blob: f0b7582db93c2c12f5b08c12a21c2954e28f453f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vsync
import "container/heap"
import "math/rand"
import "testing"
import "time"
import ""
import wire ""
import ""
import ""
import blob ""
// TestBlobFetchStateHeap() tests that blobFetchStateHeap() does indeed act as a heap,
// ordered by blobFetchState.nextAttempt
func TestBlobFetchStateHeap(t *testing.T) {
var queue blobFetchStateHeap
var list []*blobFetchState
now := time.Now()
heap.Init(&queue) // "container/heap"'s spec requires this---apparently even on an empty heap.
for loop := 0; loop != 1000000; loop++ {
op := rand.Int31n(4)
switch op {
case 0, 1: // add an entry
bfs := &blobFetchState{nextAttempt: now.Add(time.Duration(rand.Int63()))}
heap.Push(&queue, bfs)
i := len(list)
list = append(list, bfs)
for i != 0 && bfs.nextAttempt.Before(list[i-1].nextAttempt) {
list[i] = list[i-1]
list[i] = bfs
case 2: // remove an entry from the root, if there is one
if len(queue) != 0 {
bfs := heap.Pop(&queue).(*blobFetchState)
if bfs != list[0] {
t.Fatalf("loop %d: Pop: lowest in heap is not lowest in list", loop)
copy(list[:], list[1:])
list = list[0 : len(list)-1]
case 3: // remove an arbitrary entry, if there is one.
if len(queue) != 0 {
i := rand.Int31n(int32(len(list)))
heapIndex := list[i].heapIndex
bfs := heap.Remove(&queue, heapIndex).(*blobFetchState)
if bfs != list[i] {
t.Fatalf("loop %d: Remove() blobFetchState index %d differs from list index %d",
loop, heapIndex, i)
copy(list[i:], list[i+1:])
list = list[0 : len(list)-1]
// check heap consistency
if len(queue) != len(list) {
t.Fatalf("loop %d: len(queue)==%d != %d==len(list)", loop)
if len(queue) != 0 && queue[0] != list[0] {
t.Fatalf("loop %d: lowest in heap is not lowest in list", loop)
for i := 0; i != len(queue); i++ {
if i != queue[i].heapIndex {
t.Fatalf("loop %d: heapIndex incorrect: %d != %d", loop, i, queue[i].heapIndex)
// A fakeFetchData is passed to fakeBlobFetchFunc() via StartFetchingBlob()'s
// clientData argument. It holds the data used to fake a fetch, and to
// notify of its completion.
type fakeFetchData struct {
t *testing.T
delay time.Duration // how long each fake fetch waits
mu nsync.Mu // protects fields below
fetchesRemaining int // number of outstanding fetches remaining; under mu
noFetchesRemaining nsync.CV // signalled when fetchesRemaining==0
errorsOn map[wire.BlobRef]int // report an error fetching blob b errorsOn[b] times
const pkgPath = ""
var errFakeBlobFetchError = verror.Register(pkgPath+".fakeBlobFetchError", verror.NoRetry, "{1:}{2:} fakeBlobFetch error")
// fakeBlobFetchFunc() is a fake blob fetching routine. It's used in this unit test
// to verify that the basic queueing of the server blob fetching mechanism works.
// The real blob fetching path is tested by TestV23ServerBlobFetch in
func fakeBlobFetchFunc(ctx *context.T, blobRef wire.BlobRef, ffdi interface{}) error {
ffd := ffdi.(*fakeFetchData)
var err error
time.Sleep(ffd.delay) // simulate a delay in fetching the blob.
var errorCount int = ffd.errorsOn[blobRef]
if errorCount != 0 {
// If we were instructed to fake an error in fetching this blob, do it.
ffd.errorsOn[blobRef] = errorCount - 1
err = verror.New(errFakeBlobFetchError, ctx, blobRef)
} else {
// Otherwise, claim success, and report that the fetch of this blob is complete.
if ffd.fetchesRemaining < 0 {
panic("finished more fetches than were started")
if ffd.fetchesRemaining == 0 {
return err
// makeNewBlobRef() creates a blob ref by writing a new empty blob.
