blob: f0aa0eb35e0021a87e7619f3edf5055e31b1578b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package publisher_test
import (
_ ""
func resolveWithRetry(t *testing.T, ns namespace.T, ctx *context.T, name string, expected int) []string {
deadline := time.Now().Add(10 * time.Second)
for {
me, err := ns.Resolve(ctx, name)
if err == nil && len(me.Names()) == expected {
return me.Names()
if time.Now().After(deadline) {
t.Fatalf("failed to resolve %q", name)
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
func verifyMissing(t *testing.T, ns namespace.T, ctx *context.T, name string) {
deadline := time.Now().Add(10 * time.Second)
for {
if _, err := ns.Resolve(ctx, "foo"); err != nil {
if time.Now().After(deadline) {
t.Fatalf("%q is still mounted", name)
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
func TestAddAndRemove(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := test.V23InitWithMounttable()
defer shutdown()
ns := v23.GetNamespace(ctx)
pubctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
pub := publisher.New(pubctx, ns, time.Second)
pub.AddName("foo", false, false)
if got, want := resolveWithRetry(t, ns, ctx, "foo", 1), []string{"/foo:8000"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("got %q, want %q", got, want)
got, want := resolveWithRetry(t, ns, ctx, "foo", 2), []string{"/bar:8000", "/foo:8000"}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("got %q, want %q", got, want)
pub.AddName("baz", false, false)
got = resolveWithRetry(t, ns, ctx, "baz", 2)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("got %q, want %q", got, want)
verifyMissing(t, ns, ctx, "foo")
func TestStatus(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := test.V23InitWithMounttable()
defer shutdown()
ns := v23.GetNamespace(ctx)
pubctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
pub := publisher.New(pubctx, ns, time.Second)
pub.AddName("foo", false, false)
status, _ := pub.Status()
if got, want := len(status), 0; got != want {
t.Errorf("got %d, want %d", got, want)
// Wait for the publisher to asynchronously publish the
// requisite number of servers.
waitFor := func(n int) {
for {
status, dirty := pub.Status()
if got, want := len(status), n; got != want {
} else {
pub.AddName("baz", false, false)
status, _ = pub.Status()
names, servers := publisherNamesAndServers(status)
// There will be two of each name and two of each server in the mount entries.
if got, want := names, []string{"baz", "baz", "foo", "foo"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("got %q, want %q", got, want)
if got, want := servers, []string{"bar:8000", "bar:8000", "foo:8000", "foo:8000"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("got %q, want %q", got, want)
verifyMissing(t, ns, ctx, "foo")
status, _ = pub.Status()
names, servers = publisherNamesAndServers(status)
if got, want := names, []string{"baz", "baz"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("got %q, want %q", got, want)
if got, want := servers, []string{"bar:8000", "foo:8000"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("got %q, want %q", got, want)
func TestRemoveFailedAdd(t *testing.T) {
// Test that removing an already unmounted name (due to an error while mounting),
// results in a Status that has no entries.
// We use test.V23Init instead of test.V23InitWithMounTable to make all
// calls to the mounttable fail: the context returned by test.V23Init
// has no namespace roots.
ctx, shutdown := test.V23Init()
defer shutdown()
ns := v23.GetNamespace(ctx)
pubctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
pub := publisher.New(pubctx, ns, time.Second)
// Adding a name should result in one entry in the publisher with state PublisherMounting, since
// it can never successfully mount.
pub.AddName("foo", false, false)
status, _ := pub.Status()
if got, want := len(status), 1; got != want {
t.Fatalf("got %v, want %v", got, want)
// We want to ensure that the LastState is either:
// PublisherUnmounted if the publisher hasn't tried to mount yet, or
// PublisherMounting if the publisher tried to mount but failed.
if got, want := status[0].LastState, rpc.PublisherMounting; got > want {
t.Fatalf("got %s, want %s", got, want)
// Removing "foo" should result in an empty Status.
for {
status, dirty := pub.Status()
if got, want := len(status), 0; got != want {
} else {
func publisherNamesAndServers(entries []rpc.PublisherEntry) (names []string, servers []string) {
for _, e := range entries {
names = append(names, e.Name)
servers = append(servers, e.Server)
return names, servers