
| return statements; |
| }}, {}, HoistVariablesTransformer); |
| var CPSTransformer = function CPSTransformer(identifierGenerator, reporter) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $CPSTransformer.prototype, "constructor", [identifierGenerator]); |
| this.reporter = reporter; |
| this.stateAllocator_ = new StateAllocator(); |
| this.labelSet_ = Object.create(null); |
| this.currentLabel_ = null; |
| this.hoistVariablesTransformer_ = new HoistVariables(); |
| }; |
| var $CPSTransformer = CPSTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(CPSTransformer, { |
| expressionNeedsStateMachine: function(tree) { |
| return false; |
| }, |
| allocateState: function() { |
| return this.stateAllocator_.allocateState(); |
| }, |
| transformBlock: function(tree) { |
| var labels = this.getLabels_(); |
| var label = this.clearCurrentLabel_(); |
| var transformedTree = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $CPSTransformer.prototype, "transformBlock", [tree]); |
| var machine = this.transformStatementList_(transformedTree.statements); |
| if (machine === null) |
| return transformedTree; |
| if (label) { |
| var states = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < machine.states.length; i++) { |
| var state = machine.states[i]; |
| states.push(state.transformBreakOrContinue(labels)); |
| } |
| machine = new StateMachine(machine.startState, machine.fallThroughState, states, machine.exceptionBlocks); |
| } |
| return machine; |
| }, |
| transformFunctionBody: function(tree) { |
| this.pushTempVarState(); |
| var oldLabels = this.clearLabels_(); |
| var transformedTree = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $CPSTransformer.prototype, "transformFunctionBody", [tree]); |
| var machine = this.transformStatementList_(transformedTree.statements); |
| this.restoreLabels_(oldLabels); |
| this.popTempVarState(); |
| return machine == null ? transformedTree : machine; |
| }, |
| transformStatementList_: function(trees) { |
| var groups = []; |
| var newMachine; |
| for (var i = 0; i < trees.length; i++) { |
| if (trees[i].type === STATE_MACHINE) { |
| groups.push(trees[i]); |
| } else if (needsStateMachine(trees[i])) { |
| newMachine = this.ensureTransformed_(trees[i]); |
| groups.push(newMachine); |
| } else { |
| var last = groups[groups.length - 1]; |
| if (!(last instanceof Array)) |
| groups.push(last = []); |
| last.push(trees[i]); |
| } |
| } |
| if (groups.length === 1 && groups[0] instanceof Array) |
| return null; |
| var machine = null; |
| for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { |
| if (groups[i] instanceof Array) { |
| newMachine = this.statementsToStateMachine_(groups[i]); |
| } else { |
| newMachine = groups[i]; |
| } |
| if (i === 0) |
| machine = newMachine; |
| else |
| machine = machine.append(newMachine); |
| } |
| return machine; |
| }, |
| needsStateMachine_: function(statements) { |
| if (statements instanceof Array) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < statements.length; i++) { |
| if (needsStateMachine(statements[i])) |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| assert(statements instanceof SwitchStatement); |
| return needsStateMachine(statements); |
| }, |
| transformCaseClause: function(tree) { |
| var result = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $CPSTransformer.prototype, "transformCaseClause", [tree]); |
| var machine = this.transformStatementList_(result.statements); |
| return machine == null ? result : new CaseClause(null, result.expression, createStatementList(machine)); |
| }, |
| transformDoWhileStatement: function(tree) { |
| var $__235; |
| var $__233, |
| $__234; |
| var labels = this.getLabels_(); |
| var label = this.clearCurrentLabel_(); |
| var machine, |
| condition, |
| body; |
| if (this.expressionNeedsStateMachine(tree.condition)) { |
| (($__233 = this.expressionToStateMachine(tree.condition), machine = $__233.machine, condition = $__233.expression, $__233)); |
| body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| } else { |
| var result = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $CPSTransformer.prototype, "transformDoWhileStatement", [tree]); |
| (($__234 = result, condition = $__234.condition, body = $__234.body, $__234)); |
| if (body.type != STATE_MACHINE) |
| return result; |
| } |
| var loopBodyMachine = this.ensureTransformed_(body); |
| var startState = loopBodyMachine.startState; |
| var conditionState = loopBodyMachine.fallThroughState; |
| var fallThroughState = this.allocateState(); |
| var states = []; |
| this.addLoopBodyStates_(loopBodyMachine, conditionState, fallThroughState, labels, states); |
| if (machine) { |
| machine = machine.replaceStartState(conditionState); |
| conditionState = machine.fallThroughState; |
| ($__235 = states).push.apply($__235, $traceurRuntime.toObject(machine.states)); |
| } |
| states.push(new ConditionalState(conditionState, startState, fallThroughState, condition)); |
| var machine = new StateMachine(startState, fallThroughState, states, loopBodyMachine.exceptionBlocks); |
| if (label) |
| machine = machine.replaceStateId(conditionState, label.continueState); |
| return machine; |
| }, |
| addLoopBodyStates_: function(loopBodyMachine, continueState, breakState, labels, states) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < loopBodyMachine.states.length; i++) { |
| var state = loopBodyMachine.states[i]; |
| states.push(state.transformBreakOrContinue(labels, breakState, continueState)); |
| } |
| }, |
| transformForStatement: function(tree) { |
| var $__235; |
| var labels = this.getLabels_(); |
| var label = this.clearCurrentLabel_(); |
| var tmp; |
| var initialiser = null, |
| initialiserMachine; |
| if (tree.initialiser) { |
| if (this.expressionNeedsStateMachine(tree.initialiser)) { |
| tmp = this.expressionToStateMachine(tree.initialiser); |
| initialiser = tmp.expression; |
| initialiserMachine = tmp.machine; |
| } else { |
| initialiser = this.transformAny(tree.initialiser); |
| } |
| } |
| var condition = null, |
| conditionMachine; |
| if (tree.condition) { |
| if (this.expressionNeedsStateMachine(tree.condition)) { |
| tmp = this.expressionToStateMachine(tree.condition); |
| condition = tmp.expression; |
| conditionMachine = tmp.machine; |
| } else { |
| condition = this.transformAny(tree.condition); |
| } |
| } |
| var increment = null, |
| incrementMachine; |
| if (tree.increment) { |
| if (this.expressionNeedsStateMachine(tree.increment)) { |
| tmp = this.expressionToStateMachine(tree.increment); |
| increment = tmp.expression; |
| incrementMachine = tmp.machine; |
| } else { |
| increment = this.transformAny(tree.increment); |
| } |
| } |
| var body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| if (initialiser === tree.initialiser && condition === tree.condition && increment === tree.increment && body === tree.body) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| if (!initialiserMachine && !conditionMachine && !incrementMachine && body.type !== STATE_MACHINE) { |
| return new ForStatement(tree.location, initialiser, condition, increment, body); |
| } |
| var loopBodyMachine = this.ensureTransformed_(body); |
| var bodyFallThroughId = loopBodyMachine.fallThroughState; |
| var fallThroughId = this.allocateState(); |
| var startId; |
| var initialiserStartId = initialiser ? this.allocateState() : State.INVALID_STATE; |
| var conditionStartId = increment ? this.allocateState() : bodyFallThroughId; |
| var loopStartId = loopBodyMachine.startState; |
| var incrementStartId = bodyFallThroughId; |
| var states = []; |
| if (initialiser) { |
| startId = initialiserStartId; |
| var initialiserFallThroughId; |
| if (condition) |
| initialiserFallThroughId = conditionStartId; |
| else |
| initialiserFallThroughId = loopStartId; |
| var tmpId = initialiserStartId; |
| if (initialiserMachine) { |
| initialiserMachine = initialiserMachine.replaceStartState(initialiserStartId); |
| tmpId = initialiserMachine.fallThroughState; |
| ($__235 = states).push.apply($__235, $traceurRuntime.toObject(initialiserMachine.states)); |
| } |
| states.push(new FallThroughState(tmpId, initialiserFallThroughId, createStatementList(createExpressionStatement(initialiser)))); |
| } |
| if (condition) { |
| if (!initialiser) |
| startId = conditionStartId; |
| var tmpId = conditionStartId; |
| if (conditionMachine) { |
| conditionMachine = conditionMachine.replaceStartState(conditionStartId); |
| tmpId = conditionMachine.fallThroughState; |
| ($__235 = states).push.apply($__235, $traceurRuntime.toObject(conditionMachine.states)); |
| } |
| states.push(new ConditionalState(tmpId, loopStartId, fallThroughId, condition)); |
| } |
| if (increment) { |
| var incrementFallThroughId; |
| if (condition) |
| incrementFallThroughId = conditionStartId; |
| else |
| incrementFallThroughId = loopStartId; |
| var tmpId = incrementStartId; |
| if (incrementMachine) { |
| incrementMachine = incrementMachine.replaceStartState(incrementStartId); |
| tmpId = incrementMachine.fallThroughState; |
| ($__235 = states).push.apply($__235, $traceurRuntime.toObject(incrementMachine.states)); |
| } |
| states.push(new FallThroughState(tmpId, incrementFallThroughId, createStatementList(createExpressionStatement(increment)))); |
| } |
| if (!initialiser && !condition) |
| startId = loopStartId; |
| var continueId; |
| if (increment) |
| continueId = incrementStartId; |
| else if (condition) |
| continueId = conditionStartId; |
| else |
| continueId = loopStartId; |
| if (!increment && !condition) { |
| loopBodyMachine = loopBodyMachine.replaceFallThroughState(loopBodyMachine.startState); |
| } |
| this.addLoopBodyStates_(loopBodyMachine, continueId, fallThroughId, labels, states); |
| var machine = new StateMachine(startId, fallThroughId, states, loopBodyMachine.exceptionBlocks); |
| if (label) |
| machine = machine.replaceStateId(continueId, label.continueState); |
| return machine; |
| }, |
| transformForInStatement: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformForOfStatement: function(tree) { |
| throw new Error('for of statements should be transformed before this pass'); |
| }, |
| transformIfStatement: function(tree) { |
| var $__235; |
| var $__233, |
| $__234; |
| var machine, |
| condition, |
| ifClause, |
| elseClause; |
| if (this.expressionNeedsStateMachine(tree.condition)) { |
| (($__233 = this.expressionToStateMachine(tree.condition), machine = $__233.machine, condition = $__233.expression, $__233)); |
| ifClause = this.transformAny(tree.ifClause); |
| elseClause = this.transformAny(tree.elseClause); |
| } else { |
| var result = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $CPSTransformer.prototype, "transformIfStatement", [tree]); |
| (($__234 = result, condition = $__234.condition, ifClause = $__234.ifClause, elseClause = $__234.elseClause, $__234)); |
| if (ifClause.type !== STATE_MACHINE && (elseClause === null || elseClause.type !== STATE_MACHINE)) { |
| return result; |
| } |
| } |
| ifClause = this.ensureTransformed_(ifClause); |
| elseClause = this.ensureTransformed_(elseClause); |
| var startState = this.allocateState(); |
| var fallThroughState = ifClause.fallThroughState; |
| var ifState = ifClause.startState; |
| var elseState = elseClause == null ? fallThroughState : elseClause.startState; |
| var states = []; |
| var exceptionBlocks = []; |
| states.push(new ConditionalState(startState, ifState, elseState, condition)); |
| ($__235 = states).push.apply($__235, $traceurRuntime.toObject(ifClause.states)); |
| ($__235 = exceptionBlocks).push.apply($__235, $traceurRuntime.toObject(ifClause.exceptionBlocks)); |
| if (elseClause != null) { |
| this.replaceAndAddStates_(elseClause.states, elseClause.fallThroughState, fallThroughState, states); |
| ($__235 = exceptionBlocks).push.apply($__235, $traceurRuntime.toObject(State.replaceAllStates(elseClause.exceptionBlocks, elseClause.fallThroughState, fallThroughState))); |
| } |
| var ifMachine = new StateMachine(startState, fallThroughState, states, exceptionBlocks); |
| if (machine) |
| ifMachine = machine.append(ifMachine); |
| return ifMachine; |
| }, |
| removeEmptyStates: function(oldStates) { |
| var emptyStates = [], |
| newStates = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < oldStates.length; i++) { |
| if (oldStates[i] instanceof FallThroughState && oldStates[i].statements.length === 0) { |
| emptyStates.push(oldStates[i]); |
| } else { |
| newStates.push(oldStates[i]); |
| } |
| } |
| for (i = 0; i < newStates.length; i++) { |
| newStates[i] = emptyStates.reduce((function(state, $__233) { |
| var id = $__233.id, |
| fallThroughState = $__233.fallThroughState; |
| return state.replaceState(id, fallThroughState); |
| }), newStates[i]); |
| } |
| return newStates; |
| }, |
| replaceAndAddStates_: function(oldStates, oldState, newState, newStates) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < oldStates.length; i++) { |
| newStates.push(oldStates[i].replaceState(oldState, newState)); |
| } |
| }, |
| transformLabelledStatement: function(tree) { |
| var startState = this.allocateState(); |
| var continueState = this.allocateState(); |
| var fallThroughState = this.allocateState(); |
| var label = new LabelState(tree.name.value, continueState, fallThroughState); |
| var oldLabels = this.addLabel_(label); |
| this.currentLabel_ = label; |
| var result = this.transformAny(tree.statement); |
| if (result === tree.statement) { |
| result = tree; |
| } else if (result.type === STATE_MACHINE) { |
| result = result.replaceStartState(startState); |
| result = result.replaceFallThroughState(fallThroughState); |
| } |
| this.restoreLabels_(oldLabels); |
| return result; |
| }, |
| getLabels_: function() { |
| return this.labelSet_; |
| }, |
| restoreLabels_: function(oldLabels) { |
| this.labelSet_ = oldLabels; |
| }, |
| addLabel_: function(label) { |
| var oldLabels = this.labelSet_; |
| var labelSet = Object.create(null); |
| for (var k in this.labelSet_) { |
| labelSet[k] = this.labelSet_[k]; |
| } |
| labelSet[label.name] = label; |
| this.labelSet_ = labelSet; |
| return oldLabels; |
| }, |
| clearLabels_: function() { |
| var result = this.labelSet_; |
| this.labelSet_ = Object.create(null); |
| return result; |
| }, |
| clearCurrentLabel_: function() { |
| var result = this.currentLabel_; |
| this.currentLabel_ = null; |
| return result; |
| }, |
| transformSwitchStatement: function(tree) { |
| var $__233, |
| $__234; |
| var labels = this.getLabels_(); |
| var expression, |
| machine, |
| caseClauses; |
| if (this.expressionNeedsStateMachine(tree.expression)) { |
| (($__233 = this.expressionToStateMachine(tree.expression), expression = $__233.expression, machine = $__233.machine, $__233)); |
| caseClauses = this.transformList(tree.caseClauses); |
| } else { |
| var result = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $CPSTransformer.prototype, "transformSwitchStatement", [tree]); |
| if (!needsStateMachine(result)) |
| return result; |
| (($__234 = result, expression = $__234.expression, caseClauses = $__234.caseClauses, $__234)); |
| } |
| var startState = this.allocateState(); |
| var fallThroughState = this.allocateState(); |
| var nextState = fallThroughState; |
| var states = []; |
| var clauses = []; |
| var tryStates = []; |
| var hasDefault = false; |
| for (var index = caseClauses.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { |
| var clause = caseClauses[index]; |
| if (clause.type == CASE_CLAUSE) { |
| var caseClause = clause; |
| nextState = this.addSwitchClauseStates_(nextState, fallThroughState, labels, caseClause.statements, states, tryStates); |
| clauses.push(new SwitchClause(caseClause.expression, nextState)); |
| } else { |
| hasDefault = true; |
| var defaultClause = clause; |
| nextState = this.addSwitchClauseStates_(nextState, fallThroughState, labels, defaultClause.statements, states, tryStates); |
| clauses.push(new SwitchClause(null, nextState)); |
| } |
| } |
| if (!hasDefault) { |
| clauses.push(new SwitchClause(null, fallThroughState)); |
| } |
| states.push(new SwitchState(startState, expression, clauses.reverse())); |
| var switchMachine = new StateMachine(startState, fallThroughState, states.reverse(), tryStates); |
| if (machine) |
| switchMachine = machine.append(switchMachine); |
| return switchMachine; |
| }, |
| addSwitchClauseStates_: function(nextState, fallThroughState, labels, statements, states, tryStates) { |
| var $__235; |
| var machine = this.ensureTransformedList_(statements); |
| for (var i = 0; i < machine.states.length; i++) { |
| var state = machine.states[i]; |
| var transformedState = state.transformBreak(labels, fallThroughState); |
| states.push(transformedState.replaceState(machine.fallThroughState, nextState)); |
| } |
| ($__235 = tryStates).push.apply($__235, $traceurRuntime.toObject(machine.exceptionBlocks)); |
| return machine.startState; |
| }, |
| transformTryStatement: function(tree) { |
| var result = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $CPSTransformer.prototype, "transformTryStatement", [tree]); |
| var $__233 = result, |
| body = $__233.body, |
| catchBlock = $__233.catchBlock, |
| finallyBlock = $__233.finallyBlock; |
| if (body.type != STATE_MACHINE && (catchBlock == null || catchBlock.catchBody.type != STATE_MACHINE) && (finallyBlock == null || finallyBlock.block.type != STATE_MACHINE)) { |
| return result; |
| } |
| var outerCatchState = this.allocateState(); |
| var outerFinallyState = this.allocateState(); |
| var pushTryState = this.statementToStateMachine_(parseStatement($__221, (catchBlock && outerCatchState), (finallyBlock && outerFinallyState))); |
| var tryMachine = this.ensureTransformed_(body); |
| tryMachine = pushTryState.append(tryMachine); |
| if (catchBlock !== null) { |
| var popTry = this.statementToStateMachine_(parseStatement($__222)); |
| tryMachine = tryMachine.append(popTry); |
| var exceptionName = catchBlock.binding.identifierToken.value; |
| var catchMachine = this.ensureTransformed_(catchBlock.catchBody); |
| var catchStart = this.allocateState(); |
| this.addMachineVariable(exceptionName); |
| var states = $traceurRuntime.spread(tryMachine.states, [new FallThroughState(catchStart, catchMachine.startState, parseStatements($__223, id(exceptionName)))]); |
| this.replaceAndAddStates_(catchMachine.states, catchMachine.fallThroughState, tryMachine.fallThroughState, states); |
| tryMachine = new StateMachine(tryMachine.startState, tryMachine.fallThroughState, states, [new CatchState(exceptionName, catchStart, tryMachine.fallThroughState, tryMachine.getAllStateIDs(), tryMachine.exceptionBlocks)]); |
| tryMachine = tryMachine.replaceStateId(catchStart, outerCatchState); |
| } |
| if (finallyBlock != null) { |
| var finallyMachine = this.ensureTransformed_(finallyBlock.block); |
| var popTry = this.statementToStateMachine_(parseStatement($__224)); |
| finallyMachine = popTry.append(finallyMachine); |
| var states = $traceurRuntime.spread(tryMachine.states, finallyMachine.states, [new FinallyFallThroughState(finallyMachine.fallThroughState)]); |
| tryMachine = new StateMachine(tryMachine.startState, tryMachine.fallThroughState, states, [new FinallyState(finallyMachine.startState, finallyMachine.fallThroughState, tryMachine.getAllStateIDs(), tryMachine.exceptionBlocks)]); |
| tryMachine = tryMachine.replaceStateId(finallyMachine.startState, outerFinallyState); |
| } |
| return tryMachine; |
| }, |
| transformWhileStatement: function(tree) { |
| var $__235; |
| var $__233, |
| $__234; |
| var labels = this.getLabels_(); |
| var label = this.clearCurrentLabel_(); |
| var condition, |
| machine, |
| body; |
| if (this.expressionNeedsStateMachine(tree.condition)) { |
| (($__233 = this.expressionToStateMachine(tree.condition), machine = $__233.machine, condition = $__233.expression, $__233)); |
| body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| } else { |
| var result = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $CPSTransformer.prototype, "transformWhileStatement", [tree]); |
| (($__234 = result, condition = $__234.condition, body = $__234.body, $__234)); |
| if (body.type !== STATE_MACHINE) |
| return result; |
| } |
| var loopBodyMachine = this.ensureTransformed_(body); |
| var startState = loopBodyMachine.fallThroughState; |
| var fallThroughState = this.allocateState(); |
| var states = []; |
| var conditionStart = startState; |
| if (machine) { |
| machine = machine.replaceStartState(startState); |
| conditionStart = machine.fallThroughState; |
| ($__235 = states).push.apply($__235, $traceurRuntime.toObject(machine.states)); |
| } |
| states.push(new ConditionalState(conditionStart, loopBodyMachine.startState, fallThroughState, condition)); |
| this.addLoopBodyStates_(loopBodyMachine, startState, fallThroughState, labels, states); |
| var machine = new StateMachine(startState, fallThroughState, states, loopBodyMachine.exceptionBlocks); |
| if (label) |
| machine = machine.replaceStateId(startState, label.continueState); |
| return machine; |
| }, |
| transformWithStatement: function(tree) { |
| var result = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $CPSTransformer.prototype, "transformWithStatement", [tree]); |
| if (result.body.type != STATE_MACHINE) { |
| return result; |
| } |
| throw new Error('Unreachable - with statement not allowed in strict mode/harmony'); |
| }, |
| generateMachineInnerFunction: function(machine) { |
| var enclosingFinallyState = machine.getEnclosingFinallyMap(); |
| var SwitchStatement = createSwitchStatement(createMemberExpression('$ctx', 'state'), this.transformMachineStates(machine, State.END_STATE, State.RETHROW_STATE, enclosingFinallyState)); |
| return parseExpression($__225, SwitchStatement); |
| }, |
| addTempVar: function() { |
| var name = this.getTempIdentifier(); |
| this.addMachineVariable(name); |
| return name; |
| }, |
| addMachineVariable: function(name) { |
| this.hoistVariablesTransformer_.addVariable(name); |
| }, |
| transformCpsFunctionBody: function(tree, runtimeMethod) { |
