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// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package manager
import (
const maxErrorAge = time.Minute * 5
// ConnCache is a cache from (protocol, address) and (routingID) to a set of Conns.
// Multiple goroutines may invoke methods on the ConnCache simultaneously.
type ConnCache struct {
mu nsync.Mu
cond nsync.CV
conns map[CachedConn]*connEntry
cache map[interface{}][]*connEntry
errors map[interface{}]dialError
reserved map[interface{}]*Reservation
idleExpiry time.Duration
type connEntry struct {
conn CachedConn
rid naming.RoutingID
proxy bool
// cancel is a context.CancelFunc that corresponds to the context
// used to dial the connection. Since connections live longer than the
// RPC calls which precipiated their being dialed, we have to use
// context.WithRootCancel to make a context to dial. This means we need
// to cancel that context at some point when the connection is no longer
// needed. In our case that's when we eject the context from the cache.
cancel context.CancelFunc
keys []interface{}
type dialError struct {
err error
when time.Time
// Reservation represents the right to dial a connection. We only
// hand out one reservation for a given connection at a time.
type Reservation struct {
cache *ConnCache
ctx *context.T
cancel context.CancelFunc
keys []interface{}
remote naming.Endpoint
waitForProxy bool
// Context returns the context that should be used to dial the new connection.
func (r *Reservation) Context() *context.T {
return r.ctx
// ProxyConn returns a connection to a relevant proxy if it exists. Otherwise
// it returns nil and the reservation holder should dial the proxy if necessary.
func (r *Reservation) ProxyConn() CachedConn {
if !r.waitForProxy {
return nil
keys := []interface{}{key(r.remote.Protocol, r.remote.Address)}
// We ignore the error here. The worst thing that can happen is we try
// to dial the proxy again.
conn, _, _, _ := r.cache.internalFind(r.ctx, r.remote, keys, nil, true)
return conn
// Unreserve removes this reservation, and broadcasts waiting threads to
// continue with their halted Find call.
func (r *Reservation) Unreserve(conn, proxyConn CachedConn, err error) error {
c := r.cache
if c.conns == nil {
return NewErrCacheClosed(r.ctx)
for _, k := range r.keys {
delete(c.reserved, k)
if proxyConn != nil {
c.insertConnLocked(r.remote, proxyConn, true, true, r.cancel)
r.cancel = nil
if conn != nil {
c.insertConnLocked(r.remote, conn, proxyConn != nil, proxyConn == nil, r.cancel)
r.cancel = nil
} else if err != nil {
e := dialError{
err: err,
when: time.Now(),
c.errors[key(r.remote.Protocol, r.remote.Address)] = e
c.errors[r.remote.RoutingID] = e
if r.cancel != nil {
return nil
// CachedConn is the interface implemented by *conn.Conn that is used by ConnCache.
// We make the ConnCache API take this interface to make testing easier.
type CachedConn interface {
Status() conn.Status
IsEncapsulated() bool
IsIdle(*context.T, time.Duration) bool
EnterLameDuck(*context.T) chan struct{}
RemoteLameDuck() bool
CloseIfIdle(*context.T, time.Duration) bool
Close(*context.T, error)
RemoteEndpoint() naming.Endpoint
LocalEndpoint() naming.Endpoint
RemoteBlessings() security.Blessings
RemoteDischarges() map[string]security.Discharge
RTT() time.Duration
LastUsed() time.Time
DebugString() string
// NewConnCache creates a ConnCache with an idleExpiry for connections.
// If idleExpiry is zero, connections will never expire.
func NewConnCache(idleExpiry time.Duration) *ConnCache {
return &ConnCache{
conns: make(map[CachedConn]*connEntry),
cache: make(map[interface{}][]*connEntry),
errors: make(map[interface{}]dialError),
reserved: make(map[interface{}]*Reservation),
idleExpiry: idleExpiry,
// Insert adds conn to the cache, keyed by both (protocol, address) and (routingID).
// An error will be returned iff the cache has been closed.
func (c *ConnCache) Insert(conn CachedConn, proxy bool) error {
if c.conns == nil {
return NewErrCacheClosed(nil)
c.insertConnLocked(conn.RemoteEndpoint(), conn, proxy, true, nil)
return nil
// InsertWithRoutingID adds conn to the cache keyed only by conn's RoutingID.
func (c *ConnCache) InsertWithRoutingID(conn CachedConn, proxy bool) error {
if c.conns == nil {
return NewErrCacheClosed(nil)
c.insertConnLocked(conn.RemoteEndpoint(), conn, proxy, false, nil)
return nil
// Find returns a Conn based on the input remoteEndpoint.
// nil is returned if there is no such Conn.
