blob: 8b84c6199a3506d26aa1f09600d399743cbda30f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package swift
import (
// swiftBuiltInType returns the type name for the provided built in type
// definition, forcing the use of a swift class (e.g., swift.lang.Integer) if so
// desired. This method also returns a boolean value indicating whether the
// returned type is a class.
// All swift integers (byte, short, int, long) are signed. We
// translate signed vdl integers int{16,32,64} into their
// swift equivalents. We translate unsigned vdl integers
// uint{16,32,64} into our class-based representation
// VdlUint{16,32,64}.
// According to this rule, we should translate signed
// vdl int8 into swift byte, and unsigned vdl byte into
// swift VdlUint8. However we flip the rule, and
// actually translate vdl int8 into swift VdlInt8, and
// vdl byte into swift byte. We do this because we want the
// common usage of vdl []byte to translate into swift byte[].
func (ctx *swiftContext) swiftBuiltInType(typ *vdl.Type) string {
if typ == nil {
return "Void"
switch typ.Kind() {
case vdl.Bool:
return "Bool"
case vdl.Byte:
return "UInt8"
case vdl.Int8:
return "Int8"
case vdl.Uint16:
return "UInt16"
case vdl.Int16:
return "Int16"
case vdl.Uint32:
return "UInt32"
case vdl.Int32:
return "Int32"
case vdl.Uint64:
return "UInt64"
case vdl.Int64:
return "Int64"
case vdl.Float32:
return "Float"
case vdl.Float64:
return "Double"
case vdl.String:
return "String"
case vdl.TypeObject:
return "VdlTypeObject"
case vdl.Any:
return "Any"
case vdl.List, vdl.Array:
return fmt.Sprintf("[%v]", ctx.swiftType(typ.Elem()))
case vdl.Map:
return fmt.Sprintf("[%v : %v]", ctx.swiftType(typ.Key()), ctx.swiftType(typ.Elem()))
case vdl.Set:
return fmt.Sprintf("Set<%v>", ctx.swiftType(typ.Key()))
panic("Unsupported built in type")
func (ctx *swiftContext) swiftTypeName(tdef *compile.TypeDef) string {
if name, ok := ctx.memoizedTypeNames[tdef]; ok {
return name
var name string
if tdef.File == compile.BuiltInFile {
name = ctx.swiftBuiltInType(tdef.Type)
} else {
// A typeName is created by walking concatenating a package path with the type name
// into a camel cased symbol. For example Value in would be
// SyncbaseNosqlValue (because v23 defines a swift module we stop just before that).
// Convienently the Swift package name already does the package path part, so we
// can just append to that. In cases where we're at the root of our Swift module,
// the package name will be a zero value and so we correctly end up with just our
// tdef.Name.
name = ctx.swiftPackageName(tdef.File.Package) + vdlutil.FirstRuneToUpper(tdef.Name)
if !ctx.pkgIsSameModule(tdef.File.Package) {
name = ctx.swiftModule(tdef.File.Package) + "." + name
ctx.memoizedTypeNames[tdef] = name
return name
// swiftAccessModifier returns the Swift access modifier given the type.
func swiftAccessModifier(tdef *compile.TypeDef) string {
if tdef.Exported {
return "public"
return "internal"
// accessModifierForName returns the Swift access modifier given the name.
// It follows VDL naming conventions, indicating that an uppercase name
// denotes a public type and a lowercase name a package-protected type.
func swiftAccessModifierForName(name string) string {
r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name)
if unicode.IsUpper(r) {
return "public"
return "internal"
func swiftNativeType(t *vdl.Type, env *compile.Env) (string, bool) {
if t == vdl.ErrorType {
// TODO(zinman) Verify this can never be a user-defined error,
// and determine if we need to prepend the v23 namespace here
// or if that adjustment will be higher up the stack.
