veyron2/security: Simplify the ACL structure and use the glob characters in PrincipalPattern.

ACLs serialized to disk before this commit will not be compatible with
binaries created after this commit.

A couple of ACL related changes:
(1) ACL.In is now just a map from PrincipalPattern to labels.
    The "Entries" type is no longer needed.
    BEFORE: In: {Principals: {"foo": "RW"}}
    AFTER:  In: {"foo":"RW"}
    The Entries struct was motivated by keeping both "groups" and "blessings"
    in the "In"/"NotIn" set. The Groups API is not defined yet, furthermore
    there is concerns around using NotIn with groups. My thinking is now
    that when group support is added, it is added as a field in the ACL struct
    (e.g. ACL.Groups) instead of as a field in ACL.In.Entries.

(2) PrincipalPattern now uses characters consistent with other pattern
    matching (e.g., namespace glob, or the query API), where "..." and
    not "*" denotes "recursive" matches.

(3) ACL.NotIn is a map from string to LabelSet (instead of PrincipalPattern
    to label set) to emphasize that NotIn need not contain "glob" patterns
    (i.e., those that end in ...)

While at it, also:
* Updated commentary for labels in security/types.vdl
* Updated commentary for ACLs in security/types.vdl
* Removed NewWhitelistACL: With the simplified ACL structure,
  this helper function is no longer needed.

Change-Id: I5be5bccdf1eb949436248c26d27f888e16df8ea0
diff --git a/examples/bank/pbankd/main.go b/examples/bank/pbankd/main.go
index acf9382..46caabf 100644
--- a/examples/bank/pbankd/main.go
+++ b/examples/bank/pbankd/main.go
@@ -442,10 +442,10 @@
 	// 	bankAccountServer := bank.NewServerBankAccount(pbankd)
 	// 	// Setup bank and account authorizers.
-	//  bankAuth := vsecurity.NewACLAuthorizer(security.NewWhitelistACL(
+	//  bankAuth := vsecurity.NewACLAuthorizer(security.ACL{In:
 	// 		map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
 	// 			security.AllPrincipals: security.LabelSet(security.ReadLabel | security.WriteLabel),
-	// 		}))
+	// 		}})
 	// 	bankAccountAuth := AccountAuthorizer(runtime.Identity().PublicID().Names()[0] + SUFFIX_REGEXP)
 	// 	dispatcher := newBankDispatcher(bankServer, bankAccountServer, bankAuth, bankAccountAuth)
diff --git a/examples/boxes/android/src/boxesp2p/main.go b/examples/boxes/android/src/boxesp2p/main.go
index c2dee7a..738bc95 100644
--- a/examples/boxes/android/src/boxesp2p/main.go
+++ b/examples/boxes/android/src/boxesp2p/main.go
@@ -234,10 +234,9 @@
 func (gs *goState) registerAsPeer(ctx context.T) {
-	auth := vsecurity.NewACLAuthorizer(vsecurity.NewWhitelistACL(
-		map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
-			security.AllPrincipals: security.LabelSet(security.AdminLabel),
-		}))
+	auth := vsecurity.NewACLAuthorizer(security.ACL{In: map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
+		security.AllPrincipals: security.LabelSet(security.AdminLabel),
+	}})
 	gs.disp.drawAuth = auth
 	gs.disp.drawServer = ipc.ReflectInvoker(boxes.NewServerDrawInterface(gs))
 	endPt, err := gs.ipc.Listen("tcp", gs.myIPAddr+drawServicePort)
diff --git a/lib/testutil/security/util_test.go b/lib/testutil/security/util_test.go
index 3a2fd3a..9586f57 100644
--- a/lib/testutil/security/util_test.go
+++ b/lib/testutil/security/util_test.go
@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@
 	defer r.Cleanup()
 	acl := security.ACL{}
-	acl.In.Principals = map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
-		"veyron/*":     security.LabelSet(security.ReadLabel),
+	acl.In = map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
+		"veyron/...":   security.LabelSet(security.ReadLabel),
 		"veyron/alice": security.LabelSet(security.ReadLabel | security.WriteLabel),
 		"veyron/bob":   security.LabelSet(security.AdminLabel),
-	acl.NotIn.Principals = map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
+	acl.NotIn = map[string]security.LabelSet{
 		"veyron/che": security.LabelSet(security.ReadLabel),
diff --git a/runtimes/google/ipc/full_test.go b/runtimes/google/ipc/full_test.go
index 9224834..765c990 100644
--- a/runtimes/google/ipc/full_test.go
+++ b/runtimes/google/ipc/full_test.go
@@ -160,12 +160,11 @@
 	case "nilAuth":
 		authorizer = nil
 	case "aclAuth":
-		// Only authorize clients matching patterns "client" or "server/*".
