veyron/services/mgmt/debug: Invoke Glob on the leaves directly.

Instead of sending a local RPC to Glob the leaves, use the invoker
directly. This is more correct and more efficient, especially when the
local endpoint is not actually local, i.e. goes through a proxy.

Also change the Glob method of the logdir invoker to return directories
so that log directories can be traversed one level at a time.

Change-Id: I9d1ff10caa93233a7c234b648fced5630791b670
3 files changed
tree: b1af7850e555bd55b7708d8613526d30ba0f7151
  1. examples/
  2. lib/
  3. profiles/
  4. runtimes/
  5. security/
  6. services/
  7. tools/