switch t.Kind() {
case vdl.Optional:
return "VError?", true
case vdl.Struct:
return "VError", true
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected vdl.Type.Kind() for ErrorType: %v", t.Kind()))
if tdef := env.FindTypeDef(t); tdef != nil {
pkg := tdef.File.Package
if native, ok := pkg.Config.Swift.WireToNativeTypes[tdef.Name]; ok {
// There is a Swift native type configured for this defined type.
return native, true
return "", false
// swiftCaseName returns the Swift name of a field translated as a Enum case.
func swiftVariableName(tdef *compile.TypeDef, fld vdl.Field) string {
// Check if reserved
return vdlutil.FirstRuneToLower(fld.Name)
// swiftCaseName returns the Swift name of a field.
func swiftCaseName(tdef *compile.TypeDef, fld vdl.Field) string {
// Check if reserved
return vdlutil.FirstRuneToUpper(fld.Name)
func (ctx *swiftContext) swiftType(t *vdl.Type) string {
if t == nil {
return ctx.swiftBuiltInType(nil) //, forceClass)
if native, ok := swiftNativeType(t, ctx.env); ok {
return native
if tdef := ctx.env.FindTypeDef(t); tdef != nil {
return ctx.swiftTypeName(tdef)
switch t.Kind() {
case vdl.Array, vdl.List:
val := fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", ctx.swiftType(t.Elem()))
return val
case vdl.Set:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s<%s>", "Set", ctx.swiftType(t.Key()))
case vdl.Map:
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s : %s]", ctx.swiftType(t.Key()), ctx.swiftType(t.Elem()))
case vdl.Optional:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s?", ctx.swiftType(t.Elem()))
log.Fatalf("vdl: swiftType unhandled type %v %v", t.Kind(), t)
return ""
// swiftHashCode returns the swift code for the hashCode() computation for a given type.
func (ctx *swiftContext) swiftHashCode(name string, ty *vdl.Type) (string, error) {
if def := ctx.env.FindTypeDef(ty); def != nil && def.File == compile.BuiltInFile {
switch ty.Kind() {
case vdl.Bool:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.hashValue", name), nil
case vdl.Byte, vdl.Uint16, vdl.Int16:
return "Int(" + name + ")", nil
case vdl.Uint32, vdl.Int32:
return name, nil
case vdl.Uint64, vdl.Int64:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.hashValue", name), nil
case vdl.Float32:
return fmt.Sprintf("Float(%s).hashValue", name), nil
case vdl.Float64:
return fmt.Sprintf("Double(%s).hashValue", name), nil
if !isTypeHashable(ty, make(map[*vdl.Type]bool)) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Any is not supported with hashCode")
switch ty.Kind() {
case vdl.Optional:
return fmt.Sprintf("(%s?.hashValue ?? 0)", name), nil
// Primitives are going to access the rawValue inside this box
case vdl.Bool, vdl.Byte, vdl.Uint16, vdl.Int16, vdl.Uint32, vdl.Int32, vdl.Uint64, vdl.Int64, vdl.Float32, vdl.Float64:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.rawValue.hashValue", name), nil
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.hashValue", name), nil
// isTypeHashable returns true if the type provided is hashable in Swift.
// Part of the difficulty in Swift is that as of 2.1 we can't create extensions
// with protocol conformance (Hashable, Equatable) AND type constraints (where Element : Hashable)
// Thus we can't extend Array AND require its elements to conform to Hashable as follows:
// ILLEGAL => extension Array : Hashable where Element : Hashable
// Returns false for Any, arrays, maps, and sets. Returns true for primitives,
// strings, enums. Optional, structs, and unions are only hashable if all of their
// contents are hashable.
func isTypeHashable(ty *vdl.Type, seen map[*vdl.Type]bool) bool {
return !ty.ContainsKind(vdl.WalkAll, vdl.Any, vdl.Array, vdl.List, vdl.Set, vdl.Map, vdl.TypeObject)
func bitlen(kind vdl.Kind) int {
switch kind {
case vdl.Float32:
return 32
case vdl.Float64:
return 64
panic(fmt.Errorf("vdl: bitLen unhandled kind %v", kind))