veyron/examples/pipetobrowser: making data-grid responsive and polishing the
data-grid and vLog plugin UIs.

data-grid component is now responsive by reducing width and hiding columns
as available space shrinks. The responsive behaviour can be controlled by
the flex, minFlex and priority attributes on the grid-column component.
When needed, grid automatically starts reducing width until it hits minFlex
for each column at which point if it needs to reduce width further, it hides
columns. Priority attribute specifies the order of columns in which 
developer wants them to be reduced or hidden.

Since columns can be truncated/hidden, each row now has a "more info"
action which opens a modal dialog with all the data displayed for that row.

UI polish includes: Search tools are now housed in a collapse panel. Color
and spacing adjustments. live search. icons for log levels.

Change-Id: Iece0a02841ec51f9671abfe5ce64a2388bfbf301
22 files changed
tree: 886c449fdee15287e145664e0da6f03f4166e75d
  1. examples/
  2. lib/
  3. runtimes/
  4. security/
  5. services/
  6. tools/