blob: c78c382060c6f72291b9dfc9feb6ecdee7758afa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package swift
import (
const primitiveTmpl = `{{ .Doc }}///
/// Auto-generated from {{.VdlTypeName}}
{{ .AccessModifier }} struct {{.Name}} : VdlPrimitive {{ if .IsHashable }}, Hashable {{ end }} {
/// Vdl type for {@link {{.Name}}}.
{{ .AccessModifier }} static let vdlTypeName = "{{.VdlTypeName}}"
// Conform to RawRepresentable for the underlying Type
{{ .AccessModifier }} associatedtype RawValue = {{.RawValue}}
{{ .AccessModifier }} let rawValue: RawValue
/// Creates a new instance of {@link {{.Name}}} with the given value.
{{ .AccessModifier }} init(rawValue: {{.RawValue}}) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
{{ .AccessModifier }} var debugDescription: String {
return "{{ .Name }}(\(self.rawValue))"
{{ if .IsHashable }}
{{ .AccessModifier }} var hashValue: Int {
return self.rawValue.hashValue
{{ end }}
{{ if .IsHashable }}
{{ .AccessModifier }} func ==(lhs: {{.Name}}, rhs: {{.Name}}) -> Bool {
return lhs.rawValue == rhs.rawValue
}{{ end }}`
// genSwiftPrimitiveFile generates the Swift class file for the provided user-defined type.
func genSwiftPrimitiveTdef(tdef *compile.TypeDef, ctx *swiftContext) string {
data := struct {
AccessModifier string
Doc string
IsHashable bool
Name string
Source string
RawValue string
VdlTypeName string
VdlTypeKind string
VdlTypeString string
AccessModifier: swiftAccessModifier(tdef),
Doc: swiftDoc(tdef.Doc, tdef.DocSuffix),
IsHashable: isTypeHashable(tdef.Type, make(map[*vdl.Type]bool)),
Name: ctx.swiftTypeName(tdef),
Source: tdef.File.BaseName,
RawValue: ctx.swiftBuiltInType(tdef.Type),
VdlTypeName: tdef.Type.Name(),
VdlTypeKind: tdef.Type.Kind().String(),
VdlTypeString: tdef.Type.String(),
var buf bytes.Buffer
err := parseTmpl("swift primitive", primitiveTmpl).Execute(&buf, data)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("vdl: couldn't execute primitive template: %v", err)
return formatSwiftCode(buf.String())