blob: 1999e3cd6f89fbe72894c2fc86ce523d758e0316 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var test = require('prova');
var BlessingsCache = require('../../src/security/blessings-cache');
var principal =
test('Blessing cache - add before use', function(t) {
var blessingsA = {
publicKey: 'A'
var messages = [
type: 'add',
value: {
cacheId: 1,
blessings: blessingsA
type: 'blessingsFromId',
cacheId: 1,
expected: blessingsA
testCache(t, messages);
test('Blessing cache - add after use', function(t) {
var blessingsA = {
publicKey: 'A'
var messages = [
type: 'blessingsFromId',
cacheId: 1,
expected: blessingsA
type: 'add',
value: {
cacheId: 1,
blessings: blessingsA
dontWaitPrevious: true
testCache(t, messages);
test('Blessing cache - delete after add', function(t) {
var blessingsA = {
publicKey: 'A'
var messages = [
type: 'add',
value: {
cacheId: 1,
blessings: blessingsA
type: 'delete',
value: {
cacheId: 1,
deleteAfter: 0
type: 'confirmDelete',
cacheId: 1
testCache(t, messages);
test('Blessing cache - reference counting delete', function(t) {
var blessingsA = {
publicKey: 'A'
var messages = [
type: 'add',
value: {
cacheId: 1,
blessings: blessingsA
type: 'delete',
value: {
cacheId: 1,
deleteAfter: 2
type: 'blessingsFromId',
cacheId: 1,
expected: blessingsA
type: 'blessingsFromId',
cacheId: 1,
expected: blessingsA
type: 'confirmDelete',
cacheId: 1
testCache(t, messages);
test('Blessing cache - add after delete', function(t) {
var blessingsA = {
publicKey: 'A'
var messages = [
type: 'delete',
value: {
cacheId: 1,
deleteAfter: 1
type: 'add',
value: {
cacheId: 1,
blessings: blessingsA
type: 'blessingsFromId',
cacheId: 1,
expected: blessingsA
type: 'confirmDelete',
cacheId: 1
testCache(t, messages);
test('Blessing cache - multiple entries', function(t) {
var blessingsA = {
publicKey: 'A'
var blessingsB = {
publicKey: 'B'
var blessingsC = {
publicKey: 'C'
var messages = [
type: 'add',
value: {
cacheId: 1,
blessings: blessingsA
type: 'add',
value: {
cacheId: 2,
blessings: blessingsB
type: 'blessingsFromId',
cacheId: 2,
expected: blessingsB
type: 'blessingsFromId',
cacheId: 1,
expected: blessingsA
type: 'delete',
value: {
cacheId: 1,
deleteAfter: 1
type: 'confirmDelete',
cacheId: 1
type: 'add',
value: {
cacheId: 3,
blessings: blessingsC
type: 'delete',
value: {
cacheId: 2,
deleteAfter: 3
type: 'blessingsFromId',
cacheId: 2,
expected: blessingsB
type: 'blessingsFromId',
cacheId: 3,
expected: blessingsC
type: 'delete',
value: {
cacheId: 3,
deleteAfter: 1
type: 'confirmDelete',
cacheId: 3
type: 'blessingsFromId',
cacheId: 2,
expected: blessingsB
type: 'confirmDelete',
cacheId: 2
testCache(t, messages);
test('Blessing cache handles typed BlessingsId objects', function(t) {
var blessingsA = {
publicKey: 'A'
var messages = [
type: 'add',
value: {
cacheId: 1,
blessings: blessingsA
type: 'blessingsFromId',
cacheId: new principal.BlessingsId(1),
expected: blessingsA
testCache(t, messages);
test('Blessing cache handles zero blessing id', function(t) {
var messages = [
type: 'blessingsFromId',
cacheId: new principal.BlessingsId(0),
expected: null
testCache(t, messages);
* Tests the cache by handling a sequence of messages.
* @private
function testCache(t, messages) {
var cache = new BlessingsCache();
var promises = [];
messages.forEach(function(message, index) {
// Wait for the previous messages to finish unless dontWaitPrevious is
// specified.
var preCondPromise = Promise.all(promises);
if (message.dontWaitPrevious) {
preCondPromise = Promise.resolve();
var result = preCondPromise.then(function() {
return handleCacheTestMessage(t, cache, message, index);
}).catch(function(err) {'Error in message ' + index + ': ' + err);
// Wait for all promises to complete.
Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
}).catch(function(err) {
function handleCacheTestMessage(t, cache, message, index) {
if (message.type === 'add') {
var addMsg = new principal.BlessingsCacheAddMessage(message.value);
return cache.addBlessings(addMsg);
} else if (message.type === 'delete') {
var delMsg = new principal.BlessingsCacheDeleteMessage(message.value);
return cache.deleteBlessings(delMsg);
} else if (message.type === 'confirmDelete') {
t.ok(cache._entries, 'Entries table should exist');
t.notOk(message.cacheId in cache._entries,
'Cache entry not deleted correctly on message ' + index);
} else if (message.type === 'blessingsFromId') {
return cache.blessingsFromId(message.cacheId).then(function(blessings) {
var expected = null;
if (message.expected !== null) {
expected = new principal.JsBlessings(message.expected);
t.deepEqual(blessings, expected,
'Should get expected blessings on message ' + index);
} else {
throw new Error('unknown message type');