| var alphaRenamedTree = AlphaRenamer.rename(tree, 'arguments', '$arguments'); |
| var hasArguments = alphaRenamedTree !== tree; |
| var hoistedTree = this.hoistVariablesTransformer_.transformAny(alphaRenamedTree); |
| var maybeMachine = this.transformAny(hoistedTree); |
| if (this.reporter.hadError()) |
| return tree; |
| var machine; |
| if (maybeMachine.type !== STATE_MACHINE) { |
| machine = this.statementsToStateMachine_(maybeMachine.statements); |
| } else { |
| machine = new StateMachine(maybeMachine.startState, maybeMachine.fallThroughState, this.removeEmptyStates(maybeMachine.states), maybeMachine.exceptionBlocks); |
| } |
| machine = machine.replaceFallThroughState(State.END_STATE).replaceStartState(State.START_STATE); |
| var statements = []; |
| if (this.hoistVariablesTransformer_.hasVariables()) |
| statements.push(this.hoistVariablesTransformer_.getVariableStatement()); |
| if (hasArguments) |
| statements.push(parseStatement($__226)); |
| statements.push(parseStatement($__227, runtimeMethod, this.generateMachineInnerFunction(machine))); |
| return createFunctionBody(statements); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformGetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformSetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformStateMachine: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| statementToStateMachine_: function(statement) { |
| var statements; |
| if (statement.type === BLOCK) |
| statements = statement.statements; |
| else |
| statements = [statement]; |
| return this.statementsToStateMachine_(statements); |
| }, |
| statementsToStateMachine_: function(statements) { |
| var startState = this.allocateState(); |
| var fallThroughState = this.allocateState(); |
| return this.stateToStateMachine_(new FallThroughState(startState, fallThroughState, statements), fallThroughState); |
| }, |
| stateToStateMachine_: function(newState, fallThroughState) { |
| return new StateMachine(newState.id, fallThroughState, [newState], []); |
| }, |
| transformMachineStates: function(machine, machineEndState, rethrowState, enclosingFinallyState) { |
| var cases = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < machine.states.length; i++) { |
| var state = machine.states[i]; |
| var stateCase = state.transformMachineState(enclosingFinallyState[state.id], machineEndState, this.reporter); |
| if (stateCase != null) { |
| cases.push(stateCase); |
| } |
| } |
| this.addFinallyFallThroughDispatches(null, machine.exceptionBlocks, cases); |
| cases.push(createDefaultClause(parseStatements($__228))); |
| return cases; |
| }, |
| addFinallyFallThroughDispatches: function(enclosingFinallyState, tryStates, cases) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < tryStates.length; i++) { |
| var tryState = tryStates[i]; |
| if (tryState.kind == TryState.Kind.FINALLY) { |
| var finallyState = tryState; |
| if (enclosingFinallyState != null) { |
| var caseClauses = []; |
| var index = 0; |
| for (var j = 0; j < enclosingFinallyState.tryStates.length; j++) { |
| var destination = enclosingFinallyState.tryStates[j]; |
| index++; |
| var statements; |
| if (index < enclosingFinallyState.tryStates.length) { |
| statements = createStatementList(); |
| } else { |
| statements = parseStatements($__229, State.INVALID_STATE); |
| } |
| caseClauses.push(createCaseClause(createNumberLiteral(destination), statements)); |
| } |
| caseClauses.push(createDefaultClause(createStatementList(createAssignStateStatement(enclosingFinallyState.finallyState), createBreakStatement()))); |
| cases.push(createCaseClause(createNumberLiteral(finallyState.fallThroughState), createStatementList(createSwitchStatement(createMemberExpression('$ctx', 'finallyFallThrough'), caseClauses), createBreakStatement()))); |
| } else { |
| cases.push(createCaseClause(createNumberLiteral(finallyState.fallThroughState), parseStatements($__230))); |
| } |
| this.addFinallyFallThroughDispatches(finallyState, finallyState.nestedTrys, cases); |
| } else { |
| this.addFinallyFallThroughDispatches(enclosingFinallyState, tryState.nestedTrys, cases); |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| transformVariableDeclarationList: function(tree) { |
| this.reporter.reportError(tree.location && tree.location.start, 'Traceur: const/let declarations in a block containing a yield are ' + 'not yet implemented'); |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| maybeTransformStatement_: function(maybeTransformedStatement) { |
| var breakContinueTransformed = new BreakContinueTransformer(this.stateAllocator_).transformAny(maybeTransformedStatement); |
| if (breakContinueTransformed != maybeTransformedStatement) { |
| breakContinueTransformed = this.transformAny(breakContinueTransformed); |
| } |
| return breakContinueTransformed; |
| }, |
| ensureTransformed_: function(statement) { |
| if (statement == null) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| var maybeTransformed = this.maybeTransformStatement_(statement); |
| return maybeTransformed.type == STATE_MACHINE ? maybeTransformed : this.statementToStateMachine_(maybeTransformed); |
| }, |
| ensureTransformedList_: function(statements) { |
| var maybeTransformedStatements = []; |
| var foundMachine = false; |
| for (var i = 0; i < statements.length; i++) { |
| var statement = statements[i]; |
| var maybeTransformedStatement = this.maybeTransformStatement_(statement); |
| maybeTransformedStatements.push(maybeTransformedStatement); |
| if (maybeTransformedStatement.type == STATE_MACHINE) { |
| foundMachine = true; |
| } |
| } |
| if (!foundMachine) { |
| return this.statementsToStateMachine_(statements); |
| } |
| return this.transformStatementList_(maybeTransformedStatements); |
| }, |
| expressionToStateMachine: function(tree) { |
| var commaExpression = new ExplodeExpressionTransformer(this).transformAny(tree); |
| var statements = new NormalizeCommaExpressionToStatementTransformer().transformAny(commaExpression).statements; |
| var lastStatement = statements.pop(); |
| assert(lastStatement.type === EXPRESSION_STATEMENT); |
| var expression = lastStatement.expression; |
| statements = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $CPSTransformer.prototype, "transformList", [statements]); |
| var machine = this.transformStatementList_(statements); |
| return { |
| expression: expression, |
| machine: machine |
| }; |
| } |
| }, {}, TempVarTransformer); |
| var NormalizeCommaExpressionToStatementTransformer = function NormalizeCommaExpressionToStatementTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $NormalizeCommaExpressionToStatementTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $NormalizeCommaExpressionToStatementTransformer = NormalizeCommaExpressionToStatementTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(NormalizeCommaExpressionToStatementTransformer, { |
| transformCommaExpression: function(tree) { |
| var $__231 = this; |
| var statements = tree.expressions.map((function(expr) { |
| if (expr.type === CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION) |
| return $__231.transformAny(expr); |
| return createExpressionStatement(expr); |
| })); |
| return new AnonBlock(tree.location, statements); |
| }, |
| transformConditionalExpression: function(tree) { |
| var ifBlock = this.transformAny(tree.left); |
| var elseBlock = this.transformAny(tree.right); |
| return new IfStatement(tree.location, tree.condition, anonBlockToBlock(ifBlock), anonBlockToBlock(elseBlock)); |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| function anonBlockToBlock(tree) { |
| if (tree.type === PAREN_EXPRESSION) |
| return anonBlockToBlock(tree.expression); |
| return new Block(tree.location, tree.statements); |
| } |
| return {get CPSTransformer() { |
| return CPSTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/EndState", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/EndState"; |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var EndState = function EndState() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $EndState.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $EndState = EndState; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(EndState, { |
| replaceState: function(oldState, newState) { |
| return new $EndState(State.replaceStateId(this.id, oldState, newState)); |
| }, |
| transform: function(enclosingFinally, machineEndState, reporter) { |
| return State.generateJump(enclosingFinally, machineEndState); |
| } |
| }, {}, State); |
| return {get EndState() { |
| return EndState; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/AsyncTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/AsyncTransformer"; |
| var $__238 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["", " = $ctx.value"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["", " = $ctx.value"])}})), |
| $__239 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["throw $ctx.err"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["throw $ctx.err"])}})), |
| $__240 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$ctx.resolve(", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$ctx.resolve(", ")"])}})), |
| $__241 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$traceurRuntime.asyncWrap"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$traceurRuntime.asyncWrap"])}})); |
| var AwaitState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/AwaitState").AwaitState; |
| var CPSTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/CPSTransformer").CPSTransformer; |
| var EndState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/EndState").EndState; |
| var FallThroughState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/FallThroughState").FallThroughState; |
| var STATE_MACHINE = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType").STATE_MACHINE; |
| var $__243 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser"), |
| parseExpression = $__243.parseExpression, |
| parseStatement = $__243.parseStatement, |
| parseStatements = $__243.parseStatements; |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var StateMachine = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/StateMachine").StateMachine; |
| var VAR = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").VAR; |
| var $__243 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createAssignStateStatement = $__243.createAssignStateStatement, |
| createBreakStatement = $__243.createBreakStatement, |
| createStatementList = $__243.createStatementList, |
| createUndefinedExpression = $__243.createUndefinedExpression; |
| var AsyncTransformer = function AsyncTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $AsyncTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $AsyncTransformer = AsyncTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(AsyncTransformer, { |
| transformYieldExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.reporter.reportError(tree.location.start, 'Async function may not have a yield expression.'); |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformAwaitStatement: function(tree) { |
| var createTaskState = this.allocateState(); |
| var callbackState = this.allocateState(); |
| var errbackState = this.allocateState(); |
| var fallThroughState = this.allocateState(); |
| var states = []; |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| states.push(new AwaitState(createTaskState, callbackState, errbackState, expression)); |
| var assignment; |
| if (tree.identifier != null) |
| assignment = parseStatements($__238, tree.identifier); |
| else |
| assignment = createStatementList(); |
| states.push(new FallThroughState(callbackState, fallThroughState, assignment)); |
| states.push(new FallThroughState(errbackState, fallThroughState, createStatementList(parseStatement($__239)))); |
| return new StateMachine(createTaskState, fallThroughState, states, []); |
| }, |
| transformFinally: function(tree) { |
| var result = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $AsyncTransformer.prototype, "transformFinally", [tree]); |
| if (result.block.type != STATE_MACHINE) { |
| return result; |
| } |
| this.reporter.reportError(tree.location.start, 'await not permitted within a finally block.'); |
| return result; |
| }, |
| transformReturnStatement: function(tree) { |
| var result = tree.expression; |
| if (result == null) { |
| result = createUndefinedExpression(); |
| } |
| var startState = this.allocateState(); |
| var endState = this.allocateState(); |
| var completeState = new FallThroughState(startState, endState, createStatementList(this.createCompleteTask_(result))); |
| var end = new EndState(endState); |
| return new StateMachine(startState, this.allocateState(), [completeState, end], []); |
| }, |
| createCompleteTask_: function(result) { |
| return parseStatement($__240, result); |
| }, |
| transformAsyncBody: function(tree) { |
| var runtimeFunction = parseExpression($__241); |
| return this.transformCpsFunctionBody(tree, runtimeFunction); |
| }, |
| machineFallThroughStatements: function(machineEndState) { |
| return createStatementList(this.createCompleteTask_(createUndefinedExpression()), createAssignStateStatement(machineEndState), createBreakStatement()); |
| } |
| }, {transformAsyncBody: function(identifierGenerator, reporter, body) { |
| return new $AsyncTransformer(identifierGenerator, reporter).transformAsyncBody(body); |
| }}, CPSTransformer); |
| ; |
| return {get AsyncTransformer() { |
| return AsyncTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/ForInTransformPass", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/ForInTransformPass"; |
| var $__245 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| BLOCK = $__245.BLOCK, |
| var $__245 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName"), |
| LENGTH = $__245.LENGTH, |
| PUSH = $__245.PUSH; |
| var TempVarTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TempVarTransformer").TempVarTransformer; |
| var $__245 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| BANG = $__245.BANG, |
| IN = $__245.IN, |
| PLUS_PLUS = $__245.PLUS_PLUS, |
| VAR = $__245.VAR; |
| var $__245 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createArgumentList = $__245.createArgumentList, |
| createAssignmentStatement = $__245.createAssignmentStatement, |
| createBinaryOperator = $__245.createBinaryOperator, |
| createBlock = $__245.createBlock, |
| createCallStatement = $__245.createCallStatement, |
| createContinueStatement = $__245.createContinueStatement, |
| createEmptyArrayLiteralExpression = $__245.createEmptyArrayLiteralExpression, |
| createForInStatement = $__245.createForInStatement, |
| createForStatement = $__245.createForStatement, |
| createIdentifierExpression = $__245.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createIfStatement = $__245.createIfStatement, |
| createMemberExpression = $__245.createMemberExpression, |
| createMemberLookupExpression = $__245.createMemberLookupExpression, |
| createNumberLiteral = $__245.createNumberLiteral, |
| createOperatorToken = $__245.createOperatorToken, |
| createParenExpression = $__245.createParenExpression, |
| createPostfixExpression = $__245.createPostfixExpression, |
| createUnaryExpression = $__245.createUnaryExpression, |
| createVariableDeclarationList = $__245.createVariableDeclarationList, |
| createVariableStatement = $__245.createVariableStatement; |
| var ForInTransformPass = function ForInTransformPass() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $ForInTransformPass.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $ForInTransformPass = ForInTransformPass; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ForInTransformPass, {transformForInStatement: function(original) { |
| var $__246; |
| var tree = original; |
| var bodyStatements = []; |
| var body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| if (body.type == BLOCK) { |
| ($__246 = bodyStatements).push.apply($__246, $traceurRuntime.toObject(body.statements)); |
| } else { |
| bodyStatements.push(body); |
| } |
| var elements = []; |
| var keys = this.getTempIdentifier(); |
| elements.push(createVariableStatement(VAR, keys, createEmptyArrayLiteralExpression())); |
| var collection = this.getTempIdentifier(); |
| elements.push(createVariableStatement(VAR, collection, tree.collection)); |
| var p = this.getTempIdentifier(); |
| elements.push(createForInStatement(createVariableDeclarationList(VAR, p, null), createIdentifierExpression(collection), createCallStatement(createMemberExpression(keys, PUSH), createArgumentList(createIdentifierExpression(p))))); |
| var i = this.getTempIdentifier(); |
| var lookup = createMemberLookupExpression(createIdentifierExpression(keys), createIdentifierExpression(i)); |
| var originalKey, |
| assignOriginalKey; |
| if (tree.initialiser.type == VARIABLE_DECLARATION_LIST) { |
| var decList = tree.initialiser; |
| originalKey = createIdentifierExpression(decList.declarations[0].lvalue); |
| assignOriginalKey = createVariableStatement(decList.declarationType, originalKey.identifierToken, lookup); |
| } else if (tree.initialiser.type == IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION) { |
| originalKey = tree.initialiser; |
| assignOriginalKey = createAssignmentStatement(tree.initialiser, lookup); |
| } else { |
| throw new Error('Invalid left hand side of for in loop'); |
| } |
| var innerBlock = []; |
| innerBlock.push(assignOriginalKey); |
| innerBlock.push(createIfStatement(createUnaryExpression(createOperatorToken(BANG), createParenExpression(createBinaryOperator(originalKey, createOperatorToken(IN), createIdentifierExpression(collection)))), createContinueStatement(), null)); |
| ($__246 = innerBlock).push.apply($__246, $traceurRuntime.toObject(bodyStatements)); |
| elements.push(createForStatement(createVariableDeclarationList(VAR, i, createNumberLiteral(0)), createBinaryOperator(createIdentifierExpression(i), createOperatorToken(OPEN_ANGLE), createMemberExpression(keys, LENGTH)), createPostfixExpression(createIdentifierExpression(i), createOperatorToken(PLUS_PLUS)), createBlock(innerBlock))); |
| return createBlock(elements); |
| }}, {}, TempVarTransformer); |
| return {get ForInTransformPass() { |
| return ForInTransformPass; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/YieldState", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/YieldState"; |
| var $__247 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["return ", ""], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["return ", ""])}})); |
| var CURRENT = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName").CURRENT; |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var $__249 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createAssignmentStatement = $__249.createAssignmentStatement, |
| createIdentifierExpression = $__249.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createMemberExpression = $__249.createMemberExpression, |
| createReturnStatement = $__249.createReturnStatement, |
| createThisExpression = $__249.createThisExpression, |
| createTrueLiteral = $__249.createTrueLiteral; |
| var parseStatement = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser").parseStatement; |
| var YieldState = function YieldState(id, fallThroughState, expression) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $YieldState.prototype, "constructor", [id]); |
| this.fallThroughState = fallThroughState; |
| this.expression = expression; |
| }; |
| var $YieldState = YieldState; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(YieldState, { |
| replaceState: function(oldState, newState) { |
| return new this.constructor(State.replaceStateId(this.id, oldState, newState), State.replaceStateId(this.fallThroughState, oldState, newState), this.expression); |
| }, |
| transform: function(enclosingFinally, machineEndState, reporter) { |
| return $traceurRuntime.spread(State.generateAssignState(enclosingFinally, this.fallThroughState), [parseStatement($__247, this.expression)]); |
| } |
| }, {}, State); |
| return {get YieldState() { |
| return YieldState; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/ReturnState", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/ReturnState"; |
| var $__250 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$ctx.returnValue = ", ""], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$ctx.returnValue = ", ""])}})); |
| var $__252 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/semantics/util"), |
| isUndefined = $__252.isUndefined, |
| isVoidExpression = $__252.isVoidExpression; |
| var YieldState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/YieldState").YieldState; |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var $__252 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createAssignmentStatement = $__252.createAssignmentStatement, |
| createMemberExpression = $__252.createMemberExpression, |
| createThisExpression = $__252.createThisExpression; |
| var parseStatement = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser").parseStatement; |
| var ReturnState = function ReturnState() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $ReturnState.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $ReturnState = ReturnState; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ReturnState, {transform: function(enclosingFinally, machineEndState, reporter) { |
| var $__253; |
| var e = this.expression; |
| var statements = []; |
| if (e && !isUndefined(e) && !isVoidExpression(e)) |
| statements.push(parseStatement($__250, this.expression)); |
| ($__253 = statements).push.apply($__253, $traceurRuntime.toObject(State.generateJump(enclosingFinally, machineEndState))); |
| return statements; |
| }}, {}, YieldState); |
| return {get ReturnState() { |
| return ReturnState; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/isYieldAssign", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/isYieldAssign"; |