-		authorizer = vsecurity.NewACLAuthorizer(vsecurity.NewWhitelistACL(
-			map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
-				"server/*": security.LabelSet(security.AdminLabel),
-				"client":   security.LabelSet(security.AdminLabel),
-			}))
+		// Only authorize clients matching patterns "client" or "server/...".
+		authorizer = vsecurity.NewACLAuthorizer(security.ACL{In: map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
+			"server/...": security.LabelSet(security.AdminLabel),
+			"client":     security.LabelSet(security.AdminLabel),
+		}})
 		authorizer = testServerAuthorizer{}
diff --git a/runtimes/google/ipc/server.go b/runtimes/google/ipc/server.go
index dec40be..4fa5f62 100644
--- a/runtimes/google/ipc/server.go
+++ b/runtimes/google/ipc/server.go
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@
 	for _, n := range id.Names() {
 		in[security.BlessingPattern(n+security.ChainSeparator+string(security.AllPrincipals))] = security.AllLabels
-	return vsecurity.NewWhitelistACL(in)
+	return security.ACL{In: in}
 func (fs *flowServer) serve() error {
diff --git a/runtimes/google/rt/ipc_test.go b/runtimes/google/rt/ipc_test.go
index f1499c5..d02406b 100644
--- a/runtimes/google/rt/ipc_test.go
+++ b/runtimes/google/rt/ipc_test.go
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 	add(serverR.PublicIDStore(), googleYoutubeService, "")
 	// Add PublicIDs for communicating the "google/gmail" and "google/youtube" services
 	// to the clientR's PublicIDStore.
-	add(clientR.PublicIDStore(), googleGmailClient, "google/*")
+	add(clientR.PublicIDStore(), googleGmailClient, "google/...")
 	add(clientR.PublicIDStore(), googleYoutubeClient, "google/youtube")
 	type testcase struct {
@@ -162,10 +162,9 @@
 		defer stopServer(server)
 		if err := server.Serve("", ipc.LeafDispatcher(&testService{},
-			vsecurity.NewACLAuthorizer(vsecurity.NewWhitelistACL(
-				map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
-					security.AllPrincipals: security.AllLabels,
-				})))); err != nil {
+			vsecurity.NewACLAuthorizer(security.ACL{In: map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
+				security.AllPrincipals: security.AllLabels,
+			}}))); err != nil {
 			t.Errorf("error serving service: ", err)
diff --git a/runtimes/google/security/identity_test.go b/runtimes/google/security/identity_test.go
index eef3e12..95184c4 100644
--- a/runtimes/google/security/identity_test.go
+++ b/runtimes/google/security/identity_test.go
@@ -86,22 +86,22 @@
 		matchData []matchInstance
-			// self-signed alice chain, not a trusted identity provider so should only match "*"
+			// self-signed alice chain, not a trusted identity provider so should only match "..."
 			id: alice.PublicID(),
 			matchData: []matchInstance{
-				{pattern: "*", want: true},
+				{pattern: "...", want: true},
 				{pattern: "alice", want: false},
-				{pattern: "alice/*", want: false},
+				{pattern: "alice/...", want: false},
 			// veyron/alice: rooted in the trusted "veyron" identity provider
 			id: bless(newChain("immaterial").PublicID(), veyronChain, "alice", nil),
 			matchData: []matchInstance{
-				{pattern: "*", want: true},
-				{pattern: "veyron/*", want: true},
+				{pattern: "...", want: true},
+				{pattern: "veyron/...", want: true},
 				{pattern: "veyron/alice", want: true},
-				{pattern: "veyron/alice/*", want: true},
+				{pattern: "veyron/alice/...", want: true},
 				{pattern: "veyron/alice/TV", want: true},
 				{pattern: "veyron", want: false},
 				{pattern: "veyron/ali", want: false},
@@ -114,15 +114,15 @@
 			// alice#veyron/alice#google/alice: two trusted identity providers
 			id: newSetPublicID(alice.PublicID(), bless(alice.PublicID(), veyronChain, "alice", nil), bless(alice.PublicID(), googleChain, "alice", nil)),
 			matchData: []matchInstance{
-				{pattern: "*", want: true},
+				{pattern: "...", want: true},
 				// Since alice is not a trusted identity provider, the self-blessed identity
-				// should not match "alice/*"
+				// should not match "alice/..."