// Find calls for the will block if the desired connections are
// currently being dialed. Find will return immediately if the given
// context is canceled.
func (c *ConnCache) Find(
ctx *context.T,
remote naming.Endpoint,
auth flow.PeerAuthorizer,
) (conn CachedConn, names []string, rejected []security.RejectedBlessing, err error) {
var keys []interface{}
if keys, conn, names, rejected, err = c.internalFindCached(ctx, remote, auth); conn != nil {
return conn, names, rejected, nil
// Finally try waiting for any outstanding dials to complete.
return c.internalFind(ctx, remote, keys, auth, true)
// FindCached returns a Conn only if it's already in the cache.
func (c *ConnCache) FindCached(
ctx *context.T,
remote naming.Endpoint,
auth flow.PeerAuthorizer) (conn CachedConn, names []string, rejected []security.RejectedBlessing, err error) {
_, conn, names, rejected, err = c.internalFindCached(ctx, remote, auth)
func (c *ConnCache) internalFind(
ctx *context.T,
remote naming.Endpoint,
keys []interface{},
auth flow.PeerAuthorizer,
wait bool,
) (CachedConn, []string, []security.RejectedBlessing, error) {
var err error
var entries rttEntries
for {
if c.conns == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, NewErrCacheClosed(ctx)
entries, err = c.rttEntriesLocked(ctx, keys)
if len(entries) > 0 || !wait || !c.hasReservationsLocked(keys) {
if c.cond.WaitWithDeadline(&, nsync.NoDeadline, ctx.Done()) != nsync.OK {
switch ctx.Err() {
case context.Canceled:
return nil, nil, nil, verror.NewErrCanceled(ctx)
return nil, nil, nil, verror.NewErrTimeout(ctx)
if len(entries) == 0 {
if err == nil {
err = NewErrConnNotInCache(ctx, remote.String())
return nil, nil, nil, err
return c.pickFirstAuthorizedConn(ctx, remote, entries, auth)
func (c *ConnCache) internalFindCached(
ctx *context.T,
remote naming.Endpoint,
auth flow.PeerAuthorizer) (keys []interface{}, conn CachedConn, names []string, rejected []security.RejectedBlessing, err error) {
// If we have an RID, there's no point in looking under anything else.
if rid := remote.RoutingID; rid != naming.NullRoutingID {
keys = []interface{}{rid, pathkey(remote.Protocol, remote.Address, rid)}
conn, names, rejected, err = c.internalFind(ctx, remote, keys, auth, false)
return keys, conn, names, rejected, err
// Try looking under the address if there wasn't a routing ID.
addrKey := key(remote.Protocol, remote.Address)
keys = []interface{}{addrKey}
if conn, names, rejected, err = c.internalFind(ctx, remote, keys, auth, false); conn != nil {
return keys, conn, names, rejected, nil
// If that didn't work, try resolving the address and looking again.
p, _ := flow.RegisteredProtocol(remote.Protocol)
network, addresses, rerr := resolve(ctx, p, remote.Protocol, remote.Address)
if rerr != nil {
// TODO(suharshs): Add a unittest for failed resolution.
ctx.Errorf("Failed to resolve (%v, %v): %v", remote.Protocol, remote.Address, err)
for _, a := range addresses {
if k := key(network, a); k != addrKey {
keys = append(keys, k)
if len(keys) > 1 {
conn, names, rejected, err = c.internalFind(ctx, remote, keys, auth, false)
return keys, conn, names, rejected, err
// Reserve reserves the right to dial a remote endpoint.
func (c *ConnCache) Reserve(ctx *context.T, remote naming.Endpoint) *Reservation {
if remote.Protocol == "bidi" {
return nil
if c.conns == nil {
// Cache is closed.
return nil
k := key(remote.Protocol, remote.Address)
if remote.RoutingID == naming.NullRoutingID {
if len(c.cache[k]) > 0 || c.reserved[k] != nil {
// There are either connections or a reservation for this
// address, and the routing id is not given, so no reservations
// are needed.
return nil
res := &Reservation{
cache: c,
remote: remote,
keys: []interface{}{k},
res.ctx, res.cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
c.reserved[k] = res
return res
// OK, now we're in the more complicated case when there is an address and
// routing ID, so a proxy might be involved.
// TODO(mattr): We should include the routes in the case of multi-proxying.
pk := pathkey(remote.Protocol, remote.Address, remote.RoutingID)
if len(c.cache[k]) == 0 && c.reserved[k] == nil {
// Nobody is dialing the address. We'll reserve both the address and the path.
res := &Reservation{
cache: c,
remote: remote,
keys: []interface{}{k, pk},
res.ctx, res.cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
c.reserved[k] = res
c.reserved[pk] = res
return res
if len(c.cache[pk]) == 0 && c.reserved[pk] == nil {
// The address connection exists (or is being dialed), but the path doesn't.