| var $__254 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| function isYieldAssign(tree) { |
| return tree.type === BINARY_OPERATOR && tree.operator.isAssignmentOperator() && tree.right.type === YIELD_EXPRESSION && tree.left.isLeftHandSideExpression(); |
| } |
| var $__default = isYieldAssign; |
| return {get default() { |
| return $__default; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/YieldFinder", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/YieldFinder"; |
| var ParseTreeVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/ParseTreeVisitor").ParseTreeVisitor; |
| var YieldFinder = function YieldFinder(tree) { |
| this.hasYield = false; |
| this.hasYieldFor = false; |
| this.hasForIn = false; |
| this.hasAwait = false; |
| this.visitAny(tree); |
| }; |
| var $YieldFinder = YieldFinder; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(YieldFinder, { |
| hasAnyGenerator: function() { |
| return this.hasYield || this.hasAwait; |
| }, |
| visitYieldExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.hasYield = true; |
| this.hasYieldFor = tree.isYieldFor; |
| }, |
| visitAwaitStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.hasAwait = true; |
| }, |
| visitForInStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.hasForIn = true; |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $YieldFinder.prototype, "visitForInStatement", [tree]); |
| }, |
| visitFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) {}, |
| visitFunctionExpression: function(tree) {}, |
| visitSetAccessor: function(tree) {}, |
| visitGetAccessor: function(tree) {} |
| }, {}, ParseTreeVisitor); |
| return {get YieldFinder() { |
| return YieldFinder; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/scopeContainsYield", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/scopeContainsYield"; |
| var YieldFinder = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/YieldFinder").YieldFinder; |
| function scopeContainsYield(tree) { |
| var visitor = new YieldFinder(tree); |
| return visitor.hasYield || visitor.hasYieldFor || visitor.hasAwait; |
| } |
| var $__default = scopeContainsYield; |
| return {get default() { |
| return $__default; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/GeneratorTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/GeneratorTransformer"; |
| var $__258 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["\n ", " = ", "[Symbol.iterator]();\n // received = void 0;\n $ctx.sent = void 0;\n // send = true; // roughly equivalent\n $ctx.action = 'next';\n\n for (;;) {\n ", " = ", "[$ctx.action]($ctx.sentIgnoreThrow);\n if (", ".done) {\n $ctx.sent = ", ".value;\n break;\n }\n ", ";\n }"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["\n ", " = ", "[Symbol.iterator]();\n // received = void 0;\n $ctx.sent = void 0;\n // send = true; // roughly equivalent\n $ctx.action = 'next';\n\n for (;;) {\n ", " = ", "[$ctx.action]($ctx.sentIgnoreThrow);\n if (", ".done) {\n $ctx.sent = ", ".value;\n break;\n }\n ", ";\n }"])}})), |
| $__259 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$ctx.sentIgnoreThrow"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$ctx.sentIgnoreThrow"])}})), |
| $__260 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$ctx.sent"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$ctx.sent"])}})), |
| $__261 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$ctx.maybeThrow()"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$ctx.maybeThrow()"])}})), |
| $__262 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$traceurRuntime.generatorWrap"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$traceurRuntime.generatorWrap"])}})); |
| var CPSTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/CPSTransformer").CPSTransformer; |
| var $__264 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var $__264 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| BinaryOperator = $__264.BinaryOperator, |
| ExpressionStatement = $__264.ExpressionStatement; |
| var ExplodeExpressionTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ExplodeExpressionTransformer").ExplodeExpressionTransformer; |
| var FallThroughState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/FallThroughState").FallThroughState; |
| var ReturnState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/ReturnState").ReturnState; |
| var State = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/State").State; |
| var StateMachine = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/StateMachine").StateMachine; |
| var YieldState = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/YieldState").YieldState; |
| var $__264 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createAssignStateStatement = $__264.createAssignStateStatement, |
| createFunctionBody = $__264.createFunctionBody, |
| id = $__264.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createMemberExpression = $__264.createMemberExpression, |
| createStatementList = $__264.createStatementList, |
| createUndefinedExpression = $__264.createUndefinedExpression, |
| createYieldStatement = $__264.createYieldStatement; |
| var isYieldAssign = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/isYieldAssign").default; |
| var $__264 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser"), |
| parseExpression = $__264.parseExpression, |
| parseStatement = $__264.parseStatement, |
| parseStatements = $__264.parseStatements; |
| var scopeContainsYield = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/scopeContainsYield").default; |
| var GeneratorTransformer = function GeneratorTransformer(identifierGenerator, reporter) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $GeneratorTransformer.prototype, "constructor", [identifierGenerator, reporter]); |
| this.shouldAppendThrowCloseState_ = true; |
| }; |
| var $GeneratorTransformer = GeneratorTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(GeneratorTransformer, { |
| expressionNeedsStateMachine: function(tree) { |
| if (tree === null) |
| return false; |
| return scopeContainsYield(tree); |
| }, |
| transformYieldExpression_: function(tree) { |
| var $__264; |
| var expression, |
| machine; |
| if (this.expressionNeedsStateMachine(tree.expression)) { |
| (($__264 = this.expressionToStateMachine(tree.expression), expression = $__264.expression, machine = $__264.machine, $__264)); |
| } else { |
| expression = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| if (!expression) |
| expression = createUndefinedExpression(); |
| } |
| if (tree.isYieldFor) |
| return this.transformYieldForExpression_(expression, machine); |
| var startState = this.allocateState(); |
| var fallThroughState = this.allocateState(); |
| var yieldMachine = this.stateToStateMachine_(new YieldState(startState, fallThroughState, this.transformAny(expression)), fallThroughState); |
| if (machine) |
| yieldMachine = machine.append(yieldMachine); |
| if (this.shouldAppendThrowCloseState_) |
| yieldMachine = yieldMachine.append(this.createThrowCloseState_()); |
| return yieldMachine; |
| }, |
| transformYieldForExpression_: function(expression) { |
| var machine = arguments[1]; |
| var gName = this.getTempIdentifier(); |
| this.addMachineVariable(gName); |
| var g = id(gName); |
| var nextName = this.getTempIdentifier(); |
| this.addMachineVariable(nextName); |
| var next = id(nextName); |
| var statements = parseStatements($__258, g, expression, next, g, next, next, createYieldStatement(createMemberExpression(next, 'value'))); |
| var shouldAppendThrowCloseState = this.shouldAppendThrowCloseState_; |
| this.shouldAppendThrowCloseState_ = false; |
| statements = this.transformList(statements); |
| var yieldMachine = this.transformStatementList_(statements); |
| this.shouldAppendThrowCloseState_ = shouldAppendThrowCloseState; |
| if (machine) |
| yieldMachine = machine.append(yieldMachine); |
| return yieldMachine; |
| }, |
| transformYieldExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.reporter.reportError(tree.location.start, 'Only \'a = yield b\' and \'var a = yield b\' currently supported.'); |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformYieldAssign_: function(tree) { |
| var shouldAppendThrowCloseState = this.shouldAppendThrowCloseState_; |
| this.shouldAppendThrowCloseState_ = false; |
| var machine = this.transformYieldExpression_(tree.right); |
| var left = this.transformAny(tree.left); |
| var sentExpression = tree.right.isYieldFor ? parseExpression($__259) : parseExpression($__260); |
| var statement = new ExpressionStatement(tree.location, new BinaryOperator(tree.location, left, tree.operator, sentExpression)); |
| var assignMachine = this.statementToStateMachine_(statement); |
| this.shouldAppendThrowCloseState_ = shouldAppendThrowCloseState; |
| return machine.append(assignMachine); |
| }, |
| createThrowCloseState_: function() { |
| return this.statementToStateMachine_(parseStatement($__261)); |
| }, |
| transformExpressionStatement: function(tree) { |
| var expression = tree.expression; |
| if (expression.type === YIELD_EXPRESSION) |
| return this.transformYieldExpression_(expression); |
| if (isYieldAssign(expression)) |
| return this.transformYieldAssign_(expression); |
| if (this.expressionNeedsStateMachine(expression)) { |
| return this.expressionToStateMachine(expression).machine; |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $GeneratorTransformer.prototype, "transformExpressionStatement", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformAwaitStatement: function(tree) { |
| this.reporter.reportError(tree.location.start, 'Generator function may not have an await statement.'); |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformReturnStatement: function(tree) { |
| var $__264; |
| var expression, |
| machine; |
| if (this.expressionNeedsStateMachine(tree.expression)) |
| (($__264 = this.expressionToStateMachine(tree.expression), expression = $__264.expression, machine = $__264.machine, $__264)); |
| else |
| expression = tree.expression; |
| var startState = this.allocateState(); |
| var fallThroughState = this.allocateState(); |
| var returnMachine = this.stateToStateMachine_(new ReturnState(startState, fallThroughState, this.transformAny(expression)), fallThroughState); |
| if (machine) |
| return machine.append(returnMachine); |
| return returnMachine; |
| }, |
| transformGeneratorBody: function(tree) { |
| var runtimeFunction = parseExpression($__262); |
| return this.transformCpsFunctionBody(tree, runtimeFunction); |
| }, |
| machineFallThroughStatements: function(machineEndState) { |
| return createStatementList(createAssignStateStatement(machineEndState)); |
| } |
| }, {transformGeneratorBody: function(identifierGenerator, reporter, body) { |
| return new $GeneratorTransformer(identifierGenerator, reporter).transformGeneratorBody(body); |
| }}, CPSTransformer); |
| ; |
| return {get GeneratorTransformer() { |
| return GeneratorTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/GeneratorTransformPass", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/GeneratorTransformPass"; |
| var AsyncTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/AsyncTransformer").AsyncTransformer; |
| var ForInTransformPass = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/ForInTransformPass").ForInTransformPass; |
| var $__266 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| GetAccessor = $__266.GetAccessor, |
| SetAccessor = $__266.SetAccessor; |
| var GeneratorTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/GeneratorTransformer").GeneratorTransformer; |
| var ParseTreeVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/ParseTreeVisitor").ParseTreeVisitor; |
| var parseStatement = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser").parseStatement; |
| var TempVarTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TempVarTransformer").TempVarTransformer; |
| var EQUAL = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").EQUAL; |
| var $__266 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var $__266 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| FunctionDeclaration = $__266.FunctionDeclaration, |
| FunctionExpression = $__266.FunctionExpression; |
| var YieldFinder = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/YieldFinder").YieldFinder; |
| var $__266 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createAssignmentExpression = $__266.createAssignmentExpression, |
| createAssignmentStatement = $__266.createAssignmentStatement, |
| createBlock = $__266.createBlock, |
| createCommaExpression = $__266.createCommaExpression, |
| createExpressionStatement = $__266.createExpressionStatement, |
| id = $__266.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createMemberExpression = $__266.createMemberExpression, |
| createVariableDeclaration = $__266.createVariableDeclaration, |
| createVariableDeclarationList = $__266.createVariableDeclarationList, |
| createVariableStatement = $__266.createVariableStatement, |
| createYieldStatement = $__266.createYieldStatement; |
| var isYieldAssign = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/generator/isYieldAssign").default; |
| var $__266 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/options"), |
| transformOptions = $__266.transformOptions, |
| options = $__266.options; |
| var GeneratorTransformPass = function GeneratorTransformPass(identifierGenerator, reporter) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $GeneratorTransformPass.prototype, "constructor", [identifierGenerator]); |
| this.reporter_ = reporter; |
| }; |
| var $GeneratorTransformPass = GeneratorTransformPass; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(GeneratorTransformPass, { |
| transformFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| return this.transformFunction_(tree, FunctionDeclaration); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| return this.transformFunction_(tree, FunctionExpression); |
| }, |
| transformFunction_: function(tree, constructor) { |
| var body = this.transformBody_(tree.functionBody, tree.isGenerator); |
| if (body === tree.functionBody) |
| return tree; |
| var isGenerator = false; |
| return new constructor(null, tree.name, isGenerator, tree.formalParameterList, tree.typeAnnotation, tree.annotations, body); |
| }, |
| transformBody_: function(tree, isGenerator) { |
| var finder; |
| var body = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $GeneratorTransformPass.prototype, "transformFunctionBody", [tree]); |
| if (isGenerator || transformOptions.deferredFunctions) { |
| finder = new YieldFinder(tree); |
| if (!(finder.hasYield || isGenerator || finder.hasAwait)) |
| return body; |
| } else if (!isGenerator) { |
| return body; |
| } |
| if (finder.hasForIn && (transformOptions.generators || transformOptions.deferredFunctions)) { |
| body = new ForInTransformPass(this.identifierGenerator).transformAny(body); |
| } |
| if (finder.hasYield || isGenerator) { |
| if (transformOptions.generators) { |
| body = GeneratorTransformer.transformGeneratorBody(this.identifierGenerator, this.reporter_, body); |
| } |
| } else if (transformOptions.deferredFunctions) { |
| body = AsyncTransformer.transformAsyncBody(this.identifierGenerator, this.reporter_, body); |
| } |
| return body; |
| }, |
| transformGetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| var body = this.transformBody_(tree.body); |
| if (body === tree.body) |
| return tree; |
| return new GetAccessor(tree.location, tree.isStatic, tree.name, tree.typeAnnotation, tree.annotations, body); |
| }, |
| transformSetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| var body = this.transformBody_(tree.body); |
| if (body === tree.body) |
| return tree; |
| return new SetAccessor(tree.location, tree.isStatic, tree.name, tree.parameter, tree.annotations, body); |
| } |
| }, {}, TempVarTransformer); |
| return {get GeneratorTransformPass() { |
| return GeneratorTransformPass; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/InlineModuleTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/InlineModuleTransformer"; |
| var VAR = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").VAR; |
| var assert = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/assert").assert; |
| var ModuleTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ModuleTransformer").ModuleTransformer; |
| var $__268 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createBindingIdentifier = $__268.createBindingIdentifier, |
| createEmptyStatement = $__268.createEmptyStatement, |
| createFunctionBody = $__268.createFunctionBody, |
| createImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression = $__268.createImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression, |
| createScopedExpression = $__268.createScopedExpression, |
| createVariableStatement = $__268.createVariableStatement; |
| var globalThis = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/globalThis").default; |
| var scopeContainsThis = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/scopeContainsThis").default; |
| var InlineModuleTransformer = function InlineModuleTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $InlineModuleTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $InlineModuleTransformer = InlineModuleTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(InlineModuleTransformer, { |
| wrapModule: function(statements) { |
| assert(this.moduleName); |
| var idName = this.getTempVarNameForModuleName(this.moduleName); |
| var body = createFunctionBody(statements); |
| var moduleExpression; |
| if (statements.some(scopeContainsThis)) { |
| moduleExpression = createScopedExpression(body, globalThis()); |
| } else { |
| moduleExpression = createImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression(body); |
| } |
| return [createVariableStatement(VAR, idName, moduleExpression)]; |
| }, |
| transformNamedExport: function(tree) { |
| return createEmptyStatement(); |
| }, |
| transformModuleSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| return createBindingIdentifier(this.getTempVarNameForModuleSpecifier(tree)); |
| } |
| }, {}, ModuleTransformer); |
| return {get InlineModuleTransformer() { |
| return InlineModuleTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/InstantiateModuleTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/InstantiateModuleTransformer"; |
| var $__269 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["function(", ") {\n ", "\n }"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["function(", ") {\n ", "\n }"])}})), |
| $__270 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["", ".bind(", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["", ".bind(", ")"])}})), |
| $__271 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["System.register(", ", ", ", ", ");"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["System.register(", ", ", ", ", ");"])}})), |
| $__272 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["System.get(", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["System.get(", ")"])}})); |
| var assert = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/assert").assert; |
| var createIdentifierExpression = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory").createIdentifierExpression; |
| var globalThis = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/globalThis").default; |
| var ModuleTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ModuleTransformer").ModuleTransformer; |
| var $__274 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser"), |
| parseExpression = $__274.parseExpression, |
| parseStatements = $__274.parseStatements; |
| var scopeContainsThis = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/scopeContainsThis").default; |
| var InstantiateModuleTransformer = function InstantiateModuleTransformer(identifierGenerator) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $InstantiateModuleTransformer.prototype, "constructor", [identifierGenerator]); |
| this.dependencies = []; |
| }; |
| var $InstantiateModuleTransformer = InstantiateModuleTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(InstantiateModuleTransformer, { |
| wrapModule: function(statements) { |
| var depPaths = this.dependencies.map((function(dep) { |
| return dep.path; |
| })); |
| var depLocals = this.dependencies.map((function(dep) { |
| return dep.local; |
| })); |
| var hasTopLevelThis = statements.some(scopeContainsThis); |
| var func = parseExpression($__269, depLocals, statements); |
| if (hasTopLevelThis) |
| func = parseExpression($__270, func, globalThis()); |
| return parseStatements($__271, this.moduleName, depPaths, func); |
| }, |
| transformModuleSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| assert(this.moduleName); |
| var name = tree.token.processedValue; |
| var localName = this.getTempIdentifier(); |
| this.dependencies.push({ |
| path: tree.token, |
| local: localName |
| }); |
| var localIdentifier = createIdentifierExpression(localName); |
| return parseExpression($__272, localIdentifier); |
| } |
| }, {}, ModuleTransformer); |
| return {get InstantiateModuleTransformer() { |
| return InstantiateModuleTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/MultiTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/MultiTransformer"; |
| var ParseTreeValidator = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/ParseTreeValidator").ParseTreeValidator; |
| var MultiTransformer = function MultiTransformer(reporter, validate) { |
| this.reporter_ = reporter; |
| this.validate_ = validate; |
| this.treeTransformers_ = []; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(MultiTransformer, { |
| append: function(treeTransformer) { |
| this.treeTransformers_.push(treeTransformer); |
| }, |
| transform: function(tree) { |
| var reporter = this.reporter_; |
| var validate = this.validate_; |
| this.treeTransformers_.every((function(transformTree) { |
| tree = transformTree(tree); |
| if (reporter.hadError()) |
| return false; |
