blob: c85a2c9e3d7470447f8e7374c6c5a3e7eb735e2e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package modules
import (
vexec ""
// execHandle implements both the Handle interface.
type execHandle struct {
mu sync.Mutex
cmd *exec.Cmd
entryPoint string
desc string
handle *vexec.ParentHandle
sh *Shell
stderr *os.File
stdout io.ReadCloser
stdin io.WriteCloser
procErrCh chan error
opts *StartOpts
external bool
func testFlags() []string {
var fl []string
// pass logging flags to any subprocesses
for fname, fval := range vlog.Log.ExplicitlySetFlags() {
fl = append(fl, "--"+fname+"="+fval)
timeout := flag.Lookup("test.timeout")
if timeout == nil {
// not a go test binary
return fl
// must be a go test binary
val := timeout.Value.(flag.Getter).Get().(time.Duration)
if val.String() != timeout.DefValue {
// use supplied value for subprocesses
fl = append(fl, "--test.timeout="+timeout.Value.String())
} else {
// translate default value into 3m for subproccesses. The
// default of 10m is too long to wait in order to find out that
// our subprocess is wedged.
fl = append(fl, "--test.timeout=3m")
return fl
func newExecHandle(entry, desc string) *execHandle {
return &execHandle{entryPoint: entry, desc: desc, procErrCh: make(chan error, 1)}
func newExecHandleExternal(prog string) *execHandle {
return &execHandle{entryPoint: prog, desc: prog, procErrCh: make(chan error, 1), external: true}
func (eh *execHandle) Stdout() io.Reader {
return eh.stdout
func (eh *execHandle) Stderr() io.Reader {
return eh.stderr
func (eh *execHandle) Stdin() io.Writer {
return eh.stdin
func (eh *execHandle) CloseStdin() {
func (eh *execHandle) envelope(sh *Shell, env []string, args []string) ([]string, []string) {
if eh.external {
newargs := append([]string{eh.entryPoint}, args...)
newenv := envvar.SliceToMap(env)
delete(newenv, shellEntryPoint)
return newargs, envvar.MapToSlice(newenv)
newargs := append([]string{os.Args[0]}, testFlags()...)
newargs = append(newargs, args...)
newenv := envvar.SliceToMap(env)
newenv[shellEntryPoint] = eh.entryPoint
return newargs, envvar.MapToSlice(newenv)
func (eh *execHandle) start(sh *Shell, agentfd *os.File, opts *StartOpts, env []string, args []string) (*execHandle, error) {
defer = sh
eh.opts = opts
args, env = eh.envelope(sh, env, args)
cmd := exec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...)
cmd.Env = env
stderr, err := newLogfile("stderr", eh.entryPoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cmd.Stderr = stderr
// We use a custom queue-based Writer implementation for stdout to
// decouple the consumers of eh.stdout from the file where the child
// sends its output. This avoids data races between closing the file
// and reading from it (since cmd.Wait will wait for the all readers to
// be done before closing it). It also enables Shutdown to drain stdout
// while respecting the timeout.
stdout := newRW()
cmd.Stdout = stdout
// If we have an explicit stdin to pass to the child, use that,
// otherwise create a pipe and return the write side of that pipe
// in the handle.
if eh.opts.Stdin != nil {
cmd.Stdin = eh.opts.Stdin
} else {
stdin, err := cmd.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
eh.stdin = stdin
config := vexec.NewConfig()
execOpts := []vexec.ParentHandleOpt{}
if !eh.opts.ExecProtocol {
execOpts = append(execOpts, vexec.UseExecProtocolOpt(false))
} else {
serialized, err := sh.config.Serialize()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if agentfd != nil {
childfd := len(cmd.ExtraFiles) + vexec.FileOffset
config.Set(mgmt.SecurityAgentEndpointConfigKey, agentlib.AgentEndpoint(childfd))
cmd.ExtraFiles = append(cmd.ExtraFiles, agentfd)
defer agentfd.Close()
execOpts = append(execOpts, vexec.ConfigOpt{Config: config})
// TODO(cnicolaou): for external programs, vexec should either not be
// used or it should taken an option to not use its protocol, and in
// particular to share secrets with children.
handle := vexec.NewParentHandle(cmd, execOpts...)
eh.stdout = stdout
eh.stderr = stderr
eh.handle = handle
eh.cmd = cmd
vlog.VI(1).Infof("Start: %q stderr: %s", eh.desc, stderr.Name())
vlog.VI(1).Infof("Start: %q args: %v", eh.desc, cmd.Args)
vlog.VI(2).Infof("Start: %q env: %v", eh.desc, cmd.Env)
if err := handle.Start(); err != nil {
// The child process failed to start, either because of some setup
// error (e.g. creating pipes for it to use), or a bad binary etc.
// A handle is returned, so that Shutdown etc may be called, hence
// the error must be sent over eh.procErrCh to allow Shutdown to
// terminate.
eh.procErrCh <- err
return eh, err
if eh.opts.ExecProtocol {
if err := eh.handle.WaitForReady(eh.opts.StartTimeout); err != nil {
// The child failed to call SetReady, most likely because of bad
// command line arguments or some other early exit in the child
// process.
// As per Start above, a handle is returned and the error
// sent over eh.procErrCh.
eh.procErrCh <- err
return eh, err
vlog.VI(1).Infof("Started: %q, pid %d", eh.desc, cmd.Process.Pid)
go func() {
eh.procErrCh <- eh.handle.Wait(0)
// It's now safe to close eh.stdout, since Wait only returns
// once all writes from the pipe to the stdout Writer have
// completed. Closing eh.stdout lets consumers of stdout wrap
// up (they'll receive EOF).
eh.Session = expect.NewSession(opts.ExpectTesting, stdout, opts.ExpectTimeout)
return eh, nil
func (eh *execHandle) Pid() int {
return eh.cmd.Process.Pid
func (eh *execHandle) Shutdown(stdout, stderr io.Writer) error {
vlog.VI(1).Infof("Shutdown: %q", eh.desc)
defer vlog.VI(1).Infof("Shutdown: %q [DONE]", eh.desc)
if eh.stdin != nil {
waitStdout := make(chan struct{})
if stdout != nil {
// Drain stdout.
go func() {
io.Copy(stdout, eh.stdout)
} else {
var procErr error
select {
case procErr = <-eh.procErrCh:
// The child has exited already.
case <-time.After(eh.opts.ShutdownTimeout):
// Time out waiting for child to exit.
procErr = verror.New(vexec.ErrTimeout, nil)
// Force close stdout to unblock any readers of stdout
// (including the drain loop started above).
// Transcribe stderr.
outputFromFile(eh.stderr, stderr)
return procErr