TBR add mavenLocal instructions to CONTRIBUTING.md

Change-Id: I829ff58b8d23a18cf6cba1c287da5d71d5479fa1
index 69f169c..707e415 100644
@@ -21,3 +21,72 @@
 Unless otherwise noted, the Vanadium source files are distributed under the
 BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file.
+## Testing changes
+Typical users of the Vanadium for Java libraries will use a dependency manager
+such as Maven or Gradle to bring Vanadium into their projects. For example, in
+an Android project, the user may do something like:
+// MyAndroidProject/app/build.gradle
+apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
+// ...
+repositories {
+    jCenter()
+dependencies {
+    compile 'io.v:vanadium-android:1.6'
+In this example, using Gradle to build the application will cause a binary JAR
+version of Vanadium for Android to be downloaded from a Maven repository on the
+Internet (in this case, the JCenter repository). While this is very convenient
+for the end user, it is not so convenient to the Vanadium contributor who wishes
+to test some changes without making a full release.
+To get around this, we make use of the fact that Maven can be configured to use
+a repository on the local filesystem. Gradle gives us convenient access to this
+repository under the `mavenLocal` moniker. In order to publish to the local
+Maven repository, you will:
+1. change `lib/build.gradle`, set `releaseVersion` to something that is not in
+   use (e.g. '9.9')
+2. in the Java root directory, run `./gradlew :lib:clean
+   :lib:publishToMavenLocal`
+3. if you wish to test changes to the Vanadium for Android library, repeat the
+   above steps for the `android-lib` project (i.e. change
+   `android-lib/build.gradle` and run `./gradlew :android-lib:clean
+   :android-lib:publishToMavenLocal`). Ensure that the `releaseVersion`
+   variables in the two `build.gradle` files are the same.
+Now that the library is published, you can modify the example Android app's
+`build.gradle` as follows:
+// MyAndroidProject/app/build.gradle
+apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
+// ...
+repositories {
+    mavenLocal()  // <-- This must come first, repositories are searched
+                  // in the order they appear in this file.
+    jCenter()
+dependencies {
+    compile 'io.v:vanadium-android:9.9'  // Set this to the releaseVersion
+                                         // you chose above.
+Importantly, you can re-run step 2 above as many times as you like without
+having to choose a new `releaseVersion`.