| if (validate) |
| ParseTreeValidator.validate(tree); |
| return true; |
| })); |
| return tree; |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| return {get MultiTransformer() { |
| return MultiTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/NumericLiteralTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/NumericLiteralTransformer"; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var $__278 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| LiteralExpression = $__278.LiteralExpression, |
| LiteralPropertyName = $__278.LiteralPropertyName; |
| var LiteralToken = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/LiteralToken").LiteralToken; |
| var NUMBER = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").NUMBER; |
| function needsTransform(token) { |
| return token.type === NUMBER && /^0[bBoO]/.test(token.value); |
| } |
| function transformToken(token) { |
| return new LiteralToken(NUMBER, String(token.processedValue), token.location); |
| } |
| var NumericLiteralTransformer = function NumericLiteralTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $NumericLiteralTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $NumericLiteralTransformer = NumericLiteralTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(NumericLiteralTransformer, { |
| transformLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| var token = tree.literalToken; |
| if (needsTransform(token)) |
| return new LiteralExpression(tree.location, transformToken(token)); |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformLiteralPropertyName: function(tree) { |
| var token = tree.literalToken; |
| if (needsTransform(token)) |
| return new LiteralPropertyName(tree.location, transformToken(token)); |
| return tree; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| return {get NumericLiteralTransformer() { |
| return NumericLiteralTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ObjectLiteralTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ObjectLiteralTransformer"; |
| var FindVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/FindVisitor").FindVisitor; |
| var $__280 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| FormalParameterList = $__280.FormalParameterList, |
| FunctionExpression = $__280.FunctionExpression, |
| IdentifierExpression = $__280.IdentifierExpression, |
| LiteralExpression = $__280.LiteralExpression; |
| var TempVarTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TempVarTransformer").TempVarTransformer; |
| var $__280 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| STRING = $__280.STRING; |
| var $__280 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var $__280 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createAssignmentExpression = $__280.createAssignmentExpression, |
| createCommaExpression = $__280.createCommaExpression, |
| createDefineProperty = $__280.createDefineProperty, |
| createEmptyParameterList = $__280.createEmptyParameterList, |
| createFunctionExpression = $__280.createFunctionExpression, |
| createIdentifierExpression = $__280.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createObjectCreate = $__280.createObjectCreate, |
| createObjectLiteralExpression = $__280.createObjectLiteralExpression, |
| createParenExpression = $__280.createParenExpression, |
| createPropertyNameAssignment = $__280.createPropertyNameAssignment, |
| createStringLiteral = $__280.createStringLiteral; |
| var propName = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/staticsemantics/PropName").propName; |
| var transformOptions = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/options").transformOptions; |
| var FindAdvancedProperty = function FindAdvancedProperty(tree) { |
| this.protoExpression = null; |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $FindAdvancedProperty.prototype, "constructor", [tree, true]); |
| }; |
| var $FindAdvancedProperty = FindAdvancedProperty; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(FindAdvancedProperty, { |
| visitPropertyNameAssignment: function(tree) { |
| if (isProtoName(tree.name)) |
| this.protoExpression = tree.value; |
| else |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $FindAdvancedProperty.prototype, "visitPropertyNameAssignment", [tree]); |
| }, |
| visitComputedPropertyName: function(tree) { |
| if (transformOptions.computedPropertyNames) |
| this.found = true; |
| } |
| }, {}, FindVisitor); |
| function isProtoName(tree) { |
| return propName(tree) === '__proto__'; |
| } |
| var ObjectLiteralTransformer = function ObjectLiteralTransformer(identifierGenerator) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ObjectLiteralTransformer.prototype, "constructor", [identifierGenerator]); |
| this.protoExpression = null; |
| this.needsAdvancedTransform = false; |
| this.seenAccessors = null; |
| }; |
| var $ObjectLiteralTransformer = ObjectLiteralTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ObjectLiteralTransformer, { |
| findSeenAccessor_: function(name) { |
| if (name.type === COMPUTED_PROPERTY_NAME) |
| return null; |
| var s = propName(name); |
| return this.seenAccessors[s]; |
| }, |
| removeSeenAccessor_: function(name) { |
| if (name.type === COMPUTED_PROPERTY_NAME) |
| return; |
| var s = propName(name); |
| delete this.seenAccessors[s]; |
| }, |
| addSeenAccessor_: function(name, descr) { |
| if (name.type === COMPUTED_PROPERTY_NAME) |
| return; |
| var s = propName(name); |
| this.seenAccessors[s] = descr; |
| }, |
| createProperty_: function(name, descr) { |
| var expression; |
| if (name.type === LITERAL_PROPERTY_NAME) { |
| if (this.needsAdvancedTransform) |
| expression = this.getPropertyName_(name); |
| else |
| expression = name; |
| } else { |
| expression = name.expression; |
| } |
| if (descr.get || descr.set) { |
| var oldAccessor = this.findSeenAccessor_(name); |
| if (oldAccessor) { |
| oldAccessor.get = descr.get || oldAccessor.get; |
| oldAccessor.set = descr.set || oldAccessor.set; |
| this.removeSeenAccessor_(name); |
| return null; |
| } else { |
| this.addSeenAccessor_(name, descr); |
| } |
| } |
| return [expression, descr]; |
| }, |
| getPropertyName_: function(nameTree) { |
| var token = nameTree.literalToken; |
| switch (token.type) { |
| case IDENTIFIER: |
| return createStringLiteral(token.value); |
| default: |
| if (token.isKeyword()) |
| return createStringLiteral(token.type); |
| return new LiteralExpression(token.location, token); |
| } |
| }, |
| transformClassDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformClassExpression: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformObjectLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| var oldNeedsTransform = this.needsAdvancedTransform; |
| var oldSeenAccessors = this.seenAccessors; |
| try { |
| var finder = new FindAdvancedProperty(tree); |
| if (!finder.found) { |
| this.needsAdvancedTransform = false; |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ObjectLiteralTransformer.prototype, "transformObjectLiteralExpression", [tree]); |
| } |
| this.needsAdvancedTransform = true; |
| this.seenAccessors = Object.create(null); |
| var properties = this.transformList(tree.propertyNameAndValues); |
| properties = properties.filter((function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| })); |
| var tempVar = this.addTempVar(); |
| var tempVarIdentifierExpression = createIdentifierExpression(tempVar); |
| var expressions = properties.map((function(property) { |
| var expression = property[0]; |
| var descr = property[1]; |
| return createDefineProperty(tempVarIdentifierExpression, expression, descr); |
| })); |
| var protoExpression = this.transformAny(finder.protoExpression); |
| var objectExpression; |
| if (protoExpression) |
| objectExpression = createObjectCreate(protoExpression); |
| else |
| objectExpression = createObjectLiteralExpression([]); |
| expressions.unshift(createAssignmentExpression(tempVarIdentifierExpression, objectExpression)); |
| expressions.push(tempVarIdentifierExpression); |
| return createParenExpression(createCommaExpression(expressions)); |
| } finally { |
| this.needsAdvancedTransform = oldNeedsTransform; |
| this.seenAccessors = oldSeenAccessors; |
| } |
| }, |
| transformPropertyNameAssignment: function(tree) { |
| if (!this.needsAdvancedTransform) |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ObjectLiteralTransformer.prototype, "transformPropertyNameAssignment", [tree]); |
| if (isProtoName(tree.name)) |
| return null; |
| return this.createProperty_(tree.name, { |
| value: this.transformAny(tree.value), |
| configurable: true, |
| enumerable: true, |
| writable: true |
| }); |
| }, |
| transformGetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| if (!this.needsAdvancedTransform) |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ObjectLiteralTransformer.prototype, "transformGetAccessor", [tree]); |
| var body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| var func = createFunctionExpression(createEmptyParameterList(), body); |
| return this.createProperty_(tree.name, { |
| get: func, |
| configurable: true, |
| enumerable: true |
| }); |
| }, |
| transformSetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| if (!this.needsAdvancedTransform) |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ObjectLiteralTransformer.prototype, "transformSetAccessor", [tree]); |
| var body = this.transformAny(tree.body); |
| var parameter = this.transformAny(tree.parameter); |
| var parameterList = new FormalParameterList(parameter.location, [parameter]); |
| var func = createFunctionExpression(parameterList, body); |
| return this.createProperty_(tree.name, { |
| set: func, |
| configurable: true, |
| enumerable: true |
| }); |
| }, |
| transformPropertyMethodAssignment: function(tree) { |
| var func = new FunctionExpression(tree.location, null, tree.isGenerator, this.transformAny(tree.formalParameterList), tree.typeAnnotation, [], this.transformAny(tree.functionBody)); |
| if (!this.needsAdvancedTransform) { |
| return createPropertyNameAssignment(tree.name, func); |
| } |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.name); |
| return this.createProperty_(tree.name, { |
| value: func, |
| configurable: true, |
| enumerable: true, |
| writable: true |
| }); |
| }, |
| transformPropertyNameShorthand: function(tree) { |
| if (!this.needsAdvancedTransform) |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ObjectLiteralTransformer.prototype, "transformPropertyNameShorthand", [tree]); |
| var expression = this.transformAny(tree.name); |
| return this.createProperty_(tree.name, { |
| value: new IdentifierExpression(tree.location, tree.name.identifierToken), |
| configurable: true, |
| enumerable: false, |
| writable: true |
| }); |
| } |
| }, {}, TempVarTransformer); |
| return {get ObjectLiteralTransformer() { |
| return ObjectLiteralTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PropertyNameShorthandTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PropertyNameShorthandTransformer"; |
| var $__282 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| IdentifierExpression = $__282.IdentifierExpression, |
| LiteralPropertyName = $__282.LiteralPropertyName, |
| PropertyNameAssignment = $__282.PropertyNameAssignment; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var PropertyNameShorthandTransformer = function PropertyNameShorthandTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $PropertyNameShorthandTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $PropertyNameShorthandTransformer = PropertyNameShorthandTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(PropertyNameShorthandTransformer, {transformPropertyNameShorthand: function(tree) { |
| return new PropertyNameAssignment(tree.location, new LiteralPropertyName(tree.location, tree.name), new IdentifierExpression(tree.location, tree.name)); |
| }}, {}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| return {get PropertyNameShorthandTransformer() { |
| return PropertyNameShorthandTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/RestParameterTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/RestParameterTransformer"; |
| var $__283 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["\n for (var ", " = [], ", " = ", ";\n ", " < arguments.length; ", "++)\n ", "[", " - ", "] = arguments[", "];"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["\n for (var ", " = [], ", " = ", ";\n ", " < arguments.length; ", "++)\n ", "[", " - ", "] = arguments[", "];"])}})), |
| $__284 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["\n for (var ", " = [], ", " = 0;\n ", " < arguments.length; ", "++)\n ", "[", "] = arguments[", "];"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["\n for (var ", " = [], ", " = 0;\n ", " < arguments.length; ", "++)\n ", "[", "] = arguments[", "];"])}})); |
| var FormalParameterList = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees").FormalParameterList; |
| var ParameterTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParameterTransformer").ParameterTransformer; |
| var createIdentifierToken = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory").createIdentifierToken; |
| var parseStatement = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser").parseStatement; |
| function hasRestParameter(formalParameterList) { |
| var parameters = formalParameterList.parameters; |
| return parameters.length > 0 && parameters[parameters.length - 1].isRestParameter(); |
| } |
| function getRestParameterLiteralToken(formalParameterList) { |
| var parameters = formalParameterList.parameters; |
| return parameters[parameters.length - 1].parameter.identifier.identifierToken; |
| } |
| var RestParameterTransformer = function RestParameterTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $RestParameterTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $RestParameterTransformer = RestParameterTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(RestParameterTransformer, {transformFormalParameterList: function(tree) { |
| var transformed = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $RestParameterTransformer.prototype, "transformFormalParameterList", [tree]); |
| if (hasRestParameter(transformed)) { |
| var parametersWithoutRestParam = new FormalParameterList(transformed.location, transformed.parameters.slice(0, -1)); |
| var startIndex = transformed.parameters.length - 1; |
| var i = createIdentifierToken(this.getTempIdentifier()); |
| var name = getRestParameterLiteralToken(transformed); |
| var loop; |
| if (startIndex) { |
| loop = parseStatement($__283, name, i, startIndex, i, i, name, i, startIndex, i); |
| } else { |
| loop = parseStatement($__284, name, i, i, i, name, i, i); |
| } |
| this.parameterStatements.push(loop); |
| return parametersWithoutRestParam; |
| } |
| return transformed; |
| }}, {}, ParameterTransformer); |
| return {get RestParameterTransformer() { |
| return RestParameterTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/SpreadTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/SpreadTransformer"; |
| var $__287 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$traceurRuntime.toObject(", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$traceurRuntime.toObject(", ")"])}})), |
| $__288 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$traceurRuntime.spread(", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$traceurRuntime.spread(", ")"])}})); |
| var $__290 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName"), |
| APPLY = $__290.APPLY, |
| BIND = $__290.BIND, |
| var $__290 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var TempVarTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TempVarTransformer").TempVarTransformer; |
| var $__290 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createArgumentList = $__290.createArgumentList, |
| createArrayLiteralExpression = $__290.createArrayLiteralExpression, |
| createAssignmentExpression = $__290.createAssignmentExpression, |
| createCallExpression = $__290.createCallExpression, |
| createEmptyArgumentList = $__290.createEmptyArgumentList, |
| createIdentifierExpression = $__290.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createMemberExpression = $__290.createMemberExpression, |
| createMemberLookupExpression = $__290.createMemberLookupExpression, |
| createNewExpression = $__290.createNewExpression, |
| createNullLiteral = $__290.createNullLiteral, |
| createParenExpression = $__290.createParenExpression; |
| var parseExpression = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser").parseExpression; |
| function hasSpreadMember(trees) { |
| return trees.some((function(tree) { |
| return tree && tree.type == SPREAD_EXPRESSION; |
| })); |
| } |
| var SpreadTransformer = function SpreadTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $SpreadTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $SpreadTransformer = SpreadTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SpreadTransformer, { |
| createArrayFromElements_: function(elements, needsNewArray) { |
| var length = elements.length; |
| if (length === 1 && !needsNewArray) { |
| var args = createArgumentList(this.transformAny(elements[0].expression)); |
| return parseExpression($__287, args); |
| } |
| var args = []; |
| var lastArray; |
| for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { |
| if (elements[i] && elements[i].type === SPREAD_EXPRESSION) { |
| if (lastArray) { |
| args.push(createArrayLiteralExpression(lastArray)); |
| lastArray = null; |
| } |
| args.push(this.transformAny(elements[i].expression)); |
| } else { |
| if (!lastArray) |
| lastArray = []; |
| lastArray.push(this.transformAny(elements[i])); |
| } |
| } |
| if (lastArray) |
| args.push(createArrayLiteralExpression(lastArray)); |
| return parseExpression($__288, createArgumentList(args)); |
| }, |
| desugarCallSpread_: function(tree) { |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| var functionObject, |
| contextObject; |
| this.pushTempVarState(); |
| if (operand.type == MEMBER_EXPRESSION) { |
| var tempIdent = createIdentifierExpression(this.addTempVar()); |
| var parenExpression = createParenExpression(createAssignmentExpression(tempIdent, operand.operand)); |
| var memberName = operand.memberName; |
| contextObject = tempIdent; |
| functionObject = createMemberExpression(parenExpression, memberName); |
| } else if (tree.operand.type == MEMBER_LOOKUP_EXPRESSION) { |
| var tempIdent = createIdentifierExpression(this.addTempVar()); |
| var parenExpression = createParenExpression(createAssignmentExpression(tempIdent, operand.operand)); |
| var memberExpression = this.transformAny(operand.memberExpression); |
| contextObject = tempIdent; |
| functionObject = createMemberLookupExpression(parenExpression, memberExpression); |
| } else { |
| contextObject = createNullLiteral(); |
| functionObject = operand; |
| } |
| this.popTempVarState(); |
| var arrayExpression = this.createArrayFromElements_(tree.args.args, false); |
| return createCallExpression(createMemberExpression(functionObject, APPLY), createArgumentList(contextObject, arrayExpression)); |
| }, |
| desugarNewSpread_: function(tree) { |
| var arrayExpression = $traceurRuntime.spread([createNullLiteral()], tree.args.args); |
| arrayExpression = this.createArrayFromElements_(arrayExpression, false); |
| return createNewExpression(createParenExpression(createCallExpression(createMemberExpression(FUNCTION, PROTOTYPE, BIND, APPLY), createArgumentList(this.transformAny(tree.operand), arrayExpression))), createEmptyArgumentList()); |
| }, |
| transformArrayLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (hasSpreadMember(tree.elements)) { |
| return this.createArrayFromElements_(tree.elements, true); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $SpreadTransformer.prototype, "transformArrayLiteralExpression", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformCallExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (hasSpreadMember(tree.args.args)) { |
| return this.desugarCallSpread_(tree); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $SpreadTransformer.prototype, "transformCallExpression", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformNewExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.args != null && hasSpreadMember(tree.args.args)) { |
| return this.desugarNewSpread_(tree); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $SpreadTransformer.prototype, "transformNewExpression", [tree]); |
| } |
| }, {}, TempVarTransformer); |
| return {get SpreadTransformer() { |
| return SpreadTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/SymbolTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/SymbolTransformer"; |
| var $__291 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$traceurRuntime.toProperty(", ") in ", ""], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$traceurRuntime.toProperty(", ") in ", ""])}})), |
| $__292 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$traceurRuntime.setProperty(", ",\n ", ", ", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$traceurRuntime.setProperty(", ",\n ", ", ", ")"])}})), |
| $__293 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["", "[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(", ")]"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["", "[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(", ")]"])}})), |
| $__294 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$traceurRuntime.typeof(", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$traceurRuntime.typeof(", ")"])}})), |
| $__295 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["(typeof ", " === 'undefined' ?\n 'undefined' : ", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["(typeof ", " === 'undefined' ?\n 'undefined' : ", ")"])}})); |
| var $__297 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| BinaryOperator = $__297.BinaryOperator, |
| MemberLookupExpression = $__297.MemberLookupExpression, |
