blob: bd9b84497a9f44380ec9468bf83971a25686af42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var test = require('prova');
var ByteArrayMessageWriter = require(
var ByteArrayMessageReader = require(
var Encoder = require('./../../src/vom/encoder');
var Decoder = require('./../../src/vom/decoder');
var Time = require('../../src/gen-vdl/').Time;
var vdl = require('../../src/vdl');
var registry = require('../../src/vdl/native-type-registry');
require('../../src/vom/native-types'); // Register native types.
var expectedDate = new Date(1999, 9, 9, 9, 9, 999);
function encodeDecodeDate(encodeType) {
var input = expectedDate;
var messageWriter = new ByteArrayMessageWriter();
var encoder = new Encoder(messageWriter);
encoder.encode(input, encodeType);
var messageReader = new ByteArrayMessageReader(
var decoder = new Decoder(messageReader);
return decoder.decode();
// TODO(bprosnitz) Implement native type guessing and enable this test.
test('date - test encoding and decoding without type',
function(t) {
encodeDecodeDate().then(function(result) {
t.ok(result instanceof Date, 'Decoded date should be a date object');
var diff = Math.abs(expectedDate - result);
t.ok(diff < 1, 'Should decode to the expected date');
test('date - test encoding and decoding with type',
function(t) {
encodeDecodeDate(Time.prototype._type).then(function(result) {
t.ok(result instanceof Date, 'Decoded date should be a date object');
t.equal(result.getTime(), expectedDate.getTime(),
'Should decode to the expected date');
test('date - test fromWireValue', function(t) {
var tests = [
{expected: '0001-01-01'},
{seconds: 0, nanos: 0, expected: '0001-01-01'},
{nanos: 0, expected: '0001-01-01'},
{seconds: 0, expected: '0001-01-01'},
{seconds: vdl.BigInt.fromNativeNumber(0), nanos: 0, expected: '0001-01-01'},
{nanos: 123000000, expected: '0001-01-01T00:00:00.123Z'},
{seconds: 10, nanos: 345000000, expected: '0001-01-01T00:00:10.345Z'}
tests.forEach(function(test) {
var date = registry.fromWireValue(
Time.prototype._type, test);
t.equal(date.getTime(), Date.parse(test.expected), test.expected);
test('date - test toWireValue', function(t) {
var tests = [
{seconds: 0, nanos: 0, date: '0001-01-01'},
{seconds: 0, nanos: 123000000, date: '0001-01-01T00:00:00.123Z'},
{seconds: 10, nanos: 345000000, date: '0001-01-01T00:00:10.345Z'},
{seconds: 62135596800, nanos: 0, date: '1970-01-01'}
tests.forEach(function(test) {
var time = registry.fromNativeValue(Time.prototype._type,
new Date(;
t.equal(time.seconds.val.toNativeNumberApprox(), test.seconds,;
t.equal(time.nanos.val, test.nanos,;
test('time - direct construction', function(t) {
var seconds = 10;
var nanos = 345000000;
var dateStr = '0001-01-01T00:00:10.345Z';
var time = new Time({
seconds: seconds,
nanos: nanos
// Time was constructed properly.
t.ok(time.seconds, 'seconds exists');
t.equal(time.seconds.toNativeNumberApprox(), seconds, 'seconds match');
t.equal(time.nanos, nanos, 'nanos match');
// Time, like a wire time, converts to date properly.
var date = registry.fromWireValue(Time.prototype._type, time);
t.equal(date.getTime(), Date.parse(dateStr), 'date matches');
// Wire time has the same fields, but wrapped.
var wireTime = registry.fromNativeValue(Time.prototype._type, date);
time.seconds.toNativeNumberApprox(), 'seconds match');
t.equal(wireTime.nanos.val, time.nanos, 'nanos match');