veyron/examples/pipetobrowser: Implemening a plugin that can display data from
"git status --short" command in a data grid. The grid displays the file state
(staged, not staged, conflicted, untracked, ignored), the file action (added
moved, copied, modified), the path for the file and a summary such as "Conflicted, deleted by them, file modified"

Still TODO: Sorting, filtering, search support and proper style.

--short flag is needed so that data returned from git is structured.

Change-Id: Ic413827156961bdf62c91d91af716dc11fb99088
11 files changed
tree: 91176f18bb02c3cdaabebb6e6559a0f6b322a424
  1. examples/
  2. lib/
  3. runtimes/
  4. security/
  5. services/
  6. tools/