| UnaryExpression = $__297.UnaryExpression; |
| var ExplodeExpressionTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ExplodeExpressionTransformer").ExplodeExpressionTransformer; |
| var $__297 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var TempVarTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TempVarTransformer").TempVarTransformer; |
| var $__297 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| EQUAL = $__297.EQUAL, |
| IN = $__297.IN, |
| NOT_EQUAL = $__297.NOT_EQUAL, |
| STRING = $__297.STRING, |
| TYPEOF = $__297.TYPEOF; |
| var createParenExpression = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory").createParenExpression; |
| var parseExpression = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser").parseExpression; |
| var ExplodeSymbolExpression = function ExplodeSymbolExpression() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $ExplodeSymbolExpression.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $ExplodeSymbolExpression = ExplodeSymbolExpression; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ExplodeSymbolExpression, { |
| transformArrowFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformClassExpression: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformFunctionBody: function(tree) { |
| return tree; |
| } |
| }, {}, ExplodeExpressionTransformer); |
| function isEqualityExpression(tree) { |
| switch (tree.operator.type) { |
| case EQUAL_EQUAL: |
| case NOT_EQUAL: |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| function isTypeof(tree) { |
| return tree.type === UNARY_EXPRESSION && tree.operator.type === TYPEOF; |
| } |
| function isSafeTypeofString(tree) { |
| if (tree.type !== LITERAL_EXPRESSION) |
| return false; |
| var value = tree.literalToken.processedValue; |
| switch (value) { |
| case 'symbol': |
| case 'object': |
| return false; |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| var SymbolTransformer = function SymbolTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $SymbolTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $SymbolTransformer = SymbolTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(SymbolTransformer, { |
| transformTypeofOperand_: function(tree) { |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| return new UnaryExpression(tree.location, tree.operator, operand); |
| }, |
| transformBinaryOperator: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.operator.type === IN) { |
| var name = this.transformAny(tree.left); |
| var object = this.transformAny(tree.right); |
| if (name.type === LITERAL_EXPRESSION) |
| return new BinaryOperator(tree.location, name, tree.operator, object); |
| return parseExpression($__291, name, object); |
| } |
| if (isEqualityExpression(tree)) { |
| if (isTypeof(tree.left) && isSafeTypeofString(tree.right)) { |
| var left = this.transformTypeofOperand_(tree.left); |
| var right = tree.right; |
| return new BinaryOperator(tree.location, left, tree.operator, right); |
| } |
| if (isTypeof(tree.right) && isSafeTypeofString(tree.left)) { |
| var left = tree.left; |
| var right = this.transformTypeofOperand_(tree.right); |
| return new BinaryOperator(tree.location, left, tree.operator, right); |
| } |
| } |
| if (tree.left.type === MEMBER_LOOKUP_EXPRESSION && tree.operator.isAssignmentOperator()) { |
| if (tree.operator.type !== EQUAL) { |
| var exploded = new ExplodeSymbolExpression(this).transformAny(tree); |
| return this.transformAny(createParenExpression(exploded)); |
| } |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.left.operand); |
| var memberExpression = this.transformAny(tree.left.memberExpression); |
| var value = this.transformAny(tree.right); |
| return parseExpression($__292, operand, memberExpression, value); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $SymbolTransformer.prototype, "transformBinaryOperator", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformMemberLookupExpression: function(tree) { |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| var memberExpression = this.transformAny(tree.memberExpression); |
| if (memberExpression.type === LITERAL_EXPRESSION && memberExpression.literalToken.type !== STRING) { |
| return new MemberLookupExpression(tree.location, operand, memberExpression); |
| } |
| return parseExpression($__293, operand, memberExpression); |
| }, |
| transformUnaryExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.operator.type !== TYPEOF) |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $SymbolTransformer.prototype, "transformUnaryExpression", [tree]); |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| var expression = parseExpression($__294, operand); |
| if (operand.type === IDENTIFIER_EXPRESSION) { |
| return parseExpression($__295, operand, expression); |
| } |
| return expression; |
| } |
| }, {}, TempVarTransformer); |
| return {get SymbolTransformer() { |
| return SymbolTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TemplateLiteralTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TemplateLiteralTransformer"; |
| var $__299 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var $__299 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| LiteralExpression = $__299.LiteralExpression, |
| ParenExpression = $__299.ParenExpression; |
| var LiteralToken = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/LiteralToken").LiteralToken; |
| var $__299 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/PredefinedName"), |
| OBJECT = $__299.OBJECT, |
| RAW = $__299.RAW; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var TempVarTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TempVarTransformer").TempVarTransformer; |
| var $__299 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"), |
| PERCENT = $__299.PERCENT, |
| PLUS = $__299.PLUS, |
| SLASH = $__299.SLASH, |
| STAR = $__299.STAR, |
| STRING = $__299.STRING; |
| var $__299 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createArgumentList = $__299.createArgumentList, |
| createArrayLiteralExpression = $__299.createArrayLiteralExpression, |
| createBinaryOperator = $__299.createBinaryOperator, |
| createCallExpression = $__299.createCallExpression, |
| createIdentifierExpression = $__299.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createMemberExpression = $__299.createMemberExpression, |
| createObjectFreeze = $__299.createObjectFreeze, |
| createObjectLiteralExpression = $__299.createObjectLiteralExpression, |
| createOperatorToken = $__299.createOperatorToken, |
| createPropertyDescriptor = $__299.createPropertyDescriptor, |
| createPropertyNameAssignment = $__299.createPropertyNameAssignment, |
| createStringLiteral = $__299.createStringLiteral; |
| function createCallSiteIdObject(tree) { |
| var elements = tree.elements; |
| return createObjectFreeze(createCallExpression(createMemberExpression(OBJECT, DEFINE_PROPERTIES), createArgumentList(createCookedStringArray(elements), createObjectLiteralExpression(createPropertyNameAssignment(RAW, createPropertyDescriptor({value: createObjectFreeze(createRawStringArray(elements))})))))); |
| } |
| function maybeAddEmptyStringAtEnd(elements, items) { |
| var length = elements.length; |
| if (!length || elements[length - 1].type !== TEMPLATE_LITERAL_PORTION) |
| items.push(createStringLiteral('')); |
| } |
| function createRawStringArray(elements) { |
| var items = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 2) { |
| var str = replaceRaw(JSON.stringify(elements[i].value.value)); |
| var loc = elements[i].location; |
| var expr = new LiteralExpression(loc, new LiteralToken(STRING, str, loc)); |
| items.push(expr); |
| } |
| maybeAddEmptyStringAtEnd(elements, items); |
| return createArrayLiteralExpression(items); |
| } |
| function createCookedStringLiteralExpression(tree) { |
| var str = cookString(tree.value.value); |
| var loc = tree.location; |
| return new LiteralExpression(loc, new LiteralToken(STRING, str, loc)); |
| } |
| function createCookedStringArray(elements) { |
| var items = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 2) { |
| items.push(createCookedStringLiteralExpression(elements[i])); |
| } |
| maybeAddEmptyStringAtEnd(elements, items); |
| return createArrayLiteralExpression(items); |
| } |
| function replaceRaw(s) { |
| return s.replace(/\u2028|\u2029/g, function(c) { |
| switch (c) { |
| case '\u2028': |
| return '\\u2028'; |
| case '\u2029': |
| return '\\u2029'; |
| default: |
| throw Error('Not reachable'); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| function cookString(s) { |
| var sb = ['"']; |
| var i = 0, |
| k = 1, |
| c, |
| c2; |
| while (i < s.length) { |
| c = s[i++]; |
| switch (c) { |
| case '\\': |
| c2 = s[i++]; |
| switch (c2) { |
| case '\n': |
| case '\u2028': |
| case '\u2029': |
| break; |
| case '\r': |
| if (s[i + 1] === '\n') { |
| i++; |
| } |
| break; |
| default: |
| sb[k++] = c; |
| sb[k++] = c2; |
| } |
| break; |
| case '"': |
| sb[k++] = '\\"'; |
| break; |
| case '\n': |
| sb[k++] = '\\n'; |
| break; |
| case '\r': |
| sb[k++] = '\\r'; |
| break; |
| case '\t': |
| sb[k++] = '\\t'; |
| break; |
| case '\f': |
| sb[k++] = '\\f'; |
| break; |
| case '\b': |
| sb[k++] = '\\b'; |
| break; |
| case '\u2028': |
| sb[k++] = '\\u2028'; |
| break; |
| case '\u2029': |
| sb[k++] = '\\u2029'; |
| break; |
| default: |
| sb[k++] = c; |
| } |
| } |
| sb[k++] = '"'; |
| return sb.join(''); |
| } |
| var TemplateLiteralTransformer = function TemplateLiteralTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $TemplateLiteralTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $TemplateLiteralTransformer = TemplateLiteralTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(TemplateLiteralTransformer, { |
| transformFunctionBody: function(tree) { |
| return ParseTreeTransformer.prototype.transformFunctionBody.call(this, tree); |
| }, |
| transformTemplateLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (!tree.operand) |
| return this.createDefaultTemplateLiteral(tree); |
| var operand = this.transformAny(tree.operand); |
| var elements = tree.elements; |
| var callsiteIdObject = createCallSiteIdObject(tree); |
| var idName = this.addTempVar(callsiteIdObject); |
| var args = [createIdentifierExpression(idName)]; |
| for (var i = 1; i < elements.length; i += 2) { |
| args.push(this.transformAny(elements[i])); |
| } |
| return createCallExpression(operand, createArgumentList(args)); |
| }, |
| transformTemplateSubstitution: function(tree) { |
| var transformedTree = this.transformAny(tree.expression); |
| switch (transformedTree.type) { |
| switch (transformedTree.operator.type) { |
| case STAR: |
| case PERCENT: |
| case SLASH: |
| return transformedTree; |
| } |
| return new ParenExpression(null, transformedTree); |
| } |
| return transformedTree; |
| }, |
| transformTemplateLiteralPortion: function(tree) { |
| return createCookedStringLiteralExpression(tree); |
| }, |
| createDefaultTemplateLiteral: function(tree) { |
| var length = tree.elements.length; |
| if (length === 0) { |
| var loc = tree.location; |
| return new LiteralExpression(loc, new LiteralToken(STRING, '""', loc)); |
| } |
| var firstNonEmpty = tree.elements[0].value.value === '' ? -1 : 0; |
| var binaryExpression = this.transformAny(tree.elements[0]); |
| if (length == 1) |
| return binaryExpression; |
| var plusToken = createOperatorToken(PLUS); |
| for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) { |
| var element = tree.elements[i]; |
| if (element.type === TEMPLATE_LITERAL_PORTION) { |
| if (element.value.value === '') |
| continue; |
| else if (firstNonEmpty < 0 && i === 2) |
| binaryExpression = binaryExpression.right; |
| } |
| var transformedTree = this.transformAny(tree.elements[i]); |
| binaryExpression = createBinaryOperator(binaryExpression, plusToken, transformedTree); |
| } |
| return new ParenExpression(null, binaryExpression); |
| } |
| }, {}, TempVarTransformer); |
| return {get TemplateLiteralTransformer() { |
| return TemplateLiteralTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TypeAssertionTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TypeAssertionTransformer"; |
| var $__300 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["assert.type(", ", ", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["assert.type(", ", ", ")"])}})), |
| $__301 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["assert.argumentTypes(", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["assert.argumentTypes(", ")"])}})), |
| $__302 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["return assert.returnType((", "), ", ")"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["return assert.returnType((", "), ", ")"])}})), |
| $__303 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["$traceurRuntime.type.any"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["$traceurRuntime.type.any"])}})); |
| var $__305 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTreeType"), |
| var $__305 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| ImportDeclaration = $__305.ImportDeclaration, |
| ImportSpecifier = $__305.ImportSpecifier, |
| ImportSpecifierSet = $__305.ImportSpecifierSet, |
| Module = $__305.Module, |
| ModuleSpecifier = $__305.ModuleSpecifier, |
| ReturnStatement = $__305.ReturnStatement, |
| Script = $__305.Script, |
| VariableDeclaration = $__305.VariableDeclaration; |
| var $__305 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createArgumentList = $__305.createArgumentList, |
| createExpressionStatement = $__305.createExpressionStatement, |
| createIdentifierExpression = $__305.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createIdentifierToken = $__305.createIdentifierToken, |
| createStringLiteralToken = $__305.createStringLiteralToken; |
| var $__305 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser"), |
| parseExpression = $__305.parseExpression, |
| parseStatement = $__305.parseStatement; |
| var ParameterTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParameterTransformer").ParameterTransformer; |
| var options = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/options").options; |
| var TypeAssertionTransformer = function TypeAssertionTransformer(identifierGenerator) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TypeAssertionTransformer.prototype, "constructor", [identifierGenerator]); |
| this.returnTypeStack_ = []; |
| this.parametersStack_ = []; |
| this.assertionAdded_ = false; |
| }; |
| var $TypeAssertionTransformer = TypeAssertionTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(TypeAssertionTransformer, { |
| transformScript: function(tree) { |
| return this.prependAssertionImport_($traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TypeAssertionTransformer.prototype, "transformScript", [tree]), Script); |
| }, |
| transformModule: function(tree) { |
| return this.prependAssertionImport_($traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TypeAssertionTransformer.prototype, "transformModule", [tree]), Module); |
| }, |
| transformVariableDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.typeAnnotation && tree.initialiser) { |
| var assert = parseExpression($__300, tree.initialiser, tree.typeAnnotation); |
| tree = new VariableDeclaration(tree.location, tree.lvalue, tree.typeAnnotation, assert); |
| this.assertionAdded_ = true; |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TypeAssertionTransformer.prototype, "transformVariableDeclaration", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformFormalParameterList: function(tree) { |
| this.parametersStack_.push({ |
| atLeastOneParameterTyped: false, |
| arguments: [] |
| }); |
| var transformed = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TypeAssertionTransformer.prototype, "transformFormalParameterList", [tree]); |
| var params = this.parametersStack_.pop(); |
| if (params.atLeastOneParameterTyped) { |
| var argumentList = createArgumentList(params.arguments); |
| var assertStatement = parseStatement($__301, argumentList); |
| this.parameterStatements.push(assertStatement); |
| this.assertionAdded_ = true; |
| } |
| return transformed; |
| }, |
| transformFormalParameter: function(tree) { |
| var transformed = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TypeAssertionTransformer.prototype, "transformFormalParameter", [tree]); |
| switch (transformed.parameter.type) { |
| this.transformBindingElementParameter_(transformed.parameter, transformed.typeAnnotation); |
| break; |
| break; |
| } |
| return transformed; |
| }, |
| transformGetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| this.pushReturnType_(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| tree = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TypeAssertionTransformer.prototype, "transformGetAccessor", [tree]); |
| this.popReturnType_(); |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformPropertyMethodAssignment: function(tree) { |
| this.pushReturnType_(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| tree = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TypeAssertionTransformer.prototype, "transformPropertyMethodAssignment", [tree]); |
| this.popReturnType_(); |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.pushReturnType_(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| tree = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TypeAssertionTransformer.prototype, "transformFunctionDeclaration", [tree]); |
| this.popReturnType_(); |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.pushReturnType_(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| tree = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TypeAssertionTransformer.prototype, "transformFunctionExpression", [tree]); |
| this.popReturnType_(); |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformReturnStatement: function(tree) { |
| tree = $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TypeAssertionTransformer.prototype, "transformReturnStatement", [tree]); |
| if (this.returnType_ && tree.expression) { |
| this.assertionAdded_ = true; |
| return parseStatement($__302, tree.expression, this.returnType_); |
| } |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformBindingElementParameter_: function(element, typeAnnotation) { |
| if (!element.binding.isPattern()) { |
| if (typeAnnotation) { |
| this.paramTypes_.atLeastOneParameterTyped = true; |
| } else { |
| typeAnnotation = parseExpression($__303); |
| } |
| this.paramTypes_.arguments.push(createIdentifierExpression(element.binding.identifierToken), typeAnnotation); |
| return; |
| } |
| }, |
| pushReturnType_: function(typeAnnotation) { |
| this.returnTypeStack_.push(this.transformAny(typeAnnotation)); |
| }, |
| prependAssertionImport_: function(tree, Ctor) { |
| if (!this.assertionAdded_ || options.typeAssertionModule === null) |
| return tree; |
| var importStatement = new ImportDeclaration(null, new ImportSpecifierSet(null, [new ImportSpecifier(null, createIdentifierToken('assert'), null)]), new ModuleSpecifier(null, createStringLiteralToken(options.typeAssertionModule))); |
| tree = new Ctor(tree.location, $traceurRuntime.spread([importStatement], tree.scriptItemList), tree.moduleName); |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| popReturnType_: function() { |
| return this.returnTypeStack_.pop(); |
| }, |
| get returnType_() { |
| return this.returnTypeStack_.length > 0 ? this.returnTypeStack_[this.returnTypeStack_.length - 1] : null; |
| }, |
| get paramTypes_() { |
| return this.parametersStack_[this.parametersStack_.length - 1]; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParameterTransformer); |
| return {get TypeAssertionTransformer() { |
| return TypeAssertionTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TypeToExpressionTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TypeToExpressionTransformer"; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var $__307 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"), |
| createIdentifierExpression = $__307.createIdentifierExpression, |
| createMemberExpression = $__307.createMemberExpression; |
| var TypeToExpressionTransformer = function TypeToExpressionTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $TypeToExpressionTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $TypeToExpressionTransformer = TypeToExpressionTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(TypeToExpressionTransformer, { |
| transformTypeName: function(tree) { |
| return createIdentifierExpression(tree.name); |
| }, |
| transformPredefinedType: function(tree) { |
| return createMemberExpression('$traceurRuntime', 'type', tree.typeToken); |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| return {get TypeToExpressionTransformer() { |
| return TypeToExpressionTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TypeTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TypeTransformer"; |
| var $__309 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| FormalParameter = $__309.FormalParameter, |
| FunctionDeclaration = $__309.FunctionDeclaration, |
| FunctionExpression = $__309.FunctionExpression, |
| GetAccessor = $__309.GetAccessor, |
| PropertyMethodAssignment = $__309.PropertyMethodAssignment, |
| VariableDeclaration = $__309.VariableDeclaration; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var TypeTransformer = function TypeTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $TypeTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $TypeTransformer = TypeTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(TypeTransformer, { |
| transformVariableDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.typeAnnotation) { |
| tree = new VariableDeclaration(tree.location, tree.lvalue, null, tree.initialiser); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TypeTransformer.prototype, "transformVariableDeclaration", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformFormalParameter: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.typeAnnotation !== null) |
