java: start to use profile-v23

Switch jiri test and hence all checked in
references to use jiri profile vs jiri v23-profile.

MultiPart: 2/16

Change-Id: I28c3cdcdd31de39777ad0fe2d668ca7530fce4e2
diff --git a/android-lib/build.gradle b/android-lib/build.gradle
index 590b94e..fad6283 100644
--- a/android-lib/build.gradle
+++ b/android-lib/build.gradle
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@
     def jiriBin = VanadiumEnvironment.getVanadiumEnvironment().jiriBin.getAbsolutePath()
     def check = task("checkVanadiumAndroidEnvironment-${arch.goArch}", type: Exec) {
-        commandLine jiriBin, 'v23-profile', 'list',
-                '--info', 'Target.InstallationDir', "--target=${arch.goArch}-android", 'android'
+        commandLine jiriBin, 'profile', 'list',
+                '--info', 'Target.InstallationDir', "--target=${arch.goArch}-android", 'v23:android'
         standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
         doLast {
             def androidOutputDir = new File(standardOutput.toString().trim())
@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@
                 throw new InvalidUserDataException(
                         androidOutputDir.toString() + " does not exist or is not a directory. "
                                 + "You probably didn't install the android base profile. Try running\n\n"
-                                + "jiri v23-profile install "
-                                + "--target=${arch.goArch}-android android\n\n"
+                                + "jiri profile install "
+                                + "--target=${arch.goArch}-android v23:android\n\n"
                                 + "and then try building again"
diff --git a/lib/build.gradle b/lib/build.gradle
index 7fa33c3..e983898 100644
--- a/lib/build.gradle
+++ b/lib/build.gradle
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
         throw new InvalidUserDataException("The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set. "
                 + "Please set it to the root of a JDK installation directory.  If JDK isn't "
                 + "installed, you probably didn't install the java profile: try running\n\n"
-                + "jiri v23-profile install java\n\nand then try building again.")
+                + "jiri profile install v23:java\n\nand then try building again.")
     if (!isAmd64() && !isArm()) {
         throw new InvalidUserDataException("Java Vanadium builds only enabled on amd64 "
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
     // NOTE(spetrovic): we add the '-installsuffix=shared' flag because the build doesn't work
     // without it on linux/arm.  (There is some conflict with "regular", i.e., non-shared builds).
-    commandLine jiriBin, 'go', '--profiles=java', 'install', '-buildmode=c-shared', '-v',
+    commandLine jiriBin, 'go', '--profiles=v23:java', 'install', '-buildmode=c-shared', '-v',
                 '-tags', 'java', '-installsuffix=shared', ''