// We'll only reserve the path.
res := &Reservation{
cache: c,
remote: remote,
keys: []interface{}{pk},
waitForProxy: true,
res.ctx, res.cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
c.reserved[pk] = res
return res
// No need to reserve anything.
return nil
// KillConnections will closes at least num Conns in the cache.
// This is useful when the manager is approaching system FD limits.
// The policy is as follows:
// (1) Remove undialable (closing/closed) conns from the cache, there is no point
// in closing undialable connections to address a FD limit.
// (2) Close and remove lameducked, expired connections from the cache,
// counting non-proxied connections towards the removed FD count (num).
// (3) LameDuck idle expired connections, killing them if num is still greater
// than 0.
// (4) Finally if 'num' hasn't been reached, remove the LRU remaining conns
// until num is reached.
// If num is greater than the number of connections in the cache, all cached
// connections will be closed and removed.
// KillConnections returns an error iff the cache is closed.
func (c *ConnCache) KillConnections(ctx *context.T, num int) error {
if c.conns == nil {
return NewErrCacheClosed(ctx)
// kill old error records. We keep them for a while to allow new finds
// to return errors for recent dial attempts, but we need to eliminate
// them eventually.
now := time.Now()
for k, v := range c.errors {
if v.when.Add(maxErrorAge).Before(now) {
delete(c.errors, k)
entries := make(lruEntries, 0, len(c.conns))
for _, e := range c.conns {
entries = append(entries, e)
k := 0
for _, e := range entries {
if status := e.conn.Status(); status >= conn.Closing {
// Remove undialable conns.
} else if status == conn.LameDuckAcknowledged && e.conn.CloseIfIdle(ctx, c.idleExpiry) {
// Close and remove lameducked or idle connections.
} else {
entries[k] = e
entries = entries[:k]
// Lameduck or kill idle connections.
// If num > 0, up to num idle connections will be killed instead of lameducked
// to free FD resources.
// Otherwise, the the lameducked connections will be closed when all active
// in subsequent calls of KillConnections, once they become idle.
// TODO(suharshs): This policy is not ideal as we should try to close everything
// we can close without potentially losing RPCs first. The ideal policy would
// close idle client only connections before closing server connections.
k = 0
for _, e := range entries {
// Kill idle connections.
if num > 0 && !e.conn.IsEncapsulated() && e.conn.CloseIfIdle(ctx, c.idleExpiry) {
// Lameduck idle connections.
if e.conn.IsIdle(ctx, c.idleExpiry) {
// No point in closing encapsulated connections when we reach an FD limit.
if !e.conn.IsEncapsulated() {
entries[k] = e
entries = entries[:k]
// If we have killed enough idle connections we can exit early.
if num <= 0 {
return nil
// Otherwise we need to kill the LRU conns.
err := NewErrConnKilledToFreeResources(ctx)
for i := 0; i < num && i < len(entries); i++ {
e := entries[i]
e.conn.Close(ctx, err)
return nil
// EnterLameDuckMode lame ducks all connections and waits for the the remote
// end to acknowledge the lameduck.
func (c *ConnCache) EnterLameDuckMode(ctx *context.T) {
waitfor := make([]chan struct{}, 0, len(c.conns))
for _, e := range c.conns {
waitfor = append(waitfor, e.conn.EnterLameDuck(ctx))
for _, w := range waitfor {
// Close closes all connections in the cache.
func (c *ConnCache) Close(ctx *context.T) {
err := NewErrCacheClosed(ctx)
for _, e := range c.conns {
e.conn.Close(ctx, err)
if e.cancel != nil {
for _, r := range c.reserved {
if r.cancel != nil {
c.conns = nil
c.cache = nil
c.reserved = nil
c.errors = nil
// String returns a user friendly representation of the connections in the cache.
func (c *ConnCache) String() string {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
if c.conns == nil {
return "conncache closed"
fmt.Fprintln(buf, "Cached:")
for _, e := range c.conns {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%v: %v\n", e.keys, e.conn)
fmt.Fprintln(buf, "Reserved:")
for _, r := range c.reserved {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%v: %p\n", r.keys, r)
return buf.String()
// ExportStats exports cache information to the global stats.
func (c *ConnCache) ExportStats(prefix string) {
stats.NewStringFunc(naming.Join(prefix, "cache"), func() string { return c.debugStringForCache() })
stats.NewStringFunc(naming.Join(prefix, "reserved"), func() string { return c.debugStringForDialing() })
func (c *ConnCache) insertConnLocked(remote naming.Endpoint, conn CachedConn, proxy bool, keyByAddr bool, cancel context.CancelFunc) {
if _, ok := c.conns[conn]; ok {
// If the conn is already in the cache, don't re-add it.