| return new FormalParameter(tree.location, tree.parameter, null, []); |
| return tree; |
| }, |
| transformFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.typeAnnotation) { |
| tree = new FunctionDeclaration(tree.location, tree.name, tree.isGenerator, tree.formalParameterList, null, tree.annotations, tree.functionBody); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TypeTransformer.prototype, "transformFunctionDeclaration", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.typeAnnotation) { |
| tree = new FunctionExpression(tree.location, tree.name, tree.isGenerator, tree.formalParameterList, null, tree.annotations, tree.functionBody); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TypeTransformer.prototype, "transformFunctionExpression", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformPropertyMethodAssignment: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.typeAnnotation) { |
| tree = new PropertyMethodAssignment(tree.location, tree.isStatic, tree.isGenerator, tree.name, tree.formalParameterList, null, tree.annotations, tree.functionBody); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TypeTransformer.prototype, "transformPropertyMethodAssignment", [tree]); |
| }, |
| transformGetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.typeAnnotation) { |
| tree = new GetAccessor(tree.location, tree.isStatic, tree.name, null, tree.annotations, tree.body); |
| } |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TypeTransformer.prototype, "transformGetAccessor", [tree]); |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| return {get TypeTransformer() { |
| return TypeTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/UniqueIdentifierGenerator", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/UniqueIdentifierGenerator"; |
| var UniqueIdentifierGenerator = function UniqueIdentifierGenerator() { |
| this.identifierIndex = 0; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(UniqueIdentifierGenerator, {generateUniqueIdentifier: function() { |
| return ("$__" + this.identifierIndex++); |
| }}, {}); |
| return {get UniqueIdentifierGenerator() { |
| return UniqueIdentifierGenerator; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/FromOptionsTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/FromOptionsTransformer"; |
| var AmdTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/AmdTransformer").AmdTransformer; |
| var AnnotationsTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/AnnotationsTransformer").AnnotationsTransformer; |
| var ArrayComprehensionTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ArrayComprehensionTransformer").ArrayComprehensionTransformer; |
| var ArrowFunctionTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ArrowFunctionTransformer").ArrowFunctionTransformer; |
| var BlockBindingTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/BlockBindingTransformer").BlockBindingTransformer; |
| var ClassTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ClassTransformer").ClassTransformer; |
| var CommonJsModuleTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/CommonJsModuleTransformer").CommonJsModuleTransformer; |
| var DefaultParametersTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/DefaultParametersTransformer").DefaultParametersTransformer; |
| var DestructuringTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/DestructuringTransformer").DestructuringTransformer; |
| var ForOfTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ForOfTransformer").ForOfTransformer; |
| var FreeVariableChecker = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/semantics/FreeVariableChecker").FreeVariableChecker; |
| var GeneratorComprehensionTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/GeneratorComprehensionTransformer").GeneratorComprehensionTransformer; |
| var GeneratorTransformPass = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/GeneratorTransformPass").GeneratorTransformPass; |
| var InlineModuleTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/InlineModuleTransformer").InlineModuleTransformer; |
| var ModuleTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ModuleTransformer").ModuleTransformer; |
| var MultiTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/MultiTransformer").MultiTransformer; |
| var NumericLiteralTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/NumericLiteralTransformer").NumericLiteralTransformer; |
| var ObjectLiteralTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ObjectLiteralTransformer").ObjectLiteralTransformer; |
| var ObjectMap = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/ObjectMap").ObjectMap; |
| var ParseTreeValidator = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/ParseTreeValidator").ParseTreeValidator; |
| var PropertyNameShorthandTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PropertyNameShorthandTransformer").PropertyNameShorthandTransformer; |
| var InstantiateModuleTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/InstantiateModuleTransformer").InstantiateModuleTransformer; |
| var RestParameterTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/RestParameterTransformer").RestParameterTransformer; |
| var SpreadTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/SpreadTransformer").SpreadTransformer; |
| var SymbolTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/SymbolTransformer").SymbolTransformer; |
| var TemplateLiteralTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TemplateLiteralTransformer").TemplateLiteralTransformer; |
| var TypeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TypeTransformer").TypeTransformer; |
| var TypeAssertionTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TypeAssertionTransformer").TypeAssertionTransformer; |
| var TypeToExpressionTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/TypeToExpressionTransformer").TypeToExpressionTransformer; |
| var UniqueIdentifierGenerator = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/UniqueIdentifierGenerator").UniqueIdentifierGenerator; |
| var $__313 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/options"), |
| options = $__313.options, |
| transformOptions = $__313.transformOptions; |
| var FromOptionsTransformer = function FromOptionsTransformer(reporter) { |
| var idGenerator = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : new UniqueIdentifierGenerator(); |
| var $__311 = this; |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $FromOptionsTransformer.prototype, "constructor", [reporter, options.validate]); |
| var append = (function(transformer) { |
| $__311.append((function(tree) { |
| return new transformer(idGenerator, reporter).transformAny(tree); |
| })); |
| }); |
| if (transformOptions.numericLiterals) |
| append(NumericLiteralTransformer); |
| if (transformOptions.templateLiterals) |
| append(TemplateLiteralTransformer); |
| if (options.types) { |
| append(TypeToExpressionTransformer); |
| } |
| if (transformOptions.annotations) |
| append(AnnotationsTransformer); |
| if (options.typeAssertions) |
| append(TypeAssertionTransformer); |
| if (transformOptions.modules) { |
| switch (transformOptions.modules) { |
| case 'commonjs': |
| append(CommonJsModuleTransformer); |
| break; |
| case 'amd': |
| append(AmdTransformer); |
| break; |
| case 'inline': |
| append(InlineModuleTransformer); |
| break; |
| case 'instantiate': |
| append(InstantiateModuleTransformer); |
| break; |
| default: |
| append(ModuleTransformer); |
| } |
| } |
| if (transformOptions.arrowFunctions) |
| append(ArrowFunctionTransformer); |
| if (transformOptions.classes) |
| append(ClassTransformer); |
| if (transformOptions.propertyNameShorthand) |
| append(PropertyNameShorthandTransformer); |
| if (transformOptions.propertyMethods || transformOptions.computedPropertyNames) { |
| append(ObjectLiteralTransformer); |
| } |
| if (transformOptions.generatorComprehension) |
| append(GeneratorComprehensionTransformer); |
| if (transformOptions.arrayComprehension) |
| append(ArrayComprehensionTransformer); |
| if (transformOptions.forOf) |
| append(ForOfTransformer); |
| if (transformOptions.restParameters) |
| append(RestParameterTransformer); |
| if (transformOptions.defaultParameters) |
| append(DefaultParametersTransformer); |
| if (transformOptions.destructuring) |
| append(DestructuringTransformer); |
| if (transformOptions.types) |
| append(TypeTransformer); |
| if (transformOptions.spread) |
| append(SpreadTransformer); |
| if (transformOptions.blockBinding) |
| append(BlockBindingTransformer); |
| if (transformOptions.generators || transformOptions.deferredFunctions) |
| append(GeneratorTransformPass); |
| if (transformOptions.symbols) |
| append(SymbolTransformer); |
| if (options.freeVariableChecker) { |
| this.append((function(tree) { |
| FreeVariableChecker.checkScript(reporter, tree); |
| return tree; |
| })); |
| } |
| }; |
| var $FromOptionsTransformer = FromOptionsTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(FromOptionsTransformer, {}, {}, MultiTransformer); |
| return {get FromOptionsTransformer() { |
| return FromOptionsTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/AttachModuleNameTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/AttachModuleNameTransformer"; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var $__315 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| Module = $__315.Module, |
| Script = $__315.Script; |
| var AttachModuleNameTransformer = function AttachModuleNameTransformer(moduleName) { |
| this.moduleName_ = moduleName; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(AttachModuleNameTransformer, { |
| transformModule: function(tree) { |
| return new Module(tree.location, tree.scriptItemList, this.moduleName_); |
| }, |
| transformScript: function(tree) { |
| return new Script(tree.location, tree.scriptItemList, this.moduleName_); |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| return {get AttachModuleNameTransformer() { |
| return AttachModuleNameTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ValidationVisitor", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ValidationVisitor"; |
| var ModuleVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ModuleVisitor").ModuleVisitor; |
| var ValidationVisitor = function ValidationVisitor() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $ValidationVisitor.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $ValidationVisitor = ValidationVisitor; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ValidationVisitor, { |
| checkExport_: function(tree, name) { |
| var description = this.validatingModuleDescription_; |
| if (description && !description.getExport(name)) { |
| var moduleName = description.normalizedName; |
| this.reportError(tree, ("'" + name + "' is not exported by '" + moduleName + "'")); |
| } |
| }, |
| checkImport_: function(tree, name) { |
| var existingImport = this.moduleSymbol.getImport(name); |
| if (existingImport) { |
| this.reportError(tree, ("'" + name + "' was previously imported at " + existingImport.location.start)); |
| } else { |
| this.moduleSymbol.addImport(name, tree); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitAndValidate_: function(moduleDescription, tree) { |
| var validatingModuleDescription = this.validatingModuleDescription_; |
| this.validatingModuleDescription_ = moduleDescription; |
| this.visitAny(tree); |
| this.validatingModuleDescription_ = validatingModuleDescription; |
| }, |
| visitNamedExport: function(tree) { |
| if (tree.moduleSpecifier) { |
| var name = tree.moduleSpecifier.token.processedValue; |
| var moduleDescription = this.getModuleDescriptionForModuleSpecifier(name); |
| this.visitAndValidate_(moduleDescription, tree.specifierSet); |
| } |
| }, |
| visitExportSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| this.checkExport_(tree, tree.lhs.value); |
| }, |
| visitImportDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| var name = tree.moduleSpecifier.token.processedValue; |
| var moduleDescription = this.getModuleDescriptionForModuleSpecifier(name); |
| this.visitAndValidate_(moduleDescription, tree.importClause); |
| }, |
| visitImportSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| var importName = tree.rhs ? tree.rhs.value : tree.lhs.value; |
| this.checkImport_(tree, importName); |
| this.checkExport_(tree, tree.lhs.value); |
| }, |
| visitImportedBinding: function(tree) { |
| var importName = tree.binding.identifierToken.value; |
| this.checkImport_(tree, importName); |
| this.checkExport_(tree, 'default'); |
| } |
| }, {}, ModuleVisitor); |
| return {get ValidationVisitor() { |
| return ValidationVisitor; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ExportListBuilder", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ExportListBuilder"; |
| var ExportVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ExportVisitor").ExportVisitor; |
| var ValidationVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ValidationVisitor").ValidationVisitor; |
| var transformOptions = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/options").transformOptions; |
| var ExportListBuilder = function ExportListBuilder(reporter) { |
| this.reporter_ = reporter; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ExportListBuilder, {buildExportList: function(deps, loader) { |
| if (!transformOptions.modules) |
| return; |
| var reporter = this.reporter_; |
| function doVisit(ctor) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) { |
| var visitor = new ctor(reporter, loader, deps[i].moduleSymbol); |
| visitor.visitAny(deps[i].tree); |
| } |
| } |
| function reverseVisit(ctor) { |
| for (var i = deps.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { |
| var visitor = new ctor(reporter, loader, deps[i].moduleSymbol); |
| visitor.visitAny(deps[i].tree); |
| } |
| } |
| reverseVisit(ExportVisitor); |
| doVisit(ValidationVisitor); |
| }}, {}); |
| return {get ExportListBuilder() { |
| return ExportListBuilder; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/url", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/util/url"; |
| var canonicalizeUrl = $traceurRuntime.canonicalizeUrl; |
| var isAbsolute = $traceurRuntime.isAbsolute; |
| var removeDotSegments = $traceurRuntime.removeDotSegments; |
| var resolveUrl = $traceurRuntime.resolveUrl; |
| return { |
| get canonicalizeUrl() { |
| return canonicalizeUrl; |
| }, |
| get isAbsolute() { |
| return isAbsolute; |
| }, |
| get removeDotSegments() { |
| return removeDotSegments; |
| }, |
| get resolveUrl() { |
| return resolveUrl; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ModuleSpecifierVisitor", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ModuleSpecifierVisitor"; |
| var ParseTreeVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/ParseTreeVisitor").ParseTreeVisitor; |
| var STRING = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType").STRING; |
| var LiteralToken = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/LiteralToken").LiteralToken; |
| var canonicalizeUrl = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/url").canonicalizeUrl; |
| var options = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/options").options; |
| var ModuleSpecifierVisitor = function ModuleSpecifierVisitor(reporter) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ModuleSpecifierVisitor.prototype, "constructor", []); |
| this.moduleSpecifiers_ = Object.create(null); |
| }; |
| var $ModuleSpecifierVisitor = ModuleSpecifierVisitor; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ModuleSpecifierVisitor, { |
| get moduleSpecifiers() { |
| return Object.keys(this.moduleSpecifiers_); |
| }, |
| visitModuleSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| this.moduleSpecifiers_[tree.token.processedValue] = true; |
| }, |
| visitVariableDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.addTypeAssertionDependency_(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ModuleSpecifierVisitor.prototype, "visitVariableDeclaration", [tree]); |
| }, |
| visitFormalParameter: function(tree) { |
| this.addTypeAssertionDependency_(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ModuleSpecifierVisitor.prototype, "visitFormalParameter", [tree]); |
| }, |
| visitGetAccessor: function(tree) { |
| this.addTypeAssertionDependency_(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ModuleSpecifierVisitor.prototype, "visitGetAccessor", [tree]); |
| }, |
| visitPropertyMethodAssignment: function(tree) { |
| this.addTypeAssertionDependency_(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ModuleSpecifierVisitor.prototype, "visitPropertyMethodAssignment", [tree]); |
| }, |
| visitFunctionDeclaration: function(tree) { |
| this.addTypeAssertionDependency_(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ModuleSpecifierVisitor.prototype, "visitFunctionDeclaration", [tree]); |
| }, |
| visitFunctionExpression: function(tree) { |
| this.addTypeAssertionDependency_(tree.typeAnnotation); |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $ModuleSpecifierVisitor.prototype, "visitFunctionExpression", [tree]); |
| }, |
| addTypeAssertionDependency_: function(typeAnnotation) { |
| if (typeAnnotation !== null && options.typeAssertionModule !== null) |
| this.moduleSpecifiers_[options.typeAssertionModule] = true; |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeVisitor); |
| return {get ModuleSpecifierVisitor() { |
| return ModuleSpecifierVisitor; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/system-map", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/system-map"; |
| function prefixMatchLength(name, prefix) { |
| var prefixParts = prefix.split('/'); |
| var nameParts = name.split('/'); |
| if (prefixParts.length > nameParts.length) |
| return 0; |
| for (var i = 0; i < prefixParts.length; i++) { |
| if (nameParts[i] != prefixParts[i]) |
| return 0; |
| } |
| return prefixParts.length; |
| } |
| function applyMap(map, name, parentName) { |
| var curMatch, |
| curMatchLength = 0; |
| var curParent, |
| curParentMatchLength = 0; |
| if (parentName) { |
| var mappedName; |
| Object.getOwnPropertyNames(map).some(function(p) { |
| var curMap = map[p]; |
| if (curMap && typeof curMap === 'object') { |
| if (prefixMatchLength(parentName, p) <= curParentMatchLength) |
| return; |
| Object.getOwnPropertyNames(curMap).forEach(function(q) { |
| if (prefixMatchLength(name, q) > curMatchLength) { |
| curMatch = q; |
| curMatchLength = q.split('/').length; |
| curParent = p; |
| curParentMatchLength = p.split('/').length; |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| if (curMatch) { |
| var subPath = name.split('/').splice(curMatchLength).join('/'); |
| mappedName = map[curParent][curMatch] + (subPath ? '/' + subPath : ''); |
| return mappedName; |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| if (mappedName) |
| return mappedName; |
| Object.getOwnPropertyNames(map).forEach(function(p) { |
| var curMap = map[p]; |
| if (curMap && typeof curMap === 'string') { |
| if (prefixMatchLength(name, p) > curMatchLength) { |
| curMatch = p; |
| curMatchLength = p.split('/').length; |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| if (!curMatch) |
| return name; |
| var subPath = name.split('/').splice(curMatchLength).join('/'); |
| return map[curMatch] + (subPath ? '/' + subPath : ''); |
| } |
| var systemjs = {applyMap: applyMap}; |
| return {get systemjs() { |
| return systemjs; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/webLoader", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/webLoader"; |
| var webLoader = {load: function(url, callback, errback) { |
| var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
| xhr.onload = (function() { |
| if (xhr.status == 200 || xhr.status == 0) { |
| callback(xhr.responseText); |
| } else { |
| errback(); |
| } |
| xhr = null; |
| }); |
| xhr.onerror = (function(err) { |
| errback(err); |
| }); |
| xhr.open('GET', url, true); |
| xhr.send(); |
| return (function() { |
| xhr && xhr.abort(); |
| }); |
| }}; |
| return {get webLoader() { |
| return webLoader; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/LoaderHooks", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/LoaderHooks"; |
| var AttachModuleNameTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/AttachModuleNameTransformer").AttachModuleNameTransformer; |
| var FromOptionsTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/FromOptionsTransformer").FromOptionsTransformer; |
| var ExportListBuilder = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ExportListBuilder").ExportListBuilder; |
| var ModuleSpecifierVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ModuleSpecifierVisitor").ModuleSpecifierVisitor; |
| var ModuleSymbol = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ModuleSymbol").ModuleSymbol; |
| var Parser = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Parser").Parser; |
| var options = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/options").options; |
| var SourceFile = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/SourceFile").SourceFile; |
| var systemjs = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/system-map").systemjs; |
| var UniqueIdentifierGenerator = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/UniqueIdentifierGenerator").UniqueIdentifierGenerator; |
| var $__324 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/url"), |
| isAbsolute = $__324.isAbsolute, |
| resolveUrl = $__324.resolveUrl; |
| var webLoader = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/webLoader").webLoader; |
| var assert = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/assert").assert; |
| var NOT_STARTED = 0; |
| var LOADING = 1; |
| var LOADED = 2; |
| var PARSED = 3; |
| var TRANSFORMING = 4; |
| var TRANSFORMED = 5; |
| var COMPLETE = 6; |
| var ERROR = 7; |
| var identifierGenerator = new UniqueIdentifierGenerator(); |
| var LoaderHooks = function LoaderHooks(reporter, baseURL) { |
