x/ref: Restructure security packages

Here are the renamings:

security               -> lib/security
security/audit         -> lib/security/audit
security/flag          -> lib/security/securityflag
security/serialization -> lib/security/serialization

security/agent                -> services/agent
security/agent/agentd         -> services/agent/agentd
security/agent/keymgr         -> services/agent/keymgr
security/agent/server         -> services/agent/server
security/agent/cache          -> services/agent/internal/cache
security/agent/lru            -> services/agent/internal/lru
security/agent/pingpong       -> services/agent/internal/pingpong
security/agent/test_principal -> services/agent/internal/test_principal

Note that the restructuring is not done, even after this CL is
submitted.  In particular, services/agent is supposed to contain
the *.vdl files, and the client and server libraries are supposed
to live in services/agent/agentlib, per our conventions.  Also
lib/unixfd can also be moved under services/agent/internal.  That
will be fixed in a subsequent CL.

MultiPart: 1/3
Change-Id: Ie9b14083d133a661f0d3a6c33a3ae05e3bac3cd2
diff --git a/services/agent/client.go b/services/agent/client.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9abb091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/agent/client.go
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package agent provides a client for communicating with an "Agent"
+// process holding the private key for an identity.
+package agent
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"net"
+	"os"
+	"v.io/v23/context"
+	"v.io/v23/naming"
+	"v.io/v23/options"
+	"v.io/v23/rpc"
+	"v.io/v23/security"
+	"v.io/v23/vtrace"
+	"v.io/x/lib/vlog"
+	"v.io/x/ref/lib/unixfd"
+	"v.io/x/ref/services/agent/internal/cache"
+// FdVarName is the name of the environment variable containing
+// the file descriptor for talking to the agent.
+const FdVarName = "VEYRON_AGENT_FD"
+type client struct {
+	caller caller
+	key    security.PublicKey
+type caller struct {
+	ctx    *context.T
+	client rpc.Client
+	name   string
+func (c *caller) call(name string, results []interface{}, args ...interface{}) error {
+	call, err := c.startCall(name, args...)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if err := call.Finish(results...); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return nil
+func (c *caller) startCall(name string, args ...interface{}) (rpc.ClientCall, error) {
+	ctx, _ := vtrace.SetNewTrace(c.ctx)
+	// SecurityNone is safe here since we're using anonymous unix sockets.
+	return c.client.StartCall(ctx, c.name, name, args, options.SecurityNone, options.NoResolve{})
+func results(inputs ...interface{}) []interface{} {
+	return inputs
+// NewAgentPrincipal returns a security.Pricipal using the PrivateKey held in a remote agent process.
+// 'fd' is the socket for connecting to the agent, typically obtained from
+// os.GetEnv(agent.FdVarName).
+// 'ctx' should not have a deadline, and should never be cancelled while the
+// principal is in use.
+func NewAgentPrincipal(ctx *context.T, fd int, insecureClient rpc.Client) (security.Principal, error) {
+	p, err := newUncachedPrincipal(ctx, fd, insecureClient)
+	if err != nil {
+		return p, err
+	}
+	call, callErr := p.caller.startCall("NotifyWhenChanged")
+	if callErr != nil {
+		return nil, callErr
+	}
+	return cache.NewCachedPrincipal(p.caller.ctx, p, call)
+func newUncachedPrincipal(ctx *context.T, fd int, insecureClient rpc.Client) (*client, error) {
+	f := os.NewFile(uintptr(fd), "agent_client")
+	defer f.Close()
+	conn, err := net.FileConn(f)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	// This is just an arbitrary 1 byte string. The value is ignored.
+	data := make([]byte, 1)
+	addr, err := unixfd.SendConnection(conn.(*net.UnixConn), data)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	caller := caller{
+		client: insecureClient,
+		name:   naming.JoinAddressName(naming.FormatEndpoint(addr.Network(), addr.String()), ""),
+		ctx:    ctx,
+	}
+	agent := &client{caller: caller}
+	if err := agent.fetchPublicKey(); err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return agent, nil
+func (c *client) fetchPublicKey() (err error) {
+	var b []byte
+	if err = c.caller.call("PublicKey", results(&b)); err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	c.key, err = security.UnmarshalPublicKey(b)
+	return
+func (c *client) Bless(key security.PublicKey, with security.Blessings, extension string, caveat security.Caveat, additionalCaveats ...security.Caveat) (security.Blessings, error) {
