flags: Replace "veyron" with "v23".
(And _s with -s)

Begins addressing veyron/release-issues#1421

This change adds the new flags and changes all tests in this repository
to use the new flag. A subsequent change will update the other
repositories and then, once running binaries have been updated, the
old flags will be removed.

CURRENT FLAG                     --> NEW FLAG
* veyron.namespace.root          --> v23.namespace.root
* veyron.credentials i           --> v23.credentials
* vanadium.i18n_catalogue        --> v23.i18n-catalogue
* veyron.vtrace.sample_rate      --> v23.vtrace.sample-rate
* veyron.vtrace.dump_on_shutdown --> v23.vtrace.dump-on-shutdown
* veyron.vtrace.cache_size       --> v23.vtrace.cache-size
* veyron.vtrace.collect_regexp   --> v23.vtrace.collect-regexp
* veyron.acl.file                --> v23.permissions.file
* veyron.acl.literal             --> v23.permissions.literal
* veyron.tcp.protocol            --> v23.tcp.protocol
* veyron.tcp.address             --> v23.tcp.address
* veyron.proxy                   --> v23.proxy

Change-Id: I3034ea701604ff6155baa7fd059dbd240bb97a4d
50 files changed