 				{pattern: "alice", want: false},
-				{pattern: "alice/*", want: false},
-				{pattern: "veyron/*", want: true},
+				{pattern: "alice/...", want: false},
+				{pattern: "veyron/...", want: true},
 				{pattern: "veyron/alice", want: true},
 				{pattern: "veyron/alice/TV", want: true},
-				{pattern: "veyron/alice/*", want: true},
+				{pattern: "veyron/alice/...", want: true},
 				{pattern: "ali", want: false},
 				{pattern: "aliced", want: false},
 				{pattern: "veyron", want: false},
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 				{pattern: "veyron/bob", want: false},
 				{pattern: "google/alice", want: true},
 				{pattern: "google/alice/TV", want: true},
-				{pattern: "google/alice/*", want: true},
+				{pattern: "google/alice/...", want: true},
@@ -308,8 +308,8 @@
 		cavOnlyPlayAtGoogle = methodRestrictionCaveat("google", S{"Play"})
 		// Can only talk to the "Google" service
 		cavOnlyGoogle = peerIdentityCaveat("google")
-		// Can only call the PublicProfile method on veyron/alice/*
-		cavOnlyPublicProfile = methodRestrictionCaveat("veyron/alice/*", S{"PublicProfile"})
+		// Can only call the PublicProfile method on veyron/alice/...
+		cavOnlyPublicProfile = methodRestrictionCaveat("veyron/alice/...", S{"PublicProfile"})
 	type rpc struct {
diff --git a/runtimes/google/security/publicid_store_test.go b/runtimes/google/security/publicid_store_test.go
index 394cb49..a60ada0 100644
--- a/runtimes/google/security/publicid_store_test.go
+++ b/runtimes/google/security/publicid_store_test.go
@@ -41,17 +41,17 @@
 		t.Fatalf("NewPublicIDStore failed: %s", err)
 	// First Add should succeed for any PublicID (cAlice.PublicID() below)
-	if err := s.Add(cAlice.PublicID(), "alice/*"); err != nil {
+	if err := s.Add(cAlice.PublicID(), "alice/..."); err != nil {
 		t.Fatalf("%s.Add(%q, ...) failed unexpectedly: %s", s, cAlice.PublicID(), err)
 	// Subsequent Adds must succeed only for PublicIDs with cAlice's public key.
