x/ref: Restructure inithelper, suidhelper, sysinit packages.

services/mgmt/inithelper                   -> services/device/inithelper
services/mgmt/suidhelper                   -> services/device/suidhelper
services/mgmt/suidhelper/impl              -> lib/suid
services/mgmt/suidhelper/impl/flag/flag.go -> lib/suid/args.go
services/mgmt/sysinit                      -> lib/sysinit

The services/device directory will be populated with the device
command-line tool and deviced daemon in the future.  The lib/suid
and lib/sysinit packages may be moved under an internal directory
in the future.

The suidhelper/impl/flag package is commented as a hack, and is
not necessary anymore.

Change-Id: Ia06881b708e34b8e8bd36687fa21e53d6f941a2f
22 files changed