veyron/lib/cmdline: Support pretty tabulation of the help message when commands
are >11 characters long.

Change-Id: I59ec00bee3f564e9b1e207762d0da46e93ee8b96
diff --git a/lib/cmdline/cmdline.go b/lib/cmdline/cmdline.go
index ae6fa1b..391b5d5 100644
--- a/lib/cmdline/cmdline.go
+++ b/lib/cmdline/cmdline.go
@@ -172,10 +172,17 @@
 	// Commands.
 	if len(cmd.Children) > 0 {
 		fmt.Fprintf(w, "\nThe %s commands are:\n", cmd.Name)
+		// Compute the size of the largest command name
+		namelen := 11
+		for _, child := range cmd.Children {
+			if len(child.Name) > namelen {
+				namelen = len(child.Name)
+			}
+		}
 		for _, child := range cmd.Children {
 			// Don't repeatedly list default help command.
 			if !child.isDefaultHelp || firstCall {
-				fmt.Fprintf(w, "   %-11s %s\n", child.Name, child.Short)
+				fmt.Fprintf(w, "   %-[1]*[2]s %[3]s\n", namelen, child.Name, child.Short)
 		if firstCall {
diff --git a/lib/cmdline/cmdline_test.go b/lib/cmdline/cmdline_test.go
index 370d478..e0de532 100644
--- a/lib/cmdline/cmdline_test.go
+++ b/lib/cmdline/cmdline_test.go
@@ -1956,3 +1956,45 @@
 	runTestCases(t, prog, tests)
+func TestLongCommandsHelp(t *testing.T) {
+	cmdLong := &Command{
+		Name:  "thisisaverylongcommand",
+		Short: "description of very long command.",
+		Long:  "blah blah blah.",
+		Run:   runEcho,
+	}
+	cmdShort := &Command{
+		Name:  "x",
+		Short: "description of short command.",
+		Long:  "blah blah blah",
+		Run:   runEcho,
+	}
+	prog := &Command{
+		Name:     "program",
+		Short:    "Test help strings when there are long commands.",
+		Long:     "Test help strings when there are long commands.",
+		Children: []*Command{cmdShort, cmdLong},
+	}
+	var tests = []testCase{
+		{
+			Args: []string{"help"},
+			Stdout: `Test help strings when there are long commands.
+   program <command>
+The program commands are:
+   x                      description of short command.
+   thisisaverylongcommand description of very long command.
+   help                   Display help for commands or topics
+Run "program help [command]" for command usage.
+The global flags are:
+   -global1=: global test flag 1
+   -global2=0: global test flag 2
+		},
+	}
+	runTestCases(t, prog, tests)