-	if err := s.Add(cVeyronAlice.PublicID(), "*"); err != nil {
+	if err := s.Add(cVeyronAlice.PublicID(), "..."); err != nil {
 		t.Fatalf("%s.Add(%q, ...) failed unexpectedly: %s", s, cVeyronAlice.PublicID(), err)
-	if err := s.Add(sAlice, "alice/*"); err != nil {
+	if err := s.Add(sAlice, "alice/..."); err != nil {
 		t.Fatalf("%s.Add(%q, ...) failed unexpectedly: %s", s, sAlice, err)
-	if got, want := s.Add(cBob.PublicID(), "bob/*"), errStoreAddMismatch; got != want {
+	if got, want := s.Add(cBob.PublicID(), "bob/..."), errStoreAddMismatch; got != want {
 		t.Fatalf("%s.Add(%q, ...): got: %s, want: %s", s, cBob, got, want)
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@
 		{"veyron", true},
 		{"veyron/alice@google", true},
 		{"veyron/alice@google/bob", true},
-		{"veyron/alice@google/*", true},
+		{"veyron/alice@google/...", true},
 		{"", false},
-		{"veyron*", false},
-		{"*veyron", false},
+		{"veyron...", false},
+		{"...veyron", false},
 		{"/veyron", false},
 		{"veyron/", false},
-		{"veyron/*/alice", false},
+		{"veyron/.../alice", false},
 	for _, d := range defaultPatterns {
 		if got := s.SetDefaultBlessingPattern(d.pattern); d.success != (got == nil) {
@@ -115,14 +115,14 @@
 	if err != nil {
 		t.Fatalf("NewPublicIDStore failed: %s", err)
-	add(s, cGoogleAlice, "google")                  // use cGoogleAlice against all peers matching "google/*"
-	add(s, cGoogleAlice, "veyron")                  // use cGoogleAlice against all peers matching "veyron/*" as well
-	add(s, cVeyronAlice, "veyron/*")                // use cVeyronAlice against peers matching "veyron/*"
-	add(s, cVeyronAlice, "google")                  // use cVeyronAlice against peers matching "veyron/*"
-	add(s, cVeyronServiceAlice, "veyron/service/*") // use cVeyronAlice against peers matching "veyron/service*"
-	add(s, cGoogleServiceAlice, "google/service/*") // use cGoogleServiceAlice against peers matching "google/service/*"
-	add(s, sGoogleAlice, "google/service")          // use any PublicID from sGoogleAlice against peers matching "google/service"
-	add(s, sAllAlice, "veyron")                     // use any PublicID from sAllAlice against peers matching "veyron"
+	add(s, cGoogleAlice, "google")                    // use cGoogleAlice against all peers matching "google/..."
+	add(s, cGoogleAlice, "veyron")                    // use cGoogleAlice against all peers matching "veyron/..." as well
+	add(s, cVeyronAlice, "veyron/...")                // use cVeyronAlice against peers matching "veyron/..."
+	add(s, cVeyronAlice, "google")                    // use cVeyronAlice against peers matching "veyron/..."
+	add(s, cVeyronServiceAlice, "veyron/service/...") // use cVeyronAlice against peers matching "veyron/service/..."
+	add(s, cGoogleServiceAlice, "google/service/...") // use cGoogleServiceAlice against peers matching "google/service/..."
+	add(s, sGoogleAlice, "google/service")            // use any PublicID from sGoogleAlice against peers matching "google/service"
+	add(s, sAllAlice, "veyron")                       // use any PublicID from sAllAlice against peers matching "veyron"
 	pkey := cAlice.PublicID().PublicKey()
@@ -157,13 +157,13 @@
 		defaultNames   []string
 		{"veyron", nil},
-		{"veyron/*", []string{"veyron/alice", "veyron/service/user-24"}},
+		{"veyron/...", []string{"veyron/alice", "veyron/service/user-24"}},
 		{"veyron/alice", []string{"veyron/alice"}},
-		{"veyron/service/*", []string{"veyron/service/user-24"}},
+		{"veyron/service/...", []string{"veyron/service/user-24"}},
 		{"google", nil},
-		{"google/*", []string{"google/alice", "google/service/user-42"}},
+		{"google/...", []string{"google/alice", "google/service/user-42"}},
 		{"google/alice", []string{"google/alice"}},
-		{"google/service/*", []string{"google/service/user-42"}},
+		{"google/service/...", []string{"google/service/user-42"}},
 		{"bob", nil},
 	for _, d := range testDataByBlessingPattern {
@@ -203,10 +203,10 @@
 	if err != nil {
 		t.Fatalf("NewPublicIDStore failed: %s", err)
-	if err := s.Add(sAllAlice, "google/*"); err != nil {
+	if err := s.Add(sAllAlice, "google/..."); err != nil {
 		t.Fatalf("%s.Add(%q, ...) failed unexpectedly: %s", s, sAllAlice, err)
-	if err := s.SetDefaultBlessingPattern("veyron/*"); err != nil {
+	if err := s.SetDefaultBlessingPattern("veyron/..."); err != nil {
 		t.Fatalf("%s.SetDefaultBlessingPattern failed: %s", s, err)
diff --git a/security/acl_authorizer_test.go b/security/acl_authorizer_test.go
index d71363f..1d04e89 100644
--- a/security/acl_authorizer_test.go
+++ b/security/acl_authorizer_test.go
@@ -187,35 +187,35 @@
 	// ACL for testing
 	acl := security.ACL{}
-	acl.In.Principals = map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
-		"*": LS(R),
-		"fake/veyron/alice/*": LS(W, R),
-		"fake/veyron/alice":   LS(A, D, M),
-		"fake/veyron/bob":     LS(D, M),
-		"fake/veyron/che/*":   LS(W, R),
-		"fake/veyron/che":     LS(W, R),
+	acl.In = map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
+		"...": LS(R),
+		"fake/veyron/alice/...": LS(W, R),
+		"fake/veyron/alice":     LS(A, D, M),
+		"fake/veyron/bob":       LS(D, M),
+		"fake/veyron/che/...":   LS(W, R),
+		"fake/veyron/che":       LS(W, R),
-	acl.NotIn.Principals = map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
+	acl.NotIn = map[string]security.LabelSet{
 		"fake/veyron/che/friend": LS(W),
 	// Authorizations for the above ACL.
