blob: d5c57e7a7787a37ad1371d7d6b2ba8b054daf695 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package golang
// TODO(toddw): Add tests for this logic.
import (
// goImport represents a single import in the generated Go file.
// Example A: import ""
// Example B: import foo ""
type goImport struct {
// Name of the import.
// Example A: ""
// Example B: "foo"
Name string
// Path of the import.
// Example A: ""
// Example B: ""
Path string
// Local identifier within the generated go file to reference the imported
// package.
// Example A: "abc"
// Example B: "foo"
Local string
// goImports holds all imports for a generated Go file.
type goImports []goImport
// importMap maps from package path to package name. It's used to collect
// package import information.
type importMap map[string]string
// AddPackage adds a regular dependency on pkg; some block of generated code
// will reference the pkg.
func (im importMap) AddPackage(genPath, pkgName string) {
im[genPath] = pkgName
// AddForcedPackage adds a "forced" dependency on a pkg. This means that we need
// to import pkg even if no other block of generated code references the pkg.
func (im importMap) AddForcedPackage(genPath string) {
if im[genPath] == "" {
im[genPath] = "_"
func (im importMap) DeletePackage(pkg *compile.Package) {
delete(im, pkg.GenPath)
func (im importMap) Sort() []goImport {
var sortedPaths []string
for path := range im {
sortedPaths = append(sortedPaths, path)
seen := make(map[string]bool)
var ret []goImport
for _, path := range sortedPaths {
ret = append(ret, uniqueImport(im[path], path, seen))
return ret
// Each import must end up with a unique local name. Here's some examples.
// uniqueImport("a", "", {}) -> goImport{"", "", "a"}
// uniqueImport("z", "", {}) -> goImport{"", "", "z"}
// uniqueImport("a", "", {"a"}) -> goImport{"a_2", "", "a_2"}
// uniqueImport("a", "", {"a", "a_2"}) -> goImport{"a_3", "", "a_3"}
// uniqueImport("_", "", {}) -> goImport{"_", "", ""}
// uniqueImport("_", "", {"a"}) -> goImport{"_", "", ""}
// uniqueImport("_", "", {"a", "a_2"}) -> goImport{"_", "", ""}
func uniqueImport(pkgName, pkgPath string, seen map[string]bool) goImport {
if pkgName == "_" {
// This is a forced import that isn't otherwise used.
return goImport{"_", pkgPath, ""}
name, iter := "", 1
// Add special-cases to always use named imports for time and math, since they
// are easily mistaken for the go standard time and math packages.
switch pkgPath {
case "":
name, pkgName = "vdltime", "vdltime"
case "":
name, pkgName = "vdlmath", "vdlmath"
for {
local := pkgName
if iter > 1 {
local += "_" + strconv.Itoa(iter)
name = local
if !seen[local] {
// Found a unique local name - return the import.
seen[local] = true
return goImport{name, pkgPath, local}
// LookupLocal returns the local identifier within the generated go file that
// identifies the given pkgPath.
func (imports goImports) LookupLocal(pkgPath string) string {
ix := sort.Search(
func(i int) bool { return imports[i].Path >= pkgPath },
if ix < len(imports) && imports[ix].Path == pkgPath {
return imports[ix].Local
return ""