| var fileLoader = arguments[2] !== (void 0) ? arguments[2] : webLoader; |
| var moduleStore = arguments[3] !== (void 0) ? arguments[3] : $traceurRuntime.ModuleStore; |
| this.reporter = reporter; |
| this.baseURL_ = baseURL; |
| this.moduleStore_ = moduleStore; |
| this.fileLoader = fileLoader; |
| this.exportListBuilder_ = new ExportListBuilder(this.reporter); |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(LoaderHooks, { |
| get: function(normalizedName) { |
| return this.moduleStore_.get(normalizedName); |
| }, |
| set: function(normalizedName, module) { |
| this.moduleStore_.set(normalizedName, module); |
| }, |
| normalize: function(name, referrerName, referrerAddress) { |
| var normalizedName = this.moduleStore_.normalize(name, referrerName, referrerAddress); |
| if (System.map) |
| return systemjs.applyMap(System.map, normalizedName, referrerName); |
| else |
| return normalizedName; |
| }, |
| get baseURL() { |
| return this.baseURL_; |
| }, |
| set baseURL(value) { |
| this.baseURL_ = String(value); |
| }, |
| getModuleSpecifiers: function(codeUnit) { |
| if (!this.parse(codeUnit)) |
| return; |
| codeUnit.state = PARSED; |
| var moduleSpecifierVisitor = new ModuleSpecifierVisitor(this.reporter); |
| moduleSpecifierVisitor.visit(codeUnit.metadata.tree); |
| return moduleSpecifierVisitor.moduleSpecifiers; |
| }, |
| parse: function(codeUnit) { |
| assert(!codeUnit.metadata.tree); |
| var reporter = this.reporter; |
| var normalizedName = codeUnit.normalizedName; |
| var program = codeUnit.source; |
| var url = codeUnit.url || normalizedName; |
| var file = new SourceFile(url, program); |
| var parser = new Parser(file, reporter); |
| if (codeUnit.type == 'module') |
| codeUnit.metadata.tree = parser.parseModule(); |
| else |
| codeUnit.metadata.tree = parser.parseScript(); |
| codeUnit.metadata.moduleSymbol = new ModuleSymbol(codeUnit.metadata.tree, normalizedName); |
| return !reporter.hadError(); |
| }, |
| transform: function(codeUnit) { |
| var transformer = new AttachModuleNameTransformer(codeUnit.normalizedName); |
| var transformedTree = transformer.transformAny(codeUnit.metadata.tree); |
| transformer = new FromOptionsTransformer(this.reporter, identifierGenerator); |
| return transformer.transform(transformedTree); |
| }, |
| fetch: function(load) { |
| var $__322 = this; |
| return new Promise((function(resolve, reject) { |
| $__322.fileLoader.load(load.address, resolve, reject); |
| })); |
| }, |
| translate: function(load) { |
| return new Promise((function(resolve, reject) { |
| resolve(load.source); |
| })); |
| }, |
| instantiate: function($__324) { |
| var name = $__324.name, |
| metadata = $__324.metadata, |
| address = $__324.address, |
| source = $__324.source, |
| sourceMap = $__324.sourceMap; |
| return new Promise((function(resolve, reject) { |
| resolve(undefined); |
| })); |
| }, |
| locate: function(load) { |
| load.url = this.locate_(load); |
| return load.url; |
| }, |
| locate_: function(load) { |
| var normalizedModuleName = load.normalizedName; |
| var asJS; |
| if (load.type === 'script') { |
| asJS = normalizedModuleName; |
| } else { |
| asJS = normalizedModuleName + '.js'; |
| } |
| if (options.referrer) { |
| if (asJS.indexOf(options.referrer) === 0) { |
| asJS = asJS.slice(options.referrer.length); |
| load.metadata.locateMap = { |
| pattern: options.referrer, |
| replacement: '' |
| }; |
| } |
| } |
| if (isAbsolute(asJS)) |
| return asJS; |
| var baseURL = load.metadata && load.metadata.baseURL; |
| baseURL = baseURL || this.baseURL; |
| if (baseURL) { |
| load.metadata.baseURL = baseURL; |
| return resolveUrl(baseURL, asJS); |
| } |
| return asJS; |
| }, |
| nameTrace: function(load) { |
| var trace = ''; |
| if (load.metadata.locateMap) { |
| trace += this.locateMapTrace(load); |
| } |
| var base = load.metadata.baseURL || this.baseURL; |
| if (base) { |
| trace += this.baseURLTrace(base); |
| } else { |
| trace += 'No baseURL\n'; |
| } |
| return trace; |
| }, |
| locateMapTrace: function(load) { |
| var map = load.metadata.locateMap; |
| return ("LoaderHooks.locate found \'" + map.pattern + "\' -> \'" + map.replacement + "\'\n"); |
| }, |
| baseURLTrace: function(base) { |
| return 'LoaderHooks.locate resolved against base \'' + base + '\'\n'; |
| }, |
| evaluateCodeUnit: function(codeUnit) { |
| var result = ('global', eval)(codeUnit.metadata.transcoded); |
| codeUnit.metadata.transformedTree = null; |
| return result; |
| }, |
| analyzeDependencies: function(dependencies, loader) { |
| var deps = []; |
| for (var i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { |
| var codeUnit = dependencies[i]; |
| assert(codeUnit.state >= PARSED); |
| if (codeUnit.state == PARSED) { |
| deps.push(codeUnit.metadata); |
| } |
| } |
| this.exportListBuilder_.buildExportList(deps, loader); |
| }, |
| get options() { |
| return options; |
| }, |
| bundledModule: function(name) { |
| return this.moduleStore_.bundleStore[name]; |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| return {get LoaderHooks() { |
| return LoaderHooks; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/InterceptOutputLoaderHooks", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/InterceptOutputLoaderHooks"; |
| var LoaderHooks = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/LoaderHooks").LoaderHooks; |
| var InterceptOutputLoaderHooks = function InterceptOutputLoaderHooks() { |
| for (var args = [], |
| $__326 = 0; $__326 < arguments.length; $__326++) |
| args[$__326] = arguments[$__326]; |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $InterceptOutputLoaderHooks.prototype, "constructor", $traceurRuntime.spread(args)); |
| this.sourceMap = null; |
| this.transcoded = null; |
| this.onTranscoded = (function() {}); |
| }; |
| var $InterceptOutputLoaderHooks = InterceptOutputLoaderHooks; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(InterceptOutputLoaderHooks, {instantiate: function($__327) { |
| var metadata = $__327.metadata, |
| url = $__327.url; |
| this.sourceMap = metadata.sourceMap; |
| this.transcoded = metadata.transcoded; |
| this.onTranscoded(metadata, url); |
| return undefined; |
| }}, {}, LoaderHooks); |
| return {get InterceptOutputLoaderHooks() { |
| return InterceptOutputLoaderHooks; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/InternalLoader", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/InternalLoader"; |
| var ArrayMap = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/ArrayMap").ArrayMap; |
| var LoaderHooks = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/LoaderHooks").LoaderHooks; |
| var ObjectMap = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/ObjectMap").ObjectMap; |
| var $__330 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/url"), |
| canonicalizeUrl = $__330.canonicalizeUrl, |
| isAbsolute = $__330.isAbsolute, |
| resolveUrl = $__330.resolveUrl; |
| var getUid = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/uid").getUid; |
| var toSource = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/toSource").toSource; |
| var NOT_STARTED = 0; |
| var LOADING = 1; |
| var LOADED = 2; |
| var PARSED = 3; |
| var TRANSFORMING = 4; |
| var TRANSFORMED = 5; |
| var COMPLETE = 6; |
| var ERROR = 7; |
| var global = this; |
| var CodeUnit = function CodeUnit(loaderHooks, normalizedName, type, state, name, referrerName, address) { |
| var $__328 = this; |
| this.loaderHooks = loaderHooks; |
| this.normalizedName = normalizedName; |
| this.type = type; |
| this.name_ = name; |
| this.referrerName_ = referrerName; |
| this.address_ = address; |
| this.url = InternalLoader.uniqueName(normalizedName, address); |
| this.uid = getUid(); |
| this.state_ = state || NOT_STARTED; |
| this.error = null; |
| this.result = null; |
| this.data_ = {}; |
| this.dependencies = []; |
| this.promise = new Promise((function(res, rej) { |
| $__328.resolve = res; |
| $__328.reject = rej; |
| })); |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(CodeUnit, { |
| get state() { |
| return this.state_; |
| }, |
| set state(state) { |
| if (state < this.state_) { |
| throw new Error('Invalid state change'); |
| } |
| this.state_ = state; |
| }, |
| get metadata() { |
| return this.data_; |
| }, |
| nameTrace: function() { |
| var trace = this.specifiedAs(); |
| if (isAbsolute(this.name_)) { |
| return trace + 'An absolute name.\n'; |
| } |
| if (this.referrerName_) { |
| return trace + this.importedBy() + this.normalizesTo(); |
| } |
| return trace + this.normalizesTo(); |
| }, |
| specifiedAs: function() { |
| return ("Specified as " + this.name_ + ".\n"); |
| }, |
| importedBy: function() { |
| return ("Imported by " + this.referrerName_ + ".\n"); |
| }, |
| normalizesTo: function() { |
| return 'Normalizes to ' + this.normalizedName + '\n'; |
| }, |
| transform: function() { |
| return this.loaderHooks.transform(this); |
| }, |
| instantiate: function(load) { |
| return this.loaderHooks.instantiate(this); |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| var PreCompiledCodeUnit = function PreCompiledCodeUnit(loaderHooks, normalizedName, name, referrerName, address, module) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $PreCompiledCodeUnit.prototype, "constructor", [loaderHooks, normalizedName, 'module', COMPLETE, name, referrerName, address]); |
| this.result = module; |
| this.resolve(this.result); |
| }; |
| var $PreCompiledCodeUnit = PreCompiledCodeUnit; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(PreCompiledCodeUnit, {}, {}, CodeUnit); |
| var BundledCodeUnit = function BundledCodeUnit(loaderHooks, normalizedName, name, referrerName, address, deps, execute) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $BundledCodeUnit.prototype, "constructor", [loaderHooks, normalizedName, 'module', TRANSFORMED, name, referrerName, address]); |
| this.deps = deps; |
| this.execute = execute; |
| }; |
| var $BundledCodeUnit = BundledCodeUnit; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(BundledCodeUnit, { |
| getModuleSpecifiers: function() { |
| return this.deps; |
| }, |
| evaluate: function() { |
| var $__328 = this; |
| var normalizedNames = this.deps.map((function(name) { |
| return $__328.loaderHooks.normalize(name); |
| })); |
| var module = this.execute.apply(global, normalizedNames); |
| System.set(this.normalizedName, module); |
| return module; |
| } |
| }, {}, CodeUnit); |
| var HookedCodeUnit = function HookedCodeUnit() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $HookedCodeUnit.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $HookedCodeUnit = HookedCodeUnit; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(HookedCodeUnit, { |
| getModuleSpecifiers: function() { |
| return this.loaderHooks.getModuleSpecifiers(this); |
| }, |
| evaluate: function() { |
| return this.loaderHooks.evaluateCodeUnit(this); |
| } |
| }, {}, CodeUnit); |
| var LoadCodeUnit = function LoadCodeUnit(loaderHooks, normalizedName, name, referrerName, address) { |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $LoadCodeUnit.prototype, "constructor", [loaderHooks, normalizedName, 'module', NOT_STARTED, name, referrerName, address]); |
| }; |
| var $LoadCodeUnit = LoadCodeUnit; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(LoadCodeUnit, {}, {}, HookedCodeUnit); |
| var EvalCodeUnit = function EvalCodeUnit(loaderHooks, code) { |
| var type = arguments[2] !== (void 0) ? arguments[2] : 'script'; |
| var normalizedName = arguments[3]; |
| var referrerName = arguments[4]; |
| var address = arguments[5]; |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $EvalCodeUnit.prototype, "constructor", [loaderHooks, normalizedName, type, LOADED, null, referrerName, address]); |
| this.source = code; |
| }; |
| var $EvalCodeUnit = EvalCodeUnit; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(EvalCodeUnit, {}, {}, HookedCodeUnit); |
| var uniqueNameCount = 0; |
| var InternalLoader = function InternalLoader(loaderHooks) { |
| this.loaderHooks = loaderHooks; |
| this.reporter = loaderHooks.reporter; |
| this.cache = new ArrayMap(); |
| this.urlToKey = Object.create(null); |
| this.sync_ = false; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(InternalLoader, { |
| load: function(name) { |
| var referrerName = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : this.loaderHooks.baseURL; |
| var address = arguments[2]; |
| var type = arguments[3] !== (void 0) ? arguments[3] : 'script'; |
| var codeUnit = this.load_(name, referrerName, address, type); |
| return codeUnit.promise.then((function() { |
| return codeUnit; |
| })); |
| }, |
| load_: function(name, referrerName, address, type) { |
| var $__328 = this; |
| var codeUnit = this.getCodeUnit_(name, referrerName, address, type); |
| if (codeUnit.state === ERROR) { |
| return codeUnit; |
| } |
| if (codeUnit.state === TRANSFORMED) { |
| this.handleCodeUnitLoaded(codeUnit); |
| } else { |
| if (codeUnit.state !== NOT_STARTED) |
| return codeUnit; |
| codeUnit.state = LOADING; |
| codeUnit.address = this.loaderHooks.locate(codeUnit); |
| this.loaderHooks.fetch(codeUnit).then((function(text) { |
| codeUnit.source = text; |
| return codeUnit; |
| })).then(this.loaderHooks.translate.bind(this.loaderHooks)).then((function(source) { |
| codeUnit.source = source; |
| codeUnit.state = LOADED; |
| $__328.handleCodeUnitLoaded(codeUnit); |
| return codeUnit; |
| })).catch((function(err) { |
| codeUnit.state = ERROR; |
| codeUnit.abort = function() {}; |
| $__328.handleCodeUnitLoadError(codeUnit); |
| })); |
| } |
| return codeUnit; |
| }, |
| module: function(code, referrerName, address) { |
| var codeUnit = new EvalCodeUnit(this.loaderHooks, code, 'module', null, referrerName, address); |
| this.cache.set({}, codeUnit); |
| this.handleCodeUnitLoaded(codeUnit); |
| return codeUnit.promise; |
| }, |
| define: function(normalizedName, code, address) { |
| var codeUnit = new EvalCodeUnit(this.loaderHooks, code, 'module', normalizedName, null, address); |
| var key = this.getKey(normalizedName, 'module'); |
| this.cache.set(key, codeUnit); |
| this.handleCodeUnitLoaded(codeUnit); |
| return codeUnit.promise; |
| }, |
| script: function(code, name, referrerName, address) { |
| var normalizedName = System.normalize(name || '', referrerName, address); |
| var codeUnit = new EvalCodeUnit(this.loaderHooks, code, 'script', normalizedName, referrerName, address); |
| var key = {}; |
| if (name) |
| key = this.getKey(normalizedName, 'script'); |
| this.cache.set(key, codeUnit); |
| this.handleCodeUnitLoaded(codeUnit); |
| return codeUnit.promise; |
| }, |
| get options() { |
| return this.loaderHooks.options; |
| }, |
| sourceMapInfo: function(normalizedName, type) { |
| var key = this.getKey(normalizedName, type); |
| var codeUnit = this.cache.get(key); |
| return { |
| sourceMap: codeUnit && codeUnit.metadata && codeUnit.metadata.sourceMap, |
| url: codeUnit && codeUnit.url |
| }; |
| }, |
| getKey: function(url, type) { |
| var combined = type + ':' + url; |
| if (combined in this.urlToKey) { |
| return this.urlToKey[combined]; |
| } |
| return this.urlToKey[combined] = {}; |
| }, |
| getCodeUnit_: function(name, referrerName, address, type) { |
| var normalizedName = System.normalize(name, referrerName, address); |
| var key = this.getKey(normalizedName, type); |
| var cacheObject = this.cache.get(key); |
| if (!cacheObject) { |
| var module = this.loaderHooks.get(normalizedName); |
| if (module) { |
| cacheObject = new PreCompiledCodeUnit(this.loaderHooks, normalizedName, name, referrerName, address, module); |
| cacheObject.type = 'module'; |
| } else { |
| var bundledModule = this.loaderHooks.bundledModule(name); |
| if (bundledModule) { |
| cacheObject = new BundledCodeUnit(this.loaderHooks, normalizedName, name, referrerName, address, bundledModule.deps, bundledModule.execute); |
| } else { |
| cacheObject = new LoadCodeUnit(this.loaderHooks, normalizedName, name, referrerName, address); |
| cacheObject.type = type; |
| } |
| } |
| this.cache.set(key, cacheObject); |
| } |
| return cacheObject; |
| }, |
| areAll: function(state) { |
| return this.cache.values().every((function(codeUnit) { |
| return codeUnit.state >= state; |
| })); |
| }, |
| getCodeUnitForModuleSpecifier: function(name, referrerName) { |
| return this.getCodeUnit_(name, referrerName, null, 'module'); |
| }, |
| handleCodeUnitLoaded: function(codeUnit) { |
| var $__328 = this; |
| var referrerName = codeUnit.normalizedName; |
| var moduleSpecifiers = codeUnit.getModuleSpecifiers(); |
| if (!moduleSpecifiers) { |
| this.abortAll(("No module specifiers in " + referrerName)); |
| return; |
| } |
| codeUnit.dependencies = moduleSpecifiers.sort().map((function(name) { |
| return $__328.getCodeUnit_(name, referrerName, null, 'module'); |
| })); |
| codeUnit.dependencies.forEach((function(dependency) { |
| $__328.load(dependency.normalizedName, null, null, 'module'); |
| })); |
| if (this.areAll(PARSED)) { |
| this.analyze(); |
| this.transform(); |
| this.evaluate(); |
| } |
| }, |
| handleCodeUnitLoadError: function(codeUnit) { |
| var message = ("Failed to load '" + codeUnit.address + "'.\n") + codeUnit.nameTrace() + this.loaderHooks.nameTrace(codeUnit); |
| this.reporter.reportError(null, message); |
| this.abortAll(message); |
| codeUnit.error = message; |
| codeUnit.reject(new Error(message)); |
| }, |
| abortAll: function(errorMessage) { |
| this.cache.values().forEach((function(codeUnit) { |
| if (codeUnit.abort) { |
| codeUnit.abort(); |
| codeUnit.state = ERROR; |
| } |
| })); |
| this.cache.values().forEach((function(codeUnit) { |
| codeUnit.reject(new Error(codeUnit.error || errorMessage)); |
| })); |
| }, |
| analyze: function() { |
| this.loaderHooks.analyzeDependencies(this.cache.values(), this); |
| this.checkForErrors(this.cache.values(), 'build-export-list'); |
| }, |
| transform: function() { |
| this.transformDependencies(this.cache.values()); |
| }, |
| transformDependencies: function(dependencies, dependentName) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { |
| var codeUnit = dependencies[i]; |
| if (codeUnit.state >= TRANSFORMED) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (codeUnit.state === TRANSFORMING) { |
| var cir = codeUnit.normalizedName; |
| var cle = dependentName; |
| this.reporter.reportError(codeUnit.metadata.tree, ("Unsupported circular dependency between " + cir + " and " + cle)); |
| break; |
| } |
| codeUnit.state = TRANSFORMING; |
| this.transformCodeUnit(codeUnit); |
| codeUnit.instantiate(); |
| } |
| this.checkForErrors(dependencies, 'transform'); |
| }, |
| transformCodeUnit: function(codeUnit) { |
| var $__330; |
| this.transformDependencies(codeUnit.dependencies, codeUnit.normalizedName); |
| if (codeUnit.state === ERROR) |
| return; |
| var metadata = codeUnit.metadata; |
| metadata.transformedTree = codeUnit.transform(); |
| codeUnit.state = TRANSFORMED; |
| var filename = codeUnit.address || codeUnit.normalizedName; |
| ($__330 = toSource(metadata.transformedTree, this.options, filename), metadata.transcoded = $__330[0], metadata.sourceMap = $__330[1], $__330); |
| if (codeUnit.address && metadata.transcoded) |
| metadata.transcoded += '//# sourceURL=' + codeUnit.address; |
| }, |
| checkForErrors: function(dependencies, phase) { |
| if (this.reporter.hadError()) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { |
| var codeUnit = dependencies[i]; |
| if (codeUnit.state >= COMPLETE) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| codeUnit.state = ERROR; |
| } |
| for (var i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { |
| var codeUnit = dependencies[i]; |
| if (codeUnit.state == ERROR) { |
| codeUnit.reject(phase); |
| } |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| }, |
| orderDependencies: function() { |
| var visited = new ObjectMap(); |
| var ordered = []; |
| function orderCodeUnits(codeUnit) { |
| if (visited.has(codeUnit)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| visited.set(codeUnit, true); |
| codeUnit.dependencies.forEach(orderCodeUnits); |
| ordered.push(codeUnit); |
| } |
| this.cache.values().forEach(orderCodeUnits); |
| return ordered; |
| }, |
| evaluate: function() { |
| var dependencies = this.orderDependencies(); |
| for (var i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { |
| var codeUnit = dependencies[i]; |
| if (codeUnit.state >= COMPLETE) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| var result; |
| try { |
| result = codeUnit.evaluate(); |
| } catch (ex) { |
| codeUnit.error = ex; |
| this.reporter.reportError(null, String(ex)); |
| this.abortAll(); |
| codeUnit.reject(codeUnit.error); |
| return; |
| } |
| codeUnit.result = result; |
| codeUnit.source = null; |
| } |
| for (var i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) { |
| var codeUnit = dependencies[i]; |
| if (codeUnit.state >= COMPLETE) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| codeUnit.state = COMPLETE; |
| codeUnit.resolve(codeUnit.result); |
| } |
| } |
| }, {uniqueName: function(normalizedName, referrerAddress) { |
| var importerAddress = referrerAddress || System.baseURL; |
| if (!importerAddress) |
| throw new Error('The System.baseURL is an empty string'); |
| var path = normalizedName || String(uniqueNameCount++); |
| return resolveUrl(importerAddress, path); |
| }}); |
| var SystemLoaderHooks = LoaderHooks; |
| var internals = { |
| CodeUnit: CodeUnit, |
| EvalCodeUnit: EvalCodeUnit, |
| LoadCodeUnit: LoadCodeUnit, |
| LoaderHooks: LoaderHooks |
| }; |
| return { |
| get InternalLoader() { |
| return InternalLoader; |
| }, |
| get internals() { |
| return internals; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/Loader", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/Loader"; |
| var InternalLoader = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/InternalLoader").InternalLoader; |
| var Loader = function Loader(loaderHooks) { |
| this.internalLoader_ = new InternalLoader(loaderHooks); |
| this.loaderHooks_ = loaderHooks; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Loader, { |