 	authorizations := authMap{
-		// alice and bob have only what "*" has.
+		// alice and bob have only what "..." has.
 		alice: LS(R),
 		bob:   LS(R),
 		che:   LS(R),
 		// veyron and veyronAlice have R, W, A, D, M from the "veyron/alice" and
-		// "veyron/alice/*" ACL entries.
+		// "veyron/alice/..." ACL entries.
 		veyron:      LS(R, W, A, D, M),
 		veyronAlice: LS(R, W, A, D, M),
-		// veyronBob has R, D, M from "*" and "veyron/bob" ACL entries.
+		// veyronBob has R, D, M from "..." and "veyron/bob" ACL entries.
 		veyronBob: LS(R, D, M),
-		// veyronAliceFriend has W, R from the "veyron/alice/*" ACL entry.
+		// veyronAliceFriend has W, R from the "veyron/alice/..." ACL entry.
 		veyronAliceFriend: LS(W, R),
 		// veyronChe has W, R from the "veyron/che" entry.
 		veyronChe: LS(W, R),
-		// veyronCheFriend has W, R from the "veyron/che/*" entry, but loses W
+		// veyronCheFriend has W, R from the "veyron/che/..." entry, but loses W
 		// from the blacklist entry "veyron/che/friend".
 		veyronCheFriend: LS(R),
 		// nil PublicIDs are not authorized.
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
 	// Modify the ACL stored in the file and verify that the authorizations appropriately
 	// change for the fileACLAuthorizer.
-	acl.In.Principals["fake/veyron/bob"] = LS(R, W, A, D, M)
+	acl.In["fake/veyron/bob"] = LS(R, W, A, D, M)
 	updateACLInFile(fileName, acl)
 	authorizations[veyronBob] = LS(R, W, A, D, M)
diff --git a/security/flag/flag_test.go b/security/flag/flag_test.go
index 4bd60fe..ffa8d93 100644
--- a/security/flag/flag_test.go
+++ b/security/flag/flag_test.go
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
 	var (
 		acl1 = security.ACL{}
-		acl2 = vsecurity.NewWhitelistACL(map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
+		acl2 = security.ACL{In: map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
 			"veyron/alice": security.LabelSet(security.ReadLabel | security.WriteLabel),
 			"veyron/bob":   security.LabelSet(security.ReadLabel),
-		})
+		}}
 	acl2File := tsecurity.SaveACLToFile(acl2)
 	defer os.Remove(acl2File)
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@
 			wantAuth: vsecurity.NewACLAuthorizer(acl1),
-			flags:    flagValue{"acl": "{\"In\":{\"Principals\":{\"veyron/alice\":\"RW\", \"veyron/bob\": \"R\"}}}"},
+			flags:    flagValue{"acl": `{"In":{"veyron/alice":"RW", "veyron/bob": "R"}}`},
 			wantAuth: vsecurity.NewACLAuthorizer(acl2),
-			flags:    flagValue{"acl": "{\"In\":{\"Principals\":{\"veyron/bob\":\"R\", \"veyron/alice\": \"WR\"}}}"},
+			flags:    flagValue{"acl": `{"In":{"veyron/bob":"R", "veyron/alice": "WR"}}`},
 			wantAuth: vsecurity.NewACLAuthorizer(acl2),
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 			wantAuth: vsecurity.NewFileACLAuthorizer(acl2File),
-			flags:     flagValue{"acl_file": acl2File, "acl": "{\"In\":{\"Principals\":{\"veyron/alice\":\"RW\", \"veyron/bob\": \"R\"}}}"},
+			flags:     flagValue{"acl_file": acl2File, "acl": `{"In":{"veyron/alice":"RW", "veyron/bob": "R"}}`},
 			wantPanic: true,
diff --git a/security/util.go b/security/util.go
index 7755797..541aa90 100644
--- a/security/util.go
+++ b/security/util.go
@@ -11,14 +11,6 @@
 var nullACL security.ACL
-// NewWhitelistACL creates an ACL that grants access to only the provided
-// principals.
