veyron2/storage: Make the client library thinner.

Forked from Ken's original change (since he's on vacation):

This change also adapts to the new transaction model where objects
in the transaction are named relative to the transaction's name.
Without this change, clients needed to do a bunch of name joining:
  st := vstore.New(storeName)
  // rootName is relative to storeName.
  tid := st.BindTransactionRoot(rootName).CreateTransaction(ctx)
  tname := naming.Join(rootName, tid)
  // obj1Name is relative to rootName.
  obj1 := st.BindObject(naming.Join(tname, obj1Name)).Put(...)

The new client code looks like:
  st := vstore.New()
  // rootName is a full name.
  tx := st.NewTransaction(ctx, rootName)
  // obj1Name is relative to rootName.
  obj1 := tx.Bind(obj1Name).Put(...)

Change-Id: I34a40a9020c4716c7550da10c6c14d2aa090c648
13 files changed
tree: 5ea62aeffb887e32faed496c5ee14950659a1013
  1. examples/
  2. lib/
  3. profiles/
  4. runtimes/
  5. security/
  6. services/
  7. tools/