veyron/lib/cmdline: Avoid repeatedly printing default help.
The previous behavior of "help ..." would repeatedly list and
print the default help for each command and subcommand. This
leads to cluttered output, especially when using -style=godoc to
generate package doc for each tool. The new behavior fixes this.
Also added package doc for every binary using the cmdline
package, and fixed some minor typos. Note that the "long"
description of each root command should be of the form "The foo
tool ..." so that the generated godoc is idiomatic.
Change-Id: Ided6ed61f569a6902a780bc552691885574b72a8
diff --git a/tools/mounttable/main.go b/tools/mounttable/main.go
index 7f2c385..80216f1 100644
--- a/tools/mounttable/main.go
+++ b/tools/mounttable/main.go
@@ -1,3 +1,85 @@
+// Below is the output from $(mounttable help -style=godoc ...)
+The mounttable tool facilitates interaction with a Veyron mount table.
+ mounttable <command>
+The mounttable commands are:
+ glob returns all matching entries in the mount table
+ mount Mounts a server <name> onto a mount table
+ unmount removes server <name> from the mount table
+ resolvestep takes the next step in resolving a name.
+ help Display help for commands
+The global flags are:
+ -alsologtostderr=true: log to standard error as well as files
+ -log_backtrace_at=:0: when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
+ -log_dir=: if non-empty, write log files to this directory
+ -logtostderr=false: log to standard error instead of files
+ -max_stack_buf_size=4292608: max size in bytes of the buffer to use for logging stack traces
+ -stderrthreshold=2: logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
+ -v=0: log level for V logs
+ -vmodule=: comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
+ -vv=0: log level for V logs
+Mounttable Glob
+returns all matching entries in the mount table
+ mounttable glob <mount name> <pattern>
+<mount name> is a mount name on a mount table.
+<pattern> is a glob pattern that is matched against all the entries below the
+specified mount name.
+Mounttable Mount
+Mounts a server <name> onto a mount table
+ mounttable mount <mount name> <name> <ttl>
+<mount name> is a mount name on a mount table.
+<name> is the rooted object name of the server.
+<ttl> is the TTL of the new entry. It is a decimal number followed by a unit
+suffix (s, m, h). A value of 0s represents an infinite duration.
+Mounttable Unmount
+removes server <name> from the mount table
+ mounttable unmount <mount name> <name>
+<mount name> is a mount name on a mount table.
+<name> is the rooted object name of the server.
+Mounttable Resolvestep
+takes the next step in resolving a name.
+ mounttable resolvestep <mount name>
+<mount name> is a mount name on a mount table.
+Mounttable Help
+Help displays usage descriptions for this command, or usage descriptions for
+ mounttable help [flags] [command ...]
+[command ...] is an optional sequence of commands to display detailed usage.
+The special-case "help ..." recursively displays help for all commands.
+The help flags are:
+ -style=text: The formatting style for help output, either "text" or "godoc".
package main
import (