-func NewWhitelistACL(principals map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet) security.ACL {
-	acl := security.ACL{}
-	acl.In.Principals = principals
-	return acl
 // LoadIdentity reads a PrivateID from r, assuming that it was written using
 // SaveIdentity.
 func LoadIdentity(r io.Reader) (security.PrivateID, error) {
diff --git a/security/util_test.go b/security/util_test.go
index 6c97fb6..d535039 100644
--- a/security/util_test.go
+++ b/security/util_test.go
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@
 func TestLoadSaveACL(t *testing.T) {
 	acl := security.ACL{}
-	acl.In.Principals = map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
-		"veyron/*":     security.LabelSet(security.ReadLabel),
+	acl.In = map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
+		"veyron/...":   security.LabelSet(security.ReadLabel),
 		"veyron/alice": security.LabelSet(security.ReadLabel | security.WriteLabel),
 		"veyron/bob":   security.LabelSet(security.AdminLabel),
-	acl.NotIn.Principals = map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
+	acl.NotIn = map[string]security.LabelSet{
 		"veyron/che": security.LabelSet(security.ReadLabel),
diff --git a/services/identity/identityd/main.go b/services/identity/identityd/main.go
index 48ba659..68cebb2 100644
--- a/services/identity/identityd/main.go
+++ b/services/identity/identityd/main.go
@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@
 func newDispatcher(params blesser.GoogleParams) ipc.Dispatcher {
 	blessingService := ipc.ReflectInvoker(blesser.NewGoogleOAuthBlesserServer(params))
 	dischargerService := ipc.ReflectInvoker(services.NewServerDischarger(discharger.NewDischarger(params.R.Identity())))
-	allowEveryoneACLAuth := vsecurity.NewACLAuthorizer(vsecurity.NewWhitelistACL(map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
+	allowEveryoneACLAuth := vsecurity.NewACLAuthorizer(security.ACL{In: map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
 		security.AllPrincipals: security.AllLabels,
-	}))
+	}})
 	return &dispatcher{blessingService, dischargerService, allowEveryoneACLAuth}
diff --git a/services/mounttable/lib/testdata/test.acl b/services/mounttable/lib/testdata/test.acl
index b65c35b..9ffe006 100644
--- a/services/mounttable/lib/testdata/test.acl
+++ b/services/mounttable/lib/testdata/test.acl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"/": {"In": {"Principals": {"fake/root": "RW", "*": "R"}}},
-"/stuff": {"In": {"Principals": {"fake/root": "RW", "fake/bob": "R"}}},
-"/a": {"In": {"Principals": {"fake/root": "RW", "fake/alice": "R"}}}
+"/": {"In": {"fake/root": "RW", "...": "R"}},
+"/stuff": {"In": {"fake/root": "RW", "fake/bob": "R"}},
+"/a": {"In": {"fake/root": "RW", "fake/alice": "R"}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/services/syncgroup/syncgroup.vdl.go b/services/syncgroup/syncgroup.vdl.go
index 962584c..78c38c5 100644
--- a/services/syncgroup/syncgroup.vdl.go
+++ b/services/syncgroup/syncgroup.vdl.go
@@ -496,14 +496,9 @@
 	result.TypeDefs = []_gen_vdlutil.Any{