func makeNewBlobRef(t *testing.T, ctx *context.T, bst blob.BlobStore) wire.BlobRef {
var writer blob.BlobWriter
var err error
writer, err = bst.NewBlobWriter(ctx, "")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't make a blob writer: %v\n", err)
var blobRef wire.BlobRef = wire.BlobRef(writer.Name())
return blobRef
// TestBlobFetch() is a unit test for the blob fetcher, using fake code to actually fetch blobs.
func TestBlobFetchSimple(t *testing.T) {
svc := createService(t)
ctx, bfShutdown := context.RootContext()
defer bfShutdown()
var ss *syncService = svc.sync
var bst blob.BlobStore = ss.bst
const threadCount = 10 // number of threads in BlobFetcher
bf := NewBlobFetcher(ctx, threadCount)
ffd := fakeFetchData{
t: t,
delay: 500 * time.Millisecond, // a short delay so test doesn't run too long.
errorsOn: make(map[wire.BlobRef]int),
start := time.Now()
// Create fetchCount BlobRefs and fake a fetch on each.
// In this initial run, no errors are generated.
const fetchCount = 100
for i := 0; i != fetchCount; i++ {
var blobRef wire.BlobRef = makeNewBlobRef(t, ctx, bst)
bf.StartFetchingBlob(svc.sync.bst, blobRef, &ffd, time.Now().Add(10*time.Minute), fakeBlobFetchFunc)
// Wait until all fetching is done. The test would deadlock here if
// our fetch function was not called the right number of times.
for ffd.fetchesRemaining != 0 {
end := time.Now()
// Check that the fetching took about the correct amount of time,
// given the fetch delays and the amount of concurrency requested.
var elapsed time.Duration = end.Sub(start)
var expectedElapsed time.Duration = (ffd.delay * fetchCount) / threadCount
var expectedMinElapsed time.Duration = expectedElapsed / 2
var expectedMaxElapsed time.Duration = expectedElapsed * 4
if elapsed < expectedMinElapsed {
t.Errorf("BlobFetcher completed in %v, expected at least %v", elapsed, expectedMinElapsed)
if elapsed > expectedMaxElapsed {
t.Errorf("BlobFetcher completed in %v, expected at most %v", elapsed, expectedMaxElapsed)
// Now run the test again, but introduce errors on the first fetch of
// each blob, and issue duplicate requests to fetch each blob.
// Use a different set of blob ids than the last test, so that there
// will be no duplicates left in the blob fetcher's queue, which would
// cause duplicate suppression to kick in unexpectedly.
start = time.Now()
for i := 0; i != fetchCount; i++ {
var blobRef wire.BlobRef = makeNewBlobRef(t, ctx, bst)
ffd.errorsOn[blobRef] = 1
for j := 0; j != 3; j++ {
// Issue duplicate requests; the duplicates will be ignored.
bf.StartFetchingBlob(svc.sync.bst, blobRef, &ffd, time.Now().Add(10*time.Minute), fakeBlobFetchFunc)
// Wait for fetches to complete. We would deadlock here if our fetch
// function didn't ultimately return true for each blob. The fake test
// function would panic() if it was called too many times, due to the
// duplicate requests.
for ffd.fetchesRemaining != 0 {
// Check that the fetching took about the correct amount of time,
// given the fetch delays and the amount of concurrency requested.
end = time.Now()
elapsed = end.Sub(start)
const retryDelay = 1000 * time.Millisecond // min time for first retry, with current parameters.
expectedElapsed = ((2 * ffd.delay * fetchCount) / threadCount) + retryDelay
expectedMinElapsed = expectedElapsed / 2
expectedMaxElapsed = expectedElapsed * 4
if elapsed < expectedMinElapsed {
t.Errorf("BlobFetcher completed in %v, expected at least %v", elapsed, expectedMinElapsed)
if elapsed > expectedMaxElapsed {
t.Errorf("BlobFetcher completed in %v, expected at most %v", elapsed, expectedMaxElapsed)
// Shut everything down.
destroyService(t, svc)