Fix lint warnings in Syncbase Java API code.

Made a pass through the Syncbase API code fixing Lint warnings,

* Added sanity check in Syncbase.login to make sure we don't get a
  null pointer exception.

* Replace throwing of RuntimeException with throwing of more specific
  standard unchecked exception, and add @throws tag to javadoc
  documenting them.

* Reduce visibility of fields and methods from protected to
  package-local or private.

* Make fields final where possible.

* Remove unused variables.

* Remove unnecessary casts.

* Add missing text after Javadoc tags.

* Remove unused SyncgroupSpec return type from Syncgroup.join

* Replace Arrays.asList(x) with Collections.singletonList(x)

Change-Id: I91b56fab9019894ba8bcbde8529ab8fb4563482a
32 files changed