-		_gen_wiretype.NamedPrimitiveType{Type: 0x1, Name: "anydata", Tags: []string(nil)}, _gen_wiretype.MapType{Key: 0x3, Elem: 0x41, Name: "", Tags: []string(nil)}, _gen_wiretype.NamedPrimitiveType{Type: 0x3, Name: "veyron2/security.BlessingPattern", Tags: []string(nil)}, _gen_wiretype.NamedPrimitiveType{Type: 0x34, Name: "veyron2/security.LabelSet", Tags: []string(nil)}, _gen_wiretype.MapType{Key: 0x43, Elem: 0x44, Name: "", Tags: []string(nil)}, _gen_wiretype.StructType{
+		_gen_wiretype.NamedPrimitiveType{Type: 0x1, Name: "anydata", Tags: []string(nil)}, _gen_wiretype.MapType{Key: 0x3, Elem: 0x41, Name: "", Tags: []string(nil)}, _gen_wiretype.NamedPrimitiveType{Type: 0x3, Name: "veyron2/security.BlessingPattern", Tags: []string(nil)}, _gen_wiretype.NamedPrimitiveType{Type: 0x34, Name: "veyron2/security.LabelSet", Tags: []string(nil)}, _gen_wiretype.MapType{Key: 0x43, Elem: 0x44, Name: "", Tags: []string(nil)}, _gen_wiretype.MapType{Key: 0x3, Elem: 0x44, Name: "", Tags: []string(nil)}, _gen_wiretype.StructType{
-				_gen_wiretype.FieldType{Type: 0x45, Name: "Principals"},
-			},
-			"veyron2/security.Entries", []string(nil)},
-		_gen_wiretype.StructType{
-			[]_gen_wiretype.FieldType{
-				_gen_wiretype.FieldType{Type: 0x46, Name: "In"},
+				_gen_wiretype.FieldType{Type: 0x45, Name: "In"},
 				_gen_wiretype.FieldType{Type: 0x46, Name: "NotIn"},
 			"veyron2/security.ACL", []string(nil)},
diff --git a/services/wsprd/identity/identity_test.go b/services/wsprd/identity/identity_test.go
index 0ea8f0e..f1205a7 100644
--- a/services/wsprd/identity/identity_test.go
+++ b/services/wsprd/identity/identity_test.go
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 	manager.AddAccount(googleAccount2, createChain(r, googleAccount2))
 	manager.AddAccount(facebookAccount, createChain(r, facebookAccount))
-	result := manager.AccountsMatching(security.BlessingPattern(topLevelName + "/google/*"))
+	result := manager.AccountsMatching(security.BlessingPattern(topLevelName + "/google/..."))
 	expected := []string{googleAccount1, googleAccount2}
 	if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, expected) {
diff --git a/services/wsprd/ipc/server/server.go b/services/wsprd/ipc/server/server.go
index f0e78b6..b63f5e7 100644
--- a/services/wsprd/ipc/server/server.go
+++ b/services/wsprd/ipc/server/server.go
@@ -177,10 +177,9 @@
 	if s.dispatcher == nil {
 		s.dispatcher = newDispatcher(invoker,
-			vsecurity.NewACLAuthorizer(vsecurity.NewWhitelistACL(
-				map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
-					security.AllPrincipals: security.AllLabels,
-				})))
+			vsecurity.NewACLAuthorizer(security.ACL{In: map[security.BlessingPattern]security.LabelSet{
+				security.AllPrincipals: security.AllLabels,
+			}}))
 	if s.endpoint == "" {
diff --git a/services/wsprd/wspr/wspr_test.go b/services/wsprd/wspr/wspr_test.go
index 9c3af33..e84b1f6 100644
--- a/services/wsprd/wspr/wspr_test.go
+++ b/services/wsprd/wspr/wspr_test.go
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 	// Verify that idManager has both accounts
-	gotAccounts = wspr.idManager.AccountsMatching(security.BlessingPattern(topLevelName + "/*"))
+	gotAccounts = wspr.idManager.AccountsMatching(security.BlessingPattern(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%v", topLevelName, security.ChainSeparator, security.AllPrincipals)))
 	if len(gotAccounts) != 2 {
 		t.Fatalf("Expected to have 2 accounts, but got %v: %v", len(gotAccounts), gotAccounts)