ep := conn.RemoteEndpoint()
entry := &connEntry{
conn: conn,
rid: ep.RoutingID,
proxy: proxy,
cancel: cancel,
keys: make([]interface{}, 0, 3),
if entry.rid != naming.NullRoutingID {
entry.keys = append(entry.keys, entry.rid)
kdialed := key(remote.Protocol, remote.Address)
if keyByAddr {
entry.keys = append(entry.keys, kdialed)
entry.keys = append(entry.keys, pathkey(remote.Protocol, remote.Address, ep.RoutingID))
if kresolved := key(ep.Protocol, ep.Address); kresolved != kdialed {
if keyByAddr {
entry.keys = append(entry.keys, kresolved)
entry.keys = append(entry.keys, pathkey(ep.Protocol, ep.Address, ep.RoutingID))
for _, k := range entry.keys {
c.cache[k] = append(c.cache[k], entry)
c.conns[entry.conn] = entry
func (c *ConnCache) rttEntriesLocked(ctx *context.T, keys []interface{}) (rttEntries, error) {
var entries rttEntries
var firstError error
for _, k := range keys {
if found := c.cache[k]; len(found) > 0 {
for _, e := range found {
if status := e.conn.Status(); status >= conn.Closing {
} else if !e.conn.RemoteLameDuck() {
entries = append(entries, e)
} else if err := c.errors[k].err; firstError == nil && err != nil {
firstError = err
return entries, firstError
func (c *ConnCache) hasReservationsLocked(keys []interface{}) bool {
for _, k := range keys {
if c.reserved[k] != nil {
return true
return false
func (c *ConnCache) pickFirstAuthorizedConn(
ctx *context.T,
remote naming.Endpoint,
entries rttEntries,
auth flow.PeerAuthorizer) (conn CachedConn, names []string, rejected []security.RejectedBlessing, err error) {
for _, e := range entries {
if e.proxy || auth == nil {
return e.conn, nil, nil, nil
names, rejected, err = auth.AuthorizePeer(ctx,
if err == nil {
return e.conn, names, rejected, nil
return nil, nil, nil, err
func (c *ConnCache) removeEntryLocked(entry *connEntry) {
for _, k := range entry.keys {
entries, ok := c.cache[k]
if ok {
entries = removeEntryFromSlice(entries, entry)
if len(entries) == 0 {
delete(c.cache, k)
} else {
c.cache[k] = entries
delete(c.conns, entry.conn)
if entry.cancel != nil {
func removeEntryFromSlice(entries []*connEntry, entry *connEntry) []*connEntry {
for i, e := range entries {
if e == entry {
n := len(entries)
entries[i], entries = entries[n-1], entries[:n-1]
return entries
func (c *ConnCache) debugStringForCache() string {
if c.cache == nil {
return "<closed>"
// map iteration is unstable, so sort the keys first
keys := make(sortedKeys, 0, len(c.cache))
for k := range c.cache {
keys = append(keys, k)
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
for _, k := range keys {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "KEY: %v\n", k)
for _, e := range c.cache[k] {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%v\n", e.conn.DebugString())
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\n")
return buf.String()
func (c *ConnCache) debugStringForDialing() string {
if c.reserved == nil {
return "<closed>"
keys := make(sortedKeys, 0, len(c.cache))
for k := range c.cache {
keys = append(keys, k)
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
for _, k := range keys {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "KEY: %v\n", k)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%#v\n", c.reserved[k])
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\n")
return buf.String()
type sortedKeys []interface{}
func (e sortedKeys) Len() int {
return len(e)
func (e sortedKeys) Less(i, j int) bool {
return fmt.Sprint(e[i]) < fmt.Sprint(e[j])
func (e sortedKeys) Swap(i, j int) {
e[i], e[j] = e[j], e[i]
func key(protocol, address string) string {
// TODO(mattr): Unalias the default protocol?
return protocol + "," + address
func pathkey(protocol, address string, rid naming.RoutingID) string {
// TODO(mattr): Unalias the default protocol?
return protocol + "," + address + "," + rid.String()
type rttEntries []*connEntry
func (e rttEntries) Len() int {
return len(e)
func (e rttEntries) Less(i, j int) bool {
return e[i].conn.RTT() < e[j].conn.RTT()
func (e rttEntries) Swap(i, j int) {
e[i], e[j] = e[j], e[i]
type lruEntries []*connEntry
func (e lruEntries) Len() int {
return len(e)
func (e lruEntries) Less(i, j int) bool {
return e[i].conn.LastUsed().Before(e[j].conn.LastUsed())
func (e lruEntries) Swap(i, j int) {
e[i], e[j] = e[j], e[i]
func resolve(ctx *context.T, p flow.Protocol, protocol, address string) (string, []string, error) {
if p != nil {
net, addrs, err := p.Resolve(ctx, protocol, address)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
if len(addrs) > 0 {
return net, addrs, nil
return "", nil, NewErrUnknownProtocol(ctx, protocol)