blob: ca92952a69c56e6d5206e0ed8449619cfc42383e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file defines the types and structs that get passed between the Go runtime and Swift
// Match the generated types from CGo without being able to include it's generated conversions
typedef unsigned long long _GoUint64;
typedef unsigned int _GoUint32;
typedef long long _GoInt64;
typedef int _GoInt32;
// Define the handle types that allow us to reference objects in Go from Swift without passing unsafe pointers
// This is particularly important given the upcoming moving GC dictates we can't rely on pointers staying stable.
// See:
typedef _GoUint64 _GoHandle;
typedef _GoHandle GoContextHandle;
typedef _GoHandle GoCancelableContextHandle;
typedef _GoHandle GoClientCallHandle;
// Express byte arrays with lengths
typedef struct {
_GoUint64 length;
char* data;
} SwiftByteArray;
// Express arrays of byte arrays with lengths
typedef struct {
_GoUint64 length;
SwiftByteArray* data;
} SwiftByteArrayArray;
// Encodes Go's VError in a format suitable for Swift conversion
typedef struct {
char* identity; // The identity of the error.
_GoUint32 actionCode; // Default action to take on error.
char* msg; // Error message; empty if no language known.
char* stacktrace; // Stacktraces rendered into a single string
} SwiftVError;
typedef SwiftVError* SwiftVErrorPtr;
// Asynchronous callback function pointers, which use their own handle (AsyncCallbackIdentifier) to overcome
// Swift limitations on context-free closures (function pointers)
typedef int AsyncCallbackIdentifier;
typedef void (*SwiftAsyncSuccessCallback)(AsyncCallbackIdentifier);
typedef void (*SwiftAsyncSuccessHandleCallback)(AsyncCallbackIdentifier, _GoHandle);
typedef void (*SwiftAsyncSuccessByteArrayArrayCallback)(AsyncCallbackIdentifier, SwiftByteArrayArray);
typedef void (*SwiftAsyncFailureCallback)(AsyncCallbackIdentifier, SwiftVError);