| import: function(name) { |
| var $__333 = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : {}, |
| referrerName = $__333.referrerName, |
| address = $__333.address; |
| var $__331 = this; |
| return this.internalLoader_.load(name, referrerName, address, 'module').then((function(codeUnit) { |
| return $__331.get(codeUnit.normalizedName); |
| })); |
| }, |
| module: function(source) { |
| var $__333 = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : {}, |
| referrerName = $__333.referrerName, |
| address = $__333.address; |
| return this.internalLoader_.module(source, referrerName, address); |
| }, |
| define: function(normalizedName, source) { |
| var $__333 = arguments[2] !== (void 0) ? arguments[2] : {}, |
| address = $__333.address, |
| metadata = $__333.metadata; |
| return this.internalLoader_.define(normalizedName, source, address, metadata); |
| }, |
| get: function(normalizedName) { |
| return this.loaderHooks_.get(normalizedName); |
| }, |
| set: function(normalizedName, module) { |
| this.loaderHooks_.set(normalizedName, module); |
| }, |
| normalize: function(name, referrerName, referrerAddress) { |
| return this.loaderHooks_.normalize(name, referrerName, referrerAddress); |
| }, |
| locate: function(load) { |
| return this.loaderHooks_.locate(load); |
| }, |
| fetch: function(load) { |
| return this.loaderHooks_.fetch(load); |
| }, |
| translate: function(load) { |
| return this.loaderHooks_.translate(load); |
| }, |
| instantiate: function(load) { |
| return this.loaderHooks_.instantiate(load); |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| ; |
| return { |
| get Loader() { |
| return Loader; |
| }, |
| get LoaderHooks() { |
| return LoaderHooks; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/WebPageTranscoder", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/WebPageTranscoder"; |
| var Loader = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/Loader").Loader; |
| var ErrorReporter = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/ErrorReporter").ErrorReporter; |
| var InterceptOutputLoaderHooks = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/InterceptOutputLoaderHooks").InterceptOutputLoaderHooks; |
| var webLoader = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/webLoader").webLoader; |
| var WebPageTranscoder = function WebPageTranscoder(url) { |
| this.url = url; |
| this.numPending_ = 0; |
| this.numberInlined_ = 0; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(WebPageTranscoder, { |
| asyncLoad_: function(url, fncOfContent, onScriptsReady) { |
| var $__334 = this; |
| this.numPending_++; |
| webLoader.load(url, (function(content) { |
| if (content) |
| fncOfContent(content); |
| else |
| console.warn('Failed to load', url); |
| if (--$__334.numPending_ <= 0) |
| onScriptsReady(); |
| }), (function(error) { |
| console.error('WebPageTranscoder FAILED to load ' + url, error); |
| })); |
| }, |
| addFileFromScriptElement: function(scriptElement, name, content) { |
| this.loader.module(content, name); |
| }, |
| nextInlineScriptName_: function() { |
| this.numberInlined_ += 1; |
| if (!this.inlineScriptNameBase_) { |
| var segments = this.url.split('.'); |
| segments.pop(); |
| this.inlineScriptNameBase_ = segments.join('.'); |
| } |
| return this.inlineScriptNameBase_ + '_' + this.numberInlined_ + '.js'; |
| }, |
| addFilesFromScriptElements: function(scriptElements, onScriptsReady) { |
| for (var i = 0, |
| length = scriptElements.length; i < length; i++) { |
| var scriptElement = scriptElements[i]; |
| if (!scriptElement.src) { |
| var name = this.nextInlineScriptName_(); |
| var content = scriptElement.textContent; |
| this.addFileFromScriptElement(scriptElement, name, content); |
| } else { |
| var name = scriptElement.src; |
| this.asyncLoad_(name, this.addFileFromScriptElement.bind(this, scriptElement, name), onScriptsReady); |
| } |
| } |
| if (this.numPending_ <= 0) |
| onScriptsReady(); |
| }, |
| get reporter() { |
| if (!this.reporter_) { |
| this.reporter_ = new ErrorReporter(); |
| } |
| return this.reporter_; |
| }, |
| get loader() { |
| if (!this.loader_) { |
| var loaderHooks = new InterceptOutputLoaderHooks(this.reporter, this.url); |
| this.loader_ = new Loader(loaderHooks); |
| } |
| return this.loader_; |
| }, |
| putFile: function(file) { |
| var scriptElement = document.createElement('script'); |
| scriptElement.setAttribute('data-traceur-src-url', file.name); |
| scriptElement.textContent = file.generatedSource; |
| var parent = file.scriptElement.parentNode; |
| parent.insertBefore(scriptElement, file.scriptElement || null); |
| }, |
| selectAndProcessScripts: function(done) { |
| var selector = 'script[type="module"]'; |
| var scripts = document.querySelectorAll(selector); |
| if (!scripts.length) { |
| done(); |
| return; |
| } |
| this.addFilesFromScriptElements(scripts, (function() { |
| done(); |
| })); |
| }, |
| run: function() { |
| var done = arguments[0] !== (void 0) ? arguments[0] : (function() {}); |
| var $__334 = this; |
| var ready = document.readyState; |
| if (ready === 'complete' || ready === 'loaded') { |
| this.selectAndProcessScripts(done); |
| } else { |
| document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (function() { |
| return $__334.selectAndProcessScripts(done); |
| }), false); |
| } |
| } |
| }, {}); |
| return {get WebPageTranscoder() { |
| return WebPageTranscoder; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/CloneTreeTransformer", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/CloneTreeTransformer"; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var $__338 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"), |
| BindingIdentifier = $__338.BindingIdentifier, |
| BreakStatement = $__338.BreakStatement, |
| ContinueStatement = $__338.ContinueStatement, |
| DebuggerStatement = $__338.DebuggerStatement, |
| EmptyStatement = $__338.EmptyStatement, |
| ExportSpecifier = $__338.ExportSpecifier, |
| ExportStar = $__338.ExportStar, |
| IdentifierExpression = $__338.IdentifierExpression, |
| ImportSpecifier = $__338.ImportSpecifier, |
| LiteralExpression = $__338.LiteralExpression, |
| ModuleSpecifier = $__338.ModuleSpecifier, |
| PredefinedType = $__338.PredefinedType, |
| PropertyNameShorthand = $__338.PropertyNameShorthand, |
| TemplateLiteralPortion = $__338.TemplateLiteralPortion, |
| RestParameter = $__338.RestParameter, |
| SuperExpression = $__338.SuperExpression, |
| ThisExpression = $__338.ThisExpression; |
| var CloneTreeTransformer = function CloneTreeTransformer() { |
| $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $CloneTreeTransformer.prototype, arguments); |
| }; |
| var $CloneTreeTransformer = CloneTreeTransformer; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(CloneTreeTransformer, { |
| transformBindingIdentifier: function(tree) { |
| return new BindingIdentifier(tree.location, tree.identifierToken); |
| }, |
| transformBreakStatement: function(tree) { |
| return new BreakStatement(tree.location, tree.name); |
| }, |
| transformContinueStatement: function(tree) { |
| return new ContinueStatement(tree.location, tree.name); |
| }, |
| transformDebuggerStatement: function(tree) { |
| return new DebuggerStatement(tree.location); |
| }, |
| transformEmptyStatement: function(tree) { |
| return new EmptyStatement(tree.location); |
| }, |
| transformExportSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| return new ExportSpecifier(tree.location, tree.lhs, tree.rhs); |
| }, |
| transformExportStar: function(tree) { |
| return new ExportStar(tree.location); |
| }, |
| transformIdentifierExpression: function(tree) { |
| return new IdentifierExpression(tree.location, tree.identifierToken); |
| }, |
| transformImportSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| return new ImportSpecifier(tree.location, tree.lhs, tree.rhs); |
| }, |
| transformList: function(list) { |
| if (!list) { |
| return null; |
| } else if (list.length == 0) { |
| return []; |
| } else { |
| return $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $CloneTreeTransformer.prototype, "transformList", [list]); |
| } |
| }, |
| transformLiteralExpression: function(tree) { |
| return new LiteralExpression(tree.location, tree.literalToken); |
| }, |
| transformModuleSpecifier: function(tree) { |
| return new ModuleSpecifier(tree.location, tree.token); |
| }, |
| transformPredefinedType: function(tree) { |
| return new PredefinedType(tree.location, tree.typeToken); |
| }, |
| transformPropertyNameShorthand: function(tree) { |
| return new PropertyNameShorthand(tree.location, tree.name); |
| }, |
| transformTemplateLiteralPortion: function(tree) { |
| return new TemplateLiteralPortion(tree.location, tree.value); |
| }, |
| transformSuperExpression: function(tree) { |
| return new SuperExpression(tree.location); |
| }, |
| transformThisExpression: function(tree) { |
| return new ThisExpression(tree.location); |
| } |
| }, {}, ParseTreeTransformer); |
| CloneTreeTransformer.cloneTree = function(tree) { |
| return new CloneTreeTransformer().transformAny(tree); |
| }; |
| return {get CloneTreeTransformer() { |
| return CloneTreeTransformer; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/createModuleEvaluationStatement", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/createModuleEvaluationStatement"; |
| var $__339 = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(["System.get(", " +'')"], {raw: {value: Object.freeze(["System.get(", " +'')"])}})); |
| var parseStatement = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/PlaceholderParser").parseStatement; |
| function createModuleEvaluationStatement(normalizedName) { |
| return parseStatement($__339, normalizedName); |
| } |
| return {get createModuleEvaluationStatement() { |
| return createModuleEvaluationStatement; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/TraceurLoader", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/TraceurLoader"; |
| var InternalLoader = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/InternalLoader").InternalLoader; |
| var Loader = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/Loader").Loader; |
| var version = __moduleName.slice(0, __moduleName.indexOf('/')); |
| var TraceurLoader = function TraceurLoader(loaderHooks) { |
| if (loaderHooks.translateSynchronous) { |
| loaderHooks.translate = function(load) { |
| return new Promise((function(resolve, reject) { |
| resolve(loaderHooks.translateSynchronous(load)); |
| })); |
| }; |
| } |
| $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $TraceurLoader.prototype, "constructor", [loaderHooks]); |
| }; |
| var $TraceurLoader = TraceurLoader; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(TraceurLoader, { |
| loadAsScript: function(name) { |
| var $__342 = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : {}, |
| referrerName = $__342.referrerName, |
| address = $__342.address; |
| return this.internalLoader_.load(name, referrerName, address, 'script').then((function(codeUnit) { |
| return codeUnit.result; |
| })); |
| }, |
| script: function(source) { |
| var $__342 = arguments[1] !== (void 0) ? arguments[1] : {}, |
| name = $__342.name, |
| referrerName = $__342.referrerName, |
| address = $__342.address; |
| return this.internalLoader_.script(source, name, referrerName, address); |
| }, |
| semVerRegExp_: function() { |
| return /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:-([0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?(?:\+[0-9A-Za-z-]+)?$/; |
| }, |
| semverMap: function(normalizedName) { |
| var slash = normalizedName.indexOf('/'); |
| var version = normalizedName.slice(0, slash); |
| var at = version.indexOf('@'); |
| if (at !== -1) { |
| var semver = version.slice(at + 1); |
| var m = this.semVerRegExp_().exec(semver); |
| if (m) { |
| var major = m[1]; |
| var minor = m[2]; |
| var packageName = version.slice(0, at); |
| var map = Object.create(null); |
| map[packageName] = version; |
| map[packageName + '@' + major] = version; |
| map[packageName + '@' + major + '.' + minor] = version; |
| } |
| } |
| return map; |
| }, |
| get version() { |
| return version; |
| }, |
| get options() { |
| return this.internalLoader_.options; |
| }, |
| sourceMapInfo: function(normalizedName, type) { |
| return this.internalLoader_.sourceMapInfo(normalizedName, type); |
| }, |
| register: function(normalizedName, deps, factoryFunction) { |
| $traceurRuntime.ModuleStore.register(normalizedName, deps, factoryFunction); |
| }, |
| get baseURL() { |
| return this.loaderHooks_.baseURL; |
| }, |
| set baseURL(value) { |
| this.loaderHooks_.baseURL = value; |
| } |
| }, {}, Loader); |
| return {get TraceurLoader() { |
| return TraceurLoader; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/System", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/System"; |
| var globalThis = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/globalThis").default; |
| var ErrorReporter = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/ErrorReporter").ErrorReporter; |
| var TraceurLoader = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/TraceurLoader").TraceurLoader; |
| var LoaderHooks = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/LoaderHooks").LoaderHooks; |
| var options = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/options").options; |
| var webLoader = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/webLoader").webLoader; |
| var url; |
| var fileLoader; |
| if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.location) { |
| url = window.location.href; |
| fileLoader = webLoader; |
| } |
| var loaderHooks = new LoaderHooks(new ErrorReporter(), url, fileLoader); |
| var traceurLoader = new TraceurLoader(loaderHooks); |
| if (typeof window !== 'undefined') |
| window.System = traceurLoader; |
| if (typeof global !== 'undefined') |
| global.System = traceurLoader; |
| ; |
| traceurLoader.map = traceurLoader.semverMap(__moduleName); |
| return {get System() { |
| return traceurLoader; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/TestErrorReporter", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/util/TestErrorReporter"; |
| var $__345 = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/ErrorReporter"), |
| ErrorReporter = $__345.ErrorReporter, |
| format = $__345.format; |
| var TestErrorReporter = function TestErrorReporter() { |
| this.errors = []; |
| }; |
| ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(TestErrorReporter, { |
| reportMessageInternal: function(location, message) { |
| this.errors.push(format(location, message)); |
| }, |
| hasMatchingError: function(expected) { |
| return this.errors.some((function(error) { |
| return error.indexOf(expected) !== -1; |
| })); |
| } |
| }, {}, ErrorReporter); |
| return {get TestErrorReporter() { |
| return TestErrorReporter; |
| }}; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/traceur", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/traceur"; |
| System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/System"); |
| ; |
| var ModuleStore = System.get('@traceur/src/runtime/ModuleStore').ModuleStore; |
| var $__traceur_64_0_46_0_46_32_47_src_47_options__ = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/options"); |
| var $__traceur_64_0_46_0_46_32_47_src_47_WebPageTranscoder__ = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/WebPageTranscoder"); |
| var ExportListBuilder = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ExportListBuilder").ExportListBuilder; |
| var semantics = {ExportListBuilder: ExportListBuilder}; |
| var ErrorReporter = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/ErrorReporter").ErrorReporter; |
| var SourcePosition = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/SourcePosition").SourcePosition; |
| var SyntaxErrorReporter = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/SyntaxErrorReporter").SyntaxErrorReporter; |
| var TestErrorReporter = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/TestErrorReporter").TestErrorReporter; |
| var resolveUrl = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/util/url").resolveUrl; |
| var util = { |
| ErrorReporter: ErrorReporter, |
| SourcePosition: SourcePosition, |
| SyntaxErrorReporter: SyntaxErrorReporter, |
| TestErrorReporter: TestErrorReporter, |
| resolveUrl: resolveUrl |
| }; |
| var IdentifierToken = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/IdentifierToken").IdentifierToken; |
| var LiteralToken = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/LiteralToken").LiteralToken; |
| var Parser = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Parser").Parser; |
| var Scanner = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Scanner").Scanner; |
| var SourceFile = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/SourceFile").SourceFile; |
| var Token = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/Token").Token; |
| var TokenType = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/TokenType"); |
| var trees = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/syntax/trees/ParseTrees"); |
| var syntax = { |
| IdentifierToken: IdentifierToken, |
| LiteralToken: LiteralToken, |
| Parser: Parser, |
| Scanner: Scanner, |
| SourceFile: SourceFile, |
| Token: Token, |
| TokenType: TokenType, |
| trees: trees |
| }; |
| var ParseTreeMapWriter = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/ParseTreeMapWriter").ParseTreeMapWriter; |
| var ParseTreeWriter = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/ParseTreeWriter").ParseTreeWriter; |
| var SourceMapConsumer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/SourceMapIntegration").SourceMapConsumer; |
| var SourceMapGenerator = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/SourceMapIntegration").SourceMapGenerator; |
| var TreeWriter = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/outputgeneration/TreeWriter").TreeWriter; |
| var outputgeneration = { |
| ParseTreeMapWriter: ParseTreeMapWriter, |
| ParseTreeWriter: ParseTreeWriter, |
| SourceMapConsumer: SourceMapConsumer, |
| SourceMapGenerator: SourceMapGenerator, |
| TreeWriter: TreeWriter |
| }; |
| var AmdTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/AmdTransformer").AmdTransformer; |
| var AttachModuleNameTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/AttachModuleNameTransformer").AttachModuleNameTransformer; |
| var CloneTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/CloneTreeTransformer").CloneTreeTransformer; |
| var CommonJsModuleTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/CommonJsModuleTransformer").CommonJsModuleTransformer; |
| var DirectExportVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/DirectExportVisitor").DirectExportVisitor; |
| var FromOptionsTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/FromOptionsTransformer").FromOptionsTransformer; |
| var InlineModuleTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/InlineModuleTransformer").InlineModuleTransformer; |
| var ModuleSpecifierVisitor = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/ModuleSpecifierVisitor").ModuleSpecifierVisitor; |
| var ModuleTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ModuleTransformer").ModuleTransformer; |
| var ParseTreeTransformer = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeTransformer").ParseTreeTransformer; |
| var createModuleEvaluationStatement = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/module/createModuleEvaluationStatement").createModuleEvaluationStatement; |
| var ParseTreeFactory = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/codegeneration/ParseTreeFactory"); |
| var codegeneration = { |
| AmdTransformer: AmdTransformer, |
| CloneTreeTransformer: CloneTreeTransformer, |
| CommonJsModuleTransformer: CommonJsModuleTransformer, |
| FromOptionsTransformer: FromOptionsTransformer, |
| InlineModuleTransformer: InlineModuleTransformer, |
| ModuleTransformer: ModuleTransformer, |
| ParseTreeFactory: ParseTreeFactory, |
| ParseTreeTransformer: ParseTreeTransformer, |
| module: { |
| AttachModuleNameTransformer: AttachModuleNameTransformer, |
| DirectExportVisitor: DirectExportVisitor, |
| ModuleSpecifierVisitor: ModuleSpecifierVisitor, |
| createModuleEvaluationStatement: createModuleEvaluationStatement |
| } |
| }; |
| var Loader = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/Loader").Loader; |
| var LoaderHooks = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/LoaderHooks").LoaderHooks; |
| var InterceptOutputLoaderHooks = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/InterceptOutputLoaderHooks").InterceptOutputLoaderHooks; |
| var TraceurLoader = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/runtime/TraceurLoader").TraceurLoader; |
| var runtime = { |
| InterceptOutputLoaderHooks: InterceptOutputLoaderHooks, |
| Loader: Loader, |
| LoaderHooks: LoaderHooks, |
| TraceurLoader: TraceurLoader |
| }; |
| return { |
| get System() { |
| return System; |
| }, |
| get ModuleStore() { |
| return ModuleStore; |
| }, |
| get options() { |
| return $__traceur_64_0_46_0_46_32_47_src_47_options__.options; |
| }, |
| get WebPageTranscoder() { |
| return $__traceur_64_0_46_0_46_32_47_src_47_WebPageTranscoder__.WebPageTranscoder; |
| }, |
| get semantics() { |
| return semantics; |
| }, |
| get util() { |
| return util; |
| }, |
| get syntax() { |
| return syntax; |
| }, |
| get outputgeneration() { |
| return outputgeneration; |
| }, |
| get codegeneration() { |
| return codegeneration; |
| }, |
| get runtime() { |
| return runtime; |
| } |
| }; |
| }); |
| System.register("traceur@0.0.32/src/traceur-import", [], function() { |
| "use strict"; |
| var __moduleName = "traceur@0.0.32/src/traceur-import"; |
| var traceur = System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/traceur"); |
| this.traceur = traceur; |
| $traceurRuntime.ModuleStore.set('traceur@', traceur); |
| return {}; |
| }); |
| System.get("traceur@0.0.32/src/traceur-import" + ''); |