ipc/stream: Correctly associate VIF-dialing and VC handshaking with
the attempt to create a flow.
Prior to this change, the span used by InternalNewDialedVIF
and HandshakeDialedVC was the parent span of the flow creation,
leading to traces like:
Span - <client>tryCreateFlow [id: 2655000b parent 2655000a] (14.671588ms, 2.467000711s)
@14.684954ms address:/ns.dev.v.io:8101/applicationd
Span - InternalNewDialedVIF [id: 2655000c parent 2655000a] (619.687107ms, 2.173953565s)
@619.710552ms (tcp,
Span - vc.HandshakeDialedVC [id: 26550063 parent 2655000a] (2.174009677s, 2.466984928s)
With this, the VIF/VC creation that is initiated because of a flow
becomes a child span leading to traces like (notice the change in
Span - <client>tryCreateFlow [id: 2b01000b parent 2b01000a] (13.130956ms, 2.224585885s)
@13.141539ms address:/ns.dev.v.io:8101/applicationd
Span - InternalNewDialedVIF [id: 2b01000c parent 2b01000b] (559.015204ms, 1.867401128s)
@559.04892ms (tcp,
Span - vc.HandshakeDialedVC [id: 2b010063 parent 2b01000b] (1.867443798s, 2.224575586s)
@1.867450636s @3@@ns.dev.v.io:8101@00000000000000000000000000000000@@@m@@
Change-Id: I4d18b5456a078180145b00490a52de3a0ee54042
diff --git a/runtimes/google/ipc/client.go b/runtimes/google/ipc/client.go
index 9afb81d..cfc6bdc 100644
--- a/runtimes/google/ipc/client.go
+++ b/runtimes/google/ipc/client.go
@@ -172,6 +172,14 @@
sm := c.streamMgr
+ // Include the context when Dial-ing. This is currently done via an
+ // option, and for thread-safety reasons - cannot append directly to
+ // vcOpts.
+ // TODO(ashankar,mattr): Revisit the API in ipc/stream and explicitly
+ // provide a context to Dial and other relevant operations.
+ cpy := make([]stream.VCOpt, len(vcOpts)+1)
+ cpy[copy(cpy, vcOpts)] = vc.DialContext{ctx}
+ vcOpts = cpy
vc, err := sm.Dial(ep, vcOpts...)
if err != nil {
@@ -431,7 +439,6 @@
responses := make([]*serverStatus, attempts)
ch := make(chan *serverStatus, attempts)
vcOpts := append(getVCOpts(opts), c.vcOpts...)
- vcOpts = append(vcOpts, vc.DialContext{ctx})
for i, server := range resolved.Names() {
go c.tryCreateFlow(ctx, i, server, ch, vcOpts)