blob: 54020fbc096ef56559f42b63589f89a02697b586 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var test = require('prova');
var vom = require('../../src/vom');
var IfaceSigType =
var Promise = require('../../src/lib/promise');
test('import paths work', function(assert) {
// We just need to require the arith package to make sure that
// require calls in the arith package is exercised. For now
// we don't have anything interesting to actually check about the
// result. This file is generated by the vdl tool.
assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
test('method signature encode-decode match', function(assert) {
var arith = require('../vdl-out/');
// For every service signature defined...
var serviceNames = ['Arith', 'Calculator'];
var promises = [];
serviceNames.forEach(function(serviceName) {
if (!arith.hasOwnProperty(serviceName)) {'Expected interface ' + serviceName + ' to be defined');
var signature = arith.AdvancedMath.prototype.
// Encode the signature using the type defined in VDL-generated .js file
var writer = new vom.ByteArrayMessageWriter();
var encoder = new vom.Encoder(writer);
encoder.encode(signature, IfaceSigType.prototype._type);
var sigEncode = writer.getBytes();
// Decode the signature.
var reader = new vom.ByteArrayMessageReader(sigEncode);
var decoder = new vom.Decoder(reader);
promises.push(decoder.decode().then(function(sigDecode) {
// Ensure that what was decoded matches the original signature deeply.
assert.deepEqual(sigDecode, signature, serviceName + ' signature match');
// TODO The signature type should be attached to the generated signature
// This is currently problematic (Issue 432), so manually attaching type
// for now and NOT passing the type into the encoder.
var wrappedSignature = new IfaceSigType(signature);
// Encode the signature as a wrapped struct.
var writer = new vom.ByteArrayMessageWriter();
var encoder = new vom.Encoder(writer);
var sigEncode = writer.getBytes();
// Decode the signature.
var reader = new vom.ByteArrayMessageReader(sigEncode);
var decoder = new vom.Decoder(reader);
return decoder.decode().then(function(sigDecode) {
assert.deepEqual(sigDecode, wrappedSignature, serviceName +
' wrapped signature match');
Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
}, assert.end);
var expectedAdvancedMathDescription =
test('correct service description', function(assert) {
var arith = require('../vdl-out/');
var description = (new arith.AdvancedMath())._serviceDescription;
assert.deepEqual(description, expectedAdvancedMathDescription,
'service description matches expectation. (To update the expected ' +
'service description, run `make gen-vdl-test-expected`.)');