x/ref/lib/testutil tidy up: step 1

- step 1: split testutil into lib/testutil and lib/testutil/testutil
  The subpackage contain the misc utility functions, lib/testutil
  just contains initialization code. See step 2.
- step 2: renaming ref/lib/testutil to ref/test and add documentation
  for all of the sub dirs. The idea to is make it easier to discover
  all of the packages related and useful for tests.
- step 3: move ref/lib/modules to ref/test/modules.
- step 4: tbd, but I suspect there is an opportunity for further
  tidying up all of the packages under test.

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Change-Id: Ic9abd603ec5c7a2d14d4e0fc11ce20593265af10
37 files changed