+	var blessings security.Blessings
+	marshalledKey, err := key.MarshalBinary()
+	if err != nil {
+		return security.Blessings{}, err
+	}
+	err = c.caller.call("Bless", results(&blessings), marshalledKey, with, extension, caveat, additionalCaveats)
+	return blessings, err
+func (c *client) BlessSelf(name string, caveats ...security.Caveat) (security.Blessings, error) {
+	var blessings security.Blessings
+	err := c.caller.call("BlessSelf", results(&blessings), name, caveats)
+	return blessings, err
+func (c *client) Sign(message []byte) (sig security.Signature, err error) {
+	err = c.caller.call("Sign", results(&sig), message)
+	return
+func (c *client) MintDischarge(forCaveat, caveatOnDischarge security.Caveat, additionalCaveatsOnDischarge ...security.Caveat) (security.Discharge, error) {
+	var discharge security.Discharge
+	if err := c.caller.call("MintDischarge", results(&discharge), forCaveat, caveatOnDischarge, additionalCaveatsOnDischarge); err != nil {
+		return security.Discharge{}, err
+	}
+	return discharge, nil
+func (c *client) PublicKey() security.PublicKey {
+	return c.key
+func (c *client) BlessingsByName(pattern security.BlessingPattern) []security.Blessings {
+	var blessings []security.Blessings
+	if err := c.caller.call("BlessingsByName", results(&blessings), pattern); err != nil {
+		vlog.Errorf("error calling BlessingsByName: %v", err)
+		return nil
+	}
+	return blessings
+func (c *client) BlessingsInfo(blessings security.Blessings) map[string][]security.Caveat {
+	var bInfo map[string][]security.Caveat
+	err := c.caller.call("BlessingsInfo", results(&bInfo), blessings)
+	if err != nil {
+		vlog.Errorf("error calling BlessingsInfo: %v", err)
+		return nil
+	}
+	return bInfo
+func (c *client) BlessingStore() security.BlessingStore {
+	return &blessingStore{c.caller, c.key}
+func (c *client) Roots() security.BlessingRoots {
+	return &blessingRoots{c.caller}
+func (c *client) AddToRoots(blessings security.Blessings) error {
+	return c.caller.call("AddToRoots", results(), blessings)
+type blessingStore struct {
+	caller caller
+	key    security.PublicKey
+func (b *blessingStore) Set(blessings security.Blessings, forPeers security.BlessingPattern) (security.Blessings, error) {
+	var previous security.Blessings
+	err := b.caller.call("BlessingStoreSet", results(&previous), blessings, forPeers)
+	return previous, err
+func (b *blessingStore) ForPeer(peerBlessings ...string) security.Blessings {
+	var blessings security.Blessings
+	if err := b.caller.call("BlessingStoreForPeer", results(&blessings), peerBlessings); err != nil {
+		vlog.Errorf("error calling BlessingStorePeerBlessings: %v", err)
+	}
+	return blessings
+func (b *blessingStore) SetDefault(blessings security.Blessings) error {
+	return b.caller.call("BlessingStoreSetDefault", results(), blessings)
+func (b *blessingStore) Default() security.Blessings {
+	var blessings security.Blessings
+	err := b.caller.call("BlessingStoreDefault", results(&blessings))
+	if err != nil {
+		vlog.Errorf("error calling BlessingStoreDefault: %v", err)
+		return security.Blessings{}
+	}
+	return blessings
+func (b *blessingStore) PublicKey() security.PublicKey {
+	return b.key
+func (b *blessingStore) PeerBlessings() map[security.BlessingPattern]security.Blessings {
+	var bmap map[security.BlessingPattern]security.Blessings
+	err := b.caller.call("BlessingStorePeerBlessings", results(&bmap))
+	if err != nil {
+		vlog.Errorf("error calling BlessingStorePeerBlessings: %v", err)
+		return nil
+	}
+	return bmap
+func (b *blessingStore) DebugString() (s string) {
+	err := b.caller.call("BlessingStoreDebugString", results(&s))
+	if err != nil {
+		s = fmt.Sprintf("error calling BlessingStoreDebugString: %v", err)
+		vlog.Errorf(s)
+	}
+	return
+type blessingRoots struct {
+	caller caller
+func (b *blessingRoots) Add(root security.PublicKey, pattern security.BlessingPattern) error {
+	marshalledKey, err := root.MarshalBinary()
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return b.caller.call("BlessingRootsAdd", results(), marshalledKey, pattern)
+func (b *blessingRoots) Recognized(root security.PublicKey, blessing string) error {
+	marshalledKey, err := root.MarshalBinary()
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return b.caller.call("BlessingRootsRecognized", results(), marshalledKey, blessing)
+func (b *blessingRoots) DebugString() (s string) {
+	err := b.caller.call("BlessingRootsDebugString", results(&s))
+	if err != nil {
+		s = fmt.Sprintf("error calling BlessingRootsDebugString: %v", err)
+		vlog.Errorf(s)
+	}
+	return