veyron/tools/identity: Bugfix for some window managers.

The identity tool uses "xdg-open" on Linux to open up a browser
window. On some window managers, 'xdg-open <url>' will not return
until the browser is closed, while on others (like GNOME) it returns
right after opening <url> in a tab.

The fix is to not wait for "xdg-open" to return.

Change-Id: Ib695bec621aedb0d3b350151fdc91dc483b9cbea
1 file changed
tree: 1f3d5051549d9ceb4c68ba241d9f9d3ba6b0db80
  1. examples/
  2. jni/
  3. lib/
  4. profiles/
  5. runtimes/
  6. security/
  7. services/
  8. tools/