namespace: Change glob to list everything at a mount point, i.e., the mount point itself
and root of any server below it.   Therefore, for something like

mountMT("/s1/a", "/s2/b")
mountMT("/s2/b", "/s3/c")
mount("/s3/c", "/s4")

glob of /s1/a will show 3 entries for /s1/a

/s1/a -> /s2/b
/s1/a -> /s3/c
/s1/a -> /s4

Change-Id: I37775fb39fe80c46de4bc70e79a61208d42d4cf8
5 files changed
tree: ec262c2da9fd0266c33c6a4bc1aee01f9cccfe43
  1. lib/
  2. profiles/
  3. runtimes/
  4. security/
  5. services/
  6. tools/